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Activity 2.

3 Issues on Human Development

Each of us has his/her own informal way of looking at our own and other
people’s development. These paradigms of human development while
obviously lacking in scholastic vigor, provide us with conceptual framework for
understanding ourselves and others. Scholars have come up with their own
models of human development. Back up solid research, they take stand on
issues on human development.

1. From the following topics and issues on human development, choose one and
take your stand on it.
Write your answer on the box below.
a. Which has a more significant influence on human development?
 Nature versus Nurture
b. Does development involve gradual, cumulative change (continuity) or
distinct changes (discontinuity)?
 Continuity versus Discontinuity
c. Is development best described as involving stability or as involving change?
 Stability versus Change

Directions: Using the Venn diagram, compare and contrast the following:
Nature vs. Nurture

Continuity vs. Discontinuity

Stability vs. Change


1. As far as our discussion is concerned, which statement is correct and

which one is wrong? Put a √ before the correct statement and mark x the
wrong one. Explain why. _____________1. Heredity exerts a greater
influence on human development than environment
2. _____________2. What has been experienced in the earlier stages of
development can no longer be changed
3. .____________3. From the perspective of life-span developmentalist,
later experiences are the key determinants of a person’s development.
.2. Read at least 3 researches related to the chosen issue on human
development and present it using the matrix below:

Problem: Research Methodology:

Source: (APA format)

Findings: Conclusion:

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