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Virus Genes (2008) 37:22–30

DOI 10.1007/s11262-008-0239-8

A non-radioactive PCR-SSCP analysis allows to distinguish

between HPV 16 European and Asian-American variants in
squamous cell carcinomas of the uterine cervix in Colombia
Pablo Moreno-Acosta Æ Mónica Molano Æ Antonio Huertas Æ
Myriam Sánchez de Gómez Æ Alfredo Romero Æ Mauricio González Æ
Marı́a Mercedes Bravo Æ Alejandro Garcı́a-Carrancá

Received: 21 November 2007 / Accepted: 2 May 2008 / Published online: 30 May 2008
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008

Abstract Human Papillomavirus type 16 (HPV 16) DNA conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and direct
is regularly found in around 50% of all cervical carcinomas. sequencing. HPV 16 was detected in 57.6% of the tumors.
Variants of this type have been found associated with dif- The European branch was identified in 88.2% of the samples
ferent risks for cervical cancer development. Presence of with the E-G350 class being the most prevalent variant
HPV 16 variants in Colombia has not been previously (41.1%). The Asian-American branch was identified in 8.8%
reported. The aims of this study were to assess the feasibility of the samples. Within this group it was possible to distin-
of non-radioactive PCR-SSCP (polymerase chain reaction guish between c and a classes. It was not possible to
single-strand conformation polymorphism) analysis for determine the branch in 2.9% of the cases. A nucleotide
determination of variability of ORF of E6, variability in the transition (G to A) at position 7521 was the most prevalent
enhancer sequence of the LCR, and for establishment of the variation (80%) found in the enhancer sequence of the LCR
distribution of HPV 16 variants in invasive squamous cell region. Conclusion: A non-radioactive PCR-SSCP analysis
carcinoma of the uterine cervix in Colombian women. allowed us to distinguish between European and Asian-
Biopsies from 59 patients at the Instituto Nacional de Can- American branches of HPV 16, and to distinguish among
cerologı́a (INC) in Bogotá (Colombia) were collected. HPV classes in squamous cell carcinomas of the uterine cervix in
detection was performed using universal primers. HPV 16 Colombia. This method is an excellent alternative that can be
variants were detected by non-radioactive single-stranded used as a screening tool for identification of HPV 16 variants.

P. Moreno-Acosta (&)  M. Molano  A. Huertas  A. Romero

M. Mercedes Bravo Patologı́a, Instituto Nacional de Cancerologı́a, Calle 1a. No 9-85,
Grupo de Investigación en Biologı́a del Cáncer, Instituto Bogota, D. C., Colombia
Nacional de Cancerologı́a, Calle 1a. No. 9-85, Bogota, D. C., e-mail:
e-mail:; M. González
Clı́nica de Ginecologı́a, Instituto Nacional de Cancerologı́a,
M. Molano Calle 1a. No 9-85, Bogota, D. C., Colombia
e-mail: e-mail:

A. Huertas A. Garcı́a-Carrancá
e-mail: Unidad de Investigación Biomédica en Cáncer, Instituto de
Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
M. Mercedes Bravo México – Instituto Nacional de Cancerologı́a, Secretarı́a de
e-mail: Salud, Mexico, D. F., Mexico
M. S. de Gómez
Laboratorio de Hormonas, Departamento de Quı́mica,
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Carrera 30 Calle 45, Bogota,
D. C., Colombia

