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TIME 9.30-10.30 a.m
CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on
familiar topics.
LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.1 ask about and explain key information from simple texts
CORE VALUE Happiness
TOPIC Moderation in Life (Sharing with the needy)
CONTEXT Community
CIVIC INFORMATION Rights : I have the right to be happy in my life
Responsibility : We should do voluntary work to make others happy too.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Explain the importance of being moderate in life. (knowledge)
2. Express appreciation towards goodness in life. (socioemotional)
3. Practice moderation in life (action)
SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils will be able to
1. list at least 2 out of 4 importance of being moderate in life
2. list 5/5 positive feelings after conducting community service.
3. draft a plan for voluntary project to make the community happy.

Teacher asks pupils of the things that make them happy in life. Pupils share with the
class and teacher writes the qualities mentioned by the students on the whiteboard


1. Teacher plays a video on homeless in KL.

2. Teacher asks pupils to sit in a group and discuss on the causes and effects of being
poverty (using double bubble map) that took place in the video.

3. Pupils list down the map on a mah-jong paper.

4. Each group put the mah-jong paper on the wall and pupils move around to
compare their answers with other groups (gallery walk)

5. Teacher puts pupils into group and ask them to discuss on how are they going to
give happiness by planning a community service in their residential areas.

6. They need to discuss on the OBJECTIVES of the program, TARGETED group,

ACTIVITIES that can contribute to happiness and source of income.

7. A pupils will stay in the group and the other members will move around to other
groups to ask for their explanation on the task given. (3 Strays 1 Stay)

8. Pupils need to list out 5 positive feelings that pupils will feel after conducting the
community service.
9. Teacher chooses the best group work presentation and gives token of appreciation.


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