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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

6:45 PM
MUSIC: Prelude [Choir singing]

6:55 PM
MUSIC: “Were You There”

6:57 PM
NARRATOR: [Narrator has wired mic at his stand.] Welcome to the Church of Our Lady of the Miraculous
Medal. The cast kindly requests that all cell phones be turned off or placed on silent so that those
around you may enjoy the presentation. During the presentation, please do not enter or exit
through the center aisle. Thank you for attending tonight and we hope you enjoy our unique
presentation of the Passion of Our Lord. Unlike other depictions, this account is an incarnation of
the moments leading up to the crucifixion, focusing less on the historical account and more on
the emotional reaction of those who witnessed the world-changing event. Each cast character
wrote their soliloquies. Let us pray:

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Almighty God, may we take from this
portrayal of the Passion of Christ, a deep and abiding love for Jesus and a clearer
understanding of all He did to save us from our sins. May our lives be transformed and be
dedicated to helping others live better lives by our example of faith, hope and love. Let all our
actions reflect a people redeemed by the Love of Our Father who gave His only Son as our
Savior. Let us never forget what we take away in our hearts and let us never become complacent.
Send your Spirit to inspire us to always ask, each and every day, for an increase in Faith, for an
overwhelming love for Your Son and a quickening of our belief as we pray, “I do believe, help
my unbelief!” We ask all this in the name of Your Son, our Lord. Jesus Christ who lives and
reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever. Amen.

Thank you. The play will begin momentarily.

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

SCENE ONE: Garden in Gethsemane

STAGE 2: Initial mic assignments in makeup room: Jesus: Orange; Satan: Yellow; Caiaphas: Red; Woman
in Courtyard: Blue; Peter: White; Herod: Green

Jesus, Peter, Judas, and disciples enter the garden (enter from right of stage) as light fades in.
Satan will enter from behind curtain later in scene.

BACKGROUND: Dark background with rock and shrubs – 2 ficus

7:00 PM
NARRATOR: [Narrator cues start of action]
It is the Passover in Jerusalem, and after the supper, Jesus and the disciples went to the Mount of
Olives. They came to a place named Gethsemane. [Actors enter stage right, narrator pause until
arrival at baptismal font]

Jesus went further in to the garden to pray and took with him Peter, James, and John. [Pause until
actors arrive at center stage]

Jesus began to be troubled and distressed and said: “My soul is sorrowful even to death. Remain
here and keep watch.” [Pause for actors to sit down]

He went a little ways away and fell to the ground and prayed that if it were possible the hour
might pass by him

JESUS: [Orange Mic] [Begins when narrator stops] Father I have prepared the apostles. They argue who
amongst them is greater and who would betray the Son of Man. I fear they do not grasp what will
happen to me, but I do.

Abba.... I'm scared....

Father, let this cup pass from my hands.
My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass me by.

SATAN: [Yellow Mic] Yes-s-s, Son of Man, why should you suffer? What have these ungrateful people
done for you? Have they not questioned you, reviled you. Have they not tried to harm you? Do
not give yourself over for the likes of them. Come! Follow me. Do not spurn me now as you did
in the desert.

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

Oh, how I do recall the desert. You were hungry and I gave you a chance to satisfy that hunger.
All you had to do was command the stones to become loaves of bread. You would have had more
than enough to fill your belly. But you spurned me.

On the pinnacle of the temple, I bade you cast yourself down. Surely, if you had really trusted
your Father He would have sent angels to bear you up. But it seems that you did not trust Him.
You weaseled out of it telling me – ME – not to tempt the Lord. So, a second time, you spurned

And, then I offered you power, enough power that you could have ruled the world. All you had to
do was bow down before me, give me your allegiance, and I would have made you the most
powerful man in the world. Again, you spurned me.

Now I am giving you yet another chance. Give up this madness. Do not give yourself over to the
crucifiers. Follow me.


Abba, not my will but your will be done!
But not my will but yours be done.

SATAN: Fool! You know not what you are giving up. Bah! If you will not follow me, they will – your
disciples. See, even now, they sleep, ignoring your suffering. They are weak. What kind of
friends are they to sleep while you sweat? I will call them to me, and they will come. Yes-s-s,
they will come.

NARRATOR: [Narrator waits until Jesus stands] When he returned he found the others asleep. He said to
Peter, “Are you asleep? Could you not keep watch for one hour? Watch and pray that you may
not undergo the test”. Then he said, “The hour has come. Behold, the Son of Man is to be handed
over to sinners. See, my betrayer is at hand.”

[Apostles get up and go to meet Judas in from of Stage 3 and he comes through with

While he was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived, accompanied by a crowd.

[Pause until Judas starts over to Jesus]

Judas immediately went over to him and said, “Rabbi.” And he kissed him. His disciples
realized what was about to happen. At this, the soldiers laid hands on Jesus and arrested him.

[Pause until Peter walks towards Malchus]

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

Then Peter, who had a sword, drew it, struck the high priest’s slave, named Malchus, and cut off
his right ear.

[Malchus yells.]

Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword into its scabbard. Shall I not drink the cup that the Father
gave me?”

[Pause as Jesus walks over to Malchus]

Jesus touched the servant’s ear and healed him.

[Very long pause until Jesus turns to the soldiers and they apprehend him]

They led Jesus away to the high priest, and all the chief priests and the elders and the scribes
came together.

