Grade 14 General English - Part II

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14 03 Hours

General English - II

 Answer all questions on this paper itself'

Question 1
Read the passage given below in which some words are given in bold type. Then, underline the
meaning that is most appropriate to the context for the words given in bold type from 1-10.
(10 marks)

RoboScience, a UK company specialising in commercial robotic technology, recently launched its

RS-01 RoboDog - the world's most powerful, most advanced and largest commercial legged robot.
Compared to other robotic animals, such as those produced by Sony, this new invention is the
"Formula 1" of robotic pets.
Technical and design breakthroughs made during the creation of this remarkable new robot will
form the platform for next-generation lightweight robots that will automate many ordinary tasks and
eliminate human involvement in high-risk commercial and military environments. Nick Wirth -
formerly a designer of Formula One racing cars and co-founder and technical director of
RoboScience - and a small team of highly-skilled specialists created the RoboDog in only seven
months using a state-of-the-art computer-aided design tool provided by software house UGS.
Mark Oates, co-founder and marketing director of Northamptonshire based RoboScience, said, "All
legged robots now for sale are nothing more than entertainment. This is an advanced computer in
animal form - it's history in the making. We have done what was thought impossible - creating a
robot that is light and strong, yet large enough to show the true potential of legged robotics that
are genuinely useful to human life." The RoboDog will be sold as a hand-made limited
edition product tailored to the customers' requirements. A maximum of 200 robots will be offered
for sale worldwide over the course of this year at a price of £20,000.

1. breakthrough: loss, development, start , crack

2. Remarkable: known, best, popular, exceptional
3. State-of-the-art: modern, recent, expensive, old
4. Potential : activity, capacity, inability, interest
5. Tailored: personalised , private, individual, sewn
6. formerly: forward, later, previously, now
7. genuinely: fake, good, cheap, authentic
8. eliminate: kill, remove, harm, make
9. launched: dismiss, initiated, blow, send
10. requirements: facilities, needs, demands, requests

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Question 2

Read the following email and answer the questions 1 and 2. (10marks)

From: Jo Backhouse
To: Karl Anderson
Date: 17 October
Subject: Support for Judy

Dear Karl,
I received a call from Judy a couple of days ago to discuss some of the issues that she was having
and I thought I'd give you a heads-up on what was said.

Judy really enjoys working with you and the team and finds the project very interesting, but I think
she's feeling a bit lost and struggling to see the big picture. It seems that she's been given a fair
amount of autonomy to carry out the tasks that you've given her.But I believe in her Tokyo office,
she is used to a bit more managerial direction and guidance and so is finding this international
project quite daunting.

When I asked her about meeting her deadlines, she mentioned that due to the recent changes to the
project timeline, her goalposts have been moved, and she doesn't seem to really understand why this
has happened. Bearing in mind that she's also facing simultaneous deadlines from her department in
Tokyo, we can presume that she might be feeling a bit stretched.

Looking ahead, I was wondering if we could make it easier for Judy by offering her more direction
when setting her tasks, at least until she learns the ropes and gets used to working unsupervised. I
think she'd also appreciate you giving her a clearer idea on how her role in the team fits into the
overview of things

Judy is an extremely conscientious worker and is eager to contribute positively to the team. I'm keen
to know your thoughts on the matter and am open to any suggestions on how we could better
support Judy so that she has a more smooth-sailing experience on the team.

Best regards,
Jo Backhouse
Head of Department

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I. Do the following statements agree with the information given in the above text?
In boxes (1)-(8) write True or False.
True- If the statement is correct False- If the statement is wrong

(1) Judy is writing to Karl

(2) Jo finds the project interesting
(3) Judy is struggling to meet the deadlines
(4) Jo met Judy a couple of days ago
(5) Judy is used to managerial direction and guidance
(6) Jo requests Karl to give more direction
(7) Judy is not willing to contribute positively to the team
(8) Karl is the head of department

II. Underline the most appropriate response.

a) The word ' daunting ' most nearly means
(1) awful (2) intimidating (3) complicated (4) busy

b) The word, 'this' in bold print refers to

(1) goalposts (2) Tokyo office (3) changes in project timeline (4) deadlines

Question 3
Read the following poem and underline the most appropriate response to each of the questions from
1-5. (05 marks)

Frolic by George William Russell

The children were shouting together

And racing along the sands,
A glimmer of dancing shadows,
A dovelike flutter of hands.

