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Candidates should be able to

a) state the domain and range of a function and find the composite functions
b) determine whether a function is one-to-one and find the inverse of a one-to-one function
c) sketch the graphs of simple functions, including piecewise-defined functions

 A relation from set A to set B is the linking of the elements of set A to the elements of set B
 A relation between two sets can be represented by using arrow diagram, ordered pairs and graphs.
 There are 4 types of relations.
i) One-to-one relation
ii) Many-to-one relation
iii) One-to-many relation
iv) Many-to-many relation

 A type of special relation where every object in the domain has only one image.
 Main properties of a functions are :
i) all objects must have one and only one image.
ii) one-to-one relation
iii) many-to-one relation.
 The function f from X to Y can be written as : → or : → .
The set X is called the domain of f is denoted by .
The set Y is called the codomain of f
Range of f is the set containing all the images of the elements ∈ and is denoted by .

A function f is defined by : ↦ 6 − 5, ∈ ℜ.
a) 3,
b) the value of x whose image is −17,
c) 2 2 ,
d) 1− ,
e) the values of x if 2 2 = 1 − .

 Vertical-line Test
-- use to determine whether or not an equation of y in terms of x is a function
a) If there is only one intersection point, the equation is a function
b) If there are more than one intersection point, the equation is not a function

Only one More than one

intersection intersection
point point

1 gohleesiew
 If the domain of a function is not specified. It is usually understood that the domain of the function is
the largest possible domain for which the function is defined.

Example 1 :
Determine if each of the following relations are functions
a) : → + 2 , ∈ ℜ
b) : → 2 + 3 + 2 , ∈ ℜ
c) ℎ: →± − 2 , ∈ ℜ, ≥ 2
Answers :
a) one-to-one relation ; f is a function
b) many-to-one relation ; g is a function
c) one-to-many relation ; h is not a function

Example 1.1 pg 3
State the domain of each of the following functions so that the function is defined.
a) : ↦ −1 b) : ↦ lg − 2 c) ℎ : ↦ −1

1. Linear function graphs
A linear function is defined by = + , ∈ ℜ where m is gradient and c is y-intercept.
∈ℜ; ∈ℜ

>0 <0
Domain = −∞, ∞ x Domain = −∞, ∞ x
0 0
Range = −∞, ∞ Range = −∞, ∞

2. Quadratic function graphs

A quadratic function is defined by = 2 + + , ∈ℜ, ≠ 0.
= 2+ +
= +2 2 −4 +

 If > 0, the quadratic curve has a minimum point − 2 , − 4 .
∈ ℜ; ≥ −
 If < 0, the quadratic curve has a maximum point − 2 , − 4 .
∈ ℜ; ≤ −

Example 1.3 pg 6
Sketch the graph of the function = −1 + 2 . Hence, determine its domain and range.

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3. Reciprocal function graphs
A reciprocal function is defined by = , ∈ ℜ , ≠ 0.

If >0 y If <0 y

= =
x x
0 0

∈ ℜ, ≠ 0; ∈ ℜ, ≠ 0.

Example 1.4 pg 7
Sketch the graph of each of the following functions. Hence, determine its domain and range.
2 4
a) = b) =−

Cubic function graphs

A cubic function is defined by = 3 + 2 + + , ∈ℜ, ≠ 0.

y y
If >0 If <0
3 2 = 3 + 2 + +
= + + +

x x
0 0

∈ ℜ; ∈ ℜ.

5. Graph of an algebraic functions

Function of the form =
(a) When = 1, = which is a straight line.
(b) When is a positive even integer greater than 1, the graph of = is symmetrical about the y-

(c) When is a positive odd integer greater than 1, the graph of = is symmetrical about the

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(d) When = , where p is a positive even integer greater than 1.

(e) When = , where p is a positive odd integer greater than 1.

(f) When is a negative odd integer, the graph is symmetrical about the origin.

(g) When is a negative even integer, the graph is symmetrical about the y-axis.