Virus Genes (2008) 37:22–30 23

Keywords HPV 16  Variants  PCR-SSCP  Methods

Cervical cancer  Colombia
Clinical samples
Patients with a cytological diagnosis of invasive cervical
In Colombia, cervical cancer constitutes the first cause of cancer were referred to the Gynecology Clinic at the In-
death among women of reproductive age [1, 2]. Sufficient stituto Nacional de Cancerologı́a (INC) in Bogotá,
evidence exists to show that persistent infections with Colombia. Biopsies were collected from 59 patients.
human papillomavirus (HPV) are necessary for the devel- Clinical stages ranged between IIB and IIIB (FIGO). The
opment of invasive cervical cancer [3]. HPV type 16 (HPV mean age of the patients was 51 years (range 30–76). This
16) is by and large the most frequently detected genotype study received official institutional and ethical approvals.
in cervical cancer where it accounts for approximately The samples were frozen at -70°C and used to analyze
53.5% of all tumors [4–7]. HPV DNA by PCR assays.
Variants have been defined as HPV with less than 2%
nucleotide differences in coding regions and up to 5%
nucleotide differences in the LCR. PCR assays
The variants of each HPV type form phylogenetic trees,
and variants from specific branches are often unique to To verify the quality of the target DNA, PCR analysis of
specific ethnic groups [8–13]. A growing quantity of epi- the b-globin gene was performed using PCO3 and PCO5
demiological, etiological, and molecular data suggests that primers [33]. The presence of HPV DNA was detected
variants of the same HPV type are biologically distinct and using consensus primers (GP5+/GP6+) [34]. Three dilu-
may confer differential pathogenic risks [8, 14, 15]. tion series of SiHa cells and plasmid DNA were used as
In many studies, non-European variants of HPV 16 have positive controls for HPV 16 (pBR322 HPV 16). The
been found associated with an increased risk for develop- central segment of the HPV16 LCR (nucleotides 7409–
ment of cervical cancer, but other studies have not shown 7891) was amplified as previously described [35]. Twenty-
this relation [14, 16–19]. seven amplification cycles were carried out using a Perkin
Sequence variations within the LCR may have an impact Elmer 9600 (USA) thermocycler. The products were then
on the oncogenic potential of the virus [20–22]. In HPV 16, analyzed by direct sequencing.
transcription of E6 and E7 viral oncogenes is controlled by Considering the sensitivity of the SSCP and variations in
the P97 promoter (located at the 30 end of the LCR) and by sequence of the reported E6 gene, two internal regions were
an enhancer that contains several binding sites for cellular selected to the ORF of E6: nucleotides 104–227 were
and viral transcription factors [23]. The activity of the pro- amplified to identify changes at 145 position to distinguish
moter and enhancer are regulated by both viral and cellular between European variants and non-European variants (e.g.
proteins, which mediate their transcriptional activity Asian-American variants); these nucleotides were amplified
through interaction with specific protein-binding sites using sense 50 -ATGTTTCAGGACCCACAGGAGCGA-30
within the LCR. Cellular transcription factors such as YY1 and antisense 50 -CCTCACGTCGCAGTAACTGT-30 prim-
can participate in the down regulation of the HPV 16 pro- ers. PCR was carried out in a volume of 50 ll containing 50
moter. Some changes in YY1 binding sites may enhance mM KCl, 20 mM Tris–HCl pH 8.3, 0.2 mM dNTPs, 2 mM
potential for the expression of viral oncoproteins [24, 25]. MgCl2, 1 U of Taq Polymerase (GIBCO BRL), and 0.25 lM
The E6 region of HPV 16 variants exhibits changes in of each primer. Thirty-eight amplification cycles were car-
functional or antigenic domains that can alter the biological ried out by using a Perkin Elmer 9600 (USA) thermocycler
or immunogenic properties of the encoded protein [19, 26]. [36]. The expected size of the amplification product was 123
A change at position 350 (T to G substitution; L83V) base pairs. Also nucleotides 314–490 were amplified to
within the E6 ORF has been shown to lead to important identify a change at 350 position to distinguish between E-
antigenic changes [19] which in many studies have been G350 class and E-T350 class. The expected size of the
associated with viral persistence and progression of pre- amplification product was 176 base pairs. Three dilution
malignant cervical disease [27–32]. series of HPV 16 reference clone (pBR322 HPV 16r), SiHa
The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of a and CaSki cells lines DNA were used as positive controls,
non-radioactive PCR-SSCP analysis in the determination PCR mix without DNA and water were used as negative
of variability of ORF of E6 and the enhancer sequence of controls.
the LCR, and establishment of the distribution of HPV 16 Finally the ORF of E6 (nucleotides 63–559) was
variants in invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine amplified to detect changes in sequence not analyzed
cervix in Colombian women. through SSCP.

