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--New Skills--

Acrobatics (Dex)
This skill combines Balance and Tumble into one skill.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Athletics, you get a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks. If you have 5 or
more ranks in Acrobatics, you get a +2 bonus on Athletics checks.

Athletics (Str)
This skill combines Climb, Jump, and Swim into one skill.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Athletics, you get a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks. If you have 5 or
more ranks in Athletics, you get a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks.

Drive (Dex)
Check: Routine tasks, such as ordinary driving, don’t require a skill check. Make a check only when some
unusual circumstance exists (such as inclement weather or an icy surface), or when the character is driving
during a dramatic situation (the character is being chased or attacked, for example, or is trying to reach a
destination in a limited amount of time).

Magitek operators use the Drive skill to operate their magitek. In general, magitek operators don’t need to make
Drive checks to steer their magitek around the battlefield. However, this skill may come into play in combat
under the following circumstances:
• When trying to move past a foe without provoking an attack of opportunity, a magitek operator can make a
Drive check instead of an Acrobatics check.
• A magitek operator can oppose a trip attempt with a Drive check.
Try Again?: Most driving checks have consequences for failure that make trying again impossible.
Special: A character can take 10 when driving, but can’t take 20.
Time: A Drive check is a move action.

Intimidate (Cha)
You can use this skill to taunt enemies into attacking you instead.
Check: Activating the Intimidate skill requires you to roll an Intimidate check against all Monsters within a 30-
ft.-radius of you. There is a -4 penalty per size category by which the Monster is larger than you. (Which
becomes a bonus of +4 if the Monster is smaller.) If your check beats a DC specific to that creature (DC 10 +
creature's HD + creature's Wisdom modifier.), the creature is intimidated. For the next round, all creatures
affected will attack only you. Creatures unable to understand speech (such as Oozes, Animals, mindless Undead,
and many Constructs) are immune to Intimidate.
Try Again: No. If the initial check fails, the other character has probably become more firmly resolved to resist
the intimidator, and a retry is futile.
Special: A character immune to fear can’t be intimidated, nor can nonintelligent creatures. If you have the
Persuasive feat, you get a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Bluff, you get a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks.

Knowledge (Beast Lore) (Int)

You can make a Knowledge (beast lore) check to correctly identify aberrations, constructs, fiends, magical
beasts, undead, and other creatures. Blue mages make use of this skill to learn spells from creatures.
Check: A blue mage must make a Knowledge (beast lore) check (DC 15 + 2 per spell level of the ability) to
successfully learn a blue magic spell.

Knowledge (Technology) (Int)

You can make a Knowledge (technology) check to correctly identify airships, vehicles, and Magitek.
Check: The DCs for identifying technological items vary depending on the type of information required.

Identifying an airship by its type, identifying a Magitek by its structure, or identifying a vehicle by its frame: DC
Determining the function or purpose of a particular mechanical system: DC 20.
Recalling the standard, factory-model design specs of a particular type of airship, Magitek, or vehicle: DC 25.

When confronted with an unfamiliar piece of technology, you can make a Knowledge (technology) check to
correctly surmise the primary (if not singular) purpose of the device. A successful check result does not enable
you to activate the item, nor does it make you proficient with the item. For basic tools or instruments, the DC is
10. For anything else, the DC is 20.

Navigate (Int)
With the usage of Airships, you can use the Navigate skill to plot a course between continents, cities, islands, or
across oceans.
Check: Make a Navigate check when you’re trying to find your way to a distant location without directions or
other specific guidance. The DC depends on the length of the trip. If you succeed, you move via the best
reasonable course toward your goal. If you fail, you still reach the goal, but it takes you twice as long (you lose
time backtracking and correcting your path). If you fail by more than 5, you travel the expected time, but only
get halfway to your destination, at which point you become lost.

You may make a second Navigate check (DC 20) to regain your path. If you succeed, you continue on to your
destination; the total time for your trip is twice the normal time. If you fail, you lose half a day before you can
try again. You keep trying until you succeed, losing half a day for each failure.

Length of Trip DC
Short (a few hours) 20
Moderate (a day or two) 22
Long (up to a week) 25
Extreme (more than a week) 28

You can use Navigate to determine your position on earth without the use of any high-tech equipment by
checking the constellations or other natural landmarks. You must have a clear view of the night sky to make this
check. The DC is 15.
Special: You can take 10 when making a Navigate check. You can take 20 only when determining your location,
not when traveling. A character with the Guide feat gets a +2 bonus on all Navigate checks.
Time: Plotting a course is a full-round action.

Perception (Wis)
This skill combines Listen and Spot into one skill.

Pilot (Dex)
You can use the Pilot skill to fly any kind of airship.
Check: Unless you have the Airship Operation feat, you take a -4 penalty on Pilot checks made to pilot an

Repair (Int)
You can repair or jury-rig damaged machinery, including ordinary items, vehicles, airships and Magitek.
Check: Repairing damage to items, vehicles, airships, and Magitek takes 1 hour of work, a mechanical tool kit,
and a proper facility such as a workshop or hanger bay. (Without the toolkit, you take a -4 penalty on your
Repair check.) At the end of the hour, make a Repair check (DC 20). Success repairs 2d6 points of damage. If
damage remains, you may continue to make repairs for as many hours as it takes to restore the objects to full hit
Special: Items, vehicles, airships, and Magitek that are reduced to 0 hp cannot be repaired. It can be salvaged
for parts, however (see the Salvage feat description for details).

Spellcraft (Int; Trained Only)

Use this skill to detect magical auras, identify magical items and alchemical items.