During narration: Judas leads in crowd (guards), grab Jesus, scuffle ensues, Peter cuts Malchus
ear, Jesus heals Malchus’ ear, Jesus led away by the guards, and all disperse (Jesus and guards
exit stage right, all else including disciples exit stage left except Malchus) Judas to makeup
room. Chanting while Jesus led away.

Judas to make-up for “zombie” look.

MUSIC: Chanting and song.

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

SCENE TWO: Temple Scene

STAGE 3: Lights fade in: Caiaphas sitting on chair, palace guards bring in Jesus (1 st stair to the side), and
then go stand on either side of chair.

BACKGROUND: A chair for the high priest is needed and the guards stand next to the chair. Non-speaking
guard leads Jesus off (stands to right of Caiaphas)

During narration: Caiaphas questions Jesus, guard hits Jesus, and other guard leads Jesus off to

NARRATOR: [Narrator waits to see Jesus and arrestors ready and music has stopped.]

Those who had arrested Jesus led him away to Caiaphas, the high priest, where the scribes and
the elders were assembled.

[Pause until soldiers and Jesus arrive at Caiaphas]

The high priest questioned Jesus about his disciples and about his doctrine.

Jesus answered him, “I have spoken publicly to the world. I have always taught in a synagogue
or in the temple area where all the Jews gather, and in secret, I have said nothing. Why ask me?
Ask those who heard me. They know what I said.” When he had said this, one of the temple
guards standing there struck Jesus and said, “Is this the way you answer the high priest?” Jesus
answered him, [pause for hit]

“If I have spoken wrongly, testify to the wrong; but if I have spoken rightly, why do you strike

The chief priests and the Sanhedrin kept trying to obtain false testimony against Jesus in order to
put him to death, but they found none, though many false witnesses came forward.

The high priest rose before the assembly and questioned Jesus, saying, “Have you no answer?
What are these men testifying against you?” However, he was silent and answered nothing. The
assembled condemned him, and Caiaphas sent Jesus to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor.

The temple guard steps up to Jesus

Jesus is taken away

MUSIC: Chanting (1 verse)

CAIAPHAS: [Red mic] Caiaphas gives an angry talk of how Jesus threatens his position and all the Jews

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

Of all the misguided, religious zealot’s I have encountered as the High Priest, that Jesus of
Nazareth was the most threatening to my position, granted to me by the Romans. That
commotion in the streets last week with this Jesus entering the city with his followers upset the
Roman guards who notified Governor Pilate. All we need now is for the Romans to clamp down
on Israel with Passover about to start! The Romans have no respect for our traditions, our
freedoms, or our God! That Jesus is a threat to our nation’s stability.

He was betrayed by one of his followers. For a mere thirty pieces of silver! The temple guards
brought him to my home in the early morning hours. I and the few members gathered there of the
Sanhedrin questioned him. There were witnesses there who said this Jesus claimed he had the
power to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days. Preposterous! The temple took over ten
years to construct. Clearly, he must be deranged. Finally, I asked him, “Are you the Christ?” He
answered, “I am, and you will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds, seated on the right hand
of the power of heaven.” He claimed to be the son of God! What blasphemy! An unpardonable
sin, so profane, it was worthy of death! He had sealed his own fate. Death.

Caiaphas sits down and the curtain close. Chant starts. Caiaphas mic to Pilate’s wife behind

MUSIC: Chant and “Caiaphas song”.

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

SCENE THREE: Courtyard

STAGE 1: Peter is in the courtyard with others watching to see what happens to Jesus. The stage is dark.
Extras are gathered around the fire.

BACKGROUND: Need dark background and fire pit – 2 ferns and 2 ficus

Lights fade in; curtain opens with crowd including woman and Peter on stage. Peter and woman
are next to each other right of the fire, Peter in the corner. During narration, Peter denies Jesus 3
times; woman accuses Peter, and cock crows during narration as noted below.

SOUND EFFECTS: During narration: Cock Crows

NARRATOR: [Narrator waits for curtains to open] While Peter was below in the courtyard watching what was
taking place, one of the high priest’s maids came along. Seeing Peter warming himself, she
looked intently at him and said, “You too were with the Nazarene, Jesus.” However, he denied it
saying, “I neither know nor understand what you are talking about.” So he went out into the
outer court. [Peter steps out of the stage, down one stair, and away from the fire]

[Narrator pauses until the cock crows.] [Cock Crows] The maid saw him and began again to say
to the bystanders, “This man is one of them.” Once again, he denied it. [Woman steps down to
Peter] A little later, the bystanders said to Peter once more, “Surely you are one of them; for you
too are a Galilean.” He began to curse and to swear, “I do not know this man about whom you
are talking.”

[Narrator pauses until the cock crows a second time.] [Cock Crows] Then Peter remembered the
words that Jesus had said to him, “Before the cock crows twice you will deny me three times.”
Peter broke down and wept.

Peter weeps, runs off, and hides. Woman steps out and addresses the audience at left-center

WOMAN IN COURTYARD: [Blue mic] [Woman wonders about Jesus and Peter. Woman addresses the

I didn't mean to scare him. I just wanted to ask him some questions. I know I have seen him
hanging out with Jesus and his men. I wanted to know what kind of man this Jesus is. I wanted to
know if the stories were true.