24 Virus Genes (2008) 37:22–30

The E6 ORF was amplified by using sense E6F1 50 - In addition, reproducibility of the PCR-SSCP analysis
AAACTAAGGGCGTAACCG-30 and antisense E6R1 50 - was evaluated by the generation of the same SSCP pattern
TGTAGGTGTATCTCCATGC-30 primers. PCR was car- for the E6 fragments in assays done in triplicate of the
ried out in a volume of 50 ll containing 50 mM KCl, 20 controls. During the experimental analysis different sam-
mM Tris–HCl pH 8.3, 0.2 lM dNTPs, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 1.25 ples were also analyzed in duplicate, again confirming the
U of Taq Polymerase (GIBCO BRL), and 0.5 lM of each reproducibility of the results.
primer. Forty cycles of amplification were carried out.
System designed for HPV16 branch/class
Non-radioactive SSCP analysis
The nucleotide positions of the HPV 16 genome were
HPV 16 positive samples were identified by means of non- numbered according to the reference sequence of the HPV
radioactive PCR-SSCP analysis [37, 38]. In brief, 3 ll of 16 genome (HPV 16r) [40]. Variation designation was
amplified target were mixed with denaturing solution and performed according to Yamada et al. [11].
running in a 12.5% non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel for Variant designation was done according to Huertas et al.
4.5 h at 400 V with cooling at 8°C. (paper submitted). Briefly, this description proposes an
Analysis of E6 HPV 16 variants was done also using a updated and unified criterion for clustering and nomen-
non-radioactive PCR-SSCP with similar conditions to clature of HPV16 E6 molecular variants based on
those described above, except that running was at 400 V, systematic revision of comparative analysis of previously
overnight, and at 8°C. For this analysis, dilution series of published nucleotide sequences.
SiHa DNA were used as a positive control of European
variants, dilution series of CaSki DNA were used as a
positive control for A131G variation [39], and specimens Results
previously identified and quantified in our laboratory were
used as positive controls for A145T variation. Sensitivity and specificity assays
CaSki cells DNA was used as a positive control for
detection of the G350 variation, and the pBR322 HPV 16 These assays showed that the level of sensitivity among
was used as a reference control [39]. The conditions for different PCRs ranged from 1 ng to 10 pg depending on the
SSCP were the same to those described for E6 SSCP. amplified fragment. Sensitivities of the SSCP assay for
small PCR fragments reached 10 pg. However by direct
sequencing we were able to detect up to 100 pg of DNA.
DNA sequencing Specificity analysis of the different PCRs showed no cross
reactions with different HPV types (18, 31, 33, and 58) and
Amplified DNA was purified by spinning column purifi- also no reaction with others DNAs such as C. trachomatis,
cation (GFX Amersham Pharmacia Biotech). Cycle human DNA, and H. pylori. The SSCP analysis was real-
sequencing was performed by using 7-Deaza-dGTP-Cy5.5 ized under standardized conditions (temperature 8°C,
Dye Primer Cycle Sequencing Kit Protocol (Visible constant voltage, composition of the load mixture), which
Genetics Inc., Toronto) according to the manufacturer and avoided appearance of non-specific additional bands.
run on an automated DNA sequencer (SEQ 4 9 4, Amer-
sham Pharmacia Biotech). Sequences of both sense and Molecular variants in the ORF E6 of HPV 16 among
antisense strands of the PCR products were generated. The tumors in Colombia
central fragment of LCR (nucleotide 7409–7891) and ORF
of E6 (nucleotide 63–559) were amplified and sequenced. HPV 16 was detected in 57.6% of the tumors (34/59).
Frequencies of HPV 16 variants detected are shown in
Sensitivity and specificity assays Table 1: European branch was identified in 88.2% of the
samples, with the E-G350 class being the most prevalent
During the standardization procedure of the different (41.1%). Asian-American branch was identified in 8.8% of
PCRs, SSCP analysis, and direct sequence we made dif- the samples, among which it was possible to distinguish
ferent sensitivity and specificity assays. For the sensitivity between c and a classes. In 2.9% of the samples it was not
analysis we made dilution series (100 ng–10 fg) of HPV 16 possible to determine the branch. Variation G350 was the
reference clone (pBR322 HPV 16r), SiHa and CaSki cell most prevalent (52.8%) in our study. To distinguish dif-
lines DNA, respectively. For the specificity assays we used ferent HPV 16 variants, we set out to establish patterns of
DNA of different HPV types, C. trachomatis DNA, human different variants of HPV 16 in a non-radioactive SSCP
DNA, and H. pylori DNA. analysis. This was followed by direct sequencing.

