2021 Meeting Minutes 11 (24 - 6 - 2021)

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Members in attendance: Kartikeya, Kaartiga, Shu Ern, Jia Pin, Wenxun (June), De Ci, Kai
Xin, Inpey, Charlene, Abirami, Nandini

Members not in attendance: -

Call to order: The president has ordered the Chalkzone committee members to gather and
have a meeting with Ms. Carynne and DECE club representatives to discuss the upcoming
event, English Language Week which will be held in the middle of August from 7 p.m. to
7:30 p.m.; and then have a discussion about the upcoming events with Chalkzone Academia
committee members from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Date: 24th of June 2021

Time: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Venue: Google Meet

Facilitator: Kartikeya

General Overview

● Kartikeya and Kaartiga greeted everyone and introduced themselves.
● Alexis introduced herself as the president of the DECE club.
● Ms. Carynne introduced herself as the DECE club advisor.
● Pamela introduced herself as the secretary of the DECE club.

Agenda Topic 1: English Language Week

● Kartikeya explained the overall event’s planning:
- It will be held online and open to the public.
- The first day of the event will be the launching ceremony and 15 hours of
non-stop English language workshop sessions.
- Different types of the competition are held for different groups of students:
1. Preschool competition will be decided by the DECE club.
2. Primary school students will compete in the storytelling competition.
3. Secondary school students will compete in the public speaking
- The participants are given two weeks to prepare for the competition following
the launching ceremony.
- There will be preliminary and final rounds in each of these competitions.
- During the preliminary round, the participants will need to email ChalkZone
Academia their recorded video demonstrating their participation to the
- Once all of the participants’ videos have been submitted, the judges (most
probably SEGi lecturers) will evaluate the participants’ performance.
- After that, the organizers will announce the results of who will compete in the
finals via social media and email.
- In the final round, there will be a live session for each category of students.
- The chosen participants will be required to participate and present their works
on the video conferencing platform.
- Their presentations will need to conform to the title given by the organizers on
that day as well.
● We have to decide on the courses for the online workshops, the requirements for the
competition, as well as how much time we should give preschool’s children to prepare
for the competition, etc.
● Ms. Carynne suggested that we should form a separate committee solely to manage
this event, like someone will be the emcee in the competition, and someone will be in
charge of the registration.
● This event will be postponed to the middle of August until the beginning of
● The proposal needs to be done and approved by the club advisor and Student Affairs
in the middle of July. (include the separate committee for this event in the proposal)
● Ms. Carynne and Alexis suggested we mention to them what types of support we
require from them to help with the event, as well as the theme of the competition.
● Ms. Carynne stated that we could post a short video related to English Language on
social media daily while the participants prepare their videos for the competition.
● We will need to send the entire plan of this event (proposal) to the DECE club by the
end of next week.

----------------------------------------------After 7:30 p.m.------------------------------------------------

● Nandini will need to prepare the tentative plans for the online workshop sessions:
- 2 slots for preschool children
- 3 slots for primary school students
- 3 slots for secondary school students
● We can start the workshop sessions at 7:30 a.m. and end at 10:00 p.m.

Agenda Topic 2: SRC 2021 Election

● We have to select two students from Year 1 and Year 2 for the SRC election by the
end of tomorrow night before passing their names to Ms. Priya.

Agenda Topic 3: Meet up with the Year 1 and Year 2 Students

● We will meet up with the students online next Wednesday, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
● The marketing team, Inpey should start sending the ChalkZone Academia
Membership Registration Link in the WhatsApp forum and sharing it on social media.
● We will try to get all the students registered via the link provided by this Sunday.
● On Monday, we will ask Ms. Priya to post an announcement on Blackboard that we
will be meeting with the Year 1 and Year 2 students on the upcoming Wednesday.
● Nandini will need to write out the tentative for this activity:
- Start sharing the link today (24/6/2021)
- Get all the students registered via link by this Sunday (27/6/2021)
- Ms. Priya post the announcement on Blackboard on Monday (28/6/2021)
- Have a meeting with the students on Wednesday (30/6/2021):
1. The leader began introducing the club.
2. Secretaries talk about past events.
3. Treasurers explain about the money matters.
4. We will elect the student representatives from each batch.
- We will meet with Year 1 students from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., while for the Year 2
students, we will meet with them from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
● Kai Xin and Inpey suggested that we can ask Ms. Masz to post the announcement on
Blackboard and social media, and also asked our mentors to send the membership
registration link to their mentees via email.
● Inpey needs to inform Kartik of the lecturer to whom she wishes to send the
membership registration link to students so that he can inform Ms. Priya as well.
● Secretaries will need to take note of the student representatives from each batch and
who are interested in joining the English Language Week committee when meeting
with the Year 1 and Year 2 students.