I have heard so many great and wonderful things about him. I have heard so many stories about
how he can raise the dead and make the blind see. Many of my friends have gone to him to hear

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

him speak and when they come back, they are a new person. I wanted to know how this one man
could be so powerful.

But with this man denying him like that, it makes me think that he is not the man that we thought
he was. If he is such a great teacher then why did one of his followers deny him when he was
asked if he was one of them?

If he is who he says he is and has done what people have said, he has done then why would
anyone deny him. It doesn't make sense to be this amazing person but to have your own
followers deny you when you need them the most.

[Woman steps back to fire with the crowd. Curtain closes. Cut fire.]
[Blue mic goes to Pontius Pilate off stage.]

MUSIC: Chanting and “Woman’s Song”

NARRATOR: Having witnessed the crowd condemn Jesus and having denied Jesus three times, Peter is
overcome with grief and reflects on what has just taken place. He attempts to understand the
day’s events.

[Peter comes back now that it’s clear Jesus has been condemned and addresses the audience. He
paces in front of Stage 1 and 2. All curtains remained closed.]

PETER: [White mic] Peter begins after Narrator finishes. Peter weeps and gives his testimony

I was the one He counted on, the one they all counted on. Will He ever forgive me? Will He have
the chance to forgive me? How could I have denied my friend, my Messiah? I have witnessed his
miracles. He fed thousands from just a few scraps. I watched as he gave sight to the blind, made
the lame walk and the deaf to hear. I have seen him walk on water, still the water, and even turn
water into wine. I have seen him raise the dead to life. I have even seen him turn to a dazzling
white and converse with Elijah the prophet and Moses as if he knew them AND they knew him.
I believed Him to be the Christ, I professed him to be the Christ, the Son of God and yet I have
denied him. And to who? A girl? I said I would DIE for him!

I was ready to die for him. I drew my sword and stood against the mob that was armed with
swords, clubs, and torches. I even struck one but Jesus told me to put away my sword. Before we
came out here tonight, Jesus asked if we had any swords. We told him we had two and he said,
“That’s enough” Why would he make sure we had swords if we were not supposed to use them?
He said, “Those that live by the sword die by the sword.” I was READY to DIE for Him. I
believed in Him and now I HAVE DENIED THE CHRIST; and to whom? A girl! Me, Cephas,
Me, the one He called THE ROCK, cowering before a little girl! Denying Him, cursing that I did

Version 2014.18 April 9, 2014 Page 8 of 27

Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

not know him. When, the cock crowed, and I remembered what he said. The shame; How could
he ever forgive me? I denied Him three times, just as he said. It is….just as he said!
He said we would have our faith shaken, that the Sheppard would be struck and the sheep would
scatter. He said Satan wanted to “Sift me like wheat” but Jesus prayed that my faith would not

All of this, is Just as He said

That he would be betrayed, that I would deny Him three times, that he would be handed over to
the authorities, it is ALL Just as he said.
He said he would be put to death, AND he said he would rise on the third day.
He said the Holy Spirit would come to us. And he said that He would build His Church on THIS
ROCK, me Peter, I am that Rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
For HE is indeed The Christ;
I must turn back and strengthen the others. For it is all just as he said.
It will all be just as he said.

[Peter walks stage left, chanting, lights fade out curtain closes.] [Peter’s mic to Barabbas behind

MUSIC: Chant then Agony song. (Starts when Peter gives last line)

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

SCENE FOUR: Herod’s Court

STAGE 3: Lights fade in: Curtain opens on Stage 3 with Herod seated on the throne. Guards bring in Jesus
(1st stair to the side), and then go stand on either side of chair.

BACKGROUND: A chair for the king is needed and the guards stand next to the chair. A non-speaking
guard leads Jesus off (stands to right of Herod) as Herod begins speaking. Herod begins when
narrator finishes.

NARRATOR: Pontius Pilate, Roman Prefect of the province of Judea, has sent Jesus to Herod Antipas, son of
Herod the Great and client King to the Roman masters, ruler over Galilee and Perea. Herod
questions Jesus to determine what to do with him. Frustrated with the answers and unwilling to
deal with him further, sends him back to Pontius Pilate.

[Guard leads Jesus off to Pilate as Herod speaks].

[Jesus goes to makeup for bloody “look” and robe.]

HEROD: [Green Mic] I had such great expectations of being face to face with Jesus. I was so excited. I
had heard so much of his amazing powers. I heard he went to a wedding and changed all the
water into wine, now that is a celebration. His feeding the masses with a few loaves of bread and
some fish. His raising his friend from the dead. But wait, it gets even better, His ultimate
declaration, He was God.

I was so impressed I put on my best robe. I had to make an impression. It is not often that you get
to meet God. Oh, what wonderful things we could do together if I could get Him to prove to me
that he really was God. All I asked of Him was to work a miracle or two. Nothing big, maybe
make a little wine for us, just enough to convince me I was dealing with a genuine Deity.

He did nothing. He said nothing. I became so angry. I began yelling at Him. How dare you
pretend to be God? How dare you come into my palace with your lies? I told the guards to take
him back to Pilot. This was a Roman problem. What could this Jesus do for me? I was Antipas
Herod, King of the Jews.

[Curtain closes and music begins. Herod’s mic to Judas behind stage.]

MUSIC: Chanting and “Herod’s song”

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

SCENE FIVE: Pilate’s Home

STAGE 1: Lights fade in: Curtain opens and Pilate’s wife steps down. The lights are on Pilate’s wife. She
begins to speak when narrator finishes. Servant girl enters from behind stage during the scene to
take the scroll from her and then exits stage left.

