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Hosts of internet services are able to exploit our personal data because ………………..

Relevant Points Suggested Paraphrase

Collectively, we use internet search engines A Cumulatively/Together, we conduct staggering amounts of
billions of times each day, (l. 10) information retrieval daily,
• Allow lift of ‘internet search engines’, ‘billions of times’
• Must capture sheer volume of usage of internet
providing no shortage of personal data (ll. 10-11) B yielding ample amounts of private / personal information,
which can then be traded. (l. 11) C which may be sold.

Our unquenchable thirst (l. 11) D People’s insatiable/voracious urge/appetite

• ‘unquenchable’ means a tremendous amount in this case
to share every aspect of our lives on social media E to fully display/present/exhibit facets/details/minutiae of their lives
(ll. 11-12) through social media
• ‘share’ does not mean pass on, but to display or exhibit
translates to ample commercial opportunities for F becomes significant business value to be maximized/used
exploitation. (l. 12) unethically.
[Allow lift of “exploitation”. Summary is about that]
Most social media sites do not charge their users G Many hosts provide free services,
any fees, (ll. 12-13)
Many have flourished to the point where over a H [inferred: free services as a strategy to draw users]
billion people now regularly used them. [ll.13-14] successfully attracting masses/multitudes of long-term/repeat
The evidence suggests this is a business model I This is a commercial system that is tried-and-tested/guaranteed to
that works. [ll. 14-15] be effective.
Although users may be aware that information is J While users may know/understand that hosts persistently/regularly
constantly collected (l. 16) amass/obtain/gather
about their location, demographics, (ll. 16-17) K personal / demographic data and
• Allow lift of “demographic”. This idea of a specific type of information
being targeted is not captured in other points
behaviour and habits, (l. 17) L information to track routine actions/patterns of behaviour,
• This idea of information that could be used to capture how people tend
to act is not captured in other points]
they are usually ignorant as to how it will be M they are generally unaware of how the information is used
(ll. 17-18)
or who has access to it. (l. 18) N or who might obtain it.
the terms of service on many social media sites O Frequently, usage guidelines
(ll. 18-19)
are not written for the general public’s P are not made accessible to/customised to the needs of the average
consumption. (l. 19) user,
Many run to tens of thousands of words and Q being unnecessarily lengthy/opaque/too onerous to understand.
would take several hours to read, and many more
to comprehend. (ll. 19-21)
most sites have such broad licensing terms, (l. R Often, regulations concerning usage are excessively/too
21) liberal/generous,
• Do not accept: ‘extensive’ or ‘general’ as both do not capture the
negative implications of such licensing terms
allowing the host company free use of our S giving hosts unchecked/unregulated use of our information/full
personal material (ll. 21-22) latitude to use our information as they see fit,
• ‘free’ in this case means unregulated or unchecked usage of personal
information, not that financial compensation is unneeded.
whilst paying lip service to our ‘ownership’ of it. T even as they put up a pretence/pretend that we retain control /
(ll. 22-23) possession.
[People’s] creative output such as blogs, photos U [Inferred: The list of things that could be done to our creative output is
and videos could be modified, published, intended to show that effectively, we have ceded ownership to the internet
distributed or retained without their consent (ll. hosts]
26-28) Thus, our original/aesthetic/artistic creations becomes the hosts’
receive no remuneration, (l. 25) V such that while we get no financial compensation,
while the website would pocket the licensing fees W they (website owners) get to monetise them for profit.
for using your material. (l. 25-26)
Exploitation of personal data and targeted X [inferred]
advertising is not a new phenomenon (l.29-30) This abuse of personal data is not a new occurrence
We gladly sign up to these programmes all in Y [inferred]
return … (l.32-33) And they leverage on people’s desire to benefit from such deals

Total – 25 points
Suggested mark allocation

Points 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 ≥15

Marks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sample summary:

We conduct staggering amounts of information retrieval daily, A yielding ample amounts of private information, B which
may be sold. C People’s insatiable urge D to fully display facets of their lives through social media E becomes significant
business value to be maximized unethically. F Many hosts provide free usage of their services, G successfully attracting
multitudes of long-term users. H While users may know that hosts regularly gather J demographic data and K information
to track routine actions, L they are generally unaware of how the information is used, M or who might obtain it. N

Frequently, usage guidelines O are not made accessible to the average user, P being excessively opaque. Q Often,
regulations concerning usage are excessively liberal, R giving hosts unchecked use of our information, S even as they
pretend that we retain control. T

117 words (19 points – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T)

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