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Become a global student

al Placement opportunities
Student Exchange and Internation
at over 200 Universities around the
1 Experience the world through UNSW
2 Become a Global Student!
3 What is Global Education?
3 Student Exchange
6 How do I get started?
7 Choosing your preferences
9 What does it cost?
12 The application process: step‑by‑step
13 Application forms and other documents
14 Destinations…
18 Exchange Application deadlines
19 Further preparations
22 Other Global Education options
24 Useful Websites
24 Contact details
25 Pre-Departure Checklist
26 Partner List
Experience the world through UNSW
UNSW is one of Australia’s leading international
universities with a proud history of regional and global
engagement. Our diverse student body – with more
than 130 countries represented – helps to create a
vibrant and dynamic campus environment.
The University also attracts leading academics
and researchers from around the world, through
international collaborations and partnerships with many
leading institutions in Asia, Europe and North America.
But this engagement should not be one way. In today’s professional
environment, all graduates benefit from having a global outlook. International
experience can also give you a competitive advantage in gaining employment
or further academic opportunities.
At UNSW we encourage students to undertake one or two sessions of overseas
study as part of their degree at one of our partner universities or institutions.
The Global Education Team manages more than 200 different exchange
opportunities in 40 countries, catering for a wide range of disciplines.
UNSW is a proud member of the prestigious Universitias 21 (U21) network of
24 leading research intensive universities in 15 countries. U21 provides our
students with opportunities to study in universities of similar standing, profile
and quality for part of their undergraduate study.
The University provides considerable financial support for the exchange
program through scholarships and travel fellowships to help you on your way.
I strongly encourage you to take up this exciting opportunity and all that
it has to offer.
While living in Europe for six
Professor Frederick Hilmer AO months I could not resist the
President and Vice‑Chancellor temptation to travel at every
opportunity. Spending time
in Lyon not only exposed
me to Lyonnaise and French
culture, but also the cultures
of the vast number of other
exchange students I met from
all over the world. I will be
ever‑grateful for the amazing
opportunity I was offered and
the priceless experiences I
have enjoyed.

Mobility Guide 2011 1

Become a Global Student!
UNSW is a world‑class research intensive university 20 Reasons why you should consider a
with a reputation of being one of the leading global education experience
international universities in Australia. As such, UNSW
has long embraced a policy of “internationalisation” in Globally gain:
its degree programs. One of the key elements of this n an appreciation of and respect for, diversity
policy is to enhance the student experience by offering n a capacity to contribute to, and work within, the
a range of global education options and encouraging international community
students to not only take advantage of these n an appreciation of, and a responsiveness to,
opportunities but to engage as global citizens. change
UNSW has invested in developing many exciting n a respect for ethical practice and social
opportunities for students to participate in a range responsibility
of Global Education programs in over 40 countries n the skills of effective communication
worldwide that can be included in the Australian Higher
Academically develop:
Education Graduate Statement. Participation in these
programs enables students to enhance their career n the skills involved in scholarly enquiry
opportunities in Australia and globally. n the ability to engage in independent and reflective
As Australia’s leading international university we are n an in-depth engagement with the relevant
dedicated to providing a range of overseas study disciplinary knowledge in its interdisciplinary
experiences and placements at over 200 universities context
and through the prestigious Universitas 21 network n the capacity for analytical and critical thinking and
of 23 globally connected comprehensive universities. for creative problem-solving
Our international connections are second to none and n the capacity for enterprise, initiative and creativity
open pathways to exciting education and practicum n the skills required for collaborative and
programs in Asia, North America, Europe, and South multidisciplinary work
Professionally gain:
These experiences will enable our graduates to present
a cross‑section of attributes to prospective employers n a competitive edge in the international work force
and will also provide a broader foundation on which to n engage in international networks
pursue further studies. n represent UNSW and Australia in the world arena
n access to a variety of courses that are not available
at UNSW.
Personally gain:
n enhanced personal development including
confidence and independence
n strengthen your cultural ties
n learn or develop your language skills
n meet people from different cultural backgrounds
n explore new and exciting places
Invest in your personal and professional development
and become a global citizen. Past experience shows
that students who go on an exchange tend to perform
at a much higher level on their return to UNSW and
have gained skills and attributes that are attractive to
future employers and essential for career development.

2 Global Student Mobility Program

What is Global Education?
Global Education is a range of programs and Currently UNSW offers:
opportunities that you can choose from to gain an
Student Exchange: allows you to spend either
international experience as part of your UNSW degree.
a session or year studying at an overseas partner
A Global Education Group which includes Faculty university. This includes International Degree Programs.
representatives and members of the Global Education For further information refer to page 3.
Team meet three times a year to review the Global
Global Education: including internships, research
Education programs along with student and faculty
opportunities, volunteering abroad and short courses.
feedback. UNSW is expanding opportunities for
For Further information refer to page 22.
exchange and study/work abroad placements in
keeping with our aspirations to produce Global Citizens
to enhance the employability of our students.

Global Education Opportunities Time overseas Benefits

International Degrees 1 year overseas placement Spend one year studying overseas at a
partner university. Study credit received
Student Exchange Programs 1 or 2 semesters Spend one or two semesters studying
overseas at a partner university. Study credit
Practicum Exchange 2 weeks to 6 months Gain research experience at a partner
International Internships 2 weeks to 6 months Gain work experience overseas
Short Courses 2‑6 weeks Take courses not offered at UNSW

Student Exchange
Student Exchange gives you the opportunity to spend studying. Best of all you do not have to pay tuition fees
either a session or year studying at one of our overseas at the partner university.
partner universities. You remain enrolled full time at
To apply for student exchange you need to lodge
UNSW while on exchange and at the end of your
an application and undergo a selection process by
exchange, you bring a full time credit load back from
both the Global Education Office at UNSW and the
your studies at our partner universities. This is credited
Exchange Office at the partner university. Please read
towards your UNSW degree making exchange both
on for further information on how to apply.
time and cost effective.
As all our returned exchange students say ‘Exchange
You have the choice of spending either 1 or 2
is the time of your life and is a life changing, life
semesters overseas so you can fit an exchange
enhancing opportunity!’
into your UNSW degree regardless of what you are

Mobility Guide 2011 3

Am I eligible to apply for Exchange? Local Students
Most students who have a good academic record n Local students who were not born in Australia
are eligible to go on exchange. This includes local, should have resided outside their country of birth
international, undergraduate and postgraduate /origin for at least 5 years before they apply for
students. exchange to their country of birth/origin.

