Wolverine - Reaction Paper Nr.3 (Sona)

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Naval Education, Training and Doctrines Command

Naval Officers Schools Center

Naval Station Leovigildo Gantioqui, San Antonio, Zambales


By completing this form, I acknowledge that, unless otherwise indicated by way of

footnote or reference, this REACTION PAPER is entirely my own work.




DATE SUBMITTED: 29 1845H July 2021


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Reaction Paper on the 6th State of The Nation Address of President Rodrigo
Roa Duterte

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte delivered his 6 th and last State of the Nation
Address (SONA) at the Batasang Pambansa last 26 1600H July 2021. The SONA
lasted for two (2) hours and forty-six (46), making it the most prolonged post-EDSA
State of the Nation Address. The SONA of the President revolves around the
achievements of the present administration for the last five (5) years. It summarized
the government's effort to give all Filipino's comfortable lives by having a people-
centered approach to development and governance. Further, the writer summarized
those achievements related to the Department of National Defense and Armed
Forces of the Philippines. Hereunder is the writer's take on the highlighted effort,
campaign, or policy of President Duterte's administration on his last State of the
Nation's Address.

1. Peace and Security Campaign

2. Independent Foreign Policy
3. Progressive Uniformed Personnel Programs


"There is no room for lawlessness in this country."
The President talks about the national government's ongoing policy,
achievement, and effort to eliminate lawless groups such as the New People's Army,
the Maute Group, the drug syndicates, and other lawless elements that hamper
security and peace and the overall progress of our Nation. The President highlighted
that the poor and indigenous Filipinos were suffering the most on the recruitment of
NPA's in the far-flung areas. With the creation of the National Task Force to End
Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC), President Duterte believes that the
government made a great stride in addressing the root causes of the conflict. He
said the government would continue to eliminate communist groups who continually
try to overthrow the democracy of this country. The President also highlighted the
pass of the Organic Law for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim
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Mindanao, which he believes is the solution in correcting the historical injustices
suffered by the Moro people since the period of colonization.
Further, the President affirmed the victory in Marawi and reiterated the urgent
and continuous rehabilitation of Marawi City. Additionally, the SONA of the President
centered on the war on drugs. He stressed that our country feels safer than ever
before. It was because of the focus and relentless anti-illegal drug campaign of his
administration. The President assures that as long as he is the topmost leader of our
country, all of these lawless elements will have no space to dwell in our land.


"We have vigorously pursued an independent foreign policy centered on the
promotion and protection of our core national interests."
President Duterte expresses the continued seek of partnership and
cooperation with the countries worldwide to achieve shared objectives. However, he
stressed that gone are the days that the Philippines decides and acts with the
superpowers' consent and approval. He further told the story of how vital the Bells of
Balangiga were to our culture and how the Americans returned them to our country.
The President further emphasized that the arbitration ruling on the West
Philippine Sea is now part of international law and cannot be compromised even by
the succeeding administration. However, he stressed that while we continue
strengthening our maritime domain awareness and defense capabilities, the
government will not close its door for diplomacy. The President believes that our
maritime disputes with China should settle peacefully. The President affirmed that
we are not yet capable of going to war with China and dismissed the idea that the
US help us in case of an armed conflict with China. It was clear on his SONA that
while we assert our maritime claim at the West Philippine Sea, war will never be an


Men and women in uniform always have a special place in the heart of their
Commander in Chief. After raising military and uniformed personnel salaries in 2018,
the President asked Congress to pass a Unified System for Separation, Retirement,
and Pension of Military and Uniformed Personnel to keep the government fiscally
flexible while also providing good benefits and wages to uniformed personnel.
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However, the President emphasized that said pension system scheme shall be
applied to the new entrants of the military service. He further stressed that the
salaries of the retired would also not be considered in case of another increase will
be viable in the future.
Aside from the pension program, President Duterte has asked Congress to
approve legislation offering free legal assistance to AFP and PNP officers and
enlisted soldiers to defend themselves against allegations stemming from incidents
linked to the performance of their official duties.
The President also talked about the AFP Modernization Program, which is
vital in upholding our territorial integrity and sovereignty from external and internal
security threats. He put the acquisition of the missile-capable Rizal Class Frigates as
an example of the current administration's support of the AFP Modernization

In conclusion, the last SONA of His Excellency President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
summarized the achievements and the ongoing campaigns, policies, and efforts of
the present administration for the well-being of the Filipino people. SONA showed
the pure intention of the President to make the lives of every Filipino people secure,
healthy, and progressive. He closed his speech that he has complete confidence that
the Filipino spirit will persevere and triumph despite the recent challenges that struck
our country. It was indeed a remarkable five (5) year run of the presidency. As a
Filipino citizen and a patriotic soldier serving our Motherland, I hope that the next
administration will continue President Duterte's programs and visions. Hence, all of
our national leader's sacrifices and aspirations for our Nation will not go in vain but
instead will be achieved and realized.

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