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Date: 2021 April 28 (Wednesday)

Attention Class Crankshaft III!

Please kindly abide by the following REMINDERS when taking the Achievement Test and Prefinals
Exams! Avoid getting disconnected because of not following these reminders!

Auto Proctor Reminders for taking your Achievement Test and Prefinal Exams:
Message from DME Department:
To further strengthen the Integrity of our Achievement Test and Prefinal Online Examination, please
disseminate below to your classes.
1. More than anything else, find a good place where you can have access to a good Internet connection!
Reset your Computer before using it to access the Test Link that will be forwarded to you!
2. Camera should be in front of computer and not placed on either side.
3. Cadets are advised to ensure that their eyes are fixated directly in the screen and that their complete
face shall be visible in the camera.
4. Headsets, earpiece, headphones and similar devices are not allowed.
5. Read with your eyes only. Reading/Speaking is not allowed.
6. Clear your background (example: hanged clothes/curtains). No music or any source of unnecessary
7. Copy the test link. Use only your ntmacad account when accessing the Test Link. Close other personal

8. Close all browsers and applications (Firefox, word, excel, etc).
9. Open only the GOOGLE CHROME. Use only Google Chrome Browser to access the Link. Place the link
here and access. Do not use FIREFOX Browser.
10. At any given stage of the examination, there should only be ONE BROWSER which is OPEN and being
ACCESSED by you. No application should be open. The AUTOPROCTOR can detect if these are open
and if you have made an attempt or actually ACCESSED them while the EXAM is ongoing. Avoid being

disconnected while taking the Test.

11. The ANOMALY REPORT of the AUTOPROCTOR will be reviewed by your respective FACULTY &
Assessor. If found to be really a valid ANOMALY, this may be used as grounds against our Honor
After the examination, the instructors will review the trust report of your autoproctored test. In case

of violation of any of the above-mentioned procedures; cadets may be charged of honor code
12. Another reminder, when submitting your Test or other Tests, follow the procedures of
clicking the correct buttons! For submission, Click first the "Blue" button then next is clicking the
"Green" button!
13. Check your Email for Auto Proctor Response receipt and give feedback to your Class Instructor.

Thank you!
C/E EM Gentelizo
Class Instructor – Mar Law

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