Journal of Networks: ISSN 1796-2056 Volume 9, Number 5, May 2014

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Journal of Networks

ISSN 1796-2056
Volume 9, Number 5, May 2014



Multi-domain Information Exchange in a Bandwidth on Demand Tool 1075

Giorgos Adam, Christos Bouras, Ioannis Kalligeros, Kostas Stamos, and Giannis Zaoudis

A Privacy-aware Virtual Machine Migration Framework on Hybrid Clouds 1086

Hongli Zhang, Panpan Li, Zhigang Zhou, Junchao Wu, and Xiangzhan Yu

An Efficient Traffic Geographic Static-Node-Assisted Routing in VANET 1096

Xu Liya, Huang Chuanhe, Wang Jinhai, Zhu Junyu, and Zhang Lianzhen

A Review of Attacks and Security Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks 1103
Fangmin Sun, Zhan Zhao, Zhen Fang, Lidong Du, Zhihong Xu, and Diliang Chen

An Efficient Offline Delegation Protocol in Mobile RFID Environment 1114

Jia-Ning Luo and Ming-Hour Yang

Secure Session Mobility using Hierarchical Authentication Key Management in Next Generation 1121
Muhammad Zubair, Xiangwei Kong, and Saeed Mahfooz

Congestion Control Strategy for Opportunistic Network Based on Message Values 1132
Deng-yin Zhang, Min Yang, and Lei Cui

Authentication Protocol using MYK-NTRUSign Signature Algorithm in Wireless Network 1139

Aihan Yin, Hongchao Liang, and Ming Zhu

Cooperative Localization Algorithm based on Coverage Optimization of Actors for Wireless Sensor 1145
and Actor Networks
Huanliang Xu, Duo Li, Jianhua Che, and Haoyun Wang

The Optimal Partition Algorithm for Multiple Video Sequences in Streaming Media System 1157
Mande Xie

An Improved Directed Diffusion Protocol based on Opportunistic Routing 1163

Yi Xu, Yixian Yang, Yang Xin, and Hongliang Zhu

An Adaptive Approach for Multi-Agent Formation Control in MANET Based on CPS Perspective 1169
Jinzhi Lin, Ying Wu, Gongyi Wu, and Jingdong Xu

Optimal-sampling Active Interference Cancellation under the Minimax Criterion 1178

Jinping Liu, Gang Zhu, Bo Cheng, and Shengfeng Xu

Impact of Queue Management Schemes and TCP Variants on the Performance of 10Gbps High Speed 1183
Networks: An Experimental Study
Lin Xue, Cheng Cui, Suman Kumary, and Seung-Jong Park
Uncertain Networks Optimization Based on Random ADD Algorithm 1193
Gu Daming

Fusion of the Dimensionless Parameters and Filtering Methods in Rotating Machinery Fault 1201
Jianbin Xiong, Qinhua Zhang, Guoxi Sun, Zhiping Peng, and Qiong Liang

Obfuscated Malicious Code Detection with Path Condition Analysis 1208

Wenqing Fan, Xue Lei, and Jing An

Numerical Simulation of Stability Analyzing for Unsaturated Slope with Rainfall Infiltration 1215
Wen Zhong, Zhuoying Tan, Xiaojun Wang, Jin Wang, and Tianshou Hu

Delay Analysis of an Enhancing IEEE 802.11 Point Coordination Function MAC Protocol 1223
Zheng Guan, Hongwei Ding, and Wenhua Qian

Content Distribution Mechanism in Mobile P2P Network 1229

Zeng Degui and Yishuang Geng

Research of Network System Reconfigurable Model Based on the Finite State Automation 1237
Shenghan Zhou and Wenbing Chang

KSC Centralized Index Model in Complex Network 1245

Xu Jian

Network Topology Connection Optimization Control Algorithm Based on Network Efficiency and 1252
Average Connectivity
Xianwang Li, Yuchuan Song, Ping Yan, and Xuehai Chen

Impulsive Neural Networks Algorithm Based on the Artificial Genome Model 1260
Gao Yuan, Zheng Na, Hao Nan, and Liu Yuanqing

LDPC Coded Combined with Space-Time Codes in Cooperative MIMO System 1268
Zhang Yan, Yang Fengfan, and Hu Guobing

An Improved Intrusion Detection based on Neural Network and Fuzzy Algorithm 1274
He Liang

Traffic Load Constrained Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks 1281
Deng Liwei

Study on Measuring System of Casing Machine Based on PLC 1287

Huiqiang Wang, Yanqiu Xing, and Weilian Sun

Grid Computing based on Game Optimization Theory for Networks Scheduling 1295
Zhang Peng-fei, li Xiang-yang, and Ma Lei

Broadcast Networks based on the Virus Evolutionary Algorithm 1301

Zhu Jian-xin and Gihwan Cho

DOA Estimation of Smart Antenna Signal Based on MUSIC Algorithm 1309

Qihui Wang, Lidong Wang, Kang An, Zhouxiang Shou, and Huixi Zhang

Complexity Measurement of Large-Scale Software System Based on Complex Network 1317

Li Dali

Design of Digital Synthesis Filters for Hybrid Filter Bank A/D Converters Using Semidefinite 1325
Wei Wang and Zi-Jing Zhang
Multi-granularity-based Routing Algorithm for Dynamic Networks 1333
Fu-gui He, Yan-ping Zhang, Xiancun Zhou, Renjin Liu, and Ling Zhang

Medical Diagnosis Data Mining Based on Improved Apriori Algorithm 1339

Wenjing Zhang, Donglai Ma, and Wei Yao

A Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Scheduling Multiskilled Workforce 1346

Hui Nie, Bo Liu, Pumo Xie, Zhenbing Liu, and Huihua Yang

Global Exponential Synchronization of Delayed BAM Neural Networks 1354

Meng Wang, Jianfeng Teng, and Erlin Liu

Multi-domain Information Exchange in a

Bandwidth on Demand Tool
Giorgos Adam, Christos Bouras, Ioannis Kalligeros, Kostas Stamos, and Giannis Zaoudis
Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus", N. Kazantzaki Str, University Campus 26504, Rio Greece
Computer Engineering and Informatics Dept., University of Patras,{adam,stamos,bouras,zaoudis}

Abstract—In this paper we describe the multi-domain presented in [2]. As soon as a circuit’s resources are no
information exchange aspects of the AutoBAHN tool, which longer necessary, they are released for another potential
is used for implementing a Bandwidth on Demand service as transfer between different end-points utilizing the same
part of the GEANT project. This project was driven by the resources.
increasing demand for reliable and guaranteed data
The AutoBAHN system is capable of provisioning
transportation for scientific purposes. In order to
implement the process of information exchange in a multi- circuits in the heterogeneous, multi-domain environments
domain heterogeneous environment several design decisions that constitute the European academic and research space
have to take place, in order to balance and satisfy by the and allows for both immediate and advanced circuit
needs of information security, fast information reservations. The overall architecture of the AutoBAHN
dissemination, efficient request processing, reliability and system, its goal and the network mechanisms it employs
robustness. The paper describes how AutoBAHN are thoroughly presented in [3]. A similar architecture is
implements a flexible AAI in a distributed environment, also presented in [4].
how it exchanges and updates information and how it This paper examines all the appropriate mechanisms
handles incoming requests in an efficient and timely manner.
that exist among AutoBAHN’s different modules and
The multi-domain aspect of this effort stems from the fact
that the tool is used in the production environment of also the external tools and technologies that are used for
several cooperating National Research and Educational the purpose of exchanging information which is needed
Networks (NRENs) across Europe. Each NREN may have for AutoBAHN to complete its task and reserve a circuit
different underlying technologies, different policies and with specific bandwidth across a network path that
different use cases, but they all have to coordinate through connects two end points. In such a complicated, modular
usage of the AutoBAHN tool in order to produce a multi- and robust application it is a common fact that there is a
domain service of circuit reservation. lot of information that needs to be addressed, processed
and exchanged. We will discuss this issue from the
Index Terms—Bandwidth on Demand; AAI; Security;
aspects of authorization and authentication infrastructure
Quality of Service; Performance Evaluation
(AAI), secured communication between system
components and a common registry service which holds
I. INTRODUCTION data accessible to everyone who is involved. We will also
The GN3 and GN3plus European projects [1] are evaluate the performance of the tool in two different real
research projects funded by the European Union and life simulation scenarios and prove that AutoBAHN can
Europe's NRENs (National Research and Education handle properly large number of submitted reservations in
Networks). They aim at building and supporting the next a two-domain testbed.
generation of the pan-European research and education The rest of the paper is structured as follows: In
network, which connects universities, institutions and Section 2 we analyse related work while Section 3
other research and educational organizations across describes the GN3 project. Section 4 presents the general
Europe and interconnects them to the rest of the Internet design implementation for AutoBAHN BoD system and
using high-speed backbone connections. in Section 5 we present the general architecture and the
In the context of GN3, a Bandwidth on Demand (BoD) procedures that take place during authentication and
service is being developed, and the service is supported authorization process. Section 6 describes the way that
by the AutoBAHN tool. The aim of the service is to communication between system components can be
provide dedicated channels for data transport, which are considered secure. In Section 7, we examine the use of
necessary for demanding applications and research fields Lookup Service as a common registry mechanism and
such as radio astronomy, high-energy physics and general how it is used by AutoBAHN instances in order to
Grid applications with strict demands for the provisioning exchange information. In Section 8 we describe the
of guaranteed and dedicated capacity. The provisioning process of converting the actual network topology to a
of such circuits is done dynamically, so that both the more abstract representation of the resources. Section 9 is
performance limitations of IP networks and the dedicated to the evaluation of performance metrics
inflexibility of fixed circuits are addressed as it is also regarding network traffic, processing time for pathfinding,



resources reservation and memory consumption. Finally, and schedule information located in the 3D RCE into a
Section 10 concludes the paper and Section 11 presents simple policy directive which is distributed to the
future fields of this study. appropriate LSR’s.
Another highly active BoD project is ESnet's On-
II. RELATED WORK Demand Secure Circuits and Advance Reservation
The AutoBAHN BoD system has been influenced by a System (OSCARS). OSCARS provides multi-domain,
number of other projects dealing with similar challenges high-bandwidth virtual circuits that guarantee end-to-end
for bandwidth on demand provisioning. In this section we network data transfer performance. As of November 2010,
present some of the most closely related ones. ESnet traffic topped 10 petabytes a month. In 2010,
The Dynamic Resource Allocation across GMPLS ESnet operated over 30 (up from 26 in October 2009)
Optical Networks (DRAGON) project [5] is also long-term production OSCARS virtual circuits
conducting research and developing technologies to supporting scientific areas including High Energy Physics:
enable dynamic provisioning of network resources on an (Large Hadron Collider) Computational Astrophysics
inter-domain basis across heterogeneous network (OptiPortal), Biological and Environmental Research,
technologies. It mainly deals with GMPLS enabled Genomics, Climate (GFD and Earth Sciences Grid).
domains and in a smaller scale compared to AutoBAHN. Approximately 5000 in total OSCARS virtual circuit
It consists of almost 100 miles of dark fiber configured as reservations have been created for demos, transient
two intersecting rings within the Washington DC experiments, and projects, etc. but 5000 are not all
metropolitan area and five core nodes incorporate currently in use today [28].
wavelength selective switching capabilities in the form of OSCARS supports user driven advanced reservations
multi-degree "reconfigurable optical add drop of dynamic VCs at layer 2 (Ethernet VLANs), and layer 3
multiplexors" (ROADMs). These ROADMs are built by (IP). In this capacity, OSCARS is used as a domain
Movaz Networks and support the GMPLS routing and controller for network resources within ESnet. It also
signaling protocols for dynamic provisioning. The functions as an Inter-Domain Controller (IDC) which has
DRAGON testbed is also connected to several other the capability to communicate with other domain
networks including Abilene, the Internet2 Hybrid Optical controllers like AutoBAHN does. One of the core
Packet Infrastructure (HOPI) and the Global Information objectives of OSCARS is to provide easily used
Grid - Experimental Facility (GIG-EF). functionality that allows application programmers and
One of DRAGON’s core components is the Network end-users without a network engineering background to
Aware Resource Broker (NARB). The NARB provides set up reservations for VCs. These can be requested on-
several important functions to enable routing, path demand, or scheduled in advance to support a workflow
computation and signaling in this environment. The pipeline, for example to coincide with experimental data
NARB is an agent which represents a local Autonomous generation [28].
Domain (AD) and acts as a protocol listener to the OSCARS is considered the most closely related BoD
intradomain routing protocols. In this implementation, the tool comparing to AutoBAHN. The latter’s main
intradomain protocol is OSPF-TE [22]. AutoBAHN was advantage is that it can operate across different network
also using OSPF routing protocol for interdomain technologies such as MPLS, SDH and Ethernet where no
topology exchange which was later deprecated by other tool can achieve the same level of interoperability.
Lookup Service. The NARB is also responsible for inter- Furthermore AutoBAHN has been designed from scratch
domain routing. The NARB’s utilize a modified version with an emphasis on a heterogeneous multi-domain
of OSPF-TE to share a link state database between environment, with different administrative domains that
domains. This inter-domain topology exchange can be wish to collaborate for the specific purpose of Bandwidth
based on the actual topology as discovered by listening to on Demand without sharing more information than
the local OSPF-TE protocol, or optionally based on an necessary.
"abstracted" view of the domain topology (generated by
configuration file or automatic synthesis of the OSPF-TE III. GN3
link state database). Domain abstraction provides GÉANT brings together over 400 participants from 32
mechanisms for an administrative domain to advertise to NRENs, TERENA, DANTE, and over 20 subcontractors
the outside world a highly simplified view of its topology. and third parties. It provides a dedicated, high capacity,
This allows domains to hide their real topologies as well 50,000 km data network that brings together 40 million
as minimize the amount of external updates required. The users in research institutions across 40 countries,
trade-off is reduced accuracy for path computations. underpinning critical projects that would previously have
AutoBAHN is also adopting this approach of topology been impossible without its reach, capacity and reliability.
abstraction in order to unify and distribute the actual In the past, average bandwidths were at the order of 155
network elements into a more simple form without Mbps but since 2004, GÉANT became able to transmit
transmitting sensitive network information. The NARB data at speeds of up to 10 Gbps as standard. Even faster
also plays an important role in distribution of policy capacities of 40 Gbps have been successfully piloted
information to LSR’s so that appropriate action can be across distances of up to 750km, and 100 Gbps
taken when processing provisioning messages. To connections are in planning.
accomplish this, the NARB translates the complex AAA



using infrastructure provided by the federated domains.

The domains that participate in the joint BoD service
offer are connected together at SSPs.

Figure 2. End to end path of BoD instance in multi-domain

infrastructure. This BoD service for GEANT is supported by
AutoBAHN system [22]


The AutoBAHN system has to coordinate a distributed
Figure 1. GÉANT's topology map ( circuit reservation process. Participating domains may not
wish to advertise their internal structure, technology or
The GEANT BoD service is an end-to-end, point-to- topology details. This has led to the adoption of a
point bidirectional connectivity service for data transport. distributed implementation, where each participating
The BoD service allows users to reserve bandwidth on domain hosts an identical instance of the AutoBAHN
demand between the end points participating in the BoD software. For the purpose of flexibility, the software has
service. The data transport capacity dedicated to a been designed in a modular way, and is comprised of
connection can range from 1 Mbps up to 10 Gbps. This independent components, each taking care of a specific
service is offered collaboratively by GÉANT and a set of set of functionalities. The multi-domain aspect of the
adjacent domains (NRENs or external partners) that system is mainly handled by the Inter-Domain Manager
adhere to the requirements of the service. These joint (IDM), a module responsible for inter-domain operations
networks form a multi-domain area where the service is of circuit reservation on behalf of a domain. This includes
provided. inter-domain communication, resource negotiations with
The service is designed for situations where users have adjacent domains, request handling, and topology
frequent transfer of large data sets between two end advertisements.
points. The data transport capacity is negotiable per To build a real end-to-end circuit, the Domain
request and is either accepted or rejected when the Manager (DM) module is also required to manage intra-
request is made. The service offers a high security level domain resources. The DM has an interface to the local
in the sense that the carried traffic is isolated from other IDM from which it undertakes all intra-domain functions
traffic. It has to be noted that the traffic is isolated at (abstracting the topology towards the IDM, scheduling
logical layer and not necessarily at physical layer. It and pre-reserving resources, monitoring etc.). This
means that the core network will carry data from multiple southbound interface of the DM is the part of the
users, but there will be no “crosstalk” between these AutoBAHN system that needs to be tailored to the
traffic streams. From the users’ perspective, each instance domain-specific conditions. The DM also has an interface
of the service is a virtual circuit between the two towards the Topology Abstraction module. Its role is to
endpoints among which the traffic is exchanged in a take the actual domain topology and produce a generic
manner isolated from other data flowing within the graph (without any device details) that can be safely
involved networks. The bandwidth offered by the service shared with any other domain participating in the service.
is not over-subscribed in any of the networks carrying the The purpose of this topology abstraction process is two-
traffic hence making it possible to deliver deterministic fold:
service in terms of throughput capabilities. Make sure that each domain’s detailed network
Figure 2 presents the data plane for the end-to-end topology is not advertised to the rest of the domains that
transport of the Ethernet Frames by the BoD service. The participate in the service, which may not be desirable.
two End-Users are connected on their respective End- Limit the size of the overall topology that is used for
User domains. The BoD Service area comprises several the initial inter-domain pathfinding, thus making the
participating domains. The BoD Service receives algorithm faster (in exchange for sub-optimal path
transports and delivers Ethernet Frames between Service computation results). A similar issue is discussed in [32].
Demarcation Points (SDPs) “A” and “Z”, where the End- In each domain, the data plane is controlled by the DM
User sites are connected. The end-to-end transport service module using a range of techniques, including interfaces
is implemented through several intra domain transport to the Network Management System (NMS), signalling
services, stitched together at the Service Stitching Points protocols or network elements. As part of the AutoBAHN,
(SSPs) between the domains. Both SDPs are connected a dedicated and independent Technology Proxy module



User Interface

Inter-Domain Manager
Resource Reservation Inter-domain
modelling Handler pathfinder

User access Request

module handling logic
AutoBAHN system

Domain Manager
Intra-domain Calendar
Abstraction Pathfinder
Timer Monitoring

Data plane

Figure 3. Basic architecture of AutoBAHN

allows the AutoBAHN system to support a range of part of GÉANT AA Framework for this purpose, which
technologies and vendors according to domain and global provides several implementation choices regarding the
requirements. The Technology Proxy is the only module Authentication and Authorization providers that can be
that is not identical between various instances, but has to used. Each of these choices has been considered taking
be tailored to each domain’s network technology into account the characteristics of a multi-domain BoD
characteristics. Thus, this modular approach allows the service. AutoBAHN can be configured to use XML or
custom part of the AutoBAHN system to be reduced to Atlassian Crowd [18] for Authentication and User
the minimum possible functionality set. Furthermore, Attributes Provider. It can also support the existing
AutoBAHN provides the framework which takes care of eduGAIN [16] infrastructure for authentication and
typical technical implementation aspects of the authorization. In addition, LDAP or Relational Databases
Technology Proxy module (such as communication to can be used as Authentication and User Attributes
other modules and reservation request parameter Providers. They also have the additional capability of
processing) so that the only work that needs to be done supporting Access Control Lists for flexible definition of
separately per domain is limited to specifying the authorization policies. The rationale for this selection is
underlying network equipment configuration commands. that using local XML as an Authentication and
Access to the Bandwidth on Demand service by end Authorization Provider is a fast and efficient way to
users is achieved through a web-based User Interface handle users centrally and configure a consistent cross-
(BoD Portal), which can communicate to IDM instances domain policy during the initial service rollout. However
at all participating domains. Similarly, an API it is not scalable for a fully functional production service,
(Application Programming Interface) is available for where a dedicated solution such as LDAP or Atlassian
machine-to-machine communication that can be used to Crowd is needed. Finally, eduGAIN is a promising effort
by-pass reservation request via the BoD Portal. from GEANT that provides the most flexibility and
convenience upon its wide adoption by end users due to
V. AUTOBAHN AAI the Single Sign-On (SSO) feature.
Authentication and Authorization in a multi-domain
A. User Authentication
environment is a challenge due to the distributed nature
of the service and the heterogeneity of policies among the The AutoBAHN system has been designed in such a
domains. It is also a vital component of a service that can way so that multiple authentication methods may be used
reconfigure network devices and has deep level of access in a modular way as described above, based on the Spring
to the network production data plane. AutoBAHN uses Security Java framework [17].



AutoBAHN instance Domain 1 AutoBAHN instance Domain 2

1,2 eduGAIN
User Interface 14,19 20
7,8 (WebGUI) DM DM

Authorization Authorization
Module Module

6 Policy Store Policy Store

Identity and

Figure 4. The user creates a reservation

The main system components that are invoked during Project Membership: This attribute contains a specified
the authentication procedure are the Authentication value (e.g. AUTOBAHN) that demonstrates that this user
Manager and the Authentication Provider. The user is an authorized AutoBAHN user.
submits his credentials to the AutoBAHN Server and an Project Role: This attribute offers granularity in terms
Authentication Request is created at server-side. This of the subset of available actions that the user is allowed
request is sent to the Authentication Manager which is to perform, and can contain values such as Service user,
responsible for forwarding requests through a chain of AutoBAHN administrator, etc.
Authentication Providers. The provider will request from The various project roles currently supported are:
the UserDetails Service to provide the granted authorities Service User (people from e-science communities,
for this user. These authorities are later used at the other BoD systems, external client applications) that
Authorization phase. The Authentication Manager become “service owners”
receives back the result of the described procedure and Network Administrator (people responsible for the
decides whether the authentication is successful or not. data plane – the underlying data network infrastructure)
When a user wishes to connect to the graphical Autobahn Administrator (people responsible for the
environment for making a resource reservation, his control plane software)
supplied credentials can be authenticated against any In AutoBAHN system, the above attributes are
Authentication Provider like LDAP or Crowd, against the considered to be equivalent of granted authorities
eduGAIN Single Sign-On (SSO) infrastructure, or even meaning that based on the policy that is defined by
against a local XML file containing user information. The AutoBAHN’s administrator, those attributes also define
authorization procedure is then able to cooperate with the appropriate jurisdictions and capabilities that a user
interchangeable authentication modules, as long as the can have during the usage of the system. Similar policy-
authentication provider also supplies the necessary based policy resource allocation issue is presented in [19].
attributes that enable authorization decisions. As the
B. Multi-domain User Authorization
eduGAIN scenario is the most complicated and
interesting one, it is described in more detail below. Authorization is the function of specifying whether a
In principle, when a user tries to access the user has the access rights to perform an action on the
AutoBAHN system, the (human) user is redirected to the system resources. AutoBAHN implements multi-domain
(SSO) service of his/her federation. Then the user is user authorization, which means that the above procedure
authenticated through the federation software which is done on every single Domain Manager.
sends the SSO response and SAML 2.0 authorization After the authentication phase, the user is able to
back to the AutoBAHN system. The response contains request access to the available resources. The
both authentication and authorization information as authorization procedure takes place at the Domain
SAML 2.0 attributes. Finally, the AutoBAHN system Manager which determines whether the user is authorized
checks the SSO response and SAML 2.0 attributes and to access the requested resource. This decision is based
responds to the user with a permission or denial to access on the access policies that each DM has defined.
the resource. The attributes that are transmitted are the For operations that are decided along a multi-domain
following: path, such as a reservation request (Figure 4), there are
Identifier: A unique id of the user wanting to make a multiple Domain Managers. Thus, the decision has to be
reservation. This could be either the name or the email of taken in every domain along the reservation path, based
the user, or a combination of both. on user attributes that have to be transmitted with the
Organization: The organization/domain/federation of reservation request and mapped to the policies
which the user is a member. implemented by each domain.



As described earlier, the user attributes are retrieved WS-Security (Web Services Security, short WSS) is a
during the authentication phase. These attributes are then flexible and feature-rich extension to SOAP to apply
forwarded to each domain along the reservation path at security to web services. It is a member of the WS-*
server-side. Before a request is examined by the system at family of web service specifications and was published
each domain, the attributes are compared against the by OASIS.
policy module to check whether the user has the required The protocol specifies how integrity and
privileges. The policy is based on logical operations confidentiality can be enforced on messages and allows
among the user attributes: identifier, organization, project the communication of various security token formats,
membership and role. such as SAML, Kerberos, and X.509. Its main focus is
Figure 4 shows the whole procedure for authentication the use of XML Signature, XML Encryption and XML
and authorization when a human user want to create a Timestamp to provide end-to-end security and in our case
service request. At step 1, the Service user (through a all three options are available for use.
web browser) tries to access the service submission WS-Security makes heavy use of public/private key
interface in the WebGUI and the request is intercepted by cryptography [20]. A central problem for use of public-
the eduGAIN filter. The eduGAIN filter redirects the user key cryptography is confidence (ideally proof) that a
to his local AAI (step 2). The user’s web browser sends public key is correct, belongs to the person or entity
an http request to the IdP server (step 3). The IdP server claimed (i.e., is 'authentic'), and has not been tampered
sends to the web browser a page to authenticate the user with or replaced by a malicious third party. The usual
and the user submits his credentials to the IdP server approach to this problem is to use a public-key
(steps 4 and 5). The IdP server redirects the user to the infrastructure (PKI), in which one or more third parties,
WebGUI request page, and associated attributes are also known as certificate authorities, certify ownership of key
sent (step 6). The user fills in necessary parameters and pairs.
submits the service request which may bundle multiple AutoBAHN makes use of eduGAIN PKI for validating
circuit reservation requests (steps 7 and 8). The WebGUI the identity of the components. The trust establishment
forwards the service request and user attributes to the process is enabled by means of using TLS connections
initiating IDM (step 9). The IDM deals with each for each eduGAIN interaction and including XML-Sig
reservation in the service separately. For the first digital signatures for the appropriate protocol elements
reservation, it forwards the user attributes and reservation and assertions.
parameters to the AuthR module and the AuthR module eduGAIN inter-component trust is based on X.509
constructs a policy evaluation query (steps 10 and 11). certificates. It is rooted at a set of Certification
The query is checked against the existing policies stored Authorities (CA) created and maintained within the
in the Policy Store and the AuthR module returns an project. This set will be referred to as the eduGAIN
answer (steps 12 and 13). Assuming the response is to truststore and all AutoBAHN components accept any of
permit the request, the IDM forwards it to the DM for the CAs contained by the truststore as valid roots of trust.
intradomain checking (step 14). The DM calculates CAs in the eduGAIN truststore conform to the eduGAIN
possible paths and forwards the reservation parameters to Certificate Policy, a document defining the rules and
the AuthR module (step 15). The AuthR module procedures agreed by the eduGAIN participants to rely on
constructs a policy evaluation query and the query is digital public certificates issued to the components of the
checked against the existing policies stored in the Policy infrastructure.
Store (steps 16 and 17). The AuthR module returns an At least one of these CAs will be specifically
answer and the DM replies to the IDM about the established and run by the project. This root CA is
feasibility of the reservation (steps 18 and 19). The IDM referred as the eduGAINCA. The self-signed certificate
forwards the request and the user attributes to the next of the eduGAINCA is the minimum content of the
domain along the path for further processing (step 20). eduGAIN truststore.
Then the process is repeated for all domains until the first
A. Trust Validation Procedures
reservation request has been evaluated and then for all
reservations within the service request. Trust validation is performed by eduGAIN
components according to a two-step procedure:
VI. SECURED COMMUNICATION BETWEEN The received certificate shall be evaluated to check
COMPONENTS whether the whole trust path correctly resolves to the
Each AutoBAHN instance initializes different eduGAIN root of trust.
communication channels among its modules with the The eduGAIN component identifier contained in the
usage of web services. Through these channels, crucial Subject Alternate Name extension of the received
information is exchanged such as reservation request certificate shall be evaluated against the metadata
attributes, user and domain attributes, network topology available for this interaction. It must match with the
elements (ip addresses, ports, capacity etc.). To ensure a component identifier as stored in these metadata.
secure and trusted communication between system A failure in any of the verifications above causes a
components, WS-Security standard is used in addition rejection of the requested operation with a TrustError
with Edugain PKI infrastructure. result. This procedure implies that, for a proper trust
evaluation, all metadata exchange through the MDS must



contain the eduGAIN component identifiers applicable in crucial information. Because the information resides as
each case. XML, distillation is performed through XSLT
Unless otherwise specified in the corresponding profile, transformation.
all connections between any two eduGAIN components
A. Core Functionalities
uses TLS and perform two-way certificate validation
(both initiator and responder) according to the above The following are the main functionalities of the LS.
procedures. Location of IDM modules for neighboring domains: In
Validation of the certificates associated with XML order to perform an inter-domain reservation, the IDM
Signatures follow the procedures described above. modules of the corresponding domains have to
In principle, when the client module wants to communicate (in a chain-like fashion). The unique
communicate with another module (the resource), it sends identifier of an AutoBAHN domain is defined by the web
its request to the required resource along with its X.509 service address of its specified IDM, as the identifier is in
certificate signed by eduGAIN CA. The resource the form of a URL, containing the DNS name of the host
authenticates the client by validating its certificate using running the IDM system. This approach implicitly uses
eduGAIN API. The certificate contains identification the existing DNS service but requires manual insertion of
information that allows the resource to authenticate only the URLs. Lookup service in this case helps in the way
designated clients. that each IDM is able to retrieve the location (URLs) of
Below the detailed procedure in the context of the the IDM modules of neighboring domains, using only its
AutoBAHN system for the trusted communication knowledge of the neighboring domain names.
between AutoBAHN modules is presented. Interdomain links identification: AutoBAHN faced the
The AutoBAHN module that wants to communicate problem of matching an edge interface from one domain
(client) must have a certificate, so no interaction for with the correct interface belonging to a neighboring
credentials is needed. The X.509 certificate is issued by a domain in order to properly identify interdomain links.
Certificate Authority (CA) subordinated to one of the The lookup service made possible the transition to a
eduGAIN roots of trust. semi-automated approach. The lookup service functions
The client module sends its request and the certificate as the repository where edge interfaces are registered.
to the resource. The records in the lookup service contain the pair of
The resource module performs trust validation by domains that the interdomain link joins and an identifier
checking that the whole trust path of the certificate for the edge interface.
correctly resolves to the root(s) of trust defined by Exchange of abstract topology between domains: Each
eduGAIN. domain uploads its abstracted topology to the LS, where
The resource checks that the client module is allowed it is merged with the global topology and then retrieved
to access it. by all domains participating in the service.
The resource provides the requested answer to the In order to meet these requirements, the interface to /
client module. from the lookup service offers the following
VII. LOOKUP SERVICE Registration of Domain name / IDM instance URL
The Lookup Service (LS) is a key element of the mapping: Upon initialization, each IDM instance registers
perfSONAR measurement framework which is also a this information to the lookup service.
GEANT product and it allows every independent service Removal of Domain name / IDM instance URL
to be a visible part of the system. In essence, the LS acts mapping: Upon normal shutdown, an IDM instance
as a service directory for perfSONAR, where services can notifies the lookup service and the lookup service
advertise themselves (provide their lookup information) removes the corresponding record.
and requestors are able to find any service they need. Registration of Start domain / End domain / public
In Autobahn, the Lookup Service is utilized as a edge port identifier mapping: Each AutoBAHN instance
common centralized registry space where all instances registers to the lookup service one record per edge
have to ability to write some appropriate attributes that interface, which contains the public name of the edge
needs to be advertised to the rest of the group. More interface and the names of the domains it connects. If
specifically, LS is used in order to exchange the there are no multiple links connecting the same domains,
following: this information can be used to automatically identify
The web services endpoints of the IDMs interdomain links.
The abstract topology Update or Removal of Start domain / End domain /
The edge links public edge port identifier mapping: When there is a
All those descriptions and information is defined using topology update, an interdomain link can be updated or
XML schema and encoded into XML. Storage of these cease to exist. The Topology Abstraction module
descriptions is performed in native XML databases and propagates this information to the lookup service which
querying is performed using XPath and XQuery. correspondingly updates or removes the affected record.
The LS can be considered as a messaging service All the above functionalities rely on the assumption
through which each participant can inform others about that domain names are unique.



Figure 5. Basic cNIS functionality

network technologies such as Ethernet, SDH, MPLS and

VIII. TOPOLOGY ABSTRACTION IP. It also provides the user tools in form of plugins for
As it is already mentioned, each NREN deploys its automatic network discovery which simplifies even more
own AutoBAHN instance. This results in a set of the whole process. The later enhances the ability of
different network topologies in a total number that equals AutoBAHN to operate across different heterogeneous
the number of running AutoBAHNs. The Domain networks.
Manager module keeps the actual topology information AutoBAHN reads the topology from cNIS, converts it
locally and is able to handle it appropriately but there is on each own elements such as Nodes, Links etc. and then,
also a need to exist a total and more “simplified” union of creates an abstract representation of this topology which
these topologies and this has to be in public view from all later on sends it to Lookup Service for other domains to
AutoBAHNs in order to take it into account when they be aware of the new available topology.
try to find a valid path to process a reservation request. During the abstraction, the following objects are
This procedure takes place in Topology Abstraction created; Interdomain/Client Ports, Virtual Ports,
module (TA). Client/Virtual Links and Client/Edge Nodes. The
During the abstraction, a representation of the physical abstraction process first of all distinguishes the edge
topology is created for each NREN which only contains nodes, which are the nodes that have either a client (end-
the most significant attributes and components of the point) attached or a link to another domain. After that, it
actual topology. The abstract topology consists of Nodes, creates virtual links that form a one-to-one mesh that
Links and Ports. Also, AutoBAHN creates Internal connects any edge node directly to the other.
Identifiers for these objects which are linked locally to For each object, an identifier is created based on
the real network topology data. This also helps in keeping information such as the name that was given to a node in
away from public view information such as the IPs of the combination with its ports or similar combinations. The
routers, their port names etc. mostly for security reasons resulting string is then represented in CRC32 format to
but also to have a unique and unified naming convention keep the string always 8 characters long. In that way we
scheme. ensure two things; first of all, the uniqueness of the
In order to describe the abstraction process, first, we identifiers and secondly, in every restart and since the
need to define how AutoBAHN gets the network abstraction process has to take place from scratch
topology. For this problem, AutoBAHN operates in (meaning erasing the existing abstract topology), if we
conjunction with another tool that is also part of GN3 don’t have any significant changes in the topology, we
project which is called Common Network Information ensure that the result of the abstraction will be the same.
Service (cNIS) [27]. The aim of the cNIS is to provide a
unified repository of all relevant network information IX. PERFORMANCE E VALUATION
about a single administrative domain. cNIS was expected The purpose of this section is to show that AutoBAHN
to be the "single point of storage", but in fact it is more as a distributed system can handle use cases where
than just a database. Apart from the internal functionality multiple users submit requests to reserve a circuit and that
required for populating, validating and updating the information exchange is done efficiently enough in order
database, it is equipped with modules for analyzing the not to affect end-user perception of the service. The
topology data and presenting the data in a client-specified following tests were conducted using actual software
format (graphical, tabular or even XML for external deployments, but with the underlying data plane
applications). During the deployment phase, the NREN’s (Technology Proxy) disabled. This means that control
administrator has to insert the physical topology in cNIS plane decisions did not lead to re-configuration of
which then AutoBAHN reads it and creates the network devices (switches or routers). Our main goal was
abstraction during start-up time. cNIS supports different to investigate the performance of the software itself, and



not the performance of the network devices themselves

which depends on the equipment and vendor used.
For the purposes of running the tests we created a
testbed which included two interconnected domains
(AutoBAHN instances) and a web portal to manage them
and submit requests. The basic benchmarking tool that
was used for measuring the performance is Apache
JMeter [26]. It has the ability to create simulation tests for
Web (HTTP/HTTPS), SOAP, databases and other types Figure 6. Response times vs threads
of requests. In our case, we are mostly interested in Web
Services requests through SOAP for accessing main Figure 7 can be read in conjunction with the above
AutoBAHN resources and also HTTP request to test the information. Coloured lines indicate response time on
response of AutoBAHN’s graphical web interface. different user activities on the service. We can see that for
We run individual tests to see the actual performance most of the experiment duration the response time for
of each communication channel and processing unit but most actions does not exceed 0.2-0.4 seconds. Under
we also created a test scenario that invoked all modules heavy load (more than 4 simultaneous threads) response
from Client portal to the core mechanisms of AutoBAHN time may climb up to 1.4 seconds.
in order to have a realistic view of the processing time
and cost that is needed in a situation that resembles
production environment scenarios.
The experiments were performed on a standardized
Virtual Machine that is recommended for production
usage of AutoBAHN, using a single CPU and 2GB of
RAM. Our main performance metrics are:
CPU utilization for core AutoBAHN system
Memory consumption
Java memory heap size Figure 7. Number of threads for client portal
Number of threads
Response latencies
Average response time
Also, for quality evaluation we will examine the
reliability of the system through the percentage of
successfully processed requests.
With JMeter, we simulated two test cases; the first one
had to do with 50 users that submitted one request each in
a total time of 25 seconds, resulting in 2 requests per sec.
According to the expected usage of the service at Figure 8. Response times over time
production and current experience, this is a demanding
but plausible scenario. As a second test, we decided to
simulate an even more demanding scenario to verify Figure 8 shows a similar result this time drawn against
scalability during rare or unpredictable burst demand experiment time. The most time consuming steps of the
periods. More specifically, this test simulated 200 requests process are when the end-user portal has to
requests in a time period of 50 seconds resulting in 4 communicate with AutoBAHN and fetch information that
requests per sec. needs to be processed and presented to the user.
A. First Scenario (50 requests within 25 seconds) B. Second Scenario (200 requests within 50 seconds)
During our first simulation scenario, we recorded a
number of results in order to evaluate the system
responsiveness and scalability.
Figure 6 shows the number of active threads in the
BoD portal handling incoming requests. Its purpose is to
visualize the rate of incoming demand for system
resources. The demand is increasing as new requests are
incoming and then this number remains steady since each
request is processed and forwarded to the source domain
until the moment where client portal has transmitted all Figure 9. Number of active threads through Time
the requests to the domains. Most of the time there are 2-
4 active threads for processing requests. Increasing the rate of request arrivals by an order of 2,
results to an increase to the number of simultaneous



active threads almost by an order of 5. This indicates the this communication is secured by WS-Security
formation of a build-up of queued requests which specification.
however for the duration of the experiment is bounded by Performance evaluation of AutoBAHN has shown that
an upper threshold. it is capable of handling and process a large amount of
simultaneous requests. Production usage is still
significantly lower than the simulated loads due to the
recent introduction of the service so these results have not
yet been validated in a real production environment.
There are improvements planned for AutoBAHN tha
aim to make it support the BoD service reliably and
Figure 10. Response times VS threads effectively. It is palnned to fully integrate it with
supporting AA Infrastructure [21], handle topology
Figure 10 and Figure 11 demonstrate that response updates in a fully dynamic manner and be able to reroute
time still however remains low despite the increased existing scheduled or active reservations in case of
number of simultaneous threads, which indicates that the topology updates or NREN administrators who want to
request load is still well within the system’s capability to make changes in the allocated reservation paths because
handle without unbounded delay build-ups. of heavy traffic or other causes.
Finally, the AutoBAHN tool is developed with the
purpose of being interoperable with other similar tools
and protocols such as OSCARS / InterDomain Controller
Protocol (IDCP) [30] and Open Grid Forum’s Network
Service Interface WG (NSI-WG) [31].

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successful bandwidth on demand service in terms of [3] M. Campanella, R. Krzywania, V. Reijs, A. Sevasti, K.
speed and reliability. AutoBAHN’s multithreaded Stamos, C. Tziouvaras and D. Wilson, “Bandwidth on
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In this way, we ensure a hierarchical approach in Jabbari, D. Riley and J. Sobieski, “The DRAGON Project
accommodating the reservation requests and also in and Application Specific Topologies,” in Broadnets, San
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[7] C. Guok, “ESnet On-Demand Secure Circuits and Advance
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topology. It is also a common discovery service because
[9] “Argia,” Inocybe technologies Inc., [Online]. Available:
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[12] L. Gommans, C. de Laat, and R. M[eijer, "Token based
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networks aind a lambda grid," in Proceedings of IEEE graduated from the Computer Engineering and Informatics
GRIDNETS 2005. Department, University of Patras, Greece in 2010, and obtained
[13] Y Demchenko, L. Gommans, C. de Laat, A. Tokmakoff, his Masters Degree in Computer Science in 2013 from the same
and R. van Buren, "Policy based access control in dynamic department. His major field of study was computer networks.
Grid-based collaborative environment," in International He is currently working for H&S Technology Solutions S.A.
Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, in Athens. His research interests include Information Retrieval,
pp. 64-73, 2006. Data Mining and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
[14] J Vollbrecht P Calhoun S. Farrell, L. Gommans, G. Gross,
B. de Bruijn, C. de Laat, M. Holdrege, and D. Spence, Christos Bouras was born in Kalamata, Greece in 1962. He
"AAA authorization framework," IETF RFC 2904, Aug. graduated from the Computer Engineering and Informatics
2000. Department, University of Patras, Greece in 1985, and obtained
[15] J.J van der Ham, F. Dijkstra, F. Travostino, H.M.A. his PhD in Computer Science in 1993 from the same
Andree, and C.T.A.M de Laat "Usin RDF to describe department. His major field of study was computer networks.
nfetworks"' iGrid 2005 special issue, Future Generation He is Professor in the University of Patras, Department of
Computer Systems, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 862-867, 2006. Computer Engineering and Informatics. Also he is a scientific
[16] “Deliverable DJ5.2.3,3: Best Practice Guide - AAI advisor of Research Unit 6 in Computer Technology Institute
Cookbook - Third Edition”, [Online]. Available: and Press - Diophantus, Patras, Greece. His research interests include Analysis of Performance of Networking and Computer
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[17] “Spring Security Framework,” [Online]. Available: Wireless Communications, Telematics and New Services, QoS and Pricing for Networks and Services, e-learning, Networked
[18] “Crowd,” [Online]. Available: Virtual Environments and WWW Issues. Prof. Bouras has been a member of editorial board for
[19] Kamel Haddadou, Samir Ghamri-Doudane, Yacine international journals and PC member and referee in various
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policy-based resource allocation in stateless IP networks”, Ioannis Kalligeros was born in Kalamata, Greece in 1982. He
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Issue 2, pages 131–149, March/April 2012 Department of University of Patras in 2009. His major fields of
[20] “Public Key Cryptography,” [Online]. Available: study were computer networks and routing protocols. He was a member of Computer Technology Institute and
[21] Geant Forge, “GÉANT AA Framework,” [Online]. Press “Diophantus” (CTI) in Patra until 2012, and he worked as
Available: a Software Engineer and researcher for the Greek Research and
[22] GN3 deliverable, “GN3 Bandwidth on Demand Service: Educational Network (GRNET). Right now he is working as a
Service Descriptions and Service Level Specification” Lead Release Engineer for Citrix Bytemobile. His research
“eduPKI”, [Online]. Available: interests include bandwidth on demand services, network simulations, mobile networks optimization and media caching.
[23] D. Katz, D. Yeung and K. Kompella, “Traffic engineering Kostas Stamos was born in Patra, Greece in 1978. He
extensions to OSPF version,” IETF Internet Draft, Work in graduated from the Computer Engineering and Informatics
Progress, draft-ietf-ospfospfv3-traffic-05.txt, March 2005. Department of University of Patras in 2001, and obtained his
[24] “Greek NREN (GRNet)”, [Online]. Available: Masters Degree in 2003 and PhD in 2007. His major fields of study were computer networks and admission control.
[25] “Apache JMeter”, [Online]. Available: He is currently working for the Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus” (CTI) in Patra, and for the
[26] “Common Network Information Service”, [Online]. Greek Research and Educational Network GRNET. His
Available: research interests include bandwidth on demand services, power
[27] “OSCARS”, [Online]. Avai able: management for wireless devices and network simulations.
[28] Chin P. Guok, David W. Robertson, Evangelos Giannis Zaoudis was born in Chios, Greece in 1987. He
Chaniotakis, Mary R. Thompson, William Johnston, Brian graduated from the Computer Engineering and Informatics
Tierney , “A User Driven Dynamic Circuit Network Department of University of Patras in 2009, and obtained his
Implementation”, DANMS 2008, IEEE conference 2008 Masters Degree in 2001. His major fields of study were
[29] “IDCP”, [Online]. Available: computer networks and transmission of video in wireless
[30] “NSI-WG”, [Online]. Available: networks using cross-layer techniques. He is currently working for the Computer Technology
nsi-wg Institute and Press “Diophantus” (CTI) in Patra, and for the
[31] Isabel Amigo, Sandrine Vaton, Thierry Chonavel, Federico Greek Research and Educational Network GRNET. His
Larroca, “Maximum delay computation for interdomain research interests include cross-layer techniques over wireless
path selection”, International Journal of Network networks and QoS in video transmission.