Spellcraft DC Task
15 Detect a magical aura in an object. Requires 1 minute.
20 Identify a magical item. Requires 5 minutes. No retry.
15 Identify an alchemical item. Requires 1 minute. No retry.

Check: You can detect magical auras, identify magical items and alchemical items. The DCs for Spellcraft
checks are summarized on the table above.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Use Materia, you get a +2 bonus on Spellcraft checks on identifying
materia. If you have 5 or more ranks in Spellcraft, you get a +2 bonus on Use Materia checks.

Stealth (Dex)
This skill combines Hide and Move Silently into one skill.

Thievery (Dex)
This skill combines Open Locks and Sleight of Hand into one skill.

Use Materia (Cha; Trained Only)

Use this skill to activate materia to cast spells.
Check: You can use this skill to activate a spell or support materia to cast spells. Your Caster Level (CL) is
equal to the number of ranks in Use Materia skill – 5 (minimum of 1). To use the materia, you need to attune
yourself to a materia first; this requires a standard action and a Use Materia skill check DC 20 (DC 25 in
combat). Once attuned, you need not attune again unless you attune to a new materia. In order to cast a spell
from materia, you must have a caster level equal to twice the spell level (1st level spells at 2nd level, 2nd level
spells at 4th level, and so on). You can cast spells from materia up to three times per day. Once a materia has
been used three times, it no longer has power to cast spells or provide bonuses to an attached item. It must
recharge, requiring 24 hours to regain energy. Materia slotted in an equipment may also be used to cast spells
Action: None. The Use Materia check is made as part of the action (if any) required to activate the materia.
Try Again: Yes, but if you ever roll a natural 1 while attempting to activate a materia and you fail, then you
can’t try to activate that materia again for 24 hours.
Special: You cannot take 10 with this skill. You can’t aid another on Use Materia checks. Only the user of the
item may attempt such a check.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Spellcraft, you get a +2 bonus on Use Materia checks. If you have 5 or
more ranks in Use Materia, you get a +2 bonus to Spellcraft checks made to identify materias.
--New Feats--
Advanced Magitek Operation [General]
You have received advanced training or extensive practice in magitek movement.
Prerequisite: Magitek Operation.
Benefit: Choose the type of magitek (Mach I, Mach II, or Mach Elite). When you are operating a magitek of the
chosen type, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to Defense. Furthermore, armor penalties for operating the magitek are
2 less than they would otherwise be (minimum penalty –0).

Airship Battle Run [General]

You are skilled at airship skirmish tactics, zipping in and out of an enemy’s sights.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13, Airship Dodge, Airship Mobility.
Benefit: When using an attack action with an airship ranged weapon, you can move both before and after the
attack, provided that the total distance does not exceed the airship’s movement. Moving in this way does not
provoke an attack of opportunity from the defender you are attacking (though it can provoke attacks of
opportunity from other nearby airships, as normal).

Airship Dodge [General]

You are adept at dodging attacks while piloting airships.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13, Pilot 6 ranks, Airship Operation
Benefit: When piloting an airship, you apply a +1 dodge bonus to your airship’s Armor Class against attacks
from one enemy airship you designate during your action. You can select a new enemy ship on any action.

Airship Feint [General]

You are skilled at misleading your enemy in airship combat.
Prerequisite: Pilot 9 ranks, Airship Operation
Benefit: When piloting an airship, you can make a Bluff check in airship combat as a move action. In addition,
you receive a +2 bonus on Bluff checks made to feint in airship combat. See the expanded Bluff skill description
for details.

Airship Gunnery [General]

You are proficient with airship weapons.
Benefit: You do not take a penalty on Attack rolls when firing an airship weapon.
Normal: Without this feat, you take a -4 nonproficient penalty on Attack rolls when firing an airship weapon.

Airship Mobility [General]

You are adept at dodging attacks while piloting airships.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13, Airship Dodge
Benefit: When piloting an airship, you apply a +4 dodge bonus to your airship’s Armor Class against attacks of
opportunity caused when you out of or within an airship’s threatened area. Any condition that makes your lose
your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class also makes you lose your dodge bonuses. Dodge bonuses (such as this one
and the dodge bonus granted by the Airship Dodge feat) stack with each other, unlike most types of bonuses.

Airship Operation [General]

You are proficient at operating airships of any type.
Benefit: You gain Pilot and Navigate as class skills you obtained this feat. When operating an airship, you take
no penalty on Pilot checks made when operating the airship, and you also gain a +1 dodge bonus to your
airship’s Armor Class per 5 ranks of your Pilot skill.
Normal: Without this feat, you take a -4 nonproficient penalty on Pilot checks made to operate an airship, and
you do not gain the dodge bonus to your airship’s Armor Class.

Armored Mage (Leather) [General]

Your specialized training in leather armor allows you to avoid spell failure.
Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency (Leather).
Benefit: While wearing leather armor, you avoid the chance for spell failure.
Normal: Armor heavier than cloth armor interferes with a spell-caster's gestures, which can cause spells to fail
if those spells have a somatic component.

Armored Mage (Chain) [General]

Your specialized training in chain armor allows you to avoid spell failure.
Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency (Chain), Armored Mage (Leather).
Benefit: While wearing chain armor, you avoid the chance for spell failure.
Normal: Armor heavier than cloth armor interferes with a spell-caster's gestures, which can cause spells to fail
if those spells have a somatic component.