Virus Genes (2008) 37:22–30 25

Table 1 HPV 16 variants frequencies in cervical carcinoma patients (pBR322 HPV 16r—T350, Fig. 2a) and CaSki cell line
Frequency %
(G350, Fig. 2b). This allowed us to specifically detect
Cancer patients changes at 350. Representative SSCP patterns of T350
n = 34 (Fig. 2c, lanes 2 and 3) and G350 (Fig. 2c, lanes 1, 4, and
5) from samples included in the study are shown.
Branch E 30 (88.2)
In Table 2 variations observed in the ORF E6 for the
Class E-T350 12 (35.2)
European branch are shown. Three groups distinguish
Class E-G350a 14 (41.1)
themselves. One corresponds to samples that do not present
Class E-nd 4 (11.7)
any change in sequence and which correspond to European
Branch AA 3 (8.8)
variant class E-T350 [11]. Another only presents change at
Class AA-a 2 (5.8)
G350 and corresponds to European variant class E-G350
Class AA-c 1 (2.9)
[11]. The third group had changes at position 350 which
Branch nd (NE) 1 (2.9)
could not be precisely determined. We labeled this group
HPV 16 branch/class designation as described in the methods section. European variant non-determined.
E: European variant; AA: Asian-American variant; NE: non-Euro- Another SSCP pattern that we were able to identify was
pean variant; nd: Not determined variants
the Asian-American branch. Within this branch we were able
Included Subclass E-G131/G350
to distinguish between class a and class c of type 16 Asian-
American branch variants (Fig. 3a, b). This was confirmed
We established a pattern in SSCP analysis that allows us
by sequencing (Class a showed a T at position 183 (Fig. 3a),
to distinguish between European and non-European vari-
and class c showed a G at position 183 (Fig. 3b)).
ants (e.g. Asian-American variants) of HPV type 16
It was not possible to determine the branch, class, or
(Fig. 1a, b). Representative SSCP patterns of European
subclass for 2.9% of the samples. These were denoted as
variants (lanes 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and non-European variants
not determined (nd) variants; however, with the SSCP
(lanes 2, 4, and 10) from samples included in the study are
analysis they showed a pattern similar to the non-European
shown in Fig. 1c. Sample 61 (lane 1) exhibited a pattern
variants (sample 4, Fig. 1c, lane 10).
similar to European variants, but not identical. With
sequence analysis we were able to detect a G-to-A sub- Molecular variants in the enhancer sequence
stitution at position 131 (subclass E-G131). of the LCR of HPV 16
Analysis of variations in the segment spanning from
nucleotides 314 to 490 of the E6 gene showed different Of the 34 samples which were positive for HPV 16, we were
SSCP patterns between the reference clone of HPV 16 able to amplify the enhancer sequence of the LCR


ds DNA

E G145 T183 NE T145 G183

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ds DNA

Fig. 1 Distinction between European and non-European variants of 1,3,5,6,7,8,9 (samples 61,26,22,12,10,8, and 6, respectively)) and
HPV 16 by means of SSCP and sequence analysis. (a) Representative non-European variants (lanes 2,4, and 10 (samples 29, 24, and 4,
SSCP patterns of European variants (E); sequence analysis of respectively)) from samples included in the study. The arrow
nucleotides G145 and T183. (b) SSCP patterns for non-European indicates double-strand DNA (ds DNA). Differences observed in
variants (NE); sequence analysis of nucleotide 145, with presence of SSCP patterns between European and non-European variants, which
thymidine (T), and of nucleotide 183, with presence of guanine (G). correspond to nucleotide changes, were confirmed by direct
(c) Representative SSCP patterns of European variants (lanes sequencing