Undergraduate Students All Students

n Applicants need a good academic record with no
n Undergraduate students can apply for exchange
more than one failure on their academic record at
after they have completed one full time semester
UNSW at time of departure. Students who have
(24 units of credit) of their current degree at UNSW.
been nominated and receive a second fail will not
The application process takes about 9 months so
be eligible to go on exchange.
make sure you lodge your application 9 months
before you want to go on exchange. n Students should have at least a credit average to
be considered for most of our partner universities.
n As an undergraduate student the first time you can
Some universities will require students to have even
go on exchange is the second semester of your
higher marks before they will accept the student.
second year or after you have completed at least 3
Students with less than a credit average should
full‑time sessions of your current degree.
consult with an Exchange Adviser before lodging an
n Students are not limited to this semester and can application.
go on exchange in their third and fourth years. If
n Students need at least 18 units of credit left in their
you wish to go on exchange in your final semester it
UNSW degree at time of going on exchange.
is important to talk to your Faculty so you graduate
on time.
What else do I need to know?
Postgraduate Students n Students study the equivalent of a UNSW
n Postgraduate coursework students are eligible full‑time load while on exchange. Part‑time
to apply if their degree is at least three full time students also need to take a full‑time load as the
sessions in duration. Full time students should full‑time load requirements also need to be met at
apply in their first session to go on exchange in their the partner university.
third session. n Approved courses studied and passed at the
n Postgraduate Research Students can go on partner university are credited back to your
exchange as long as they have approval from UNSW degree, however, no marks attained at the
their Supervisor and Head of School, are able to partner university will be transferred. A maximum
organise appropriate supervision and facilities at of 24 units of credit can be transferred back per
the partner university, and will not add time to their semester. You will receive a copy of the partner
UNSW degree by going on exchange. Students university’s transcript for reference. Should you fail
should also refer to the ‘other Global Education’ a course according to the partner grading system;
section for other research options. no credit will be transferred for this course.
Fee‑paying International Students n Your Exchange Program will be listed on your
n may go on exchange to any country except their Australian Higher Education Graduate Statement.
home country. n As exchange is part of your degree you do not add
n Sponsored international students (AUSAID, OPRS time onto your program by going on exchange.
etc.) are not eligible to go on exchange. n Students applying to a university where a language
proficiency is required should have studied that
language at university level for at least 2 years. You

4 Global Student Mobility Program

may also be considered if you have studied the n Bachelor of International Studies degree
language significantly outside of university or at high students should note the requirements on page 16.
school level. At some partner universities, a language Students will need to consult with the BInst program
proficiency test is required. adviser at the exchange program and with their
n You are able to go on exchange twice. If you wish stream coordinator at the Faculty of Arts and Social
to do this you will need to return to UNSW after your Sciences. Students are considered and processed
first semester of exchange and reapply for your using regular exchange program procedures and
second semester of exchange. It is recommended criteria.
that you speak to an Exchange Adviser in advance. n Bachelor of Commerce International degree
The maximum amount of time you can spend on students should consult with their faculty about
exchange is two semesters. their International Study requirements. Students are
n You can only go on exchange to universities considered and processed using regular exchange
where UNSW has a current exchange program procedures, criteria and application forms.
agreement in place. n Bachelor of Science International degree
students should consult with their faculty about
Are there any specific faculty requirements their International Study requirements. Students are
that may affect me? considered and processed using regular exchange
n Medical Students are encouraged to undertake program procedures, criteria and application forms.
their elective placements overseas and should n Master of Commerce students should also collect
contact the Faculty of Medicine for information. If an additional Master of Commerce Exchange
you are interested in exchange it is important to Advice sheet from the Global Education Team.
speak to an Exchange adviser. It is generally easier n Social Work students can apply to do their
for combined degree students to undertake an practicum overseas at a couple of our partner
exchange and focus on the non‑medicine part of universities. For further information on the
their program. Medical students can also apply to application process please contact the School of
participate in the U21 opportunity listed on page 23. Social Work and the Global Education Team.
n Honours Students are eligible to apply and usually
go on exchange for the first semester of their Honours Can I defer my exchange?
year. Honours students or students considering an It is possible for you to defer your exchange for 6
honours program at UNSW should speak to their months. If you apply for exchange and then decide to
faculty about going on exchange and how this will defer, please speak to an Exchange Adviser. In some
impact on their honours program. Students wishing to cases it may be possible to defer for up to 12 months.
undertake research overseas should also refer to the If you need to defer there is no need to go through the
research opportunities on page 22. application process again but you may need to provide
n Law Students should to consult with the Law updated documents.
Faculty Office regarding exchange requirements Please note that if you defer after you have been
for that program and those universities where the nominated that there is no guarantee you will be
Faculty will allow them to undertake exchange. Law nominated to the same university. This is especially
exchanges are highly competitive and students the case for high demand universities. Your application
need to be flexible with their exchange destinations will be reassessed along with the applications of other
as the university is not able to guarantee a place students who are applying to go on exchange at the
at their first preference university. A separate Law same time as you.
Exchange Presentation is held each semester for
law students to brief them on the best exchange

Mobility Guide 2011 5

How do I get started?
We highly recommend that you attend an Exchange Before you even start to research your options, here are
Information Session to get started. Information sessions some important questions to consider:
cover information on how to apply and how to research
n What are my objectives and reasons for wanting to
your options. Check with the Global Education Team or
study overseas?
website for information session times and to register.
n What are my academic and career goals?
The decision to spend a session or two of your UNSW
degree overseas is a big one! You may already have n How will I finance 6 months or a year overseas?
some ideas about where you would like to go, but n When would be the best time in my course to go?
it is very important to keep an open mind and to be n What are my outside interests, and where will I best
flexible about exchange destinations. For example, be able to pursue these?
just because someone has told you that a place is
wonderful does not necessarily mean that it is the only n What kind of university experience would I like – to
place, or even the best place for you to go to. To make live in a city or a college or university town?
the right decision you will need to consider a wide n What sort of accommodation do I want to live in?
range of issues that will require time and effort. n What are my language skills, and where can I take
Choosing the right destination for you is an important an exchange appropriate to these?
decision. You not only need to research the subjects After considering your aims for studying overseas you
and academic programs available at the partner then should investigate the courses that are available
university, you also need to think about your personal, to you and this research may take several months.
social and recreational interests. While you are You should apply these questions to all the different
overseas you can pursue these interests, explore new universities that you are considering. You should start
ones and travel in the country and region in which you by researching at least 8‑12 different institutions and
will be staying. then use your research to narrow your exchange
universities down to 6. The research that you do will
strengthen your decisions and your application. The
application process takes about 9 months from date
of application and you should expect to spend about 6
weeks prior to this researching your exchange options.
You also need to consider the implications that going
on exchange will have on your current family and
personal situation. Talk to your family/partner/current
employer about going on exchange. Their support and
understanding will make the application process a lot

6 Global Student Mobility Program

Choosing your preferences
Everyone is expected to do their own initial research Brochures in Exchange Resource Room
and identify several appropriate universities that
You may wish to use the catalogues and other
meet their needs. Once you have decided on a list of
materials that are on open access in the Exchange
potential universities please speak to an Exchange
Resource Room. For most universities we have
Adviser about your preferences. There may be
detailed information about courses and programs
restrictions on the courses that exchange students can
as well as general information about the university,
study at a particular institution.
accommodation, campus services and so forth. There
You should also be aware that some universities and are also testimonials located in the Resource Room
locations are increasingly popular and competitive. that returned students have written on their exchange
It is therefore important that you have several study experience overseas. These can be a useful tool
options available that you are prepared to study at in giving you a better understanding of the student
and that you carefully discuss your proposals with experience and lifestyle at different institutions.
the relevant Exchange Adviser. They will be able to
Continued next page
inform you whether your choices are appropriate. We I completed a year abroad in
strongly advise that you do not choose more than one
Lyon, France. Exchange was a
highly popular exchange partner university on your final
application. fantastic experience culturally,
socially and academically. I
Information sessions made life long friendships not
only in France, but around
Exchange Advisers conduct information sessions every
Tuesday and Thursday at 3:00pm and Wednesdays the world. I experienced the
at 1:00pm during the semester. Each week, the diversity of living in a student
sessions focus on a different country or area as well as residence and the excitement
covering relevant general information and application of living independently in a
procedures. These sessions are a good opportunity foreign country where the
to ask questions and gather information about your intricacies of language and
options, as well as to ask more general questions culture affected my daily life.
about the exchange program.
I travelled extensively around
The Global Education Team holds two after hour
Europe and gained an
sessions each semester for those who cannot attend
the sessions during the day. Separate information appreciation for international,
sessions are also run for Bachelor of Commerce European and French culture
International, Bachelor of International Studies, and the different ways of
Bachelor of Science International, Law and COFA life which are impossible to
students. For details please contact the Global perceive from travel alone.
Education Team or visit our website. I would recommend the
exchange experience to
all UNSW students as an
invaluable opportunity, and a
year to be remembered!
Université Jean Moulin,
Lyon III

