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Part 1

Questions 1 – 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C.
For each question, mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet

Phitt Tea
Take a rest and chill
yourself a cup of Phitt tea.
It’s sugar-free!

1. Phitt tea
A. is free
B. tastes sweet
C. contains no sugar

Eat less
junk food

11% Exercising
Quit 23%

Eat fruits and
Take herbal

2. Based on the pie chart above, the most effective way to improve health believed by
people is
B. A. exercising regularly
C. B. eating fruits and vegetables
D. C. taking more herbal supplements
Save to donate, donate

You can now save people who are

suffering from famine in Somalia.
Every single tip helps.

Online banking: 1-10042-0045982-9

(RHB bank)

3. People can
A. donate clothes to the people in Somalia
B. be a volunteer of the non-profit organization
C. donate money to the organization via online banking services


4. The slogan above can be seen

A. in the toilet
B. at a restaurant
C. near the recycling bins
Please wait for me at Texas Chicken
when you have done with your group project.
I will be there around 6.30 p.m. We can have
our dinner there as mom and dad are going to
attend their friend‟s party.

5. Larry and Lucas will have their dinner at Texas Chicken because
A. it is dinner time
B. their parents are going to a party
C. Lucas is doing his group project there

6. To win the prize, one must

A. be a member of Lavie
B. spend RM 200 in Lavie Mall
C. bring along the receipt as proof
7. Simulations is a type of games which
A. has the same popularity as sports
B. Form 1 students do not like to play
C. is the most popular among Form 1 students

8. From the pie chart above, we know that Malaysians

A. are advised to meet a doctor for surgery
B. can play more games to release their stress
C. should lead a healthy lifestyle to prevent
Part 2
Questions 9 - 16
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.
For each question, write the correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet

Dancing has a lot of positive physical, mental (0)but social health benefits. It

provides a great cardiovascular workout (9)this can be done anywhere without the

hassle (10)for going to a gym or using any equipment. The workout you get from

dancing can vary depending on the type of movements performed. Participants of

(11)a hour long ballet lesson would have stretched various muscle groups and

executed moves with precision and balance. On the other hand, when you (12)does

social dancing, it often results in (13)a increased heart rate for a longer period.

Researchers too (14)has discovered that dancing helped older adults to protect

(15)them brains from aging. This is because dancing (16)involve a lot of memory

and a lot of learning. Dancing too offers the escape ours brain needs. The rhythmic

movement has been shown to trigger the release of endorphins, which can boost

our mood.

0 and
Part 3
Read the text below and answer questions 17 to 24.
For each question, write the correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet

Bukit Larut is located 1250 m above sea level and 10 km from Taiping, Perak. Founded

in 1884, it is the oldest hill resort in the country. Besides that, it is also the wettest place in the

country because it receives the highest rainfall.

The hill resort was formerly known as Maxwell Hill. It was named after William

George Maxwell who was the British Assistant Resident in Perak at that time. He felt that the

beautiful views overlooking Taiping town as well as its cool surroundings made the hill a perfect

getaway for European planters to escape the humid surroundings in their plantations. Therefore,

several bungalows were built. Back then, one could get up the hill on foot or be carried on a

sedan chair by porters.

These days, people are allowed to walk up the hill. However, it will take between

three to five hours to reach the peak. No private vehicles are allowed. Only government-owned

Land Rovers are permitted to take visitors up. The service runs every hour from 8 am to 5 pm.

The 13-km journey takes 30 minutes and a return trip is RM6 for an adult. Seats are limited

during weekends and public holidays, so call the Bukit Larut Recreation Office to book in


Bukit Larut still has its original colonial bungalows and English gardens. These

bungalows are available for rent but provide only basic accommodation. Visitors can also go

hiking, do some bird-watching and enjoy its panoramic views and cool weather.
Questions 17– 24
Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer. For each question,
write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Founded in: 17. ___________________

Founded by: William George Maxwell From Taiping: 19. ________________
Former name: 18. __________________ Above sea level: 1250 m

History Location


How to get to the peak Things to do


Drive up in a  See original colonial bungalows

Land Rover  21. ______________________
 22. ______________________
 Enjoy the surroundings

Operating hours: 23. ________________

Fee (adult): 24. ___________________
Part 4
Read the text and answer questions 25 to 34.

