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Peer Review for First Draft of Literacy Autobiography

Eng 5—Professor Monterrey

Summer Bridge – ENGL 5
Author:_Wendy Ramirez _____Title:_______No title (But needed)____________
Reviewer:____Angel Vang__________

o What is your overall impression of the essay? Overall my impression of the essay was
that it was honest and humble for the most part of her essay I could say I mostly agree
and see where she's coming from with what she had to say about literacy.
o Summarize what you think is the writer’s main point: I believe the writers main point
was literacy was a struggle for her and that she had to learn English herself because it
wasn't her first language.
o How does the essay begin? Is that as engaging as it could be? What would
you recommend? The essay begins telling us that she doesn't have the best experience
with literacy and just goes right into it. I recommend it being delivered more better.
o What questions arise about the piece (questions that you had as you read,
parts you’d like to know more about, etc.)? I would like to know more about if she had
any help to understanding literacy.
o How does the essay prompt you to think differently?

o What details could be elaborated upon to illustrate the main idea? Does the
climax of the story have enough detail to make that the most important
event in the story?

o Are the paragraphs coherent? Does the essay seem organized in a specific
order? If not, what do you recommend? The essay seems quite organized

o List the characters of the story here and write a sentence or two of
description. If you cannot describe the characters (personality and/or
physical description as appropriate), what recommendations do you have for
the author?

o Is the piece written for an audience of the author’s peers? Write down a
few examples that show the author has purposefully targeted this audience. No the
writers didn't target the audience.

o Does the writer use transitions? Mark any places where transitions are
needed. I believe the writer used transitions well and i marked places if she did need

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