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Z-920 | 1 I 82 12020-Coord.

Govemment of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,

New Delhi the 29s October, 2020


1. All Heads of Postal Circles,

2. Director, RAKNPA, Ghaziabad- 201 002'
3. Directors, all PTCs.

(National Unity Day)" - regarding'

Subject: observance of "Rashtriya Ekta Diwas


aut"a zOiO.zOZO received no. ffo.. Secreiary, Govemment of India on the above
mentioned subject and to .onu"y tttutttt" Uittl *"ry-1*f^of Late Sardar Vallabhai Patel has
"Rashtriva Ekta Diwas (National Unitv Dav)" on 3l't october'
and thereafter' the
2. A senior ofltcer may administer the pledge to all the employees
Anthem. The bi-lingual
lr*, .oncluded wiih-the ."ir"",ir. singilng or tne National
-uy-u"..Rashtriya pt ta oi*u, pledge,' iJ enclosed. The Run for Unity, which was
text of the
is not being organized this year' in view of Covid-l9'
social distancing' wearing of
3. Necessary preventive measures such as maintaining
by ttre Ministry of Health and Familv
and other measures * pr.r"ril.J-i"J .Z.o*-""ri"d
Welfare should be adhered to

Encl.: as above.


Assistant Director
Td 1TBq
Home Socretary
AJAY B , IAS qrtd 11-{?Ft{ (PoBts)
Govornmsnt of lndia
ov. -9.... Norlh Block,
l0 )in
qtq+q qqt
oare............P..) New Delhi

D.o. No. 1-19034/01/2020-M-II "2\d

)q 20th october

""*;;H1 Rashtriya Ekta Diwas or Natio nity Day on 31 5a

october serves to reinforce oru commitme[t to stengthen the security, unity an

integrity of our counhy. It not only commemorates the birth araiversary of sardar
Valiabhbhai Patel the architect of national integration of independent India, but
also re-affirrns the inherent strength and resilience of our peopie to withstand
threats to the securify, unity and iutegrity ofthe country.

2. To marl< the celebration of the National unity Day-2020, the Rashtriya Ekta
Diwas Parade, with participation from State police force & CA-pFs, is being
organized on 31't October,2Q20 at tho Statue of Unity, Keva<liya, Gujarat. The
Run for Unity, which was organized last year, is not being organized this year, in
view of covid-19. However, we are hopeful that we shall soon overcome all odds
and will organize the Run fbr Unity from next year on.,vards.

3. The union Honre Ivlinister has ah'eady wr itten to union iVlinisters to

celebrate Rashtiya Ekta Dilvtrs - 2020 with enthusiasm and {brvour (copy
enclosed), observing the covid-19 guidelines ard following due precautions.

4, In view of spread of Covid-l9 pandemic, while organizing various

progfammes or activities for the Rashtriya Ekta Diwas celebrations, it is impcrative
to follow ceftain preventive rneasures such as maintaining social distancing,
u,earing of maslcs, proper sanitization, avoiding large cr:ngregations, protecting
vulnerable persons, etc,; and olher as prescribed and recommended by
the Ministry of Health & Family Wetfare, Therefore, all programmes should be
organized in a way that large congregation ofpeople is avoided and technology is
used in the best possible manner tbr celebration befining the occasion. The events
organized could be web-cast in order to reach out people at large, who are not a.ble
to participate. It would also be appropriate that covid-l9 warriors like doctors,
health workers, sanitation workers, etc., are invited in the ceremony as a
recognition oftheir noble service in fight against Covid-l9 pandemic.

Contd .. ... .p/2

1D rFn (<to ffi std)

* kiqt..... .!s

IB 39Vd xvl 3d rrqE6aEz eetEl azaz lar /zz


pandemic, I request you to
Govemment from time to time in respeot of Covid-I9
it., O"ioU.r, 2020 in a befitting ruuurer with enthusiasm and fervour, as advised
the letter of Union Home Minister. A Pledge taking ceremony may
also be
orgaoized to mark the occasion. The text of the "Rashtriya
Ekta Diwas Pledge" is

With regards,
Yours sinc,erely,

Encl, As above le to

Secretaries to all Ministries / Departments of Govt' of India
(As per list attached)

za 39vd xvl cd rLgt;gez Ee:tl az@z lar lzz

# q-rqft-dr fr fdr { fu fi tt.( ff rFfi?rT,
3rGiEET sitq gleil' m) ,qarcr [qi + fta €il{i 6t +rqftH

3ik 3rq-fr tgrflrffii +' 'fiq q-o' qiilel $dTt +r afr


srftrn q"rifr q,tant fi qo qrqq 3rqfr tet Sr ('6ai fir

en?rfrr tt rrr { ffi qtd fiI ({dfehT
sccru awerur$
t,ti fird EFI{I +ierq e-arur sr wrll fi 3{Eri tqr fir
3ltaftfi g{eiT gFR-d-d 6{* *. ft(r sTwTr *rTEIa +.{n
q'r afr q-flBrr6r fr ,HEF.1 q16; (l


solemniy pledge that I dedicate myself to
preserve the. unity, integrity and security of the
nation and also strive hard to spread this message
arnong my fellow countrymen. I take this pledge in
the spirit of unifi.cation of my country which was
made possible by the vision and actions of Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel. I also solemnly resglve to makg
my own contribution to ensure internal security of
my country.