Mobility Guide 2011 7

Continnued from previous page Destination Asia
An exchange to one of our partners in Asia
The World Wide Web offers you a unique cultural and educational
The internet is an invaluable resource for researching experience. Our neighboring Asian countries
your options. Universities often put various course play an important and influential role in
and general information on the web, and this is often Australia’s economics, trade and foreign
more up to date than printed material. A list of current relations and are increasingly contributing to
exchange partner institutions and university web our economic prosperity and are emerging
addresses is available in the Resource Room and on economic regions. Many of our partner
the International Exchange Program website. institutions are located in or close to major cities
and close to the headquarters of influential multi
Global Students Expo national corporations. Asia is a hub of activity
The Global Students Expo is held in semester one of for both business and social activities and offers
each year and is designed to give prospective students our graduates great future career opportunities.
an idea of the student mobility options available to We work with some of the best universities
them. It is a chance to talk to representatives from our in Asia and there are often scholarship
partner universities, returned exchange students and opportunities available. Exchange opportunities
students on exchange at UNSW. are available in all major cities from Singapore
to Shanghai, or Seoul to Saigon (HCMC).
What about Accommodation? Many of our partners in the Asia region teach
Accommodation is another important aspect to an increasing number of programs in English
consider. We recommend that you start looking and many offer internship opportunities
into your accommodation options now so that you for exchange students to participate in. An
are aware of what is available and what best suits exchange to Asia is a great way to seek a
your needs. Please be aware that you may find the more professional edge and also to learn an
accommodation and living options very different to Asian language. Mandarin, Korean, Japanese
what you are used to in Australia. and Bahasa Indonesia are all being promoted
as important languages by the Australian
Make sure you do your research before you leave Government.
so you do not get any surprises on arrival. Most
universities have a housing office to help students Experience the culture and history of Asia,
find suitable accommodation. Check their website for emerge yourself in their fast paced and
details. energetic cities and best of all it is only one
flight away! Studying in Asia is not only about
visiting the country but about crossing cultures
and expanding your horizons making you more
attractive to potential employers. The rest of
the world is turning to Asia as the economies
of emerging superpowers such as China, India
and Indonesia start to strengthen.

8 Global Student Mobility Program

What does it cost?
Planning your finances is an important part of preparing What kind of scholarships can I apply for?
for exchange. As a general rule of thumb, you should
There are a number of financial awards available for
be able to show that you will have at least AUD2,200
students who are going on exchange. Like work,
available to you for every month that you will be on
scholarships are unpredictable and should not be
exchange. For more details, see the requirements for
relied on. All of the following awards are allocated well
your financial statement on page 17.
after the Exchange application closing date; therefore
The International Student sections on partner institution you will not know the outcome until after you have
websites often have information on the cost of living prepared your financial statement.
in their city. This can be a good guide in helping to
UNSW International Exchange Scholarships are
determine your living costs. Please note that you still
administered by the Global Education Team. The final
need to show AUD2,200 for each month you are on
decision about the allocation of these awards is made
exchange even if you think your cost of living will be
by the Exchange Scholarship Committee.
less. Circumstances often change and it is much better
to plan your budget assuming the higher costs to If students accept an award and do not complete the
allow for unexpected expenses. The more money you period of exchange, they will be liable to repay the
are able to save before you go on exchange, the less entire amount paid to them.
stressful your financial situation will be.
The International Exchange Scholarships
Many scholarships and traineeships (such as the Co‑op
n The International Exchange Scholarships are worth
scholarship) will continue while you are on exchange. You
$2,000 each and are awarded primarily to those
should contact your sponsoring body for specific details
students with the highest academic grades from
concerning your status while on exchange.
each faculty. They are allocated to undergraduate
For the latest rates check a currency conversion students from each faculty, proportionate to the
website. Be prepared for currency fluctuations. number of students from that faculty who apply and
are accepted. Exchange to National
Will my Centrelink Payments continue Continued next page University of Singapore
while on exchange? (NUS) was one of the most
If you receive Youth Allowance, you can usually arrange rewarding experiences I have
to have your payments continue while you are overseas ever had. One of the big
on exchange. Students on Youth Allowance should attractions for Singapore is
notify Centrelink of their Exchange before leaving its location within South‑East
Australia otherwise their payments may be stopped. Asia. This means you can
Rent assistance is not normally paid while you are on travel to many surrounding
exchange. countries and the plane tickets
are cheap! I met and had a lot
Can I work while on exchange? of fun with many great people
It is important to realise that you should NOT rely both local and international.
on finding part‑time work while you are overseas to The quality of NUS is top‑class
help fund your exchange. Most countries have strict and I had the opportunity to
limitations on work entitlements for visiting students.
study courses which are not
Even if you are eligible to work, you might not find a
suitable job. In many countries, pay rates are very low. available at UNSW. Do it now!
Possible part‑time work overseas should therefore be Danny
considered as an added bonus if it happens, but not National University
be relied on for financing your exchange.

Mobility Guide 2011 9

Continued from previous page Faculty of Engineering Scholarships
Eligible students can apply for these scholarships n The Faculty of Engineering offers two forms of
by completing their online Exchange application exchange scholarships:
form. The award will be confirmed when formal Top‑up awards – the faculty offers additional
acceptance to an exchange university is made and reward funding of $700 for students who have been
exam results for the last session before going on awarded an International Exchange Scholarship.
exchange are available. Scholarships are awarded Engineering Foreign Language Exchange
on the condition that students do not fail a subject Scholarship – The faculty offers scholarships
at UNSW. In the event that an award winner does of up to $4000 to those students undertaking
not maintain their level of academic performance or exchange to a non‑English teaching university.
is not accepted by the overseas university, they will Please speak with the Engineering Faculty Office
lose their scholarship and a substitute applicant will regarding information and application forms for this
be taken from a reserve list. scholarship.
Recipients of awards are expected to assist the The faculty also pays the Exchange Application Fee
Global Education Team with the Aussie Mate for all undergraduate Engineering students. Please
Program and promotion of Student Mobility at remember to note your faculty on the application form.
the Exchange Expos and information sessions.
Awardees are also encouraged to become UNSW UNSW Scholarship Office
Ambassadors after graduation, promoting the n UNSW Scholarships and Loans Office may have
University to next generation students. scholarships that you can apply for. Some, including
Fee‑paying international students, postgraduate those relevant to the Australian School of Business
students, Bachelor of Commerce International, are faculty specific, others are more general. A more
Bachelor of Science International, Bachelor of detailed list of scholarships available can be found
International Studies and second time exchange at
students are not eligible to apply for these awards,
UMAP (University Mobility in Asia and the
but they may be eligible to apply for government
or partner university grants, or scholarships and Pacific) and Cheung Kong Funding
allowances offered by the partner university or n UNSW may be able to apply for funding through
government. the UMAP and Cheung Kong program for partner
universities in Asia and the Pacific. For a list of
International Travel Grants eligible partners and information on how to apply,
n A number of Travel Grants are available to please contact the Global Education Team.
domestic students going on exchange or other
UNSW supported Global Education options. Like Financial assistance from partner
the International Exchange Scholarships, they universities
are awarded primarily to those students with the Many partner universities offer various types of
highest academic grades. financial assistance to UNSW students who come
Fee paying international students, postgraduate to them on exchange, including free or subsidised
students and second time exchange students are accommodation. For a list of universities see the
not eligible to apply for these grants. Exchange Partner List or contact an exchange adviser.

