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What is the point of seeing

a psychologist? Friends are for

chatting, not for chatting.

I intended to expose which principles should

guide a psychological intervention in order to
expose the practices that do not follow the
It is not required to seek advice in order to
relieve it of its load, but rather to solve a

I intended to expose which principles should

guide a psychological intervention in order to
expose those processes that do not follow
scientific data and confuse or deceive patients
who come to consultation. Some readers remarked on the futility of seeing a
psychologist in general as a result of this self-criticism of the profession.
This type of reflection occurs frequently in all areas. Either because they are
subjected to substandard care or because they are astonished by the
spectacle put on by some media outlets when they profess to be discussing
psychological matters.
Although, as I will explain later, the psychologists themselves bear the ultimate
responsibility for our profession's lack of recognition in comparison to that of
other health professionals, the basic approach has a significant impact on the
debate: What is a psychologist for? When you go to a consultation, what do
you hope to get out of it?

People credit therapy to three basic purposes: venting, getting to know oneself
better, and receiving guidance. Strangely enough, none of these three should
be the focus of a good psychologist's intervention, because if they are, it's not
unexpected that people doubt our place in society.

1. There are less expensive and more enjoyable ways to vent than a
For months or even years, it is very convenient for a psychologist to limit
himself to a passive and listening role. A mannequin might perform the same
task. And all for what? So that the person can express their frustrations by
informing someone about their issues? To "get rid of the pain from within"?
This function, which is more like to that of a confessor than that of a health
professional, may momentarily alleviate the person's distress, but it is unlikely
to resolve the situation. And, if you have to inform someone about an issue,
isn't it better to do it in front of a cup of coffee with a friend? If we really want to
be anonymous, we can always find someone on the bus or at the bar to tell us
what's bothering us, and it'll be a lot cheaper and just as effective. We can
also utilize the internet and a pseudonym if we don't trust anyone.
Alternatively, it may be a lifetime's journal.

2. Science proves that the person who understands the most about
themselves is themselves.

Self-awareness is fascinating. We like to be told what we're like, and the more
we're startled, the happier we are with our complexity and profundity.
Unfortunately, the majority of these techniques are found to be lacking in rigor,
as they are based on crude or obscure procedures: for example, when a test
tells us about personality traits, We forget that we are the ones who wrote
those responses, so what they end up telling us is nothing more than who we
believe we are. To hide this a little better, incredibly complicated theoretical
constructs are developed, however they haven't been demonstrated to predict
our behavior either: similar to psychoanalysis That gives us an appealing idea
of the secret part of our mind, but it contradicts everything we've learned about
the brain and behavior in the last fifty years. Or the enneagram, which is a
direct descendant of astrology and is quite popular among individuals who
want to be cataloged with a number.When it comes to learning more about
ourselves, it's best to ask people who know us best and let our actions speak
for themselves. ,

3. Guidance differs from advice in that it is based on experience.

To understand this last erroneous attribution to psychologists, it's helpful to

distinguish between a therapeutic guideline, which a psychologist can provide
based on their knowledge and after an evaluation, and what we often refer to
as advice. An expert in the area is the finest person to consult for advice on a
specific topic. If I'm unsure whether to rent or buy an apartment, I'll consult a
real estate agent rather than a psychologist who acts as if he holds the keys to
the universe. If we imagine the psychologist to be a wise man or even an
oracle, it's no surprise that some patients are dissatisfied when they discover
their therapist is young or does not share some aspects of their lives.If you
don't have children or have never been in an aircraft accident, how are you
going to aid them? In that instance, it's best to question someone with a
similar life narrative and experiences as us. And we won't have to travel
anywhere on a regular basis.

4. What is the purpose of a psychologist?

What did psychologists study in school, graduate school, and specialization?
It's evident that they haven't been aimlessly reading Wikipedia or practicing
the perfect listening position for years, but what good can going to therapy do

A psychologist is a trained expert who assists us in changing our behavior,

whether we wish to better our outlook on life or solve a problem. It
accomplishes this by utilizing human learning mechanisms, of the human
being's physiological functioning and of the several compared studies that
have examined the person and devised unique ways for each characteristic to
be changed

All of this has been researched by a psychologist who has not had any
personal experience with it. As a result, he is an authority on how and why
people evolve. We ensure the quickest and most direct manner to adjust what
makes us feel awful and considerably improve our quality of life by following
the directions of a psychologist.Going to therapy can help you break a bad
habit or handle a severe problem that has been bothering you for a long time,
whether you created it yourself or it is something you have to deal with.

Why isn't it more highly regarded in society?

Why do some people believe that seeing a psychologist is pointless? Leaving
aside the discipline's relative young and the difficulty of imposing a single
theoretical model, it is psychologists who have created a needless and
ludicrous picture of our profession as a result of our
negligence.Fundamentally, we have not applied a strict procedure to our
patients in every consultation, but rather a "anything goes" or faith approach.

But also in terms of spreading what psychology is all about. It's tough to be
accurate in the media when people are searching for headlines rather than
technical answers, but it's critical to separate our personal ideas from what
psychologists can and cannot address. Giving celebrity evaluations, using
instruments classified as scams, selling advice books rather than
psychological techniques, participating in social gatherings, whether televised
or on the street, where we are not capable of explaining the scientific bases of
our opinion... There are some boundaries that we must not cross and jobs that
we should never accept...We hide one that science has produced over
decades and may change a person's life for every criminal use of the
profession. If we are unable to offer value to what we do by our actions and
remarks, we will lead people to believe that a psychologist is only valuable to
those who lack friends and common sense.

Yohandry Ruiz (investigacion)

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