26 Virus Genes (2008) 37:22–30


ds DNA

T350 T350 G350 G350

1 2 3 4 5

ds DNA

Fig. 2 Detection of the G350 change through SSCP and sequence the change T to G at this position. (c) Representative SSCP patterns of
analysis. (a) SSCP patterns for E6 without change at nucleotide 350 T350 (lanes 2 and 3 (samples 8 and 12, respectively) and variation
from DNA of pBR322 HPV 16 reference clone and sequence G350 (lanes 1,4, and 5, samples 6, 24, and 26, respectively) from
analysis. (b) SSCP pattern for E6 from DNA of the CaSki cellular line samples included in the study. Black arrow indicates double-strand
shows an additional band (white arrow) of higher intensity that DNA (ds DNA)
represents a change at position 350 and sequence analysis showing

(nucleotides 7409–7891) in twenty-one samples. In 15 of We were able to characterize the genetic variability of
them it was possible to detect variations by direct sequencing. ORF of E6 and the enhancer sequence of LCR in tumors
The samples predominantly carried changes in sequences of from 34 Colombian women infected with HPV 16 and to
YY1 binding sites, especially at nucleotide 7521 (G to A) determine the distribution of HPV 16 variants.
with a frequency of 80%. Other notable changes were at The majority of Colombian women analyzed in our study
nucleotides 7786 (C to T), 7485 (A to C), and 7469 (T to A). exhibited European variants of HPV type 16. Although
Changes in sequences of TEF-1, GRE/2, and Oct-binding reports about the frequency of E6 variants in South and
sites were infrequent (13.3%, 6.6%, and 6.6%, respectively). Central America [11] had provided a general view of their
Five molecular variants were detected. Of these, one is a distribution, they had not given specific data about the fre-
non-European variant, while four belong to the European quency of these variants in Colombia. Our analysis indicate
branch. The non-European variant had the following similar frequencies as those predicted and reported by
nucleotide changes: A to C at 7485 nt, G to A at 7489 nt, G to Yamada et al. [11] for European variants (88.2% vs. 76.8%,
A at 7521 nt, C to T at 7669 nt, C to A at 7689 nt, A to C at respectively), for the E-350T prototype (35.2% vs. 24.6%,
7729 nt, C to T at 7764, and C to T at 7786 nt. This variant respectively), for E-350G (41.1 % vs. 52.2%, respectively),
corresponds to the Asian-American variant class c detected and for non-European variants, specifically Asian-American
in the ORF E6. From the European variants, one had the variants (8.8% vs. 19.7%, respectively).
reference sequence, another had a change T to A at 7469 nt, European variant E-G350 class was the most prevalent in
another had a change G to A at 7521 nt, and the other had a our study, and although little is known about the functional
change G to A at 7489 nt plus a 7521 change. All variants consequences of sequence variations regarding E6 protein
found in the enhancer sequence of the LCR are described in activity, recent studies suggest that naturally occurring amino
Table 2. Their frequencies are shown in Table 3. acid variations in HPV 16 E6, such as G350 corresponding to
L83V, can alter protein activities that are important for its
Discussion carcinogenic potential [42]. In addition, L83V enhances
MAPK signaling and cooperative transformation with de-
In the present study, HPV 16 was the most prevalent type regulated Notch1 signaling [28]. In four samples position 350
detected in women with invasive squamous cell carcino- could not be defined, possibly due to a low viral load.
mas of the uterine cervix, stages IIB and IIIB (FIGO). This The analysis of the enhancer sequence of the LCR region
is in accordance with the majority of studies which also in our study showed that the most frequent nucleotide change
report HPV 16 to be the most frequent type detected in this was at position 7521 (A to G), which is in agreement with the
kind of carcinoma [3, 6, 36, 41]. majority of reports [35, 43]. This change was present in 80%