10 Global Student Mobility Program

Other Scholarships transfer their credit back to their UNSW degree at the
end of their exchange.
n German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – The
DAAD is Germany’s largest scholarship‑awarding For some destinations you may be required to pay
organisation and runs several programs to support some or all of the tuition fees at the partner university
academic exchange between Germany and other in order to study there. Please speak to an Exchange
parts of the world – Adviser for further information.
n Some overseas governments and organizations
offer scholarships that the Global Education Team Further information
will not have details of. These include those from For further information, please speak to an Exchange
Rotary, the Italian government, Baudin Scholarships Adviser. Students in receipt of non exchange
(France), STA Travel, Community groups and so on. scholarships should check that their scholarship will
Check with the relevant consulate or organisation continue while they are on exchange and also if there
for further details. are any conditions with their current scholarship that
may affect their exchange application. Students on
OS Help some scholarships (eg. Co‑op program) may be
OS HELP is a financial assistance initiative introduced restricted as to when they can go on exchange.
by the Commonwealth to assist eligible students with
a range of expenses for the purposes of overseas
study. Students may receive loans, for amounts
starting at $1000 and indexed annually, for up to two
non‑overlapping six month study periods. The loan
may be used to help with a range of expenses such as
airfares and accommodation.
For further information see It’s hard to explain the
student/fees/OSHelp.html. Application forms can be once‑in‑a‑lifetime experience
collected from the Global Education Team. of exchange. What I can say
is that it was full of surprises:
Tuition Fees and Enrolment living the renowned US
While on exchange you continue to pay your normal ‘college‑life’, experiencing
UNSW tuition fees. For each semester you are on a different place, culture
exchange, you will be enrolled in a 24 unit of credit and learning environment,
exchange code(s) according to the courses you are meeting and making friends
intending to transfer back to your UNSW degree. This is with students from all corners
for a full time load and will determine your contribution
of the world, eating different
or tuition band fee rate for the exchange courses and
food, taking opportunities
therefore the amount you will be charged. This is not
negotiable even where you may be taking 18 units of to travel. There are infinite
credit on exchange. surprises waiting to mark
exchange as the epitome of
Please make sure you remove all blocks on your
milestones and eye‑opening
record and pay any outstanding fines before you go on
exchange otherwise the Global Education Team will not experiences.
be allowed to enrol you. Students who are not enrolled Mario
in the appropriate exchange code(s) are not able to Purdue University

Mobility Guide 2011 11

The application process: step‑by‑step
We recommend that you follow each step to ensure 10. Lodge your completed application and all
that your exchange application is complete: supporting documents at the Global Education
Office by the deadline. An adviser will check
1. Read this prospectus from cover to cover.
through your application and notify you if anything
2. Attend an Exchange information session. is missing or needs to be changed.
Information sessions are held every Tuesday
In certain cases, eg recent serious illness, you may
and Thursday at 3:00pm and Wednesdays at
be asked to provide a letter from your doctor stating
1:00pm during the semester. Relevant application
that you are sufficiently well to undertake your
information and forms can also be collected at this
11. You will be informed whether the Global Education
3. Check on the exchange deadlines. These are
Team can nominate you for exchange within
available from the Global Education Team. Please
approximately 6-8 weeks of the application
remember that it can take up to 9 months to
deadline. If there are any problems with nominating
arrange your exchange.
you, an adviser will contact you to discuss your
4. Start researching your exchange options. You options.
should research 6 university preferences as part of
12. Please note that the final decision on whether you
your application and be happy to go on exchange
are accepted lies with the partner university and you
to any one of these 6 universities. It is important that
still need to meet the admission standards of the
you find sufficient courses for all 6 preferences.
partner university even if you have been nominated
5. Talk to an Exchange Adviser to discuss your by the Global Education Team.
exchange options based on your research so far.
13. It can take several months before we receive
Not all courses are available to exchange students
notification from the partner that students have
so it is important that you speak to the relevant
been accepted. You should not plan to travel too
Exchange Adviser. Some university partners also
early prior to the start of your exchange.
require evidence of English language ability for non
native speakers of English. NOTE: Student Exchange is competitive and you
should have at least a credit average to be considered
6. Talk to your faculty about going on exchange and
for exchange to most universities. Students with less
seek approval for the courses you wish to take
than a credit average should speak to an Exchange
while on exchange. At this stage you only need to
Adviser about their Exchange options before they lodge
seek course approval for your first preference. If
an application.
you are nominated to one of your other preferences
then you will be asked to repeat this process for the Please note that there is no guarantee that you will be
university you have been nominated to. nominated to the same university as your partner or
7. Pay the application fee at the Cashier’s Office friends.
using a payment form obtained from the Global COFA, FBE and Music students should also be aware
Education Team. Keep the receipt to hand in when that they may need to provide a portfolio as part of their
you lodge the hard copy of your application. application to the partner university, especially if they
8. Submit your online application and prepare your wish to take design, practical or studio based courses.
supporting documents. Remember to print a copy Many universities use this portfolio to determine
of your online application. eligibility for their studio based courses. It is therefore
important to submit a strong portfolio as the process is
9. Make a copy of your exchange application and
highly competitive. Please check the partner university
supporting documents to keep for your records.
website for information on portfolio requirements if this
applies to you.

12 Global Student Mobility Program

Application forms and other documents
Application for Student Exchange 3. Remember that courses often do not need to match
perfectly. If you take your electives and General
The Exchange application form is online and your logon
Education courses while you are overseas, you will
details will be emailed to you after you have attended
have more flexibility regarding which courses you
an information session.
can choose.
Please note that it is important you activate your 4. For all UNSW courses, especially core courses, you
UNSW email account as this is our primary means will need to find at least two courses at the partner
of communication with you before, during and after university that you can do as alternatives. You
exchange. should not put yourself in a position where you are
On the online application form you are asked to list relying on a single course at the partner university in
six preferences for where you would like to go on order to bring back the required credits for a course
exchange. It is very important that all your preferences here. Courses frequently fall through for various
are well researched and viable. Some exchange reasons, and you need to have realistic backup
destinations are very competitive and not all students options. If this is not possible, then you should
are nominated to their first choice institution. You rethink your first university preference.
therefore need to be prepared to go to any one of your 5. Getting approval for the courses you have chosen
six preferences. We recommend that you do not put on your Transfer of Credit form is a matter of
more than one highly competitive university in your list negotiation between you and your course and
of preferences. Please speak with an adviser about program authorities. You should have done a
which universities are competitive. The more flexible considerable amount of research so that you can
you are, the greater the chances of going on exchange. approach your lecturers and course coordinators
with as many details as possible about the courses
Transfer of Credit form you want to do overseas. Helpful information
In order for you to apply for Student Exchange you will includes course descriptions, length and hours per
need to have a confirmed list of courses approved by your week of the course, assessment requirements, and
UNSW Faculty Office for your proposed host university. so forth. You should also work out what constitutes
This should be completed on the Transfer of Credit form. a full‑time load at your partner university. From that
The Transfer of Credits is one of the most important and you should be able to figure how many courses you
time‑consuming parts of your exchange application. It is need to do. Do not assume that a single course
essential that you have a realistic and flexible study plan overseas is exactly the same size and workload as
worked out before you leave to go on exchange. a course at UNSW; you may need to take more or
fewer courses than is normal here.
At application stage you only need to seek course
6. When you are getting your courses approved on
approval for your first preference university.
the Transfer of Credit form please make sure you
The following steps are to help you put together a or your lecturer fill out the UNSW course code as
successful Transfer of Credits: well as the UNSW units of credit section for each
course you get approved. The Global Education
1. Think about which UNSW courses you will need to
Team is unable to transfer your credit without this
cover for your degree while you are away.
2. Look through the course handbooks in the
Continued on page 16
Resources Room and research courses via the
internet. The information on the partner university
website is often more up to date than the
handbooks. Web pages of the partner universities
are on our web site and the Partner University List.

