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Bài 4.



1. Đọc hiểu (Reading Comprehension)

After primary processing, cereal products, flour or whole grain are further
processed in the home and by small cottage industries into final products including foods
with a porridge or dough consistency, baked products, whole grain goods, past and
noodles, fermented drinks, snack foods, and weaning foods. Cereal-based foodstuffs such
as these below are important both for home consumption and as a potential source of
1.1. Foods with a porridge or dough consistence
Flours from indigenous crops (sorghum, maize, millet, rice) can be mixed and
stirred with boiling water to a dough consistency and formed into balls either with or
without prior fermentation. Foodstuffs such as ‘banku’ and ‘ugali’ made from maize
consumed in Western and Eastern Africa respectively and 'sankati' and 'tuivo’ made from
sorghum and consumed in South India and Nigeria respectively, are examples of non-
fermented foods. Fermented types such as ‘kenkey’ in Ghana and 'bagone’ in Botswana
are prepared by leaving the whole grains to soak in water for a few days to allow
fermentation before grinding to flour for mixing with water as before.
These dough-like cereal foodstuffs provide the basis for a daily meal in many
households in Africa.
In India, fermented rice foodstuffs such as ‘dosais’ (rice cakes) and ‘idlies’ (rice
pudding) are prepared from a mixture of rice and pulses.
1.2. Whole grain foods
Rice is consumed in the tropics mainly as a whole grain, cooked by boiling or
frying. Pearled sorghum may be eaten in a similar way, while maize can be roasted or
boiled on the cob.
1.3. Pasta and noodles
These are popular foodstuffs consumed in large amounts, which form the basis of
daily meals in many countries. Pasta products require the use of wheat flours, but many
noodle-like products, such as Srilanka string hoppers, are based on ri
1.4. Fermented drinks
For many women informal beer production is very important source of income,
but the competition from the 'modern' sector with local production has been observed in
many parts of the Third World. It has been shown, for example in Zimbabwe that as
income rises, a larger amount of western or ‘modern’ beer is consumed to the detriment
of local traditional activities. Local brewing, however, is not likely to disappear in the
near future. Beers can be made from most cereals after they have been ‘malted’ or
allowed to germinate. Examples include sorghum beer, rice wine and maize beers.
1.5. Snack foods
A whole range of snack foods can be made by extruding a flour paste into strands,
(egg vermicelli) curls or flakes, by popping (as in puffed rice or popped corn) or by
drying to thin sheets (e.g. Papads). Flavored mixes such as 'Bombay mix’ are also
1.6. Weaning foods
Simple weaning foods based on cereals blended with other ingredients can be
produced at a small scale. Obviously great attention has to be paid to the composition of
the product, the avoidance of any ingredient that might be toxic and unsafety from the
point of view of hygiene. Small children require essential nutrients such as protein, fat,
vitamins, and minerals in the correct proportions and a blend must satisfy this need.
2. Đọc và dịch sang tiếng Việt các từ vựng mới (Read and Translate into Vietnamese
all new words)
3. Ngữ pháp (Grammars)
Đại từ không xác định "some, any, no, none”
3.1. Some
If some radioactive lead is placed on a sheet of lead...
(Nếu như một It chì hoạt động phóng xạ được sắp xếp trên mạng lưới của chì...)
"some" được liên kết với danh từ của vật chất thì chúng ta dịch ra là: một ít, một
phần, một mẩu, một số...
3.2. Any
Any of these observations shows that...
"Any dịch là mỗi một hoặc bất kỳ một chất..., một chất nào đó...
The catalyst...; if any...; is added...
(Chất xúc tác...; nểu như bất kì một chất nào đó...; được thêm vào...)
There is not any sharp frontier.
(Không hề tồn tại một giới hạn chính xác nào)
* any đứng sau động từ phủ định, dịch.là: không tý nào...; không...nào...
3.3. No
No other substance has these freezing and boiling points
(Không có bất kì một hợp chất nào khác có điềm đông đặc và điểm sôi như vậy)
"no" nghĩa là không hề có, nối với động từ khẳng định
3.4. None
None of these substances occurs pure in nature.
(Không hề có chất nào cùa các chất này tồn tại tinh khiết trong tự nhiên)
"none" nghĩa là không hề có, được dùng trước giới từ ”of' như một danh từ độc
4. Bài tập (Exercises)
4.1. Trả lời câu hỏi (Answer questions)
1. What are the common final products as foods based on cereals?
2. Can you mention some foods with a porridge or dough consistency in Africa,
India and in Vietnam?
3. What are baked products in Latin America or in Sudan?
4. What are the main whole grain foods in Vietnam?
5. What are the purposes for preparing of weaning foods?
4.2. Dịch sang tiếng Anh (Translate into English)
1. Mì ăn liền là loại thực phẩm phổ biến dùng hàng ngày ờ nhiều nước trên thế
2. Các loại thức ăn dạng ‘snack food’ được sản xuất bằng công nghệ ép đùn và nấu
chín từ hỗn hợp các loại bột, trứng, gia vị,...
3. Trẻ con cần khẩu phần ăn đủ các chất dinh dưỡng như protein, chất béo,
vitamin, và các muối khóang với tỳ lệ cân đối.
4.3. Dịch sang tiếng Việt (Translate into Vietmamese)
1. Some chemists are specialized in physical chemistry.
2. He has some knowledge of English.
3. Pour some water into the test-tube.
4. Any metal may be used as a substitute.
5. Are there any further questions?
6. We shall observe if any change in colour will occur.
7. They did not collect any new material.
8. There are no such substances in nature.
9. No other material can be used instead.
5. Kiểm tra

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