Table 2 Nucleotide changes in the E6 and enhancer sequence of the LCR of different HPV 16 samples
Branch Class Subclass HPV 16r ORF E6 Predicted amino acid change LCR Samples
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
1 1 1 2 2 3 3 5 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 7
3 4 8 8 8 3 5 3 3 6 8 8 2 6 8 2 6 8
1 5 3 6 9 5 0 2 6 9 5 9 1 9 9 9 4 6

E T 350 /r – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 46, HPV-16r

Virus Genes (2008) 37:22–30

– – – – – – – – — nd 22, 27, 31, 57

– – – – – – – – — – A – – – – – – – – 52
– – – – – – – – — – – – – A – – – – – 7, 9, 12
– – – – – – – – — – – – – A – – – – – 8
– – – – – – – – — – – – – A – – – – – 41
– – – – – – – – — – – – A – – – – D SiHa
nd – – – – – – – — – – – – A – – – – – 10
G 350 /G 350 – – – – – – G – L83V – – – – A – – – – – 6, 40, 42, 53, 56
– – – – – – G – L83V nd 17, 19, 26, 36, 44
nd – – – – G – L83V nd 16, 25, 47
/G 131 /G 350 G – – – – – G – R10G, L83V – – – A A – – – – – 61
G – – – – – G – R10G, L83V – – – – A – – – – – CaSki
nd nd – – – – – – nd – nd nd 15, 18, 45, 60
AA a /r – T – a g T G g Q14H, H78Y, L83V nd 24, 54
c /r – T G a g T G g Q14H, 127R, H78Y, L83V – – C A A T A C T T 29
nd (NE) nd nd – T – – – – G – Q14H, L83V nd 4
Transcription factor binding site TFF- YY1 YY1 TEF- YY1
1 1
DNA sequence analysis of HPV 16 variants from nucleotide position 559 to 63 of E6 gene by SSCP analysis and by direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction products and in the enhancer
sequence of the LCR from nucleotide position 7893–7409 by direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction products. The nucleotide positions of the HPV 16 genome were numbered
according to the reference sequence of the HPV 16 genome (HPV 16r) [40], variation designation was performed according to Yamada et al. [10] and designation of branches or class and
subclasses according as described in methods section. The variations observed in the E6 open reading frame (ORF) for the European branch are shown trough of three groups that are indicated
from above to below: The first group corresponding to samples that do not present any change in sequence and that corresponds to the European variant class E-T350, the second group
corresponding to samples that only presents change at G350 and corresponds to European variant class E-G350 and the third group corresponding to samples that had changes at position 350
which could not be precisely determined. We labeled this group European variant not determined. For the Asian-American branch established in the ORF E6 are showed two groups: The first
group corresponding to samples that were designed as class a and a second group corresponding to samples that were designed as class c. The samples in which was not possible to determine the
branch, the class or the subclass through of the analysis of the ORF E6, were denoted as not determined variants. Nucleotide changes involving know transcription factor binding sites are
indicated in the bottom alignment. TEF-1: Transcriptional Enhancer Factor-1; YY-1: Yin-Yang Factor 1; GRE: Glucocorticoid Response Element; Oct-1: Octamer Binding Factor-1. Nucleotide
positions are indicated numerically and vertically and letters refer to the amino acid sequence of the reference clone (HPV16r). A letter immediately following a dash and preceding a nucleotide
position number represents the variation at the specific nucleotide designated compared with the reference sequence. Capital letters indicate alterations in the ORF E6 that result in amino acid
changes, while lower case letters indicate silent mutations. ‘‘–’’ Indicates that the reference sequence was observed at that position. nd: Not determined. D: deletion (nucleotides 7758–7794 in

the enhancer sequence of the LCR). E: European variant; AA: Asian-American variant; NE: non-European variant
28 Virus Genes (2008) 37:22–30

