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The Vert Code- Elite Phase 1 Week 1, Day 1: Phase 1: Build The Base- Lower Body Workout Date: ‘Total Workout Time: Plan Recommendations Lets pula the nase! Ths prase is essential or long term athletic development. Keep in mind, it you naven* been exercising intersey ona consistent basis ‘ror to ths program, you"™ney need to start bodyweight on every exerese andior cut ack on Ses, Listen to your Dod) and tat according (o you cutest fest evel Rememer to click "se rotas ane alternative exercises" near the top. See exercises have “alternative exercises hat can be dene f you don't have the ‘equipment for a particular exercise, Pay attention tothe circuits highlighted in blue! If t's highlighted in blue that means you'll perform the exercises concecutvely ie THE Partal Squat, move {raight to Shoulder Sevated Nip Bridge, than move signe nta Sple Stance Greove Sete the exeresce le WOT highighted, and es just greyiaite, that ‘@xereize shouldbe performed by Reel A greypwnite lock does not mean Mat Eis a superset or Creu IMPORTANT note: You will be using @ modified version ofthe 2 rep rule. This meons thot on strength exercises you should choose a weight tat brings you within reps a failure So the oxarcive called for 1D raps, but when you got done wit tre set yeu feel Tke you could have dane 12 then the weight fe probably too light and we should go heavier Alot a the exercizez mths phase are sometic hold, 20 judge based on fatigue the cificlty ictus than a7 on 8 sale ff 1-10 you may need to 84 wosght On the aecilting qa, we should gota goed bith inthe ege/ghtoe bu rm nat too Conebrned with reaching fae Dbecauseths fs more about tearing your hedy Now to contracUelax appraoritely and teach early accekeration out ofthe bottom ofthe squat. Rernember, we ‘never sactice our foi for more weight ‘Algo, we NEVER push past technical failure Ths means that ifthe weight isso heavy that your form breaks down, stop the exercise. There is no beneft to ‘omplating repentene wen peor for Keepin mind that vertical jump training is NOT enduronce training, which means you dont need te rush your aes, Use the rest time to! onthe app oF on your ‘Sopuateh your rest mo sup and you STIL fea fatigued, tave a itl longer break IWAN exercise causes pain (her then normal muse fatigue) wy to nd another zltemative or skip the exercise complecely Ifyou are unsure of your form ASK for help orn a gual fed trainer so that you dant injure yoursel, Each time you complete this workouts ty to increase the weight used. Getting stronger is ALL about progressive ovetioad £9 you stay at the same weight for ‘the ful pnase yeu won't get stranger. For strength workauts ALWAYS track your workeuts on the app OR print out and bring ta the gym. You should never lift a weight without it being tracked. This ‘way the nowt ime you do this werko.t youl kaaw what weight Io ure te encure prope! progression, Txercive Sots | Reps [Weight | Distance | Time [Rest Water aly GveniewiNinimum Dose Advice iI Ge 00] = ma [Foam Rover Great aI geo 25] == mi fpynamic warm | = mil RE Portal Squat zz Decleor each ae ‘Superset _[Shouder Elevated Bae March or Band FU a3) =m [Sait Stance Groove Set 3] DaGO:SO} 00 mo|Fartomm each side [Rtenating Ankle Hop 7] 99:00:35] 1:00 ma 00.00.33 [Scandia Veruca un za Tem Ispivstice cateral Dat 5] 00 mn|fertorn each ae loscitatina Savat-Or- Cable Pull Through afl 2.00 me] [RrESS [en Fla Rope af Toomey [Hyperextension Hola Pate Drop afl 00. ma fone tea Functional CaiPRaise sf 1a} 30 sec|Perforn coh se ISeven Eleven aresthing 5] Baa-0o] = min [katie Sereteh 3] 00,00:15| = min ‘roam rating or other set massage techniques ae optonal but | stcnoly advise doing per to your dynamic warmup to lncrease range af mation. "TRE Partial Squat I you don't nave the band, do the samo partial squat exercise without the band. Any super band should wore far this exorcise. luce a black superba (2 inch juin trom partormnetzar com ‘Shoulder Elevated Bridge March or Band Pll Wveu have two choices fr this exercise. You can choose the Shoulder Elevated Bridge March, or the Band Kredling Pu Threugh (alternative exeric). "Alkarnating Anka Wop: (Get through 2 minimum of 2 sets here. you have the time and energy increase to 3 sets ‘Standing Vertical Jump, (cet tnrougn a minimum of 2 sets mere. you have the time and energy Increase 103 Sets. Alm for 6 reps minimum. I you have the time and eneray you can (ge Breas per set (Osclliating Squat -OF Cable Pull Through \errorm tno occitating squat # you're knees are Nealhy.H you have any type af knoe pals, cRoose the aftormatve axorcke “Cable Pull Through” Yo tran mere {vough the ip whichis less stress onthe knas [Staff Member Nate [RFESS Iso Hold Reps Iris exercise generally 1eads to slgntcant muscle soreness. Start Dodynelght or ight dumbbells ana progress by increasing welght each workout gradually IRememer. we ar trying to 90 AS HEAVY as possible while maintaining go9d form ence we are comfortable withthe exercise and Nave rnastered technique. [Hyperextension Hold Plate Drop. (t you do not have @ hyperextension machin, use the alternative exercise Reverse Plank, Trarcize ‘Alkernate Exel ‘Seta [Reps [Welght [Distance] Time | Rest | Wotes ‘Shoulder Elevated Bridge March or Band Pull Bard kneeling PulThvough asieri| 2) 10) = mal (Osciliating Squat -Or- Cable Pull Through [Cable Pull Hwough (ease aI Ir00 min [Hyperextension Held Plate Drop leverse Park (Akeratel 5 porno sOf G0 mi Motes: The Vert Code- Elite Phase 1 Week 1, Day 2: Phase 1: Jumpers Mobility/Core/Feet and Ankles Workout Date: Total Workout Time: __ Plan Recommendations For today’s core workout It's all bout qualty over quantity! These exercises arent going to Give you tre same burn tha hundreds of crunches might give you, ut they WiLL lead to Improved attvetilsmn! For tho foot/ankles exercicos Is best todo theso barafoot Pay attention tothe rep ranges 2s we wil Inctease the reps on some of these dils week to week throughout this phase “This nortout is scheduled for tuesdayrtnursday but you can complete this workout 3x per week you Nave the time an energy! Most of ur pro's keto 60 Coresmobitry and a lant jog 10-15 on ther saturdays to help with recovery Brercise ‘Reps [Welaht| Distance| Time | Rest [Notes [Dany Overview anu Dose Advice Day 26 7 BoaT-oO = a [roam Roter Cireul 7 DorGo:25] 0 se Iramstiing Foss 34 Ose [supine Kick Over 39 Ozee] leur se yt Oe) [s0r30 wi Opener | Ose) (Motity ip Fear ie yt Oech necting Adauctor Pulse 4 O sec) Loaded Ancie Moby 4 Oech [tanaing Kip CAR mE) Ozee) utters Ltt OF I Oech Posterior ui OFF 3] Oec} loveriesd Deep Squat Progression [3 zee [besdbua Rocker series Ta Ose (coremeetandancies Tinigand Ancie Turn 3 Oza) [Ba Vinci Plank 5] DaaezS| ose (Gereeet and Ankles ichael jackson leans 7] Tee) [Rp Through Patef Press a) Ozeef [fereiFeetandAnkies [independent Toe Raises Sa Ose Cannan anuannie Pash rough Tan TI Oza "Trainer Notes NF V Sit 7 sec contraction/L0 second ctretch held =1 repetition. Complete 3 eps trish the set '90/90 Hip Open: (complete 7 reps each side on the reach through. Then complete 7 reps each ski on the hip opener to comple the set (Rip Through Pallot Press "you dont have 2 cable machine, uso a rasstance band. ifyeu don't have 2 resistance bang, skp this exercice Independent Toe Raises: Pushing bly toe down for 3 seconds, then iting big tee while pushing other 4 toes down ~ 1 repetion Do beth feet at the same time, yeu do nat have te do lane at time acl onomed inthe video, “Aikarnate Exerases Frere ‘alternate Exercises | Sets | wens | weight | Distance [Time | nest nates ‘Ba Vinet Plank [5a Pan (Atarnato) Ei Do CoTs al The Vert Code- Elite Phase 1 Week 1, Day 3: Phase 1: Jump Mechanics and Pool Work Workout Date: ‘Total Workout Tims Plan Recommendations | would sonal recommend geting acess to tre pocl. Homever, you can't get Loa pool! want you ta skip that section of the workout ad set co