A Privacy-aware Virtual Machine Migration

Framework on Hybrid Clouds
Hongli Zhang, Panpan Li, Zhigang Zhou, Junchao Wu, and Xiangzhan Yu
School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
Email: {zhanghongli, yzx}, {lipan, zhouzhigang, wujunchao}

Abstract—With the proliferation of hybrid clouds in both benefits of both public and private cloud computing due
cost-saving and effectiveness, a growing number of users are to some reasons. On the one hand, the hybrid clouds
building their own private cloud. However, private cloud service mode allows enterprise users to improve the
can only provide limited resource, and always resorts to utilization of their reduced IT infrastructure and thereby
public cloud in order to meet elastic service requirements.
reduce their IT costs. On the other hand, users can
Generally, public cloud is operated by commercial service
providers (CSPs) who are not completely honest with users manually decide on what data and applications should be
to some extent. So, existing hybrid clouds service models are reside and run within internal private cloud and which
hampered by privacy concerns, and one of the main reasons should be moved to public cloud.
is that a majority of users’ workloads involves sensitive Despite more hybrid clouds’ attractive at present,
contents and therefore can’t be directly outsourced to public unfortunately, as users no longer physically possess the
cloud without proper protection. In this paper, we present a storage of their data in public cloud, the privacy-
novel framework that makes such privacy-aware VM preserving concern is still a major obstacle on the road
migration effectively. At First, all the users’ workloads are for the enterprise users who are considering adoption of
uploading and running in private cloud VMs then labeling
hybrid clouds weather or not, due to the cloud users’ data
the sensitive and non-sensitive VMs. Then, we design an
effective way focusing on how to get VM migration queue often involves sensitive data [6, 8, 9]. Therefore, in other
without introducing heavy inter-cloud communication words user’s data cannot be directly shared with public
traffic after migration. Finally, non-sensitive VMs are CSPs without appropriate protection. In addition, today’s
migrated to public cloud with utmost effort by live commercial public clouds do not offer high security
migration premised on minimal service level agreement assurance, a concern that has been significantly
(SLA) disruption. Experiment results illustrate that our aggravated by recent incidents about users’ private data
proposed framework is effective while occurring an linkage of GMail [34] and users’ sensitive data in
acceptable communication overhead. Microsoft BPOS platform is accessed by unauthorized
users [35]. In more serious cases, public cloud is fully
Index Terms—Privacy-Aware; Hadoop; Xen; VM Migration;
Hybrid Clouds controlled by CSP, therefore malicious or curious CSP
even may steal or pry users’ sensitive contents.
Consequently, attempts to outsource the application
I. INTRODUCTION involved sensitive data to public cloud are not
As an emerging technology trend, cloud computing is encouraged [14].
expected to reshape the advances in information An intuitive idea to solve the above-mentioned security
technology. Meanwhile, the hybrid clouds are being problems is encryption technique, and there are some
adopted by most enterprise users and is still undergoing a research achievements in this direction [2, 12, 13, 16, 36].
rapid development, with new techniques mushroomed to Whereas, those existing approaches are still not adapted
enable a smoother inter-cloud coordination. A hybrid to the need and demand of mass storage and large-scale
clouds that is a cloud computing environment in which an computing services due to massive encryption and
organization provides and manages some resources in- decryption huge cost now. To satisfy this demand, the
house and has others provided externally can tackle latest research proposed a new idea that splits user’s tasks
transient and great volume of requests efficiently and into sensitive tasks and public tasks, and then only public
effectively. Meanwhile hybrid clouds that integrate tasks are migrated to public cloud [2]. However, the
private cloud and public cloud is increasingly becoming shortage of this method is that tasks are split too small to
an important research issue [2, 15]. get efficient benefit.
Actually, hybrid clouds represent a combination of a The above discussions indicate that, in order to meet
public cloud with the organization’s private cloud, which such massive service demands requires, we propose a
aim at efficient distribution of the load among the clouds. VM migration strategy on hybrid clouds to protect users’
Usually, a private cloud is operated by a user itself, while private data. Although conceptually simple, this VMs
a public cloud is operated by an independent commercial migration form private cloud to public cloud does bring
CSP instead of fully controlled by user itself. The in a few interesting technical issues [1]. First, we should
expansion of rapid hybrid clouds which fully leverage the focus on how to recognize users’ private data efficiently.



Second, how to trigger the migration opportunity about by a certain migration policy. Besides, the migration
which VMs to migrate to public cloud and when is policy is another core design in this research work which
another challenge. Finally, the computation results of effectively reduces communication traffic between
user’s applications which already migrate into public private and public cloud.
cloud should return to private cloud for later combination
and sent back to users. And that leads to an even more
worrisome problems: due to destruction of VM after
migration, how to recoil the execution results of
outsourced public cloud VM which involve sensitive
information to VM running private cloud at the reduce
phrase. In addition to the concern of above technical
challenges, how to guarantee the quality of service (i.e., Figure 1. System overview
SLA) from the user’s perspective, such as service delay
or disruptions guarantee to the end users is equally
important as well. B. Live Migration
To the best of our knowledge, we study the problem of In order to meet minimal SLA disruption as possible,
VM migration on hybrid clouds with privacy-preserving so it is necessary that VM migration should not heavily
for the first time. We present a privacy-aware VM affect running applications, and our framework performs
migration framework, which causes minimal SLA that VM’s local current running status transfer along with
disruption. Moreover, our proposed framework tries to the continuing migrated VM operation. Therefore, based
move computation load to public cloud at its best effort. on those considerations, we adopt live migration method
In addition, VM is used as a migrate-unit other than a to achieve our aim. Moreover, live migration allows a
task, so that it is more robustness and is suitable for server administrator to move a running VM from private
legacy user’s applications without redevelopment. cloud to public cloud without disconnecting the user. The
Performance and costs analysis on large-scale dataset in reason for this is that when down-time of a VM during a
our prototype system shows that our proposed framework live migration is near zero or a few millisecond which is
indeed introduces lower additional communication and not affecting running application or noticeable by end
computation overhead. user. For a successful and complete live migration, the
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In memory, storage, and network connectivity of the VM
Section II, we overview the system and design objectives. need to be migrated to the destination. In other words, our
Section III describes our proposed framework in detail. framework should design a monitor and collector those
Furthermore, focusing on privacy-aware VM labeling, we information that is essential during live migration.
provide a sensitive data recognition and VM labeling
C. Design Objectives
method, and propose VM re-mapping table in order to
meet the demand of VM attributes changing after The original Hadoop and Xen framework do not
migration in Section IV. Section V describes the VM support migration of VMs with different security levels
migration policy in detail aiming at minimal SLA over the hybrid clouds directly. We develop a novel
disruption during migration. We use experiences to framework to enhance Xen to make it suitable for
validate the performance and effectiveness of the performing a privacy-aware VM migration over hybrid
framework in Section VI. Finally, we overview the clouds. More specifically, our system has been designed
related work and give the conclusion of the whole paper to achieve the following objectives:
in Section VII and Section VIII respectively. High privacy assurance. Only the non-sensitive VM,
as detected by our system, can be handed over to the
II. OVERVIEW public commercial cloud, workload sensitive attribute
In this section, we first explain the background and recognition of VM as well as VM migration launch
basic technologies of our work and then present should be done in private cloud.
objectives in our research design. Minimal SLA disruption & high efficiency. VM
migration over hybrid clouds will naturally cause
A. Background additional overhead and system “down-time”. In order to
Figure 1 presents the basic scenario of our work, where guarantee the usability of system, our strategy must
hybrid clouds consist of private cloud and public cloud. assure minimum disruptions of SLA from end user’s
Usually, the private cloud is built by user itself, that is to perspective.
say, private cloud is honest as it is fully controlled by Moving workload to the public cloud as possible.
user. However, public cloud operated by commercial When non-sensitive VMs migrating to public cloud, we
CSPs is rent by users, which could cause potential need to move as much computation to the public cloud as
security problems by malicious or curious CSPs. In order possible, under the premise of user’s private data is
to protect users’ sensitive data or applications from preserved.
leaking to public CSPs, the general idea of our proposed More Generality. The system only can make full use
framework is that we must recognize VMs which are not of general service interfaces of commercial public cloud
involving sensitive data or applications in private cloud without modifying or rebuilding APIs of public cloud in
first, and then migrate some or all of them to public cloud practice.



Figure 2. Privacy-aware VM migration framework

Generally, each Xen system has a single privileged OS

III. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE called Dom0, which is responsible for starting and
In this section, we elaborate our design of the privacy- managing the other unprivileged OS instances. Dom0 is a
aware VM migration on hybrid clouds framework over unique VM running on the Xen hypervisor that has
Xen VM monitor. special rights to access physical I/O resources as well as
interact with the other Guest VMs. Meanwhile, Dom0 has
A. Overview Architecture the tools necessary to manage other domains. DomU
Figure 2 shows the overall architecture of the proposed guests have no direct access to physical hardware on the
system. For easy presentation, operations in Xen machine as a Dom0 does and is often referred to as
discussed in following section are not shown in this unprivileged. Besides Xenstore is design for information
figure. Consistently with typical hybrid clouds scenarios, storage space shared between domains in Xen [3, 4], and
in this prototype there are two main parts: Xenbus as an interface to interact with Xenstore offers
Private cloud Private cloud is usually built by user bus abstraction for virtual driver such as split device
itself. That is to say user has a full control of private driver. Usually, Xenbus plays the role of interface in
cloud. So we can assume it is honest but just having reading or writing information such as configuration or
limited computing and storage capacity. Specially, state in Xenstore, and xenstore-read displays the value of
private cloud is based on Xen VMM over Hadoop cluster. a XenStore entry. Therefore, we use xenstore-read to
As a master/slave architecture framework, a Hadoop read keys and values in Xenstore to get the current status
system contains a single NameNode, a master server that of a specific VM [28, 29].
manages the file system namespace and regulates access
to files by users. Moreover, there are some DataNodes, IV. PRIVACY-AWARE VM LABELING
usually one per node in the cluster, which manage storage In this section, we propose a method about how to
attached to the nodes that they run on. JobTracker is the recognize sensitive data workload and label VMs by
daemon service for submitting and tracking MapReduce workload. Then we utilize VM re-mapping table to fulfill
applications in Hadoop. There is only one JobTracker the VM remapping mechanism after migration.
process runs in Hadoop system. A TaskTracker is a slave
node daemon in the cluster that accepts tasks from a A. Data Labeling and Uploading
JobTracker [6]. Users’ datasets always involve mixture of sensitive and
Public cloud Public cloud operated by commercial non-sensitive contents in general. Firstly, sensitive and
CSP is rent by users in general. Users no longer non-sensitive datasets should be labeled respectively by
physically possess the storage of their data outsourced in users itself in order to recognize VM security attribute
public cloud. And there do exist various motivations for before migration [17]. Inspired by [2], we adopt this
CSP to behave unfaithfully towards the cloud users due to method about data labeling strategy, and the detail
their sensitive outsourced data. However, on the other without the scope of our work. To put is simple, data
hand public cloud possesses massive computing and labeling can be done manually when only a very small
storage capacity. In general, the public cloud can provide amount of sensitive contents is involved or implemented
dynamic provision of resources involving the computing such a batch processing tool as a string scanner that
and storage capacities [21]. searches a given dataset for the keywords or other text
patterns which describe sensitive user information.
B. VM Status Integration
Similarly, in case of the sensitive contents are detected, a
For demonstration purposes, we only describe an security label is used to record the location of the
example Xen in private cloud as shown in Figure 2. information: the one built into our prototype is a tuple
However, we need to integrate all the Xen status in order (<filename, offset, length>). Once this is all done, then
to make migration policy decision in large-scale real user can outsource data to HDFS within private cloud
distributed cloud system (discussed in Section V).



where further non-sensitive VMs replicate and migrate to we modify GNTTABOP_map_grant_ref and
public cloud. GNTTAPOP_transfer by adding a data security label
recognition functional module. This proposed model by
B. VM labeling Method
checking the host_addr, mft and domid to detect which
1) Sensitive Data Recognition VMs are assigned the sensitive contents while which are
Before presenting the details of our sensitive data assigned non-sensitive contents. By this result, then, we
recognition, we study a few basic techniques used in our label the VM into two categories: sensitive VMs and non-
proposed framework. sensitive VMs. It’s important to note that grant tables are
Grant tables are provided by Xen for sharing memory generally faster than bounce buffers, as the VM can
between domains. Entries in the grant table are identified directly access the memory page by DMA mechanism.
by GR (Grant References), and it acts as a capability 2) VM labeling
which the grantee can use to perform operations on the We can detect and label the VMs which are assigned
granter's memory [5]. Generally, guest OSs access sensitive data or non-sensitive data by above method.
devices via device channel links with Isolated Driver Therefore, all the VMs are divided into two categories:
Domains (IDDs). Figure 3 shows a guest OS requesting a sensitive VMs and non-sensitive VMs. Specifically
data transfer through a device channel. Specifically, P2 sensitive VMs’ workload involves sensitive data while
page is placed on device channel at first. Then, IDD non-sensitive VMs’ workload only includes non-sensitive
removes GR and sends pin request to Xen by steps 2 and data. For consideration of data privacy, the sensitive VMs
3. After that, Xen looks up GR in active grant table, and should run in private cloud. However, to meet the design
GR validate against Guest (if necessary) in 4 and 5 steps. objectives, the non-sensitive VM selectively migrate from
Finally, Pinning is acknowledged to IDD which sends private cloud to public cloud by a certain policy
Direct Memory Access (DMA) request to device by steps (discussed in section V).
6, 7 respectively.
C. VM Re-mapping Table
In Hadoop system, The NameNode makes all decisions
by regarding replication of blocks and it periodically
receives a Heartbeat and a Blockreport from each of the
DataNodes. On the other hand, each DataNode sends a
Heartbeat message to the NameNode periodically. This
bidirectional heartbeat communication method is down
through DatanodeProtocol communication protocols.
Similarly, Tasktrackers runs a simple loop that
Figure 3. A grant handling process by grant table mechanism
periodically sends heartbeat method calls to the
The Xen front and back-end driver communicate with Jobtracker by InterTrackerProtocol. Heartbeats tell the
each other by using two buffers: one for packet Jobtracker that a Tasktracker is alive, but they also
transmission and another one for packer reception. The double as a channel for messages. InterTrackerProtocol
ring buffers are implemented in Xen via grant tables and protocol is use to support the heartbeat message
event channel Xen grant tables is a mechanism to share communication between JobTracker and TaskTracker.
memory pages between VMs by page mapping or page However, DomID and IP of Guest OS will be changed
transfer [19, 20]. after VM migration from private cloud to public cloud
Page mapping among domains is mainly achieved by [18, 23]. Therefore, two problems arise with changing of
GNTTABOP_map_grant_ref function [30]. This function VM key attribute. On the one hand, heartbeat between
by given a GR from another domain, map the referred JobTracker and Tasktracker lost the communication
page into the destination domain’s address space. During addressing modes. On the other hand, the result of VM
this process, the key data structure gnttab_map_grant_ref which has be migrated to public cloud not recoil to
contains two related members named host_addr, domid. private to accomplish the Reduce phrase. To solve the
Member variable host_addr denotes memory space that is above-mentioned problems, we introduce re-mapping
will to be mapped for destination domain, and domid is table in Xen. The item of re-mapping table is a tuple
indicated the domain ID of destination domain. Hence, (<SourceDomID, Destination IP, DestinationDomID>).
host_addr and domid are used to label VMs with different DatanodeProtocol and InterTrackerProtocol are
security levels in following section. Similarity to page encapsulated TCP/IP protocol respectively in order to act
mapping mechanism, page transfer process is maintained as heartbeat between inter-cloud communications after
by GNTTAPOP_transfer, and ownership of a page frame VM migration.
is transferred to destination domain by this mechanism. V. VM MIGRATION POLICY
Moreover, the gnttab_transfer structure is mainly focus
on the process. In gnttab_transfer structure, mfn describes In this section, we introduce a migration opportunity
the memory space to be transferred to destination domain, policy to achieve above-mentioned minimal SLA
and domid denotes the destination domain ID. disruption objective. The main contribution of this paper
We could detect the data security level label during lies in this novel technique to reduce inter-cloud
memory page mapping and transferring process. For this, communication migration policy. The core design of our
prototype is how to determine the VM migration



opportunity that refers to which non-sensitive VMs to In Figure 4, firstly we select non-sensitive VM set
migrate and when. Migration opportunity heavily affects which has heavily traffic communication with sensitive
SLA during the migration process. So, non-sensitive VMs VMs denoted as {non  sensitiveMVheavy } . For simple
which will badly incur inter-cloud traffic communication
should run in private cloud. description, we assume
A. Inter-VM Network Traffic {non  sensitiveMVheavy }  {VM 4 , VM10 } . Those VMs
In order to formulate the minimal SLA policy should not migration to public cloud on account of
migration policy, getting the network traffic of each VM heavily traffic with VMs within private cloud.
in private cloud is a first requirement, then to decide {VM 4 , VM10 } is selected from non-sensitive VMs set as
which to migrate. As stated before, network
non-migration candidates, then the next step is to find its
communication between Dom0 and DomU mainly relies
neighbor which have heavy traffic with them.
on the memory page transfer that uses a zero-copy page
remap mechanism to implement the data transfer in
memory [10, 31]. So, we can capture the network traffic
of VM by counting mfn in gnttab_transfer. The network
traffic of every VM can be easily got through assembling
a small database to record the total mfn of each VM.
B. Migration Policy
Definition 1: bandwidthavailable , bandwidthactual
mean available bandwidth and actual throughput of a Figure 4. Traffic topology of VMs
specific VM, and we define heavily traffic of this VM
subject to: Next, as for every VM node in
bandwidthactual {non  sensitiveMVheavy } , we employ depth-first walk
VM 
bandwidthavailable approach to traverse the traffic undirected graph G by
(Generally heavy traffic edges aiming to find heavy traffic linked
  0.9 [40])
Theoretically, how to select VMs which are to be VMs node. Walking the results by VM 4 and VM 10 are
migrated to public cloud through network traffic factors VM 5 , VM 6 , VM 3 and  respectively.
can be viewed as an undirected graph selection problem.
Then, Get the union of above VM set. That is
We are given a traffic undirected graph G  V , E , l  .
{VM 4 , VM 10 }  VM 5 , VM 6 , VM 3   
The vertices V represents the VMs. Edges E represents
the network collection between VMs and the labels l on  {VM 4 , VM 10 , VM 5 , VM 6 , VM 3 }
them denote the network traffic between them. A traffic So, the pre-migrate VM set is:
load threshold is determined based on the system state.
{non  sensitiveVMs}  {VM 4 , VM 10 , VM 5 , VM 6 , VM 3 }
According to this threshold traffic load can be classified
into two generic groups: heavy traffic and light traffic.  {VM1 , VM 2 , VM 7 , VM 8 , VM 9 , VM 11 , VM 12 }
For easy presentation, traffic between sensitive VM is not
shown in the framework since all the sensitive VMs only It is obvious that VM 8 and VM12 , VM 9 and VM 11 ,
should run in private cloud without considering migration take up massive network traffic as well. However, this
problem. Therefore undirected graph G ignores the all massive network traffic is among the pre-migrate VM set,
traffic edges between sensitive VMs. Let non-sensitive and will became the inner public cloud communication
VMs be {non  sensitiveVMs} , the traffic undirected traffic instead of occupying inter-cloud network
communication traffic after migrating to public cloud
graph just shown as in Figure 4, and we set
{non  sensitiveVMs}  VM i  ,  i  1,...,12  . And, we
totally. In addition, VM 1 with light traffic
communication with sensitive VM which deployment in
use solid and broken lines to denote the heavy traffic and
private cloud is still migrated from private cloud, on
light traffic respectively.
account of only causing little traffic load between inter-
In order to reduce the private cloud load, and make full
cloud as well as making full use of public cloud resources.
use of public cloud resources effective, so our proposed
And there is another related problem after getting the
policy supposes that non-sensitive VMs migrate to public
pre-migration VMs is the order of migration. It is obvious
cloud as possible on causing the least inter-cloud
that VM migration consumes certain resource. In Figure 4
communication overhead premises. Actually, if some
scenario, there is heavy traffic communication between
non-sensitive VMs do indeed under heavy workload with
heavy communication load with VMs running in private VM 8 and VM 12 , and both of them will migrate to public
cloud, those VMs should not migrate into public cloud. cloud. Let’s suppose that VM 8 is migrate to public cloud,
Based on this idea, we give our proposed policy in detail
below. but next VM which is to be migrate is other VM instead



of VM 12 , So, VM 8 and VM 12 will be split between 1333GHz memory, 2T 7200 RPM disk and also Ubuntu
12.04 LTS OS with Xen 4.0.3, experiment setting as
public cloud and private cloud compulsively before Figure 6. Our prototype includes the main components: (1)
VM 12 is migrated into public cloud platform. That is the the sensitive/non-sensitive MV recognition and labeling
heavy traffic communication will aggravate inter-cloud modules, and (2) VM migration policy. Both components
network traffic overhead until this situation end. adhere to the design presented in Section IV and V.
Therefore, we try to find a pretty order of migration VM
queue and make heavy traffic communication VMs as
neighbor for causing further minimal SLA.
If we assume that the random initial pre-migrate VM
queue is shown as in Figure 5(a), then the ordering pre-
migrate VM queue is shown as in Figure 5(b).

Figure 6. Experiment setup

Figure 5. Ordering the pre-migrate VM queue In our study, we ran four Hadoop applications over this
prototype to evaluate its performance and effectiveness,
Through above-proposed method, VMs which have which include a data analysis for target marketing, two
heavily traffic communication within private cloud VMs intrusion detection analyses and two applications for
were not migrated, so this idea can effectively reduce the preparing spam detection. The two examples for IDS
inter-cloud communication, in other word, migration (intrusion detection systems) were all based on the Cyber
policy causes minimal SLA disruption. More generally, Systems and Technology Group Intrusion Detection
we give our algorithm about migration policy below. Evaluation dataset (IDS1 and IDS2 for short) [32]. The
Algorithm 1 VM Migration Policy
32GB dataset includes the sniffing data from external
Input: sensitive VM set: {sensitive VMs} including M nodes
non-sensitive VM set: {non-sensitive VMs} including N nodes networks, which was marked as public in our study, as
Output: pre-migrate VM array well as that from the internal network, which was
1: for each VM in M considered to be sensitive. Task of IDS1 on the data is
2: for each VM in N
design to find all the ports connected by each IP address
3: if VM in N has traffic with M, building G=<V,E,l>
4: end for and IDS2 devices to determine the amount of traffic
5: end for generated by individual hosts. The other two Hadoop
6: for each VM node in N applications are designed to detect email spam about
7: finding every heavy traffic node with M, denoted as {Nheavly}
2.1GB (DES1 and DES2 for short) by a Naive Bayesian
8: end for
9: for each node in {N heavly} classifier for. Specially, DES1 counts the occurrences of
10: depth-first walk in traffic undirected graph, denoted as a set of words on a spam key-word list and the DES2
{N’heavly} counts the total number of words in a large dataset. As [2]
11: end for
discussed, we utilized the published Enron email dataset
12: {pre-migrate VMs} = {N} - {Nheavly} - {N’ heavly}
13: ordering pre-migrate array into neighbor node by heavy [38] as private data and a SPAM archive [39] as public
inter-communication traffic data.
14: return pre-migrate VM array In order to record the running status of every physical
Algorithm 1 shows the pseudo-code of migration node and inter-cloud network traffic, Ganglia is deployed
policy in detail. The algorithm includes four main steps. on each node to monitor our systems [27]. We evaluate
Line 1-5 builds undirected graph G about VM traffic the two aspects of our proposed scheme performance: (1)
topology. Based on heavy traffic, line 6-8 extracts VM set performance of our migration policy, namely, the
which have directly heavy traffic communication with outsourced ratio on different percentage of sensitive data,
sensitive VMs. In order to get {N’heavly}, we start with and (2) effectiveness of proposed migration policy, in
{Nheavly} to do depth-first walk in G, as shown in line 9-11. other words, decreasing degree of inter-cloud
Line 12-14 is design to get the pre-migrate VM array. communication hybrid clouds after migration.
VI. EVALUATION B. Experiment Result
In this section, we report the evaluation study of our In our experiment, we evaluated both the performance
privacy-aware VM migration framework. and effectiveness of our proposed framework.
1) Performance
A. Experiment Environment We employ the above-mentioned four applications that
Here, we describe the setting of our experimental study compute outsourced ration to analyze the performance of
including the datasets we used to evaluate our proposed our execution platform in the presence of different
prototype, and our hybrid clouds computing environment sensitive/non-sensitive data mixtures. Specifically, we
based on Eucalyptus [7]. We implemented our proposed suppose that sensitive data was uniformly distributed in
prototype on a serious of physical nodes, each with cores data set, since it can represent the worst case scenario
of Xeon E5506, 2.13GHz CPUs, 16G dual-channel with the most negative impact on the performance of our



system. Under this scenario, we gradually increase the cloud with which employed our proposed migration
proportion of sensitive information from 10% to 50% to policy settings respectively.
evaluate the amount of the outsourced ration of data to
public cloud. The outcomes of this study are illustrated
by Figure 7.

(a) IDS1 (b) IDS2

Figure 7. Outsourced ratio on different percentage of sensitive data

From Figure 7, what we can see here is that the

outsourced ration tends to decrease as percentage of
sensitive data rise. However, noted that outsourced ration
(c) DES1 (d) DES2
is always greater than the percentage of sensitive data.
The main reason for this result can be accounted that we Figure 8. Performance on different sensitive data ratio
maintain some non-sensitive VMs in private cloud in
order to cause minimal inter-cloud communication traffic Figure 8 shows that total execution time is less when
during migration process as discussed in section V. employing our migration policy due to not involving
Taking IDS1 as an example, the workload of private heavy inter-cloud communication. For the consideration
cloud gradually decreases from about 76% of outsource of VM migration cost, the number of migrated VM
ratio, when 10% of the dataset was sensitive, to about determined by our migration policy is less than the
32% of outsource ratio, when 40% of the data was private, number of all non-sensitive VM. So, we should realize
denotes that performance of proposed framework. In that there is more time is consumed by more migrated
addition, the outsource ratio drops a bit when the ratio of VMs themselves in this experiment result. Those
the sensitive data went to 30%~50%, slowly when experimental results can also be noted that efficiency of
20%~30%, and probably due to the randomness in our migration policy is relatively high. In other words,
execution. Meanwhile, the different sampling data sets, our migration policy provides a balance parameter,
i.e., different number of sampled data items, are also a between migration cost and service capacity, to satisfy
variable factor that affects the outsourced ratio. This minimal SLA disruption. Finally, by this figure we also
figure also denotes that those additional cost acceptable. can see that our strategy is becoming more advantages
Therefore, we can also conclude that all of them along with an increasing percentage of sensitive data.
successfully moved a large portion of computation to the Therefore, this would explain our strategy facilitate
public cloud, in accordance with the ratio of the private massive cloud service.
information within the individual datasets they worked on. In the second set, we continue to compare network
2) Effectiveness traffic load in above-mentioned two experimental
The main goal of our migration policy is to minimal scenarios. The main purpose is to verity the effectiveness
SLA disruption after migration through adding as least of our proposed migration policy. To be sure, it is
inter-cloud communication as possible. We design two obvious that VM live migration over private cloud and
experimental scenarios in order to verify the viability and public cloud generates considerable network traffic.
effectiveness of migration policy. The first, we deploy However, in this scenario, we only consider the network
our migration policy in system and the other one is not. In communication cost between VM, so we need to omit the
the following, we conduct two sets of experiments and network traffic caused by VM migration at first. To this
measure the performance of our proposed migration end, the approach we are taking is that for a certain
policy. In following experiment, solid lines depict results sensitive percentage sensitive/non-sensitive data, we
when employed migration policy, while broken line calculate network traffic cost by live migration VMs
represent results which all the non-sensitive VMs migrate denoted as ntvm and total network traffic nttotal, so
to public cloud. Similarity to above experiment, we communication network cost denotes as ntcom=nttotal - ntvm.
increase the proportion of sensitive information gradually To sum up, the results are presented in Figure 10.
from 10% to 50% to verify of our effectiveness of As we can see from Figure 10, our migration policy
migration policy. not only significantly improves transmission rate, but also
In the first set, we compare with total execution time of shortens total migration time as well. This saving in
4 different data sets with different percentage bandwidth consumption can significantly improve the
sensitive/non-sensitive data in two experiments scene, hybrid clouds’ service capabilities given the fact that
with which all non-sensitive MVs migrate into public inter-cloud bandwidth is typically limited in reality.
Figure 9 also illustrates that all dataset applications
achieve similar low additional network traffic at all times



compared with that all non-sensitive VMs migrate to [25] presents an optimization framework for dynamic,
public cloud, which greatly enhances our service quality cost-minimizing migration of contents distribution
target. This saving in inter-cloud communication traffic service in to a hybrid clouds infrastructure by employing
can significantly improve the performance of our Lyapunov optimization. [25] enables federation between
framework. The advantage of proposed migration policy on-and off-premise infrastructure for hosting and
is effective in reducing inter-cloud communication traffic Internet-based application. The core design of this
after migration. Therefore, the experimental results offer scheme proposed a fast frequent data item detection
strong evidences that our speculative migration algorithm, which enables factoring incoming requests not
opportunity strategy indeed work. only on volume but also on data contents. [11] aims to
highlight and emphasize the purpose of the optimization
engine component in the context of hybrid clouds
scheduling. OpenNebula [26] is effective in managing
clustered services, which is used to deploy and manage
the back-end nodes of a Sun Grid Engine compute cluster
and an Nginx Web server on both local resources and an
external cloud. [9] addresses the construction of a
(a) IDS1 (b) IDS2
collaborative integrity verification mechanism on hybrid
clouds to support the scalable service and data migration.
However, this scheme user’s sensitive data which should
not migrate to public cloud. Different from theme, in this
paper, we consider a more complex and practical problem
about privacy-aware VM migration scheme on hybrid
clouds. Both that recognizing the sensitive data by Xen
and the intuitive migration policy makes migration
process just causing minimal SLA disruption as well and
(c) DES1 (d) DES2 using public cloud as possible. Perhaps more importantly,
Figure 9. Network traffic on different sensitive data ratio in our proposed scheme, we focus on the case that our
policy should bring minimal SLA disruption during
migration process, instead of all non-sensitive VMs
migrating to public cloud.
Little effort has been made to facilitate security and
privacy-preserving on hybrid clouds system. To the best VIII. CONCLUSION
of our knowledge, this work is the first system that Commercial public cloud services enable their users to
privacy-ware VM migration on hybrid clouds. process massive storage and large-scale computing
From the architectural perspective, the privacy- application with a low cost. This benefit, however, brings
preserving on hybrid clouds can be handled by different serious privacy security risks: cloud users’ data often
approaches. Most previous hybrid clouds security involves sensitive data which cannot upload directly to
research focus on data security. [8] proposes a data commercial public clouds without high security assurance.
privacy model for cloud computing is provided in which For this reason, in this paper, we presented a privacy-
sensitive and non-sensitive data are maintained separately. aware VM migration framework on hybrid clouds. We
In addition, an authentication monitor is introduced In design and implement a data label recognition functional
order to maintain data privacy. However, this approach modules to detect the data security level by modifying
cannot make full use of public cloud because without memory sharing process between domains. As for
considering of migrate the heavily load to public cloud. different security level data assigned to VMs, we label
In terms of the technologies used to data security the sensitive VMs and non-sensitive VMs. Then, in order
migration on hybrid clouds, we benefit from the work to reduce heavy additional inter-cloud communication
down in [2]. Sedic is a system that leverages the special incurred by migration to public cloud, an effective VM
features of Mapreduce to automatically partition a migration policy is proposed. Extensive analysis shows
computing application according to the security levels of that our proposed scheme is secure and efficient.
the data it work on by modifying the Mapreduce As our future work, we try to extend our migration a
distributed file system, and arrange the computation more effective one. To this aim, we intend to design
across a hybrid clouds. However, this migration process quick sensitive data recognition functional module in Xen,
is triggered by task as a migrate-unit, so that this method and more effective migration policies to guarantee highly
only own limited availability, because the commercial usable privacy-aware VM migration.
public loud supporting VMs as service API mostly. In
contrast, our solution designs VM as a migration-unit ACKNOWLEDGMENT
more consistent with actual environment. Other work in
this direction (e.g., [11, 22, 24] can be used to our This research was partially supported by the National
proposed scheme effectively. Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) under
Recently, researches on services migration between grant No. 2011CB302605, the National High Technology
hybrid clouds have received much attention [11, 24, 25]. Research and Development Program of China (863



Program) under grant No. 2011AA010705, the National conference on Computer and communications security
Science Foundation of China (NSF) under grants No. (CCS’09), pp 338–347, 2009.
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anonymous reviewers for their helpful feedback and Decentralized Label Model. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng.
Methodol, Vol. 9, No.4, pp 410–442, 2000.
[18] P. S. Pisa, N. C. Fernandes, et al., “OpenFlow and Xen-
Based Virtual Network Migration,” In The World
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An Efficient Traffic Geographic Static-Node-

Assisted Routing in VANET
Xu Liya
School of Computer, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China

Huang Chuanhe, Wang Jinhai, Zhu Junyu, and Zhang Lianzhen

School of Computer, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
Email: {huangch, wangjinhai, 2011, 2012202110090}@

Abstract—The link is easy to break due to the high mobility anticipation of the deployment of large-scale vehicular
of nodes and the constraint of road in a VANET. In this networks. A number of attractive applications that are
paper, we present an efficient traffic geographic routing unique for the vehicular setting have emerged [1]. Most
(ETGR) with static node assistance. It includes road of the previous research on inter-vehicle communication
information collection, road weight information
was limited to vehicles within one hop or few hops away
dissemination, the efficient traffic geographic routing and
the duration estimation of the path. Each static node stores [2]. VANET can be used for issuing driver alerts during
the information of other static nodes in the path for a given specific events like potential traffic jams, hazardous road
time. The static nodes are fixed in each intersection. The conditions (slippery road warning), or accidents (to avoid
method takes static nodes as backbone nodes and vehicles as multi-car collisions). Hoa-Hung Nguyen et al [3]
the relay nodes between two static nodes, which can survive considered the channel and inter-vehicle distance
the path for a period of time. The ETGR selects the static requirements in a vehicular network. Based on these
nodes dynamically and sequentially. The static nodes are requirements, they analyze the impact of the following
chosen considering such parameters as the remaining three key parameters of the beacon dissemination on the
distance to the destination, vehicular density, vehicular
performance of vehicular networks: beacon period,
speed, etc. Route request packets forwarding between two
static nodes adopts a greedy mechanism. Simulation results beacon transmit power, and contention window (CW)
show performance improvement comparing with the size. Apart from road safety applications, VANET is
performance of other existing routing approaches useful for other applications, including (1) info-mobility
(weather information, gas station or restaurant location,
Index Terms—VANET; Static Node Assistance; Vehicle city leisure information, tourist information, etc.). (2)
Communication Mobile e-commerce (advertisements or announcements
of sales information). (3) Infotainment and interactive
I. INTRODUCTION services (Internet access, distributed games, chats, music
downloads, etc.).
With the development of wireless communication The proposed routing must be adaptable to a highly
technology, the concept of vehicular ad hoc network dynamic topology of vehicles. This is a challenging task
(VANET) has received immense attention all over the in VANET due to the following issues: (1) High mobility
world. This increasing importance has been recognized of the vehicles leads to frequent link breakages, which
by major car manufacturers, governmental organizations, cause end to end routing unsuitable. In the case, if two
and the academic community. In the U.S., the Federal cars are driving in opposite directions, the link will last
Communications Commission has allocated 75 MHz of only for several seconds. (2) Due to the random mobility
spectrum at 5.9 GHz for dedicated short-range of the vehicles, it is difficult to maintain the hop length
communications. In recent years, several research uniformly. Fewer papers analyze the duration of the path
initiatives, the Vehicle Infrastructure Initiative, the in a VANET.
Network-on-Wheels Project, the Cooperative Vehicle– The major focus of this paper is to provide a robust
Infrastructure Systems Project, and the Car2Car routing in urban environments. We consider a scenario
Communication Consortium (C2C-CC), targeted the where several ITS applications are deployed in a city
accomplishment of a VANET and the successful scale, for both car-to-car communication services and
implementation of vehicular networks as a major step value-added infrastructure-based ITS services. To
toward the realization of intelligent transportation guarantee efficiency to different applications, several
systems (ITS). As a result, an increasing number of car important issues have to be tackled, vehicles move at
manufacturers are equipping vehicles with onboard high speed, the road constrains the movement of vehicle,
computing and wireless communication devices, in-car the topology of the VANET changes rapidly and so on.
sensors, and the global positioning system (GPS) in VANET is frequently disconnected because that the



movement of vehicles is constrained by the roads causes are connected to the Internet and that provide various
many topology holes in the network. We focus on the types of information to VANET users.
design of a robust routing with static-node assistance. We Some other studies employed to help message delivery
take into account surviving the path that has been found in [13] [14]. Sok-Ian Sou et al [13] analyzed and
for a period of time. Indeed, most VANET/ITS quantified the improvement in VANET connectivity
applications rely on multi-hop data delivery. when one deploys a limited number of Roadside Units
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The (RSUs). They also investigated the routing performance
related work is introduced in Section 2. The network for broadcast-based safety applications in this enhanced
model and problem statements are introduced in Section VANET environment. Seh Chun Ng et al [14] developed
3. The detailed description of our routing (ETGR) is in an analytical model with a generic radio channel model to
Section 4. In Section 5, we evaluate our proposed fully characterize the access probability and connectivity
approach by simulation. We conclude our work in probability performance in a vehicular relay network
Section 6. considering both one-hop (direct access) and two-hop
(via a relay) communications between a vehicle and the
II. RELATED WORK infrastructure. VADD [15] is a multi-hop routing protocol
Due to the high mobility of nodes and the constraint of in VANET, which utilize predictable mobility of vehicles
road in VANET, some traditional routing protocols, such to forward data packets. Wu and jia et al [16] proposed a
as AODV [4], DSR [5] are not suitable to VANET. new multicast routing scheme by using multiple paths or
Geographical routing protocols, Geographic Source multiple trees to meet the bandwidth requirement of a call.
Routing (GSR), greedy perimeter stateless routing (GPSR) Three multicast routing strategies are studied, SPT
[6] use any nodes that ensures progress toward the (shortest path tree) based multiple-paths (SPTM), least
destination as forwarding node. But, sometimes they cost tree based multiple-paths (LCTM) and multiple least
cannot find any forwarding node. So, the packet will be cost trees (MLCT). The final routing tree(s) can meet the
stored in the forwarding node. The improved greedy user’s QoS requirements such that the delay from the
traffic-aware routing protocol (GyTAR) [7] utilizes the source to any destination node shall not exceed the
vehicular traffic density and the road topology to required bound and the aggregate bandwidth of the paths
efficiently relay data in the network. Xiaojun Feng et al or trees shall meet the bandwidth requirement of the call.
focus on the development of a carry-and-forward scheme Li and Jia et al [17] considered the problem of
that delivers data from access points to vehicles. Utilizing constructing a routing tree with a minimal number of
the vehicle’s trajectory obtained from the navigation wave lengths on the tree. Robert Lasowski et al [18]
system, they proposed TaDB [8], a Trajectory-assisted introduced the idea of Beaconing as a Service approach
Delay-Bounded Message Delivery Algorithm. To choose which follows two core aspects. First, control the beacon
delivery route within delay constraint while minimizing rate intelligently with respect to a real benefit of a
transmission cost, TaDB uses a Cluster-Aware Link message transmission e.g. a vehicle detects a potential
Delay Model to estimate link delay for both the Carry and collision situation. Second, utilize the overall
the Forward strategies on each road segment. TaDB also communication bandwidth, which is divided into several
leverages the vehicle’s planned trajectory to estimate its communication channels. [19] introduced the routing
future location. With the real vehicular trace, [9] protocol MV, which learns structure in the movement
proposed realistic vehicular mobility model based on patterns of network participants and uses it to enable
traffic flow theory which has considered the road informed message passing. [20] proposed MaxProp, a
topology, the vehicular speed rules and the routing protocol for effective routing of DTN messages.
selection. On this basis, they analyzed the model’s MaxProp is based on prioritizing both the schedule of
proximity of the actual vehicular behavior and network packets transmitted to other peers and the schedule of
connection characteristic. packets to be dropped. Hu and Jia et al [21] studied the
Yanmin Zhu et al [10] developed greedy algorithms multicast routing problem of constructing a set of k-drop
for base station deployment. By mining a large dataset of light-trees that have the minimal network cost.
real vehicular GPS traces, they show that there is strong Nianbo Liu et al [22] proposed the idea of ParkCast,
regularity with vehicle mobility. With this important which doesn’t need investment, but leverages roadside
observation, they formulated a new objective of parking to distribute contents in urban VANET. Such a
maximizing the expected sensing coverage. This takes collaborative design paradigm exploits the sequential
random vehicle mobility into account and exploits the contacts between moving vehicles and parked ones,
regularity in vehicle mobility. Ruobing Jiang [11] implements sequential file transfer, and reduces
proposed a novel coverage graph to maintain collected unnecessary messages and collisions, and then expedites
trajectories of all the encountered vehicles and their most content distribution greatly. [23] provided a
update timing information so that the extended coverage comprehensive framework for network connectivity of
capability of each vehicle can be estimated. Their idea is urban VANET by using the key metrics of interest such
to measure vehicles’ coverage capability and forward as path duration, connection duration and re-healing time.
packets to those vehicles with higher probability to
successfully deliver the packets. Mershad et al [12]
introduced a system that takes advantage of the RSUs that



III. NETWORK MODEL AND PROBLEM STATEMENTS packets through the path during the period. (See the red
node in Fig. 2). Therefore, the method can increase the
A. Network Model Packet Delivery Ratio and decrease the End-to-End Delay
We consider a VANET that consists of two parts: the of packets.
set V of all the moving vehicles and the set SN of all the Source
static nodes. This paper assumes that each vehicle node is node

equipped with GPS device, which enable them to acquire

its own position and velocity. Vehicles can determine the
position of their neighboring intersections through Transmission
range of node
preloaded digital maps, which provide a street-level map.
The static nodes are set in each intersection (for example,
in a traffic light).The real-time traffic information about
related streets is sent to the specified static node by
vehicles. The source node has known the position of the Destination
destination for making a decision to route.
We assume that the deployment of SN is given and the
locations of the SN are fixed. The position of a vehicle is Figure 2. The red nodes are the nodes within the transmission range of
changing over time. Let ci(t) stand for the position of a static nodes
node i  V at time t. When we consider slotted time, the
trajectory of a node i is a sequence of positions, denoted sn v sn v destination

by source

Tri=<ci(0), ci(1), ci(2),…., ci(j),...>

When the distance between two nodes (two nodes  SN

or V) is smaller than the transmission range, the two RREP

nodes can communicate with each other. Each vehicle The path
has been Time
generates data packets over time. We consider unicast estimated

data delivery, i.e., each packet p has a single source, s(p), Relays
and a single destination d(p).
B. Problem Statements
The goal is to find a path from the source of each Other sources
packet p to its destination. The route for p, denoted by Rp, use the path
is essentially a sequence of relays that can be a vehicular
node or a static node. ri stands for a relay node.
Rp = <r0, r1,…, ri,…, rk> , ri  V  SN.
Apparently, r0= s(p) and rk= d(p).
The path that has been found in a VANET is very Figure 3. The progress of the path is estimated. And other sources
fragile. The change of vehicles movement direction may forward packets though it
lead the path to break, just like Fig. 1.
Fig. 3 shows the process of the path is estimated firstly.
node Other sources forward packets through the estimated path.
1 6
0 2 4 5
A. Static Nodes Selection
Source Turn Break
node right The real-time traffic information of the related streets
is sent to the specified static node by the leaving vehicles.
Figure 1. The turn right of vehicle leads the path to break
The information mainly consists of the velocity, the
direction, the position and the number of vehicles. Let
If the v3 turn right, the path<v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6>
Csn_snj_vehicle_density stand for the density of vehicle
will be break.
between the Csn and snj, and Csn_neighbor_SN stand for
To solve this problem, we present a static-node-
the neighbor static node collection of the current static
assisted routing. When the path has been found, each
node. The curve metric distance from the candidate static
static node stores the information of other static nodes in
node snj to the destination, is denoted by snj_distacne,
the path for a given time. The path that takes static nodes
should be sent to the current static node. The current node
as backbone nodes and vehicles as the relay nodes
selects its next relay static node by applying Algorithm 1.
between two static nodes are stable during the period. Algorithm 1. The current static node Csn selects its next relay static
The given time estimation will be stated in section 4-C. node
In addition, if the target zone is in the transmission Input: Csn_neighbor_SN, Csn_snj_vehicle_density, snj_distacne, α,
range of static node in the path, any ci(j) within the β;
(α, β are weight factors for the vehicle density
transmission range of static nodes can forward data and distance, respectively,(α + β=1))



Output: opt_sn; Algorithm 2. The current node v selects its next relay node
input : v_neighbor_C, snj
opt_sn=Φ; output: opt_v
weight_value []=Φ;
success=0; distance_v_snj [];
max_weight=0; success=0;
index=0; min_distance=0;
if (success==0) then index=0;
for each neighbor if(success==0) then
static node snj  sni_neighbor_SN for each element k in v_neighbor_C do
do weight_value [j]=α*sni_snj_vehicle_density+ calculate the distance between v_neighbor_C [k] and snj ;
β*snj_distance; end
end for each distance_v_snj do
for each weight_value do select the minimum one of the distance_v_snj [];
select the maximum one of the weight_value []; end
end if (min_ distance!=0) then
if (max_weight!=0) then success=1;
success=1; opt_v= v_neighbor_C [index];
opt_sn=snindex; break;
break; else opt_v=Φ;
else opt_sn=Φ; end
end return opt_v;
return opt_sn;
static node

v1 v2

Candidate sn1
static node

snk d2

Current Figure 5. The current node selects a vehicle as the next hop
static node

C. The Given Time Estimation

snt d3
When a message needs to be forwarded from a source
node to a destination node, a route request packet (RREQ)
static node
node will be initiated by the source node and transmitted to the
Figure 4. The candidate static nodes and the curve distance.
destination node. Once the RREQ has arrived at the
destination, a route reply packet (RREP) will be initiated
Fig. 4 shows the candidate static nodes and the curve by the destination node and transmitted back to the source
distance from the candidate static nodes to the destination. node. Each static node stores the information of other
Once the source node forwards a packet, it considers static nodes in the path for a given time. The given time is
the weight value of each neighbor static node with its set considering parameters such as the average speed of
curve metric distance to the destination and the vehicle vehicles, the delay time generated in the transmission, the
density between the two static nodes. The one that have valid curve metric distance between the source and the
the highest weight value will be then chosen as the next destination. So, the path takes static nodes as backbone
static node. nodes (as sn1, sn2, sn3 and sn4 showed in Fig. 6) and
vehicles as the relay nodes between two static nodes,
B. Packet Dissemination Between Two Static Nodes which can survive stably during the given period.
Once the next static node has been selected, a greedy Source
strategy is adopted to transmit packets to it. The current node sn1

node selects its next relay by applying Algorithm 2. Each sn2

vehicle maintains a neighbor collection, is denoted by

v_neighbor_C, in which the real-time information of each Transmission
range of node
neighbor vehicle is recorded. This collection is built and
updated through Hello messages periodically exchanged
by all vehicles. Fig 5 shows that the current node selects sn3

its relay node.