Armored Mage (Plate) [General]

Your specialized training in plate armor allows you to avoid spell failure.
Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency (Plate), Armored Mage (Leather), Armored Mage (Chain).
Benefit: While wearing plate armor, you avoid the chance for spell failure.
Normal: Armor heavier than cloth armor interferes with a spell-caster's gestures, which can cause spells to fail
if those spells have a somatic component.

Armored Thief (Leather) [General]

Your specialized training in leather armor allows you to reduce skill penalties and improves maximum Dexterity
Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency (Leather).
Benefit: While wearing leather armor, you reduce skill penalties by 1 and improve the maximum Dexterity
bonus by 3.
Normal: Armor heavier than cloth armor incur skill penalties and usually have a maximum Dexterity bonus.

Armored Thief (Chain) [General]

Your specialized training in chain armor allows you to reduce skill penalties and improves maximum Dexterity
Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency (Chain), Armored Thief (Leather).
Benefit: While wearing chain armor, you reduce skill penalties by 2 and improve the maximum Dexterity bonus
by 2.
Normal: Armor heavier than cloth armor incur skill penalties and usually have a maximum Dexterity bonus.

Armored Thief (Plate) [General]

Your specialized training in plate armor allows you to reduce skill penalties and improves maximum Dexterity
Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency (Plate), Armored Thief (Leather), Armored Thief (Chain).
Benefit: While wearing plate armor, you reduce skill penalties by 3 and improve the maximum Dexterity bonus
by 1.
Normal: Armor heavier than cloth armor incur skill penalties and usually have a maximum Dexterity bonus.
Augment Summoning [General]
Prerequisites: Able to summon Avatars.
Benefit: Any Avatar you summon gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution as well as a +1 hit
point per HD it possesses.

Azure Knowledge [Metamagic]

Prerequisites: Blue Mage level 5th.
Benefit: Add to your spells known one additional blue magic spell of any level up to one level lower than the
highest-level spell you can cast. For example, an 8th-level blue mage gains either a new 1st, 2nd, or 3rd-level
blue magic spell.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time, you learn one new blue magic spell at any level up to
one less than the highest-level spell you can cast.

Body Fuel [General]

You can expand your MP at the expense of your health.
Benefit: You can recover 2 MP by taking 1 point of ability damage to each of your three ability scores: Strength,
Dexterity, and Constitution. You can recover additional MP for a proportional cost; for example, you could
choose to recover 6 MP by taking 3 points of ability damage to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.

Burst Fire [General]

You can fire a short burst at the expense of accuracy.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Double Tap.
Benefit: When using an automatic firearm with at least five bullets loaded, the character may fire a short burst
as a single attack against a single target. The character receives a –4 penalty on the attack roll, but deal +2 dice
of damage. Firing a burst expends five bullets and can only be done if the weapon has five bullets in it.
Normal: Autofire uses ten bullets, targets a 10-foot-by-10-foot area, and can’t be aimed at a specific target.
Without this feat, if a character attempts an autofire attack at a specific target, it simply counts as a normal
attack and all the extra bullets are wasted.
Special: If the firearm has a three-round burst setting, firing a burst expends three bullets instead of five and can
be used if the weapon has only three bullets in it.

Chain Spell [Metamagic]

You can cast spells that arc to hit other targets in addition to the primary target.
Benefit: You can chain any spell that affects a single target and that deals either earth, fire, lightning, ice, water,
or wind damage. After the primary target is struck, the spell can arc to a number of secondary targets equal to
your character level (maximum twenty). The secondary arcs each strike one target and deal half as much damage
as the primary one did (round down). Each target gets to make a saving throw, if one is allowed by the spell. You
can choose secondary targets as you like, but they must all be within 30 feet of the primary target, and no target
can be struck more than once. You can choose to affect fewer secondary targets than the maximum (to avoid
allies in the area, for example.) Using this feat increases the MP cost of the spell by 3. If you apply this feat on a
spell, that spell cannot be enhanced by any other similar feat.

Chocobo Time [Bardic Performance]

Your lively cadence puts a spring in the step of weary marchers.
Prerequisite: Perform (percussion) 3 ranks, Perform (string) 3 ranks, or Perform (wind) 3 ranks.
Effect: This bright and spritely tune mimics the sound of chocobo feet, slowly building to a steady, ground-
eating pace. When you complete this performance, you affect one ally in hearing range per bard level. This feat
increases the affected target’s base land speed by 10 feet for 1 hour. This adjustment is treated as an
enhancement bonus. There is no effect on other modes of movement, such as burrow, climb, fly, or swim. As
with any effect that increases your speed, this spell affects your jumping distance (see Athletics).
Use: 1 bardic performance round.
Action: 1 minute.

Craft Accessory [Item Creation]

You can create a wide variety of accessories, from shoes, bracers, gloves, rings, hats, etc.
Prerequisite: Caster level 3rd.
Benefit: You can create any accessory whose prerequisites you meet. Enchanting an accessory takes one day for
each 1,000 gil in its price. To enchant an accessory, you must spend 1/25 of the item’s price in XP and use up
raw materials costing half of this price. You can also mend a broken accessory if it is one that you could make.
Doing so costs half the XP, half the raw materials, and half the time it would take to craft that item in the first

Craft Alchemical Item [Item Creation]

You can create alchemical items, which can heal, cure status effects, etc. See the Alchemical Item section for
more details on what you can make for alchemical items.
Prerequisite: Caster level 3rd.
Benefit: You can create Tier 1 alchemical items. Crafting an alchemical item takes one hour. When you create
an alchemical item, you set the caster level, which must be sufficient to cast the spell in question and no higher
than your own level. The base prices of potions are in the Alchemical Item section. To craft an alchemical item,
you must spend 1/25th of this base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one half this base price.
Special: To create Tier 2 alchemical items, you must be at least 7th level. To create Tier 3 alchemical items, you
must be at least 11th level. To create Tier 4 alchemical items, you must be at least 15th level.