al of your Jumping mechanics exercises for the day Fer the pool exerccos want the water te bo around Belly button baight {We are NOT acting reos tothe pool exercises throughout tis phase. | want you to focus an intensityimax intent on all reps and staying exoosive the whole set for every exerise Trercive ‘Sats [Reps [Weight [Distance [Time [Rest Water warm [bal OverviewiNinimum Ocse Advice: Day 3] 005000] == wi [Bynamie warmup nl ri PPenutimate Acceloation a Soe [Mechanics Ivechanvcs emer 4 Tria] [Penutirate Max Touch a TOO mi [penukirmate Hurd Hop 3 1.30 in (Mechanics St Appresch Jump a 100 min I Approach Touch 3 100 rin Poot Fron xnes 7Z Doo] ose [Exolosive Flexion Extension 29] Ose] Poot wall side cireurt DESLET i1_2t oe [rtermafentarnal Rotator [a Tze: Poot [Sonneries zd soe [eroce(Creee PogoTune 39 Tozer] [Gnear Knee Drive fo Spead [a 30 ser] Poot [Gnear knee Drive for Feight [a 30 seq Ir Leg Pause ume 3] ad soe: Flutter Fatigue jumo ;| Dawes] — oseq if you nave 2 loopod power bands, te them together te gat more room. If you de not have the bands, per‘orm this same drill wtnout the bands (Penultimate Hurdle Hop: loowrvback=1 rep (Futter Fatigue Jump 15 sacond flutters + 5 jurnps = 1 set. Complete 5 sets without resting. We are tying to bull explosion capacity (ou billy to stay explosive wnen we've fatioves, The Vert Code- Elite Phase 1 Week 1, Day 4: Phase 1: Jumpers Mobility/Core/Feet and Ankles Workout Dat Plan Recommendations For today’s core workout It’s al about quay ove’ quantity! These axetcses aren't going to dive you the same burn that hundreds of crunches might give you, ut they Wit Tead t Improved athleticism! otfanklos exerccas Is nest todo those baratoct Pay attention tothe rep ranges as we will increase the reps on some ofthese dil week to week throughout this phase. “Ts workout Is scheduled fr tuestayinursaay Our you can cempete ths Workout 3x per Week IF yOU Mave The time aNd energy! Mos: of ou Rro'SIKe to a0 Coreimobitty and ight Jog 10-15 0n thelr sacuroays to help with recovery Brercise Reps [Weloht|Distance| Time | Rest [Notes [Daly Overview inmnum Dose RACE Day 7a 7 Tear oo] =— mal [ream Relier Creve af ao:0025| ed [ramsirng Foss tq Osecf [Supine Kick Over [iq ‘Oeel lrnrvse 3 ‘Osed [s0r30 nip Opener 7] Deed IMobity hip For i 4 Deed kneeling Adductor Pulse ag Ozed Iroadea ancie Mooiity 4 Ded [Stanging rap CAR 3 Deed [buttery ut oF 14 Osed Posteri or 4 Ose loverhead Dosp Squat Frayression 3 Ozed [besdbua Rocker Seres 74 Osed (coremeet and anties lini Band Ankle Tur 34 Deed [ba vinci Flank Fi aemozs| Ose (Cereeetand Ankles ichaet jackson leans 7 Deed) [ip Through Pale Press 5 Deed [fereeetandAnkies [independent Toe Raises 37 Osed Cannan andAanie Pasar Theush Tum 7 Deed [one Lag tue Ly 4 i a see "Fralner Notes? PREV Si: 17sec contraction/10 seconé stretch hold =1 repetition. Completa 3 eps t finish the set {20/90 Hip Opener: {Complete 7 reps each side onthe reach through. Then corrlete 7 reps each side onthe hip apener to complete the set. {nip Through Pallot Press 1 you dent have a cable machina, use 2 resistance band. you don't have a resitance bar, ckp this axarece Independent Toe Raises: Pushing big toe down for 3 seconds, than lifting big toe while pushing ather 4 toes down ~ 2 repetition. Do both feet atthe same time, you de not have to de lene at a tine se showed in the video “Alternate Exercises Erercise “alternate Exerc Sets_[_neps [ weight | bistance [Time ‘Da Vine Prank da Prank erate] 5] o0:0075 Total Workout Tims Lets bull ue base! Tis phase is essential fr long ces atnletic development Keen In mind I you haven't been exercising intensely on a consstent basis Dilot te this program, you may need to start Body eight on every exercise and/or cut back oF Sets. Liste Lo yout body an train according tb your current Atness level Rememer ro cick “se notes and alternative exercises" near the top. Some exercises have “alternative exercises” that can be done i you dost have the ‘equipment