The vehicle that is the closest to the next static node Destination
will be chosen as the next hop. The static node sn1 will
choose the vehicle v1 as the next hop. The vehicle v1 will
choose the vehicle v2 as its next hop. If there are two Figure 6. The route of the RREQ
closest vehicles to the destination static node, the
forwarding vehicle randomly chooses one as the next hop.



The probability that there are k nodes within the radio end route before sending data packets; the route is
transmission range of a static node follows a Poisson progressively discovered when relaying data packets
distribution. from the source to the destination. In contrast, GSR uses
( d ) k   d a route discovery mechanism that causes longer delays.
F(X  k)  e
Here λ=σ/Ev, σ represents the mean arrival rate of
Parameter Value
vehicles at the street and Ev denotes the average speed of
MAC Type IEEE 802.11 DCF
vehicles at the street. The parameter d denotes as the any Channel Capacity 2Mbps
radius of the circle that considers the static node as center, Traffic Model 15CBR connections
and d<R. R is the maximal radio transmission range of a Channel type Wireless
static node. The probability that there is at least one node Weight factors(α,β) (0.5,0.5)
Simulation times 600seconds
in the circle is P. Simulation area 4000m*4000m
P = 1 – F(X=0) =1- e  d Number of static nodes 36
If the probability that there is at least one node in the Number of roads 12
Number of vehicles 10-40
circle is P0, then we get minimal d.
Average node speed 36km/hr
ln(1  P0 ) Data Packet Size 512bytes
 Transmission range 200m
Therefore, the given period of time can be set as T. The delay of GSR is higher than ETGR because
packets whose delivery was suspended are stored in the
Rd buffer longer than in ETGR’s suspension buffer. Indeed,
T (1) thanks to its more appropriate choice of routes, ETGR
uses its recovery mechanism less often and for smaller
periods of time compared with GSR.

Figure 7. The example minimal distance of node and the static node
when P=P0
Figure 8. End-to-End Delay versus Packet Sending Rate (20 nodes)
Fig 7 shows the probability that there is at least one
node in the transmission range of a static node as a
function of the distance of node and the static node and λ.
The distance radius d has a dramatic change when the
probability increases from 0.7 to 0.8. So 0.8 is the
threshold of the probability. When λ=0.01, and if the
average speed of vehicles is set as 36km/h based on the
experiential result, we can get the T that is 9s according
the formula (1).
In our simulations, we performed a set of experiments
for simulation area which has 12 streets. Vehicles are
able to communicate with each other using the IEEE
802.11 MAC layer. The simulation parameters are given
in Table 1. We mainly compare ETGR with GSR and Figure 9. Delivery Ratio versus Packet Sending Rate(30 nodes)
GyTAR in two metrics: delivery ratio and average end to
end delay. Packet delivery ratio: Fig. 9 shows that ETGR achieves
End-to-End delay: As shown in Fig. 8, ETGR and the highest packet delivery ratio for almost all packet
GYTAR achieve a much lower end-to-end delay than sending rates. This is mainly because in ETGR, the path
GSR in all configurations. This is because in ETGR and is progressively determined, following the road traffic
GYTAR, the number of hops involved in delivering density and the urban environment characteristics. Hence,
packets is reduced due to the improved greedy strategy a packet will successively move closer toward the
used to forward packets between intersections and destination along streets where there are enough vehicles
because ETGR does not need to keep track of an end-to- to provide connectivity. On the other hand, in GSR, a



complete sequence of waypoints is computed before the and destination find their paths is low, which causes a
packet is originally transmitted by the source and without higher delay. The delay will be dramatically reduced with
considering the vehicular traffic. Consequently, some the number of nodes increasingly.
data packets cannot reach their destination due to a lack
of connectivity on some sections of streets. VI. CONCLUSION
ETGR has a much higher delivery ratio than GYTAR. In this paper, we present an efficient traffic geographic
This is because with local recovery, packets that routing (ETGR), which is a robust method with static-
encounter the local optimum can be rerouted and node assistance and taking into account surviving the
delivered instead of being dropped. The increase in found path for a period of time. It includes road weight
packet delivery ratio is more significant in the case of information collection and dissemination, the given time
lower node numbers where the local optimum is estimation, as well as the efficient traffic geographic
frequently encountered. routing. However, path dependant features like load
balance and position prediction of vehicles have not been
considered. Our future work is to incorporate these
factors into routing decision to enhance the performance.

This work is supported by the National Science
Foundation of China (No.61173137), the Fundamental
Research Funds for the Central Universities, Wuhan
University (No.3104002, No.201121102020007), Key
Project of Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province
(No.2010CDA004), The Ph.D. Programs Foundation of
Ministry of Education of China(No.20120141110002).
Figure 10. Delivery Ratio versus Number of Nodes(Packet Sending
Rate is 0.2s) REFERENCES
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Networks” , Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 5, iss. 5, pp. 600-612, development awarded by national educational committee.
[17] D. Li, X. Du, X. Hu, L. Ruan, and X. Jia, “Minimizing Wang Jinhai was born in Zhu Madian city, Henan province,
number of wave lengths in multicast routing trees in WDM China, in 1982. He received the B.S. degree from the Computer
networks”, Networks, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 1-8, 2010. School of Xinjiang Normal University in 2005 and master
[18] Robert Lasowski, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien, “Beaconing as degree from Beijing University of Technology in 2009.
a Service-a novel service -oriented benconing strategy for He joined the Wireless Network Research Institute of
vehicular ad hoc networks”, 2012 IEEE Communications Computer School, Wuhan University, in 2011. His research
Magazine, vol. 50, no. 10, pp. 98-105, Oct. 2012. interest involves optimization of distributed resource allocation,
[19] B. Burns, O. Brock, B. Levine, “MV Routing and Capacity modeling and performance evaluation of communication and
Building in Disruption Tolerant Networks”, 2005 computer system.
Proceeding IEEE INFOCOM, Mar. 2005, pp. 398-408.
[20] J. Burgess, B. Gallagher, D. Jensen, and B. N. Levine, Zhu Junyu was born in Henan province, China, in 1987. He is
“Maxprop: Routing for vehicle-baseddisruption-tolerant pursuing his doctoral deree in the department of computer in
networking”, 2006 Proceeding IEEE INFOCOM, Apr. Wuhan University since 2011.
2006, pp. 1-11. He joined the Wireless Network Research Institute of
[21] Xiaodong Hu, T. Shuai, Xiaohua Jia, and Muhong Zhang, Computer School, Wuhan University, in 2011. His research area
“Multicast Routing and Wavelength Assignment in WDM focuses on Internet of Things, Vehicular Ad Hoc Network. And
Networks with Limited Drop-offs”, IEEE INFCOM’04, he mainly studies the communication issues between roadside
Mar. 2004. unit and vehicle or vehicle and vehicle in vehicle ad hoc
[22] Nianbo Liu, Ming Liu, Guihai Chen, Jiannong Cao, “The network. Besides, how to deploy roadside units optimally is also
Sharing at Roadside: Vehicular Content Distribution Using one of the key research problems.
Parked Vehicles”, 2012 Proceeding IEEE INFCOM, Mar.
2012, pp. 2641-2645. Zhang Lianzhen was born in nanchang city, jiangxi province,
[23] Wantanee Viriyasitavat, Fan Bai, Ozan K. Tonguz, china, in 1990. He received the B.S. degree from the Computer
“Dynamics of Network Connectivity in Urban Vehicular School of Jiangxi Agricultural University in 2012. He stated
Networks”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in postgraduate programs of study in the Computer School of
Communications, vol. 29, no. 3, Mar. 2011. Wuhan University in 2012.
He joined the Wireless Network Research Institute of
Computer School, Wuhan University, in 2012. As a member of
the Wireless Network Research Laboratory, he is involved with
Xu Liya was born in jiujiang city, jiangxi province, china, in The sub-project of the second phase of China Grid. His areas of
1984. He received the B.S. degree from the Computer School of interest include routing, Cloud computing, Simulation and
Wuhan University in 2006. He stated successive postgraduate Emulation of protocol.
and doctoral programs of study in the Computer School of
Wuhan University in 2008.



A Review of Attacks and Security Protocols for

Wireless Sensor Networks
Fangmin Sun 1, 2, Zhan Zhao 1, Zhen Fang, Lidong Du 1, Zhihong Xu 1, 2, and Diliang Chen 1, 2
1. State Key Laboratory of Transducer Technology Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Email:, {zhaozhan, zfang, lddu}

Abstract—With the development of the wireless 2, 7-11], homeland security monitoring [12], intelligent
communication technology and the improvement of the transportation [5, 6] and smart building [33, 34, 38, 39],
performance of the MEMS sensor, wireless sensor networks etc. Information and data security in many of these
are widely used in various application scenarios such as applications is very critical, and furthermore, the
smart building, intelligent transportation, ubiquitous and distributed and randomly deployed nature of these sensor
unobtrusive health monitoring system, etc. As information
nodes at remote areas makes them vulnerable to
communicated among these networks is usually of privacy,
so security in wireless sensor networks is of particular numerous security threats. In many cases, the WSN
importance, and sensitive information must be protected attacks eavesdrop critical information transmitted through
from unauthorized usage for personal advantages and the radio, diffuse fake messages or/and make the whole
fraudulent acts. While, due to the extremely stringent network smashed down; and more seriously, the security
constraints of energy, memory and computation ability, breach can result in physical side effects, personal injury,
securing the communication among the sensors has posed and even death. So in order to make the above mentioned
various challenges to researchers. And at present, studies and many more other application scenarios practical, the
toward completely secure sensor networks are still in their WSNs must be secured against attacks.
infancy stages. In this paper, we explained the basic
A network attack can be defined as any method,
conceptions and the essential knowledge in the area of
wireless senor network; and then we introduced and process, or means used to maliciously attempt to
classified the common security attacks designed to demolish compromise network security [30]. Network attacks can
the wireless sensor networks, and the corresponding be launched in any layer of the ISO network model and
countermeasures against these issues are followed; examples can do many kinds of damages to the network. For
of security problems in the application of health monitoring example, attackers can physically overwrite the memory
field are specially presented in the last section; and finally, of the sensor nodes, tamper the data transmitted among
we summarized the paper and imagined the possible future the networks, inject bits in the channel, replay previously
development of the security problems of the wireless sensor heard packets, exhaust the energy of the sensor nodes and
networks. I hope through this paper, one can learn the
so on.
recent development of the attack and securing technology in
the wireless sensor network and then develop more Network security services are the collection of all
advanced anti-attack methods. policies, mechanisms, and services that afford a network
the required protection from unauthorized access or
Index Terms—Wireless Sensor Networks; Constraints; unintended uses. These services are generally categorized
Security Requirements; Attacks; Security Policies; Body into two broad classes, namely communications security
Sensor Networks and computer security [16]. Communications security
ensures that communication services continue with the
I. INTRODUCTION required level of quality and that classified data or
information cannot be derived or captured from
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are based on the communications by an unauthorized node. It defends
random deployment of a large number of tiny, low-cost, against passive or active attacks through communication
and resource-constrained sensor nodes into or very close links or unintentional emanations. Computer security
to the phenomenon to be observed [4]. These sensors ensures the security of computer hardware and software.
sample the required environmental, physiological or other It detects when a node or host is compromised, and
kinds of information and then transmit it to the sink nodes recovers that specific node or host from the attack.
or gateways which further send the information to the For is the sensor nodes are usually placed in an opened
central server or database through the internet, the typical environment and with extremely limited energy,
architecture of the WSN is shown in Fig1. computation ability and memory resources, Wireless
WSNs have facilitated many application areas such as senor networks are not like wired sensor network or other
tactical surveillance [32], camera and video surveillance types of wireless networks, and it is more easily for the
[35, 61], body sensor networks for health monitoring [1, WSNs to be attacked and more challenging to ensure the



security of the WSN. Nowadays, the security of wireless resource-constrained and operate in harsh environment,
sensor networks has been widely studied and many which facilitates compromises and makes it more difficult
wonderful security policies have been proposed. to distinguish security breaches from node failures,
varying link qualities, and other commonly found
challenges in sensor networks. The unique characteristics
of the WSNs require security mechanisms customized for
WSN applications must to be efficient, low computing
complexity and low power consumption.
A well-designed and practical security protocol should
be based on the preknowledge of the network’s security
standards and the existing problems to secure the network.
In the following part of this section, we provided a detail
description of the security requirements and the existing
challenges of securing WSNs.
A. Security Requirements for Wireless Sensor Networks
Figure 1. The typical architecture of the wireless sensor networks
The security level of the wireless sensor networks is
Studies on the security of the WSNs are many, for different depending on the specific applications. For
example, the low energy consumption and high security example, military applications are extremely
sensor network architecture-MiniSec proposed in [17] security-critical and the breach of the network may lead
provides MAC layer security for the netwoek system. to very serious results such as the leakage of the key
While, authors of paper [13] has put forward a means military information of the state or making the battle
called UNMASK to mitigate wireless sensor network devices systems disabled, while habitat monitoring are
attacks by detecting, diagnosing, and isolating the relatively benign ones.
malicious nodes. And a practical and effective sinkhole About the security requirements for wireless sensor
resilient protocol for wireless sensor networks is networks, it seems have no uniform standard at present.
presented in [36]. and a group-based security scheme for Four goals of the security: confidentiality, integrity,
wireless sensor network is devised and tested in [37]; and authentication, and availability (CIAA) are widely
[40] proposed an authentication scheme for healthcare accepted and used in previous studies [14, 15]. Through it
monitoring system; a novel secure key establishment seem to be very concise, it may not take everything into
protocol which is suitable for low resource sensor nodes consideration. Some More detailed descriptions of this
is presented in [20]. While due to the unique problem have been developed and we synthesized the
characteristics of the wireless sensor networks, there are previous study results and provided the general security
still some deficiencies in the existing security protocols. requirements for wireless sensor networks in Table1.
Some security protocols are too power-consuming to And there are many other important security
apply to the sensor nodes, while others may too complex requirements for the security protocols such as low power
and memory consuming to adapt to wireless sensor consumption and low computation complexity, small size
networks. of the codes, etc. that need to be considered when design
The main contributions of this paper can be a practical WSN security algorithms. At present, many
summarized as the following: 1. clearly provided some high performance and efficient schemes for resource
basic conceptions related to the WSNs and network constrained WSNs have been studied and proposed.
security; 2. pointed out the unique characteristics and the Paper [19] devised a security protocol which
specific security requirements of the WSNs; 3. offered a synthesized merits of different cryptographic primitives
brief overview of the general attacks and corresponding and realized high security level and low energy
security policies; 4. more clearly illustrated the security consumption; while, paper [45] proposed an secure
problems of wireless sensor networks in a specific Energy Efficient Traffic-Aware Key Management
application instance of medical and health monitoring (EETKM) scheme, which only establishes shared keys
area. for active sensor nodes that participate in direct
communication; in paper [46], the authors proposed an
II. BACKGROUND efficient secure group communication scheme (RiSeG)
Wireless sensor networks is mainly served as an guaranteeing secure group management and secure group
interface to the real world, which provides physical key distribution, the scheme is based on a logical ring
information such as temperature, light, radiation, etc. to a architecture and not only provides backward and forward
computer system. The major difference between this type secrecy but also addresses the node compromise attack;
of networks and wired networks is their decentralized and The authors of [47] introduced a new class of
specialized nature [44]. Through security and privacy are cryptographic schemes, referred to as Hash-Based
enormous challenges in all types of wired and wireless Sequential Aggregate and Forward Secure Signature
networks, while these challenges are of much greater (HaSAFSS), which allows a signer to sequentially
importance in WSNs for the unique features of these generate a compact, fixed-size, and publicly verifiable
networks and the application purposes they serve. For signature efficiently.
example, sensor nodes are typically very




Confidentiality To ensure that all sensitive data should be accessible only to the authorized people and should not be leaked across
adjacent sensor networks.
End to end message Sensor nodes in the network should be able to identify if the data packets is really come from another authorized sensor
authentication nodes when it received a message. Message authentication is aim at preventing the unauthorized personnel from
participating in the network.
Robustness and Sensor network should be robust enough to resist the various attacks and if an attack succeeds, the impact should be
survivability minimized.
Data integrity The receiver could identify the received messages are not altered or tampered by the middle nodes.
Data freshness Sensor nodes should be able to identify the new received data packet is the sender’s latest generated messages rather than
the replay of old messages by unauthorized personnel.
Availability Ensure that the desired network services are available even in the presence of denial of service attacks.
Self-organization Nodes should be flexible enough to be autonomous self-organizing and self-healing
Fault tolerance The network should be able to detect the deficient nodes and correct it. For example, it can modify the routing table to
find another route to send data.
Time Synchronization The security protocols should not be manipulated to produce incorrect data.
Security management Includes security induction and security maintenance.
Broadcast authentication A security authentication problem of a single node sending uniform notification to all or a group of nodes.

Figure 2. Security challenges in WSN

All these security schemes reduced their resource Waltenegus Dargie, et al introduced this problem in detail
consumption quite remarkably compared to the in [15].
conventional security protocols used for the wired or 2) Absence of Knowledge of the Nodes Distribution
other types of networks, while these schemes may The sensor nodes are always randomly distributed in
perform less well in large scale networks as it may the monitoring target area, it is difficult to ensure that any
introduce longer latencies when the number of nodes two nodes in the network have at least one direct or
grows and when neighbor nodes are physically far from indirect connection. So the commonly used public and
each other. private key mechanism are no longer suitable to wireless
sensor networks.
B. Challenges of Security in Wireless Sensor Networks
3) Hard to Ensure the Physical Security of the Sensor
Wireless sensor network is a special kind of wireless Nodes
networks but it is different from the common wireless In many applications, nodes of the WSNs are operated
networks in aspects of the number of nodes, computing in the remote, unattended and hard-to-reach locations,
ability, memory space, energy, band width and and deployed in environments open to public access. It is
communication ability [60]. For the unique characteristics often the case that the number of the nodes is too large to
of the WSN, there are many challenges for the security of make it feasible to continuously monitor and protect
the WSN. In Fig.2, we generally classified these sensor nodes from attack. These challenges make it
challenges into three types: node limitations, network difficult to prevent unauthorized physical access and to
limitations and physical limitations. We briefly explained detect tampering with the sensor devices. Particularly, the
why these are security challenges in WSN in the low cost of many sensor nodes may not allow advanced
following section. or expensive protective measures.
1) Limited Energy, Memory and Computing Ability 4) Highly Dynamic Topology
Wireless sensor nodes are always small in size and Certain popular wireless sensor network applications,
powered by batteries, and the energy and memory including disaster recovery, battlefield communication
resources of the sensor nodes are extremely constrained. and athlete monitoring, are characterized by extensive
Thus the WSNs always choose the low data rate and low node mobility, intermittent contact between nodes and a
power consumption wireless communication. highly dynamic network topology. Traditional security
Technologies such as Zigbee, Bluetooth 4.0, etc. schemes are designed for essentially static networks and
traditional security mechanisms that have high overheads do not perform well in these cases [18].
are not suitable for resource-constrained WSNs. 5) Low Bandwidth



Wireless sensor networks usually work at the eavesdropping, traffic analysis, and traffic monitoring etc.
unlicensed 2.4-2.4835GHz frequency range which is Examples of active attacks include jamming [21],
shared among major wireless standards such as Wi-Fi and impersonating, modification, Denial of Service (DoS),
Bluetooth. Most of sensors use the IEEE 802.15.4 and message replay etc.
protocol [48, 49] to communicate. Zigbee protocol which
B. Internal or External Attacks
provides an energy-efficient communication and allows a
large number of nodes in a network (60,000 nodes) is one According to the domain of the attacks, they can be
of the most used protocols based on 802.15.4. All in all, classified to be internal (insider) and external (outsider)
in many applications bandwidth is very valuable attacks. External attacks are carried out by nodes that do
resource. not belong to the domain of the network. Internal attacks
Sum up, to secure the wireless sensor networks, one are from compromised nodes which are actually part of
needs to take all the above limitations of the wireless the network. Internal attacks are more severe when
sensor networks into consideration, and try to find compared with outside attacks since the insider knows the
practical means and ways to overcome these limitations valuable and secret information. The detail definitions of
and protect the information and the network of the WSN. internal and external attacks are as following:
External attacks: external attacks are launched by
III. ATTACKS AND THREATS ON WIRELESS SENSOR external devices. The adversary adopts the means to
NETWORKS eaves drop on information, injecting fractional data, and
The WSN attacks are similar to that of other types of fabricating non-existent records to disturb the normal
networks. There are many attacks that have been running of the whole network. It does not control any
identified in WSN by the researchers in their literatures. legitimate sensor nodes thoroughly. Fortunately, such
For example, physical attacks are introduced in detail attacks are relatively easier to resist through a
in [52] and corresponding trusted platform with protected combination of cryptography-based and robust
memory that not only protects sensor node’s sensitive communication techniques [51].
credentials but also provides a concrete way to trust Internal attacks: in the internal attacks, the adversary
nodes in the dedicated wireless sensor network was firstly compromises several nodes and accesses all secret
presented; [53] investigated and classified the detection information (e.g. cryptography and authentication) stored
methods of node replication attacks and studied the in the compromised nodes, and then controls the
technical details; while single hop detection method for compromised nodes to attack other nodes. It is clearly to
node clone attacks in mobile wireless sensor networks are see that the invaders of the internal attacks are the sensor
described in [56]. In the paper [54], the authors exploit Nodes of the WSN itself and these nodes are turned into
the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) Viterbi algorithm to traitorous nodes.
detect the wormhole attack based on the maximum C. Stealthy and Non-Stealthy Attacks
probabilities computed for a hidden state transition. A
In a stealthy attack, the goal of the attacker is to make
model for distributed node exhaustion attacks is proposed
the network accept a false data value. For example, an
in [55]. And different methods to prevent Dos attacks are
attacker injects a false data value through that sensor
presented in [58, 59, 62]. And the model of Hello Flood
node. In these attacks, keeping the sensor network
Attack and its countermeasures are presented by Virendra
available for its intended use is essential. And
Pal Singh et al in [67], while mobile malicious node
non-stealthy attacks are the other way round.
attacks and the countermeasures are introduced in [57].
These security attacks can be classified on various D. Attacks on Different Layers of the Internet model
criteria, such as the domain of the attacks, or the The attacks can be further classified according to the
techniques used in attacks. In this paper, we synthesized five layers of the internet model. Table2 presents a
the previous studies [22, 23, 31, 51, 70] and roughly classification of various security attacks and
classified these network attacks in WSNs by the corresponding countermeasures on each layer of the
following criteria: passive or active, internal or external, Internet model. It must be noted that network attacks on
different protocol layer, stealthy or non-stealthy, different layers could be launched at the same time and
cryptography or non-cryptography related. In the some attacks can be launched at multiple layers.
following section of this chapter we will introduce these Although we discuss the attacks separately in this
types of attacks in detail. chapter, it is often the case that the attacks are launched
A. Passive and Active Attacks in combination and the combination can be cross-layer in
which multiple attacks in different layers are launched in
According to whether the attacks interrupt the network
a collaborative way. Examples of multilayer attacks are
communication, they can be classified into two major
denial of service (DoS), man-in-the middle, and
categories: passive attacks and active attacks. A passive
impersonation attacks.
attack is said to be the attack obtain data exchanged in the
Take the Denial of Service (DoS) attacks as an
network without interrupting the communication. While
example, A DoS attack can be characterized as an attempt
an active attack is referred to be the attack implies the
of an adversary to stop a network from functioning or to
disruption of the normal functionality of the network,
disrupt the services a network provides [15]. DoS attacks
meaning information interruption, modification, or
could be launched from several layers such as physical
fabrication. Examples of passive attacks are



layer Attacks countermeasures
Physical layer Jamming Hopping, broadband, low duty cycle or mode conversion
Interceptions or Keying method
Tampering Node camouflage and hiding
MAC layer Collision Using error correction code
Exhaustion Setting competitive threshold
Unfairness Using short frame strategy or non-priority strategy
Network layer Neglect and greed Using redundant paths or detection mechanism
Homing Using encryption or hop by hop authentication mechanism
Misdirection Egress filtering; authentication, monitoring mechanism
Blackholes Authentication, surveillance and redundancy mechanism
Transport layer Flooding Client puzzle
Desynchronization Authentication
Application layer Repudiation Sensor node identity; detection mechanism
Data corruption Data retransmission mechanism
Multi-layer Denial of service(DoS) Strong authentication and identification of traffic
attacks Impersonation replay Adding nonce information or time related counter information to the transmitted
data packets
Man-in-the-middle Authentication, identity verification and bidirectional link verification

layer, data linker layer, network layer or transport layer, unique characteristics of the WSNs; and the security of
etc. An attacker can employ signal jamming at the WSNs is more difficult and challenging than that of the
physical layer, which disrupts normal communications. wired networks or other kinds of wireless networks.
At the link layer, malicious nodes can occupy channels Difficult as it is, researchers have overcome numerous
through the capture effect taking advantage of the binary challenges and come up with many wonderful security
exponential scheme in MAC protocols and prevents other proposals that are suitable for WSNs. In this section, we
nodes from channel access. At the network layer, the will summarize the countermeasures to different attacks
routing process can be interrupted through routing control on different layers of the internet model.
packet modification, selective dropping, table overflow,
A. Countermeasures in the Physical Layer
or poisoning. At the transport and application layers,
SYN flooding, session hijacking, and malicious programs The physical layer is concerned with transmitting raw
can cause DoS attacks. And most often the case, the bits of information over wired/wireless medium. It is
attack is resulted either by an unintended failure of a node responsible for signal detection, modulation, encoding,
or by unauthorized access of the sensor node. In this case, frequency selection and so on, and is hence the basis of
an intended user is refused of few services. The DoS network operations [31].
attack model is presented in [58] by Ju-Hyung Son et al. As the sensor nodes are always deployed in the open
environment which is out of surveillance of operators, it
IV. SECURITY APPROACHES FOR WIRELESS SENSOR is often difficult to ensure the physical security of the
NETWORKS sensor nodes and the physical layer attacks are
Security problems are existed in all kinds of networks, challenging to cope with. For example, in the application
and where there are attacks there are corresponding of forest fire detection, after the sensor nodes are
anti-attack mechanisms. Nowadays, network security deployed in the open and unattended field, it is very
mechanisms are fairly mature and perfect for the wired likely that the sensor nodes suffered from physical tamper,
networks while it is still in the elementary level in the and to some extent, it is hard to prevent this from
area of wireless sensor networks. However, fast happening. Therefore, although there are some
development and high improvement in WSN security mechanisms that attempt to reduce the occurrences of
approaches have been achieved in recent years. For the attacks, more of them focus on protecting information
wired and wireless networks, generally, three types of from divulgence.
cryptographic primitives are used to provide security There are two main approaches that are available to
services, public key primitives, private key primitives, solve this problem: access restriction and encryption.
and hashing functions [50]. Efficient implementations of Obviously, through restricting adversaries from
these primitives for WSNs have been addressed by many physically accessing or getting close to sensors is
researchers in the literature. These implementations can effective on all the attacks aforementioned, but
be done either in software or hardware. unfortunately, they are either difficult or infeasible in
Security related issues and challenges in wireless most cases. Therefore, we usually have to fall back on
sensor networks are explored in many literatures. It is another type of restrictions: communication media access
widely realized that the security methods for existing restriction. By and large, cryptography is the all-purpose
networks which include mobile ad-hoc network are not solution to achieve security goals in WSNs. It not only
well suitable for wireless sensor networks because of the can be applied to the data stored on the sensor but also



can be applied to the data in transmission. Cryptography Neighbor Tree (LNT) secure group communication
mechanisms are generally classified into two kinds: scheme proposed in [78] helps to eliminate the heavy
asymmetric and symmetric. In asymmetric mechanisms storage cost introduced by the key encryption keys used
the keys used for encryption and decryption are different in the many other schemes and, simultaneously, provides
while in symmetric mechanisms the two nodes share a both authentication and robustness against replay attacks
key to encrypt and decrypt data. So, asymmetric of the rekeying messages.
cryptography usually consumes more resources such as
B. Countermeasures in the MAC Layer
computation and memory than symmetric one when
compared. Cryptography is indispensable to protect data Attacks in the MAC layer can be generally classified
confidentiality. Once data are encrypted, even if the into two types: traffic manipulation and identity spoofing.
sensors are captured, it is difficult for the adversaries to To counter attacks in the MAC layer, current researches
obtain useful information. Therefore, the strength of the focus on detection. But it also allows for many kinds of
encryption depends on various factors. As a rule, a more further actions to stop the attacks, such as excluding the
costly encryption can yield higher strength, but it also attacking nodes from interactions. And for the kind of
consumes more valuable resource such as energy, spoofing attacks, prevention should be a good way [66].
memory, etc. of the network [31]. Misbehavior Detection: Because attacks deviate from
The key management technique of the encryption normal behaviors, it is possible to identify attackers by
method is key establishment and key distribution. A observing what has happened. Various data can be
number of key pre-distribution schemes have been collected for this purpose, and various actions can be
developed. A very simple approach is to have a unique taken after detection.
pre-loaded key that is shared among the nodes. Then all Identity Protection: Identity can be treated as yet
sensors can encrypt or decrypt data between themselves another kind of information whose legitimacy needs to be
using this key. Due to its simplicity, this method is very guaranteed. Therefore, cryptography-based authentication
efficient in regards to memory usage and processing can be used to prevent identity spoofing. Although most
overhead, but it suffers from a very serious security authentication schemes are designed for the network layer
problem. If even one of the sensors is captured by an and the application layer, Readers should keep in mind
adversary, the security of the entire network will be that the authentication techniques can also be applied to
compromised. Another simple approach, called the basic identity protection in the MAC layer.
scheme, is to generate a distinct key between every pair There are mainly three types of attacks effective on the
of sensors and store these in the sensors. In this case, if N MAC layer: collision attacks, exhaustion and unfairness.
sensors are deployed in the network, each must store (N-1) For the collision attacks of the MAC layer, the following
keys. Despite ideal resilience, this scheme is not scalable, two approaches can be taken to deal with: 1. using the
and is not memory efficient, particularly in large error correction code; 2. using the channel monitoring
networks. In addition, after node deployment, if a new and data retransmission mechanism. One measure to cope
node wants to join the network, none of the previously with the exhaustion attack is to restrict the transmission
deployed sensors will have a common key with the new speed of the network, the sensor nodes automatically
node [20]. abandon the redundant data requires, while the defect of
Seen from previous literatures, it is easy to found that this method is the falling of the network efficiency. In
the rational and the conventional solution for key [55], the authors presented the model of the exhaustion
management in WSN is to distribute randomly generated attack and a pattern recognition based way is devised to
keys to each sensor node, this method, to some extent, is detect this kind of attack too. Unfairness attack to some
energy consuming. Recently, there are many improved extent is a kind of infirm DoS attack, using short packets
schemes have been proposed. An efficient key is one of the mitigating approaches for unfairness attack.
distribution scheme which is useful to secure data-centric C. Countermeasures in Network Layer
routing protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks is
introduced in [63], and this scheme is permit to use local The network layer is responsible for routing of
key distribution process to establish Group Key and messages from node to node, node to cluster leader,
cluster leaders to cluster leaders, cluster leaders to the
Pairwise Key. Ali Fanian et al. proposed a novel key
base station, and vice versa. In the network layer, the key
establishment protocol which is not only energy efficient
but also has low memory requirements and low issues include locating destinations and calculating the
optimal path to a destination.
computational overhead [20]. A secure and
Energy-Efficient Traffic Aware key Management By attacking the routing protocols, attackers can
absorb network traffic, inject into the path between the
(EETKM) is developed for WSN in [45], and this key
source and the destination, and control the network traffic
management scheme can be applied for various routing
protocols and is characterized by stronger resilience, low flow. Security of routing protocols depends on the
energy consumption and increased delivery ratio. In [64], location of nodes and the encryption techniques.
Shaila K et al. proposed a scheme called Modified A typical kind of network attack is sinkhole attack,
Bloom’s Scheme (MBS) which makes use of asymmetric where malicious sensors pretend to be closer to the sinks
than all their neighbors. Attracting more traffic, these
matrices in place of symmetric matrices in order to
establish secret keys between node pairs. Logical sensors can either selectively drop the received data (i.e.
selective-forwarding attack) or collect sensitive



information. And ways to resist sinkhole attack is application data semantics. Therefore, the
proposed in [41, 68]. countermeasures focus on protecting the integrity and
Clearly, the protocols that construct a routing topology confidentiality of data, no matter it is for control or not.
would be significantly affected by these attacks. The Data Integrity Protection: Data Integrity in its broadest
attackers can create routing loops, introduce severe meaning refers to the trustworthiness of information over
network congestion, and channel contention into certain its entire life cycle [32]. In general, authentication can be
areas. There are malicious routing attacks that target the used to protect any data integrity.
routing discovery or maintenance phase by not following Data Confidentiality Protection: Encryption is an
the specifications of the routing protocols. Since the effective approach to prevent attackers from
functionalities of the network layer require the close understanding captured data. Similar to authentication,
collaboration of many nodes, all these nodes have to be the principles of encryption do not change for use in
enclosed for security consideration. It is therefore different layers.
relatively difficult to mitigate attacks. Nonetheless, some Anti-attack during data collection is a crucial challenge
countermeasures are available as follows: in WSNs for the sensor nodes are usually deployed at
• Routing Access Restriction unattended or hostile environments, an adversary an
There are two ways to restrict the routing access, they easily compromises several sensor nodes and controls
are multi-path routing and authentication, and them to launch attacks. Due to the unreliable wireless
authentication can be end to end or hop by hop. channels and unsupervised feature of WSNs, the sensor
Nowadays many researchers combined the former two nodes are very easy to be compromised and difficult to be
methods and formed the multi-path authentication. detected. To provide secured sensory data delivery, some
• False Routing Information Detection security mechanisms have been developed for based on
By attacking the routing protocols, attackers can traditional key establishment [79], authentication [43],
absorb network traffic, inject themselves into the path access control [71], etc. Unfortunately, these security
between the source and destination, and thus control the mechanisms cannot provide satisfactory solutions to the
network traffic flow. The traffic packets could be internal attack, which can easily acquire the valid
forwarded to a non-optimal path, which could introduce cryptographic keys and intercept any packet transmitted
significant delay. In addition, the packets could be through the compromised node.
forwarded to a nonexistent path and get lost. Ways for Several trust models in different application situations
detecting false routing information are widely studied [24, have been proposed with various mathematical
74-76]. methodologies. However, presently there is a lack of
• Wormhole Detection uniformity for criteria to estimate the performance of
An attacker records packets at one location in the those trust mechanisms. Most comparisons of simulation
network and tunnels them to another location. Routing results are limited to the different parameters of the trust
can be disrupted when routing control messages are model itself, or they fall into the two occasions: with the
tunneled. This tunnel between two colluding attackers is trust mechanism or without the trust mechanism.
referred as a wormhole [23]. Wormhole detection Therefore, it is a struggle to build a series of standard
methods are widely studied by many researchers, and [65, evaluation methods for the trust scheme to judge which
69] introduced two different wormhole detection methods trust model is much better than the others and why [51].
Reliability and security of broadcasting is critical in V. SECURITY OF BODY SENSOR NETWORKS AS AN
Wireless Sensor Networks. E. Ayday et al built an EXAMPLE
authentication scheme, on top of a reliable and energy Wireless sensor networks are widely used in various
efficient broadcasting protocol called Collaborative aspects of our life, from simple monitoring of the
Rateless Broadcast (CRBcast) to improve efficiency and environment temperature and humidity to complex and
reliability. This scheme is tested to be resilient to significant applications in military surveillance and
adversary such as routing and flooding attacks and control. Through there are some slightly differences, the
protocol exploits [77]. security problems and corresponding countermeasures for
different applications are by and large similar. To get a
D. Countermeasures in the Application Layer
well understanding of the security problems and
The application layer implements the services seen by anti-attack mechanisms of the wireless sensor networks,
users. Two examples of important applications in WSNs we took the recently popular and booming application
are data aggregation and time synchronization, where area: medical and health monitoring as an example, and
data aggregation sends the data collected by sensors to introduced the security problems and approaches in Body
base stations, and time synchronization synchronizes Sensor Network (BSN).
sensor clocks for cooperative operations. As health has become a hot issue among the young and
The application layer contains user data, and supports the old, BSN, as a low-cost and convenient method for
many protocols such as HTTP, SMTP, TELNET, and continuous and long-term health monitoring, has become
FTP, which provide many vulnerabilities and access a burgeoning study field for a few years. Health
points for attackers. The application layers attacks are monitoring involves collection of data about vital body
more attractive as they have direct access to the parameters from different parts of the body and making
application data. Attacks in the application layer rely on



decisions based on it. This information is of personal security requirements while different measures and
nature and is required to be secured [3]. structures were taken. Body sensor network as a special
As body sensor network is just a special kind of WSNs, kind of wireless sensor network is facing the same
attacks aimed at the WSNs are all effective in the area of security challenges and problems that the WSNs faced,
BSNs, while for the application of health monitoring the however, BSN could take advantage of the physiological
more challenging security problem may be the access signal it sampled from human body to secure the network,
authorization, data freshness and data integrity. The which is other kinds of WSNs could not use. Human
patients’ physiological signals transmitted through the physiological signals possess the characteristics of
BSNs are of privacy and they must be restricted that only universality, uniqueness, randomness, stability and
the authorized person has the right to access them. The secrecy. So new information security system based on
leakage of health information may result in the illegal biometric authentication is green, low power
usage. And the BSNs must ensure the freshness, integrity consumption, convenient and transparent to users, and it
and exactness of the physiological data of the patient so will be widely used in mobile medical system.
as to the appropriate treatment could be given to the
patient on time. VI. CONCLUSIONS
Up to date, security studies for BSNs were many, and The future of wireless sensor networks is promising;
different measures are introduced and discussed in [25-29, they are being deployed in many real-world applications,
33, 43, 71 and 72]. To sum up, for key establishment and in the context of Ubiquitous Computing, Pervasive
authentication, biometrics based methods are widely Computing, and Ambient Intelligence. In this paper, we
studied and used, some recent BSNs security mechanisms concluded the unique characteristics of the wireless
are introduced here. sensor networks and presented the requirements and the
Biometrics based BSNs security schemes are proposed corresponding challenges of the WSNs security.
in many literatures. The main criterion for a biometric to Commonly seen WSNs attacks are introduced and
be suitable for security purpose is whether it is random classified according to different criteria and security
enough for it to be used to build security system. approaches and key security techniques are presented in
For example, BIOSEC [26] examined the utility of the following. Finally, we summarized the security
various biometric for security purpose. The authors related issues and technologies in the area of body sensor
proposed a security mechanism which makes use of networks as an illustrative example of the WSNs attacks
biometric derived from the human body to secure the and security mechanisms. Hopefully by reading this
keying material which in turn is used to secure the data paper, the beginners can have a better view of attacks and
communication. The small shortcoming of this countermeasures in wireless sensor networks and the
biometrical security approach may be the lack of researchers can be motivated to design smarter and more
sufficient randomness. In contrast, BSK-WBSN: a robust security mechanisms and make their networks
biometrics based symmetric cryptographic key safer.
establishment approach proposed by Samira Mesmoudi et
al. take into account the network topology and the change REFERENCES
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Fangmin Sun received a B.S. degree in the measurement and Zhen Fang received his PhD at the Institute of Electronics,
control technology and instrument from Xian Electronic Chinese Academy of Sciences. He currently works in the State
Technology University, China, in 2010. She is currently a Ph.D. Key Laboratory of Transducer Technology at the Institute of
student in the State Key Laboratory of Transducer Technology Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His major field is
Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Her wireless sensor networks and microsystems of integrate sensors.