Mobility Guide 2011 13

Here are just a few destinations, see pages
26-28 for our full list of Global Partners
Continued from page 13 NOTE: Bachelor of International Studies students are
not required to complete a Transfer of Credit form, they
7. You need to also have your courses approved by
are however, required to fill out a Study Proposal form.
your Faculty Office at the bottom of the Transfer
See Bachelor of International Studies Student Section
of Credit form. Please remember to provide your
for further information.
Faculty Office with a copy of your form. COFA
students also need to provide an additional copy to
the COFA International Office. Exchange Scholarship Application form
8. You should now have a viable study plan, with This form is part of your online exchange application.
a number of backup options for each course, Please see ‘Money’ Section on page 9 for further
which has been approved by your course and details.
program authorities and Faculty Office. Some
course authorities keep this form and forward it Exchange Program Confidential Reference
directly to our office. You should keep a copy of this Each student needs to provide one reference from a
completed form for your records. UNSW academic staff member. The reference should
8. It is your responsibility to ensure that there are be academic in nature. References from your place
sufficient courses offered at the partner university of work or from your high school are not acceptable.
that your faculty will approve you to take. You You can collect the Reference information sheet at an
may find that more course information becomes Exchange information session. We recommend you
available closer to when you go on exchange. If give it to your chosen referee as early as possible to
you find that new courses are offered you just need ensure that they have ample time to complete it.
to fill out another Transfer of Credit form and have Please note that some partner universities require
the course(s) approved by your faculty. The more students to provide two academic references as part of
courses you have approved, the easier it will be their exchange application form. If this is the case then
when you enroll at the partner university. You may you will need to arrange for a second reference to be
also find that courses are no longer offered when forwarded to the Global Education Team after you have
you will be on exchange. You will need to regularly been nominated.
check the partner website information so you are
aware of any changes and can get new courses Bachelor of International Studies (BInts)
approved if necessary.
If you are a Bachelor of International Studies student
9. It is important to seek approval for all courses you do not need to find equivalent UNSW courses for
before you enrol at the partner university. If you do the subjects you take on exchange. You do, however,
not then you run the risk of not having the credit need to seek approval from your Arts Faculty Office,
transferred on your return and this may lengthen language coordinator and BInst Program Convenor for
your degree. It is too late to get approval when you the courses you would like to do overseas. This needs
return to UNSW. to be done on an Overseas Study Proposal form which
10. When you complete your exchange you will need can be collected from the Global Education Team.
to organise the final step in your transfer of credit. When you return to UNSW your academic portfolios are
This involves contacting the Global Education assessed and a grade is awarded for each semester
Team, checking that your transcript has arrived abroad. Please speak to an adviser at the Global
from overseas, and checking that your course Education Team for further information.
exemptions are all correct. This is necessary so that
your UNSW transcript can be updated and you will
be able to graduate when the time comes.

16 Global Student Mobility Program

Other Documents The financial statement should be either a bank
statement of yours, or a bank statement belonging to
Academic Printout someone else, combined with a letter from that person
A printout of your academic record can be obtained by confirming that they are willing to sponsor you while
logging onto You should have you are overseas. Otherwise, you can create a financial
your academic record stamped by Student Central. plan based on your projected savings by the time you
Academic printouts are free and can be produced leave, plus any additional payments (for example,
immediately. Results notices and UNSW official Youth Allowance) which will be paid to you whilst you
transcripts are not needed. are overseas. For this type of statement you should
enclose all necessary documentation, for example
Resume some pay slips showing your average weekly earnings
You will be required to provide a 2 page resume/CV from a part‑time job you may hold.
listing your experiences, work history, studies and
achievements. If you do not want to enclose your original statements,
you can bring them with a photocopy to the Global
Response Statements Education Team. An adviser will sight the original and
As part of the online application you will be asked to keep the copy.
address several response statements. Each statement
Copy of Passport
has a word limit. They are designed to give you the
opportunity to show that you have researched your As part of your application you will need to provide
preferences and are emotionally and financially a copy of the front page of your passport. You must
equipped to cope with a semester or year overseas hold a passport that is valid for the entire length of
without your normal support structures. Given the your stay overseas. If you do not have a passport then
ambassadorial expectations held by UNSW, the Global we recommend that you apply for one as soon as
Education Team is also looking for students who will possible. Ask at a post office for passport application
forms if you do not hold a passport or if your passport Every aspect of the Exchange
represent UNSW in the best possible way. After the
application deadline the Global Education Team may is due to expire within 6 months of travel for exchange. experience is one that cannot
randomly select a handful of students to attend a short be traded for anything.
interview. Please note that the Global Education Team Studying in Boulder, Colorado
reserves the right to interview any applicant who does for one semester was one of
not address the statements in a suitable manner. the best experiences of my
life – my only regret is that I
Financial Statement
didn’t stay for two semesters!
The financial statement shows that you have enough
Nothing compares to the
money to support yourself while you are overseas. It is
not only required by the Global Education Team, but in chance to study at another
many cases also by the consulates of various countries university, in a different
before they will issue a student visa for you. country, living on campus,
getting involved in the student
You should be able to show that you have access to
life and having the opportunity
approximately AUD2,200 for every month that you will
be overseas. to live in a bona fide university
University of Colorado

Mobility Guide 2011 17

Exchange Application deadlines
There are two application deadlines each year:
n For exchange in Session 1 of the following year
the application deadline is end of May of the
previous year.
n For exchange in Session 2 of the following year
the application deadline is mid October of the
previous year.
Please contact the Global Education Team for specific
application deadline details.
Note that late applications incur a $100 late fee and
applications received more than 2 weeks after the
Without any reservation application deadline will not be accepted.
exchange was definitely one
of the best experiences of
my life and I would highly
recommend it to anyone.
The best things about going
on exchange are the people
you meet and the friends you
make. The destination is not
so much a place, but rather a
new way of looking at things.
Rotterdam School
of Management

