The Forever Man: The Definitive Guide To Male Stamina: The Ins and Outs of Holding Back: Mastering "Injaculation"

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The Forever Man:

The Definitive Guide To Male Stamina

The Ins and Outs of Holding Back:

Mastering “Injaculation”

by Lawrence Lanoff

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The Ins and Outs of Holding Back

The Ins and Outs of Holding Back:

Mastering “Injaculation”

The natural, instinctive goal of a sexual encounter is pleasure. During

pleasure, men naturally strive to ejaculate because, and sorry for stating
the obvious, ejaculation is an essential part of the perpetuation of life.

So as a basic instinct, ejaculation is desirable; however as humans have

evolved, sex has stopped being purely about cumming quickly and has
turned into more of an art form.

And this is where the idea of IN-jaculation comes in, no pun intended.
Injaculation is the process of preventing ejaculation while simultaneously
experiencing the feeling of an orgasm – sometimes referred to as a dry
orgasm, or an energetic orgasm.

It is thought that the techniques used to do this were devised by monks

from the ancient Taoist civilizations, and that they developed the
techniques as a form of contraception. That’s right folks, monks at one
time at least, used to have amazing sex!

Although there is no proof that injaculation was first devised by Taoist

monks, much has been written and speculated about on this subject.

To understand the concept of injaculation you first need to fully

understand the process of ejaculation.


So back to the birds and the bees basics. When you ejaculate, you produce

Sperm is manufactured in the testes. When we ejaculate, sperm are

propelled from the epididymis, a coiled tube at the back of the testicle that
stores sperm. Sperm leaves the epididymis and travels along a duct known

The Ins and Outs of Holding Back

as the vas deferens. This carries the sperm upwards from the scrotum
towards the penis.

On its way, fluids from the seminal vesicles (a pair of tubular glands
located near the prostate gland) and the prostate gland dilute the sperm.
This formed fluid provides the perfect environment for sperm to survive
the acidic environment of the female reproductive tract.

Tiny glands, called bulbourethral glands, secrete a clear, thick fluid that
drains the urethra when a man becomes sexually aroused. This is often
referred to as pre-cum and is thought to cleanse the urethra before
ejaculation and act as a sexual lubricant.

Finally semen passes into the urethra and out of the head of the penis –
yes, yes, yes – uhhhhhggggggg gurrrgle! Pant, pant.

Know Yourself

Understanding the male sexual organs

Most of us are familiar with the penis and the testicles as the male sexual
organs, but there are other parts of your sexual anatomy that are important
when considering advanced masturbation techniques. These include:

The Prostate Gland – This gland is located at the center of your pelvis,
above the perineum and just behind the pubic bone. A healthy prostate is
necessary for male health and well-being. A healthy prostate will also
enhance your sexual well-being.

The function of the prostate gland is to provide lubrication during

ejaculation. Fluids secreted by the prostate are added to the semen and
other fluids involved in ejaculation. Interestingly, these fluids help to
increase the PH levels in the vagina, making it a more hospitable
environment for fertilization.

The prostate has been likened to the G-spot in women as it is highly

sensitive and stimulating; this area can heighten your levels of sexual
pleasure. Like the G-spot the prostate becomes engorged and extremely

The Ins and Outs of Holding Back

sensitive when a man becomes aroused. It also produces fluid when the
male is aroused and contracts to empty itself during ejaculation.

Your Prostate is Your Friend. Pet It Regularly.

If you have never felt your prostate during the process of arousal and
ejaculation, I’m going to give you a homework assignment. Get into a
position where you can insert a finger up your bum, and feel the way the
prostate swells – and becomes super hard – as you cum. It’s an amazing
thing to experience, and will also offer you valuable feedback as to what
your body does physically when you orgasm.

I’ll discuss more techniques to stimulate the prostate later, however you
should be pleased to find out that ejaculation via prostate stimulation is
incredibly powerful and intense. More on that to, er, uh, cum . . .

The PC Muscle – The PC muscle (pubococcygeus) are in fact a group of

muscles that are vital in advanced masturbation. They exist in both males
and females. In the male, the PC muscles surround the prostate gland.
Strong PC muscles mean stronger orgasms, and I’ll share techniques for
strengthening this area later.

The Perineum – The perineum is the area between the anus and the
scrotum and is considered to be the gateway to life and death by the
Taoists. This area is important in advanced masturbation because it plays a
powerful role in delaying and preventing ejaculation.

The Anus – The anus is another powerful sexual area that is packed with
big bundles of highly sensitive nerve endings. Because of its ‘functional’
use as an exit, some people have something of a problem with this part of
the body. As long as the exit is clean prior to any sexual stimulation
(and/or you use a standard latex glove – snap, snap), there is no reason
why you should not include and enjoy sexually exploring the anus.

Injaculation vs. Ejaculation

Many of the ancient myths believe that semen contains the very essence of
man – his vital life force. Taoists, for example, view ejaculating as a loss
of vital male energy and consider it to be a great sacrifice on the male

The Ins and Outs of Holding Back

body. Essentially the belief was that ejaculation depleted the man, so you
can see why Taoist methods for preserving semen were devised. Taoists
wanted to:

1. Find a way to have more powerful orgasms.

2. Experience more satisfying levels of sexual pleasure while

retaining their vital energy.

3. Be able to maintain erections and satisfy their partners.

4. Possibly prevent pregnancy. (Personally, my techniques are

meant for entertainment purposes only – and certainly are not
meant to be used as a form of contraception.)

Hold back and experience more pleasure

The theory is that ejaculation can leave your body drained and that
injaculation can make you feel refreshed and revitalized – whether you are
in your 20s or 30s or in your 50s or 60s.

The natural benefits of injaculation include:

• The body retains sexual drive and energy, meaning that sexual
intercourse can be immediately enjoyed again and again. More
pleasure for you, more pleasure for your partner!

• Endorphins are released just as they are when you ejaculate so

you will still feel amazing.

• The post-sex hormones that leave you feeling fatigued and

drowsy are not released.

• Your sexual organs and entire body is revitalized due to the

increased blood flow and oxygen circulating through your

Learn how to have the stamina of a Sex God

With the techniques outlined in the following chapters you will learn how
to have sexual stamina you can be proud of – very proud of. And with

The Ins and Outs of Holding Back

increased sexual stamina comes increased sexual pleasure – the two go

hand in hand.

Once you have mastered the techniques, it becomes easier and easier to
not ejaculate and no matter what age you are, you could easily be having
sex several times a day. Sex does not have to be draining and exhausting.
It should energize you and make you feel more alive than ever!

But will I ever ejaculate again?

The answer to this is a very loud YES. You can and should ejaculate
frequently as this also benefits your health by keeping sexual fluids
moving and, as I mentioned earlier, ejaculation is vital for strong male
sexual and prostate health.

Quite simply the art of injaculation teaches you how to have better sex
with stronger orgasms, leading to a happier and healthier you in both
mind and body. Who wouldn’t find that invaluable?

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