An Efficient Offline Delegation Protocol in

Mobile RFID Environment
Jia-Ning Luo
Ming Chuan University, Information & Telecommunications Engineering, Taoyuan County, Taiwan 333

Ming-Hour Yang*
Chung Yuan Christian University, Information & Computer Engineering, Taoyuan County, Taiwan 320
*Corresponding Author, Email:

Abstract—In this paper, we propose a new protocol to allow reader, and the delegated reader is allowed to access a
delegation transfer between offline mobile readers in the specific tag in the future even in an offline environment
mobile RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) environment. [10] [14] [16].
A mobile reader can grant the access rights of a specific tag Fouladgar et al. [5] propose an online delegation and
to another reader. Besides, our protocol is efficient and
ownership transfer protocol. Lee et al.’s scheme [9] uses
secure against most current network threats, such as replay
attacks, Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks, denial of timestamps to manage authorization, but in Lee’s protocol,
service (DoS) attacks caused by asynchronous update, if one user updates a tag’s timestamp, others will have to
guessing attacks, and counterfeit tags. It also guarantees use the new timestamp to access the tag. When a tag
forward/backward secrecy, data privacy, and location reaches its maximum timestamp update times, all the
privacy. delegated readers have to connect to their back-end server
for new delegation. Yang [15] also proposes an offline
Index Terms—Mobile RFID; Offline Delegation; Delegation delegation protocol that stores an access control list (ACL)
Transfer on a tag to limit a reader’s access right. He also deploys
timestamps in his offline delegation scheme. His back-end
I. INTRODUCTION server can delegate the access right to a tag, but the access
right cannot be transferred from one reader to another.
Radio frequency identification (RFID) has been widely
For these reasons, we propose a new scheme to perform
applied in logistics management, entrance control, smart offline delegation transfer. In our protocol, the delegation
appliances, medical control, and e-wallet services. An
of a specific tag is within control. A mobile RFID reader is
RFID framework consists of back-end servers, database,
allowed limited access times of a specific tag by its
RFID readers, and tags. RFID tags include active tags and
back-end server. The tag can verify and decrease the
passive tags. An active RFID tag contains a battery, and a
access counter in each access. After the counter expires,
passive tag is powered by radio wave energy from an
the reader has to request a new delegation from the
RFID reader. Most RFID tags used in supply chains are
back-end server. The other reader can request delegation
passive ones. Because of the limitation of power
from the reader that owns the tag. A delegation transfer is
consuming and gate counts, a passive RFID tag can only
operated offline without the involvement of the back-end
do simple computation and have limited storage capacity.
server. After the delegation transfer, the access times of
Most of its data is stored on the back-end database servers.
the tag are transferred to the new reader, and the access
In recent years RFID technology has seen the
counter of the previous reader decreases by the same
integration of RFID and mobile devices [2] [7] [8]. An
amount. The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
RFID-embedded cellphone can access a tag and retrieve
section 2 details our proposed protocol; section 3 analyzes
its data from the back-end server through wireless or 3G
the security issues; section 4 deals with performance
networks [14].
evaluation and comparison; section 5 concludes our
In a mobile RFID environment, even though a mobile
reader can communicate with its back-end server through
telecommunications, weak reception or poor network II. OFFLINE DELEGATION PROTOCOL
quality can usually affect its performance [3] [4] [5] [9]
Our offline delegation transfer protocol includes an
[11] [15]. Among RFID’s research, offline delegation
initial stage and three protocols: (1) offline reader-tag
transfer allows users who have been authorized to access a
mutual authentication protocol; (2) readers’ delegation
specific tag to transfer a part of their authorization to
protocol and (3) offline delegation transfer protocol, as
others without Internet connections [1] [10] [12] [16]. To
shown in Figure 1. At the initial stage, mobile readers have
perform offline delegation, a back-end server has to
been delegated authority to a specific tag and authenticate
delegate authority of a specific RFID tag to an RFID
each other. In the second part, the readers identify and



access the tag offline. In the third part a reader delegate his performed offline. Figure 3 details the steps of our
access rights to another reader. reader-tag mutual authentication.
Reader RIDi Back-end server
Reader i
1.offline authentication R, T , Delegation RIDi , Tlisti

1. Request Delegation , RIDi

2.offline reading Generate RK im , ri m

SK im  H( Secrect m || RIDi || ri m )
DM im  LE ( SK im , RIDi || TIDm || RS m || RK im || RC im )
3.offline delegation
transfer 2.offline reading Tlist i  Tlist i  {TIDm , RK im , RC im , DM im , ri m }
Tag TID1
2. Tlist i
Tlist i  Tlist i

1.offline authentication Figure 2. Initial stage

Reader RIDj
Reader i
Tag m
Figure 1. Offline coupon delegation transfer scheme RIDi , Tlisti  {{TIDm , TIDm , Secret m , TS m ,
m m m m
RK , RC , DM , ri }}
i i i Rlist m
Notations uses in this paper are listed in Table 1. 1. Request Authentica tion , RIDi , ri , DM im

TABLE I. NOTATIONS flag  false

SKim  H(Secrcet m  RIDi  ri m )
Tag ’s identifier. Derive RIDi ' , TIDm ' , RS m , RK im , RCim from DM im
Reader ’s identifier. (target reader in delegation transfer) If ( RIDi  RIDi ' ) and (TIDm  TIDm ' ) and (RS m  TS m )
Secret key shared between and its back-end server. If ( RS m  TS m )
Tag ’s timestamp. TS m  RS m , Clear Rlistm
Reader’s current timestamp. / Tag ’s current timestamp If ( Rlistm  {RIDi , RK im , RCim })
that a reader holds. Rlist m  Rlistm  {{RIDi , RK im , RCim }}
Counters that indicate reader ’s and reader ’s maximum flag  true
query times to tag . (on tag’s part) Generate r1
Counters that indicate reader ’s and reader ’s maximum If ( flag  true)
query times to tag . (on reader’s part) M1  LE ( RK im , TIDm || ri m || r1 )
Tag ’s access control list. Else
M1  r1
Reader ’s authorization table.
Reader ’s and reader ’s shared keys with tag , Derive TIDm ' , ri m ' from M1
2. M1

respectively. If (ri m  ri m ' )and (TIDm  TIDm ' )

Delegation message, generated by back-end server for Confirm
reader i to access tag m.
Requested query times in delegation transfer. Figure 3. Mutual authentication protocol
Delegation transfer flag.
Session key, used to en/decrypt a delegation message. Step 1: Reader i sends a request message
Nonce generated by back-end server, used in reader-tag
to tag m, along with its own
communications, between reader and tag .
Random numbers. identifier , a nonce , and a delegation message
Hash function. .
Lightweight symmetric key encryption algorithm. Step 2: Tag m generates a session key and
Concatenation of messages. decrypts to derive reader’s identifier , tag’s
A. Initial Stage identifier , reader i’s current timestamp , the
key , and reader i’s delegated query times . Tag
In the initial stage, when an RFID reader i wants to
m compares and with and ,
access a tag, it should send a delegation request to the
respectively. It also checks if . If ,
back-end server, and the server will return a tag-list
that contains all the tags owned by the reader, see Figure 2. the reader’s delegated authority expires. If ,
The server randomly generates a session key and a tag m has to update its timestamp, i.e. , and to
nonce . After concatenating , and , clear its access control list . Then tag m stores ,
and on its . If reader i is valid, tag m
and generate the session key , a delegation message
sends a message to the reader, as shown in figure3. If
contains reader’s and tag’s identifiers, system’s
reader i fails to pass the authentication, tag m returns a
timestamp , session key , and reader’s maximum
random number.
query times . Then the server sends to the
Step 3: When receiving , reader i derives and
and compare them to and .
B. Offline Reader-Tag Mutual Authentication Protocol
C. Reader’s Delegation Protocol
After a reader gets the access right of a specific tag from
In our protocol, the delegation of a specific tag is
the back-end server, the reader and the tag should do
limited. Each time when a reader accesses a tag, a counter
mutual authentication to identify each other, which is
decrease. After the counter expires, the reader has to



request a new delegation from the back-end server. We use Our offline delegation transfer requires a tag and two
two counters and to restrict delegated readers’ mobile readers (one to request delegation transfer, the
access to a tag, as shown in Figure 4. Detailed steps are as other to transfer authorized query times). Both reader i and
follows: reader j have to be delegated authority in advance to access
Reader i Tag m tag m. We assume that reader i has run out of its delegated
RID i , Tlist i  {{TID m , TIDm , Secretm , TS m ,
RK im , RC im , DM im , ri m }}
query times. It needs to request delegation transfer from
Rlistm  {{RIDi , RK im , TCim }}
reader j, so that it can acquire some extra query times to
Generate r2
M 2  LE ( RK im , TIDm || r2 ) 1. Request Read , RIDi , M 2
access the tag. One particular requirement in our
flag  false delegation transfer is that the transfer must be performed
If RIDi in Rlist1
Derive TIDm ' , r2 from M 2
under the same timestamp. Only in doing so can tag m
If (TIDm  TIDm ' ) have full record of all delegated readers’ information. This
If (TCim  0) requirement also empowers our back-end server to use
flag  true timestamps to restrict readers’ delegated authority.
Generate r3
If ( flag  true)
M 3  LE ( RK im , TIDm || TCim || r2 || r3 )
2. M 3
Derive TIDm ' , TCim , r2 ' , r3 from M 3 M 3  r3
If (r2 '  r2 ) and (TIDm '  TIDm )
RCim  TCim  1
M 4  LE( RK im , RCim || r3 )
Else 3. M 4
M 4  r2 Derive RCim , r3 ' from M 4
If (r3  r3 ' ) and ( RCim  TCim  1)
TCim  RCim

Figure 4. Steps of reader’s access to tag

Step 1: Reader i constructs by using to encrypt

and a random number . Then it sends ,
its own identifier , and M2 to the tag m.
Step 2: Tag m checks if is stored on , and
Figure 5. Message flow of offline delegation transfer
look ups the to decrypt to obtains and .
If matches , tag m checks if reader i has run Reader j provides tag m with the information required
out of its query times. If , tag m allows reader i’s for delegation transfer. Once the tag approves the request,
access. It generates a random number , and uses to it will update its own access control list and then the
encrypt , , and . Then tag m returns the transfer of delegation is done. The transfer includes 6 steps,
encrypted message to reader i. If a reader fails to pass as shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7.
any of the verification, tag m returns as to reader i. Reader i
RIDi , Tlisti  {{TIDm ,
Reader j
RID j , Tlist j  {{TIDm ,
Tag m
TIDm , Secret m , TS m ,
Step 3: Reader i uses to decrypt and then m m
RK , RC , DM }}, DC
i i i
RK mj , RC mj , DM mj }} Rlist m  {{RIDi , RK im , TCim }}

verifies whether the received and match its own 1. Request Reader DT , RIDi , TIDm , DC i

and . If they match, reader i can confirm is not Generate r4

M 5  LE( RK mj , TIDm || RIDi || DCim || r4 )
replayed and the sender of is tag m. Next, reader i 2. Request Tag DT , RID j , M 5
updates its counter, i.e. . Last, reader i flag  false

uses to encrypt the updated and . The If RID j in Rlist m

Derive TIDm ' , RIDi , DCim , r4 from M 5
encrypted message is returned to tag m as . If If (TIDm  TIDm ' ) and (TC mj  DCim )
flag  true
cannot be verified, reader i returns as to tag m. If RIDi not in Rlist m

Step 4: Tag m decrypts with . Then tag m DCim  0

Generate r5
verifies whether the received matches its , and If ( flag  true)
M 6  LE ( RK mj , TIDm || TC mj || RIDi || DCim || r4 || r5 )
whether the received has been updated, i.e. Else
M 6  r5
. If they are verified, tag m approves reader i’s
3. M 6
access and then updates its own counter , i.e.
Figure 6. Offline delegation transfer (1)
D. Offline Delegation Transfer Protocol
In our offline delegation transfer protocol, the access Step 1: Reader i sends to reader j a transfer request
right of a reader can be transferred to another reader , its own identifier , tag m’s
through tag m’s authorization. For example, the initial identifier , and requested query times .
query times of readers i and j are 3 and 18 respectively, i.e. Step 2: Reader j generates a delegation transfer request
and . Reader j uses the offline , and uses to encrypt , ,
delegation transfer protocol to transfer 10 query times to and . Next it sends the encrypted message , the
reader i; at last the query time of reader i and j are 13 and 8 request , and its own identifier to tag
respectively, i.e. and , see Figure 5. m.



Step 3: If is on tag m’s , the tag uses III. SECURITY ANALYSIS

to decrypt and obtains , , and . Our protocol is designed to perform delegation transfer
Then the tag checks if and if . between offline readers. Without the involvement of
It has to make sure that tag m is the tag that the two readers back-end servers, we use timestamps and access control
try to access, and that reader j still has enough query times lists, e.g. and , to control readers’ delegated
for delegation transfer. If is not on , will authority. Apart from these, we deploy hash functions to
be set zero. At last, tag m approved the delegation transfer generate keys, add random numbers into our messages,
by constructs by using to encrypt , , and use lightweight symmetric key encryption [6] [13] in
, , and . our communications. All of these are intended to enhance
Step 4: Reader j decrypts with , and obtains our security and to lower the chance of attacks. Therefore,
, , , , and . If they are valid, our security analysis will particularly focus on mutual
authentication, replay attacks, MITM attacks, forward
reader j updates its maximum query times, i.e.
secrecy, backward secrecy, guessing attacks, location
. Then it constructs M7 by using to privacy, data privacy, and DoS attacks in asynchronous
encrypt and and it sets the flag to . update.
Then is returned to tag m and is sent to reader i. If
A. Mutual Authentication
the received data in is not valid, reader j returns as
to tag m and checks . If , it means Our reader-tag communications are all encrypted with
is not on and delegation transfer cannot be symmetric keys. Only with reader-tag shared keys, e.g.
performed and will be set as to indicate and , can the two decrypt each other’s
the illegitimacy of . If is not zero, reader j will messages and hence authenticate each other. Even though
set as to signal the failure of delegation adversaries intercept our delegation messages, their
transfer, which may result from message loss or false readers cannot pass our authentication because the
messages. messages contain delegated readers information. If they
Step 5: If reader i receives or , try to use an intercepted message to perform
authentication, they do it simply for a legitimate reader
delegation transfer stops. If reader i receives
whose identifier is in the message. Besides, without the
from reader j, it will wait for tag m’s approval message keys they cannot even decrypt the intercepted messages.
so that it can update its query times .
Step 6: Tag m decrypts with and obtains the B. Replay Attacks
updated and . If and match and Since we use nonce in our reader-tag communications,
, tag m updates ’s and . That the messages will change in every session. Thus, attackers
is, ; . Then the tag are unable to replay any legitimate messages to pass our
authentication. However, during our offline mutual
constructs by using to encrypt the updated ,
authentication, there is only one from a back-end
, and . M8 is forwarded to tag i through tag j. If
server under the same timestamp. Here, malicious users
is not valid, tag m terminates the protocol. Otherwise
may take this opportunity to replay reader i’s message to
reader i decrypts with and obtains and
tag m. But since tag m only stores the information in the
. If and match, reader i updates its first successful authentication, replayed messages are
maximum query times, i.e. , and offline unable to change anything. Also, tag m’s responses
delegation transfer is done. contain a nonce , which change in each communication.
Reader i Reader j
Tag m
RIDi , Tlisti  {{TIDm ,
m m m m
RID j , Tlist j  {{TIDm , RK mj , TIDm , Secretm , TS m , So, despite the possibility of replay attacks in this part,
RK , RC , DM }}, DC RC mj , DM mj }}, RIDi , DCim Rlistm  {{RIDi , RK im , TCim }}
i i i i
they cannot change anything.
Derive TID m ' , TC mj , RID i ' , DC im ' , r4 ' , r5 from M 6
If (r4 '  r4 ) and (TID m '  TID m ) and ( RID i '  RID i ) and ( DC im '  DC im ) C. MITM Attacks
RC mj  TC mj  DC im
M 7  LE ( RK mj , RC mj || r5 ) First, our reader-tag messages are protected with
DT  DTconfirm
encryption algorithms. Second, in our delegation transfer
M 7  r4 or when a delegated reader accesses a tag, the update of
If DC im '  0
DT  DT RIDi Error
maximum query times requires the tag’s reconfirmation
Else with the delegated reader. Since adversaries are unable to
DT  DT Failed 4. M 7
5. DT
launch replay attacks and they do not have or ,
If ( DT  DTconfirm ) Derive RC mj , r5 ' from M 7
If (r5 '  r5 ) and ( RC mj  TC mj  DCim )
they are unable to counterfeit tags or to launch MITM
TC mj  RC mj attacks, either.
TC im  TC im  DCim
M 8  LE ( RK im , TIDm || TC im || r4 || r5 ) D. Forward Secrecy

6. M 8 6. M 8
Terminate Because we use timestamps to control our delegated
Derive TIDm ' , TC im from M 8 authority, once the timestamp is updated old delegation
If (TIDm  TIDm ' )
RC im  TC im
messages are all cleared. Old information will not be
exposed to new users. Hence, forward secrecy is secured.
Figure 7. Offline delegation transfer (2)



E. Backward Secrecy delegation more useful and flexible in a mobile RFID

Our delegation message is protected by a session environment.
key . If Tag m wants to read the message, it needs to
generate the key by hashing , and . Thus,
even though attackers can obtain , they are unable to Protocols Fouladgar Lee Yang Our
Threats [5] [9] [15] scheme
break because the session key is a hash value. Mutual
Attackers cannot trace back the elements of a hash X ○ ○ ○
function from a hash value. Once changes in the Replay attacks ○ ○ ○ ○
next session, changes as well. Adversaries will not MITM attacks ○ ○ ○ ○
be able to track messages in following sessions. Hence, Forward secrecy ○ ○ ○ ○
Backward secrecy X X ○ ○
backward secrecy is secured. Guessing attacks X ○ ○ ○
F. Guessing Attacks Location privacy ○ ○ ○ ○
Data privacy ○ ○ ○ ○
Though our communications are all secured with keys, DoS attacks ○ ○ X ○
malicious users may eavesdrop on our messages and then Offline delegation
X X X ○
launch guessing attacks. Therefore, we use random transfer
numbers as responses when a reader or a tag fails to pass IV. PERFORMANCE
our authentication. This can effectively lower the chance
of guessing attacks. This section analyzes our protocol’s performance and
compares our performance with that of other related
G. Location Privacy studies. Here we use to denote the time for one
Because we put random numbers in our lightweight en/decryption; : the time for one hash
communications, our messages change in each session. function; : the time to generate a random number.
Despite eavesdropping, eavesdroppers cannot even tell Table 3 depicts the detailed computation requirement for
whether the messages they overhear come from the same our reader and tag when we run the delegation scheme. If
tag. So, they are unable to track our tags’ location. there are errors during the communications, the loads can
even be lower. When errors occur, we only respond with a
H. Data Privacy
random number. No further en/decryption will be required.
Our delegation message is protected by and our As for the target reader i, it only runs one lightweight
reader-tag communications are secured with or encryption algorithm during delegation transfer. Therefore,
. That is to say, without these keys, attackers can by we leave it out of our analysis.
no means pass our authentication and access our tags’ data.
Besides, since replay, MITM and guessing attacks cannot TABLE III. COMPUTATION LOAD OF OUR PROTOCOL
breach our protocol, we can say without a back-end Devices
Reader Tag
server’s authorization illegitimate reader are unable to Actions
access our tags. Hence, tags’ data privacy is secured. Mutual authentication
I. DoS Attacks Offline delegation transfer
Our tag does not change its keys during reading, offline As shown in Table 3, our use of random numbers in
authentication, or offline delegation transfer. First, it almost every action helps us prevent guessing attacks.
acquires or from its back-end server’s Since our mutual authentication requires a tag to store the
delegation messages. Then it runs a hash function to first legitimate delegation message, a delegated reader
generate a session key . Therefore, there will be no does not need to generate any random number for this
asynchronous update of keys in our protocol. Still, action. It only needs one decryption. But a tag has to run a
asynchrony may occur when has been updated but hash function to generate ; decrypt ; and
encrypt . When a delegated reader access a tag, the
is missing. and will stay the same.
two’s computation loads are the same. The former needs
Nonetheless, such asynchrony can be fixed up in the next two encryptions and one decryption and the latter one
access. It will not affect our readers’ reading or delegation encryption and two decryptions. In offline delegation
transfer. transfer, a tag has to encrypt for reader i, so its
In Table 2, we compare our protocol with other computation load is one encryption more than reader j’s.
delegation protocols. It is obvious that our scheme is able Next, we compare our scheme’s computation load with
to resist most network threats and is capable of delegation that of other delegation protocols, as shown in Table 4. For
transfer. Compared with Fouladgar et al.’s protocol, our an offline reader, when it searches a tag’s information in
scheme achieves mutual authentication by securing our its authorization table, e.g. , the computation load
reader-tag communications with lightweight encryption should be taken into account. In Table 4, we also assume
algorithms. As mentioned above, our protocol is able to that the information of a tag to be accessed must exist in
guarantee backward secrecy, which is impossible in the reader’s authorization table. In the cases of multiple
Fouladgar et al.’s and Lee et al.’s schemes. The best part is
access, i.e. a reader being delegated authority to access
that our protocol is the only one capable of offline multiple tags, we divide the reader’s total computation
delegation transfer in this comparison. Such ability makes loads by the number of tags. And we begin to count a tag’s




Devices Schemes Reader Tag
Hash-Based Hash-Based
Fouladgar et al. [5]
Encryption-Based Encryption-Based

Same timestamp Same timestamp

Lee et al. [9]
Different timestamp Different timestamp

Same timestamp Same timestamp

Yang [10] [15]
Different timestamp Different timestamp
Same timestamp Same timestamp
Our scheme
Different timestamp Different timestamp

computation load after it receives a reader’s request. Here

we use to denote how many tags a reader is allowed to ACKNOWLEDGMENT
access; : reader’s current timestamp; : tag’s current
This work was supported in part by National Science
timestamp; : the maximum value of a timestamp; :
Council under the grants NSC101-2221-E-033-016-MY2.
how many times a tag has been queried (a tag’s counter in
Lee et al.’s scheme); : a reader’s current query times (a
reader’s counter in Yang’s scheme); : the maximum
delegated query times. [1] H. B. Chen, W. B. Lee, Y. H. Zhao, Y. L Chen,
As shown in Table 4, we can find that it takes much “Enhancement of the RFID security method with ownership
computation for a reader to verify a tag’s messages. And a transfer,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference
tag’s computation load varies from scheme to scheme and on Ubiquitous Information Management and
Communication, pp. 251-254, 2009, Suwon, Korea.
it is not affected by the number of delegated readers.
[2] EPCglobal Inc, Retrieved Jul. 11, 2013, from
Though Fouladgar et al.’s protocol [5] demands low
computation for their reader and tag, their scheme is [3] S. Fouladgar, and H. Afifi, “A simple delegation scheme for
unable to perform reader-tag mutual authentication and RFID systems (SiDeS),” Proceedings of the IEEE
therefore is vulnerable to certain network threats. The International Conference on RFID, pp. 1-6, 2007,
computation loads in Lee et al.’s approach [9] are highly Grapevine, TX, USA.
influenced by their use of timestamps and by their key [4] S. Fouladgar, and H. Afifi, “An efficient delegation and
updating. Every time when Yang’s tag receives a request transfer of ownership protocol for RFID tags,” Proceedings
from a reader, it has to compute a complex hash chain to of the First International EURASIP Workshop on RFID
Technology, pp. 59-62, 2007, Vienna, Austria.
generate a session key, so as to authenticate the reader. It
[5] S. Fouladgar, and H. Afifi, “A simple privacy protecting
gets worse in their first query because the tag also needs to scheme enabling delegation and ownership transfer for
add and into the computation. This has RFID tags,” Journal of Communications, pp. 6-13, 2007.
caused quite a burden for an RFID tag since it only has [6] M. Hell, T. Johansson, and W. Meier, “Grain – a stream
limited computing ability. cipher for constrained environments,” International Journal
In our scheme, when under the same timestamp a reader of Wireless and Mobile Computing, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 86-93,
needs to run two en/decryption algorithms if the reader-tag 2007.
authentication fails; three en/decryption algorithms if the [7] A. Juels, “RFID security and privacy: a research survey,”
authentication is successful. Our reader’s average IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol.
24, no. 2, pp. 381-394, 2006.
computation load will not outweigh other schemes’ [8] G. Kapoor, and S. Piramuthu, “Vulnerabilities in some
readers. And our tag computes three en/decryption recently proposed RFID ownership transfer protocols,”
algorithms in both situations. Judging from the average IEEE Journal of Communications Letters, vol. 14, no. 3, pp.
computation loads, our proposed scheme has better 260-262, 2010.
performance in every aspect. [9] N. Y. Lee, and Y. H. Lee, “Off-line authentication protocol
for RFID tags,” Proceedings of The E-Learning and
V. CONCLUSION Information Technology Symposium (EITS), pp. 34, 2008.
In this paper, we propose a delegation transfer protocol [10] J. N. Luo, M. H. Yang, and P. Y. Hsu, “Enhanced
delegation transfer protocol for mobile RFID,” Proceedings
to allow offline readers to transfer their delegated
of Cryptology and Information Security Conference 2011,
authority to another authorized reader in the mobile RFID Yunlin, Taiwan.
environment. Our protocol is also designed to secure [11] D. Molnar, A. Soppera, and D. Wagner, “A scalable,
against certain network threats, such as replay attacks, delegatable pseudonym protocol enabling ownership
MITM attacks, DoS attacks in asynchronous update, transfer of RFID tags,” Proceedings of Selected Areas in
counterfeit tags, and guessing attacks. It can guarantee Cryptography, vol. 3897, pp. 276-290, 2005.
forward/backward secrecy, data privacy, and data privacy.



[12] K. Osaka, T. Takagi, K. Yamazaki, and O. Takahashi, “An Jia-Ning Luo holds a PhD degree in
efficient and secure RFID security method with ownership Computer Science of National Chiao
transfer,” Proceedings of International Conference on Tung University, Taiwan. He specializes
Computational Intelligence and Security, vol. 2, pp. in network security, operating systems,
1090-1095, 2006. network administration and network
[13] A. Poschmann, G. Leander, K. Schramm and C. Paar, “New programming. He is currently working
Light-Weight Crypto Algorithms for RFID,” Proceedings on NFC-based protocols; RFID
of International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (2007. ownership transfer; eWallet security.
ISCAS), pp. 1843-1846, 2007.
[14] M. H. Yang, and J. N. Luo, “Authentication protocol in
mobile RFID network,” Proceedings of the Fourth Ming-Hour Yang received his doctoral
International Conference on Systems (ICONS), pp. 108-113, degree in Computer Science & Info.
2009. Engineering at National Central
[15] M. H. Yang, “Controlled delegation protocol in mobile University, Taiwan. His research mainly
RFID networks,” EURASIP J. on Wireless focuses on network security and system
Communications and Networking 2010. doi: security with particular interests on
10.1155/2010/170150. security issues in RFID and NFC security
[16] M. H. Yang, “Across-authority lightweight ownership communication protocols. Topics
transfer protocol,” Electronic Commerce Research and include: mutual authentication protocols;
Applications, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 375-383, 2011. secure ownership transfer protocols; polymorphic worms;
tracing mobile attackers.



Secure Session Mobility using Hierarchical

Authentication Key Management in Next
Generation Networks
Muhammad Zubair and Xiangwei Kong
School of Information and Communication Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China

Saeed Mahfooz
Department of Computer Science, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan

Abstract—In this paper we propose a novel authentication MIP has an update version MIPv6 for NGNs which
mechanism for session mobility in Next Generation comprises several extensions such as Fast MIPv6,
Networks named as Hierarchical Authentication Key Seamless MIPv6, Hierarchical MIPv6, and Proxy MIPv6.
Management (HAKM). The design objectives of HAKM are The objective of these protocols is to handle the seamless
twofold: i) to minimize the authentication latency in NGNs;
mobility at the network layer. In order to consider
ii) to provide protection against an assortment of attacks
such as denial-of-service attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, mobility at application layer, SIP has been introduced,
guessing attacks, and capturing node attacks. In order to which has the potential of session, service, personal and
achieve these objectives, we combine Session Initiation terminal mobility [5] [6]. A number of approaches have
Protocol (SIP) with Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6) to been proposed in which SIP is integrated with the
perform local authentication for session mobility. The network layer mobility protocols such as SIP with
concept of group keys and pairwise keys with one way hash FMIPv6, Seamless MIPv6, and HMIPv6 [6-8]. These
function is employed to make HAKM vigorous against the approaches have tried to provide end-to-end
aforesaid attacks. The performance analysis and numerical communication by managing both network and session
results demonstrate that HAKM outperforms the existing
mobility together. A major contribution has made related
approaches in terms of latency and protection against the
abovementioned attacks. to QoS in these approaches. However, end-to-end
security is still a challenge. Several security mechanisms
Index Terms—Next Generation Networks; Hierarchical have been considered such as Internet Key Exchange
Authentication Key Management; Session Mobility; Version 2 (IKEv2), IPSec, AAA (Authentication,
Hierarchical Mobile IPv6; Authentication Latency Authorization, and Accounting) model, diameter protocol,
Fast authentication during handover in NGN, and so on.
These mechanisms are found to be unsuccessful in
providing end-to-end security. In IKEv2 the limitations of
Next Generation Networks (NGNs) offer the communication and computational overhead make it
availability of a variety of resources through accessing inefficient because of cryptographic operations and
heterogeneous technologies such as Global System for number of round trips [9]. The IPSec has the lack of end
Mobile Communications (GSM), Worldwide to end security due to termination of IPSec terminal at IP
Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), server not at the end point [10]. The existing solutions of
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), Code Division AAA model and diameter protocol are using security
Multiple Access (CDMA), Long-Term Evolution(LTE), association between two entities, which is considered not
and so on. The expectations of NGNs users are to obtain to be feasible during frequent handover in NGNs. It is
Always Best Connected (ABC) services in their mobile because the mobile node (MN) cannot be authenticated
devices [1] [2]. In order to achieve this goal, end-to-end directly by local AAA (LAAA) as it does not have
communication (real-time and non real-time IP services) enough information. The information is acquired from
needs to be established. Internet Engineering Task Force home AAA (HAA) which results severe security holes
(IETF) has proposed different protocols to maintain and latency related issues [11].
seamless mobility while establishing end-to-end In this paper we focus these issues and propose a novel
communication. Among these, Mobile Internet Protocol approach called Hierarchical Authentication Key
(MIP) is considered as the main protocol for mobility at Management (HAKM). Session initiation protocol (SIP)
the network layer [5], whereas Session Initiation Protocol is combined with HMIPv6 in this approach to handle the
(SIP) at the application layer [3] [4]. authentication in hierarchical manner. The main



contributions of our proposed scheme are to reduce the Protocol (SRTP) is used to encrypt and authenticate real-
authentication latency and provide defence against time transport protocol (RTP) packets. TLS/SRTP
denial-of-service attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, solution has been used to enhance the security in SIP. The
guessing attacks, and capturing node attacks. limitation with this approach is that when mobile node
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II (MN) moves across different networks, its IP address
depicts the related work and its shortcomings, whereas in changes which disconnect the TLS/SRTP sessions. To re-
Section III mobility protocols employed in HAKM are establish the session, delay is occurred due to the
briefly described. The algorithm of HAKM is explained exchange of several messages [10] [14] [15]. This greatly
in Section IV, followed by the strength of proposed affects the performance regarding SIP mobility.
scheme in Section V. The performance analysis and Additionally, the responsibility of SRTP was to protect
numerical results are presented in Section VI and VII RTP packets only. No solution is there to protect non-
respectively. Section VIII concludes the paper and RTP packets. Thus, the existing TLS/SRTP solution does
outlines the future work. not fulfil the security requirements for SIP in NGNs.
II. RELATED WORK D. AAA Model and Diameter Protocol
International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T) has To provide solution for the AAA problem regarding
designed security architecture in its recommendations the request which a network receives from mobile node
X.805 for offering end-to-end communication. The (MN) during its movement in foreign network, IETF has
architecture presents eight different directions in order to proposed AAA model [16-18] and diameter protocol [19].
achieve end-to-end security in NGNs. These dimensions Using AAA model four types of security associations
include access control, authentication, non- repudiation, (SAs) are used for sharing secret information among two
communication security, data integrity, data network entities. The MN must provide authentication
confidentiality, and privacy. Several approaches have information to the domain where it using resources while
been proposed to provide security in NGNs. We roaming. One of the key challenges related to mobility of
summarize the limitations in these existing approaches MN in conventional authentication mechanism is that
[12]. MN cannot share secret information with Local AAA
(LAAA) because of having no direct security association.
A. Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2) The LAAA sends the information to Home AAA (HAAA)
IKEv2 is a security protocol which has been used in server of MN and wait for reply because LAAA does not
HMIPv6 to offer secure association between mobile node have enough information to verify the authentication
(MN) and mobility anchor point (MAP). The limitation information of MN. This passing of information between
with this protocol is that it has certain communication and foreign and home network makes the authentication
computational overhead regarding involvement of inefficient. Additionally, the frequent handover of MN
cryptographic operations and requirement of number of between different domains is resulting the needs of
round trips. Especially, in remote access the use of authentication for MN each time. This causes severe
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) for problem when distance increases between home network
authentication increases the latency. When there is failure and foreign network [11].
of recovery condition, to re-establish security associations
E. Leakage Resilient-Authenticated Key Establishment
(SAs) is time consuming. Particularly, in the case of
IPsec peer because a huge number of SAs need to be re- LR-AKE scheme is proposed in [20], which is based
establishing with different end points. The user on the idea of public key infrastructure (PKI). PKI is
interaction for re-authentication through the re- providing prevention mechanism against all attacks but
establishment of an IKE SA also affected the usability [9]. its heavy cryptographic calculation is not suitable for
mobile devices. This limitation makes LR-AKE scheme
B. IPSec inefficient in mobile communication [11].
It was developed to offer security in Internet protocols.
F. Local Authentication Concept for Mobile Networks
The limitation with IPSec is that it has complex key
computation and management of algorithm. This A local authentication mechanism for mobile networks
complexity makes IPSec inefficient in mobile has been proposed in [21] to minimize the authentication
communication because of inadequate resources for delay. In this scheme when MN moves to foreign
calculation and limited lifetimes of battery in mobile network for the first time, the authentication request must
devices. Another major problem in IPSec is due to having be sent to the HAAA server. If there is a large distance
no support of end-to-end security in its existing between foreign network and home network server then
commercial products. It is because of the termination of the delay due to authentication will be long. Moreover, a
IPSec tunnel at the IPSec server, not at the final strong assumption has been made about a secrete key
communication correspondent [10]. which is pre-shared between MN and LAAA. But in
AAA model there is no such concept of security
C. TLS /SRTP association.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol is used to
protect SIP signalling [13], which is extensively adopted
commercially [10]. The Secure Real-time Transport



G. Authenticated Fast Handover in HMIPv6 MIP, and all the other mobility protocols are extensions
A scheme proposed in [22] is based on AAA model, in of MIP [25]. The mobility management protocol used for
which there is no security association between MN and the next generation of the IP is MIPv6. The limitations in
mobility anchor point (MAP). Therefore, MAP cannot MIPv6 are exchange of messages during frequent
authenticate MN, and asks AAAH through AAAF (AAA handover of MN. If HA is located far away from MN,
server at foreign network) to generate and send the then these messages are resulting extra delay, signalling
session key. If the distance is too long and frequent overhead, and security issues [26].
handover is taking place then it will result huge delay. In order to resolve these issues, HMIPv6 is used to
Moreover, on the basis of analysis made in [23] this handle the signals and traffic locally [27]. It has
approach is declared vulnerable to several attacks such as hierarchical structure which reduces the amount of
denial of service, malicious mobile node flooding and signalling exchange between distinct entities like HA,
replay attacks. MAP, MN, and resultant node (RN). HMIPv6 has
Mobility Anchor Point (MAP) at each region, which acts
H. Fast Authentication during Handover in NGN as local HA. MAP has been introduced in the updated
The fast authentication mechanism has been proposed RFC 5380, which have made HMIPv6 more efficient.
in [24] and it has been tried to reduce handover latency, Two types of addresses are used in HMIPv6, the first one
but the limitation of AAA still exists. When the MN is regional care of address (RCoA), and the second one is
moves from one access point to another, the information on-link care of Address (LCoA). Each region is
is sent to AAA server in core network which causes extra represented by RCoA, whereas LCoA is the address of
delay. Moreover no analysis and numerical results are the access router through which MN is connected with
presented to verify the efficiency of the proposed method. MAP [28] [29].
When MN initiates handover within the region, only its
III. HIERARCHICAL AUTHENTICATION KEY LCoA is changed at MAP. The change of LCoA means
MANAGEMENT that MN moving from one access router to another. Both
A novel approach Hierarchical Authentication Key HA and RN are unaware of the local handover. This
Management (HAKM) is proposed to secure session transparency helps in reducing delay, minimizing
mobility in NGNs. The proposed scheme uses the concept signalling overhead, and making the communication
of Combined SIP HMIPv6 [7] as shown in Fig.1, secure.
integrating two protocols such as Hierarchical Mobile If MN is moving from one region to another, it’s
IPv6 (HMIPv6) and Session Initiation Protocol. The RCoA is changed and updated at HA. The updated RCoA
combination is supplemented with QoS managers at both is then forwarded to RN in order to continue the
core network and each respective region to handle end - communication. HA and RN have the knowledge of
to-end QoS in NGNs. HAKM provides defence against MN's RCoA only.
various attacks such as denial of service (DoS) attacks, B. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
man-in-the-middle attacks, capturing node attacks, and
guessing attacks. Moreover, HAKM manages the SIP is a text based signalling protocol defined by the
authentication mechanism locally in order to reduce delay. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) [3]. It is an
The mobility protocols and QoS manager employed in application layer protocol, which can establish and tear
HAKM are briefly described as follows. down the multimedia sessions. Various entities like user
agents, proxy servers, redirect servers, and registrars are
used in SIP [29] [30]. User agent means both the ends
participate in the communication. Proxy servers can act
as both client and server, and its main functionality is
routing. It works as an intermediary entity to make the
request on behalf of other clients.
The main function of redirect server is to allow proxy
servers to direct the SIP session invitation to outside
regions. Registrar is a server used to accept REGISTER
requests for the registration of one or more IP addresses
to a certain SIP URL. It is commonly located with SIP
proxies, but it can be placed with redirect server for
network scalability [6] [26].
SIP support four types of mobility, these are terminal
Figure 1. Architecture of HAKM mobility, personal mobility, session mobility, and service
mobility. In order to establish session, the mobility is
performed in SIP at following two stages [31].
A. Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6)
Pre-call mobility: When MN obtains a new IP address
Various mobility protocols such as MIP, MIPv6, Fast before receiving or making call, it will register itself by
MIPv6, HMIPv6, and so on are used in wireless sending REGISTER message to SIP server connected
communication to access any network through several with MAP. The registrar in SIP server will register this
radio access methods. The parental mobility protocol is address.




Notation Definition Notation Definition
RCoA Regional Care of Address KG Group key between HA and MAP
LCoA On-Link Care of Address Kg Group key between MAP and MN
RK Region Key for each region Kgp Group key between Two MAPs’
RSK Region SubKEY Kgl Group key between MN and RN
RNHA ,RNMAP, RNMN Random Numbers created by HA, MAP and MN MAC Message Authentication Code
A collision-resistant cryptographic
SK Sub Key within regions H(·)
hash function
Ktemp Temporary session key ⊕ XOR operator
PK Pairwise Key || A concatenation operator

The INVITE message is sent by RN to SIP server for Before making into operational, HA utilizes RK and
making session with MN [31] [6]. SIP server in reply random number RN in order to create region subkey RSK
forwards the address of MN. RN communicates with MN = H (RK⊕RN). The HA then uses RSK and random
directly using INVITE message. When the Ok message numbers from R1 ~ Rn to generate a key chain for each
received from MN, it means the session is established MAP.
successfully. SK0 = H (RSK1⊕R1),
Mid-call mobility: If MN initiates the handover SK1 = H (RSK2⊕R2),
during ongoing session, then mid-call mobility is .
performed. MN send re-INVITE message to SIP proxy .
server, which is sent to RN. The RN replies with the .
200ok message to continue the session smoothly. SKn-2 = H (RSKn-1⊕Rn-1),
C. QoS Manager SKn-1 = H (RSKn⊕Rn)
Each MAP set unique key chain, RSK, and random
As NGNs are the combinations of heterogeneous numbers R1 ~ Rn from HA. Same hash function H (.) and
networks. Hence, managing this diverse nature of NGNs Ktemp is used in the hierarchy. The Ktemp is a temporary
is a challenging task. Further, if the goal is to enhance session key for all HA, MAP, and MN where as:
security in NGNs, then we have to shell out for this. Ktemp ≠ RK
Therefore, quality of service (QoS) cannot be ignored. To understand the proposed scheme effectively,
For this purpose, the proposed method includes QoS various notations are described in Table I.
manager, which handles QoS issues like bandwidth
management, reservation of resources, and network B. Authentication Phase
policies' implementation [6] [7]. Handovers of varied In order to authenticate different entities like MAP to
natures are also handled using this module. It makes sure HA, Mobile Node (MN) to MAP, and MAP to MAP,
that the resources are provided in advance when MN following stages are employed in HAKM.
initiates handover. 1) Authentication of MAP with HA
In our proposed method, QoS managers are employed i The HA broadcasts message that is “Hello Message”
at two levels. The first level consists of core QoS (CQoS) to the entire MAPs’ which includes:
manager, which handles QoS issues at the core network. HAID || Hello Message || IP address || {RNHA} Ktemp
CQoS manager is also responsible to provide resources Where as
upon the request made by any regional QoS manger due HAID = identity number of Home Agent,
to shortage of resources in its region. IP address = Address of Home Agent,
The second level comprises regional QoS (RQoS) RNHA = Random Number sent by HA
manager, used to manage the QoS issues in their Ktemp = temporary session key to encrypt RNHA
respective regions. RQoS managers of different regions ii The MAP receives hello message from HA and
coordinate with one another to establish seamless creates pairwise key using its Regional Care of Address
communication. (RCoA) and RNHA.
PK = {H (RNHA || RCoA)} Ktemp
MAP replies to HA using response message and
The step by step procedure of Hierarchical pairwise key. The message includes:
Authentication key Management is explained in HAID || response message || RCoA || {MAC (PK) ||
following different phases. RCoA} Ktemp
A. Initialization Phase iii When the HA receives response message and RCoA
from the MAP, then HA creates pairwise key.
The Home Agent (HA) creates a key chain of size M PK/ = {H (RNHA || RCoA)} Ktemp
before deploying the N Mobility Anchor Points (MAP) at A condition is checked after creating pairwise key by
various regions. The size of key chain in HA is greater HA which is IF (MAC (PK/) = MAC (PK)). If the
than key chain in MAP that is M>N. Home Agent (HA) condition is true then HA confirm that MAP is valid, and
selects unique key for each MAP, which is considered to if condition is false then HA reject response message.
be the region key (RK).



iv If condition becomes true, then Home Agent (HA) requesting MAP is valid or not. Suppose MAP1 wants to
transmit the group key KG for connection between HA communicate with MAP2, the authentication is
and MAP using pairwise key. Furthermore, the future performed using following steps.
messages are encrypted by KG and the format of the new
key message is presented below.
HA (ID) ||RCoA || {KG} PK
The flow of MAP authentication with HA is shown in
Fig. 2.