18 Global Student Mobility Program

Further preparations
Visa Insurance
While you are on exchange, you will probably hold The UNSW Exchange Office and Risk Management
a student visa or resident’s permit. Should you be Unit highly recommends that all students on exchange
accepted by the partner university, they will send you have travel insurance. In addition, most partner
an official acceptance letter and/or visa application universities will require students to have insurance
documents. This letter is one of the documents you will before you can study there.
need to show when you apply for a student visa. You
UNSW’s travel policy will automatically cover all
should contact the relevant consulate well before you
students while on exchange. This insurance is free
plan to apply to find out what other documents and
of charge and no registration is required. Further
materials they will require you to bring to their office,
information can be found at
conditions of application for your nationality, and how
long it will take to process your visa. The application
process may take several weeks for some countries. If the UNSW Insurance Policy covers you while on
Visa costs can be significant, so please factor this into exchange, you are obliged to read and understand
your planning. For details of the terms and conditions all details of the policy. All insurance details must
attached to your visa, speak to the relevant consulate. be confirmed before your departure. UNSW cannot
change coverage while you are overseas. While UNSW
It is important to research your visa requirements. If you
aims to assist you with cost effective insurance, the
will be travelling to or through other countries before
coverage may not meet the requirements or personal
or after your exchange please make sure you check
needs of all students going on an exchange. In such
the visa requirements for all countries before you leave
cases, we strongly recommend that you arrange your
Australia and allow plenty of time to secure multiple
own travel coverage through another private insurance
International Students We recommend you shop around and find the best
insurance plan for you. Insurance companies offer
All International Students undertaking a semester or
different policies with varying levels of cover, and for
year of exchange are required to notify the Department
varying prices. Some contingencies you should ensure
of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) of their
you are covered for include:
Exchange. Students should collect a letter of support
for exchange from the Global Education Team and visit n serious accident and illness cover
a department office in person at least 28 days before n medical evacuation/repatriation
departure from Australia to present the letter together n any sporting activities you may participate in
with their current passport. International students who (eg. diving, skiing)
do not notify DIAC run the risk of having their Australian n unlimited medical and dental cover
Student visa cancelled. n optical, if applicable
While on Exchange, International Students need to n pre‑existing conditions and specialist care needs
continue to meet the conditions of their Australian PLEASE NOTE: Some overseas institutions have
Student Visa, this includes Overseas Student Health compulsory insurance plans that are not negotiable.
Cover (OSHC). International students should contact You should research your choices in advance to find
their Australian Overseas Student Health provider about out if this is the case for you. In many cases the UNSW
their OSHC while on exchange. You may find that you cover may not be sufficient to have these plans waived
are able to claim credit for your time on exchange. by the partner university and you will be required to pay
Normally students need to contact their OSHC provider the additional fee at the partner university even if you
within 30 days of returning and must provide evidence are covered by UNSW insurance.
of their time on exchange.

Mobility Guide 2011 19

Aussie Mate Program Safety and Security
The Aussie Mate Program is a great way to get involved The safety of our students when planning for and
in the Exchange Program and to meet new people. undertaking exchange is of primary concern to
The program aims to assist in welcoming our new UNSW and the Global Education Team. We monitor
incoming exchange students to Australian life. We hope international developments and will notify students of
that it provides a chance for them to be introduced to any changes that will affect their exchange. We can
some of Sydney’s fun places, gain some basic local SMS you if you have a mobile phone so please ensure
knowledge and introduce them to UNSW student life. the Global Education Team has updated contact
It gives outgoing exchange students or newly returned
exchange students a chance to have some fun and In extreme cases the UNSW Global Education Team
make some connections before going overseas and to may cancel an exchange and require students to
maintain them when they return, making the exchange evacuate from a location which is deemed insecure
experience more engaging for both incoming and or unsafe. In such cases you must make plans to
outgoing students! If you are interested in the Aussie leave as soon as you are contacted by the Global
Mate Program please contact the Global Education Education Team. Alternative arrangements will be
Team. made for students in such situations on return to
UNSW. We strongly urge you to maintain a watch
Chief Aussie Mate Volunteer Program on the Department of Foreign Affairs web site www. and regarding
The Global Education Team also runs a volunteer
international developments and travel warnings when
program each session for students to get involved
planning exchanges.
in the organising of the Aussie Mate program and
promotional activities of the Office. This is a great
way to network and meet other exchange and UNSW Health check
students and have a great time. It is also a way for you It is a good idea to have a full general health check
to develop skills that are useful for getting a job and it before you leave on exchange, including dental and
looks impressive on a resume. Volunteer experience optical examinations.
shows employers that you have initiative, motivation
You should also check with your GP as to whether
and commitment. Volunteers will be asked to contribute
you need any vaccinations before you go. Some
approximately 20 hours of their time over a semester.
universities require a full health check on application or
Student volunteers are given a book voucher, certificate
prior to you enrolling in their courses.
of participation and reference outlining the activities
undertaken. The Chief Aussie Mate Volunteer Program Students with a history of medical heath issues will
is also listed on your Australian Higher Education need to provide a statement from their doctor that they
Statement. If you would like to get involved then please will be able to cope on exchange
send your resume and a 200 word statement explaining
why you would like to apply to by
the deadline. The application deadline is normally at
the end of each semester.

20 Global Student Mobility Program

Preparing for Departure Staying involved
It can take several months before the partner university n After you return from exchange, an excellent way
sends out their acceptances. You should not plan to keep up your international outlook and links is
to travel too early before the start of your semester to get involved in the Exchange Program. Each
otherwise you may not receive your visa documents session we have more than 200 exchange students
in time. You should apply for a visa as soon as you coming to UNSW from all over the world. We run
receive your acceptance pack. the Aussie Mate program, give regular information
seminars and hold an annual Expo so there is
After you have been nominated by UNSW to go
always a lot going on at the Global Education
on exchange, the Global Education Team holds a
Office. We rely on the returned students to help
Pre Departure Briefing, which is compulsory for all
out with our activities. Students who receive an
students to attend. The briefing is designed to cover
Exchange Scholarship or Travel grant are expected
the next stage of the exchange process. Topics include
to assist the Global Education Team with the Aussie
Scholarships, Insurance, Visas, Enrolment, Credit
Mate Program and promotion of exchange at the
Transfer, Settling In, handling cultural adjustments, etc.
Exchange Expo and information sessions.
You will also receive your pre departure pack and pre
departure booklet. Please check our website for further n The Global Education Team also holds a debriefing
details. session for returned students to attend. It is
an opportunity to tell us about your exchange
experiences and is also a chance to talk and
compare experiences with other returning students.
The session will cover some general administration
as well as some information to help you settle back
into life in Sydney.

Mobility Guide 2011 21

Other Global Education options
UNSW is dedicated to providing a range of short‑term Student Conferences, Studios and
overseas study experiences and placements at over Field Trips
200 universities and through the prestigious Universitas
21 network of 23 globally connected comprehensive Our international partners offer connections to a
universities. Our international connections offer variety of opportunities for UNSW students including
some exciting education, internships and practicum international competitions, conferences and field
programs in Asia, North America, Europe, Middle East, studies. The Global Education Office provides support
South America and South Africa. These experiences will to students wishing to take advantage of these
enable you to present a cross‑section of attributes to opportunities and can discuss any plans you may have.
prospective employers and will also provide a broader
foundation on which to pursue further studies. UNSW Practicum Exchange Program
The outbound Practicum Exchange Program is
You can choose to add one of these opportunities to
designed for students who wish to go overseas to
your exchange or you can choose to do them separately.
obtain research experience or professional/ industrial
If you are unable to go on a semester of exchange
practice at one of our partner institutions. These are
you may find that these opportunities still allow you to
research positions, open to both undergraduate
participate in an international experience. Many of these
and postgraduate students and as such you are not
opportunities can be included in the Australian Higher
permitted to do course work. This program is for a
Education Graduate Statement at UNSW.
limited period (usually between two and six months).
Please note: International students may undertake If you are interested in undertaking part of your
these programs in any country except their home honours or research activities overseas please contact
country. us for a list of Practicum partners. You should also
speak to your UNSW Faculty Office or your research
Opportunities will be advertised on the UNSW Global
supervisor to ensure that what you are seeking to study
Education Programs Blog:
is appropriate and will be approved. The Practicum
Exchange Program is a great way for course work
students to enjoy a ‘Taste of Research’ overseas.
This is a great way to get some work experience in Student Volunteers Abroad
fields that may interest you. Many companies, both
The best way to gain work place skills is through
locally and abroad, offer internships for students at
gaining hands on experiences. Volunteering is a
wonderful way to not only contribute to society, to
Some of our exchange partner universities may also make friends, get involved and to help other people,
offer international internships that you can apply for but you will also be developing skills and experiences
while on exchange. which are valued by employers. Taking advantage of
these volunteer opportunities abroad will give you an
University wide opportunities may be available from
international perspective to these skills. The Global
the UNSW Careers and Employment Office who have
Education Office provides support to students wishing
a database of internship possibilities on their website,
to go on these experiences and can discuss any plans
and hold a vacation/internship Expo every year. For
you may have.
more information contact the UNSW Careers and
Employment Office.
Discipline specific opportunities are also available
through individual faculties (including FASS,
Engineering and Law). Please consult your faculty for
further information on these programs.