ora panicular exercise. ay attertion te the circus highlighted in blue! fs highlighted in blue that meane youll perform the exerci censacutively- le TKE Partial Squat, move straight inte Shoulder Elevated Hip Bridgo, chen meve straight into Split Stance Groove Ses. Ifthe axareze lz NOT highlighted, and its just eroyjwhie, that ‘arece shoul be partrmoe by lait A greyfunta bloce does net mann ta kis supersst er iret IMPORTANT nete: You will be using a modified vetsien ofthe 2 ep rule. This means that on stint exercisas yeu should cheese a weight that brings you witvn 2 reps of fallure. Se tne exercise caled for 10 reps, but when you get done withthe set you feel Eke yau could nave dare 12 than the weight is probably {ec ight and we snould go heavier. Alot ofthe exerciser the phace se ometrc held, so judge Dased on fatigue Ifthe dificly ccs tan 37 on scale oF 1-10 you may noad to ada weight-On the occliacing squats, we ehouid gets good tum in tho fgeigutes but fm nat too cancerned we reaching tire Decause miss mere about teaching your Doty now te contracureiax appropriately and teach aarly acceleration out ofthe bottom ofthe squat. Remember. we ever sactifice out fer for mare weir! ‘ico, me NEVER push past technical faye. This means that che weight c ce heavy that your ferm braaks down, stop the axore Completing repetitions th poor form. ‘Tate & no Donat te Keap in mind that vertical jamp training Is NOT endurance traning, which means you dent naed to rush your sets. Use the rest time tool en the app or en your stopwatch If your rast time i up and you STILL fea fatigued, tke a litle longer brea Ir aty exercise causes oan (ther than normal muscle fatigue) ry to find arctner alternative or sk the exercise completely. you are unsure of your form ASK ferhelp from qualied trainer so that you dent injure yourselt. ach time you compete this workouts try to Incraace the weight Used, Getting stronger I ALL abeut progressive overcad cei you stay atthe same weight for the Tu phase you won't get stionger. For strength aorkouts ALWAYS track your werkouts on the app OR print out and Bring to the gym. You should never It weight without it being tracked. This way tha next time you do ths workeut youl know whst weigheto usa ta encura propar prog/ecion. Exercise Sate [ Rope | Weight | Distance [Time [Raat water [Daly Overvew)inimam Dase Avice 7 [7 [Foam Rover Creu 7 ao:nozs| = mia) Joynamic warmup yy i Fart Squat 2] Teeel ‘superset [Snoulder Elevated Sage March of Sand Ful 3 nil [Spit Stance Groove Sat 7 TOROTO| ToT mil [Stemating Ankle Hop 7 90:00:35] 00 mi] 0.00.35 [Standing Vertear ume a Taam [spvstice Lateral Dal 4 0 mi loscittina Savat-Or- Cable Pal Threugh 3] a] 1.00 min [RFESS ira Held Rope | $00 mr Hyperextension Hold Piste Dep 3] a] 00 fone Leg Functional Cair raise 3] a] 30sec [Seven Eleven Breathing 7 WooRGO| mil [ate Suetzh 7 00:00:15] ——— min) Foam roting or other self massage techniques are optional BCI st‘onoly acvise ding prior to Your dynamic warmup to increase range of mot "TRE Partial Squat | you don't nave the band, co the cama pari! cquat jwisen) trom partormsetter cer cise without the band. Any cuper band chau wert for this exerces. | use a black cuperband (2 inch ‘Shoulder Elevated Bri march of Band Pull: WYeu have two choices fr this exercise. You can choose the Shoulder Elevated Brae March, or the Band Kneeling Pul Through (alternative exercic). ‘Aikarnating Ankle Wop (Get rough a rinimum of sets here. you have the time and energy increase to 3 sets. ‘Standing Vertical Jump, {Get trrougn a minimum of 2 sats neve. you have the time and energy Increase to 3 Ses. Alm for €reps minimum. you have the time and energy you can (oe 8 reps per see (Oscillating Squat -OF Cable Pull Through \erterm the occtacing squat t youre Knees are Nealhy. Ht you have any type af knoe pala, choose the atarmatve exorcke “Cable Pu Through” co ean mare {aUgh the hip which less

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