Fig. 3 Distinction between A B

classes of the Asian-American
(AA) variants by means of
SSCP and sequence analysis. (a)
Representative SSCP patterns
for variant AA-a and sequence
analysis for the nucleotide
T183. (b) SSCP patterns for
variant AA-c and sequence
analysis showing the change T
to G at 183 position. The arrow
indicates double-strand DNA
(ds DNA)
ds DNA

AAa T183 AAc G183

Table 3 Frequency of nucleotide changes found within the enhancer 7781–7790 of the LCR, that are next to a YY1 binding site,
sequence of the HPV 16 LCR can increase promoter activity from 2 to 4 times when
LCR Frequency % compared with the reference LCR, thus supporting the
nt. 7409 at nt. 7803 n = 15 hypothesis that mutations in a site next to YY1 are asso-
7521 A–G 12 80.0
ciated functionally with the development of cervical
cancer. Indeed, studies by O’Connor et al. [46], have
7521 A–G 1 6.6
indicated the importance of YY1 in the regulation of HPV
7489 A–G
16 E6 and E7 gene expression.
7521 A–G 1 6.6
In our study, the enhancer sequence of the LCR could
7485 C–A
not be amplified in 13 samples, possibly due to loss of
7489 A–G
sequence (deletion) in this region [44] and low number of
7669 T–C
viral copies.
7689 A–C
It is well known that the sensitivity of SSCP analysis is
7729 C–A
based on characteristics of polymerase chain reaction
7764 T–C
products including: the size of the fragment (optimal size is
7786 T–C
less than 300 base pairs); sequence composition of the
7469 A–T 1 6.6 fragment (low number of Guanine and Cytosine (GC)), and
The frequency of variation for the LCR central fragment was esti- utilization of DNA minimal quantity. For our E6 PCR-
mated from the variations in sequence of 15 samples. The variations SSCP analysis we amplified products of 123 and 176 pb,
found in the enhancer sequence of the LCR (nucleotides 7409–7893)
which are the ideal size for the detection of base substi-
are located in the first column. The most common nucleotide change
was found in position 7521 tution [37]. The sequence composition of the fragment
amplified also had a low number of GC and we put only 3
ll of PCR product obtained for 10 ll of pre-treated crude
cell suspension. Therefore, a standardized, non-radioactive
of HPV 16 variants in this study. This and other mutations PCR-SSCP analysis allows detection of fragments that
seem to alter the binding of the transcription factor YY1 and have base substitutions (sequence variation confirmed by
sometimes are considered functional [35, 43–45]. For direct sequencing), and all of these base substitutions result
example, in one case (case 29) we found a c-class Asian- in detectable shifts in fragment mobility. The presence of
American variant that, in addition to the change at nt. one or more bands of greater intensity allowed us to detect
(nucleotide) 7521(A to G), showed changes at nt. 7485 (A to nucleotide variation (specifically to detect the G350 vari-
C), nt. 7489 (G to A), and nt. 7786 (C to T). According to Park ation in the E6 gene), to distinguish between variants, to
et al. [43], these are mutations placed in YY1 binding sites. In differentiate between European and Asian-American vari-
the same way, changes at nt. 7436 (case 10), according to ants, and to differentiate between classes.
Schmidt et al., 2001, and changes at nt. 7489 (case 61), Although methodologically we did not propose to
according to Park et al. [43], will be localized within this site. independently determine variants of E6 of HPV 16 by
Previous reports [43, 46], suggested that mutations means of SSCP and sequencing, we found that in some
at nucleotides 7481–7489 and mutations at nucleotides samples (s16, s19, s22, s25, s26, s31, s56), the class of

Virus Genes (2008) 37:22–30 29

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