NPTEL Online Certification Courses Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

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NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Microprocessors And Microcontrollers

Assignment 2- Week 2
Number of questions: 15 Total mark: 15 X 1 = 15

Which of the following addressing technique is not used in 8085 microprocessors?

a) Register
b) Immediate
c) Register Indirect
d) Relative

Correct Answer: d

Detailed Solution:


Registers which are partially visible to users and used to hold conditional, are known as?
a) PC
b) Memory address registers
c) General purpose registers
d) Flags
Correct Answer: c

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The cycle required to fetch and execute an instruction in a 8085 microprocessor is which
one of the following?

a) Clock cycle
b) Memory cycle
c) Machine cycle
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

d) Instruction cycle

Correct Answer: d

Detailed Solution: Instruction cycle includes fetching and execution of a given instruction.


Both the ALU and control section of CPU employ which special purpose storage location?
a) Buffers
b) Decoders
c) Accumulators
d) Registers

Correct Answer: c

Detailed Solution:


Why sign flag is used?

a) Use for indicating the sign of the data in the accumulator

b) Use to indicate the sign of the data in the general-purpose registers
c) Use to indicate the sign of the data in the ALU
d) None of the above
Correct Answer: a

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8085 microprocessor architecture capable of addressing memory size?

a) 32k
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

b) 64k
c) 128k
d) 256k

Correct Answer: b

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Ready pin of microprocessor is used

a) to indicate that microprocessor is ready to receive inputs

b) to indicate that microprocessor is ready to receive outputs 3.125 MHz
c) to introduce wait state
d) to provide direct memory access

Correct Answer: c

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Accumulator based microprocessor example are

a) Intel 8085
b) Motorola 6809
c) A and B
d) None of these

Correct Answer: c

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In 8085 microprocessors, the instruction CMP B has been executed while the content of the
accumulator is less than that of register B. As a result
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

a) Carry flag will be set but zero flag will be reset

b) Carry flag will be reset but zero flag will be set
c) Both carry and zero flag will be reset
d) Both carry and zero flag will be set

Correct Answer: a

Detailed Solution: CMP B, compare A with B. If A<B, CY=1, Z=0


While INX B instruction execute,

a) only carry flag will be affected

b) all flags will be affected
c) only carry and zero flags will be affected
d) no flags will be affected

Correct Answer: d

Detailed Solution: The flags (flip flop) are affected by the arithmetical and logical
operations in the ALU. Flags generally reflects the data conditions in the accumulator with
some exception. INX B is a instruction which increment the content of the register pair BC
by 1 and it does not affect any of the flags.

Temporary registers in 8085 are
a) B and C
b) D and E
c) H and L
d) W and Z

Correct Answer: d

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NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

ADD instruction

a) Add register to accumulator with carry

b) Add register or memory to accumulator
c) Add immediate to accumulator
d) None of the above

Correct Answer: b

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SBB instruction
a) Subtract source and borrow from accumulator
b) Subtract immediate from accumulator
c) Subtract immediate from accumulator with borrow
d) None of the above

Correct Answer: a

Detailed Solution:

LXI D, 56FEH means

a) Store 56FEH into the D Register

b) Move 56FEH t o the D Register
c) Store 56FEH into the DE Register Pair
d) Move 56FEH to the DE Register Pair

Correct Answer: c

Detailed Solution:

MVI K, 20F is an example of

a) Immediate addressing mode

NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

b) Register addressing mode

c) Direct addressing mode
d) Indirect addressing mode

Correct Answer: a

Detailed Solution: In this mode, the 8/16-bit data is specified in the instruction itself as
one of its operands. For example: MVI K, 20F: means 20F is copied into register K.


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