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The Forever Man:

The Definitive Guide To Male Stamina

Guilt Begone

by Lawrence Lanoff

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Guilt Begone

Guilt Begone

Let’s get something clear from the outset. We all have various
responsibilities that we have to learn to accept and live with, but quite
simply, life should not be all about pain and suffering and does not have to

In fact, I would argue: Life is about learning to cultivate pleasure.

Unfortunately, all too many people needlessly feel guilty about sexual
pleasure, their bodies, and their genitals.

This can be for several reasons, maybe you had a religious upbringing, or
maybe you were brought up to believe that life is all about hard work and
sacrifice. Or maybe there is some other reason you have felt the need to
deprive yourself in the past.

The endless stream of abuse a person can give themselves via inner talk
would not remotely be acceptable if it were directed at another person –
and yet many people still give themselves a hard time when it comes to
pleasurable and enjoyable experiences.

One of my favorite exercises for bringing this agro-mind-talk phenomenon

into conscious awareness is having a person stand naked in front of a
mirror and listen closely to the inner voices that come up about their body.
Who we believe we are on the inside tends to come to the forefront when
we are faced with viewing our naked skin on the outside.

Like many of us, our self-esteem regarding our bodies can be very
negative and aggressive. I have a male friend who, when looking at
himself in the mirror, has said, “I am a fat pig”.

However, if you learn about sexual empowerment, sexual expansion, and

freedom – something amazing happens: those inner voices of the mind get
very, very quiet.

Guilt Begone

We Are Sexual Beings

Learning to discover this for myself has taught me that the secret to a quiet
mind is pleasure, bliss, and orgasm. These things are highly underrated for
adding to our sense of well-being. I’m not certain how they got such a bad
rap, but I’m sure it has something to do with the fact that happy, sexually
empowered people are much harder to control and certainly do not like to
be told how to feel or not feel in their own bodies.

Whatever the reason, as far as I’m concerned, it’s time for a change. After
teaching my friend some basic orgasmic touch and breathing exercises, I
asked him who he thought he was NOW. As it turns out, when he is in his
orgasmic bliss – the question of self is irrelevant. In our bliss, deep,
unanswerable questions seem out of place and out of touch.

A Brief History of Evolution and Premature Ejaculation

This is my own theory of why premature ejaculation is so prevalent. In a

nutshell – our ancestors had to have sex fast. Certainly one could argue
that the most vulnerable times we’d experience to our safety were when
we were sleeping and when we were having sex. So, evolution said, if you
are going to do it, you need to be able to do it fast. Sis. Boom. Bah.

Let’s face facts...

Most people masturbate … or would like to. Discouraging a natural part of

the sexual experience is a ridiculous concept. And it can have negative

For example, could the problem of premature ejaculation be caused by the

fact that during early masturbatory experiences some men felt the need to
‘get off’ at a record rate of speed in case they got caught? Can you see
how that might affect them all through life?

All those quickie sessions under the covers, in the shower, in the bathroom
may have just trained your nervous system to become an expert in coming

Guilt Begone

Would it not make sense to teach adolescent boys (as I was taught) to take
their time and hold back in order to make them better lovers when they
eventually become fully sexually active?

Masturbation can benefit us in numerous psychological as well as physical

ways. For example, it can:

• Help to relieve stress and tension

• Serve as an outlet for when you need sexual relief as opposed to

full-on intimacy with a lover

• Be beneficial if you and your partner have different sexual


Unfortunately for most people, good masturbation techniques are rarely

taught; most of us learn what to do by trial and error – however in this
eBook I will finally reveal how to masturbate more effectively so you can
experience lots of orgasms, stronger orgasms, and become the much
better lover you have always had the ability to be. Wouldn’t that be

Orgasm, sex, and pleasure can help us to literally redefine our identities.
Sexual pleasure either alone or with a partner or partners can be a
transcendent experience, allowing us to briefly escape the physical
limitations of our bodies. We can fly free and have our whole body
nourished by the experience with lasting affects to our overall sense of

So before we begin, let’s get rid of any guilt now and free ourselves from
limiting notions that too much pleasure is a bad thing. Life doesn’t have to
be so punishing – we are essentially sexual beings – it’s natural.

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