BACKGROUND: Tree and the courtyard of Pilate’s residence.

NARRATOR: [Begins when music stops]. Pilate’s wife has heard and seen Jesus. She has premonitions in her
dreams that have caused her to fear what might happen should harm come to Jesus. She has
awoken from the dreams in a disturbed state.

PILATE’s WIFE: [Red Mic] No, No, No NO! Pilate!

What a horrible dream! What are my gods trying to tell me about the man Jesus of Nazareth? I
have watched Him from within the palace walls. Day after day as I live in this fortress, ignored
by my busy husband, lonely without friends or family, unable to leave the safety of the palace, I
have seen this man & the crowds that follow Him. I have heard His words & I wonder at the
peace I feel, as His words seem to penetrate my heart. Even though He isn't speaking to me
directly, He makes me feel loved and important, even though his people hate & reject the Roman
government, my husband & me. Why can't they see what an impossible position my husband is
in? He is torn between trying to maintain the peace in this city of people who despise him ant
Caesar who is a vile and cruel man, concerned only with pursuing his own worldly pleasure.
Pilate in order to protect our family must enforce laws and edicts that are unjust and repressive,
that bring oppression to this people.

And now the gods send me this dream. This dream that shows me how Pilate must avoid the
condemnation of this man. If I ask him to stay away from the trial, to do nothing, then there will
be a rebellion; an uprising. There will be civil war & Caesar will blame Pilate & kill him and our
family. If Pilate condemns this man Jesus, He will be guilty of murdering an innocent man. His
blood will be upon Pilate's head.

My poor, poor beloved husband. What to do? What to do? I can't even send a courier to my
grandfather, the Emperor Augustus. He would send his forces to protect us, but Caesar will
unleash his wrath upon us before the emperor could intervene. What can I do?

[Pause while Claudia on knees crying, despairing. Then Claudia stands, resolve written on her
face, with a plan. Servant girl enters as she speaks]

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

I know what I must do now. I must send a message to Pilate.

"My dearest Pilate, I have suffered terribly today, tormented by a dream I had about this man,
Jesus of Nazareth. I beg you my beloved husband, have nothing to do with this man's trial. I
believe he is innocent. I will stand with you against whatever punishment Caesar decrees against
us, but I implore you, please, Release him. Your beloved, Claudia."

Here, deliver this scroll to Pilate. Go quickly! It is a matter of life & death!



[Pilate’s wife steps back up onto stage behind curtain. Lights fade then extended musical
interlude before next scene. Pilate’s wife’s mic to Veronica back stage.]

MUSIC: Chanting twice.

Version 2014.18 April 9, 2014 Page 12 of 27

Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

SCENE SIX: Pilate’s Court

BACKGROUND: Background is changed to reflect Pilate’s palace.

STAGE 3: Crowd enters as last scene ends and gathers on the steps. As curtain opens, Pilate is seated on a
chair. Crowds sit so they don’t block the view. During the scene, on cue, Jesus is led in.

Jesus led in by guards from off stage, bloody and beaten, with crown of thorns. During narration:
Pilate questions Jesus.

NARRATOR: [Cue for Narrator is when crowd is in place. Centurion to begin to lead Jesus in when Narrator
begins speaking.] As soon as morning came, the chief priests with the elders and the scribes, that
is, the whole Sanhedrin, held a council. They bound Jesus, and handed him over to Pontius
Pilate. Pilate questions him.

PILATE [Blue mic] and JESUS [Orange mic]: “Are you the king of the Jews?”
“You say so.”

NARRATOR: On the occasion of the Feast of the Unleavened Bread, he used to release to them one prisoner
whom they requested.

Barabbas brought on stage to Pilate

PILATE and CROWD: “What do you want me to do with the man you call the King of the Jews?”
[Crowd shouts: “Crucify him…Crucify him.”]
“Why? What evil has he done?”
[Crowd shouts even louder: “Crucify him.”]

NARRATOR: Therefore, Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, released Barabbas to them and sent Jesus off to
be crucified.

[The Roman soldiers lead Jesus away followed by the crowd. Jesus exits right and goes to back
center to get his cross. Crowd disperses.]

[Centurion and Jesus to make-up room.]

MUSIC: Chanting.

PILATE: Pilate gives his talk, shows confusion, anger at the priests, and fear for his position
[Curtain is still open with Pilate sitting in the chair:]

Version 2014.18 April 9, 2014 Page 13 of 27

Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that I sent an innocent man to his death, aren’t
you? You’re thinking that he was an innocent victim. Well, maybe he was. But, let me tell you
the truth. I’m the innocent victim here. I was already walking on thin ice with my superiors. This
isn’t an easy region to govern. Those Jews are always looking for some way to undermine us
Romans. I tried to stop this madness surrounding Jesus, and now everyone is trying to pin the
blame on me.

But let’s look at some facts here, people. I gave Jesus two chances. I sent him to be scourged. We
Romans don’t send someone to be scourged if we intend to kill them later. That’s not how we
operate. We’re more efficient than that! Scourging is supposed to be just a warning – not Step 1
of a death sentence. When the scourging didn’t make this problem go away, I thought for sure I
found a loophole that would work. Everyone knew Barabbas was bad – really bad. Not even the
Jewish leaders would want to see him back on the streets. But, I ran out of options when the
crowd forced me to release Barabbas.