Example 1.5 pg 8
Sketch the graph of each of the following functions. Hence, determine its domain and range.

a) =2 3 b) =− 4 3
c) ℎ = +2 −3 d) =− + 2 +1 −1

Example 1.6 pg 10
Sketch each of the following graphs for the given domain. Hence determine its range.
a) = 2 , ≥0 b) = , ≥0

Example 2 :
State the range of each function, a) : → + 2, ∈ −2, 2
b) : → 2 , ∈ −2, 2
c) ℎ: → 3 , ∈ −2, 2
Answers :
a) ∈ 0, 4 b) ∈ 0, 4 c) ℎ ∈ −8, 8

Example 3 :
Determine the domain and range of the following functions.
a) : → −2 b) : → +3 c) ℎ : →
1 2
d) : → −1
e) : → −1

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Answers :
a) ∈ ℜ ; ∈ℜ
b) = : ≥− 3, ∈ℜ ; = : ≥ 0, ∈ℜ
c) ℎ = : ∈ ℜ, ≠ 0 ; ℎ = : ∈ℜ, ≠0
d) = : ∈ℜ, ≠1 ; = : ∈ℜ, ≠0
e) = : ≤− 1 ≥1 ; = : ≥0

Example 4 :
Find the range of each of the following functions

a) : → 2 − 3 , ≥ 0 b) : → 2 − 3 + 2, ∈ℜ
b) ℎ: → , ≥0 d) : → ln , > 0
Answers :
a) = : ≥− 3, ∈ℜ b) = : ≥− 4 , ∈ℜ
c) ℎ = : ≥ 0, ∈ℜ d) = : ∈ℜ


The absolute value function is defined by

, > 0,
− , < 0.
The graph of the absolute value function = is such that the part of the graph of = which is
below the x-axis is reflected in the x-axis.

= +1 1 ∈ℜ
= : ≥0, ∈ℜ
-1 0

Example 1.7 pg 10
Sketch the graph of the absolute value function = − 2 . Hence, determine its domain and range.

Example 1.8 pg 11
Sketch the graph of the absolute value function = 2 − 16 . Hence, determine its domain and range.


For the functions in the form , the part of the graph to the left of the y-axis < 0 is the reflection (in
the y-axis) of the part of the graph to the right of the y-axis >0 .

Example 1.9 pg 12
Sketch the graph of =3 − 4.

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Consider the graph of = = 2 y

= 2


a) = − is a translation of the graph of = by k units to the right.

b) = + is a translation of the graph of = by k units to the left.
c) = + is a translation of the graph of = by k units upward.
d) = − is a translation of the graph of = by k units downward.

e) = − ℎ + is a translation of the graph of = .


When the graph of = is reflected in the x-axis, it becomes =− .

2 When the graph of

= 2 is reflected in
x the x-axis, it becomes
0 =− 2 =− 2

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When the graph of = is reflected in the y-axis, it becomes = − .
When the graph of =
3 3 is reflected in the x-
axis, it becomes =
0 − 3 =− 3
3 =− 3
= −

Each different object in a domain X can mapped to a different image in codomain Y under the function f.
a) In symbols :
If 1 = 2 ; where 1 , 2 ∈ X then 1 = 2
b) In graphical :
A straight line drawn parallel with the x-axis intersects the graph of the function only once

There are two or more elements in X with the same image.

f is an onto function if the range of f = codomain of f
: → is an onto function if = ( each element in the range Y must represent an image of an
object in the domain X )

Example 1.10 pg 16
Sketch each of the following graphs. Hence, using the horizontal-line test, determine whether or not each
function is a one-to-one functions
a) = −3 2 b) = +1 3

Example 5 :
a) Show that the diagram above defines a function f from the set X to
-2 ∙ ∙0
the set Y
-1 ∙ ∙1
0∙ ∙2 b) Find
1∙ ∙5 c) If A is a subset of X and = −1, 0, 1 , find
2∙ d) State the domain of f and its range
e) Is the function f an onto function?

Example 6 :
The function f is defined by : → −1 2 + 2 , ∈ ℜ. Show that f is not a one-one function and state
its range. [ : ≥2 ]
State a restricted domain for which the corresponding restriced function 1 has the same range as f but is
one-one. [ : ≥ 1 or : ≤1 ]

A function f is called an even function if − = for all x in the domain of f.
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The graph of an even function is symmetrical about the y-axis.

Example : = 2
− = − 2

= 2

A function f is called an even function if − = − for all x in the domain of f.
The graph of an odd function is symmetrical about the origin or unchanged under a 180° rotation.

Example : = 3
− = − 3

=− 3

Example 1.11 pg 17
Determine whether each of the following functions is an odd or an even function.
a) = b) =2 3

Example 7
1. Show that the following functions are even functions
a) = 2 4 − 2 + 1, ∈ ℜ b) =3+2 , ∈ℜ

2. Show that the following functions are odd functions

5 3 1
b) =3 −2 + , ∈ℜ b) = −2 , ∈ ℜ, ≠0


For any two points in the interval , and 1 < 2 ;
 If 1 < 2 , then is known as an increasing function
Consider the graph of the function = , ≥0

1 < 2 for 1 < 2

 If 1 > 2 , then is known as an decreasing function

Consider the graph of the function = , >0

1 > 2 for 1 < 2

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Example 1.12 pg 17
Sketch the graph of the function =2 +3 2 + 1. Hence, state the domain for each of the function is
a) Increasing, b) decreasing.