Craft Materia [Item Creation]

You can create materia, which are special little crystal orbs that contain magicite that provide a magical effect
when affixed to a weapon, shield, or suit of armor.
Prerequisite: Caster level 6th.
Benefit: You can create a materia of one of the five types: Spell, Support, Independent, Ability, or Summon (See
the Materia section for more details on what you can make for materia). Crafting a Spell or Support materia
takes one day per spell level. Crafting an Independent or Ability materia takes one week. Crafting a Summon
materia takes one month. When you create a Spell, Support, or Summon materia, you set the caster level, which
must be sufficient to cast the spell in question and no higher than your own level. To craft materia, you must
spend 1/25 of its base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of its base price. All crafted materia
begin at level 0 with 0 MXP.

Dodge [General]
You are adept at dodging blows.
Prerequisites: Dex 13.
Benefit: This feat grants you a +1 dodge bonus to AC. A condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to
Armor Class (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike
most other types of bonuses.

Double Tap [General]

You can make a couple shots at the expense of accuracy.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Point Blank Shot.
Benefit: When using a semiautomatic firearm with at least two bullets loaded, the character may fire two bullets
as a single attack against a single target. The character receives a –2 penalty on this attack, but deals +1 die of
damage with a successful hit. Using this feat fires two bullets and can only be done if the weapon has two
bullets in it.

Elemental Focus [General]

Choose an element, such as dark, earth, fire, ice, light, lightning, water, or wind. Your spells of that element are
more potent than normal.
Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the element you select.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a
new element.

Elemental Penetration [General]

Choose an element, such as dark, earth, fire, ice, light, lightning, water, or wind. Your spells of that element are
especially potent, breaking through element resistance more readily than normal.
Benefit: Spells of the element you select are harder to resist. Any elemental resistance on a creature is
considered 2 less when determining damage from a spell of the element you select.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a
new element.

Empower Spell [Metamagic]

You can cast spells to a greater effect.
Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by one-half. An empowered spell
deals half again as much damage as normal, heals half again as many hit points, affects half again as many
targets, and so forth, as appropriate. Saving throws are not affected, nor are spells without random variables.
Using this feat increases the MP cost of the spell by 2. If you apply this feat on a spell, that spell cannot be
enhanced by any other similar feat.

Enlarge Spell [Metamagic]

You can cast spells farther than normal.
Benefit: You can alter a spell with a range of close, medium, or long to increase its range by 100%. An enlarged
spell with a range of close has a range of 25 feet + 5 feet per two levels, a medium-range spell has a range of
100 feet + 10 feet per level, and a long-range spell has a range of 400 feet + 40 feet per level. Spells whose
ranges are not defined by distance, as well as spells whose ranges are not close, medium, or long, are not
affected. Using this feat increases the MP cost of the spell by 2. If you apply this feat on a spell, that spell cannot
be enhanced by any other similar feat.

Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Firearms) [General]

You understand how to use firearms in combat.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the weapon normally.
Normal: A character who uses firearms with which he or she is not proficient takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls.

Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Gunblades) [General]

You understand how to use gunblades in combat.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1, Str 13.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the weapon normally.
Normal: A character who uses gunblades with which he or she is not proficient takes a –4 penalty on attack

Extend Song [Meta-Song]

You are able to perform your Bard songs longer than most.
Prerequisites: Able to perform 1st-level bard songs.
Benefit: Your Bard songs last an additional three rounds beyond its normal duration.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. The effects stack.

Extend Spell [Metamagic]

You can cast spells that last longer than normal.
Benefit: An extended spell lasts twice as long as normal. A spell with a duration of concentration,
instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat. Using this feat increases the MP cost of the spell by 1. If
you apply this feat on a spell, that spell cannot be enhanced by any other similar feat.

Extra Blessing [General]

Your lay on hands ability adds an additional blessing.
Prerequisites: Lay on hands class feature, blessing class feature.
Benefit: Select one additional blessing for which you qualify. When you use lay on hands to heal damage to one
target, it also receives the additional effects of this blessing.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, select a new

Extra Defile [General]

Your harm touch ability adds an additional defile.
Prerequisites: Harm touch class feature, defile class feature.
Benefit: Select one additional defile for which you qualify. When you use harm touch to deal damage to one
target, it also receives the additional effects of this defile.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, select a new

Extra Harm Touch [General]

You can use your lay on hands ability more often.
Prerequisite: Harm touch class feature.
Benefit: You can use your harm touch ability two additional times per day.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

Extra Ki [General]
You can use your ki pool more times per day than most.
Prerequisite: Ki pool class feature.
Benefit: Your ki pool increases by 2.
Special: You can gain Extra Ki multiple times. Its effects stack.

Extra Lay on Hands [General]

You can use your lay on hands ability more often.
Prerequisite: Lay on hands class feature.
Benefit: You can use your lay on hands ability two additional times per day.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

Extra Limit Break [General]

You can use your limit breaks more often.
Benefit: You can activate a limit break one additional time.
Normal: You can only activate a limit break once per day.

Extra MP [General]
You gain additional MP to supplement those you already had.
Prerequisite: Having a MP pool.
Benefit: You gain bonus MP as if your casting attribute were four points higher (effectively one extra MP per
casting class level) for the purposes of determining bonus maximum MP.
Special: This feat can be taken only once.