My wife had some sort of “dream”, and she warned me to be “cautious” in dealing with Jesus.
And, it’s not that I didn’t hear her. But, no man tried to stop me from sending him to his death.
The Jewish leaders surely didn’t try to stop me. Herod didn’t try to stop me. Even Jesus himself
didn’t try to stop me. The only one who really tried to stop me … was … me. If he’s your King,
why don’t you stop his persecution? If just one person would have had the courage to testify on
his behalf, the outcome of his trial could have been completely different.

I wanted to find the Truth! I knew Caiaphas wasn’t giving me the truth. I really thought that
Jesus might be the source of the Truth. I mean, I know he’s a Jew and all. And they usually just
distort the truth. But, Jesus had a certain way about him that seemed to set him apart from the
other Jewish leaders. He had a “believability” about him. But when I tried to ask him about the
Truth, he wouldn’t give me a straight answer. He told me to go ask you! Well then. What is it?
What is the truth? Why won’t you tell me? Are you afraid of the Truth? Are you?

You know … The bottom line is that I kept the peace in this region. That’s my job after all! And I
did my job. Didn’t I?

I don’t think this story is over yet. There’s something much more significant going on here than
just another Jewish troublemaker being hung on a cross. I have a feeling that the truth is yet to be
learned. Maybe the truth will be found on that cross. Just maybe.

Pilate sits back down. Curtains close with Pilate in chair; lights fade out, chant music. Pilate
steps out back of stage. [Pilate’s mic to Mary Magdalene back of stage. Jesus mic to Centurion in
make-up room.]

MUSIC: Chanting and “Pilate’s song”.

Version 2014.18 April 9, 2014 Page 14 of 27

Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

SCENE SEVEN: Judas’ Despair

STAGE 1: The stage is dark with no background and 2 ferns and 2 ficus. Curtain opens, lights fade in, Judas
on stage with trees at the edge of stage 1 right. Satan appears on stage at right edge as Judas is
speaking. Satan brings in rope and leaves it at edge of stage behind where Judas is standing.]

NARRATOR: [Narrator waits for curtain to open] Judas, his betrayer, saw that Jesus had been condemned.
Judas went out to a garden nearby.

JUDAS: [Green mic] Judas is in agony and what he had done and gives his testimony. Judas laments to
the audience

What have I done? I have betrayed my Lord and master. This kind holy man that I have followed
for years. He accepted me as one of his disciples. I have seen so many of his miracles and
healings. This isn’t what I wanted. I hoped Jesus would confront the Pharisees and show them
his power. Then they would see that he IS the messiah, the Son of God!

But now it is too late. I have betrayed him and for what? Thirty pieces of silver? I have sinned in
betraying innocent blood. Now I must carry this guilt. I cannot bear this guilt! What have I done?

Satan enters to taunt Judas

SATAN: [Yellow mic]

What I see in Judas is what I see in so many people – weakness, despair. Is it any wonder so
many people turn to me? They know that I can give them the world. They know that the world is
a worthy god because it gives them riches, pleasure, and power – so many things that can easily
please them. It takes a lifetime for them to realize that all is futile. Then, in their weakness, they
despair. They realize that all is lost, and there is no turning back. You see, once they give
themselves over to the world they are mine, and they join me in suffering as payment for their
wants. Yes, they join me in suffering.

What? [Pointing at the audience] Do you not believe that I suffer? I suffer more than you will
ever know. I suffer more than you could ever experience. I suffer because I chose to rule in Hell
rather than serve in Heaven. Why should I bow down before another? Others should bow down
before me. Others should give me allegiance. And I have the means to command that allegiance.
Oh, how easy it is. I simply give them what they want, and they follow.

It is so easy to beguile these creatures to take on my yoke. They live as if there were no
tomorrow. They live for gain, for pleasure, for control over others. Then when tomorrow comes,
they join their suffering with mine. Yes-s-s, it is s-s-so easy. I know my subjects and my subjects
know me; and together we suffer for all eternity.

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

Yes, I would rather suffer than serve; because in my suffering I have power over all those who
know only themselves, who care only for themselves. I have power over so many who act on
misguided principles – like Judas. I stand here now, awaiting his decision. It will come soon.

As for you, out there, [pointing at the audience], you know what I have to offer. So, come, my
children, join me. Come, and be mine for eternity.

[Judas spots the rope and looks up at the tree, picks up the rope, walks to the tree on stage, and
the curtain closes] [Judas and Satan exit through back of stage, Judas’s mic goes to male of
Young Couple, Satan’s mic to female of Young Couple; both at back of stage.]

MUSIC: Chanting and “Judas’ Song”.

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

SCENE EIGHT: Barabbas’ Lament

STAGE 3: Barabbas enters from stage right and stands in front of curtain. Lights come up on him.

NARRATOR: [Narrator waits until music has stopped and Barabbas is entering the scene.]
Barabbas, a common criminal and revolutionary is spared by Pontius Pilate and given his
freedom. Barabbas tells his side of the story and reflects on what has just taken place.

BARABBAS: [White mic] I hate the Romans and the high priests who are pro –roman and puppets of the state.
I have tried my best to rid Judea of the Romans.
I was arrested by the Romans and accused of leading an insurrection against Roman authority.
They have accused me of murder and of robbery of Roman subjects.