I/ *i*
erfuo flrs

er.sff:q.d. w{-r sos+/orzzozo-gcotr{- rr

ffiq're $rqqr, zo2o

ffi atif O rsqr qS orqEy ft trd qra+ fts-€. ar{6

s-dBft d B fu o s.1 r. c..

{qq qdfinr & ftrcrflr vcan ceqqtrr{ q?o +1 qtffi fr' sq fr qFF. tnsfiq
qedr B{s &'sq t rfr Tt esr fr Eifufl-s }'srq qirqr qrfl'tr oq s*fr
tsHIRdf fu ftrq rrna a1!Fq[, qd-dr cil{ ,ir€i6dr o1 uv*T eri g-+ vquur qrq
wt at e1q4 qfrsdrr E] uir olu-o gG o-{i ffr q6 q-r s-en+ uffss. t r

frsr fu' enc srqfr B ffi p-s €-ft t Wi Erq @1ft-s- r g rronl$ t W
€r e cfu q$ ildr Esh ft-dn fu sti wgftr sq-qm rS tro qmr t r oqT{T tsr
qrmq.c-ol b slq rs tf tro q'Frqrfl ff T
efl -qfl ft-{ q61 fr I qirqq' u'wq* & gxro
tq-o q,i mfqRfu TqT {s t-d s{b anr ftq,r q qi d w e1 gfi, clw, sFt,
-:fu .rs ilm' T{r{ rfl, as iffi" m r&' fr' olruT enq rnw Brs fr o}Bs- r s
fr1 c-s-d fr q-d-S effi tr qna fr e1tre-r o ot gq at vrfr o-q sfr{ qt€a mq
., q{' BsE fr s{S qfho t r qg ss Ec dril fr alra qear, qi-fqrur sh{ enq$ s€rE
Td veqlT aql qt-{+q sqnli* m b p-as q*
qq qTTH{ b a-nur fl qcra fr
gq qRcH' q', qO qt enqqq-s' E-FT,fu ,Eq r1qltr q+TI Ef,q trt
BI q-dq61
croft gq gcflrd qti sqrr +- qF{ qqTe r EHftq qE ffi-d 6}Tr fr o1tre- r g q-drqlfi
b' uqm &' qt{q{, gs qd rTqq qfr?r Aas + s{dsi w qd sff Et Lffi ,,rq qi{
{iC}" ET eflfrq q ftqr qrq Efu:dldm,rJti ffiqq qTqfr fr qlqq { dl q t r

q-f,dr ftlqq 6 ghq e1 q;I-q?I dm,gfrqT;rer Orf +nqn t fu oq o1ffe q-s

qe fl ft-qq sT q fi At .+{ o{.ft ES gT:'"iT sfr qH-S" e'r on-*qq Ttt r


Office : Ministry of Homerfff6trF,4\bith8tock, r,rew Delhi-110001

re r. : zso sza6{l,fls.0ffiffi ax: i zsos4zz1

fB fgvd xvird 1L9E66eZ EE:EI AZAZ lAl /ZZ

Continuation Sh8et ........,..............

3 1 €{qw, 2020 chl TrGI gfus qm elt{Hq qqmgfrq'ssj 61 c.rn.frEr$'

t +g &trqr Efr'6, ffi qr, fr rrqq qtrdr R-+s t'te vr .itftqq BqT qr
w Bt rim{iq uenqq* * Ts *s El rrf,r$ frt siri vcsR q}s ft1uftq1qn
q{-Eqr }' lrn{ ffi +1 e}< t r€ *rer-gm erffia' mtt r

t'{r cfrq$ €r{frE B ffi ilfisrt 31 srqtt-{, zozo o1 qtar frm rffi
qpf ser6, udrr \d e]trs-1e b fr{r-ftffi b fidrin' T{rt & dfr fr qrq .3ictr
qrlts{ fr1 BETfuBd +rdmdf &. sn{-srq qrr q€Hd e,.da.c aflmfud qr$ fu
fdq sBfr' fresr t ei{ sf,*.r qrHq Et'-
(D qr$c qodr fr+s srqq q-6-ur ETdffq; u$u q-mdr f6aq'qrqE fl'
(ii) q6-or, +r<iscr efrr gqurol qrq{r,e]ITw*ft rrflqo-Gfu Rqqw
gRs sn{ q"Trffqr$qd6a e;qg$RrfrExr 31 crqs{, 2020
' +tqTqfr sld-cr€6r.rrtfuqr
uqrnft&'qs{ q{ .llrt q-6drG Gh-smMse{ qsgd{8, ES
ernn fr qM fi e[qQ q"{tu ET-dr { fr o1trs-r, 6 q*x-fiffi or qrcq E-G
gq 1i,qq \rs-dr Res fr1 ts-ssrd $f s{q fu .q-rq ffi I

TIT{{ !


snrd srfrR fi' Teft

+fi{ r*

90 f9vd TlgegaEz eetel Bzaz ial /42

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