The stars were shouting in heaven,

The sun was chasing the moon:
The game was the same as the children’s,
They danced to the self-same tune.

The whole of the world was merry,

One joy from the vale to the height,
Where the blue woods of twilight encircled
The lovely lawns of the light.
General English - Grade 14 Page 3
1. Which of the following expresses the meaning of the line ‘a glimmer of dancing shadows’
a) Dancing light b) Children running
c) Children dancing d) Children singing

2. Which of the following is most appropriate to describe the phrase ‘danced to the self-same tune’
a) Danced with the children b) Followed the same rhyme of the children
c) Danced alone d) Danced with the moon

3. What were the children doing?

a) studying b) singing c) playing d) dancing

4. Which word in the poem most nearly mean ‘ twinkle’?

a) twilight b) flutter c) glimmer d) light

5. The time of the day is

a) noon b) night c) morning d) evening

Question 4
Based on the following passage, fill in the blanks in the text given below. Use only one word in
each blank. (05 marks)

Student Volunteers Needed!

On Saturday, December 12th, from 10 A.M. until 4 P.M., Carverton Middle School will be holding
a music festival in the school gymnasium. The special event will feature a variety of professional
musicians and singers.

Task Time Date

Make posters 1 P.M.–4 P.M. December 5th

Set up gym 11 A.M.–4 P.M. December 11th

Help performers 9 A.M.–4 P.M. December 12th

Welcome guests 10 A.M.–2 P.M. December 12th

Clean up gym 4 P.M.–7 P.M. December 12th

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Interested students should speak with Ms. Braxton, the music teacher. Students who would like to
help at the festival must have written permission from a parent or guardian.

Student volunteers are needed to prepare for a ............................... festival. A variety of musicians
and singers will feature the event. The volunteers are given five tasks to choose from. The event is
on the ................... of December. The volunteers have to make posters, set up gym, help performers,
welcome guests and clean up gym. There is ...................task to be done after the event. Students
should speak to.................... , if interested. The students should have ......................... from parent or

Question 5

Read the following text and answer the questions from 1-4. (20 marks)

Five horror film clichés

1. Since almost the beginning of cinema, we have had scary films. Of all the genres that exist,
horror is perhaps one of the most conventional. Many horror films rely on specific plot devices,
also called tropes, to make their audience frightened. When a trope is used too much, it can
become a cliché. But when used well, it can really make us jump out of our skin. Here are some
of the most used, and perhaps abused, clichés in horror films.

2. No matter what kind of house it is, the basement is a scary place in horror films. That's usually
where something is hiding or where the evil psychopath has hidden their tools. Basements are
always dark and often damp. You can only reach them by a narrow staircase. And basements
are always creepy, even when there isn't anything down there.

3. In older horror films, when protagonists were in desperation, it was difficult or impossible for
them to call for help or call the police. Mobile phones have made that situation a bit less
believable now. What's the solution to maintain suspense? No phone coverage! If you're a hero
in a horror film, it's almost certain that at a key moment, just when you absolutely need to call
for help, you will not have any coverage at all. Or your phone battery will die just as you are
making the call. Or both.

4. Horror films love uninhabited places. This could be an abandoned hospital, a scary empty
house or a ghost town. There's something about lonely, empty places. What was it like when
people lived there? Why did they leave? Maybe it's also that they are so quiet, which can be
very scary too. Of course, abandoned places are also handy for horror film directors in that it's
more believable that you will have no phone coverage there either (see above).

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5. The hero has been driving for hours. It's night-time and it's beginning to rain. Suddenly he sees
a person on the side of the road. Maybe the company will keep him awake? In horror films,
giving anybody a ride is asking for trouble. The hero always does it, and it always ends badly.