I will not back down from Roman authority and I will continue to fight the Romans.
I am not a passive man who will let them push me and my followers around. The Romans do not
belong in Judea. I will not stop fighting until the Romans are gone. Those who have died by my
hand were a threat to me and my followers.
When I was arrested, the Romans were planning to crucify me.

I had heard that Jesus was arrested by the Romans, and Pilot could not find anything to crucify
Jesus for.
He could not find any crime that Jesus committed.
Among those who were shouting for Jesus to be crucified were Caiaphas, the Pharisees and
Sadducees and the pompous schmucks who were his lackeys.
I heard the crowd yelling that they wanted me released and they wanted Jesus crucified.
When the Romans released me, I was in shock and amazed at this development.
I had committed murder and robbery and knew that I would be punished.
Yet they released me and were going to crucify Jesus.
Jesus didn’t seem like a criminal.
I had heard that Jesus had a large following. One day some of my followers and I went to see
what Jesus was saying and to find out what he was up to. I wanted to know if he was going to
start a revolution against the Romans. If that was the case maybe he could join us in this cause.
Either way we would continue to fight.

There were about four thousand people there to hear what he was going to say.
The people there were hungry and had not had anything to eat in a couple of days due to their
long journey.

Jesus had them sit down and had taken seven loaves of bread and a few fish and broke them and
fed them to the crowd, and everyone had plenty to eat and there were plenty of leftovers.
Some of my followers told me they had witnessed Jesus cure a blind man and a deaf man.

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

No matter what Pilot says, he was a coward. He could have stood up to the mob and released
Jesus and not had him crucified. He had the entire Roman army there to use against the mob.
Having witnessed another injustice by the Romans I knew I would continue my battle to rid
Judea of the Romans.
Pilot made a big mistake by releasing me. Pilot and his army of vipers will regret that they ever
released me.
[Barabbas walks off stage and lights fade as music begins. Barabbas mic to Simon of Cyrene off

MUSIC: Chanting and “Barabbas’ song”.

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

SCENE NINE: Jesus carries the cross and falls 3 times along the road.

CENTER AISLE and STAGE 1: During scene, Jesus will carry the cross up the center aisle with two Roman
soldiers and the Centurion. Stage 1 curtain opens with Veronica, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary,
and John huddling on stage, dark. Simon of Cyrene on house right with children in the crowd.
Guards and Jesus enter from rear of sanctuary.

NARRATOR: [Narrator waits until soldiers and Jesus at Don Ross Hall entrance]
Jesus is given a cross to carry on his shoulders.

MUSIC: Chanting continues while Jesus is led up the center aisle. 2 chant patterns until end as noted

Jesus comes down the aisle from the back

NARRATOR: [Narrator waits to read until Jesus approaches crossing in sanctuary aisle.] End of 2nd chant
Jesus falls the first time.

Lights come up on stage 1. Narrator speaks and Veronica walks forward.

NARRATOR: [Narrator begins when Veronica in scene with lights on her] Veronica, a pious woman of
Jerusalem and long time follower of Jesus is among those watching as Jesus carries his cross.

VERONICA: [Red mic] Veronica begins to move forward as Narrator is speaking. Veronica addresses
audience about healing, angry crowds.

What’s wrong with you? Don’t you know this is the Son of God? Oh my precious, precious
Jesus, what have they done? I love you so. I’ll carry you in my heart forever.

Veronica walks in front of stage 2 and up the aisle to Jesus, wipes his face. Music starts as soldier
takes her arm and leads her away (back to Stage 1), and she looks back at Jesus. Veronica pauses
with the veil at center stage front and the spotlight is on her, as does this. She then departs stage
left and goes to back stage.
[Veronica gives red mic to Mother Mary behind stage.]

MUSIC: Chants, then “Veronica’s song”: “Tell them I love them”

Music fades, lights come back on Jesus, walks a little, falls again about half way down the aisle
as narrator speaks.

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

NARRATOR: [Chanting stops. Narrator starts when Jesus half way down lower pews] Jesus falls the second

Lights fade from Jesus and up on Stage 1, Mary Magdalene steps forward to center aisle, and
then narrator speaks.

NARRATOR: [Narrator begins when Mary Magdalene in scene.] Mary Magdalene follows Jesus on his way to

MARY MAGDALENE: [Blue mic] Tells of her experience with Jesus

I was once a tortured soul filled with many many demons. Demons of anger, sadness, grief, &
despair. Demons of hatred, uncertainty, doubt, & fear. They consumed my every thought &
action & gave me no rest. It was a very dark time in my life. I was in a constant state of
confusion feeling frightened, nervous, & anxious all at the same time. I often wondered, was
there nothing or no one to save me from all of this? It seemed so hopeless.

That was, until the day, I met Him...My Savior! They called Him Jesus. The first time He looked
at me, I felt that He saw me. Actually, SAW ME - the woman I truly was, trapped behind all of
the demons. And when He touched my cheek, I closed my eyes & I could feel the demons being
lifted from me! Praise God! It was a miracle! I was free - whole once again! There was no doubt
in my mind that this Jesus, He was the Messiah. For whom alone but God himself could have
freed me from my wretched state!

From that day on, I followed Jesus wherever He went. I was always so anxious to listen to His
words & to try to understand His message. He must of thought me to be a child with as many
questions as I asked & as eager as I was for His knowledge. He was my beloved & I soon
became His most favorite disciple.