Example 8 :
Determine the function =2+ 5− ,0≤ ≤ 5 is increasing or decreasing function in the given
interval. [ decreasing ]

Functions which consist of more than one formula with different domain

Example 9 :
−2, <0
= 2
, ≥0
= : −∞< <− 2, 0 ≥ <∞ -2

= : <− 2, ≥0

Example 1.13 pg 19
Sketch the graph of each of the following piecewise-defined functions.
State the range of each function
1 2
, ≤0
3 +2 , <1
a) = −3 ,0< ≤3 b) = 2
, ≥1
−3 2 , >3

Example 1.14 pg 19
Express = +4 − − 4 is the non-modulus form. Hence,
a) sketch the graph of
b) determine the range of .


Functions can be combined in algebraic operations. However, the domains of the functions involved must
be taken into consideration at all times, so that the combination can be clearly defined.

If : → and : → with domains and respectively:

a) + : → + ; Domain of + is ∩
b) − : → − ; Domain of − is ∩
c) ∙ : → ∙ ; Domain of is ∩
d) : → , ≠0 ; Domain of is ∩ , excluding the values of x for which

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Example 10 :
Given that ℎ : → 2 2 + 3 + 2 , ∈ ℜ and : → − 2 , ∈ ℜ. Show if each of the following
relations is a function.
a) h x + k x b) h x − k x

c) ℎ ∙ d)

Answers :
a) h x + k x = 4x2 + 4x b) h x − k x = 2x2 + 2x + 4
3 2 ℎ 2 2+3 +2
c) ∙ℎ =2 − −4 −4 d) = −2

Example 11 :
2 1
Given that = −1, −2≤ < 4 and = +3
, 0< ≤ 5.

Find the function a) ℎ = + b) =

2 1 1
[ℎ = −1+ +3
; :0 < <4 ] [ = +3 2 −1 ; :0 < <4, ≠1 ]

Example 12 :
The functions g and h are defined as follows
: → 2 , ∈ℜ
ℎ: → −1 , ∈ℜ
State the domain and range of each of the following algebraic operations such that it is a function
a) +ℎ b) −ℎ c) ∙ℎ
d) ℎ
e) + 2ℎ

Solution :
a) +ℎ = 2 + −1 , ∈ℜ
+ℎ ∈ − ,∞

b) −ℎ = 2 − +1 , ∈ℜ
−ℎ ∈ ,∞

c) ∙ℎ = 3 − 2 , ∈ℜ

∙ℎ ∈ ℜ

2 1
d) ℎ
= −1
= +1+ −1
, ∈ℜ, ≠1
Let = −1
−1 2 − 2 1 −2
= −1 2
= −1 2
; ∈ −∞, 0 ∪ 4, ∞

e) + 2ℎ = 2 +2 −2 , ∈ℜ

+ℎ ∈ −3, ∞

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Consider the two functions : → and : →

g Notes :
1. ≠
2. =
3. ≠ ∙

 The composite function is denoted by °

° : → , ∈ s
 For ∘ to be defined, the range of f must be a subset or a set equal to be domain of g, ⊆
The domain for the composite function ∘ is the domain of f.
 For ∘ to be defined, the range of g must be a subset or a set equal to be domain of f, ⊆
The domain for the composite function ∘ is the domain of g

Example 1.15 pg 24
Given the functions = and = 2 + 9,
a) Determine the domain and the range of i) ii)
b) Explain why ° exists
c) Find ° and determine its domain and range

Example 1.16 pg 26
The functions f and g are defined by : ↦ − 1 and : ↦ 2 − 1.
a) Determine the domain and range of both f and g. Hence, explain why ° does not exist.
b) Determine the domain of g so that ° exists.

Example 1.17 pg 27
The functions f, g and h are defined by : ⟼ +2
and : ↦ respectively.
a) State the domain of f and g.
b) Find the composite function ° and state its domain.

Example 13 :
The functions f and g are defined as follows
: → 2 , ∈ℜ g: →2 +3 , ∈ℜ
Find the composite function ° and °
[ ° : → 2 2 + 3, ∈ℜ; ° : → 2 +3 2 , ∈ℜ ]

Example 14 :
The functions f and g are defined by : → , ∈ ℜ, ≥0 , g: → 2 −9, ∈ℜ
a) State the range of f and g.
b) Define the function g°f and state its range
c) Explain why the composite function f °g does not exist

Answers :
a) = : ≥0 = : ≥− 9

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b) ° : → −9, ∈ℜ, ≥0 ; ° = : ≥− 9
c) = : ≥0 = : ≥− 9
⊈ , the composite functions f °g does not exist

Example 15 :
The functions f and g are defined by : →2− 2 , ∈ℜ, >0
g: → , ∈ℜ, >0
Explain why the composite function ° cannot be defined.
Find the largest domain of f such that the function g°f is defined.