Extra Rage [General]

You are able to maintain your rage longer than most.
Prerequisites: Bestial Rage class feature.
Benefit: You can rage for 6 additional rounds per day.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. The effects stack.

Greater Elemental Focus [General]

Choose an element to which you already have applied the Elemental Focus feat. Your spells of that element are
now even more potent than before.
Prerequisite: Elemental Focus.
Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the element you select. This
bonus stacks with the bonus from Elemental Focus.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a
new element to which you already have applied the Elemental Focus feat.

Greater Elemental Penetration [General]

Choose an element to which you already have applied the Elemental Focus feat. Your spells are remarkably
potent, breaking through elemental resistance more readily than normal.
Prerequisite: Elemental Penetration.
Benefit: Spells of the element you select are harder to resist. Any elemental resistance on a creature is
considered 2 less when determining damage from a spell of the element you select. This penalty stacks with the
one from Elemental Penetration.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a
new element to which you already have applied the Elemental Penetration feat.

Gunblade Expertise [General]

Your understanding of Gunblades allows you to swing and fire your gunblade at the same time.
Prerequisite: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Gunblades).
Benefit: You may fire your gunblade as an additional attack action against the same target if you have
successfully hit with the blade during the round with a -5 penalty without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Normal: Without this feat, you can't fire the gunblade at the same time as you swing your sword.

Hair Trigger [General]

You have developed a delicate sense of timing, and your area attacks hit your foes when they’re ill-prepared to
defend against them.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: Whenever you make an attack from your magitek that requires enemies to make Reflex saving throws,
the DC for such saves is increased by +2.

Improved Aura [General]

You have a larger radius for your auras.
Prerequisites: Must have an Aura class feature.
Benefit: The radius of your auras are increased by double.

Improved Deadly Aim [General]

The power of your ranged attacks improves.
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Deadly Aim, Archer level 11th.
Benefit: On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to subtract a number from all
ranged attack rolls and for every -2 penalty you take, you gain a +3 bonus on all ranged damage rolls. This
number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage apply until your
next turn. This benefit does not stack with the normal effects of Deadly Aim.

Improved Power Attack [General]

The power of your melee attacks improves.
Prerequisites: Str 15, Power Attack, Fighter level 11th.
Benefit: On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to subtract a number from all
melee attack rolls and for every -2 penalty you take, you gain a +3 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This
number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage apply until your
next turn. This benefit does not stack with the normal effects of Power Attack.
Special: If you attack with a two-handed weapon, or with a one-handed weapon wielded in two hands, instead
add triple the number subtracted from your attack rolls. You can’t add the bonus from Improved Power Attack to
the damage dealt with a light weapon (except with unarmed strikes or natural weapon attacks), even though the
penalty on attack rolls still applies. (Normally, you treat a double weapon as a one-handed weapon and a light
weapon. If you choose to use a double weapon like a two-handed weapon, attacking with only one end of it in a
round, you treat it as a two-handed weapon.)

Lingering Performance [General]

The effects of your bardic performance carry on, even after you have stopped performing.
Prerequisite: Bardic performance class feature.
Benefit: The bonuses and penalties from your bardic performance continue for 2 rounds after you cease
performing. Any other requirement, such as range or specific conditions, must still be met for the effect to
continue. If you begin a new bardic performance during this time, the effects of the previous performance
immediately cease.

Magitek Crush [General]

You can hurl your magitek’s body onto opponents to deal tremendous damage.
Prerequisite: Magitek Operation.
Benefit: As an attack action, you can maneuver your magitek to jump or fall onto opponents, using the
magitek’s body to crush them. This attack is useful only against creatures at least one size categories smaller
than your magitek. The base damage for a crush attack depends on your magitek’s size category: Large (2d6),
Huge (2d8). Add 1.5 times your magitek-modified Strength bonus to this base damage to determine the total
damage for the attack.

A crush attack deals bludgeoning damage and affects as many creatures as can fit under your magitek’s body.
Each creature in the affected area must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 + your magitek’s size modifier for
grapple attacks). On a failure, the creature is pinned and automatically takes crush damage each round the pin is

Magitek Fling [General]

You can pick up an opponent with your magitek and fling it.
Prerequisite: Magitek Operation, at least one free hand slot.
Benefit: Your magitek can make a grapple check at a –20 penalty against an opponent at least one size
categories smaller than it. If the grapple succeeds, you can use an attack action to fling the held opponent on
your next action. The range increment for the thrown foe is 10 feet, and the maximum range is 100 feet.
A creature may be thrown horizontally or vertically. If thrown vertically, it takes normal falling damage. If
thrown horizontally, it takes damage as though it had fallen half the distance thrown (rounded down), and you
may apply your magitek-modified Strength bonus to the damage.
Your magitek may also fling your opponent at another magitek, vehicle, or creature. To do so, make an attack
roll at a –4 penalty, with appropriate range penalties, against the target. If you hit, both the thrown creature and
the target take the amount of damage that the thrown creature would have otherwise taken, as given above.

Magitek Operation [General]

You know how to operate a magitek.
Benefit: You gain Drive as a class skill when you obtained this feat. You do not suffer the restrictions on
movement and penalties on skill checks for being unfamiliar with magitek controls. You can move normally in a
magitek and generally perform any action as if you weren’t inside a magitek, subject to the obvious limitations
of size. You threaten areas within your reach even if unarmed.
Normal: Characters without this feat take a –4 penalty on Acrobatics, Athetlics, Drive, Escape Artist, and
Stealth checks when operating a magitek. Furthermore, they cannot run or charge.