I thought everything would stay this way always. Why even a few days ago, when we entered
Jerusalem, the crowds came, rejoicing, "Hosanna to the Son of David!”

I did not know what was going to happen. I did not know that Judas was going to betray Him.
And why? I don't understand. What crimes has He committed? What sins? No, no... He is ever
sinless. He has done nothing but wondrous deeds - healing the sick, giving sight to the blind,
feeding the hungry, giving hope to the hopeless. He's been the light in the darkness for so many.
How could anyone condemn him let alone his own people?

And where are the others? His friends? They have all fled! How could they turn their backs on
Him now when He is most in need of them? Cowards! Are they in the crowd watching? Can they
not see the crown of thorns that the soldiers put on His head - piercing His skull? Can they not

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

see how He has been beaten & bruised! Can they not hear the crowd screaming? "Crucify Him!
Crucify Him! Those horrible cries! I can't get them out of my head! Can they not see Him
struggling to carry His cross? Will no one help Him? - My Beloved, my Savior, my best friend?

Simon of Cyrene moves into position as Mary Magdalene finishes and chanting begins. Music
chants, lights fade out, up on Jesus walking down with the cross. [Mary Magdalene keeps mic at
end of scene.]

MUSIC: Chanting then “Mary Magdalene’s song”.

STAGE 3: Music fades and. lights up on stage 3, Jesus falls for the third time as narrator speaks. Guard
leads Simon of Cyrene in to carry Jesus cross.

NARRATOR: [Begins as Jesus at front of pews] Jesus falls the third time. They pressed into service a passer-
by to carry Jesus’ cross. He was Simon of Cyrene, coming in from the country with his sons.

SIMON OF CYRENE: [White mic] Children! Cling to your mother!

Simon picks up and carries the cross for Jesus to right of center stage. Guards lead off Jesus to
right of stage. (Jesus goes to the back of the stage). Simon addresses the audience from in front
of Stage 2 (sets down the cross)

SIMON OF CYRENE: Simon tells of his brief experience with Jesus

This man is no criminal!

I was just on my way to Temple with my sons Rufus and Alexandros when those cruel Roman
soldiers forced me to help that condemned man Jesus carry his cross. We are so very tired. We
have been traveling for a month to get to Jerusalem from Cyrene.
I didn’t want to carry this cross! I did not want to help that man Jesus carry his cross!
I did not want to get involved!

But I was startled at this man Jesus! While I was helping him carry that cross, he seemed so
Yes, he was in pain but he showed no anger or hatred for those who were punishing him.
I looked into his eyes and immediately sensed that he was no criminal. He just couldn’t be guilty
of what they were saying about him.

His eyes! His eyes looking at me! I was overwhelmed with a feeling I have never felt EVER in
my life before. It was as if He looked into my soul!
I saw no ANGER Instead, I sensed an acceptance of his terrible condition, and even strength that
is difficult to comprehend let alone describe.

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Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

But what was he guilty of that would cause so much hate and punishment?

Yes, I helped this Jesus carry his cross. I felt that if I resisted, those cruel Roman soldiers would
harm my sons and me.
So very heavy, this cross. I don’t understand how this man was able to carry it as far as he had
without help. He could hardly stand let alone carry this cross.
The cross was ripping and tearing into his flesh.
His condition was pitiful. The thorns pushed into his head.
His blood soaked tunic: saturated with blood oozing from blows that must have caused
excruciating pain!

Yet in spite of all that cruelty and so much suffering, he seemed to be accepting of his terrible
plight. (PAUSE) Very strange indeed.
It seemed to me that somehow he knew that he had to do this.
But WHY? Why did this gentle man have to endure this cruelty?
I am overwhelmed; so many questions! (PAUSE)
I will never be the same. (PAUSE) My life has been forever changed.
This man is no criminal!

Music chants, Simon carries cross off stage right, crowd disperses with him, and lights fade.
[Simon keeps white mic unless needed for Jesus on the cross.]

MUSIC: Chanting.

NARRATOR: [Pause until Jesus moves to left, the Young Couple move to the center stage front, the music
ends, and Simon has left the stage.]
A young couple were in the crowd watching as Jesus carried his cross. They pause to discuss
what they have just seen.

YOUNG COUPLE: [Male: Green mic; Female: Yellow mic] Center stage

YOUNG MAN: Why are they going to kill Jesus? Just a few days ago, he came healing and everyone was
praising him. Do you remember when he healed me, just a few days ago?
YOUNG WOMAN: Yes, there was a large crowd following him when we heard the news.
YOUNG MAN: I was so excited; I had heard the rumors of his works in healing the sick and the lame. I had to
meet him, and…and ask for healing.
YOUNG WOMAN: I never saw you run before, then you fell and you were crying.
YOUNG MAN: I wasn’t crying I got sand in my eyes when I fell. But you were there to help me up.
YOUNG WOMAN: Then we got to the crowd and you had to push your way through.
YOUNG MAN: When I finally reached him, I got on my knees and begged for him to heal me. His men tried to
push me away but he stopped them. Then he touched me and I was healed!