Figure 3. Authentication of MN with MAP

i The MAP1 sends Hello Message to MAP2. The

message consist of:
RCoA (MAP1) || Hello Message || RCOA (MAP2) ||
{RNMAP1} Ktemp
ii When MAP2 receives message from MAP1, a
Figure 2. Authentication of MAP with Home Agent (HA)
pairwise key is created by MAP2.
2) Authentication of MN with MAP PK = {H (RNMAP1 || RCoA (MAP2))} Ktemp
When the MN wants to make a connection with MAP, In order to reply MAP1, MAP2 sends response
first it needs to be authenticated to check that whether it message which is consist of:
is valid or not. Following steps need to be followed to RCoA (MAP1) || response message|| RCoA (MAP2) ||
authenticate the MN with MAP. {MAC (PK) ||RCoA (MAP2)} Ktemp
i Mobility Anchor Point (MAP) broadcasts “hello iii On arrival of response message and RCoA (MAP2),
message” to the Access Routers (ARs) which comprises the MAP1 creates pairwise key for the validity of MAP2.
of: PK/ = {H (RNMAP1 || RCoA (MAP2))} Ktemp
RCoA || Hello Message || {RNMAP} Ktemp The condition IF (MAC (PK/) = MAC (PK)) is checked.
ii The Access Routers (ARs) receive hello message If it is true, it means MAP2 is valid and if the condition is
from many MAPs’, and connect the MN with the MAP false, MAP1 rejects MAP2.
having strong signals. A pairwise key is created using its iv When MAP1confirms that MAP2 is valid, then a
own LCoA and RNMAP transmitted by MAP. group key Kgp using pairwise key is sent to MAP2 for
PK = {H (RNMAP || LCoA)} Ktemp future messaging. The new key message includes:
Response message is sent to MAP having strong signal RCoA (MAP1) || RCoA (MAP2) || {Kgp} PK
in order to authenticate MN with MAP. The message The flow of authentication between two MAPs is
includes: shown in Fig. 4.
RCoA || response message || LCoA || {MAC (PK) ||
LCoA} Ktemp
iii When MAP receives the response message and
LCoA, it creates pairwise key to check that MN is valid
or not.
PK/ = {H (RNMAP || LCoA)} Ktemp
After creating pairwise key, the condition IF (MAC
(PK/) = MAC (PK)) is checked. If it is true the MAP
confirms that MN is valid otherwise rejected.
iv When condition is true and to encrypt the
succeeding messages, a group key Kg is sent by MAP to
MN using pairwise key. The format of new key message
is mentioned below.
RCoA || LCoA || {Kg} PK
The flow of MN authentication with MAP is shown in Figure 4. Authentication between two MAPs’
Fig. 3.
3) Authentication between Two MAPs
C. Secure Session Mobility
For the communication between two MAPs, first the
authentication should be performed whether the In order to establish the session between MN and RN,
two types of mobility are focused. At the beginning of a



communication when session is established, it refers to vi With the validity of RN and session establishment,
pre-call mobility. During MN movement, if the handover MN sends group key Kgl encrypted with PK to RN for
is initiated, then mid-call mobility is applied to maintain secure messaging in future. The message consist of:
the session smoothly. LCoA (RN) || LCoA (MN) || {Kgl} PK
In both types of mobility security is an important factor The flow of authentication in pre-call mobility is
to be considered. Our proposed scheme presents an shown in Fig. 5.
invulnerable mechanism to maintain the security either at For the case when RN located outside MN region, the
the start of session or at the middle of a session. MAP of MN forward the INVITE message to SIP server
at Home Agent. SIP server replies with RCoA of RN.
The MAP of MN makes the connection with MAP of RN
using proper authentication, and forward INVITE
message to SIP server at RN region. After receiving
LCoA of RN, the MN establishes session and
authenticates it using pairwise key. A group key is used
for future messaging between RN and MN.
2) Mid-call Mobility Authentication
During ongoing session, when MN initiates handover
within same region or from one region to another, a
smooth session is established before breaking the
previous one. This session establishment during
movement refers to mid-call mobility. In order to
maintain security during mid-call mobility, following
steps are performed.
Figure 5. Pre-call mobility authentication
i MN sends re-INVITE message to RN encrypted with
1) Pre -call Mobility Authentication group key Kgl. The message includes:
Here pre-call mobility authentication is considered for LCoA (RN) || {MAC (re-INIVITE message)} Kgl ||
the case when MN wants to communicate with RN, and LCoA (MN)
both located at the same region. Following steps need to ii After receiving re-INVITE message, RN sends the
be performed while establishing secure pre-call mobility. following message to continue the smooth
i MN sends INVITE message to SIP server connected communication.
with MAP. The message is encrypted with group key that LCoA (MN) || {MAC (200ok message)} Kgl || LCoA
is Kg. The message includes: (RN)
RCoA || {MAC (Invite message)} Kg || LCoA If any node moving outside of the region during
Whereas RCoA is the Regional Care of address of ongoing session, its new RCoA and LCoA is
MAP to which MN and SIP server are connected. LCoA authenticated first and then mid-call mobility is
is on-Link Care of Address of MN. performed.
ii The SIP server sends the address of RN which is also V. STRENGTH OF HAKM AGAINST ATTACKS
encrypted with Kg. Here the RN belongs to same region,
so the LCoA of RN is sent to MN. The message from SIP The security can be breached by an outsider node
server to MN includes: which has lack of knowledge about the Keys in the key
LCoA || {MAC (LCoA (RN))}Kg || RCoA chain or about pairwise keys. It can be a node, which is
iii MN directly communicates with RN by sending captured by an attacker and act as an internal node.
INVITE message for establishing session. The message Our proposed scheme focuses the possible attacks that
comprises random number RNMN to create pairwise key can be made by an attacker. These attacks are discussed
and checks that whether the RN is valid. here such as denial of service (DoS) attacks, man-in-the-
LCoA (RN) ||Invite message ||LCoA (MN) || {RNMN} middle attacks, capturing node attacks, and guessing
Ktemp attacks.
iv In response to MN INVITE message, RN creates A. Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
pairwise key that is PK = {H (RNMN || LCoA (RN))} Ktemp. The common attacks which are considered in networks
RN sends Ok message to MN which includes: are denial of service attacks in which the malicious entity
LCoA (MN) ||Ok message || LCoA (RN) || {MAC (PK) makes a service unavailable to the intended users. The
|| LCoA (RN)} Ktemp attackers can make the services unavailable such as
v When MN receives Ok message, it creates pairwise occupying the network available bandwidth, CPU power
key using its own random number and LCoA of RN. consumption, occupying memory in the server, and
PK/= {H (RNMN || LCoA (RN))} Ktemp network equipments without proper authorization.
A condition is checked that is IF (MAC (PK) = MAC In our proposed scheme, defence mechanism is
(PK/)). The result with true indicates that RN is valid presented against DoS. It is due to the use of MAC and
node and a secure session is established. The result with one- way hash function in which the HA, MAP, MN and
false prevents the MN to establish session with invalid RN exchange messages without expecting any
node. acknowledgment. If an attacker tries to stop the message



from reaching to the nodes, the HA, MAP, and MN are Two types of mobility models such as fluid-flow and
unaware of this. random-walk models [32] [33] are used for the analysis
of HAKM. Fluid-flow model is suitable for the users
B. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
moving with erratic speed, high mobility, and changing
Man-in-the-middle attacks are considered as a category of directions. Whereas, random-walk model is
of eavesdropping in which the malicious entity appropriate for mobility of pedestrian users having small
establishes autonomous connection with the nodes and geographical area such as residential area or campus.
takes over the control to handle all the messages between 2
MN and RN. Both MN and RN think that they are 2 2
directly communicating with one another through a 2 1 2
private connection. However, in real an attacker makes 1 1
them fool and controlled all their details. 2 0 2
The proposed scheme uses pairwise keys and group 1 1
keys between all the entities like HA, MAP, MN, and RN 2 1 2
in a hierarchical manner. Therefore, if malicious entity 2 2
has no knowledge about the pairwise keys or group keys, 2
it still cannot make this attack. An attacker cannot
eavesdrop and even cannot make changes in the message. Figure 6. Mobility models structure
Thus, man-in-the-middle attack does not have any
influence on NGNs using this scheme. 1) Fluid-flow Model
The MN roaming within a MAP region is spread in the
C. Capturing Node Attacks
range of (0, 2  ) using fluid-flow model. Let S be the
As NGNs are mixture of heterogeneous networks, average speed of MN (m/s), r the cell radius, d the
preventing this type of attack is very difficult. The density of the user in a cell, Pa, Pb the perimeters of cell
attacker can try to obtain some material of the Ktemp and and MAP region with N circles, and Ca, Cb represent
pairwise key from any node using the capturing node region crossing rates. These are represented in (2) and (3).
attacks. In our proposed scheme the Ktemp is only used to
create pairwise key in each hierarchy and then discarded. d  S  Pa d  S  (6r )
Ca   (2)
Different pairwise keys are used in each hierarchy.  
Therefore based on characteristics of pairwise keys, if the
adversary captured any node and try to obtain its internal
d  S  Pb d  S  (12C  6)r
material and harm other nodes, it cannot be happened. Cb   (3)
 
D. Guessing Attacks
Guessing attacks are considered an important attack in 2) Random-walk Model
In random-walk model the upcoming position of MN
any security system. Suppose that a malicious entity can
get data or information related to keys in NGNs. The key is calculated by its preceding position in addition with the
can also be guessed using public information. In our value of random variable drawn from an arbitrary
proposed scheme, the key at each hierarchy is changed at distribution. It is assumed that the current position of MN
in a cell of circle “c”, the probability of moving ahead to
regular intervals. Furthermore, different group keys and
pairwise keys are used at each hierarchy to encrypt another cell of circle “c+1” or backward to a cell of circle
messages, so guessing attack cannot infect this system. “c-1” are represented in (3) and (4).
1 1
3 6c
A. Analytical Authenticated Mobility Models
The hexagonal structure shown in Fig. 6 is used for our 1 1
P  (c )   (5)
authenticated mobility models. The structure shows an 3 6c
example of MAP region which is composed of cells
surrounded by circles of cells. Every region consists of C The probability of MN staying in current cell and
circles of the same size. The inner most cell at the centre moving to another cell is assumed k and 1-k respectively.
is represented by “0” surrounded by circle having cell Pc, c+1 = (1-k) if c = 0,
denoted by “1”. Similarly the no “2” represents cells in
circle 2 and it is also assumed that each cell is managed 1 1 
by one access router. The total number of cells up to Pc ,c 1  (1  k )     if 1  c  C (6)
circle C in a MAP region is represented in following  3 6c 
1 1 
C Pc ,c 1  (1  k )     if 1  c  C (7)
N (C )   6c  1  3C (C  1)  1 (1)  3 6c 
c 1




Protocols MR & CoA Config. Authentication Delay BU delay Packet Delay Total Delay
MIPv6 T (MR & NAC) 3 (TMH + THR) 2 (TMH + THR) (TMH + THR) T (MR & NAC) + 6TMH + 6THR)
FMIPv6 T (MR & NAC) 3 (TMH + THR) - TMH + 2THR T (MR & NAC) + 4TMH + 5THR
SMIPv6 T (MR & NAC) 3 (TMH + THR) TMR TMR T (MR & NAC) + 3TMH + 3THR + 2TMR

Equations (6) and (7) represent the transition When new CoA is configured, then authentication is
probability from the state c to c+1 or c-1. performed which at least 1.5 round trip delay needs
Assuming  c , C is a steady- state probability of state c between the MN and RN [6]. The total delay for
inside a MAP region of C circles. The  c , C is represented authentication is represented as follows.
in (8) using the transition probabilities. TA  3(TMH  THR)
c 1 The delay for BU request and reply is shown below.
Pi , i  1
 c, C   0, C  (8) TBU  2(TMH  THR)
i 0 Pi  1, i
After authentication and BU, the delay for Packet
As Markov chain property states that the summation of delivery is:
all the steady-state probabilities is equal to 1, so the  0, C TPD  (TMH  THR)
is represented as: Thus, the total delay from start of the handover to the
successfully delivery of packet is represented as follows.
 0, C  C c 1
T T  3(T  T )  2(T  T )  (T  T )
Pi , i  1
1  

c 1 i  0 Pi  1, i TD  T (MR& NAC)  6(TMH  THR )

4) Latency in FMIPv6
B. Latency Analysis
The delays for movement detection, CoA configuration,
The performance of the HAKM is compared with the and authentication are same like in MIPv6. But the delays
authentication mechanism in MIPv6, Fast MIPv6, and for binding updates and packet delivery are different
SMIPv6. In Fig. 1, the architecture of proposed approach which are computed below.
is shown, in which MN wants to communicate with RN. During the handover procedure there is no BU
The delay between MN and HA, HA and resultant node, procedure in FMIPv6, so it is not considered. The delay
MN and MAP, MAP to MAP, access routers, and MAP for delivery of packets to new location of MN is
to RN is represented by TMH, THR, TMM, TM-M, TArAr and increased as compared to MIPv6 and HMIPv6. The
TMR respectively. reason is packet is forwarded to AR1 firstly and then
When handover is initiated the following steps are again relays to AR2 during the movement of MN from
performed for the successful communication between AR1 to AR1. Hence the delay for packet delivery is
MN and RN. expressed below.
Movement recognition (MR) and new CoA TPD  TMH  THR  TArAr
configuration (T (MR & NAC)) If HA is aggregator router, then TArAr is:
Authentication (TA) TArAr  THR
Binding Update (TBU) TPD  TMH  THR  THR
Packet Delivery (TPD) Therefore,
The total delay is the sum of the time durations for the
above four steps. TD  T (MR& NAC)  3(TMH  THR )  TMH  THR  THR
TD  T (MR& NAC)  4TMH  5THR
TD  T ( MR & NAC )  TA  TBU  TPD (10)
5) Latency in SMIPv6
3) Latency in MIPv6
In SMIPv6, the MN detects its movement using router
The MN in MIPv6 discovers its movement through
solicitation or router advertisement when it predicts to
router solicitation or router advertisement when it enters
enter into new subnet. The MN then configures its new
new subnet. The new CoA is configured by MN using
CoA, employs DAD to automatically generate unique
prefix information in router advertisement. For the
addresses and remove the requirement of validating
verification of unique new CoA, Duplicate Address
uniqueness of new addresses. The delays for movement
Detection (DAD) is used. The delay for detecting
detection and new CoA are calculated as:
movement and new CoA gaining is represented in
T (MR& NAC)  TS  TRAdv  TDAD
following formula.
The authentication latency is represented as:
T ( MR & NAC )  TS  TRAdv  TDAD
TA  3(TMH  THR)
Where, TS represent delay for router solicitation
TRAdv represent delay for router advertisement The delay for BU is calculated as:
TDAD represent delay for DAD. TBU  TMR
The delay for packet delivery is computed as:



TPD  TMR strongly protects the communication between MN and

The total delay is represented in following equation. RN against the above mentioned attacks.
Figs. 7, 8, and 9 demonstrate the relationship between
TD  T (MR& NAC)  3(TMH  THR)  TMR  TMR
(13) authentication latency and average velocity of user for
TD  T (MR& NAC)  3TMH  3THR  2TMR MAP region. The results in Figs. 7 and 8 are using
random-walk model. The stay of MN in current region
6) Latency in HAKM
results the lower latency and less likely to move between
In our proposed approach HMIPv6 is used which
regions. In Fig. 7 the authentication latency is obtained
manages the authentication and traffic locally, and delay
for handover within region.
is reduced to handsome amount. The delays for detection
of movement, CoA configuration and packet delivery are
same like MIPv6, but the delays for authentication and
binding updates are different which are calculated below.
As the authentication is handled locally, so the
problem of round trip delay is resolved in HMIPv6. Thus,
the delay for authentication is expressed as:
As the MN moves and its mobility is handled locally,
so the BU delay is significantly reduced which is
represented below.
The delay for packet delivery is expressed as:
Therefore, the total calculated delay in proposed
Figure 7. Authentication latency during handover within region
method is shown as follows.
TD  T (MR& NAC)  TMM  TMR  TMM  TMM  TMR Fig. 8 shows the authentication latency when the MN
(14) moves from one region to another. The results reveal that
TD  T (MR& NAC)  2TMR  3TMM
HAKM is quite efficient and having less latency as
The comparison in Table II demonstrates that the delay compared to MIPv6 , FMIPv6, and SMIPv6.
calculated in HAKM is greatly reduced which makes it
efficient as compared to MIPv6, FMIPv6, and SMIPv6.
In this section we present the numerical results of
HAKM and its comparison with MIPv6, FMIPv6, and
SMIPv6. The OPNET simulation tool is used to obtain
numerical results. NGNs environment is deployed
consisting of heterogeneous networks such as core
network, WiMAX, TDMA based network, WLAN and
simple voice network. The common parameters set for
the simulation are shown in Table III.


Network size 2000m*2000m Figure 8. Authentication latency during handover from one region to
Wired bandwidth 1Gb/s another
Wireless link bandwidth 100Mb/s
Packet size I Kb
Moving speed 5-45m/s, 10-90m/s for fast moving
Packet rate 150 packets/s
Processing time (tProc) 5 ms
handover latency of layer 2 10 ms
Simulation time 400s
In our proposed scheme each region comprises of
MAP, RQoS manager, SIP server, and also equipped with
HAKM mechanism. The mobility and authentication is
handled locally which reduce the latency to great extent.
Moreover attacks like denial-of-service attacks, man-in-
the-middle attacks, guessing attacks, and capturing node
attacks are performed to check the strength of HAKM.
The results demonstrate that the proposed scheme Figure 9. Authentication latency during fast movement



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Congestion Control Strategy for Opportunistic

Network Based on Message Values
Deng-yin Zhang 1, 2*, Min Yang 2, and Lei Cui 2
1. Sci-tech Park of Internet of Things, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210003, China
2. College of Telecommunication and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
Nanjing 210003, China
*Corresponding author, Email:,,

Abstract—To solve the congestion problem in opportunistic congestion prevention, (b) flow control, (c) buffer space
networks, a congestion control strategy based on message management.
deleting and transferring(DATM) is proposed. The Congestion prevention strategy has too much
congested node calculates the storage value of each message limitation and is not flexible enough since it limits the
according to the forwarding probability and TTL of message,
mobility of the nodes. Flow control strategy adopts multi-
then deletes the message with the minimum storage value
and transfers the message with the minimum forwarding path routing method. When the nodes in primary path are
probability to neighboring nodes. The neighboring nodes congested, the backup path is used to transmit messages
calculate the receiving value of the message according to the to relieve the congestion. But it just distributes the
forwarding probability and free buffer capacity of this dataflow and the data that causes the congestion is not
message. The congested node transfers the message to the reduced. Most congestion control algorithms for
neighboring node with the maximum receiving value. The opportunistic network are based on buffer space
message will be deleted when there is no neighboring node management strategy. When congestion occurs, some
to receive it. The algorithm is more targeted at deleting messages are selected to be dropped or migrated. The
messages. Besides, it combines the strategy of transferring
drop policy includes Drop-front, Drop-last, Drop-oldest
message. Therefore, it can deal with the congestion more
efficiently. The message arrival rate is improved and Drop-youngest and so on. Some methods based on
significantly and the end-to-end delay is also reduced to message migrating are also proposed [7]. But dropping
some extent. and migrating message at the same time has not been
considered. Several congestion control strategies are
Index Terms—Opportunistic Network; Storage Value; analyzed in Section II and a new congestion control
Receiving Value; Congestion Control algorithm based on message deleting and transferring
(DATM) which is more suitable for opportunistic
I. INTRODUCTION network is proposed and simulated.

Opportunistic networks are sparse multi-hop ad hoc II. TYPICAL CONGESTION CONTROL STRATEGY
networks in which nodes exploit any pair-wise contact The congestion control mechanism can be divided into
opportunities to share and forward messages. It develops two kinds: passive and positive. The positive method
from the Delay Tolerant Network (DTN). Unlike the adopts access control to avoid network congestion at the
store-and-forward mechanism in MANET, the starting position while the passive method involves
opportunistic network adopts store-carry-and-forward reserving buffer space, denying new messages when the
mode to transmit messages [1, 2, 3]. The current node buffer space is full and dropping non-custody-message to
will store messages and wait for the appropriate save custody-message. Considering the characteristics of
opportunity to forward them to the destination node as the opportunistic network, the passive congestion control
node moves. Since the buffer capacity of the node is strategy is more suitable. The passive congestion control
limited, the unfair load distribution and the unrestricted methods are as follows:
volumes of traffic will lead to the buffer capacity
saturated, which in turn leads to the congestion, and the A. Drop and Refuse-to-Receive Message Strategy
performance of the network is severely degraded due to RTRM (Refuse to Receive Message) algorithm
congestion [4, 5, 6]. proposed in [8] refuses to receive new message when
Currently, studies on opportunistic network mostly congestion occurs. It relieves the congestion to some
focus on the routing protocol and researches on the extent, but simply refusing to receive messages without
congestion control are not enough. In fact, congestion evaluating the importance of them may lead to the
control strategy for opportunistic network is based on message retransmission of the upstream node and result
DTN congestion control strategy, and there are three in an increase of end-to-end delay. The TTL of messages
categories of DTN congestion control strategy: (a) may get expired and then messages be dropped. The
RTRM method works well when the free buffer space of



the last-hop node is large enough. But if the buffer space the data of the congested node should be transferred to
of upstream nodes is restricted and new messages other nodes. Meanwhile, some data should be deleted to
continue to arrive, this method can easily cause the buffer reduce the dataflow of the whole network. So when
space exhausted and lead to the congestion of the node. dealing with the congested node, flow distribution and
Therefore, the performance of this strategy is poor. flow restriction should be taken into consideration at the
same time. For a certain node in opportunistic network, if
B. Dynamic Management of the Message Copies
its encounter probability with the destination node is high,
Based on the Spray-and-wait algorithm, DA-SW the encounter probability of its neighboring node with the
(Density-Aware Spray-and-wait) algorithm [9] is same destination is high as well. So when a node is
proposed. It dynamically calculates the number of congested, we can transfer some messages to their
message copies according to the expected delay. A node neighboring node for later forwarding to the destination
calculates its current connectivity when it needs to send a node and messages are deleted only if there is no
message, thus determines the exact number of copies appropriate neighboring node to restore them. In this
needed to lead to some expected delay. But this work paper, a congestion control algorithm, which combines
does not consider some other resource constraints such as message deleting and message transferring, based on the
node buffers, bandwidth and energy consumption. encounter probability transferring routing protocol is
C. Congestion Control Strategy Based on Message proposed.
When the congestion occurs, a node will transfer some MESSAGE VALUES
messages to its neighboring nodes. The neighboring node
The moving of nodes in opportunistic network isn’t
can adopt two different strategies for further processing:
random but limited by time and space. They may move
storage-and-forward the message [10] or retrieve the
frequently in some areas. Therefore, for a certain node, if
transferred message after the congestion is released. SR
its encounter probability with the destination node is high,
(Storage Routing) is proposed in [7], an algorithm that
its neighboring node’s encounter probability [11] with the
transfers some messages to neighboring nodes when the
destination is high as well. So when the node is congested,
congestion happens and retrieves the messages to their
we can transfer some messages to their neighboring node
original path for later forwarding when the congestion is
for later forwarding to the destination node.
released. Therefore, SR should determine which message
The proposed DATM is a set of algorithms invoked at
to transfer, when to transfer and which neighboring node
an opportunistic network router when congestion occurs
to transfer to. All these need some algorithms to realize,
(i.e., storage capacity is full). It includes the Congested
such as message selecting, neighboring nodes selecting
Node Processing algorithm and Neighboring Node
and message retrieving and so on. There may be a better
Processing algorithm, which will be further discussed in
chance for a message to be forwarded when it is
this section. When congestion occurs, the congested node
transferred to a neighboring node. But this storage-
determines a set of messages for deletion and another set
routing based strategy is suitable for messages with single
of messages for migration. Meanwhile, the neighboring
copy, and it is unable to be applied to opportunistic
nodes determine whether to receive the transferred
network since the messages in this network have many
message and give a response to the congested node. If the
copies. Moreover, in opportunistic network, the link
neighboring nodes refuse to receive the transferred
between nodes is more easily to break down than those in
message, it will be deleted. The flow of the proposed
DTN and the link is unpredictable, so the retrieval of the
algorithm is shown in Fig. 1.
migrated messages is difficult. Therefore, the migration A node is congested
and retrieval strategy used in SR is not suitable for
Congested Node Processing
opportunistic network. Algorithm: determine which
messages to delete or transfer

D. Congestion Control Based on Service Level Messages needed to be

transferred: send request message
Actually, different transmission services have different to neighboring nodes

demands on delay, and they may have different service

levels due to the difference of payments. So the Neighboring Node Processing No
Algorithm: determine whether to
Congestion Control Algorithm based on Service Level is receive the transferred message

proposed. It defines the priority of the message, thus Yes

ensuring the service quality of high priority services. Neighboring nodes send response
When a node is congested, it stores the message of high to the congested node

priority services and transfers the message of low priority The congested node

services to neighboring nodes. receive the response?

In opportunistic network, the link between nodes is Yes

The congested node transfer the
more easily to break down than those in DTN. Besides, message to the neighboring node

since the link is unpredictable, it is difficult to adopt The congested node delete
the transferred message
multi-path mechanism to bypass the congested node
when the congestion appears. When a node is congested, End

the data flow should be transferred bypass this node and Figure 1. Flow chart of the proposed DTAM



A. Message Processing of the Congested Node probability to transfer to neighboring nodes. Neighboring
nodes will transfer these messages to other nodes
according to the forwarding probability. By this means,
we can improve the message arrival rate and reduce the
Figure 2. The communication of nodes when congestion occurs end-to-end delay.
When selecting the neighboring node, we should
As shown in Fig. 2, the solid line between nodes consider the forwarding probability and the free buffer
indicates that the nodes can communicate with each other capacity. Firstly, we choose the neighboring node with
while the dotted line indicates they cannot communicate. high forwarding probability of the transferred message.
Suppose that there is a message M0 sent from node S to Because the higher the probability of the message, the
node D. When node C is congested, it cannot store any more likely it will be forwarded to the destination by this
new message, so M0 cannot be forwarded by C and A to node. When the free buffer capacity of the neighboring
arrive D. In this case, congestion control strategy is node is small, the node will be congested if it stores the
invoked and node C will delete the message with the transferred message. Then the neighboring node should
minimum storage value and transfer the message with the adopt congestion control algorithm to delete and transfer
minimum transferring probability. message, which will cause the waste of the network and
Assume that node C selects M1 to delete and M2 to affect the transmission of other messages. To avoid this,
transfer. we should take both the forwarding probability and free
1) Select Message to Delete buffer space of the neighboring node into consideration.
The opportunistic network adopts the redundancy Before transferring a message, node C will broadcast a
strategy and there are many copies of each message, so transfer request. We set the TTL of the broadcast message
deleting a message does not lead to the retransmission of as 1, which means it just broadcast the request to
it. We take the forwarding probability and TTL value of neighboring nodes within one hop. This request message
the node into consideration when selecting the message to can be used to inquire the receiving value of the message
delete. of the neighboring nodes. After receiving the response
If the forwarding probability of a message is small, message, node C chooses the neighboring node with the
there is little chance that it will be forwarded by the maximum receiving value and transfers M2 to this node.
congested node. And the small TTL value means the If there is no response from any neighboring node, which
message has lived in the network for a long time, thus the means all the neighboring nodes are congested or the
copies of it are more likely to be forwarded to the storage value of the neighboring nodes for this message is
destination node and it is unnecessary to keep the little, and the message should be deleted immediately.
message in the node. Therefore, the smaller forwarding Algorithm1. Congested Node Processing
probability is and the smaller the TTL is, the less the Step 1: The congested node calculates the storage
storage value will be. If a message is of little storage value of each message and deletes the message with the
value, it will be deleted by the congested node. minimum storage value.
Definition1. Message storage value is the indicator of Step 2: The congested node transfers the message with
the importance of message to congested nodes. It can the minimum forwarding probability to its neighboring
determine whether a message is worthy of storage in the nodes.
node. It is calculated by forwarding probability and TTL Step 3: The congested node broadcasts transfer request
value. The formula is as followed: message to its neighboring nodes and gets their receiving
values of the message. If there is no response from any
TTLremain neighboring node, go to Step5.
SVM= α * P(C,D) + (1 -α) * (1)
TTLinit Step 4: The congested node selects the neighboring
node with the maximum receiving value according to the
where SVM is the storage value of M, D is the destination responses and transfers the chosen message to this
node of M, P(C, D) is the encounter probability of node C neighboring node.
and node D, TTLremain is the remaining living time of M1, Step 5: The congested node deletes this message.
TTLinit is the initial living time of M, α is the weight of The flow of the algorithm is shown in Fig. 3.
encounter probability. In this case, if M1 is the message
with the minimum storage value, it will be deleted by B. Message Processing of Neighboring Node
node C. The neighboring node judges whether its own buffer
2) Select Message to Transfer space can meet the requirements and calculates the
When node C is congested, we choose M2, whose storage value of the transferred message according to
forwarding probability is the smallest, as the transferring formula (1). If the storage value of the transferred
message. Assume that M2 is forwarded from the source message is smaller than the minimum storage value in the
node S and its destination node is D. The higher the neighboring node, the process is over. Otherwise, the
forwarding probability is, the more likely the message neighboring node will calculate the receiving value of the
will be forwarded to the node D by node C, on the transferred message and return this value to the congested
contrary, the smaller the forwarding probability is, the node.
less likely it will be forwarded by node C to arrive at D. The reply message from the neighboring node to the
So we choose messages with the minimum forwarding congested node involves receiving value field, which



represents the storage value of the transferred node in the Step 2: Calculate the storage value of M2, SV (M2),
neighboring node. If the forwarding probability of the according to formula (1).
transferred message in the neighboring node is high and Step 3: If SV (M2) is smaller than the smallest storage
the buffer space of the neighboring node is large, the value in the neighboring node, go to step 7.
neighboring node is more likely to receive the transferred Step 4: Calculate the receiving value, RV (M2), of this
message. message according to formula (2).
Node C is Step 5: Reply a message to the congested node.
Step 6: Node C transfer M2 to the neighboring node
whose RV(M2) is the largest.
Node C Select M2, whose Step 7: End.
caculate forwarding
SV(M) of each probability is The flow of the algorithm is shown in Fig. 4.
message smallest


M1,whose neighboring nodes
for their
SV(M) is the
receiving value of
In this section we compare the performance of the
proposed DATM with Drop-oldest, Drop-front, RTRM
Transfer M2 to Y Receive
the neighboring response from (Refuse to Receive Message) algorithm [8] according to
node with the neighboring
largest RV(M2) nodes?
arrival rate, end-to-end delay and communication
overhead under different buffer sizes or different network
sizes in the ONE [12] simulator. The routing protocol we
Node C delete M2
use is Spray and Focus (SF) routing. We assume that
there are three different nodes that may generate and
receive messages. They are pedestrians, cars and trams.
End The size of the map is 4500m×3400m.The main
simulation environment parameters are listed in Table 1.
Figure 3. The flowchart of algorithm1
Node N
Pedestrian Car Tram
Speed(m/s) 0.5~1.5 2.7~13.9 7~10
Bsfree>Packet_Size Message size(Kb) 500 500 500
Message interval(s) 25~35 25~35 25~35
Buffer size(M) 1~10 1~10 5
Caculate storage
value SV(M2) of M2 TTL(h) 2 2 2
Number of nodes 60 30 30
Smaller than the minimum Y
A. The parameter values
N storage value of
node N? Firstly, we determine the value of α and β. We observe
Caculate the change of arrival rate as α and β increase from 0 to 1
respectively. When the arrival rate is the highest, α and β
Send reply to get the optimum value. We use SF routing algorithm in
node the simulation.
Assume β is 0.5, the arrival rate is shown in Table 2.
It is seen from Table 2, when α is 0.7 or 0.8, the arrival
rate is the highest, but 0.7 in most cases. So we set α =0.7.
Figure 4. The flowchart of algorithm 2 Assume α is 0.5, the arrival rate is shown in Table 3.
It is seen from Table 3, when β is 0.8, the arrival rate is
Definition 2. Message receiving value reflects the the highest. So we set β= 0.8.
value of neighboring nodes receiving messages. It is
calculated by the forwarding probability on reply B. Simulation and Analysis
message of neighboring nodes and TTL value. The Fig. 5 shows the message arrival rate of the four
formula is as followed: algorithms as the buffer size changes from 1M to 10M.
Generally, the arrival rate is increasing as the buffer size
BS free increases. RTRM refuses to receive new message when
RV(M) =β* P(N, D)+(1 – β)* (2)
BS total the node is congested and thus some important messages
may be refused without evaluation. And the message can
where RVM is the storage value of M, D is the destination be deleted only when the node encounters with the
node of M, P(N, D) is the encounter probability of node N destination node or its TTL becomes 0. So the arrival rate
and node D, BSfree is the free buffer space, BStotal is the of this strategy is the lowest and it is affected so greatly
total buffer space, β is the weight of encounter probability. when the buffer space is small that few messages can
Algorithm 2. Neighboring Node Processing arrive at the destination node. Drop-front just deletes
Step 1: Determine whether the free buffer space BSfree messages early stored in the buffer space without judging
can meet the requirement of Packet Size, if not, go to their forwarding probability and TTL. So the deletion is




1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M 7M 8M 9M 10M
R(α =0) 0.2105 0.2862 0.382 0.4558 0.515 0.5626 0.5913 0.63 0.6378 0.648
R(α =0.1) 0.2149 0.2917 0.4012 0.4739 0.5414 0.5825 0.6274 0.6608 0.6632 0.6756
R(α =0.2) 0.2208 0.3051 0.4135 0.4836 0.561 0.5997 0.6453 0.685 0.6814 0.7046
R(α =0.3) 0.2273 0.3108 0.4285 0.5005 0.5719 0.6106 0.6539 0.6903 0.7046 0.7132
R(α =0.4) 0.2332 0.3179 0.4364 0.5127 0.5883 0.6235 0.6606 0.7033 0.7157 0.729
R(α =0.5) 0.2383 0.3203 0.4475 0.5274 0.601 0.6539 0.6814 0.7107 0.7266 0.7411
R(α =0.6) 0.2419 0.3239 0.4621 0.5418 0.6132 0.6524 0.6936 0.7193 0.7332 0.7531
R(α =0.7) 0.2442 0.3214 0.4744 0.5531 0.6176 0.6669 0.6994 0.727 0.7455 0.7632
R(α =0.8) 0.2442 0.3396 0.4622 0.5428 0.6064 0.6446 0.701 0.7234 0.74 0.7563
R(α =0.9) 0.2357 0.3219 0.4518 0.5396 0.5951 0.6383 0.6864 0.7127 0.7314 0.7449
R(α =1) 0.2203 0.3165 0.4413 0.5227 0.5793 0.6217 0.6673 0.7013 0.7228 0.7357


1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M 7M 8M 9M 10M
R(β=0) 0.2169 0.2698 0.3903 0.4593 0.5398 0.5713 0.5987 0.647 0.6485 0.659
R(β=0.1) 0.2347 0.2824 0.4145 0.4724 0.5588 0.6039 0.6391 0.6628 0.6998 0.6901
R(β=0.2) 0.2319 0.2903 0.4368 0.4937 0.579 0.6206 0.6584 0.6779 0.7192 0.7051
R(β=0.3) 0.2376 0.3049 0.427 0.5015 0.5851 0.6351 0.6685 0.6913 0.7294 0.7169
R(β=0.4) 0.24 0.315 0.4362 0.5173 0.5903 0.6479 0.675 0.7046 0.7381 0.7327
R(β=0.5) 0.2383 0.3203 0.4475 0.5274 0.601 0.6539 0.6814 0.7107 0.7266 0.7411
R(β=0.6) 0.2426 0.3298 0.4639 0.54 0.6101 0.6645 0.6987 0.7198 0.7356 0.7596
R(β=0.7) 0.2483 0.3328 0.4683 0.5498 0.6193 0.673 0.7 0.7244 0.7454 0.7689
R(β=0.8) 0.2511 0.3369 0.4725 0.5578 0.6276 0.6856 0.7126 0.7309 0.7598 0.772
R(β=0.9) 0.2472 0.3224 0.4686 0.551 0.6185 0.6712 0.7032 0.7215 0.7489 0.7601
R(β=1) 0.2415 0.3178 0.4579 0.5413 0.6049 0.6613 0.6987 0.7137 0.7356 0.7542

time. Therefore, messages will not be deleted due to the
Drop-front congestion and the arrival rate of the transferred
0.8 DATM
messages is increased.
RTRM Fig. 6 shows the arrival rate as the number of nodes
Message Arrival Rate

0.6 varies. Among these algorithms, the bigger network size

shows the better performance of arrival rate, and the
0.4 DATM is the best of all. That is because as nodes
increases, copies of messages have a higher delivery
0.2 probability to destination node. Moreover, unlike the
other three methods, the DATM also transfers message to
0 neighboring node for further delivery, so few messages
0 2 4 6 8 10
Node Buffer Space/M will be dropped or deleted and thus the arrival rate is
Figure 5. Message arrival rate with different buffer size increased.

