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Class Rules Rationale Consequences Rewards

1.    Be kind 1.    Being kind to 1.    General 1.    5 extra credit
everyone in the reminder points in the next
2.    Have your classroom will avoid exam
materials ready behavioral issues 2.    Individual
and will make a great reminder 2.    Be able to listen
3.    Raise your hand to music with one
to speak or get up atmosphere 3.    Time out-in the headphone in while
2.    Having your hallway and have a working
4.    Participate
materials ready will talk
5.    Turn in work on make things go 3.    Good note sent
4.    Bad behavior home
time quicker and less note sent home
distractions 4.    Free pencil or
  5.    Parent contact eraser
3.    This will reduce
the classroom noise 6.    Referral to
level and will let office
teacher know what is
going on
4.    This will let the
teacher know you
understand the work
and will help you
grasp concepts
5.    This will allow
you to get the
maximum points on
an assignment and
you will be all caught

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