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

YOUNG WOMAN: You were so happy tears were pouring out of your eyes.
YOUNG MAN: No, I wasn’t I still had sand in my eyes from falling, but now I am healed and don’t have to
worry about falling any more.
YOUNG WOMAN: Why would the people want to crucify him when he’s done so many great things?
YOUNG MAN: I don’t know. Just a few days ago, everyone was so glad he was here. They wanted to see him,
and see his miracles.
YOUNG WOMAN: I just don’t understand why they would want to kill him.
YOUNG MAN: Let’s go see what’s going to happen

[Couple exit stage right and music begins speaking as they depart. Both keep mics at end of

MUSIC: Chanting and “Young couple’s song”.

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

SCENE TEN: Crucifixion

STAGE 2: Stage 2 white sheet in place. Lights up on Stage 1.

Later in scene, while Mother Mary is speaking, Veronica and Mary Magdalene come out and
kneel. Mother Mary is turned slightly while speaking so that audience can see her face as she
speaks. Centurion is near Jesus. Crosses added and Jesus put in place behind stage.

NARRATOR: [Narrator begins when music.] They brought him to Golgotha (which is translated Place of the
Skull). It was nine o’clock in the morning. Mother Mary and John, one of the disciples, approach
as Jesus is nailed to the cross. Mother Mary watches as her son is suffering on the cross.

When narrator finishes, white sheet with light on sheet in front of stage 2 and pounding of nails
is heard. The curtain on stage 2 closes after 3 raps on the nail.

SOUND EFFECTS: Sounds of nailing to the cross as they enter, before Mary starts speaking.

MUSIC: “Mother Mary’s Sorrow song”.

As the song is being sung. The crowd gathers. Mother Mary steps forward. Curtain on Stage 2
opens with Jesus on the cross.

JESUS: [Wired mic by cross if necessary; then use White mic] Father, Father forgive them for they know
not what they do.

MOTHER MARY: [Red mic] [Praying] Adonai! What you ask of me! My heart is broken for love of you and
my son!

Jesus tried to prepare me; he told me so many things about how his suffering would be.
Now I see all the things, Adonai you have done to prepare me for this day.
Adonai, give me courage! Holy Spirit be my shield!

You created Jesus in my womb; He is your Son;

I gave him to you at the circumcision – there you told me through Simeon that a sword would
pierce my soul. Since then I have been prepared to die for Jesus.
When we fled to Egypt, my heart ached for the children who were slaughtered as if they were my
When Jesus was 12, we lost him at the Jerusalem temple for 3 days! I thought – is this it? Will I
lose him now? My heart was broken!
But today - this morning as I met Jesus in the street carrying that cross, I realized that it would be
my heart’s death through his own; I knew that I would have to walk with Jesus through each step

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

of his suffering and death and that I have to watch my son/God’s son die on the cross - and offer
him to you, Oh God! Abraham, you were spared the sacrifice, I am asked to give my heart and
my all!

Dear God, give me the grace to face this trial you have set before me. Help me to keep your love
in my heart. Help me to be a strength to Jesus when he needs it. Be with me, Oh God!

The LORD is my shepherd;

There is nothing I lack.
In green pastures, he makes me lie down;
To still waters he leads me;
He restores my soul.
He guides me along right paths
For the sake of his name.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;

SOUND EFFECTS: Rumble begins softly as Jesus says final lines below

JESUS: [Wired mic by cross if necessary] Mother cry not for the death of your son. For now, every man
born of women will know you as their mother...
Mother behold your son...
John, behold your mother...

Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani!

I'm Thirsty...
Into your hands, I command my spirit...

SOUND EFFECTS: Rumble continues as Jesus concludes. Centurion speaks. The thunder continues.

Centurion steps up and spot light on Centurion.

STAGE 2: Centurion stands before the crucified Lord. During the scene all but Judas, Caiaphas, and Pilate
enter and kneel in front.

SOUND EFFECTS: Thunder and lightning crescendo as Centurion speaks.

CENTURION: [Orange mic] (Centurion realizes that his vision has been restored and says)
Truly, this man was the Son of God.

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Music = Blue
Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

Light fades off of Centurion, who backs to rear of scene. Light stays low, sounds comes
up, lights go crazy, thunder and lightning, darkness. As the crescendo fades, music begins.

MUSIC: Chant music starts.

Crowd moves off stage, close curtains.

MUSIC: Chant song and last line of “Were You There”

Curtains open and music resumes, Light comes up on cross draped in white sheet.

MUSIC: “You Raise Me Up”

Room goes briefly totally dark and silent and everyone goes to back of stage in darkness during
music. Then house lights come up slowly as Narrator introduces cast and crew in order:

NARRATOR: [Introduces cast, ending with director] Ladies and Gentlemen, our cast:
Women in Garden,
Pontius Pilate,
Pontius Pilate’s Wife,
Mary Magdalene,
Young Couple,
Simon of Cyrene,
Blessed Mother Mary,
And now to introduce the staff and crew, our Director, Joanne Farrell

DIRECTOR: [Introduces crew and support staff. ?? mic.]

Musicians, choir, and director,
Sound and lighting
Costumes and Make Up

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Stage Direction = Green
Narrator = Black
Actors Dialogue = Red
Sounds Effects = Purple
Makeup & Wardrobe = Orange

All the back stage crew

My direct staff – hospitality, programs, stage managers, publicity.
Father Jim Coleman
Narrator – Rob de Santos

FR. COLEMAN: [comments]

NARRATOR: Please meet the cast for refreshments following immediately in Don Ross Hall. The cast will
continue to be “in character” and you may ask the characters about their experiences. Thank you
for attending this evening.


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