Average End-to-End Delay/s

Drop-front 4000
Message Arrival Rate


2000 Drop-front
0.4 DATM
1000 RTRM

0 2 4 6 8 10
Node Buffer Space/M
0 50 100 150 200 250
Number of Nodes Figure 7. Average End-to-End delay with different buffer size
Figure 6. Message arrival rate with different network size
In Fig. 7, the average end-to-end delay of RTRM is
not targeted, thus the arrival rate is low. When it comes to decreased gradually while the other three is increased. It
Drop-oldest strategy, the messages with the smallest TTL is because the node is easier to get congested when the
are deleted. These messages have a long lifetime in the buffer space is small. The message has to wait until it
network and there is a high probability that they have encounters with the destination node, so the delay is very
arrived at the destination node. DATM considers the large. When the buffer space is larger than 5M, the delay
storage value and transfer value of messages and message of DATM is smaller than others, because some messages
deleting and transferring strategy are used at the same are transferred when congestion happens. And unlike the



other three methods, copies of messages are not discarded destination node. DATM deletes and transfers messages
and they may have arrived destination node earlier, thus at the same time, so when the message is deleted, the
the end-to-end delay is reduced. transmission still works, thus the overhead is reduced to
some extent.
Average End-to-End Delay/s

4000 In this paper, a congestion control strategy based on
3500 message deleting and transferring (DATM) is proposed.
The congested node calculates the storage value of each
message according to its forwarding probability and its
2500 TTL value, and then deletes the message which has the
2000 minimum storage value and transfers the message with
the minimum forwarding probability to its neighbor
0 50 100 150 200 250 nodes. The neighboring nodes calculate the receiving
Number of Nodes
value of the message based on the forwarding probability
Figure 8. Average End-to-End delay with different network size and its free buffer space. Then the congested node
transfers the message to the neighboring node with the
Fig. 8 describes the average end-to-end delay as the
maximum receiving value. Experimental results show
number of total network nodes varies. The average delay
that the DATM strategy can increase the message arrival
of all four algorithms is constantly decreasing as the
rate and reduce the end-to-end delay to some extent.
number of total network nodes increases. The reason for
this is that the opportunity to encounter between any two
nodes is increasing as the network changes from sparse to
dense. The figure shows that the network average delay is This work was partially supported by Swedish
on the rise when the number of nodes in the network is Research Links [No.348-2008-6212], the National
less than 60. This is due to the sparse network Natural Science Foundation of China [61071093],
environment and few relay nodes involving. Network size China’s Project 863 [2010AA701202], and SRF for
increasing results in relay hops increasing, and finally ROCS, SEM [NJ209002].
average delay increasing. When the size of network is
large enough (e.g.>60), the SF routing scheme can take REFERENCES
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Authentication Protocol using MYK-NTRUSign

Signature Algorithm in Wireless Network
Aihan Yin
School of Information Engineering, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, China

Hongchao Liang, and Ming Zhu

School of Information Engineering, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, China
Email: {mr_lianghc, zhuming061104269}

Abstract—In this paper, we propose a new bidirectional International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) used in
authentication and key agreement protocol based on the cellular networks may be transmitted in plaintext during
MYK-NTRUSign signature algorithm. The AES encryption the authentication. It leads to a passive attacker in a
algorithm and hash techniques were adopted to build our position to eavesdrop the user's identity and locate the
protocol. To implement the mutual authentication and
user easily. In addition, the shared secret key's
session key agreement, the proposed protocol includes two
phases: namely initial phase and mutual authentication with management and maintenance will result in scalability
key agreement phase. As the MYK-NTRUSign signature problem when users increase in number [1].
algorithm is applied, our protocol not only can overcome the Some public key based authentication protocols
security flaws of authentication protocols based on specifically designed for wireless networks have been
secret-key, but also support greater security attributes and proposed in recent years to overcome the security flaws
lower computational complexity in comparison with mentioned above. Among them, the well-known
currently well-known public key based wireless authentication and key agreement protocol appropriate
authentication schemes. for wireless networks on the basis of elliptic-curve
cryptography techniques was ASK-WAP [2] and UAP[3].
Index Terms—MYK-NTRUSign Signature Algorithm; AES
Encryption; Key Agreement; Bidirectional Authentication Even though the protocol reduces to some extent
computational complexity on the user side by using
elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) algorithm, the server
I. INTRODUCTION just verify the user’s identity legitimacy and the server is
Wireless communications is advancing rapidly in not authenticated to the user. So it does not really achieve
recent years. After 2G (e.g. GSM) widely deployed in the the bidirectional authentication.
world, 3G mobile communication systems are spreading NTRU (Number Theory Research Unit) public key
step by step in many areas. At present, some countries cryptosystem is a kind of very promising public key
have already launched investigations beyond 3G (B3G) cryptography scheme. The attractive advantages of
and 4G. Due to the openness of the wireless NTRU are its encryption/decryption speed,
communication network, sharing of communication signature/verification speed and the ease of creating
channels, network protocol security, the diversity of public-private key pairs while providing high security
network attack means of incomplete, there is a huge level [4]-[7]. NTRU as a new public cryptosystem was
security threat, which make the wireless communication first presented by Hoffstein [8]-[11]. It is a ring-based
security problem more and more attention. cryptosystem operating in polynomial ring Z[X]/(xN-1)
To solve the security problems, cellular networks such where N is the security parameter. Then, researchers have
as GSM and UMTS all employ the symmetric key proposed the NSS, R-NSS and NTRUSign algorithm
algorithms (e.g. A5 and Kasumi) to implement the [12]-[15]. However, NSS and R-NSS algorithm has been
authentication and the session keys agreement before the breached. In NTRUSign algorithm, Signers use the
subscriber is authorized to access the network. Because of private key to generate plaintext closest vectors, the
wireless LAN (WLAN), the WEP (Wired Equivalent vectors are NTRU lattice, and the vector as plaintext
Privacy) protocol based on symmetric key algorithm RC4 signature. Min et al. [16] proposed a NTRUSign
is specified. However, some authentication mechanisms algorithm of ductility attack methods: an attacker by
based on symmetric cryptosystem for wireless access active eavesdropping, after receiving a message with the
control are adopted in consideration of the performance, signature of the legal cases, able to forge a multiple legal
the security flaws are obvious. For instance, the signature of the message; At the same time give a repair



defects of ductility MYK-NTRUSign digital signature s= (mod q) (6)

algorithm.[17] In this paper, we employed the
MYK-NTRUSign signature algorithm [18][19] in 5. The polynomial s is the signature on the digital
combination with symmetric encryption algorithm (AES) document D for the public key h.
and hash techniques (e.g. MD5 or SHA) to construct our D. Verifì
cation Step
new mutual authentication and session key agreement For a given signature s and document D, a verifier
protocol appropriate for wireless communications. should do the following:
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 1. Hash the document D to recreate (m1, m2).
provides the description of MYK-NTRUSign signature 2. With the signature s and public key h, compute the
algorithm and the proposed scheme is presented in corresponding polynomial.
Section 3. Security and performance analysis of our
scheme is included in Section 4. Finally, we draw some t s h (mod q) (7)
concluding remarks in Section 5.
if + , refuse to sign.
, refuse to
In this section, we briefly describe the
MYK-NTRUSign digital signature scheme. The security
4. Receive the signature.
of MYK-NTRUSign scheme is based on the
A valid signature demonstration that the signer knows
approximately closest vector problem in a certain lattice,
a lattice point that is within Normbound of the message
called NTRU lattice. The basic idea is as follows: The
digest vector m. The designers recommend that the
signer's private key is a short basis for an NTRU lattice
suggested parameters (N, q, df, dg, Normbound) = (251,
and his public key is a much longer basis for the same
128, 73, 71, 300) offers an equivalent security as 1024 bit
The MYK-NTRUSign digital signature scheme works
A. System Parameters A. Notations
1. N: a (prime) dimension.
2. q: a modulus, df, dg: key size parameters. TABLE I. THE MEANING OF SYMBOLIC IN AUTHENTICATION
3. NormBound: a bound parameter of verification.
Symbolic Symbolic meaning
B. Key Generation name
A signer creates his public key h and the corresponding E(X) Encryption of X by using symmetric encryption
private key (f, g, F, G) as follows: IDX X's actual identity
1. Select binary polynomials f and g with df 1's and dg DIDX Dynamic identity of X
1's, respectively. a||b Concatenation of a and b
2. Compute small polynomials (f, g) satisfying f G- PKA MYK-NTRUSign based public key polynomial in A
g F=q. SKA MYK-NTRUSign based private key polynomial in A
KXY Symmetric secret key shared by X and Y
3. Compute the public key h = f-1 g (mod q). RX Random number generated by X
C. Signing Step SX MYK-NTRUSign based signature generated by X
TX Expiration date of certificate X
A signer generates his signature s on the digital h(X) Hashed value of X
document D as follows: CX Certificate of X
1. Obtain the polynomials (m1, m2) mod q for the
document D by using the public hash function. In this paper, in order to enhance the safety of the
2. Compute network, a new mutual authentication and session key
agreement scheme is introduced. Note that the certifying
G m1-F m2=A+q B (1) authority (CA) is responsible for creating and distributing
-g m1+f m2=a+q b (2) certificates to the user and server in our protocol. The
certificates contain the public key of user or server, the
where A and a have coefficients between -q/2 and q/2. certificate's expiration date and the unique identification.
3. Compute: Besides, the certificates should be signed by using his
s f B+F b (mod q) (3) own private key. The proposed scheme has two phases:
system initialization phase and mutual authentication
4. Compute: with key agreement phase as described below.
t g B+G b (mod q) (4) B. System Initialization Phase
if + , The CA first generates his public-secret key pair
according to the MYK-NTRUSign signature algorithm.
s= + (mod q) (5) Thus the CA publishes his public key PKCA=h, and stores



private key SKCA=( fCA, gCA, FCA,GCA). For the user, the AES encryption algorithm. At last, the server sends MS to
initialization process is as follows: user.
Step 1. The user send (IDU, PKU) to CA. Step3: Upon receiving the message MS from server, the
Step 2.CA selects a random value XU and TU, in which user computes KAES’=h(DIDU⊕TU). Then it will decrypt
TU is certificate expiration date. Then computes MS by using the secret key and checks the TS. And if it is
DIDU=IDU⊕XU and m =(PKU||DIDU||TU). expired, the authentication will be terminated. And then
Step 3. CA generate the user's certificate CU according he verifies the server's certificate CS. If CS is valid, the
to the MYK-NTRUSign signature algorithm and transmit user verify sever’s signature SU. Then according to the
message (CU, DIDU, TU, PKCA) to user through the safe MYK-NTRUSign, the user checks whether SU is valid or
channel. not. If it is passed, he ensures the server is correct. In
Like the initial process of user side mentioned above, order to judge the correctness of user, the user calculates
server also gets his certificates CS, DIDS, TS and PKCA his signature SS by using the MYK-NTRUSign algorithm,
from CA. and sends the encrypted signature SS with symmetric
key as MU to the corresponding server.
C. Mutual Authentication with Key Agreement Phase
Step4: After having received the encrypted data, the
After the initialization procedures are completed, the server decrypts MU to obtain the U's signature SS. Then,
real authentication can be executed. Fig. 1 shows the the server verifies the U's signature SS through
detailed real-time execution procedure. MYK-NTRUSign signature algorithm. If it is passed, the
mutual authentication between the user and server is
completed. Then on both sides, the secret session key KSU
can be achieved by computing the hashed value of the
concatenation of DIDU, DIDS and RU from the following
KSU= h( DIDU||DIDS||RU) (8)
In this section, we analyze that the proposed scheme
can withstand all related security attacks and can work
correctly. The security of our scheme is based on the hard
problem of polynomial factorization in polynomial ring.
In addition, the proposed scheme is more efficient in
terms of Performance than the related schemes.
A. Security Analysis
Here we mainly discussed and analyzed the security
attributes of the proposed scheme on various known
cryptographic attacks and then provides a comparison of
our scheme with the related schemes.
(1) Mutual authentication and session key agreement
The proposed scheme provides the mutual
Figure 1. Mutual authentication with key agreement protocol authentication to keep faith between the user and the
server. In our scheme, it decrypts the received data by
Step1: Initially, the user U send his certificate CU using the secret key KAES, which is unknown to the
combined with public key PKU, dynamic identity DIDU to attacker. First, the user authenticates the server and then
the server. server authenticates the user using the MYK-NTRUSign
Step2: After having received the messages in Step 1, signature algorithm. After the authentication process, the
the server S first verifies the U’s certificate CU according user and the server possess the common session key,
to MYK-NTRUSign algorithm. If this checks, the server which is free from known session information attack.
can obtain TU from the certificate CU and checks whether Therefore, the mutual authentication and session key
TU is valid or not. If it is not, the authentication process agreement is done safely to the proposed scheme.
will be terminated. Otherwise, the server selects a random (2) The session key freshness
value RU and computes temporary secret key In the proposed scheme, the server and the user
KAES=h(DIDU  TU). The server S also computes compute the session key KSU=h(DIDS||DIDU||RU). As the
mU=h( PKU||DIDU||TU) and make modulo q arithmetic to dynamic identity DIDU hides the user’s real identity and
get (m1,m2). Then S computes Gs  m1-Fs  m2=A+q  is changed with different users. Besides, the random
B,-gs  m1+fs  m2=a+q  b, where . number RU is randomly generated in a communication.
Afterwards, the server calculates his signature SU by So the session key KSU is freshness.
using the MYK-NTRUSign algorithm. Subsequently, the (3) Perfect forward secrecy and Known key security
server encrypts (PKS, DIDS, TS, CS, SU, RU ) as MS through



A protocol is called Perfect forward secrecy, if cryptographic algorithms performance comparison is as

compromise of the two private keys of the participating follows:
entities does not affect the security of the previous
session keys. Assume that the private key and public key TABLE III. COMPARISON THE PERFORMANCE OF DIFFERENT
of user and sever are leaked to an adversary. As the
random value XU is unknown to the adversary, it can’t Process NTRUSign ECDSA RAS
work out the legal signature. The adversary also cannot (251) ( ) (1024)
Key generated rate (μs) 9761 1624 2090509
obtain the previous session keys because of the RU is Signature rate (μs) 500 1424 9090
unknown to the adversary. Thus the perfect forward Certification rate (μs) 303 2183 781
secrecy is preserved in the proposed scheme. At the same
time, even if the secret key KAES is leaked or cracked, but From Table 3, we can know that NTRUSign key
RU is randomly generated in the authentication process, generation algorithm is slower, and the signature
so it can’t deduced the session key. Therefore, the verification faster speed. However, our proposed scheme
protocol is known key security. is based on MYK-NTRUSign algorithm, the key
(4) Nonrepudiation generation is in the initialization phase, signature and
Our scheme is based on MYK-NTRUSign digital verification are certified segment. Therefore, the scheme
signature algorithm. It need to verify the server’s has the advantages of fast certification.
signature SS and the user’s signature SU. So the new In order to make better analysis on the performance
scheme has the sign nonrepudiation. analysis, we have three algorithms (ASK-WAP, UAP,
(5) Confidentiality PROPOSED) simulated respectively. Simulation
In the communication process, our scheme will environment is STM8L151 sensor with ultra-low power
generate a secret key KAES, which is used for encrypting consumption and super processor which is special good at
the transmission data and the secret key KAES is different processing a large of data, the matching simulation
with different users. In addition, the session key KSU = software is Tiny-OS system that can run automatically on
h(DIDS||DIDU||RU) and the hash function is one-way the processor ROM.
security. It can ensure the confidentiality during the
process of communication.
(6) User anonymity
In our protocol, the user’ dynamic identity DIDU hides
the user’s real identity. Therefore, our scheme has the
identity anonymity.
(7) Meet-in-the-Middle Attack
As the proposed scheme preserves the identity
anonymity, so the attacker cannot obtain the user’s
identity IDU. Thus the proposed scheme can prevent all
kinds of meet-in-the-middle attack.
Further, the security comparison of the proposed
scheme with previous authentication schemes is
summarized in Table 2 .From the Table 2, it is clear that
the proposed scheme provides more security attributes
than the other schemes. Therefore, the proposed scheme
is more efficient, secure and practical for the users in
wireless networks. Figure 2. Comparison of key generation delay curve



Security attributes ASK-WAP UAP PROPOSED
User anonymity Yes Yes Yes
Nonrepudiation Yes Yes Yes
Confidentiality Yes Yes Yes
Meet-in-the-Middle Attack No Yes Yes
Perfect forward secrecy No Yes Yes
Known key security No Yes Yes
Mutual authentication No No Yes

B. Performance Analysis
In this section, we compare our scheme with the other
schemes in terms of performance. First of all,
MYK-NTRUSign digital signature algorithm is based on
NTRUSign algorithm, which inherited the speed
advantage. In the same security strength, three kinds of Figure 3. Comparison of authentication operation



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number of communication rounds of our scheme is less [10] Junping Yao, Zefeng Dong, Xinshe Li, “A Novel Group
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Generally speaking, our scheme not only provides Intelligence and Security (CIS), 2011, pp. 861- 864.
[11] Krontiris, Ioannis, and Tassos Dimitriou, "Scatter–secure
mutual authentication but also supports a session key code authentication for efficient reprogramming in wireless
agreement. Moreover, our protocol does not need to sensor networks," International Journal of Sensor
perform the certificate computation. From the above Networks 10.1 (2011) pp. 14-24.
descriptions, we conclude that our protocol is more [12] Yanfang Wu, Zheng Huang, Jie Zhang “A
efficient and practical than the related schemes for lattice-based digital signature from the Ring-LWE,”
wireless communication. Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IC-NIDC),
2012, pp. 646-651.
V. CONCLUSION [13] Chunbo Ma, Jun Ao, “NTRU Based Group Oriented
Signature and its Applications in RFID,” Education
In this paper, we have proposed a new bidirectional
Technology and Computer Science (ETCS), 2012, pp. 166 -
authentication and key agreement protocol using the 169.
related signature algorithm. Combined with the [14] Bu Shanyue, Chen Liqing, “A New Key Management
symmetric secret key algorithm and hash techniques, we Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network,” Computer Science
have shown that the proposed protocol offers key & Service System (CSSS), 2012, pp. 991-994.
agreement and mutual authentication. According to the [15] Kamal, A.A, Youssef, A.M, “A Scan-Based Side Channel
comparisons in Section 4, the proposed protocol is more Attack on the NTRU Encrypt Cryptosystem,” Availability,
efficient and practical than some recently proposed Reliability and Security (ARES), 2012, pp. 402-409.
protocols. It can not only removed the security flaws of [16] Ron Steinfeld, San Ling, Josef Pieprzyk, “NTRU
CCA: How to Strengthen NTRU Encrypt to
some recently proposed schemes, but also satisfy the
Chosen-Cipher text Security in the Standard Model,” 7293
request of wireless communication conditions. Thus, the (2012) pp. 353-371.
proposed scheme is efficient and usable for wireless [17] Laiha Mat Kiah, “A novel peer-to-peer SMS security
communication. solution using a hybrid technique of NTRU and
AES-Rijndael,” Scientific Research and Essays, 22 (2010)
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT pp. 3455-3466.
[18] Jha, R. Saini, A.K, “A Comparative Analysis &
This work was partially supported by the National Enhancement of NTRU Algorithm for Network Security
Science Foundation of China under grants 61262079 and and Performance Improvement,” Communication Systems
Provincial Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi under and Network Technologies (CSNT), 2011, pp. 80 - 84.
grants 20114BAB201026. [19] Jingguo Bi, Qi Cheng, “Lower Bounds of Shortest Vector
Lengths in Random NTRU Lattices,” Theory and
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in Communication engineering department at East China Ming Zhu is a postgraduate student at East China Jiaotong
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Cooperative Localization Algorithm based on

Coverage Optimization of Actors for Wireless
Sensor and Actor Networks
Huanliang Xu, Duo Li, Jianhua Che, and Haoyun Wang*
College of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China
*Corresponding author, Email:,,,

Abstract—Different from existing range-free algorithms in In this paper, we propose a cooperative localization
wireless sensor networks (WSN), a cooperative localization algorithm based on coverage optimization of actors for
algorithm based on coverage optimization of actors wireless sensor and actor network (CLCOA). Positioning
(CLCOA) for wireless sensor and actor networks (WSAN) is actors form a square area to localize sensor node while
proposed. It uses mobile actors instead of anchors in WSN.
free actors adjust their positions by virtual force, so actors
Firstly, the area of the unknown node is determined through
the movement of positioning actors. Then this area are well distributed and coverage is optimized. It
decreases through iteration. When localization accuracy is guarantees that network events can be disposed in time,
satisfied, the centroid of this area is calculated and treated thus improving task execution efficiency of the network.
as the coordinate of the unknown node. Free actors adjust CLCOA uses a few mobile actors instead of anchors in
their positions through virtual force while locating actors WSN to save the deployment cost, and this makes free
work. Accordingly, actors’ coverage is optimized. Via actors well distributed by combining virtual force model.
simulation, it is proven that CLCOA has high locating The remainder of the paper is organized as follows:
accuracy with RSSI error and GPS error, and the Section 2 describes the related work. Section 3 presents
introduction of virtual force improves actors’ coverage and
CLCOA localization algorithm in detail. Simulation and
locating speed.
analysis are discussed in Section 4. Finally, Section 5
Index Terms—WSN; WSAN; Mobile Actors; Range-Free gives the conclusions.
Localization; Virtual Force
Anchors are generally used to assist in localizing
I. INTRODUCTION sensor nodes in WSN, which are aware of their location
The development of WSAN is on the basis of WSN. through GPS or manual deployment. Most commonly,
WSAN consists of a group of sensor nodes and actor according to whether distance is measured, WSN
nodes, sensor nodes are used to acquire information from localization algorithms can be classified into two
environment, and actors are responsible to change categories: range-based and range-free. Received signal
environment [1]. Different from WSN, WSAN can strength indication (RSSI) [3], time of arrival (TOA) [3]
change the physical world. Since WSAN is proposed, and time difference of arrival (TDOA) [3] are typical
many research points in this field have received great measurement techniques. The majority of them have high
attention among researchers, including localization demand for hardware, like installing special antenna for
problem. Acquiring position imformation of sensor nodes nodes, thus not fitting for large-scale network. Limited
is very important for many WSAN applications, because transmission distance of signal and non line-of-sight
the sensed data without position information of sensor conditions might affect the distance estimates. In addition,
nodes is meaningless [2]. For instance, sensor nodes can these techniques use varieties of methods to reduce
get the motion area of hostile vehicle to make precise localization error, which leads to a large number of
battle strategy in battlefield. Moreover, it assists in the computing and communication overheads [4]. Range-free
management and operation of network. Currently, solutions [3-5] include centroid algorithm, approximate
classification methods of WSN localization algorithms point in triangulation test (APIT), convex position
mainly include: range-based localization and range-free estimation, and distance vector hop (DV-Hop). They
localization, distributed localization and centralized require no additional hardware and have low costs. But
localization, absolute localization and relative the accuracy is relatively low, and their performance
localization, anchor-based localization and anchor-free depends on the network topology [6].
localization. Because of the introduced actors, existing Since WSN localization algorithms can’t be simply
WSN localization algorithms cannot be used directly in transplanted to WSAN, localization in WSAN has
WSAN. become a key problem to solve. Some progress has been
made in research of localization in WSAN so far. An



efficient cooperative localization scheme (ECLS), which introduced to the research on nodes localization and
is an event-driven method, is proposed by Han P [7]. coverage in WSN. In [15], a distributed actor deployment
It only localizes the position of the node detecting the algorithm for maximum connected coverage (DA2MC) in
wanted event and uses actors with unconstrained resource WSAN is proposed. This paper proves that regular six
to assist in localizing sensor nodes. Therefore, energy polygon can be used to achieve maximum coverage with
consumption of the system can be effectively reduced. It least waste. DA2MC moves actor nodes by virtual
is theoretically simple and uses RSSI to measure distance. repelling force to extend their coverage while maintaining
But there are also some inevitable shortages for RSSI, sensor-actor connectivity. In [14], a multi-hops
like unstable signal, low accuracy and so on. The localization algorithm based on virtual force for WSN is
algorithm proposed by Giacomo G [8] is the first proposed. The number of beacon messages accepted by
semi-distributed protocol featuring asynchronous unknown node is used as a parameter of the force
sleep/awake schedules. It organizes the sensors near each calculation. By optimizing the network distribution, it is
actor by means of a discrete polar coordinate system. more reasonable to calculate and select the correction
Each sensor is localized when both the corona and sector value. A coverage algorithm based on virtual grids area
coordinates are acquired. Based on range-free method, density is proposed in [16], and particular swarm
the algorithm belongs to the class of coarse-grained optimization (PSO) localization algorithm is further
localization protocols, so the accuracy cannot be improved to realize effective coverage of sensor nodes
guaranteed. Mustafa I A [9] presents a solution for while improving the localization accuracy.
mobile sensor nodes with the goal of monitoring the To solve the problems above, CLCOA is proposed to
Amazon River. Using a multi-hop approach, it is scalable realize localization in WSAN. It uses a few mobile actors
and is fit for the large-scale network. The drawback is the instead of anchors, and overcomes the shortcomings of
initial weight value of sensor has a great effect on range-free location algrithoms in WSN, which seriously
accuracy, and localization accuray will decrease as the depend on density of anchors. For example, it avoids
value goes up. In order to localize the mobile sensor erroneous judgments in APIT, and is better than DV-Hop
nodes relative to the actors, a novel Timing-based Mobile in the respect of computing and communication. As to [7]
Sensor Localization (TMSL) algorithm is introduced [10]. and [11], they just make improvements or combine other
It uses TOA to estimate distance. The most distinguished algorithms based on RSSI, however, the thought of area
is that it requires no time synchronization among the iterative refinement in CLCOA are obviously better in
sensor nodes or with the actors. In TMSL, propagation localization accuracy. The algorithm in [9] is similar to
time of the beacons is computed via a special time model. DV-Hop, and static actors make its applications limited.
However, excessively detailed time division leads to high Instead, CLCOA uses mobile actors. In addition, CLCOA
computation complexity. An event driven localization refers to the thought of virtual force in [14-16], during
scheme based on the RSSI range measuring for dynamic locating sensor nodes, it makes actors well distributed
WSAN is proposed [11], and it is just similar to RSSI. and optimizes coverage. Accordingly, localization time
But the accuracy of RSSI can’t meet high demand in and overhead are reduced.
WSAN. So it can be concluded that original RSSI is not
suitable for WSAN localization. Localization techniques III. DEFINITION OF VIRTUAL FORCE
based on semidefinite programming are researched in We assume that sensor nodes are static and
[12]. Novel algorithms are respectively proposed in resource-limited. They are responsible to monitor the
range-based and range-free mode. Here, locating network area and report the event to actor nodes. Actor
problems are translated into convex optimization, and nodes, which are mobile and powerful, take related action
many mathematic formulas are used to compute. according to the reported data. Actor nodes are also
Moreover, via simulation experiments, they are proven to equipped with GPS and aware of their positions at any
have high locating accuracy and computing complexity. time. In addition, actor nodes are classified into two
ADAPTPLACDVDIST [13] is proposed for localizing categories: positioning actors and free actors.
nodes in NLOS environment, which is a class of DV-Hop.
A. Virtual Force Model
It moves the localizers in each of the multi-hop chains,
thus minimizing the multi-hop distance between the Actor nodes can be classified into two categories
references and the node. The drawback is that the according to whether or not they take part in localizing
solution requires large number of localizers and its the sensor node:
localization accuracy depends on the number of localizers ap: positioning actors
in each chains. af: free actors
Existing WSAN localization algorithms may cause Since ap take part in localizing the sensor node, their
uneven distribution of actors during localization. The virtual force are ignored. We assume that virtual force
density of actors may be too close or sparse in local area, only acts on af from ap and af. The force shows up as
so actors may not react to the reported event in other vectorial repelling force or attractive force, and the
areas in time. These problems can be well solved by magnitude of force is related to the types of nodes and the
virtual force. Initially, virtual force is used to make robots distance between them.
avoid barriers, and then used in distribution optimization So if node j exerts a force on node i, Fij can be
of network [14]. At present, virtual force model is confirmed by formula (1):



 1 1 keeps a neighbor table to record the coordinates of its

kr_p ( d  r ) if 0  dij  rth , i  a f , j  a p neighbor nodes.
 ij th
2) Formation of Square Area
 1 1
kr_f (  ) if 0  dij  rth , i  a f , j  a f
Sensor node S starts a request for localization
 dij rth

Fij  ka_p (dij  rth ) if rth  dij  rc , i  a f , j  a p (1)
 Select five actors as ap, other actors are set to af
ka_f (dij  rth ) if rth  dij  rc , i  a f , j  a f

0 else Each actor node establishes a neighbor table

In the above formula, kr_p, kr_f, ka_p and ka_f are virtual
force coefficients which conform to kr_p>kr_f and ka_p>ka_f,
ap form a square area af compute virtual force and
dij is the distance between the two nodes, rth is distance through movement move to a new position
threshold, and rc is the one hop communication radius. If
dij≤rth, Fij shows up as the repelling force. And if
rth<dij≤rc, Fij shows up as the attractive force.
Otherwise, Fij =0.
The calculated force Fi is the vectorial addition of af compute virtual force again
Decrease the square area and readjust their positions
these virtual forces, and can be expressed as formula (2):

Fi   Fij (2)
i j

B. Adjustment of Node Position The square is small enough

Each node moves to a new position according to Fi ,

the new coordinates can be computed as follows:
Calculate the centroid of the square as coordinates of S
 x if Fi  Fth
x   Fx (3)
x   Smax if Fi  Fth ap degrade to af; all actors compute virtual force
 Fi and adjust their positions

 y if Fi  Fth
 Stop
y   Fy (4)
y   Smax if Fi  Fth Figure 1. Flowchart of CLCOA
 Fi
ap form a square area through movement, which makes
In the above formulas, Fx and Fy are components of Fi sensor S in this square area. The process is: actor A0
in X-axis and Y-axis, Smax is the maximum range that firstly moves close to sensor S, and in the course of
the actor can move at every time, Fth is virtual force moving, it discontinuously sends RF signal to sensor S.
threshold, and the actor will not move if Fi <Fth. Sensor S computes received signal strength [17-18], and
it sends a feedback signal to actor A0 when signal strength
IV. PROPOSED SCHEME meets the threshold a, which is to say, the distance
In this part, a cooperative localization algorithm based between two nodes is very small, and
on coverage optimization of actors for WSAN is RSSI(das)≥a>RSSI(Rs). When actor A0 receives the signal,
proposed. Fig. 1 presents the main process of CLCOA. it stops moving.
Detailed steps of this scheme will be discussed as Actor A0 stops and broadcasts its position information
follows. (X0, Y0). Actor A1, A2, A3 and A4 adjust their positions
according to (X0, Y0) and broadcast their current
A. Design of CLCOA coordinates, thus forming a square area as shown in Fig.2.
1) Classification of Actor Nodes Moreover, expecting coordinates of these four actors can
The sensor node S starts to send a request, and then be computed as formulas (5-8).
selects 5 actor nodes which firstly reply to take part in
localizing. These actor nodes are set to ap, ap={A0, A1, A2,
A3, A4}, and other actors are set to af. Each actor node



1 2
 ( X 1 , Y1 ) S  1
s 
1 2 ( x A0  1 4 di , y A0  1 4 di ) S   2
( x, y ) A1   (10)
( x A0  4 di , y A0  4 di ) S  3
1 1


( x A0  1 4 di , y A0  1 4 di ) S   4
4 3

( x A  1 di , y A  1 di ) S  1
4 3  0 4 0 4
 ( X 2 , Y2 ) S  2
Figure 2. Positional relationship of ap ( x, y ) A2  (11)
( x A0  4 di , y A0  4 di ) S  3
1 1
( X1 , Y1 ) A1  ( X 0  das , Y0  das ) (5) 
( x A0  1 4 di , y A0  1 4 di ) S   4
( X 2 , Y2 ) A2  ( X 0  das , Y0  das ) (6)
( x A  1 di , y A  1 di ) S  1
( X 3 , Y3 ) A3  ( X 0  das , Y0  das ) (7)  0 4 0 4
( x  1 d , y  1 d ) S  
( X 4 , Y4 ) A4  ( X 0  das , Y0  das ) (8) ( x, y ) A3   A0 4 i A0 4 i 2
 ( X 3 , Y3 ) S  3

3) Redistribution of Free Actors ( x A0  1 4 di , y A0  1 4 di ) S   4
Through the above steps, ap forms a square which the
length of a side is 2das, ensuring that sensor S must be in ( x A  1 di , y A  1 di ) S  1
it. At the same time, af compute virtual force according to  0 4 0 4
steps (1-2) and move to a new position. So actors in the ( x  1 d , y  1 d ) S  
 0 4 i A0 4 i
A 2
network are redeployed. ( x, y ) A4 (13)
4) Decreasing Square Area Through Iteration ( x A  1 d i , y A  1 d i ) S   3
Sensor S further judges the subregion. The method is  0 4 0 4
 ( X 4 , Y4 ) S  4
that sensor S receives RF signals from actor A1, A2, A3
and A4, and records these signals to compare. The rule is In the above formulas, (xAi, yAi),i=0,1,2,3,4 is the expecting
as follows: coordinates of actor Ai, (Xi, Yi),i=0,1,2,3,4 is the current
If RSSI1 is the maximum value and RSSI3 is the coordinate of actor Ai, di is the length of a side of the
minimum value, then sensor S is in region 1 current square, and i is the current number of iteration.
If RSSI2 is the maximum value and RSSI4 is the By repeating the above steps to judge the subregion of
minimum value, then sensor S is in region 2 sensor S, the square area can be reduced to a small range
If RSSI3 is the maximum value and RSSI1 is the through iteration. When the square is small enough, the
minimum value, then sensor S is in region 3 iteration stops and the centroid of the square is calculated
If RSSI4 is the maximum value and RSSI2 is the and treated as coordinates of sensor S.
minimum value, then sensor S is in region 4 5) Coverage of Actors Based on Virtual Force
If sensor S is on the boundary, signal strength from the After localization is finished, ap degrade to af. All
two actors in two sides is equal in theory. At this moment, actors compute virtual force again according to formulas
the judgement of subregion has no effect on localization, (1-2) and adjust their positions. It makes actors well
so it can be processed randomly. distributed in the network.
After the subregion is confirmed, sensor S sends RF
signal to A0. For example, sensor S confirms that it is in B. Implementation Mechanism
region 2, and it sends a signal to A0. After A0 receives the In reality, errors caused by actors’ moving will affect
signal, it computes the center coordinate of region 2. the accuracy of CLCOA. To solve this problem, slope
Then, it moves to this position and broadcasts its current correction mechanism and position adjustment
coordinates. After receiving coordinates information from mechanism are proposed to optimize actors’ moving.
A0, actor A1, A2, A3 and A4 compute new coordinates (1) Slope correction mechanism
according to formulas (9-13), adjust their positions and During localization, each actor always needs to move
broadcast current coordinates. At this moment, ap move from its current coordinate to the expecting coordinate.
to new position, and af compute virtual force again and Assume that the expecting coordinate is (Xn, Yn), the
readjust their positions. current coordinate is (X0, Y0), we can obtain that the slope
kn=(Yn-Y0)/(Xn-X0), and the distance
( X 0  1 di , Y0  1 di ) S  1
 4 4 D  ( X n  X 0 )2  (Yn  Y0 )2 . The actor just need to
( X  1 d , Y  1 d ) S  2
 0 4 i 0 4 i (9) move D along kn. However, errors of movement may lead
( x, y ) A0 
( X 0  4 di , Y0  4 d i )
1 1 S  3 to difference between the real coordinate and the
 expecting coordinate, which is difficult to avoid.
( X 0  1 di , Y0  1 d i ) S  4 Therefore, CLCOA periodically corrects the slope in the
 4 4



course of movement. That is to say, the slope is experiment 2 verifies the impact of virtual force model
recalculated once the actor moves some distance. So if introduced on performance. Experiment 3 compares the
error exists, the slope is corrected. Next, slope correction performance of CLCOA with centroid algorithm [5].
is discussed in detail. Experiment 4 compares the performance of CLCOA with
The number of correction is computed as the localizing method of single actor. The method of
single actor means the data acquired from GPS receiver
Num  k  ( (Yn  Y0 )2  ( X n  X 0 )2  b) , where both k
on the actor, which is close to the sensor, is treated as the
and b are constants, in which k is a coefficient related to coordinate of the sensor. The results are the average of
the distance and b is the minimum distance to adjust the multiple experiments.
slope. Moreover, both of them should be set according to
the real condition. Num should be rounded down if it is a A. Performance Evaluation Index
decimal. We design four evaluation indexes to evaluate the
Let (Xi, Yi) be the coordinate of the actor after the ith performance of CLCOA.
move. Di is the distance that the actor moves at the ith 1) Average localization error
time, and it can be computed as Average localization error [19] can be expressed as
Di  ( X n  X i 1 )2  (Yn  Yi 1 )2 / ( Num  (i  1)) , follow:
i  1, 2...Num . Let ki be the slope after the ith move, and n

ki can be computed as ki  (Yi  Y0 ) / ( X i  X 0 ) . The

 ( xi  xri )  ( yi  yri )
 i 1
actor corrects ki after it moves Di.  is an angle that n
represents the difference between ki and kn, and it can be
where ( xri , yri ) is the real coordinate of the ith sensor,
expressed as   arctan ki  arctan kn . If    , in
( xi , yi ) is the coordinate calculated by CLCOA of the
which  is the threshold of angle, ki must be corrected
ith sensor, and n is the number of sensors.
or else the actor will go on moving along ki.
(2) Position adjustment mechanism 2) Average Localization Time
After the actor moves to (Xn, Yn), position adjustment Average localization time can be expressed as:
is started to adjust coordinate of the actor. Here, we limit t _ network
the error range to a radius of error R, as shown in Fig.3. If t (15)
only the real coordinate of the actor is within the radius of
(Xn, Yn), the error can be ignored, and then the actor stops where t_network is the total runtime of the network, n is
moving. the number of sensors that finish localization within
t_network. Localization time includes time of movement,
transmission time and processing time.
radius of error R
3) Average Localization Overhead
expecting coordinate
Average localization overhead can be expressed as:
o _ total
o (16)
position after
where o_total is the total overhead that sensors cost to
position before
finish localization within t_network, and n is the number
of sensors. Here, we count the number of packets to
Figure 3. Illustration of radius of error represent the overhead.
4) Coverage of Actors
V. SIMULATION AND ANALYSIS Coverage of actors can be expressed as:
In this section, simulation experiments implemented in n
Java are used to evaluate the performance of CLCOA. Ai
The environment is as follows: Intel Core 2 Duo
c i 1
[14] (17)
processor, 1GB of RAM, Windows XP, and Eclipse as A
compiler. The scenario is in a field of 500m×500m and
200 sensors and several actors are randomly deployed. where Ai is the coverage of the ith actor and A is the
Sensors are static and communication range is 20m. network area.
Actors are mobile and the speed is 10m/s. B. Simulation Experiment 1
Communication range of actors are initially set to 50m.
The impact of a, Na and other parameters on the
Four simulation experiments are conducted to verify
performance of CLCOA are analyzed in this part. If not
the algorithm validity. Experiment 1 evaluates the impact
mentioned, the parameters take default values in the
of RSSI threshold a, number of actors Na, communication
following experiments as below: a=-70dBm, Na=14,
range of actors Ra, virtual force threshold Fth and virtual
Ra=50m, Fth=0.01, kr_p=0.5, kr_f=0.8×kr_p, ka_p=0.02,
force coefficient kr_p on CLCOA. As the four virtual force
coefficients are related and only kr_p is considered here,
1) The Impact of a



Fig. 4-Fig. 7 show the impact of a on ε, t, o and c. overall, which means the speed of decreasing slows down.
When a equals to 68dBm, ε is about 2.252m. There is a
CLCOA growing tendency for t and o in overall, and this means
decrease of ε causes growth of t and o. When a equals to
-68dBm, t is 676s and o is 1248 packets. c changes little
Average localization error(m)


and fluctuates between 21% and 26%.
With the increasing of a, actor A0 needs to moves more
close to sensor S, which leads to growing time and
overhead, and the initial square is smaller, so ε decreases.
2) The impact of Na
Fig. 8-Fig. 11 show the impact of Na on ε, t, o and c.
2.2 2.7
-78 -76 -74 -72 -70 -68
RSSI threshold(dBm)

Figure 4. Impact of a on average localization error 2.5

Average localization error(m)


Average localization time(s)


10 12 14 16 18 20
400 Number of actors

Figure 8. Impact of Na on average localization error


200 1100
-78 -76 -74 -72 -70 -68
RSSI threshold(dBm)

Figure 5. Impact of a on average localization time 900

Average localization time(s)


1600 700
Average localization overhead

1200 400

10 12 14 16 18 20
Number of actors

Figure 9. Impact of Na on average localization time


-78 -76 -74 -72 -70 -68 CLCOA
RSSI threshold(dBm) 2000

Figure 6. Impact of a on average localization overhead 1800

Average localization overhead


Coverage of actors(%)


23 10 12 14 16 18 20
Number of actors

Figure 10. Impact of Na on average localization overhead

It can be observed that ε changes little as the value of


-78 -76 -74 -72 -70 -68 Na increases and fluctuates between 1.9m and 2.7m.
When Na equals to 18, ε is about 1.920m. There is a
RSSI threshold(dBm)

Figure 7. Impact of a on coverage of actors declining tendency for t and o in overall. When Na equals
to 20, t is 278s and o is 1003 packets. c increases and the
It can be observed that  decreases as the value of a slope starts to decrease when Na is more than 14, which
increases, and the slope of curve gradually decreases in means the increasing speed of c slows down.




Coverage of actors(%)

24 50

Coverage of actors(%)
22 45

20 40


10 12 14 16 18 20
Number of actors 50 60 70 80 90 100
Communication range of actors(m)
Figure 11. Impact of Na on coverage of actors
Figure 15. Impact of Ra on coverage of actors
With the increasing of Na, the number of selectable
It can be observed that ε varies within 1m as the value
actors to localize increases, which realizes concurrently
of Ra increases. There is a declining tendency for t and o
localizing for multiple sensors. So t and o decreases.
in overall. When Ra equals to 100m, t is 674s and o is
3) The Impact of Ra
1436 packets. c obviously increases and when Ra equals
Fig. 12-Fig. 15 show the impact of Ra on ε, t, o and c.
to 100m, c is 63.85%.
As Ra increases, packets are less forwarded, so t and o
3.2 are reduced.
4) The Impact of Fth
Average localization error(m)

Fig. 16-Fig. 19 show the impact of Fth on ε, t, o and c.


2.8 It can be observed that ε and c change little as the

value of Fth increases. There is a growing tendency for t
and o. When Fth equals to 0.01, t is 794s and o is 1522
2.2 As Fth increases, actors are less apt to move, which
more easily leads to close distribution of actors in local.
50 60 70 80
Communication range of actors(m)
90 100 At this moment, if a sensor in sparse area starts a request,
it will cost more time and overhead for actors to move
Figure 12. Impact of Ra on average localization error close to the sensor and localizing it.
1300 CLCOA

Average localization error(m)

Average localization time(s)





700 2.2

600 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
50 60 70 80 90 100
virtual force threshold
Communication range of actors(m)

Figure 13. Impact of Ra on average localization time Figure 16. Impact of Fth on average localization error

Average localization time(s)
Average localization overhead

2400 1200

2200 1100

2000 1000

1800 900

1600 800

1400 700
50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
Communication range of actors(m) virtual force threshold

Figure 14. Impact of Ra on average localization overhead Figure 17. Impact of Fth on average localization time



It can be observed that ε and c change little as the
CLCOA value of kr_p increases and both of them fluctuate within
certain range. When kr_p equals to 0.5, ε is 2.398m and c
is 22.89%. There is a declining tendency for t and o.
Average localization overhead


When kr_p is more than 0.7, t and o take on slightly

inverse increasing.
2000 As kr_p increases, the computed virtual force increases,
which is benefit to distribution of actors. So t and o are
reduced. However, fixed Fth and constrains the moving of
1600 actors, so t and o will not shrink all the way back.
1400 1600
0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
virtual force threshold

Figure 18. Impact of Fth on average localization overhead 1400

Average localization overhead

CLCOA 1200

24 1100

Coverage of actors(%)

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
virtual force coefficient

Figure 22. Impact of kr_p on average localization overhead


21.5 25.5
0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 CLCOA
virtual force threshold

Figure 19. Impact of Fth on coverage of actors

Coverage of actors(%)

5) The Impact of kr_p 24

Fig. 20-Fig. 23 show the impact of kr_p on ε, t, o and c.



2.6 22.5
Average localization error(m)

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
2.4 virtual force coefficient

Figure 23. Impact of kr_p on coverage of actors



1.9 localization localization localization coverage of

1.8 error time overhead actors
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
virtual force coefficient 1.720m 377s 478 17.95%
0.566m 628s 703 11.59%
Figure 20. Impact of kr_p on average localization error 0.640m 110s 240 11.53%
1.204m 260s 407 13.27%
3.314m 635s 741 9.56%
CLCOA 0.141m 278s 397 11.45%
750 0.510m 6186s 6299 9.15%
4.205m 408s 513 8.05%
Average localization time(s)

2.433m 693s 800 11.95%

650 0.849m 1890s 1983 15.22%
0.447m 368s 501 12.91%
3.981m 1210s 2100 11.71%
4.909m 440s 564 15.52%
500 2.550m 805s 921 17.77%
6.004m 118s 218 12.33%
10.842m 705s 762 14.19%
400 3.114m 63s 178 14.23%
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
virtual force coefficient 2.195m 1937s 4018 14.42%
4.610m 905s 936 11.24%
Figure 21. Impact of kr_p on average localization time 3.106m 1332s 1356 11.76%




localization localization localization coverage of 30

error time overhead actors

Average localization error(m)

2.440m 316s 850 22.90% 25

0.412m 408s 1114 24.52%

1.676m 418s 1930 22.71%
0.806m 105s 448 25.22% 15
1.007m 831s 1800 22.80%
0.583m 1265s 2278 27.95% 10

2.553m 329s 936 25.61%

0.943m 271s 803 25.57%
2.923m 1630s 3116 25.61% 0
-78 -76 -74 -72 -70 -68
1.131m 307s 1000 24.16% RSSI threshold(dBm)
0.632m 517s 1336 17.80%
0.618m 555s 1244 22.80% Figure 24. Average localization error
1.246m 109s 536 24.65%
4.642m 303s 765 17.59% 7000
4.070m 89s 454 23.61% CLCOA
1.600m 464s 1136 23.36% 6000

1.000m 233s 611 18.43%

Average localization time(s)

6.080m 669s 1558 23.12%
2.518m 2038s 3910 24.62%
5.073m 470s 1127 23.42%



index before after 1000

ε 2.867 m 2.097 m
t 967s 566 s -78 -76 -74 -72 -70 -68
o 1205 1347 RSSI threshold(dBm)

c 12.79% 23.32%
Figure 25. Average localization time
C. Simulation Experiment 2
Experiment 2 compares the performance before and 12000
after virtual force model is introduced. Results of 20 Centroid
times experiments under the two conditions are provided
Average localization overhead

in both Table I and Table II. And statistic data calculated 8000

on this basis are provided in Table III. Table I and Table

II show that variation of localization error obviously
decreases after virtual force is introduced, however, 4000
maximum error reaches 10.842m without virtual force.
It can be observed from Table III that after virtual 2000

force is introduced, ε decreases from 2.867m to 2.097m,

and t decreases from 967s to 566s. o increases slightly. c 0
-78 -76 -74 -72 -70 -68
RSSI threshold(dBm)
obviously increases and is about twice before virtual
force is introduced. Figure 26. Average localization overhead
Since virtual force is introduced, free actors compute
virtual force and adjust their positions after each iteration. 26
It makes all actors well distributed and improves actors’ 25 Centroid
coverage. Meanwhile, the decrease of distance between 24

actors effectively reduces errors caused by moving, thus 23

Coverage of actors(%)

decreasing localization error and time. Each actor keeps a 22

neighbor table to compute virtual force, which increases 21

localization overhead. 20

D. Simulation Experiment 3
Experiment 3 compares the performance of CLCOA 17
with centroid algorithm. Centroid algorithm is a 16
-78 -76 -74 -72 -70 -68
representative of range-free technology. Here, we have RSSI threshold(dBm)
made some changes to centroid algorithm to make it
Figure 27. Coverage of actors
adapt to our scenario. Values of parameters in
experiments are set as below: Na=14, Ra=50m.
Fig. 24-Fig. 27 show comparison of CLCOA and
centroid algorithm in ε, t, o and c.



