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Wendy Ramirez

Professor Monterrey

English 5-74

11 July 2021

Free Healthcare for All

There are many issues going on in the community but there's one that is really important

which is health care for residents. Health care is the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, recovery,

or cure of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in individuals, as

well as the maintenance or enhancement of health. There are thousands of people though who do

not receive this for free. Not having free health care has had a negative impact in many

communities around the world. All types of health treatment should be free to everyone as it can

help cure many diseases. There are many people around the United States that struggle getting

treatment simply because they aren't able to afford it. It is critical to have health insurance for a

variety of reasons. Uninsured individuals who receive less medical care and less timely care,

have lower health outcomes, and are financially impacted by their lack of insurance. Healthcare

should be free as it would give people access to insurance and save lives.

Basic health care should be free because it could help save many people's lives. Some of

the basic health care consists of doctors' services, inpatient and outpatient hospital care,

prescription drug coverage, pregnancy and childbirth, mental health services. If all these services

were provided for free to all US residents it would reduce the amount of deaths. For example in

the article Health Care is a Right Not a Privilege Bernie Sanders mentions that “More than

18,000 Americans die from preventable illnesses because they don’t get to a doctor when they

should''. Less lives will be lost if everyone receives free health care. Young people's lives would
be saved in greater numbers. The unemployed or or homeless would be able to seek treatment at

a hospital. There are many people who lose their health insurance when they were laid off from

work or change jobs and if those people who have been laid off get seriously ill would not want

to go to the hospital to seek help because just the visit to the emergency room is already so

expensive. But if they don't go then they could possibly die all because they had that thought of

not being able to afford treatmen t. Are we really going to let the human population decrease just

because health care insurance is way too expensive?

Any kind of physical check ups, blood work, or even mental health services are the

procedures that can help prevent and or detect any illness. For example, when anyone goes in for

a physical, they are going to the doctors office to update their doctor about anything that is going

on and how they are feeling physically and or mentally. After a normal checkup the doctor can

then request the patient to do blood work based on the analysis they were given. Doing blood

work is a really important procedure because it can help detect any type of illness ranging from

something as simple as high blood pressure to something more important like cancer. As we

discuss that this is really important it can also be very expensive. The price of any blood work

done in a lab can range from the lowest being $100 for one simple test to $3000 for multiple

tests. And if the person is unemployed that would be another $1,500. As you can see these prices

are unbelievably expensive which is why thousands of people decide not to go to the doctors and

why they can be very unhealthy.

One solution I have that can possibly and hopefully help reduce the amount of deaths

caused by any illness is to promote virtual health care. With how advanced technology is these

days we should take advantage of it. And though these past two years especially there has been

the use of virtual meetings and appointments I think that it's a resource that should still be
available. These virtual check ups can and are very useful because it's certain that many people

don't have the time or the transportation to to visit the doctor's office. A benefit of doing virtual

check ups is that it's way cheaper than actually going in person. Though there isn't an exact

general price because the price depends on the reason for the visit. I don't believe or expect to

make health care free in such a short amount of time but think that we can definitely start little

by little. In my opinion I think this is a great way to start, being able to to take advantage of

advanced technology and continue to promote telemedicine since it is a cheaper resource.

Providing free healthcare can save lives because it would be affordable and people would

have the opportunity to take care of themselve. Health care can help prevent diseases and stop it

from getting worse. And the way this can be done is that after people do any type of blood work

and if the results come out to be concerning the doctor will then request the patients to other

studies. Some studies that can be done are ultrasounds, x-rays, CT scans, and so much more. But

all these analyses can be very expensive for those who do not have insurance to cover the costs

of them. These analyses are very important because they are the ones that can help detect any

diseases like cancer or ruptured cysts which are very common. By not doing these tests people

are not able to prevent the spreading of any disease because they have no idea that they are sick.

This then leads the population to decrease because too many people are dying because they

weren't able to prevent it. All these people who don't have insurance also include children and

they also have to suffer because they can afford health care. There are many families who worry

about getting sick or injured because they cannot afford health insurance or basic health care.

Another problem of health care within many communities is that there are many working

companies in which they do not offer insurance. I think this is another red flag because if a

worker gets injured in the work space, the company should have the responsibility of covering all
the costs of the workers health. And then this leads to another problem which is companies not

having enough workers to get the job done. Losing and not having enough workers creates a

negative impact to the company. In the article, “The Biggest Issues Facing Healthcare Today”

the author mentions that this problem continues to be a major policy priority due to higher

unemployment and lower incomes which concerns people on being able to afford it. Having a

low rate of of working people and a high rate of unemployed people also has a big impact on the

economy in a negative way.

A solution to this problem is to mandate that every and all working companies provide

health insurance to their workers. This will not only benefit those who don't have insurance but it

will greatly benefit the economy. As the working population rises from providing health

insurance it will encourage and promote more people to begin working. And all those that begin

working will have to pay taxes which will have the economy rising. Working companies who

provide health insurance have the potential to reduce absences. Employees who are in good

health are more present and productive. Workers who are physically fit are less prone to injuries

and lose fewer days at work. Employees are more likely to stay with a company that provides

good insurance benefits.

If health care insurance was provided and given for free to everyone it would definitely

have a positive impact on the economy. Free health care will benefit the economy because it

would allow people to not miss work and because many companies would have to provide it. In

the article, Should All Healthcare Be Free the writer, Shabir, mentions that the US economy

loses about $75 billion annually because people with no insurance miss work more than those

who do have it. This should prove that all work]king companies should and need to provide

health benefits to their workers.

Free health care is highlighted as part of human rights but it’s something that isn’t

provided to everyone. Franklin Delano Roosevelt created the Second Bill of Rights, which

included health care “The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and

enjoy good health”. Many other countries like the European Nation recognize that health care is

a basic human right whereas The United States being one of the few countries that don't

recognize that. The United States would rather see having free health care as a privilege or

entitlement rather than a basic right. This is something in which I disagree with, and I am sure

that there are thousands of other people who also agree.

In conclusion, the problem within many communities is that health care isn't free and not

everyone has access to any kind of treatment for free. This problem of not having free health care

is only causing thousands of people to die and the population to decrease which, like I've

mentioned, can have a negative impact on the economy. Overall, some of my solutions to making

health care free is by having working companies provide insurance to their workers and use the

advanced technology to use resources where the price of getting help is less expensive and

Works Cited


American Bar Association,


Kliff, Sarah. “8 Facts That Explain What's Wrong with American Health Care.” Vox. Vox,

September 2, 2014.

Sanders, Vt. Ind. Sen. Bernie. “Health Care Is a Right, Not a Privilege (Sen. Bernie Sanders).”

TheHill, 4 Feb. 2016,


Spring, Doctor. “Ideas to Make Healthcare More Affordable in USA.” The George-Anne Media


Zieff, G., Kerr, Z. Y., Moore, J. B., & Stoner, L. (2020, October 30). Universal Healthcare in the

United States of America: A Healthy Debate. Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania).

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