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MECHANIC IPRO 5 DCStabilized Power Supply User's Manual BRIBE HK MECHANI COMPANY ‘A, Warning * be not use nis product nea ntammattes. 5 Bete ls nar ath owner ey toa © Boot use product the user ia not under the gua of relvant personnel experienced or hes poor knowledge preparation. ce Boor use ta produt inte hud enone or operat is product ‘wth wet hands fo prevent lectic shock, 1 Donat crange is product ad is accessories wthout prmision. Pease replace tn product conponenis win gal components 1 Be sure um of he power swan when he user emporaly {ose of slops using ths product 1 Thor igh vtlags inte roduc. Do not alaasseme he product vwhout prmasion rom profssanal, As Notice '* Avoid sing this power supply ithe envionment above 4°, Reserve {nough seace for heat omission holo on ho rear parel to dsipats heat ‘© Contenwhotr fe curent and vllage as wal 8 tho speciation of ower Ino meet to requramerts. 1 Bofors the doves Is comecad tthe power supply lease tum ofthe power swicn «Doro reft Bis product an its accessories, wich wil caus tho loss of ‘waranty quaetion and he damage the produ ‘Dore place heavy objects onto doin. 1 Do nat weeny knock this product and fs accessors in use, ‘which wil damage he product ‘The company shanot be responsible for any personal nyo property oss uses by user fare to follow relevant auctor, nal eansers 8nd ‘er ore maser rindi Saravors an ae" non-qally proses tho uso process otis produc. “his manalis sorted, compiled and sued by "H.K MECHANIE COMPANY" ‘Thankyou for choosing our product. Please read his manual carey batons sig tis roduc. “Te design ofa produc (ncluding neal sofware) and is accessories ed by nator tw, Any aeogemen four hts shal be subject foe a srt en gt osc hr eases aby “Thankyou fr use ou roduc. Plas rsd hs manual carsuly and pay ‘Htanton tote relevant wamings ana notes manones the aa Bors ‘sing tis product. Divers] Neos nay cane tao won eee] 2 oe | eg ray cn ny re a ‘We requst that he user should nave corimon sen of Me andthe base ‘leciial parsing Koowindge before ung Bia product‘ mina shal se ths produc under the guldanes of professonale or gutcans, [Nate To ved damaging the mactae and Koop the operating front se, plaage rea De racal carta and ew ropely fer tur reference Deore using the produ “The user shall folbw te ellowing bass pracauton to avo alc shock oF arora muy ore and tar hazars when Using this ed ‘To sure persona salty the usar shall uso he pars and accessories ‘scognzed or ratarimantea by MEGHAN, thereat caus Sorcus Product Introduction “Tes powor supply is cesignod fr tho noed felon taring school, ommanleaton mantonance tchricians ang elated ongineering research land doveloprant personnel The curt bestslabiy sees voage sab zation tomo ls adopted for he pout, andthe dgtal MCU chip is sed for onl Wah very high stabiy aro ple, simple oporaton an cote. and comtoto protsctonfnstons, tovde tho ser wih convent ad reliable gh Guay power spel. Product Specification Power input eer tothe voage enifcaton a he tal fhe product (other Input vote can bs customized), Rated value/cimensionsiweight va ETE aro | wae pros | eswoasv | coswosa | awa | 2ato Oimensene 1) 258mm MN BB” PSI Protection incon: overage protectonlovercurtent protection cut arta eae delay savas preston tanclan Sv" vate swthing, 0 SNK cont suiting, ‘Operating envzormentO=A0°C, «BOS door ve), ‘Storage terperature and humiy! 101-701, 1 ‘omperatre contort = S00pp— Display: doubl 2-58 LCD with Bus back ‘tage and USB cument pay) Accuracy LED heator 0.5% roan * 2b) ‘mon poten header CLAGS-28 round and white words (rain USB interface parameters: Vatage: eed SV ouput (25% accuracy) {Curren maximum 278 ovoreurent potecton, cut ouput) Product Panel Diagram Front Panel Diagram @ Votage asp —_-=l EE Man current Pointer header display Ofeo cabin owe ma © Output port ‘® Power switch U58 output © pswatr) 1 When th votage is sited te ho poston 5, ths host proves the ‘maxima Fie vltage output of aout 8 1V. 2.Whon vatagos sutched oth poston SY, he host provies the ‘maximo Fie vellage out of about 18 5V. ‘5. Paramter locking operation 1-Under noma werking condton, ong pres the kro fr about 3S to lack ‘he votage output parametors 2. nthe lacing sate he loco eon wl be dsplayed en tha LCD. A tine, beading nb io nave 4. Lng press ne lab aga for about 3S to release he parame lacking. ‘Alte tne, the vllage an be adusted otra. Sound ONOFF Turon the powor swe ol ono tho sound function whi pressing tho sn, “Thank you for choosing this typeof products, plaase read the following terms Before using: 1. From purenasing dat wihin 7 day, under normal use(Non sal damage), new package, no be dsassemele and rapared ny replcoment sence, 2. From purchasing dat within one year, under nomal use there are quay Problem, not be dsasserai and repared enoy Fea ropa ses, 3. For more han waranty we provi @ fete waranty sence of abor ‘ss, charge ony spare pars eos. 4. Fale to present waranty card during waranty ped, the company wil not 5 User noes warranty service, please conta! your original ale uni 5. When usarsnood waranty service pleas provide waranty card and purchase 7. Warranty aos netnclude ranspottion costs and provide orate serves. Operating instructions. 1. Precautions before use AC pon: pl AC power out shale win eran ates volage 0% Dy Wing be act enc tte poner ne mt be ernst Instruct inaallaton: Avo using he power analy inthe environmen above {40 Reserve encugh spece for el emission hole on Ue rer panel a dieepate nos ‘ervonmant above aC, tthe nstument, donot operat inthe 2 output voltage 3. Output current regulation 1. When th currant switch switched othe postion 0 5A, he host can provide ‘he cunt cuput capacity of 0.5 2 Whon the actual ouput errant axcasds 0 ho positon 0.54 the power supply wl automaticaly conduct overange potecton. At hs time, te power supply wl temporary shut of the cup for about 28 and make a buzzing lar to prompt the user to wich postions 3 Who tho current swith fs svitched the postion 2A, tho host can provide ‘th cunt ouput capacty of 3 4. Won the actual output cunt exceeds 3.24 at th positon 3A, he power supply wl automaticaly conduct ovorun protection. A his time, the power supply wl tomporarly shut of the cut for about 28 and make a buzzing alarm to prompt tho usr to remove the oa. L.Model 2, Product Name 3. Contacts 4.Tet: 5. Address 6. Fault description ESSEMHISTE 11.K. MECHANIC COMPANY To Authorize The Operation OF Processing Cooperative Enterprises Shenzhen WOWEISI Electronic Technology CO. Ltd 45 Gangde Road, Tongle Community, Baolong Street, Longgang District, Snenzhn City, Guangdang Province.Cina Hotline : 406-883-993 Quality Inspector : QCO06

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