Magitek Sweep [General]

You can use your magitek to wield improvised weapons and attack several spaces at once.
Prerequisite: Magitek Operation, Power Attack, two free hand slots.
Benefit: You can use your magitek’s great size and strength, along with your own knowledge of balance and
leverage, to pick up a heavy object (such as a large tree or boulder) and attack an area as an attack action. The
area affected is a half-circle with a radius equal to your magitek’s reach. This attack deals damage to all
creatures one or more size categories smaller than your magitek within the area. The base damage dealt depends
on your magitek’s size: Large (1d6), Huge (1d8). Add 1.5 times your magitek’s Strength bonus to this base
damage to determine the total damage for the attack. Though it can deal significant damage, this form of attack
is awkward and unbalancing. You take a –2 penalty to your magitek’s Defense and on Reflex saves until your
next turn.

Magitek Trample [General]

Your magitek can knock down and crush opponents.
Prerequisite: Magitek Operation, base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: When you attempt to overrun an opponent while operating a magitek, the target may not choose to
avoid your magitek. If your magitek knocks down the target, your magitek may make one free slam attack
against the target, gaining a +4 bonus on the attack roll because the target is prone.

Magitek Weapon Boost [General]

By disabling safeguards and shunting auxiliary power into your weapons, you can attain greater destructive
power at the cost of weapon accuracy.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +8, Repair 6 ranks.
Benefit: You can take a penalty of up to –5 on your attack roll. If you do, the magitek weapon of your choice
deals +1d6 points of damage for each –1 penalty you took. The attack penalty persists until the beginning of
your next turn, but the additional damage applies only to the next single attack you make.

Magitek Weapon Proficiency [General]

You know how to acquire targets and fire your magitek’s weapons using onboard computers and sensors.
Prerequisite: Magitek Operation.
Benefit: You no longer suffer the standard penalties on attack rolls while you’re in your magitek. You can use
any feats that refer to firearms with your ranged magitek weapons.
Normal: Characters without this feat take a –4 penalty on attack rolls made while in a magitek cockpit.
Furthermore, they cannot apply firearm feats to a magitek’s ranged weapons.

Mastercrafter [General]
You are adept at creating mastercraft items, vehicles, airships, and Magitek.
Prerequisites: Any Craft skill 8 ranks.
Benefit: When successfully completed, a mastercraft object provides an equipment bonus on skill checks made
to use the object (in the case of mastercraft vehicles, airships, and Magitek, this includes Drive or Pilot checks).
A mastercraft weapon provides a bonus on attack and damage rolls. A mastercraft suit of armor improves the
armor’s equipment bonus to Armor Class. In each case, the bonus can be up to +5. On average, it takes twice as
long to build a mastercraft object as it does to build an ordinary object of the same type. The cost to build a
mastercraft object is equal to the base cost of the object plus the additional Gil cost below and the modifiers to
apply to the Craft check DC for mastercraft items are also listed on the table below.

Mastercrafter Feature Gil Cost DC Modifier

Mastercraft (+1) +500 +3
Mastercraft (+2) +1500 +6
Mastercraft (+3) +3500 +9
Mastercraft (+4) +7500 +12
Mastercraft (+5) +15500 +15

In addition to the additional Gil cost, you must also pay a cost in experience points equal to 250 x the bonus
provided by the mastercraft feature. The experience points must be paid before making the Craft check. If the
expenditure of these experience points would drop you below the minimum needed for your current level, then
the experience points can’t be paid and you can’t make the mastercraft object until you have sufficient
experience points to remain at your current level after the expenditure is made.

You can add the mastercraft feature to an existing ordinary object or a lower-grade mastercraft object by
spending the additional Gil cost and then making the Craft check as though you were constructing the object
from scratch.

Materia Proficiency [General]

You can now cast spells from materia.
Benefit: You gain Use Materia as a class skill. You get a +3 bonus on all Use Materia skill checks.
Normal: You can only attach materia to weapons and armor.

Maximize Spell [Metamagic]

You can cast spells to the maximum effect.
Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of a spell modified by this feat are maximized. A maximized spell deals
maximum damage, cures the maximum number of hit points, affects the maximum number of targets, and so on,
as appropriate. Saving throws are not affected, nor are spells without random variables. Using this feat increases
the MP cost of the spell by 3. If you apply this feat on a spell, that spell cannot be enhanced by any other similar

Mental Toughness [General]

You have a larger MP pool than normal.
Prerequisites: Must have a MP pool.
Benefit: You gain +2 MP at 1st level, and +1 additional MP for each additional level.
Special: You may only take this feat once.

Minuet of the Malboro [Bardic Performance]

Your winding, twisting dance is helpful in dodging obstacles and climbing.
Prerequisite: Perform (dance) 4 ranks.
Effect: As ivy climbs walls and spills across even the rockiest and most uneven of terrain, so too does your
dance propel you across broken stone and up walls. As long as you maintain the performance, whenever you
move, you may move through 5 feet of difficult terrain each round as if it were normal terrain; this allows you to
take a 5-foot step into difficult terrain. As long as you move laterally at least 10 feet, you may climb as if you
had a climb speed equal to your base speed. You may spend the first round of this performance demonstrating
the dance to up to one creature per two bard levels; if these students succeed at a DC 15 Perform (dance) check,
they also gain the benefits of this feat as long as you maintain the performance.
Use: 1 bardic performance round per round.
Action: 1 full round.