6. This horror film cliché was especially popular with horror films of the late 20th century. It
starts with a group of teenagers all enjoying themselves, and it ends with everyone dead except
one girl. At the beginning the girl is usually innocent, shy and not particularly strong. By the
end, she has become the toughest and most resourceful person in the world. The last girl almost
always wins in the end.

1) Do the following statements agree with the information given in the above text?
In boxes (1) -(7) write True, False or Not Given. (07 marks)
True - If the statement is correct False- If the statement is wrong
Not Given - If there is no sufficient information on this

1) Basement is a scary place in horror films

2) There are ghosts in the basement
3) Uninhabited places are not used in horror films
4) Horror films in the 18th century featured a group of teenagers
5) Giving anybody a ride is asking for trouble
6) Many horror films depend on plot devices
7) Horror films are filmed in abandoned cities

2) Match the following topics with the passages.

1) The lonely driver

2) Calling for help
3) 20th century horror films
4) Abandoned places
5) The scariest place in the house

3) Who or what do the following pronouns in bold print refer to?

(1) them (paragraph2) ....................................................................................................................
(2) their (paragraph4) .....................................................................................................................
(3) she (paragraph6) .......................................................................................................................

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4) Write one word for each of the given blanks, selecting from the passage, which means the same as
the following.
i) A phrase or an opinion that is over used ..................................................................
ii) The leading character ..................................................................
iii) Ability find cleverer ways to overcome difficulties .............................................................
iv) Not occupied or lived in by people ..................................................................
v) Convincing or realistic ..................................................................

PART B -DIALOGUES (25 marks)

Question 6

How do you respond in each of the following situations? Write only one sentence or question for
each, beginning with the word/s given. (O5 marks)

1. You require information about a computer course. What would you ask.
2. You need to know the name of the latest English movie. What would you ask from your
3. A friend asks you what you prefer for lunch. What would you tell your friend?
4. A door to door salesman tries to sell you a product. How would you tell him that you do
not need the product?
4. You need to buy a stamp fro the Post office. What would you ask?

See next page

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Question 7

Andrew is at the department of emigration and emigration. Hess peas with an agents about his
requirements. Complete the dialogue between the agent and Anderw. (05marks)

Agent: What can I do for you?

Andrew: .........................................................................

Agent: You need to apply for a passport.

Andrew: .....................................................................

Agent: If you like, you can apply right now.

Andrew: That would be great.

Agent: I'm going to need you to complete this application.

Andrew: .......................................................................................

Agent: Then I will take your picture for your passport.

Andrew: .............................................................................................

Agent: Your passport will be ready in a few weeks.

Andrew: ...............................................................................................................................

See next page

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Question 08

You have lost your credit card and cannot remember where you lost it. You need to inform the bank
about this. Write the telephone conversation between you and the customer care officer. Each one
should speak at least five times


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Question 9

Select any five words from the list of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs given below and use
each one of them in a meaningful sentence. You may use the verbs in any tense. Do not change the
form of the other words. (05 marks)

Nouns Teachers, responsibilities

Verbs Drive, harm
Adjectives Extraordinary, brilliant, violent
Adverbs Fast, immensely, carefully

1. .......................................................................................................................................................
2. .......................................................................................................................................................
3. .......................................................................................................................................................
4. .......................................................................................................................................................
5. .......................................................................................................................................................

See next page

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Question 10

The following bar chart shows the expenditure of two contries on consumer goods in 2010.Describe
the information by reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant. Use about
75 words (10 marks)


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Question 11
You are planning to apply to a foreign university as soon as you finish your Advanced Level exam.
Write a letter your friend in Australia enquiring about
The universities
Study programmes
Life in Australia
Use about 100-125 words. (15 marks)

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Question 12

You want to book a hotel recommended to you for a family holiday at the seaside. Write a letter to
the hotel manager to make arrangements. (15 marks)
 explain what accommodation you require and when you want to stay
 ask what will be included in the price
 enquire about activities and places of interest near the hotel.

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Question 13

Many people buy products that they do not really need and replace old products with new ones
unnecessarily. Why do people buy things they do not really need? Do you think this is good? Write
an essay giving your views. Use about 150-175 words. (20marks)


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