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Building Resilience

Session Handout

Cognitive Distortions
Jill Adaman, PhD; Diane Gottlieb, MD
CBT Triangle (Cognitive Behavioral Triangle)

3 Good Things: Overcoming negativity bias and taking in the good

Dennis Novack, MD

TOOLBOX for the future

Rick Hanson’s book: “Hardwiring Happiness”

Sign up for Just One Thing – weekly tips for practicing happiness
3 Good Things: web-based tool and resources

How to take in the good:

1. Catch the positive experience happening in the moment
2. Open to it
3. Feel it in the body
4. Imagine it “sinking in” to every cell or one’s whole being
Brief Action Planning Worksheet
See also:

Something you would do to support your emotional resilience:

“What?” (type of activity, specific behavior or action; consider giving an example or examples if useful.)
“When?” (time of day, day of week)
“How often/long/much?” (often: once, three times, five times; long: minutes, days; much: servings, meals)
“When would you start?”

How sure or confident you are that you will be able to accomplish your plan:
Not sure at all 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Very sure

*Note: If you chose 6 or lower: Revise your plan or your goal to make it more achievable:

Obstacle and plan:

What obstacle might get in the way of achieving your goal?

What is a plan to overcome that obstacle?

How will you check how it’s going?

 I’ll keep track myself

 I’ll make a chart or write it down
 I’ll check in with someone:
 I’ll set a time to check in with that person:

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