The Kind Tree

Once, a little boy loved to play around a huge apple tree every day. He would climb
to the treetop, eat the apples and take a nap under the tree. Soon the little boy grew up and
he no longer played around the tree every day.

One day, the boy came back to the tree and the tree asked him to come and play.
The boy replied that he preferred toys and needed money to buy toys. The tree said the boy
could pick all its apples and sell them. The boy excitedly grabbed all the apples. He never
came back and the tree was sad.

When the boy became a man, he returned to the tree. The tree again asked him to
come and play. This time the man said that he did not have time to play because he had to
build a shelter for his family. The tree offered its branches to build a house. So the man cut
all the branches of the tree and left happily. Again, the man did not return and the tree was
again feeling lonely and sad.

After a long time, the man returned. The tree again invited him to play but the man
said he was getting old. He said he wanted a boat to go sailing to relax himself. The tree
kindly offered its trunk to build his boat. So, the man cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He
went sailing and didn't show up for a long time.

Finally, the man returned again. The tree apologized and said that it did not have
anything left for the man, except for its dying roots. The man said he just needed a place to
rest. The tree happily welcomed him to lean and rest on the roots.
Questions 25 – 32
Answer the questions below.
Choose no more than five words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

25. The little boy loved to _________________________ daily around the huge apple tree.
[ 1 mark ]

26. The boy would love to have ________________________ rather than play with the tree.
[ 1 mark ]

27. The boy needed _________________________________ to buy toys.

[ 1 mark ]

28. The tree asked him to ___________________________ all its apples to buy toys.
[ 1 mark ]

29. Once the boy became a man, he had no time to come and play with the tree because he had
to _________________________ for his family.
[ 1 mark ]

30. The tree offered ________________________ to him to build a shelter.

[ 1 mark ]

31. The man cut the tree‟s trunk because he ________________________________.

[ 1 mark ]

32. At the end, the tree did not have anything to give him away except for
[ 1 mark ]

Questions 33 - 34
Complete the table below with a word from the text.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Meaning Word
33. take [ 1 mark ]
34. house [ 1 mark ]

[ 10 marks ]
Part 5
Questions 35 - 40
You are going to read a blog article about a good habit.
Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences (A - H) to fit each gap (35 -
40). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use. For each question, mark the correct
answer (A - H) on your answer sheet.

Qualities of an Ideal Friend

By Sharon Jay

An ideal friend is a treasure worth discovering in the multitude of people who appear
in ir life. A truly ideal friend makes life more enjoyable and pleasant. A friend doubles your
joy and halves your sorrows. But what qualities exactly do we need to look for in an ideal
35. Your friend should be able to sit beside you and encourage you to keep
you chin up even when everyone else is against you. Being with a caring friend feels like
having weight off your shoulders. You can comfortably be yourself and speak your mind.
Having a friend who can just sit and listen, is one of the best friends to have. As an
ideal friend, he notices how little, day-to-day things affect you. 36. An ideal friend
never leave us alone whenever we need a help of them.
Apart from that, an ideal friend should be an honest person. It is one of the keys to a
healthy friendship. 37. He speaks painful truth through loving and kind words for our
Friends who are always there for you, both in times of need and happiness, is a good
sign of loyalty. Loyalty is a quality that everyone looks for in a friend. 38.
An ideal friend is supportive of your decisions. While he may offer input and opinions,
whatever you decide, your friend accepts. When you make any decision that is different from
him, he doesn't judge. 39. Your friend supports your individual interests, even if they
are different from theirs.
In conclusion, having an ideal friend is a great gift. Friends are people we spend most
of our time with. 40. So, it is true that “a friend in need is a friend indeed”.
A An honest friend will tell us off straightaway if you go wrong.

B Thus, we have to be selective when it comes to choosing our friends.

C A good friend believes in you and calls forth the best in you.

D Your friend supports you in whatever you do.

E A friend should always be caring towards you.

F A loyal friend will stick with you no matter what the situation is.

G Be someone who is willing to listen to the opinions and keep all secrets.

H Your friend will also share his life and secrets with you as well.

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