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Carmel Convent School Manasa

Quarterly Examination 2020-21

Subject – Economics (030)
Class XI Commerce
Time Allowed 1.30 Hrs. MM :40 Marks
General Instructions-
1.This Question paper contains four sections A B C and D.
2.Section A contained questions from 1 to 10 carrying one mark each.
3. Section B contained Questions from 11 to 12 carrying three marks each.
4. Section C Contained Questions from 13 to 15 carrying four marks each.
5.Section D contained Questions from 16 to 17 carrying six marks each.

Section - A
1.Raju - my corn harvest this year is poor
Krishna - don’t worry prices increase will compensate for fall in the quantity supplied.
Mahak - It affects crop yield some years bad others are good.
Mayur- The government ought to guarantee that our income will not fall.
in this conversation the normative statement is made by
A) Raju
B) Krishna
C) Mahak
D) Mayur
2.The problem how to produce involved choice between consumer goods and capital goods ( true or
false )
3.When marginal utility becomes zero the total utility is__________.
4. The prices of good X rises and the demand for goods Y decreases then the two goods are called.
A) Substitute goods
B) complementary goods
C) Normal Goods
D) Inferior Goods
5. demand curve is parallel to the Y-Axis then elasticity of demand will be______.
6.When AP is maximum, MP is greater than AP ( true or false )
7.As a result of a 20% fall in the price of a commodity its demand rises by 25% calculate price
8.find the mean from the following-
X= 5,8,10,12,15,16,18,20,22,24
9.Price elasticity of salt is ed is greater than one ( true or false )
10.What is the slope of budget line.

Section -B
11.Complete the following table-
Labour TP MP AP
0 0 - 0
1 20 - -
2 - 22 -
3 - - 22
4 88 - -
5 - 17 -
6 - - 20

12. Calculate median-

X= 500,200,100,300,600,400

Section -C
13. A consumer buys 14 units of a good at a price of rupees 8 per unit. At price 7 per unit he spend
rupees 98.calculate price elasticity by Percentage method.
14.Calculate median from the following-
Wages No. Of Workers
0-10 5
10-20 10
20-30 15
30-40 10
40-50 6
50-60 4

15.Explain the situation of budget line rotation in detail.

Section- D
16.Calculate the mode from the following data with the help of grouping method.
Marks Students
0-1 4
1-2 10
2-3 25
3-4 15
4-5 23
5-6 22
6-7 12
7-8 3

17.What are different factors which affect the demand.

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