22 Global Student Mobility Program

Short Courses Universitas 21 (U21) Opportunities
If you are unable to go on exchange for a semester UNSW is a member of Universitas 21 which means that
or two, a short course during your break may be the you may be eligible to participate in the range of U21
ideal way for you to get a taste of living and studying Student Mobility programs. Interested students should
overseas. contact the Global Education Team for information on
how to apply. For further information go to
The introduction of the new UNSW academic calendar
allows for students to take advantage of the Summer
and Winter terms to complete short/summer courses U21 Student Mobility
overseas. Some universities will waive tuition fees
As a student enrolled at a Universitas 21 member
while other universities will require students to pay the
university, you may be eligible to participate in the U21
tuition fees to participate. Information on their programs
Student Mobility program. For a list of U21 members see
will be available on their website and on the Global
the UNSW Exchange Partner list. Further information can
Education Blog.
also be found at
Before you apply, we recommend you also talk to your
Faculty office about how to transfer credit units from a U21 Summer Schools
short course to your degree. Each year different U21 universities host the U21
Summer School. All summer courses have a global
Your Faculty may offer other forms of student mobility, theme and attract the top students from U21
e.g. COFA and FBE. Please contact your faculty for universities. The program is open to UNSW students
further information about faculty specific short courses. and faculty from all disciplines. If you are interested
please contact the Global Education Team for details
on the nomination process well before the application

U21 UG Research Conference

The purpose of the conference is to allow undergraduate
students from around the globe to showcase their
research to an international audience of fellow students
and academics. The conference attracts students from
a diverse range of disciplines and typically includes
a range of seminars and student presentations
interspersed with social activities and tours.
U21 Opportunity for Medical Students
Universitas 21 offers an exciting opportunity for
medical students. Clinical placements are available for
medical students at the Tabubil Hospital in the Western
Province Region of Papua New Guinea. Students are
responsible for operating a low‑cost telemedicine
support service for the hospital doctors with specialist
advice provided by consultant staff from the U21

Mobility Guide 2011 23

Useful Websites Contact details
Country and Visa Information Global Education Team
The Education Sections of Consulates often have The Global Education Office is open weekdays
useful information on scholarships, visas, study advice 9.00‑5.00 all year round. Advisors are available from
and tips for living in their country. Below is a list of 2:00pm‑4:30pm each weekday to talk to you about
several countries; a more comprehensive list can be your application.
found on the web –
Get in touch with us if you need assistance. At the start,
the process may seem daunting. But as every returned
Useful Websites student will tell you, it is totally worth it — so just GO!
Japanese Embassy:‑
education/Education_entry.htm Contact details
Study in Singapore:
Postal Address:
China Scholarship Council:
Global Education Team
Education in Korea: http://aus‑
Level 2, East Wing, Red Centre Building
University of New South Wales
Study in Germany: Sydney, 2052
British Council: Visiting Address:
US Consulate General: http://sydney.usconsulate. UNSW International
gov/sydney/ Level 2, East Wing,
Canadian High Commission: The Red Centre Building, UNSW Kensington Campus
Telephone: +61 2 9385 7276
French Higher Education Attache:
Facsimile: +61 2 9385 5927
Index of Consulates in Australia:

UNSW Risk Management:
DFAT Travel Advisories:

Exchange website:
Exchange Partner list:
Faculty websites:
International Student Cards:

24 Global Student Mobility Program

Pre-Departure Checklist
n Valid passport and visa
n Read UNSW travel and health insurance policy
n Medical check‑up and immunisations
n Check any prescriptions
n Cash/Travellers Cheques/ATM card number/
n Copy of Transfer of Credit form with sufficient
n Check that you do not have any outstanding fines
n Arrange payment of tuition fees
n Take your zPASS for access & re‑enrolment
n Check mobile phone options and fees
n Attend the Exchange Pre Departure Briefing for
more detailed information
n Register with DFAT

I really loved Ireland. I loved

the people, the atmosphere,
the fun and the university. It
opened my eyes in so many
ways. Initially I was only going
to go for one semester but
after I arrived and got settled
in I soon made arrangements
to extend my stay. Ireland
is a very unique country to
travel round and its location
allows you to easily travel
around other parts of Europe.
University College Dublin is a
beautiful campus that allows
you to immerse yourself in
student life and meet lots of
other international students.
It is hard not to be impressed
and have the time of your life.
University College, Dublin

Mobility Guide 2011 25

Partner List
Visit for the latest updates to this list.

Legend France $
A Please speak to an Exchange Adviser; L Language Proficiency Required; E Some Courses Taught in English Ales School of Mines $ALP Engineering+Science
$ Scholarships available, M Member of Universitas 21 ( Ecoles Centrales Group A All available disciplines
P Possible research/internship opportunities – see adviser
Ecole Nationale Superieure Des Arts Decoratifs AL COFA only
ESSEC Business School Paris AE Business only
INSA - Lyon EP Engineering+Science
Reims Management School AE Business only
University of Leoben E All available disciplines
Sciences Po AE All available disciplines
Vienna University of Economics and Business E Business
The University Provence - Aix-Marseille L All available disciplines
The University of Paul Cezanne - Aix- L All available disciplines
Insper E Business Marseille III
Canada University of Jean Moulin - Lyon III EP All available disciplines
Concordia University All available disciplines University of Haute Alsace AL Fiber Science+Tech only
HEC Montreal Business University of Pantheon-Assas - Paris II L All available disciplines
McGill University M All available disciplines University Paris Sorbonne - Paris IV L All available disciplines
McGill University Law School M Law only University of Denis Diderot - Paris VII LP All available disciplines
Nova Scotia College of Art and Design COFA only Germany $
Queen’s University All available disciplines Bauhaus-University, Weimar L COFA only
Queen’s University Law School Law only Berlin University of the Arts L COFA only
University of Alberta All available disciplines Bucerius Law School E Law only
University of British Columbia M All available disciplines European Business School E All available disciplines
University of Toronto All available disciplines Frankfurt School of Finance and Management E Business only
University of Western Ontario All availabel disciplines University of Freiburg $EP All available disciplines
York University – Schulich School of Business Business only Freie University, Berlin L All available disciplines
Chile Humboldt University, Berlin AE All available disciplines
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile PLM All available disciplines Technical University of Berlin EP All available disciplines
China Technical University of Darmstadt $LP All available disciplines
Beijing Normal University AL All available disciplines University of Bonn LP All available disciplines
Central Academy of Fine Arts AL COFA only University of Mannheim $EP All available disciplines
Fudan University ALM All available disciplines University of Media Art and Design, Karlsruhe AL COFA only
University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus EM All available disciplines University of Tuebingen $EP All available disciplines
Peking University AL All available disciplines Hong Kong
Peking University Guanghua School of E Business only City University of Hong Kong $EP All available disciplines
HKUST Business School E Business only
Shanghai Jiao Tong University EM All available disciplines
The Chinese University of Hong Kong E All available disciplines
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics E Business only
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University E Social Work Practicum
Tsinghua University AL All available disciplines
The University of Hong Kong EPM All available disciplines
Denmark $
Aarhus University $EP All available disciplines
University of Iceland E All available disciplines
Aalborg University E All available disciplines
Copenhagen Business School EP All available disciplines
Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore AE Postgraduate only
Technical University of Denmark E All available disciplines
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay AE Research only
University of Copenhagen $E All available disciplines
Jawaharlal Nehru University AE Postgraduate only
Finland $
Madras School of Social Work AE Social Work only
University of Turku $E All available disciplines
NALSAR University of Law AE Law only
National Institute of Design AE COFA only

26 Global Student Mobility Program

Visit for the latest updates to this list.