Overchannel [Metamagic]
You burn your life force to strengthen your spells.
Benefit: While casting a spell, you can increase your effective spell-caster level by one, but in so doing you take
1d8 points of non-elemental damage. At 8th level, you can choose to increase your effective spell-caster level by
two, but you take 3d8 points of non-elemental damage. At 15th level, you can increase your effective spell-
caster level by three, but you take 5d8 points of non-elemental damage. The effective increase in spell-caster
level increases the number of MP you can expend, as well as increasing all spell-caster level-dependent effects,
such as range, duration, and overcoming spell resistance.

Quicken Spell [Metamagic]

You can cast a spell with extreme speed.
Benefit: A quickened spell becomes a free action. You can cast another action, even execute another spell, in the
same round that you casted a quickened spell. You can cast only one quickened spell per round. A spell whose
cast time is longer than 1 round cannot be quickened. Using this feat increases the MP cost of the spell by 4. If
you apply this feat on a spell, that spell cannot be enhanced by any other similar feat. Casting a quickened spell
does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Rondeau of Bastok [Bardic Performance]

Your carefully structured song imposes rigid order on your listeners.
Prerequisite: Perform (sing) 4 ranks.
Effect: This song follows a set repetition of verses and refrains with a pattern of syllables that remains constant
from line to line. As you sing, listeners find their actions bound by your song’s relentless order. One enemy per
bard level within listening range must make a successful Will save or find its movements hampered. A creature
that fails its save can move only in a straight line each turn. The creature can choose which direction it wishes to
move each turn, but it can move only along a straight line in that direction, and cannot move around corners or
otherwise deviate from this line until its next turn. This effect lasts as long as you maintain the performance.
Although this song has words, it is not language-dependent.
Use: 1 bardic performance round per round.
Action: 1 round.

Silent Spell [Metamagic]

You can cast spells silently.
Benefit: A silent spell can be cast with no verbal components. Using this feat increases the MP cost of the spell
by 2. If you apply this feat on a spell, that spell cannot be enhanced by any other similar feat.

Steal MP [General]
You siphon off your opponent's MP.
Prerequisite: Sneak attack, must have a MP pool.
Benefit: If you hit an opponent with a successful sneak attack, you can choose to forgo dealing 1d6 points of
sneak attack damage and instead steal 1d4 MP from your target. For each die of sneak attack damage you forgo,
the more die you steal from your opponent's MP.

Still Spell [Metamagic]

You can cast spells without gestures.
Benefit: A silent spell can be cast with no somatic components. Using this feat increases the MP cost of the
spell by 2. If you apply this feat on a spell, that spell cannot be enhanced by any other similar feat.

Supreme Cleave [General]

You are able to bridge the gaps when making Cleave attempts.
Prerequisite: Str 15, Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Fighter level 8th.
Benefit: You can take a 5-foot step between attacks when using the Cleave or Great Cleave feat. You are still
limited to one such adjustment per round, so you cannot use this ability during a round in which you have
already taken a 5-foot step.

Supreme Deadly Aim [General]

You are an expert in throwing tremendous power behind your ranged attacks.
Prerequisites: Dex 17, Deadly Aim, Improved Deadly Aim, Archer level 16th.
Benefit: On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to subtract a number from all
ranged attack rolls and for every -1 penalty you take, you gain a +2 bonus on all ranged damage rolls. This
number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage apply until your
next turn. This benefit does not stack with the normal effects of Deadly Aim or Improved Deadly Aim.

Supreme Power Attack [General]

You are an expert in throwing tremendous power behind your melee attacks.
Prerequisites: Str 17, Power Attack, Improved Power Attack, Fighter level 16th.
Benefit: On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to subtract a number from all
melee attack rolls and for every -1 penalty you take, you gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This
number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage apply until your
next turn. This benefit does not stack with the normal effects of Power Attack or Improved Power Attack.
Special: If you attack with a two-handed weapon, or with a one-handed weapon wielded in two hands, instead
add quadruple the number subtracted from your attack rolls. You can’t add the bonus from Supreme Power
Attack to the damage dealt with a light weapon (except with unarmed strikes or natural weapon attacks), even
though the penalty on attack rolls still applies. (Normally, you treat a double weapon as a one-handed weapon
and a light weapon. If you choose to use a double weapon like a two-handed weapon, attacking with only one
end of it in a round, you treat it as a two-handed weapon.)

The Cockatrice Gambit [Bardic Performance]

Your antics can soften even the hardest visage.
Prerequisite: Perform (comedy) or Perform (oratory) 7 ranks.
Effect: You tell an old and humorous tale about a woman who refused to smile at anything, no matter how
funny. Through a series of increasingly unlikely events involving a cart of horse manure, a king, and a flying
carpet, her legendary frown broke at last. When you complete the performance, the target cured of Petrify status.
Use: 2 bardic performance rounds.
Action: 1 minute.

The Dance of the Moogle [Bardic Performance]

This complex dance makes you difficult to strike.
Prerequisite: Perform (dance) 4 ranks.
Effect: The shuffling steps, bends, and leaps of this intricate dance make you a difficult target to hit, but also
make it more difficult for you to perform other actions. When using this feat, you take a –2 penalty on melee
attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, and you must make a concentration check to perform any song (DC
15 + the song’s level), but you gain a +2 dodge bonus to your Armor Class. When you have 8 ranks in Perform
(dance), and every 4 ranks thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the dodge bonus increases by +1. You can
combine this feat with fighting defensively and Combat Expertise, but not total defense. When you use this feat,
it lasts until the start of your next turn. Abilities that extend the duration of a bardic performance (such as
Lingering Performance) affect this feat; this allows you to get multiple rounds of its benefit (and its penalties) at
the cost of only 1 round of bardic performance.
Use: 1 bardic performance round.
Action: 1 free action.