As shown in Fig. 24, ε of CLCOA is much less than signal strength to move close to the sensor. So under
that of centroid algorithm. Because in CLCOA the area of approximate condition of ε, t of this method is much
the unknown node decreases through iteration, the more than it in CLCOA.
calculated centroid is more accurate.
It can be observed from Fig. 25 and Fig. 26 that both t TABLE V. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION INDEX OF THE
and o of centroid algotithm are more than that of CLCOA.
When a=-78dBm, the values of t in these two algorithms localization error localization time
are 1802s and 292s respectively. In CLCOA, just one 2.061m 3599s
1.414m 3426s
actor directly communicates with the unknown node 3.780m 50914s
during movement, thus the overhead is less. 1.749m 11475s
It can be obtained from Fig. 27 that coverage of actors 1.082m 181s
in CLCOA is greater compared with centroid algorithm. 2.332m 58006s
CLCOA introduces virtual force to make actors 1.664m 3792s
1.789m 15576s
well-distributed, so the coverage is optimized.
2.563m 3505s
E. Simulation experiment 4 1.769m 15440s
2.563m 2410s
Experiment 4 compares the performance of CLCOA 2.508m 5823s
with the localizing method of single actor. Results of 20 2.500m 1246s
times experiments with the two methods are provided in 1.860m 3140s
Table IV-Table VI. Here, only two indexes (localization 3.821m 7436s
1.985m 7619s
error and time) are considered. Two group comparison
3.590m 5457s
data calculated on this basis are provided in Table VII 1.836m 2640s
and Table VIII. 1.546m 5111s
1.700m 3120s
localization error localization time
2.440m 316s
0.412m 408s localization time localization error
1.676m 418s 153s 0.906m
0.806m 105s 167s 7.140m
1.007m 831s 23s 18.720m
0.583m 1265s 3556s 5.070m
2.553m 329s 319s 12.985m
0.943m 271s 344s 10.730m
2.923m 1630s 63s 2.631m
1.131m 307s 215s 8.832m
0.632m 517s 2525s 15.232m
0.618m 555s 44s 12.687m
1.246m 109s 199s 6.768m
4.642m 303s 758s 8.223m
4.070m 89s 324s 6.546m
1.600m 464s 549s 9.402m
1.000m 233s 121s 7.034m
6.080m 669s 386s 12.907m
2.518m 2038s 64s 7.654m
5.073m 470s 268s 5.941m
Table V and Table VI show that the localizing method 106s 5.771m
of single actor is very unstable and both localization error 586s 9.044m
and localization time fluctuate greatly. Maximum
localization time is 58006s in Table V, whereas the worst Ε
case in Table VI is 18.720m.
index CLCOA the localizing method of single actor
Statistics on the data in Table IV and Table V are ε 2.009 m 2.206m
provided in Table VII. It can be observed that under t 536s 10495s
approximate condition of ε, t of CLCOA is 536s, whereas
t is 10495s in the localizing method of single actor. TABLE VIII. COMPARISON OF Ε UNDER APPROXIMATE CONDITION
Statistics on the data in Table IV and Table VI are OF T

provided in Table VIII. It can be observed that under index CLCOA the localizing method of single actor
approximate condition of t, ε of the two methods are t 536s 538s
2.009m and 8.711m respectively. ε 2.009m 8.711m
The localizing method of single actor approximately F. Summary
judges distance by RSSI. The signal is unstable and easily
affected by the environment. So under approximate In summary, a has the greatest impact on ε, ε decreases
condition of t, ε is greater than it in CLCOA. Moreover, as the value of a increases, and other parameters have
the single actor adjusts direction and distance through little impact on ε. Both Ra and Na have a great impact on c,



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This work was supported by National Key Technology Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on
R&D Program of the Ministry of Science and Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks,
Salt Lake City, USA, 2011, pp. 167-169.
Technology of China (No.2011BAK21B05), Science and [14] Z. W. Yuan and J. J. Liang, “Multi-hops localization
Technology Achievement Transformation Project of algorithm based on virtual force for wireless sensor
National Ministry of Agriculture (No.2011GB2C100001), networks”, Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and
Science and Technology Support Program of Jiangsu Telecommunications, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 122-126, 2010.
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Huanliang Xu received his Ph.D. degree from Nanjing
University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He is currently a
[4] F. B. Wang, L. Shi and F. Y. Ren, “Self-Localization
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is also the senior member of China Computer Federation, the
vice-chairman of CG&CAD Committee of Jiangsu Computer



Federation, and the standing member of Computer Application and application from Agricultural University of Hebei in 2002,
Committee of Jiangsu Computer Federation and the one of respectively. He is currently working in the College of
Jiangsu IoT Special Committee. His current research interests Information Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural
include IoT of agriculture, agricultural informatization, and University. His current research interests are in the area of
farm product traceability system. Cloud computing, Virtualization system and Big Data.

Duo Li received B.C. degree in computer science and Haoyun Wang received the Ph.D. degree in information
technology from Nanjing Agricultural University in 2007. network from Nanjing University of Posts and
Currently, she is a postgraduate in the Department of Telecommunications in 2010. He also received the M.E. degree
Information Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural in communication and information systems from Kunming
University. Her main fields of research are WSN localization University of Sciences and Technology in 2005 and the B.E.
and WSAN localization. degree in communication engineering from Huazhong
University of Science and Technology in 2002, respectively.
Jianhua Che received the Ph.D. degree in computer science Currently, he is working at the College of Information Science
and technology from Zhejiang University in 2010, the M.S.E. and Technology in Nanjing Agricultural University. His current
degree in computer software and theory from Yanshan research interests are in the area of WSN, WSAN and CPS.
University in 2005, and the B.S.E. degree in computer science



The Optimal Partition Algorithm for Multiple

Video Sequences in Streaming Media System
Mande Xie
Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310018, P. R. China

Abstract—The fine grained scalable (FGS) coding is one of service fees. However, the coding efficiency will be
the most popular coding technologies in network video reduced and as a result, the provider must have higher
stream. In FGS stream, the base layer rate is an important bandwidth to support the service. On the other hand, a
parameter and should generally make a compromise higher base layer rate may disqualify other clients from
between the number of beneficial client and the efficiency of
receiving the complete base layer stream. Consequently,
video coding. To maximize all clients' perceived quality, the
optimal partition algorithm for multiple FGS-coded video is the clients with the bandwidth which is lower than the
proposed. By analyzing the algorithms oriented FGS-coded base layer rate can not watch the video sequence.
stream proposed by Hsu et al, this paper first puts forward However, the problem on the optimal base layer rate is
a method to build the R-Q function curve and proposes an still open problem. Hence, this paper puts forward the
algorithm to cut search space of finding the optimal base optimal partition algorithm for multiple fine grained
layer rate. Second, according to the optimization problem of scalable video to maximize the clients' perception
multiple sequences, the improved greedy algorithm experience and the problem on the optimal base layer rate
MFGS_N are proposed to improve the probability to find is solved.
the optimal base layer rate, thus to reduce the runtime.
Moreover, illustration examples are given to demonstrate II. RELATED WORKS
and compare the effect of the algorithm.
Radha et al. [1] and Schaar et al. [2] study the coding
Index Terms—Fine Grained Scalable; Greedy Algorithm; efficiency gap of FGS video decoder in the MPEG-4. The
Streaming Media System; Base Layer Rate authors survey the relationship between FGS video
coding efficiency gap and time domain correlation. They
find that the correlation coefficients between
enhancement layer frame and the motion compensated
In recent years, the number of broadband users rapidly reference frames is good indication of the FGS coding
increases. As the main application of added value efficiency. Literatures [3], [4] and [5] study the coding
services of broadband, the streaming media service efficiency of scalability coders through the layer overload.
became a typical paradigm of internet application and The layer overload refers to the bit rate that can not
also obtained fast development. Among the network improve the video quality. However, no papers establish
services, the online film and TV watching and download proper, accurate coding efficiency gap function, which is
services accounts for a considerable proportion. The not helpful to propose the accurate algorithm. Through
market scale of online video service reaches to hundreds experiments, Hsu et al [7] show that the appropriate base
of millions dollar. Therefore, lots of big network layer rate of FGS can improve clients' perception
operators, even the telecom operators are making efforts experience. But it does not put forward a systematic
in the streaming media system construction. Meanwhile, method for base layer rate choice. Radha et al [6]
in order to improve the clients' perception experience, the consider the optimization of a single stream that has
scalable coding techniques are extensively being used. multiple layers with different granularities, which can
Due to the inherent low fault tolerance and limited rate also be used in stream systems that have multiple
expansion ability of multi-layers and multiple nonscalable version of the stream to calculate the best
descriptions coding, FGS has become the most popular rate of each version. Radulovic et al [5] compare the
coding technology in network video, which has been performance of scalable and nonscalable stream. To
adopted by MPEG4. The FGS encodes the stream maximize the average video perception experience, the
sequence into a base layer and an enhancement layer, in authors formalize a dynamic planning to calculate the rate
which the former can be decoded separately to provide of each layer, and select the square root rate-distortion
the basic video quality, the later will overlay on the base model to estimate coding efficiency of each layer. In
layer after being decoded, thus to provide a better video literature [4], Liu et al study the broadcasting multilayer
quality. In a streaming media system, the base layer rate streaming video problem in the wireless cellular system
is very important for content providers. If the base layer in which the number of channel and users' capacity
rate is high, this may increase perceived quality for some distribution are given. Yang et al [8] researche the multi-
clients, which could allow the provider to charge higher cast stream system and the algorithm proposed by them




Bmax The maxmum bandwidth of streaming media server

S The number of the sequences
N s ( s  1, 2, 3,..., S ) The number of clients that receive the video sequence s
C s ( s  1, 2, 3,..., S ) The number of client classes that receive the video sequence s
bcs (c  1, 2,..., C s ) The bandwidth of the client class c
f cs ,  c 1 f cs  1
The ratio of the clients of the class c to the total clients in each sequence s
, bC s  rmax
The biggest bit rate of sequence s
rbs The base layer rate of sequence s
rb (rb   rb ,1  s  S  )
The stream structuring policy for all sequences
rcs The decoding rate of sequence s for all clients in class c
qcs The total of video quality received by all clients in class c
qnss  bcs 
The quality achieved by coding sequence s with nonscalable coders ats rate bc
 s  rbs  The quality gap between the FGS sequence with the base layer rate rb and
coding sequence s with nonscalable coders at rate bcs

divides the receivers into several groups to maximize the (2) Higher base layer rates lead to smaller quality gaps.
system's overall utility. This system can be encoded as This fact indicates that the quality gap   rb  is a non-
several cumulative layers as well as multiple versions that
have different rate, but it doesn't take account of the layer increasing function of the base layer rb .
overload. In a word, the existing literatures have not yet (3) Sequences with different characteristics lead to
provided a systematic method to optimize the structure different quality gap   rb  .
and maximize the average quality of all clients. Although
Zhu et al. [9] propose a unified optimization framework B. The Algorithm for Multi-video Sequence
to minimize the total distortion of all video streams, their We follow the symbols used in [11][12] and all
work mainly solves the rate allocation problem of symbols are summarized in Table 1 Based the above
multiple video streams. Similar to [9], our previous work symbols, the optimizing problem of multi- video
[10] proposes two algorithms for multi-video-source in a sequence can be formulated into:
new mobile P2P architecture for streaming media systems.
In [10], the bit rate allocation problem is considered to S 
 Cs 

enhance the users’ perceived experience. Hsu et al. [11] max   N  q s s
c f cs 

s 1  c 1 
[12] formalize the selection problem of the optimal base
rate of single sequence, and put forward a optimized  C 
 
FGSOPT algorithm to maximize the average video s.t. 0  rb  rmax and   N s  rcs f cs   Bmax .
perception experience of given clients distribution. On  c 1
s 1  

this basis, they further expand the method into multi- Because the clients with the bandwidth smaller than rbs
sequence model, and put forward a branch bound can not receive the base layer, the Eq. (2) and (3) are held:
algorithm called MFGSOPT and greedy algorithm called
MFGS. However, the algorithm FGSAG (FGS algorithm 0,
 bcs  rbs
group) proposed by Hsu et al. need to introduce the gap r  s
function, and in most cases, it can not find the optimal 
bc , bcs  rbs
solution. Hence, this paper introduces a new optimization
strategy to increase the probability of getting the optimal 
0, bcs  rbs
solution without the introduction of differences function. q  s s
qns  bc     rb  , bcs  rbs ,
c s s

SEQUENCE where, qnss  bcs    s  rbs  refers to the video quality that is
A. Modeling and Attribute Analysis of the Quality Gap achieved under the decoding rate bcs .
Function Hsu et al. [11] [12] have proved that the optimizing
In order to define and formal the problem, Hsu et al. problem for multiple sequences is an NP difficult
first give the following definition: problem and proposed a branch and boundary algorithm
Definition 1: Quality gap function   rb  : The quality MFGSOPT and greedy algorithm MFGS.
gap function   rb  is the quality difference between a IV. THE IMPROVED ALGORITHM FOR MULTI-VIDEO
nonscalable stream and a fine-grained scalable stream SEQUENCE
coded with base layer rate rb , when both streams are
A. Building the R-Q Function Curve
decoded at the same bit rate.
In MFGSOPT and MFGS [11] [12], the quality gap
The quality gap function is the discrete function of rb . function is introduced to compute the video quality under
They model the function through experiments, and draw all kinds of base layers rate. From the view of building
the curve of the function. By the observation, the features the R-Q function curve, the following steps are constantly
of quality gap function are summarized as follows: repeated.
(1) FGS streams have lower coding efficiency than a
nonscalable stream.



(a) Mobile (b) Crew

Figure 1. The video quality function curve

Encode the sequence with the nonscalable coder at rate bandwidth consumption of all clients of sequence s ,
ri , (1  i  N ) , where N is the number of sample point in when base layer is coded at rate bcs . These two variables
the curve. can be computed as:
Decode the nonscalable sequence at decoding rate
 
ri , (1  i  N ) . ycs   N s qbs (b sj ) f js (4)
Calculate the video quality Qnon by comparison the j c

original video with the reconstructed video.

wcs    N s b sj f js 
Encode the sequence with FGS coder at base layer rate
rb (This step may not be repeated). j c
Decoding the FGS sequence at decoding rate
ri , (1  i  N ) .
Calculate the video quality QFGS by comparison the
original video with the reconstructed video.
Compute the   rb   Qnon  QFGS .
As a result, tremendous computational overhead are
introduced. In fact, it is unnecessary and can be avoid. It
can be solved by build a quality table of a certain base
Figure 2. An illustrative example for MFGS
layer rate directly. The method is to code a sequence with
FGS coder at a base layer rate rb , then, decode the video Based on Eq. (4) and Eq. (5), The multiple sequence
at a variety of decoding rate, and calculate the video problem that maximizes the average perceived quality for
quality. Based on quality table, the function between all clients over all sequences can be rewritten as:
bandwidth and quality at the base layer rb can be
 
 y   max   N q 
obtained through the curve fitting method. First of all, the
 s

max c bcs
(b sj ) f js  (6)
definition is given: rb
s 1
s 1  j c 

Definition 2: video quality function qrb (rc ) : For a
 C
 

fine-grained scalable stream coded with base layer rate rb , s.t. 0  rb  rmax ; and   N s  rcs f cs   Bmax
qrb (rc ) is the video quality achieved by decoding it at the  c 1
s 1  

The lcs ( Br ) still indicates the quality improvement per
rate rc , which is measured as PSNR in dB.
bandwidth, which is computed as:
However, MFGS often can not get the optimal solution.
An illustration example is shown in Fig. 2, where the 0, if wcs  wcs1  Br
server bandwidth is 11, too. The optimal solution 
lc ( Br )   ycs  ycs1
achieved by MFGS is  b31 , b22 , b23 , b44 |16 /11  . In fact,  ws  ws , otherwise , where 1  c  C s
the optimal solution is  b31 , b22 , b23 , b44 | 22 /11  .  c c 1

Furthermore, these cases are common. Therefore, an where, Br is the remaining server bandwidth. In addition,
improved MFGS algorithm is proposed.
a new variable ucs is introduced, which indicates the
Firstly, two variables are defined: 1) ycs is the average
quality per bandwidth and ucs can be computed as:
quality improvement contributed by sequence s , when
the base layer is coded at rate bcs , and 2) wcs is the server



ycs uks s value among all sequences. We allocate more

ucs  (8)
wcs bandwidth to that sequence s* , i.e., we encode sequence
* *
Based on the above definition, we modified the MFGS s* at base layer rate b ss* rather than b ss* (line11-14).
k 1 k
algorithm, called MFGS_N, and the pseudocode of The line 17 updates the remaining bandwidth and the
MFGS_N is shown in Fig. 3. program flow goes to the line 9 which recomputes
In the MFGS_N, ycs and wcs are computed in the line lkss ( Br ) for all sequences and finds the sequence that
1, and they compose of a two-dimensional array t , where
leads to the highest overall quality margin again.
the row s corresponds to sequence s and each row has C s MFGS_N stops once Br is not sufficient to further
columns. Each element in the array, denoted tcs , is a increase the average quality or average quality already is
triplet of the form  ycs , wcs , bcs  . As discussed above, ycs the highest (line 15-16).
indicates the average quality improvement and is Initial_assign()
computed by Eq. (4). wcs indicates the bandwidth 1) for s = 1 to S
consumption and is computed by Eq. (5). bcs is the base 2) s
k max 1 ;
3) for c = 1 to C s
layer rate of sequence s. The line 2 sorts each row based {
on ycs in increasing order. After sorting, the line 3 4) Compute u cs using Eq.(13);
5) if ( uksmax
s  ucs )
removes all array entries that would clearly produce 6) s
k max  c;
inferior solutions. For example, wcs1  wcs , however, }

ycs1  ycs and in this case, the element tcs uses more in the descending order, where s  1,2,..., S;
7) Sort ukmax s

8) Br  Bmax ;
bandwidth than tcs1 yet contributes smaller value to the 9) for i = 1 to S
overall quality. The line 5 generates the initial solution by 10) s  s i // si indicates s of the ith ukmax
s in the descending order

Initial_assign. The while loop (lines 6-18) repeatedly 11) if ( Br  ws s  0 )

k max
allocates more bandwidth to the sequence with the 12) k s  kmax s ;
highest quality improvement per bandwidth usage lcs and Br  Br  wks s ;
the highest quality per bandwidth usage ucs . 13) else
14) ks  0 ;
{ 15 return  k 1 , k 2 ,..., k S , Br  ;
s s
1) Compute yc and wc for all s and c using Eq.(7) and (8); }
2) Sort each row of t in ascending order based on yc ; Figure 4. The pseudocode of Initial_assign
3) Remove all t cs , where w cs 1 wcs ;
5)  k 1 , k 2 ,..., k S , Br  =Initial_assign() ; The Initial_assign is the key module in the MFGS_N
6) while (true)
and its pseudocode is shown in the Fig. 4. The line 1-6
7) s*  0 ; finds the index of the highest ucs for each sequence. We
8) for s = 1 to S
sort all uks s in the descending order, where s  1, 2,..., S .
9) Compute l c ( Br ) using Eq.(12);
10) if ( k s  C s & & wks s 1  wks s  B r ) In line 9-14, we assign the initial solution for each
{ sequence. The sequence with the highest uks s is firstly
if ( s  0 || lk s 1  lk s* 1)
* s s* max
12) s*  s ; assigned and the sequence with the lowest uks s is lastly
if ( lk s 1  l s* & &uk s 1  u s*
s s* s s*
13) )
14) s*  s ;
k 1 k 1
assigned. If Br  wkss  Bmax , the initial k s  kmax
, where
Br indicates the occupied server bandwidth, Bmax is the
15) if ( s*  0 )
16) return bkss , where s  1,2, ..., S ; maximum available server bandwidth, and kmax indicates
17) 
Br  Br  ws s*  ws s* ;

k 1

 the index of the highest ucs for sequence s. Otherwise, the
k s  ;
} initial k s  0 . Furthermore, the initial k s of all
} sequences after this sequence is set 0.
Figure 3. The pseudocode of MFGS_N V. ILLUSTRATIVE E XAMPLE
Let k s be the index of the current base layer rate for We use an illustrative example to explain the operation
sequence s, i.e., the base layer rate of s is bkss . MFGS_N of MFGS_N algorithm. The variables ycs and wcs are
computed by the Eq. 4) and Eq. 5) and the results are
starts from initial k s for all sequences (line 10), and shown in Fig. 2. MFGS_N first sorts each row of the
search for the sequence s* with the highest lkss ( Br ) and array t and removes inferior array entries. As a result,
the updated array is shown in Fig.5. For example, t12 can



be removed because y12  4  y22  6 and al, the new algorithm proposed by this paper can improve
the probability to find the best base layer rate and reduce
w  6  w  4 . Compute u by Eq. 8) and find the
c the runtime
maximum umax for each sequence, and then
k 1
 1, u 1
1  2; k 2
 2, u2
max kmax max kmax
This work was partially supported by Grant 61100214
kmax  2, uk33  3; kmax
 4, uk44  4 are generated. Sort
max max from the National Natural Science Foundation of China
uks s in the descending order, and the results are and Grand No. 2010R50041 from Key Innovation Team
of Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang
uk44  4, kmax
 4; uk33  3, kmax
 2; Province and Grant No. 2011C14024 from Science and
max max

u 1
 2, k 1
 1; u 2
 1.5, kmax
 2 . According to the Technology Department of Zhejiang Province Program
1 max 2
kmax kmax and Grant No. Z201122764 from Educational Committee
descending order of ucs , the initial solution of Zhejiang Province.
k k4 4
max  4; k  k
3 3
max  2; k  k  1;k  kmax
1 2
 2;
Br  3 will be assigned. From the initial
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broadcasting with general utility functions. In Proc. of
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VI. CONCLUSIONS [7] C. Hsu and M. Hefeeda. Structuring multi-layer scalable
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The FGS is one of the most popular coding the IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service
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important parameter when the content providers encode multicast receivers. In Proc. of IEEE International
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[9] X. Q. Zhu, Bernd G. A unified framework for distributed
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Systems Support for Digital Audio & Video (NOSSDAV'07),
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Mande Xie received the MS degree in

Circuit & System from Hangzhou Dianzi
University in 2003, and the PhD degree
in Circuit & System from Zhejiang
University in 2006. He is currently an
Associate Professor in the Zhejiang
Gongshang University. His research
interests include Peer to Peer Streaming
Media, Wireless Sensor Networks
(WSNs), Social Network and Privacy Preservation.



An Improved Directed Diffusion Protocol based

on Opportunistic Routing
Yi Xu
School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China

Yixian Yang, Yang Xin, and Hongliang Zhu

National Engineering Laboratory for Disaster Backup and Recovery, Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, Beijing, China
Email: {yxyang, yangxin, zhuhongliang}

Abstract—Researchers are paying more and more attention in a large area where communication between the sensor
to the application of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), nodes and the sink node is expensive. Traditional routing
where routing is one of the vital techniques. An advanced faces difficulties in coping with reliable and energy-
Directed Diffusion protocol, named DDOR, is presented in efficient communications. It is imperative to design
this paper based on Opportunistic Routing to improve the
protocols in wireless sensor networks which will
disadvantage of mono-forwarder of traditional routing
protocol. Packet head has been modified in order to implement efficient measures to enhance communications
implement a forwarder list in DDOR. Instead of fixed next- reliability and minimize energy loss. Our work takes
hop forwarding in transmission, DDOR selects the optimal inspiration from one class of promising techniques known
node to forward. DDOR mechanism can effectively save as opportunistic routing (ExOR) [4], which takes
energy of WSNs by decreasing the hops from sources to advantage of the broadcast nature of wireless
sinks, thereby extends the life of WSNs. A large number of communication to increase throughput and save energy in
simulations prove that DDOR is feasible. Compared with retransmissions. We propose an improved directed
Directed Diffusion, DDOR does decrease the energy diffusion protocol based on opportunistic routing
consumption on packets forwarding.
(DDOR). The main contributions of DDOR are
Index Terms—WSNs; Directed Diffusion; Opportunistic summarized as follows:
Routing; Forwarder List; ETX; Energy Consumption 1. DDOR proposes a novel transmission strategy.
Intermediate nodes forward packets to their next nodes
dynamically, which are determined opportunistically by
I. INTRODUCTION the priorities of reinforced nodes.
Recent advance in processor, memory, and radio 2. DDOR solves the problem of retransmission caused
technology enables small and cheap sensing nodes to by packets mission.
perform wireless communication and significant This paper is organized as follows: Section II surveys
computation. Sensor networks [1-3] may contain related works on routing of wireless sensor networks and
hundreds or thousands of sensing nodes. It is desirable to describes their characteristics and application areas.
make these nodes as cheap and energy-efficient as Section III presents the mechanism of DDOR and the
possible and rely on their large numbers to obtain high form of data and ACK packets. Section IV evaluates the
quality results. Sensor networks should be reduced in its performance of DDOR, and compares with directed
energy-consumption to minimize its maintenance, which diffusion. Section V concludes this paper.
thereby can be applied in inhospitable terrain inaccessible
to any service and embedded structures.
Network protocol is one of the significant techniques In this section, we provide a brief overview of some
of sensor networks, and also the field received with most related research work.
attention of network researchers. Network protocols must SPIN attempts to reduce the cost of flooding data [5].
be designed to avoid the early failure of individual node. The advantage of SPIN is that topological changes are
In addition, since the limited wireless channel bandwidth localized since each node needs to know only its single-
must be shared among all the sensors in the network, hop neighbors. However, the data advertisement
routing protocols for these networks should perform local mechanism of SPIN can not guarantee the delivery of
collaboration to reduce transmission collision. data.
Eventually, the data sensed by the nodes in the Intanagonwiwat et al. introduced a data dissemination
network must be transmitted to the sink node. In this paradigm called directed diffusion (DD) for sensor
work, we consider wireless sensor networks where the networks [6]. It includes three phases, interests diffusion,
unique sink node is fixed and all the other nodes located gradients establishment and paths reinforcement in that




Routing Network Routing
Advantages Drawbacks
protocols structure metric
SPIN flat Every node only has to know its single-hop neighbors. It does not guarantee delivery of data.
DD flat Best path It extends the lifetime of the network. It can not be used for continuous data delivery.
Overhead, complexity of the synchronization
COUGAR flat Best path It provides energy efficiency when generated data is huge.
in network data computation
It minimizes the energy consumption and results in the It does not consider multicast in the basic
E-TORA flat Best path
balance of the energy consumption of nodes. operation.
It is not applicable to networks deployed in
LEACH hierarchical Shortest path Low energy, distributed protocol
large regions.
It considers residual energy of nodes and results in reasonable Its hierarchy establishment requires high
HEED hierarchical Shortest path
selection of cluster heads. energy consumption.
The performance is worse as the network with
DHAC hierarchical Best path It prolongs the network lifetime.
heavy load.

order. Directed diffusion selects reasonable paths to cluster as the schedule. Each cluster member gets its
forward requests and replies on, on the assumption that assigned role and sends data to its cluster head in turns.
the network is data-centric. DHAC gains much better performance when the network
COUGAR uses declarative queries in order to abstract has light traffic.
query processing from the network layer functions such TABLE I summarizes all the above protocols
as selection of relevant sensors [7]. COUGAR utilizes discussed.
data aggregation to obtain more energy savings. The
abstraction is supported through an additional query layer. III. DDOR PROTOCOL
On the other hand, the overhead of the additional query
A. Introduction of Opportunistic Routing
layer for the energy consumption and storage is
increasing, as well as the complexity of the Suppose data forward through a fixed path, such as
synchronization in network data computation and the Source - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - Sink, as demonstrated in Fig. 1. In
dynamic maintenance of leader nodes to prevent failure. WSNs, sensor nodes communicate with other nodes by
TORA chooses the routes with the least hops as long broadcasting, and broadcasting communication is under
as the network topology doesn’t change. This may cause influence of the environment. If source node broadcasts a
to the nodes that are on the main route heavy load. E- message to node 1, it is possible that node 2 or 3 which is
TORA takes into consideration the level of power of each not far from node 1 also receives the broadcasting
node and avoids using nodes with low energy [8]. In message (The ratio of successful reception of node 2 or 3
addition, the energy consumption of nodes is balanced in is lower than node 1 undoubtedly). If node 2 or 3 instead
order to avoid that some nodes exhaust their energy too of node 1 sends the message to the sink, it will save the
soon if they are used too frequently. energy of broadcasting from node 1. Through the fixed
As the sensor nodes are far from sink node, out of path Source - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - Sink, there may be one or
energy-efficiency concern, hierarchical architecture is more opportunities to skip an intermediate node so as to
also a reasonable choice to reduce the cost of save more energy. Especially in a large scale and
transmission. distribution-intensive WSNs, the more hops from sources
LEACH is one of the most popular hierarchical routing to sinks, the more energy will be saved by skipping
algorithms for sensor networks [9]. The idea is to form intermediate nodes.
clusters of the sensor nodes based on the received signal
strength and use local cluster heads as routers to the sink.
LEACH uses single-hop routing where each node can
transmit directly to the cluster-head and the sink.
Therefore, it is not applicable to networks deployed in
large regions. 1 2 3 4

Since LEACH ignores the energy consumption issue of 90%

intra-clusters, the formation and structure of clusters may 70%
not be optimal. HEED presented by Younis and Fahmy 50%
periodically selects cluster heads based on the node’s source sink Traditional path
residual energy and a secondary parameter, such as node Optional path 1 Optional path 2
proximity to its neighbors or node degree [10]. However,
the residual energy cannot be calculated precisely, and Figure 1. Opportunistic routing
hierarchy establishment requires high energy
consumption. From the analysis above, we have introduced
DHAC presents that a node needs the knowledge of opportunistic routing [4] into directed diffusion. We take
only one hop neighbor to build the clusters [11]. DHAC two-phase-pull directed diffusion as an example. In the
uses the sequence of nodes merging into the current phase of reinforcement, sinks send the reinforcement



messages to sources hop-by-hop, and the intermediate C. Cooperation Mechanism

nodes with the shortest delay will be marked as In consideration of QoS, ACK mechanism is
reinforced neighbors. We modify the reinforcement introduced in this paper. When an intermediate node
messages, so that the nodes received reinforcement receives a data packet for the first time, it checks the
messages will write their information into forwarder lists forwarder list before it makes a decision.
contained in the messages. When source nodes receive 1. If this node has the highest priority in the forwarder
the reinforcement messages, the forwarder lists which list, it updates local data packet map before sending an
contain all the reinforced nodes are established ACK to the node i-1. As has mentioned above, N nodes
simultaneously. Every reinforced node maintains its own with the highest priorities in local forwarder list will be
forwarder list and data packet map, and the following written into the forwarder list in the packet, and the
packet will be transmitted in term of DDOR. packet will be forwarded to next hop.
B. Forwarder List 2. If this node does not have the highest priority in the
forwarder list, it keeps monitoring for an interval T.
Through the phases of interests diffusion and gradients
During the monitoring time, if the node receives an ACK
establishment, elementary gradients between all the nodes
from node i+1 (the node with higher priority), it will
have been established, as shown in Fig. 2(a). In the path
update local data packet map and send an ACK to node i-
reinforcement phase, a sink node broadcasts a message
1 after interval T. During the monitoring time, if the node
with reinforcement information, and announces that the
does not receive an ACK from any node with higher
neighbor who sends data to sink earliest will become the
priority, it will operate as situation 1 after interval T.
next hop of the path reinforced. After the chosen node
Data packet map records a group of nodes, every of
receiving the message, ID and priority of the node will be
which has the highest priority corresponding to different
written into the message, and forwarder list will be
packet, sources and the sink are also contained in this
duplicated in the local storage. Then, the message will be
group. Interval T  kTs ,k(k<N) is the number of nodes
forwarded to neighbors as the above rules. The whole
forwarder list will be stored as in ExOR. In this paper, we which have higher priorities than the current node. Ts is a
shorten the length of a forwarder list to save storage time margin, which should be longer than the sum of time
resource. The length of a forwarder list stored in every to process and transmit a packet.
node is K Byte, which is composed of K-1 nodes with When a source node receives an ACK from the node
higher priority and the node itself. The other nodes which with the lowest priority in its forwarder list, the last
are not chosen as reinforcement nodes will go dormant. packet will be confirmed to have been received by a node
with higher priority. Then, packets will be transmitted
Source Sink one by one following the same rule.
When the sink node receives a data packet, it updates
Source Sink
the data packet map and broadcasts an ACK immediately.
After receiving the ACK from the sink, intermediate
nodes update their data packet maps and drop the packets
(a) Gradient establishment (b) Path reinforcement received by the sink. The process will last until all the
Figure 2. Gradients establishment and paths reinforcement packets have been received by the sink.
D. Data packet Head and ACK Packet Head
When an intermediate node i receives a reinforcement
message, forwarder list in the message will be checked During the transmission of data from sources to the
primarily. The maximum length of a forwarder list is N, sink, as data are based on interests from the sink, which
which is decided by the storage of every node. If the differ from ExOR, the data packet head in ExOR should
number of nodes stored in a forwarder list is less than K, be modified, as shown in Fig. 3. The differences of the
node i will write its own ID and priority into forwarder data packet head between ExOR and DDOR are as
list, and duplicate the forwarder list in local storage, and follows:
then broadcast the message to neighbors. If there are K 1. Interest type takes the place of Batch ID. Every
nodes in the forwarder list, all of which have a higher forwarder can match packets with interests to decide
priority than node i, node i will write its own ID and which packets should be received and forwarded.
priority into forwarder list to replace the node with the 2. Data packet map takes the place of Batch map. As
highest priority, and make a duplication and broadcast as Interest type indicates the forwarding direction of a
well. packet, Data packet map shows which packets have been
When a source node receives the reinforcement received. DPMSz is similar to BatchSz, which means the
message, it updates and duplicates the forwarder list as size of packets.
other intermediate nodes do, therefore, a reinforced path
has been established, as shown in Fig. 2(b). Source nodes
set up a threshold N (N<K) according to its transmitting
power, and N nodes with the highest priorities will be
written into the forwarder list in the message to be
broadcast. Suppose every node has the same transmitting
power except sinks, the value of N is fixed. Figure 3. Data packet head



After receiving a packet, a node will transmit an ACK F. Flow of DDOR

packet. The form of an ACK packet head is shown in Fig. The flow chart of DDOR is shown in Fig. 5.
4. The expression of every part in this packet head is the
same as data packet head. IV. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS
Reference [12] describes the probability of reception
with Rayleigh fading channel, which is:
pR  pRN  pRI (1)
Figure 4. ACK packet head pRN is the reception probability in a zero-interference
Receive a packet network as it depends only on the noise, pRI is the
reception probability in a zero-noise network. For a well-
Has the packet been Yes
designed routing protocol, interference can be ignored,
received? and therefore the probability of reception is:
  N0 
pR  exp    (2)
 P d 
Yes With the highest priority
or not?
 T ij 
PT is the transmission power of node i, d ij is the
Start a Receive an ACK from higher Yes
timer priority node or not? distance between node i and node j, N 0 denotes the noise
No power,  is the channel attenuation factor,  is a certain
Save and forward the packet threshold of the signal-to-noise-and-interference ratio
(SINR) that is determined by the communication
Updata the data packet map hardware.
Suppose the reinforced nodes are distributed as Fig. 6.
Send an ACK to last node The reinforced path between a source and the sink is
composed of twelve hops. Transmission power is set to
Figure 5. Flow chart of DDOR
PT  660mW as in Ref. [6]. According to Ref. [12],
channel attenuation factor  has a value between 2 and 4,
E. Retransmission and the other two parameters are N0  0.1mW and   1 .
Suppose the threshold N  3 , the distance between two
Retransmission mechanism remedies the shortage of
ExOR. In our work, after transmitting a data packet, if an neighbors is fixed di ,i 1  d0,1 . When di ,i 1 and 
ACK from node i+1 is not received, the intermediate change, the ETX of forwarding a packet from a source to
node i will retransmit the latest data packet. The reasons the sink is shown in Fig. 7.
of retransmission may be as follows:
1. This packet is not received by nodes with higher ...
priorities than node i.
2. This packet is received by one node at least with Source Sink

higher priority, but the ACK is missing. Figure 6. The nodes deployment of reinforced path
A robust routing protocol has to deal with all the
possible problems. As known in Fig. 7, the longer distance between two
When the data packet is missing, suppose node i neighbors, the larger ETX is needed to transmit a packet
retransmits the latest packet, the node j with higher from a source to the sink. The larger channel attenuation
priority receives the packet for the first time. In this case, factor  , the larger ETX is needed to transmit a packet
node j will check the forwarder list to determine whether from a source to the sink as well. We choose a common
it will transmit the packet immediately or keep environment with   2.5 , and compare the performance
monitoring for an interval T, as introduced in section III. of DDOR with direction diffusion, as shown in Fig. 8.
C. As known in Fig. 8, when the distance between two
When the ACK is missing, suppose node j receives the neighbors satisfies di ,i 1  30m , DDOR is superior to
retransmitted data packet from node i, it will check the
local storage to see whether the packet has been received. directed diffusion obviously.
If the packet has been received by node j or other nodes We implement DDOR protocol in NS-2 simulator. Our
with higher priorities, node j will understand that the 50-node sensor field is generated by randomly placing the
latest ACK is missing and will retransmit an ACK to nodes in a 200 × 200 m square. The ns-2 simulator
node j-1. If the packet has not been received before, node implements a 1.6 Mb/s 802.11MAC layer. Our
j will check the forwarder list to determine whether it will simulations use a modified 802.11 MAC layer. To more
transmit the packet immediately or keep monitoring for closely mimic realistic sensor network radios, we altered
an interval T, as introduced in section III. C. the ns-2 radio energy model so that the idle-time power



dissipation was about 35 mW, which is nearly 10% of its As the number of sources changes, Fig. 10 shows the
receiving power dissipation (395 mW) and about 5% of average residual energy with directed diffusion and
its transmitting power dissipation (660 mW). Every node DDOR, respectively. As shown in Fig. 10, DDOR can
has 1000J energy initial, and the simulation lasts 20000s. save more energy than directed diffusion, for its
efficiency in choosing the next-hop nodes.

Figure 7. Impact of channel attenuation factor on DDOR Figure 10. Impact of number of source nodes on average residual
energy of nodes

This paper focuses on the problem of simplex and
fixed next-hop nodes in traditional routing protocols, and
presents an energy-efficient routing protocol based on
directed diffusion and opportunistic routing. In data
transmission, a forwarder list instead of a fixed next-hop
destination is implemented to choose an optional next-
hop node. Plenty of experiments prove that DDOR can
save more energy in transmission, and prolong the life of
WSNs. Comparing with directed diffusion, DDOR is
more energy-efficient.

Figure 8. Impact of distance on DDOR and DD This work is supported by the National Development
and Reform Commission Information Security Special
Five source nodes and one sink node are implemented fund, the Key Project of Chinese Ministry of Education,
in the simulation. After simulation, the residual energy of the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
every node is shown in Fig. 9 (except a few isolated Universities (BUPT2010PTB0503).
nodes). To be precise, the average residual energy of all
the nodes (except a few isolated nodes) is 287.913274 REFERENCES
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An Adaptive Approach for Multi-Agent

Formation Control in MANET Based on CPS
Jinzhi Lin, Ying Wu*, Gongyi Wu, and Jingdong Xu
College of Computer and Control Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P.R. China
*Corresponding author, Email:, {wuying, wgy, xujd}

Abstract—From Cyber Physical System (CPS) perspective, performances. From CPS perspective, with tight coupling,
it is nature for the system to tightly couple the we can efficiently make use of the limited network by
communications and computing aspects with its physical coordinating agents to produce traffics and access
dynamics. In this paper, we investigate this characteristic communication channel.
for multi-agent formation control in Mobile Ad-hoc
The idea similar to tight coupling is not rare in NCS
Network (MANET). We manage to measure the real time
wireless network congestion, implement a wireless QoS domain, which is known as co-design of control and
mechanism to provide different network channel access networking. To optimize the overall control performance,
priorities and come up with the emergency calculation. relations among sampling rate, control cost and
Based on these, we present our adaptive approach for communicate demand have been investigated in [6], and
formation control. To examine the benefit of our approach, an optimization problem was formulated. However,
we use a co-simulation tool that we have developed for network configuration (such as QoS) is not within
evaluating networked control & cyber physical system to consideration. A tighter cross-layer co-design solution
study a specific scenario, in which five follower agents plus was presented in [7]. Considering packet delay and loss, a
one leader perform a specific formation within a MANET
programming problem which aims to maximizes a utility
with different congestion conditions. Through simulation
experiments, it is showed that our approach could function as to adaptively adjust sampling rate and ensure
adaptively adjust sample periods and network channel control performance was proposed. But solving the
access priorities according to real time dynamics nonlinear optimal problem is just too complicated for
emergencies and the network traffics condition, so as to large scale and heterogeneous NCSs. Also being
optimize network utilization and improve the formation influenced by CPS, reference [8] has examined the tight
control performance. coupling characteristic for a cooperative vehicle safety
(CVS) system. To analyze how mutual dependence of
Index Terms—Adaptive; Congestion; Cyber Physical physical, estimation/tracking and communication
System; Emergency; Formation Control; Variable Sampling;
processes is exhibited, the relationships among
Wireless QoS
information dissemination rate (IDR), channel occupancy
and tracking MSE have been studied. Thus, a CPS
I. INTRODUCTION component interaction and tightly coupled design method
From the definition of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) was developed. Simulations showed that control
[1, 2]—integration of computation with physical performance improvement was significant. However, this
processes whose operations are monitored, coordinated approach is only applied to CVS system. Through reading
and controlled by a computing and communication core, more articles in designing NCS [9-12], we realize that
we confirm that CPSs are distributed multi-agent existing works are either lack of enough tight coupling of
networked computing. It is no doubt that consensus communications, computing and physical dynamics or
problem [3] is a research direction. Considering too complicated for a real-world system deployment.
Automated Highway System (AHS) [4] is one of CPS's Moreover, there is little research on multi-agent
main applications and the next work we are going to do, formation control considering co-design of control and
we start with studying formation control [5]—a typical networking. This gives the motivation of this paper.
consensus problem. Different from traditional Networked Combining real-time network congestion, system
Control System (NCS) or distributed computing, CPS emergency, wireless network QoS and sampling rate
emphasizes that the controlled processes and the together, we propose our adaptive approach for
communication network should be more interacted in all multi-agent formation control, thereby to study the
kinds of layers; tight coupling of communications, principle of CPS.
computing and physical dynamics is prominent. For This paper is organized as follows. In section II, we
formation control, real-time is promised, thus network introduce the background. In section III, we present our
induced delays and packet losses are critical for control adaptive approach for multi-agent formation control.