University of Delhi AEM Please see advisor Netherlands

University of Pune AE All available disciplines Erasmus University Law School E Law only
Indonesia Rotterdam School of Management EP Business Only
ACICIS AL All Available disciplines University of Amsterdam EM All available disciplines
Institute of Technology, Bandung AL All Available disciplines TU Delft E Industrial Design only
University of Indonesia AL All Available disciplines Utrecht School of Arts E All available disciplines
Ireland Utrecht University E Business+Arts
University College, Dublin M All available disciplines Univerity of Maastricht E Business+Arts
Israel Willem de Kooning Academy EP COFA only
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem AL All available disciplines New Zealand
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology AE All available disciplines University of Auckland M All available disciplines
Italy $ Norway
Bocconi University EP All available disciplines Norwegian School of Economics & Business E Business only
Politecnico di Milano L All available disciplines Admin.
University of Bologna L All available disciplines Norwegian University of Science & Technology E All available disciplines
Università Iuav di Venezia L All available disciplines University of Oslo E All available disciplines
University of Padua L All available disciplines Russia
University of Rome - La Sapienza AL All available disciplines M.V. Lomonossov Moscow State University AL All available disciplines
Japan $ Singapore
Doshisha University AL All available disciplines Nanyang Technological University E All available disciplines
Gakushuin University AL All available disciplines National University of Singapore EPM All available disciplines
Kansai Gaidai University AL All available disciplines Singapore Management University E Business only
Keio University AE All available disciplines Temasek Polytechnic E All available disciplines
Kwansei Gakuin University AE All available disciplines South Africa
Kyoto University AL All available disciplines University of Cape Town E Law only
Meiji University AL All available disciplines Spain
Nagoya City University AL Business+Arts ESADE - Ramon Llull University E Business only
Ritsumeikan University AL All available disciplines Universidad Carlos III de Madrid E All available disciplines
Tohoku Gakuin University ALP All available disciplines Universidad Pontificia Comillas E Arts+Social Sciences
Tohoku University ALP All available disciplines only
Waseda University ALPM All available disciplines Polytechnic University of Madrid L All available disciplines
Korea Polytechnic University of Valencia EP All available disciplines
Ehwa Women’s University EP All available disciplines University of León L All available disciplines
Hanyang University $L All available disciplines Universidad de Navarra E All available disciplines
Korea University $ME All available disciplines University of Pompeu Fabra LE Arts+Business only
Pohang University of Science and Technology E All available disciplines University of Zaragoza LP All available disciplines
Pusan National University $E All available disciplines Sweden
Seoul National University E All available disciplines Chalmers University of Technology AE All available disciplines
Yonsei University EP All available disciplines Lulea University of Technology E All available disciplines
Malaysia Lund University ME All available disciplines
National University of Malaysia AL All available disciplines Royal Institute of Technology - KTH $EP All available disciplines
(excl. Architecture)
University of Malaya E All available disciplines
Stockholm University E Business+Social Work
Mexico Practicum
Technologico de Monterrey (ITESM) EPM All available disciplines University of Gothenburg E All available disciplines
University of Guadalajara L All available disciplines Uppsala University E All available disciplines

Mobility Guide 2011 27

Partner List (Cont’d)

Visit for the latest updates to this list.

Switzerland The University of Kansas All available disciplines

ETH Zurich Switzerland E All available disciplines The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill All available disciplines
(exc. Architecture) The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Business only
University of Geneva L All available disciplines – Kenan-Flagler Business School
University of Lausanne AE Law only The University of Texas, at Austin P All available disciplines
Univerity of Zurich E All available disciplines The University of Texas, at Austin - Law School Law only
Tahiti Tulane University Law School Law only
University of French Polynesia L All available disciplines UC Hastings College of the Law Law only
Taiwan University of California, Berkeley A All available disciplines
National Taiwan University $E All available disciplines University of California, Davis A All available disciplines
Tamkang University L All available disciplines University of California, Irvine A All available disciplines
Thailand University of California, Los Angeles A All available disciplines
Chulalongkorn University E All available disciplines University of California, Riverside A All available disciplines
Thammasat University E Business only University of California, San Diego A All available disciplines
United Kingdom University of California, Santa Barbara A All available disciplines
Glasgow School of the Arts A COFA only University of California, Santa Cruz A All available disciplines
Imperial College, London A Research Program only University of Colorado, at Boulder All available disciplines
Lancaster University Management School Business only University of Connecticut M All available disciplines
The Manchester Business School Business only University of Florida Business only
The University of Edinburgh MA All available disciplines University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign All available disciplines
The University of Nottingham MP All available disciplines University of Michigan P Arts & Social
The University of Nottingham - Law School M Law only Sciences+Science only
University College, London Law only Missouri University of Science & Technology Eng+Material Sciences
University of Birmingham MA All available disciplines
University of Pennsylvania All available disciplines
University of Exeter All available disciplines
University of Virginia M All available disciplines
University of Glasgow M All available disciplines (excl Business)
University of Leeds All available disciplines Vietnam
University of Ulster, Northern Ireland All available disciplines Vietnam National University, Hanoi AL All available disciplines
Swansea University All available disciplines
United States
Alfred University – New York State College COFA only
of Ceramics
Babson College Business only
Boston College All available disciplines
Boston College, Law School A Law only
Cornell University College of Human
Cornell University School of Industral and
Labour Relations
Emory University, Goizueta Business School Business only
Georgetown University All available disciplines
Georgia Tech P All available disciplines
Iowa State University Engineering only
New York University Business only
Pennsylvania State University All available disciplines
Purdue University P All available disciplines Legend
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute All available disciplines A Please speak to an Exchange Adviser; L Language Proficiency Required; E Some Courses Taught in English
School of the Arts Institute of Chicago A COFA only $ Scholarships available, M Member of Universitas 21 (
P Possible research/internship opportunities – see adviser

28 Global Student Mobility Program

Valencia is definitely a fun
place to go to as an exchange
student – Polytechnic
University of Valencia boasts
the largest intake of exchange
students in Europe and it has
an awesome nightlife. There is
an amazing variety of activities
to get involved in.
University of Valencia

I stayed in Taipei for a year.

National Taiwan University
(NTU) has a beautiful campus
with palm trees and historical
buildings. Established as the
first university in Taiwan, NTU
is playing an essential part
in Taiwan’s progress. As an
exchange student you get
to know the other exchange
students very quickly, creating
lasting friendships. I had a
blast meeting so many people
from all around the world and
participating in the social
activities every weekend.
Make sure you don’t miss
out on such a unique and
amazing opportunity.
National Taiwan University
CRICOS Provider Code 00098G
Exchange photos provided by Exchange Students, Exchange Staff and My Hong
Material is correct at time of printing. For more up to date information
please see

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