Agenda Topic 4: E-Certificates of the Film Festival Competition

● Ms Priya had modified the template of the E-certificate.
● Charlene will need to redo the E-certificates of the Film Festival Competition using
the modified templates and resend them to Kartik by tomorrow. Kartik will forward
them to Ms Priya for approval.
● Once they have been approved, Charlene can send the E-certificates to all Film
Festival Competition winners and apologize to them for the delay.
● Following that, Charlene should also send the copies of E-certificates to secretaries so
that they can be saved in ChalkZone Academia Google Drive.

Agenda Topic 5: Theme of the English Language Week’s Competitions

● Before the discussion, each committee member is given 15 minutes to think about the
theme of the English Language Week’s Competitions related to Independence Day.
● Suggestions collected:
- June suggested the theme “Hero Around the World”.
- The themes suggested by Abirami are “The Hero” and “The Journey of
Battling Covid-19”.
- Charlene suggested the theme “Malaysian Heroes”.
- The theme suggested by Jia Pin is “Patriotic”.
● June suggested that we can ask preschool children to design and wear their heroes’
outfits while also describing their favourite hero in the competition.
● Kartik stated that each primary and secondary school group must be divided into two
segments: lower and upper groups.
● Kartik summarized the form of the competitions:
- Early childhood group: Have them choose their favourite heroes, describe
their favourite heroes and how they will battle Covid-19 by dressing up in
their own designed costume, record the video and present it offline.
- Lower primary group: Provide them with the story outline related to
Malaysian Day, have them elaborate on the story given, record the video and
present it offline.
- Upper primary group: Have them create their own stories about the heroes
fighting against Coronavirus, tell the stories by themselves, record the video
and present it offline.
- Lower secondary group: Provide them with some points and certain
information regarding the theme, “The Journey of Battling Covid-19”, and ask
them to elaborate on it, record the video and present it offline.
- Upper secondary group: Provide them with an open topic, “The Journey of
Battling Covid-19”, have them elaborate on the theme given, record the video
and present it offline.
● Nandini should take note that there are five different categories of participants in the
● Shu Ern suggested that we can offer online workshops for children with special needs
instead of having them participate in the competition; it is difficult to organize a
competition for them because they may not understand what competition is.
● Kartik reminded us to prepare the E-certificates for all of the participants, including
children with special needs, no matter if they are just joining online workshops or
● Charlene needs to think about the event's theme, which should be related to heroes,
Independence day and Covid-19, assisted by Abirami; they will come up with some
theme options and post them in the group chat for voting by tomorrow.

Additional Information
● Kartik assigned the tasks for each committee member:
- Abirami needs to complete all of the four newsletters by this Saturday, and the
media team can start designing the newsletter that Abirami has completed.
- June and Deci will need to allocate the revenue and expenditure budgets for
the English Language Week by this Sunday.
- Kai Xin and Inpey will be in charge of doing some research and creating a list
of 10 to 15 expected sponsorships for the English Language Week.
- Nandini will be in charge of doing the tentative of entire events and activities.
- Shu Ern and Jia Pin will need to complete the proposal of English Language
Week by next Friday before passing it to Ms. Priya for approval.
● We will need to meet with Ms. Priya next week to update the information about the
upcoming events.
● We will have a meeting again, most probably on Monday, to discuss the details of the
meeting with Year 1 and Year 2 students.

● The president recapped the tasks again and reminded the committees to complete the
tasks on time.

Prepared by:

Moo Shu Ern
Secretary of Chalkzone Academia 2021
Date: 25/6/2021

Pua Jia Pin
Vice Secretary of Chalkzone Academia 2021
Date: 25/6/2021

Reviewed by:

Kartikeya Murali
President of Chalkzone Academia 2021
Date: 25/6/2021

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