The Foolish Galka [Bardic Performance]

Your acting conjures hellfire and salt to destroy plants.
Prerequisite: Perform (act) or Perform (comedy) 6 ranks.
Effect: This pantomime tells the tale of a foolish galka farmer who failed to control the weeds that grew so
quickly upon his land. In desperation, the farmer bargained with a devil, who blasted the earth with salt and
withering heat, leaving the fertile land desolate for a century. When you complete the performance, you can
create a 30-foot cone or a 60-foot line that is blasted with scorching air and hot salt. Plants and oozes in this area
take 1d6 points of damage per bard level (maximum 10d6); half this damage is fire damage, half is piercing
damage. A Reflex save reduces the damage by half. Creatures other than plants or oozes take half damage, or no
damage on a successful save.
Use: 2 bardic performance rounds.
Action: 1 full round.

The Kefka Refrain [Bardic Performance]

Your strange melody of hacking gasps and pained wheezes draws upon the dark powers of Kefka to fill a
witness with debilitating and distracting phlegm.
Prerequisite: Perform (sing) 5 ranks.
Effect: Your song emulates the sounds of a terrible illness, causing one creature you are aware of who can hear
your song to develop a psychosomatic flu. If the target fails its Will save, whenever it attempts any action other
than moving up to its base speed or making a single melee attack (but not both) in a single round, it must
succeed at a concentration check (DC 10 + your Charisma modifier) to avoid wasting its action because of a fit
of coughing and sneezing.
Use: 1 bardic performance round per round.
Action: 1 standard action.

The Mithra Cat-Step [Bardic Performance]

Your agile dancing allows you and others to fall safely and land gracefully.
Prerequisite: Perform (dance) 5 ranks.
Effect: This quick dance is a series of small steps culminating in a series of leaps. When you complete the
performance, for the next 10 minutes you treat any distance fallen as if it were a number of feet shorter equal to
half your bard level × 5. You may spend the first minute of this effect demonstrating the dance to up to one
creature per two bard levels; if these students succeed at a DC 15 Perform (dance) check, they also gain the
benefits of this feat for the remainder of its duration.
Use: 4 bardic performance rounds.
Action: 4 full rounds.

The Requiem of the Fallen Mage-King [Bardic Performance]

Your performance reveals ways to cheat time itself.
Prerequisite: Perform (oratory) 10 ranks or Perform (sing) 10 ranks.
Effect: This piece tells the story of a mighty mage-king who seemed to defy time by snatching near-victory from
an overwhelming number of enemies. When you complete the performance, you gain the ability to accelerate
time once, which must be used in the next 10 minutes. When you perform this feat, you gain the ability to spend
a swift action to perform a nonmagical action that normally requires a move action or a standard action. For
example, you could make a full attack, then spend a swift action to take a normal move, load a light crossbow,
or draw a weapon in the same round. You must use this extra action within 10 minutes of performing the feat;
otherwise the benefit is lost.

This ability does not stack with other effects that increase your speed (such as haste). Your allies may benefit
from this feat, but they must listen to it intently (to the exclusion of all other activities) for the duration of the
performance, and you must expend 1 round of bardic performance for each ally other than yourself whom you
want to gain the ability to accelerate time (for example, affecting yourself and five others requires expending 11
rounds of bardic performance). This is a language-dependent effect.
Use: 5 bardic performance rounds, +1 round per additional person affected.
Action: 1 minute.

Tonberry's Grudge [Bardic Performance]

The horror of the Tonberry shrieks through your instrument to make a listener experience the death she dreads
Prerequisite: Perform (string) 7 ranks.
Effect: You produce a sound that causes creatures to believe they are suffering a particularly ghastly and
terrifying death, such as immolation, freezing to death, or being eaten alive by insects. When you complete this
performance, all creatures within 30 feet who can hear your performance must make a successful Will saving
throw or take 1d6 points of elemental damage. The elemental type can be either earth, fire, ice, lightning, water,
or wind (your choice, chosen when you begin performing the feat). Affected creatures that fail their saving
throws take damage on the round you begin the performance and each round you continue the performance as
long as they remain in range. Abilities that extend the duration of a bardic performance affect this feat.
Use: 1 bardic performance round per round.

Toughness [General]
You are tougher than normal.
Benefit: You gain +3 hit points at 1st level, and +1 additional hit point for each additional level.
Special: A character may gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

Widen Spell [Metamagic]

You can increase the area of your spells.
Benefit: You can alter a burst, emanation, line, or spread-shaped spell to increase its area. (Spells that do not
have an area of one of these four sorts are not affected by this feat.) Any numeric measurements of the spell’s
area increase by 100%. For example, Thundaga spell (which normally produces a 30-foot-radius spread) that is
widened now fills a 60-foot-radius spread. Using this feat increases the MP cost of the spell by 2. If you apply
this feat on a spell, that spell cannot be enhanced by any other similar feat.

Wild Talent [General]

You have an unrealized talent for magic.
Benefit: Your latent talent for magic flares to life, conferring upon you the designation of a spell-casting
character. As a spell-casting character, you gain a MP pool of 2 and can take metamagic feats and item creation
feats. You do not, however, gain the ability to learn spells simply by virtue of having this feat.

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