= −∞ , 2 = 0, ∞
⊈ , the composite functions gf cannot be defined
When = 0,2 , = 0, 2
Therefore, for the function g°f to be defined, the largest domain of f must be 0, 2

Example 16 :
The function g is defined by : → , ≥0.
Determine the function f if ° = , ∈ℜ [ : → 2 , ∈ℜ]

Example 17 :
The function f is defined by : → −2 , ∈ℜ.
Determine the function g if ° = 2−6 +1, ∈ℜ [ : → 2 −2 −7, ∈ℜ]

Example 18 :
Given that the function : → 2 + 1, the function g if
a) the composite function f °g is ° : → 6 + 11 [ : →3 +5]
1 2
b) the composite function g∙f is : → −1 , ≠ 1 [ : → −3 , ≠ 3 ]


The inverse functions −1 is defined as −1 : → , ∈ ℜ.

The condition for a function f to have an inverse is that, over the given domain and codomain f is a one-to-
one function

x =

−1 −1 −1

−1 = ; −1 =

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The properties of inverse functions are:
−1 −1
a) =
−1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1
b) ° = and =
−1 −1
c) = =


The graphs of and are symmetrical about the straight line = . y
y y
=2 +1 =
= =

= = 3 +1 1
0 x -1 0 1
= −1 3
2 = −1
= −1


A function which is not one-to-one can have an inverse function is we restrict the domain of the function so
that it is one-to-one.
Consider the function : ↦ 2 , ∈ ℜ, which is not one-to-one.
But if we were to restrict the domain of f to only : ∈ ℜ, ≥ 0 ,
then the function : ↦ 2 , ∈ ℜ, ≥ 0 can have an inverse function because it is now one-to-one.

− −
−1 −1
The functions and have the same rule since they are the inverse of each other.
= , ∈ −1

= , ∈
−1 −1
In general, ≠ because they have the different domains

Example 1.18 pg 30
A function f is defined by : ↦ 3− .
a) Find .
b) Determine the domain and the range of
i. . ii. .
c) On the same axis, sketch the graphs of = and = .
d) What is the relationship between the graphs of = and = .

Example 1.19 pg 31
A function f is defined by: ↦ − 2 3 , ∈ ℜ.
a) Explain why inverse function exists for f. Hence, find .
b) Determine the domain and the range of −1 .
c) On the same axis, sketch the graphs of = and = .

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Example 1.20 pg 32
The function g is defined by : ↦ 2 +1 .
a) Sketch the graph = .
b) State the domain of g so that exists. Determine the corresponding range and codamain of g.
c) Hence, find −1 . Determine the domain and range of −1 .
d) Sketch the graphs of = and = −1 based on the domains and ranges determined in (b)
and (c).

Example 19
−1 −1
The function f is defined by : →2 −3, ∈ ℜ. Show that exists and find .
−1 +3
[ : → 2
, ∈ℜ]

Example 20
Find the inverse of each of the following functions, indicating its domain
−1 −5
a) : → 3 + 5, ∈ ℜ [ : → 3
, ∈ ℜ]
2 −1 2+3
b) : → −3
, ≠3 [ : → , ≠ 0]

Example 21
Find the inverse function for each of the following functions and sketch the graph of each function and its
inverse on the same diagram.

−1 −3
a) : → 2 + 3, ∈ ℜ [ : → 2
, ∈ ℜ]
1 1
b) : →− , ∈ ℜ+ [ −1
: →− 2 , ∈ ℜ− ]

Example 22
The function f is defined by : → 2 −2 , ≥ 1.
−1 −1
Show that f has an inverse function . Find and sketch both graphs on the same diagram.
[ : →1+ + 1, ≥− 1]

Example 23
The function f is defined by : → − 3 2 , ∈ ℜ.
Explain why f does not have an inverse.
By making an appropriate change to the domain of f , define a function g, with the same rule as f which has
an inverse function .
Express in terms of x.
[ : →3+ , ≥ 0]

Example 24
Functions f and g are defined by
: → 2 2 + 3, ∈ ℜ
: → 2 , ≥2
Find for ≥ 0 and deduce the inverse function of g for ≥ 0.
[ = ; −1
=2 2 + 3, ≥ 0]

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