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Republic of the Philippines \ Department of Education REGION V SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MASBATE PROVIN January 13, 2021 DIVISION, MEMORANDUM No. te: 1 +8. 2021 COVID-19 Referral Process, Testing, and Quarantine Protocols Assistant Schools Division Superintendents Chief ES, Curriculum implementation Division OIC Chief ES, School Governance and Operations Division Public Schools District Supervisors/ In charge of the Districts Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads Unit/Section Heads All Others Concerned Per DepEd Order No. 14, s. 2020 re Guidelines on the Required Health Standards in Basic Education Offices and Schools, this Office hereby issues the COVID- 19 referral process, testing and quarantine protocols effective immediately, to wit: Referral Process a. To assist in carly detection and eventual referral of possible COVID-19 cases, all division chiefs/unit/section/schoo! heads shall ensure the continued operationalization of the Preventive Alert System in Schools (PASS) for COVID-19 per DM No. 15, s. 2020. The PASS involves a systematic reporting of one’s state of health to the appropriate personnel and/or agencies in the locality. b. Symptomatic teachers and personnel shall be evaluated by the school/office health personnel or referred to the nearest barangay /municipal/city health for evaluation or referral to a hospital if needed. ¢. The school/office, through its clinic, shall ensure the provision of referral services and follow up of teachers and personnel to the appropriate health facilities. 4. The immediate superior of personnel suspected for COVID-19 shall immediately notify the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent with the evaluation from the city/municipal health office before undergoing testing and quarantine process. Testing and Quarantine Protocols ; a. This Office shall assist in facilitating the testing of the following: Address: Rodeo Road, Brey. Centro, Masbate City Telephone No.: (056) 578-2544 Website: ‘Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION V ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MASBATE PROVINCE, + teachers and personnel who develop symptoms during the period when they are already reporting physically in school or workplace; have history of travel in a place assessed as having community transmission of COVID-19 in the last 14 days prior to onset of symptoms; or have history of contact with a confirmed or probable COVID-19 case in the last 14 days prior to onset of symptoms. + symptomatic assigned healthcare workers and first responders in the school/office with exposure to the above-mentioned situation. b. Upon detection, and prior to testing or referral to a facility, identified teachers and personnel who fall under the above categories shall be isolated at home. Ifno referral happens, the patients should still remain in isolation for 14 days or until asymptomatic, whichever is longer. c. Asymptomatic personnel with relevant history of travel and close exposure or contact with individuals known to be COVID-19 positive shall complete 14 days of quarantine from the date of last contact with the confirmed case, either at home or in a referral facility. d. Testing beyond those indicated above, whether RT-PCR or rapid antibody-based test kits approved by the FDA shall be done in consultation with a DOH or local government officer, or upon determination of the SDO Medical Officer following appropriate supervision of the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent. ¢. All personnel who undergo a 14-day quarantine and COVID-19 treatment shall secure the following documents validated by the Schools Division Office Medical Officer I, Lea B. Pili MD, as attachment to the Daily Time Record upon retum to duty ‘« Recommendation/referral letter to undergo a 14-day quarantine from the city/municipal health office «Test results from any accredited DOH/LGU testing laboratory (if any) «Health certificate/clearance from the city/municipal health office {. For personnel who travelled outside the province for personal reasons (not work related) without approved leave of absence and undergo a 14-day quarantine as required by the provincial IATF are advised to file official leave of absence to cover the quarantine period. g- For personnel who underwent COVID-19 treatment, the period of absence covering treatment period shall be treated as excused absence upon presentation of the following documents validated by the Schools Division Office Medical Officer III, Lea B. Pili MD: ‘Address: Rodeo Road, Brgy. Centro, Masbate City Telephone No.: (056) 578-2544 Website: . Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION V SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MASHATE PROVINCE © Medical records showing the employee was treated of COVID- 19 signed by the attending physician; and * Medical Certificate showing clearance to report back to work Por information and compliance. NENE RO! CESO V Schools Difision Superintendent Address: Rodeo Road, Brgy. Centro, Masbate City Telephone No.: (056) 578-2544 Website: .

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