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Name: Date: Section:

5.1.1 Media Impact on Body Image: A Letter for Change (20 points)

Directions: In this assignment you will write a letter to a company to advocate to promote
positive body image for kids and teens when creating advertisements.
Remember, it is a common advertising industry practice to use digital tools to enhance all
You may choose from the following images for this assignment. Be sure to indicate which image
that you have chosen.

Figure 1 Abercrombie & Fitch

Grade 10 – Comprehensive Health Education

2018 MCPS
Figure 2: Gap (woman’s jeans)

Figure 3: Gap (jeans for women and men)

Review the rubric for this assignment to insure that you have included all the requirements.

Grade 10 – Comprehensive Health Education

2018 MCPS
Criteria 5 4 3 2
Analyzing Influences The letter fully The letter The letter The letter has no
recognizes recognizes recognizes relevant
relevant relevant influence(s), but influence(s)
influence(s) influence(s). does not provide identified.
(internal and/or Provides a an effective Explanation is
external). general explanation of missing or reveals
Accurately and explanation of how the a
completely how the influence(s) misunderstanding
explains how the influence(s) impacts body of impact of the
influence(s) impact body image. influence(s).
impacts body image.
Suggestions for the The letter has at The letter has at The letter has 2-3 The letter has 1-2
company to promote least 5 least 4 suggestions for suggestions for
positive body image suggestions for suggestions for the company to the company to
for their audience the company to the company to promote positive promote positive
promote positive promote positive body image. body image.
body image. body image.
Discuss the health The letter The letter The letter The letter
dangers/impacts of discusses at least discusses at least discusses at least discusses at least
negative body image 5 dangers of 4 dangers of 2-3 dangers of 1-2 dangers of
on their audience and negative body negative body negative body negative body
how it can affect image on their image on their image on their image on their
people of all audience and audience and audience and audience and how
backgrounds/genders how it can affect how it can affect how it can affect it can affect
people of all people of all people of all people of all
backgrounds / backgrounds / backgrounds / backgrounds /
genders. genders. genders. genders.
The letter is at least 3 The letter is 3 The letter is 2 The letter is 1 The letter is less
paragraphs long and paragraphs long paragraphs long paragraph long than 1 paragraph
thoroughly backs up and thoroughly and is somewhat and is not very long and is not at
the argument backs up the convincing. convincing. all convincing to
argument. the company.

Grade 10 – Comprehensive Health Education

2018 MCPS

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