Simulation and performance analysis are given in section fi n  c  (vi  v0 ) ,

IV. Finally, this paper is concluded in section V.
where c is a parameter. In this way, navigation farce f i n
is proportional to the velocity difference from leader.
A. Multi-Agent Formation Control in MANET
In academe, formation control strategies are mainly 0, fi r  0 or f i a  0

fi d   ,
divided into: behavior-based [13], leader-follower [14],
sin  fi , fi  M   fi , other

a r r

graph-based [15], and artificial potentials [16]. They all

have their own advantages and disadvantages. Summing where M  is a matrix used to make f i r turn 90 degree
up all of them and considering some particular
0 1
assumptions we have made, we propose our own (for example, M  
when n=2,  ). This
formation control strategy, which is composed of the 1 0 
leader-follower and artificial potentials strategies. detouring force is added to avoid the balance between
Suppose N agents with equation of motion: attractive and repulsive forces which is known as the
local minima problem for artificial potentials approach.
 xi  vi We assume all agents have preset the formation matrix.

vi  ui They periodically broadcast their states (normally,
positions and velocities) through MANET, and the
where xi  R n , vi  R n and ui  R n donate position, movement of the leader follows a predefined reference
velocity and control vector respectively, and trajectory. Without considering network delay and loss,
i  0,1, , N  1 . Similar to the idea of [17], a formation under above control law, it can be proved that agents can
is described by a formation matrix: converge to their desired positions so as to perform the
preset formation. Due to the space limitation, we have to
F  [ p0T , p1T , , pN 1T ]T  RnN omit the prove process here.
Start measure; getCongestion
where pi is agent i's assigned position vector. Assume do some initiations;

agent 0 is the leader, and then the relative formation C = 0;

j = 0;
matrix can defined as: Get channel state
from csmgr

F  [0T , p10T , , p( N 1)0T ]T  RnN j < bucket_num?

Channel state is
where pi 0  pi  p0 . Through this relative formation Y N Y
C += buckets[j];
matrix, each follower agent i can easily compute its State = CM_IDLE;
idleDuration = 0; State = CM_BUSY;
j ++;

desired position xi if it knows the leader's current idleStartTime =

idleDuration = 0;

position x0 , that is xi  pi 0  x0 . C /= I*bucket_num;

return C;

The movement of the leader is a predefined reference Start

trajectory with predefined velocity and acceleration,
while the followers are controlled by the formation
control law: Start

ui  fi  fi  fi  fi , i  1, 2,
a r n d
, N 1

where f i a , f i r , f i n and f i d are attractive force, Channel state changes

(from csmgr)
CM_Timer expire

repulsive force, navigation force and detouring force,

respectively. Channel state is
State = CM_IDLE?
xi  xi Y N

f i a  k  , Y
xi  xi  1 State = CM_IDLE;
idleStartTime = now;
State = CM_BUSY;
idleDuration += now - idleDuration += now -

idleStartTime; idleStartTime;
idleStartTime = now;
where k is a parameter.

 xi  x j  xi  x j Buckets[cur] = idleDuration;

   log2  
cur = (cur+1)%bucket_num;
fi r  , idleDuration = 0;
   xi  x j
j Ai
 

where Ai  k | xi  xk   , k  0,1, , N  1, k  i is CM_Timer

the collection of adjoin neighbors of agent i. Parameter Figure 1. Implementation of real time congestion measurement in
 is adjustable, and  is the repulsive range. NS-2



In this paper, we assume that in our MANET, time Ns

within all network nodes is synchronized. Actually, time  idle[n]

synchronizing in wireless network is feasible by using C n 1
some protocols [18]. Under this assumption, an agent not Ns  D
only broadcasts its position and velocity, but also the time Obviously, C  [0,1] . We use C to indicate network
when its state is sampled, all in one packet. When an
agent receives a packet, it compares the sampled time real time congestion degree. When C decreases, network
with its local current time, plus making use of the congestion degree increases.
sampled positions and velocities to estimate its neighbors'
current positions. Actually, in the simulations in section
IV, the formation control law uses these estimated
positions instead of the sampled positions.
B. A Co-Simulation Tool for CPS Evaluation
As researches of CPS needed, in the past two years, we
have developed a co-simulation tool for networked
control & cyber physical system evaluation [19], which
integrates the dynamic control system simulator-Ptolemy
II with the network simulator-NS 2, therefore capable of
simulating CPS with realistic low layer network. With
this tool in hand, we have the ability to study and
Figure 2. Channel idle time percentage vs. time
examine many principles and ideas derived from CPS.
Using this co-simulation tool, in this paper, we evaluate
Fig. 2 shows the congestion measurement in a
our adaptive approach for multi-agent formation control
simulation scenario in that the wireless channel transmit
via simulations.
rate is 3Mb/s, and the number of participant nodes who
III. ADAPTIVE APPROACH FOR MULTI-AGENT broadcast their packets at a rate of 828bytes*10packets/s
FORMATION CONTROL increase 10 every 10 seconds. We can see that our
congestion measurement can effectively report the real
Roughly, we are going to obtain real time network time traffic of wireless network channel. When the
traffic congestion degrees and agents' current emergency number of participant nodes reaches 50, wireless channel
degrees. By inspecting these two factors, agents compute become saturated, therefore C < 0.1.
new broadcast periods and assign appropriate access
categories (ACs) to the corresponding network interfaces, B. Implementation of QoS in MANET
so as to accomplish adaptive adjustment. Different from [24], which have designed an approach
A. Wireless Network Congestion Measurement to support QoS in MANET based CAC scheme for
certain transmission flows. We look for QoS
Several papers have discussed the measurement of implementation in wireless one hop communication. We
congestion in the wireless medium. All of them are adopt the idea of EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel
making use of the medium utilization [20-22]. Here, we Access) in the 802.11e draft [25], which has been
have implemented the so-called passive approach, which comprehensively investigated in [26], through the
accumulate the channel idle time by monitoring the performance, it was proved to be available. Standard
PhyIdle and PhyBusy indications that implemented in IEEE 802.11 proposes with its EDCA a way of providing
802.11 wireless network interfaces. In [20], through the differentiated channel access to data traffic with different
similar method, measuring the channel busy time is priorities. We implement this priority mechanism to
implemented for Atheros AR5212 chipset radios, thus it provide three different types of traffic depending on its
is showed that this congestion measurement in a real Access Category (AC). The prioritized traffic differs to
wireless network card is feasible. To integrate with our the non-priority traffic (AC=0) by using interframe
simulation tool, we implement a C++ class in NS-2 for spaces AIFSD[AC] and CWmin[AC] instead of standard
monitoring the channel state. In NS-2.34, an overhaul DIFS and CWmin, respectively. The interframe spaces
model of IEEE 802.11[23] is capable of simulating more AIFSD[AC] are determined by:
realistic wireless networking. In this model, the C++ code
file is responsible for MAC layer AIFSD[ AC ]  SIFS  AIFS[ AC ]  SlotTime
implementation, and class ChannelStateMgr is in charge
of managing wireless channel state. By capturing events The values of AIFS[] and the corresponding contention
of ChannelStateMgr, we can be notified when channel windows for the different ACs can be found in Table I.
state has changed. In order to gain real time congestion,
we record the channel idle time in the latest Ns time slots
of an interval of D. Fig. 1 gives the implementation of AC CWMIN AIFS
real time congestion measurement in NS-2. Fraction C of 0 aCWmin 3
1 (aCWmin+1)/2 - 1 2
time when the wireless channel is idle can be calculated
2 (aCWmin+1)/4 - 1 1
as following:



step is to combine these components to adaptively adjust

the sampling rate and channel access category (AC) to
optimize the control performance and network utilization.
References [27-29] have studied the variable sampling
rate approach for NCS. Through them, we have learned
that variable sampling is a perfect adaptive solution for
NCS to deal with different network traffic conditions.
However, all of these papers still lack of tight coupling of
communications and physical dynamics. That's to say,
they rarely consider how network congestion should
affect the sampling rate and how system emergency and
network QoS should be associated. Obviously, in a
congested network, we should not simply reduce the
sample period while the system is in urgency; instead, we
should expand it to release the communication pressure.
However, in this situation, we can give the system a
Figure 3. The transmission delays, packet receiving rates, and
channel access time for different ACs higher channel access priority so as to expect of obtaining
a higher transmission success rate to improve the control
Fig. 3 demonstrates the communication performance performance.
with different ACs with respect to transmission delay, Based on the analysis above, not only consider the
packet receiving rate and channel access time. In this system emergency E f , but also network congestion
scenario, nodes broadcast their packets at a rate of degree C, the following equation is used to calculate the
228bytes*50packets/s and the number of nodes for each next sample period:
AC is exactly the same. One can see that as the number of
participant nodes increases (thus the network channel is P  Pmax  ( Pmax  Pmin )[ E f  (1  E f )C ]
more and more saturated), performances of different ACs
are more and more obvious, nodes with higher priority where E f  [0.1,1) , C  (0,1) . Pmax and Pmin are the
AC have less transmission delay, higher receiving rate maximal and minimal periods respectively, which should
and smaller channel access time. be configured according to the specific system. By using
C. Emergency Assessment this formula, we can see that if E f is big enough, P will
As previously described, in our formation control, each be dominated by E f —the more system emergency is
agent periodically broadcasts its position, velocity and the presented, the smaller sample period could be produced;
sampled time. Control law uses the estimated positions as if E f is small enough, P will be dominated by C—the
well as the sampled velocity to feedback control agents'
busier network is, the bigger sample period could be
dynamics. Obviously, an agent's velocity changing rate
produced. Moreover, the network channel AC is
and sample interval are crucial for its neighbors'
computed by:
controlling. The faster an agent’s velocity changes and
the longer its sampling interval is, the agent is more 2, E f  C  thresd
intention to broadcast an update state, therefore the higher 
AC  0, E f  C  thresd
its emergency is. To describe this emergency, the
1, others
following calculation is used: 
E(t )  (v(t )  v(tb ))(t  tb ), t  tb where thresd is a threshold parameter. We can see that
network QoS is determined also by combining the system
where v(t ) is the current velocity, v(tb ) is the sampled emergency and network congestion degree together. The
velocity which is broadcasted last time. Correspondingly, more system emergency and network congestion are, the
(t  tb ) is the time interval from the last sample time to higher network channel access priority could be.
the current time. Furthermore, we map this emergency to By using the above configurations, variable sampling
the scope [0.1,1) by using: and adaptive network QoS adjustment are acquired. Most
important, because system emergency and network
E 2 (t ) congestion degree is dominating system sample period
E f (t )  *0.9  0.1 and network QoS, and sample period and network QoS
E 2 (t )  K 2 could inversely affect the system emergency and network
where K is a scale parameter that can be tuned to fix congestion degree, the tight coupling of communications,
different setting accordingly. computing and physical dynamics we emphasize all the
time is basically implemented.
D. Adaptive Adjustment
So far, we are able to measure the real time network IV. ILLUSTRATIVE CASE
congestion degrees, have implemented a QoS mechanism In this section, using our co-simulation tool [19] as
and can assess the current system emergency. The next mentioned earlier, we conduct several experiments to



evaluate our adaptive approach via simulations. A and average packet loss rate will be examined.
formation control scenario with one leader and five
followers in a MANET is set up. Different scenarios with TABLE II. CONFIGURATION SUMMARY OF FORMATION CONTROL
different network congestion situations are simulated, and
control performances of conventional and our adaptive Parameter Value
approaches are investigated. T
 200 175 197 187 150 100 
A. Experiment Configurations
Initial positions  20 23 17 17 17 20 
 
We consider 6 agents in a 2-D plane, and agent labeled 15 15 15 15 15 15

0 is picked out as the leader, others are all treated as Initial velocities 0 0 0 0 0 0
 
followers. Acceleration and velocity profiles of the leader
0 10 20 30 40 50
for the first dimension are shown in Fig. 4. Acceleration Formation matrix 0 0
and velocity for the second dimension are set to zero. The  0 0 0 0 
following relative formation matrix is assigned: k 3
 10

0 10 20 30 40 50 
0 0 0 
c 1
 0 0 0
0 1
M 1 0 
That's to form a line with separated space of 10. Initial  
positions and velocities and other control parameters are
In order to import different MANET traffic congestion Category PARAMETER Value
conditions, besides the six network nodes for formation PHY Transmission power 1mW
control, we also add different numbers of extra nodes SINR data capture 10dB
MAC Slot time 13μs
moving at a uniform speed along the formation line to
SIFS time 32μs
broadcast packets to produce traffic. The network aCWmin 15
parameters consistent with the IEEE 802.11p and Symbol duration 8μs (3Mbps)
scenario parameters are showed in Table III. In Application Packet size of FC nodes 200bytes
conventional approach, agents' broadcasting periods are Packet size of non-FC nodes 800bytes
fixed to 500ms. In contrast, in our adaptive approach, Total number of nodes 11,31,51,71
Packet send rate of non-FC nodes 10pkts/s
( Pmin , Pmax ) is set to (100ms, 1000ms). According to the
Fig. 5 demonstrates AFE vs. time for conventional and
parameters setting, for conventional approach, when the adaptive approaches within a network of node number of
total number of network nodes (include the six formation 11, 31, 51 and 71, which respectively stand for low,
control agents) arrives: medium, high and saturated network traffics. We can see
3Mb / 8   200  28 byte  1/ 0.5   6 that as congestion becomes more and more severe, AFE
 6  51 , is bigger and bigger, which means that the formation
800  28 byte 10 control performance is worse and worse. But, it is
obvious that performances of adaptive approach surpass
the network channel could be saturated. Thus, we conduct the conventional one in all congestion conditions. That's
experiments with 11, 31, 51 and 71 nodes to exam the
because adaptive approach can bring much more control
control and network performance.
data and higher packet receiving rate when systems is in
B. Analysis emergency by adaptively adjusting the sampling rates and
To evaluate the control performance, similar to IAE network QoS. To be more specific, we present the
(the Integral of the Absolute Error) in [27], the Integral of congestions, ACs and emergencies of one of the five
the Absolute Formation Error (IAFE) is used: follower agents with 11, 31, 51 and 71 network nodes,
shown in Fig. 6, 7 and 8. It can be seen that, combining
IAFE   e f dt the real time congestion condition and current formation
dynamics emergency, the adaptive approach adaptively
assigns appropriate AC to the wireless network interface
where e f  F  0T , x0 (t )  x1 (t ), , x0 (t )  x5 (t )  is the to obtain proper network access priority.
error between actual and reference trajectories, and e f Table IV gives IAFEs and network utilizations. It can
be seen that, for low and medium network traffics (11, 31
can be known as Absolute Formation Error (AFE). nodes), because of the highly successful transmissions
Respectively, t0 and tf are the initial time and final time of (packet loss rates are small), IAFEs of conventional and
evaluation period in continuous time. adaptive approach are close. However, when network
To evaluate the network performance, for formation becomes congested and saturated, performances of
control nodes, average transfer rate: adaptive approach are much superior to conventional, that
total number of pakcets sent is the performances have been improved (5.25 -
Rav  4.14)/5.25  21.14% and (5.30 - 4.40)/5.30  16.98%
running time respectively. At the same time, ALRs (packet Average



Loss Rate) for Formation nodes in adaptive approach high and saturated congestions, even with smaller Rav ,
have been largely improved. As to network resource the control performances of adaptive approach are still
utilizations, Rav in conventional approach is fixed to 2 better than the conventional one. All of these have proved
no matter what congestion condition is. But in adaptive that our adaptive approach could more effectively utilize
approach, Rav is adaptively adjusted as the network the limited network resource.
congestion condition changes. We can also see that, in

Figure 4. Acceleration and velocity profiles of the leader agent for the first dimension

Figure 5. Control results of conventional and adaptive approach within different node number networks. con = conventional, adp = adaptive



Figure 6. Congestions within different node number networks

Figure 7. Access categories within different node number networks

V. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS of communication, computing and physical dynamics

design approach is proposed. To accomplish this
In this paper, different from the currently using
approach, a method to measure the real time wireless
conventional networked control systems design
network congestion is implemented; a mechanism that
methodology, based on CPS perspective, a tight coupling



Figure 8. Emergencies within different node number networks

TABLE IV. SUMMARY PERFORMANCES FOR ALL EXPERIMENTS going to investigate adaptive tight coupling scheme for
multi-hop broadcasting communication for multi-agent
Type Rav ALR IAFE (103) formation control problem. Moreover, as developments
con_11 2.00 0.096 3.77 of embedded system and wireless sensor and actuator
adp_11 4.80 0.033 3.47 network are rapid in recent years, researches on CPS
con_31 2.00 0.132 3.88
adp_31 2.03 0.073 3.78
become more and more popular and in demand. We have
con_51 2.00 0.450 5.25 confident that our design methodology proposed in this
adp_51 1.57 0.134 4.14 paper is a good start for CPS researches and certainly
con_71 2.00 0.534 5.30 would need further improvements and evaluations when
adp_71 1.49 0.315 4.40 applied to specific applications.
could provide different QoSs for wireless network is
adopted; and crucially, the concept of emergency has ACKNOWLEDGMENT
been defined to describe the urgency degree a node want
to access network channel and broadcast its data. Finally The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees for
and the most importantly, taking use of all of the above their valuable comments and suggestions to improve the
components, the adaptive adjustment method that follows presentation of this paper. This work was supported by
the principle of CPS's tight coupling of communication, the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher
computing and physical dynamics is proposed. Through Education of China (No. 20110031110026), and the
simulation experiments, it can be concluded that our National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.
adaptive approach for multi-agent formation control 61103214).
systems could adaptively take full advantage of the
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Optimal-sampling Active Interference

Cancellation under the Minimax Criterion
Jinping Liu and Gang Zhu
School of Electronic and Information Engineering, State Key Lab. of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong
University, Beijing, China

Bo Cheng
School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China

Shengfeng Xu
School of Electronic and Information Engineering, State Key Lab. of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong
University, Beijing, China

Abstract—In industry and academia, researchers have given not be sufficient to avoid interference to LUs. Many
more and more attention to Cognitive Radio (CR). The key algorithms have been proposed to reduce the interference
idea of CR is to make it possible for a wireless system to find of LUs bands, and some algorithms based on least
the vacant spectrum and transfer data without interfering squares have been deeply investigated. These algorithms
with licensed users (LUs). Then, OFDM is proposed as a
include subcarrier weighting [3], cancellation carriers [4],
candidate signaling technology for such applications.
However, the sidelobe interference of subcarriers has and active interference cancellation (AIC) [5]
become a problem. In this letter, a method for sidelobe constellation methods. Subcarrier Weighting (SW) can
suppressing in OFDM systems is proposed and investigated. enhance the notch performance by weighting all
The proposed method is based on sampling in optimal subcarriers. The idea of AIC and Cancellation Carrier
locations with optimal weights in Active Interference (CC) are similar. Both of them can get high performance
Cancellation (AIC). By means of this technique, the at the cost of high computation. The algorithms
maximum interference of the target spectrum is minimized. mentioned above aim at lowering total interference to a
The proposed method can be used to minimize the minimum, which may lead to an undesirable situation.
maximum interference to licensed users in OFDM-based
cognitive radio systems. Additionally, this method can be
The situation is that some other parts of the band are
combined with other algorithms, such as Cancellation experiencing severe interference, although total
Carriers (CCs) and Subcarrier Weighting (SW), to enhance interference is at its least possible levels.
their performance under the minimax criterion. In this letter, a new method to optimize the samples in
AIC technique is proposed and analyzed to make the
Index Terms—Active Interference Cancellation; Sidelobe maximum interference minimum. This technique,
Suppression; Interference Avoidance; Cognitive Radio; referred to as optimal-sampling active interference
OFDM cancellation (OS-AIC), is based on finding the optimal
locations and optimal weights in AIC by using Lawson’s
I. INTRODUCTION algorithm and simplex method.
Recently, Cognitive Radio (CR) [1, 2] has drawn more II. SIGNAL MODEL AND AIC TECHNIQUE
and more attention from researchers, both in industry and In this letter, an OFDM system with a total number of
academia. CR can increase the efficient use of frequency
N s subcarriers is employed. The input bits are symbol-
resources. Meanwhile, it is a good solution to the spectral
crowd problem. The key idea of CR is to make it possible mapped applying QPSK. The data in frequency domain is
for a wireless system to find the vacant spectrum and given by:
transfer data without interfering with licensed users (LUs). X   X (0),X (1), X ( N s -1), X ( N s ) (1)
OFDM has been proposed as a candidate signaling
technology for such applications. Turning off the Then the data in time domain is given by:
subcarriers of the LUs band is a generally-used method.
N s -1
However, the sidelobe of other used subcarriers still nk
x(n)   X (k ) exp( j 2 )  k  0, , N s -1 (2)
exists. Turning off these subcarriers could only limit the k 0 Ns
interference of the LUs band to about -10dB, which may



To figure out the sidelobe of the data subcarriers, we III. PROPOSED ALGORITHM
adopt N up times up-sampling in time domain.
A. Optimization
N s -1
n l The mathematical model of the optimization is given
P(l , k )   exp( j 2 (k  )) (3) by:
n 0 Ns Nup

where l  0,1, , Ns  Nup  1 . min max Q( p) 

h p
 p(k1, p) g k1   p(k 2, p)hk 2

P is a N up ×N s -by- N s matrix and P(l , k ) is the value (k1  0,1,......, v1  1, v 2  1,......N s  1)

of the K-th sample of the L-th subcarrier. It’s assumed
(k 2  AL1,..., AL 2, AR1,... AR 2)
that the LU band is located from the N1-th subcarrier to
the N2-th subcarrier. Ps is a subset of P corresponding to ( Z  p  Z  N null )
g, which is the vector of subcarriers carrying data. Let h
be the AIC tones vector. Pn is a subset of P corresponding In [6], an algorithm (MAIC) is proposed to achieve the
to h. In AIC, the aim is to find h, which minimizes the best performance by weighting all the samples. The aim
residual interference: is to approach the solution of the following equation:
h  arg min || Pnh + Ps  g ||2
min max ( P0 g  Ph
1 )l (7)
Penrose-Moore’s generalized inverse is used to find h: h l

h  (Pn H Pn )1 Pn H d I Equation (7) can minimize the maximum power of

samples. But it is difficult to guarantee that the samples

N s 1
exp( j 2 (k  Z  1   ))  will be set in the right place where the interference is
Ns (4) largest in the LU band. So the solution of (7) is generally
not the solution of (6). Only when samples are set
p(k , Z ,  ) (0    N null )
everywhere throughout the band, can we get the solution
which is the continuous sidelobe of the Kth subcarrier in of (6). However, that is impossible to achieve. Combining
the LU band. Since the LU band is assumed from the N1- (7) and (8), we find that if samples can be set on the place
th subcarrier, then Z =N1, which can be cancelled in (4): where the interference is largest, the solution to (7) is also
the solution to (6).
p ( k , Z ,  )  p( k ,  ) (0    Nnull ) (5) The method of iteration weights (Lawson’s algorithm)
[7] can be used to get the solution to (6):
In AIC, we generally adopt 4-times uniformly
sampling. In other words, there are 4 samples distributed min w1/ 2 ( P0 g  Ph
1 )l (8)
in one subcarrier and these samples are located in where
  [0,0.25,0.5 ,, Nnull  0.25, Nnull ] . In AIC, the The idea of Lawson’s algorithm is that iteration will
give the samples of larger power in larger weights, and
interference on these samples is minimized and in this samples of smaller power in smaller weights. The
way suppresses the total interference of the LU band. If equation of iteration is as follows:
the number of samples is so great that the distance
between two samples approaches zero, we can find that ekx
w k 1  w k ( ) (9)
|| Pn h + d I ||2 is the total power of the LU band. Then the k
sum(ex )
total power of the LU band is minimized. So in AIC,
more samples mean that higher performance and higher where e is the values of samples, w is the weights of
computation are needed, but the optimization cannot be samples and  controls the speed to converge.
maintained forever. Hence, we cannot set infinite According to the above analysis, if a sample should not
sampling points. be set somewhere, then the weight of this sample should
For the convenience of this paper, we define some be zero when the optimal performance is achieved. In
variables as follows: Lawson’s algorithm, we get the solution of (10),
Nup is the times used to up sample.
el  constant; l {l, l  L, wl  0} (10)
Nnp is the number of samples.
Nnull is the number of subcarriers in the LU band. This means that some elements of ( P0 g  P1 g )l are
It’s assumed that the AIC tones on the left side and
right side of the LU band are the same. If either side has equal to each other or larger than the others when the
Naic/2 AIC tones, then the total AIC tones are Naic. algorithm converges to the optimal solution. Besides,
Er  [e1 , e2 eNnp ] is the residual interference when only the weights of these maximum elements have
nonzero weight and the others’ weights are zero. The
AIC is applied. samples with zero weights can then be deleted. This
Wv  [w1 , w 2 ..w Nnp ] is the weights vector of property will help reduce the number of the samples.
samples and w l stands for the weight of the lth We can’t obtain the locations of the optimal samples
by analytic calculation. The locations of the optimal
sampling point. samples are always at the places that have the maximal



power; however, these maximal power places vary with subcarriers, only one maximal place exists. Then in these
changing weights. Then the location is relevant to the subcarriers, we only need to sample once.
weights of samples, and the weights are also relevant to According to the above analysis, we design our
the location. Therefore the optimization of the samples algorithm to find optimal samples (OS-AIC) as shown in
includes two parts. What’s more, we have to get the two Table 1.
optimizations at the same time. When we iterate the We can find that Xop and Wop are related to data
weights, we have to iterate the locations. To find the carriers. Then the ensemble average method is used to
locations of the optimal samples, the simplex method [8] solve the following equation.
can be used. Because the samples should be set on the
maximal places, we can approach the maximal place min max E{  q2 (k1, p) g k1   q2 (k 2, p)hk 2 }
h p
using the following equation:
We will get Xop  E (Xop ) and Wop  E (Wop ) off line
x  x   (x
max  j x ) i
j (11) and then store them for future use. Because of ensemble
average, Xop and W op will be independent of data
where x ij indicates the j-th sample in the i-th subcarrier
carriers. The Monte Carlo method can be used To find
and xmax  j indicates the maximal point in the i-th Xop and W op .
subcarrier closest to x ij .  (0-1) is the speed that x ij
i i
moves to xmax  j . xmax  j changes during the iteration of
Simulations are run to compare the performance of
weights. To guarantee that every maximal point has at AIC, MAIC and OS-AIC. Throughout the simulation,
least one sample, the number of the samples should not OFDM with 128 random tones and QPSK are employed.
be less than that of the maximal points. Performances of MAIC, AIC, OS-AIC are depicted in Fig.
1. In AIC and MAIC, 4 times sampling is adopted. In Fig.
1, the nulling tones vary from 3 to 25. From Fig. 1, it is
x : x | x  i  j / (1  N up ); where:i  0,1,
j N wide ;1  j  N up ; known that OS-AIC performs best among them.
w (1: length(x)) : 1 / length( x);
k : 0; x1 : x; w1 : w;  : 0.25;   0.1;
Maximal Residual Power (dB)

k : k  1; -40

h k 1 : ( PxH w k 1 Px ) 1 PxH w k 1 Px 0 g -45

 Q( xmax )  2 Q ( xmax )
solve x max :  0,  0;
xmax  2 xmax -50
x : x | x  x   ( x
k k i
max  j  x );
j AIC-4
e kx : Q( x) ;
e kx -60
w k 1 : w k ( )
sum(e kx ) 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

w kxl1  0
x k 1  x k | xl  x k 1 ; Figure 1. Notch performance when (nulling tones, AIC tones) = (3 to
25, 4) and 4 times up-sampling is used in AIC and MAIC
 Q ( x)  2 Q ( x) Fig. 2 shows the LU band after MAIC and OS-AIC are
while not e xv  e xu ; xu , xv  x and  0,  0; applied separately. In Fig. 2, the number of AIC tones is
x 2x
X op : x; Wop : w 8, and the number of nulling tones is 10. MAIC adopts 4
times upsampling. We can find no existing samples in the
The choice of the value of  and  will influence the
maximal power of the LU band, where there is serious
speed and the stability of convergence. The speed of interference. In OS-AIC, samples only stay in the
convergence increases and the stability degrades with maximal power points, so this could minimize the
larger  ,  and vice versa. maximal power of the band. Besides, the weight of the
majority of samples is zero in MAIC, which can be
B. The Algorithm (OS-AIC) to Find Optimal Samples
deleted without degrading the performance. If not, they
Firstly, we sample uniformly on the LU band at a will bring extra complexity.
certain time. Then the weights are distributed uniformly Fig. 3 shows that the number of AIC (MAIC) samples
among these samples. Next, the location of samples and with 4 times sampling and that of OS-AIC under different
weights are iterated until the x meets the condition to stop. AIC tones. In this situation, the nulling tones vary from 3
To make our algorithm more effective, we delete the to 25 and AIC tones vary from 2 to 10. From the figure, it
samples with zero weights during the iteration. In is concluded that the number of AIC samples is much
addition, when the nulling tones are large, for many more than that of OS-AIC. We can conclude that only a



small number of samples is needed to achieve the is proposed for AIC techniques in this letter, it is suitable
optimization under the minimax criterion. According to to some other sidelobe suppression algorithms based on
Ref. [9], the lower number of samples will decrease the least squares, such as SW and CCs.
computation and memory space linearly.
-75 MAIC The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
samples with nonezero weight in MAIC
OS-AIC Universities under Grant No. 2013YJS011 and the Key
samples in OS-AIC Project of State Key Lab of Rail Traffic Control and
samples with zero weight in MAIC
Normalized Power spectrum (dB)

Safety under Grant No. RCS2012ZZ004.

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Jinping Liu was born in He’nan province, China, in 1989. She
received the bachelor's degree in Communications Professional
V. CONCLUSION in 2007, from Beijing Jiaotong University, China. She is
currently a graduate student in the Electronic and Information
In this letter, we have proposed a novel scheme to find
Engineering (SEIE) in Beijing Jiaotong University in 2011. She
the optimal locations and weights of samples in AIC, worked in HuaWei Company, BeiJing Province in 6, 2012—6,
which can bring optimal performance under the minimax 2013. Miss Liu is a member of State Key Laboratory of Rail
criterion. In the view of performance, compared to AIC Traffic Control and Safety. Her current research interests
and MAIC, this method can completely overcome the include resource management and interference management in
problem which would be seriously interfered in some wireless communication networks. Email:
sections even if the total energy in the LU band
maintained a low level. In addition, when the optimal
samples are obtained, it is found that its number is very Gang Zhu was born in Shenyang, China in 1958. He received
the Master’s degree in 1993 and Ph.D. degree in 1996 from
small, and the amount of total samples doesn’t increase
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China. Since 1996, he has
with the wider LU band. Besides, ensemble average been with Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, where he
methods are used to calculate the optimal samples off line, is currently a Professor. During 2000–2001, he was a visiting
and using this method, the proposed algorithm won’t scholar in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
bring extra computations on line. Thus, the proposed OS- University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada. His current
AIC is promising to candidates for the sidelobe research interests include resource management in wireless
suppression in CR-OFDM system. Though the algorithm communication networks, short distance wireless data
communication (BT, UWB), and GSM-R.



Shengfeng Xu was born in Heilongjiang, China, in 1988. He

Bo Cheng was born in An’hui province, China, in 1987. He received the Bachelor degree in School of Electronic and
received the bachelor's degree in Communications Professional Information Engineering from Beijing Jiaotong University,
in 2006. He accepted the master’s degree in the Electronic and China, in 2011. He is currently a PhD student in Beijing
Information Engineering (SEIE) in Beijing Jiaotong University Jiaotong University. His research interests include scheduling,
in 2013. He worked in BaiDu Company, BeiJing Province in admission control and resource allocation in wireless
summary, 2012. communication networks.



      

     
     
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     

                
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                
       
                 
                 
                   
                  
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                 
                  
      
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               
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                  
       
       
                
                
         
          
  
                  
                    
                
            
                    
                  
                   
                
         

         

        
         
                  
                 
                
                
                    
                    



                   
                    
                 
              
                   
               
                   
                 
      
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        
              
         
           
       
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        
              
                
            
         
               
               
              

                  
                 
                  
             
                 
       
                 
       
       
                
                
                
               
                   
         
               
                 
                  
          
           
                  
                    
                 
                 
                     
                  
                  
          
                
               
              
              



                
               
               
                    
                   
         
         
   
      
                 
                  
       
        
           
           
                 
                
        

          
         
                  
              
                   
                        
           
        
  
 

              
    
         
                     
                  
                 
                    
                  
                 
       
                   



                 

              
                  
                 
                
        
        
       
                  
           
                 
                     

         

                 
        
     
                
          
              
                   

       

              
                 
          
                   
                     
         
                   
                       
                  
         
                  
       
                 
        
                  
                 



                   
   
        
          
            
               
       
         
      
          
        
        
  
               
     
            
              
                 
     
                
                  
               
     
         
                 
         
     
    
        
                       
                        
          
                   
                  
                  
         
                    
        
                 
      
          
                  
                 
              
          
                    
          
                   
         
          
  

  

          

       

         

           
                  



               

               

             



             
      
                   
        
       
      

                  
                   
                  
                
                     
            
                 
        
                   
                
                   
                   
        
        
                 
                   
                 
                     
                   
                  
                     
       

         

         

            



             

             

            

         

                  
                
                   
                   
                 
           
                     
                      
            
        
           
         
                   
                  
           
         
                
                   
                   
                    
         
                      
           
           
           
                  
                    
            



         

         

             

                     
               
         
                 
         
                     
                  
        
                     
 
                   
         
                
 
              
             
                    
 
          
         
                
          
             
          
                 
                
        
         
          
               
           
                      
                
               
                
    



                       
                   
            
                        
                 
         
                          
                
    
                       
             
      
            
          
                  
                
       
            
                     
              
               
   
                      
               
                  
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          
        
             
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Uncertain Networks Optimization Based on

Random ADD Algorithm
Gu Daming
Yancheng Institute of Industry Technology, Yancheng, Jiangsu, 224005, China

Abstract—In order to solve the traditional network the number N, which demonstrates the information of
optimization problem, the dual gradient descent algorithm each node mainly collected by the N-hop in the center
is adopted. Although the algorithm can be realized by a while establishing the approximation local Newton step.
distributed method, its convergence rate is slow. ADD-N algorithm has been proved that it can reach the
Acceleration dual decline algorithm mainly uses the
square convergence rate, and can reduce the time of
distributed calculation of the approximative Newton step to
improve its convergence rate. Due to the uncertainty searching the optimal operating point, where the number
characteristic of communication networks, its convergence of communication instance are adopted to measure the
is difficult to be guaranteed in the presence of restriction time of finding the optimal operating point and its time is
uncertainty. An ADD algorithm based on random modality less than 100 times slower than the sub-gradient descent
is proposed to resolve the network optimization problem. It algorithm.
is proved theoretically that ADD algorithm can converge to Sub-gradient descent algorithm and distributed
an error neighborhood of optimum value with higher approximate Newton algorithm have a common defect
probability when the uncertainty mean square error is that both of them need to know the external global rate in
bounded; the ADD algorithm can also converge to the
calculating the descent step, but these rates are impossible
optimum value with higher probability when there is the
more stringent restriction condition. Experiment results to beforehand know in a communication network. In
demonstrate the convergence rate of the proposed algorithm addition, the data packet is received from the application
is more than 100 times faster than the random gradient layer and we also hope that the network adaptively
descent algorithm. acquires the average packet rate, while in the actual
network we get real-time packet rate rather than the
Index Terms—Network Optimization; Acceleration Dual average packet rate.
Decline Algorithm; Random ADD; Convergence Rate When we only know the real-time rate rather than the
average rate, the pressure algorithm is adopted to find the
I. INTRODUCTION optimal work point. The algorithm can be interpreted as
random sub-gradient descent algorithm which is used in
In order to optimize the distributed network traffic, a dual function domain. The interpretation is based on two
common approach is using the dual subgradient descent basic principles as follows: 1) the real-time rate can be
algorithm in the dual equation domain. Since these seen as an unbiased estimation of the average rate; 2) the
algorithms can be realized by a distributed manner, they sub-gradient of dual function is a linear function of
are very attractive algorithm for looking for the optimal external global average rate. Therefore, we can replace
working point in wired or wireless communication the average rate with the real-time rate, which is to
networks. However, a notable feature of sub-gradient establish unbiased gradient estimation so as to obtain the
descent algorithm is very slow convergence rate. On the minimum value of the dual function on average meaning.
other hand, Newton method can get faster (square) The formal interpretation can be used to ensure that the
convergence rate, but it cannot be realized with a algorithm almost converges to the optimal operation
distributed manner. In order to combines with the point.
advantages of distributed method and square convergence, The paper mainly builds upon the following theoretical
various modified Newton methods are proposed to research, Newtonian approximation step of the ADD-N
improve the network optimization. algorithm is also a linear function of the external global
Due to the global cooperation, some early researches in arriving rate vector. Therefore, ADD series algorithms
this area are not distributed. In order to overcome the are random versions that can be used to solve the single
drawback, an approximation method of inverse Hessian commodity network traffic optimization problem, which
matrix (with an approximate inverse of the diagonal randomness is mainly reflected in the incomplete support
elements) is proposed, i.e., the Newton step can be vector knowledge. In Section two, the traffic optimization
calculated by using Newton method of consistent iterative of the random single commodity network is firstly
approximation or using the acceleration dual decrease introduced, and the paper mainly focuses on the uncertain
(ADD) series algorithm based on the Taylor expansion. environment model. We consider the uncertainty
ADD series algorithm can be distinguished by labeling characteristic of the second moment in the case of



constant upper bound. In addition, we also will be bound 1 t  log  cu  xe  and 1 t  log  xe  cl  , where
assessed a tame model that assumes that the uncertainty
variance is proportional to the gradient norm of dual t is the designated parameter so as to use the essential
function. Then, the third section mainly reviews the ADD point algorithm. Consequently, the equation can be
series algorithm, and describes their corresponding rewritten as:
stochastic algorithm. The fourth section analyzes the E
convergence performance of random ADD algorithm. In maximize  f  x    e 1 e  x e 
addition, we prove the supermartingale convergence subject to: Ax  b (2)
theorem and apply it to analyze the two uncertainty
cl  x  cu
modes in paper. We also prove that the algorithm almost
certainly converges to the optimal operation point when where,
the uncertainty variance is proportional to the gradient
norm of dual function. In Section five, we mainly e  x e    e  x e   1 t  log  cu  x e   log  x e  cl   (3)
describe the numerical experiment results of ADD-1
algorithm, which the algorithm uses one-hop neighbor The relatively large t makes the equation (2) closer
information to approximate the Newton step. We claim to the equation (1), while too small t will lead to the ill
that the convergence rate of the ADD-1 algorithm is more condition of dual function.
than 100 times faster than the random gradient descent If the external global rate of vector b is given, then
algorithm, and reach the convergence rate of standard the equation (2) can be solved with ADD-N algorithm
Newton algorithm. and it has super linear convergence rate. We will
II. OPTIMIZATION MODEL OF UNCERTAIN NETWORKS understand the dual gradient descent algorithm again and
define the equation’s Lagrange function as:
Consider a network denoted by a directed graph
 =   ,   , where nodes set is   1, , n and the   x,     e 1e  x e      Ax  b  (4)
edge set is   1, , E . The network is planned to
And the dual function q    will be defined as:
support single information stream, where the input rate in
source node is b i  0 and the output rate in target node q     sup   x,    sup   f  x     Ax    b
x E x E
is b i  0 . The rate is expressed by vector b which (5)
must satisfy 
i 1
b i  1 in order to promise the
e 1 x 
 e
  sup e  x e      A  x e   b 
resolution of the problem . Our target is to make sure of
the flow vector x  x e e , where x e is the amount of e
In the last equation,   Ax      A  x e and it
e 1
traffic in edge e   i, j  . The flow conservation implies
exchanges the order of summation and the upper limit.
Ax  b , where A is the node-edge incidence matrix in We can see from the equation, the estimation of dual
n  E order and its definition is: function q    can be decomposed into E
1 j<i one-dimensional problem in summation. It is supposed

A ij   1 j>i that such a problem alwaysshould have an optimal
0 others solution and this solution should be the unique according

We define the incentive as the negative value of scalar to constrict convex of function e . We define the only
cost function  e  x e  , which denotes the cost of x e optimal solution as x e    and apply the first-order
units of traffic through edge e . We suppose that the cost optimum condition to these problems and get:
function  e is strict convex and second-order 1
x e     e   i
 j  (6)
consecutive derivable. In further, the network
optimization problem of the maximum incentive can be where i , j   denote the source node and target node
defined as the following equation
of edge e   i, j  , respectively. It can be seen that the
maximize  e 1
 e  x e
 estimation of the optimal solution of each node e is
subject to: Ax  b (1) based on the local information of edge cost function  e
cl  x  cu
and the dual variants of incidence node i and j .
The minimization of the shown dual function q   
where cl and cu denote the constraints of link capacity. can be solved with gradient descent algorithm. We
For convenience, all of the constraints are supposed to be consider an iteration step k and a random initial vector
the same. 0 and define that each iteration can get the result by the
Since the constraints of link capacity cl  x  cu may following equation
cause ill condition of dual function, we introduce the log



k 1  k   k g k (7) descendant algorithm and its convergence characteristic

is determined by the uncertain characteristic of b .
where gk  g  k   q  k  denotes the gradient of Demand fluctuation and truncation error may lead to
dual function q    in the location   k . Firstly, two possible statistical property of bˆk . In the case of
there is an important fact that the gradient can be denoted demand fluctuation, vector bˆ changes incessantly over
as gk  Ax  k   b , where the element x e  k  of the time. We reasonably suppose that the square error of
vector x  k  can be fixed by the equation   k . bˆk is bounded, which is equivalent to indicating the
Then the other important fact is the i element gki of second moment of random gradient gˆ  Ax     bˆ k k k

gradient gk can be evaluated by the equation on has an upper bound, as shown in the following formula.
account of the sparse characteristic of node-edge 2
incidence matrix.   Ax  k   bˆk    2 (10)
 
gki   x e  k    x e  k   bi (8) In truncation error model, we suppose the uncertain
e  i , j  e  j ,i 
characteristic derives from the estimation of constraint
The algorithm itself reflects its characteristic of failure. According to the given true constraint failure gk ,
distributed implementation. Each node i keeps the the random gradient can be written as gˆ k  g k   k ,
information of its dual iteration ki and the original where  k is a certain truncation error. Similar to the
iteration x e  k  through edge e   i, j  . According to situation of floating-point operation, the norm of
the i equation, the i gradient component gki can be truncation error is in proportion to that of gk , namely,
fixed by using the local original iteration x e  k  of  k   g k . Therefore, Let’s suppose
edge e   i, j  , the initial iteration x e  k  of the gˆ k  1    g k (11)
adjacent edge e   j , i  and the external traffic rate
It will constrain the uncertain characteristic of random
value bi of node i . Then the dual variants can be gradient approximation gˆ k . In the case of fluctuation
updated by the i equation. After updating dual iteration, demand, the analysis is described in 4.1, while the
it updates the initial variant according to the i equation, analysis of truncation error model is in 4.2. Before we
where the update need to adopt the local Lagrange describe these two situations, we will introduce random
multiplier ki and kj . ADD series algorithm in Section 3.
In many real demand cases, the external global traffic
rate of vector b is unknown. What we can get is often
Consider iteration step k and random initial vector 0
that the unbiased estimation bˆk of vector b can satisfy
and define the recursive equation of each iteration step’s
 bˆk   b . Let us take an example that the flow rate of result which is shown as follows:
vector b in a communication network denotes the k 1  k   k dk (12)
average packet arrival rate, which is usually unknown;
nevertheless, the unbiased estimation bˆk denotes the where dk denotes the descent direction and when it
number of packet entering and leaving the network in a satisfies gk d k  0 ,  k is the given step order. If the
certain time point. According to the definition of equation is defined as Newton step, it is Newton method.
unbiased estimation,  bˆk   b is equivalent. Using the Newton step can be expressed as d k   H k† g k , where
unbiased estimation to replace the actual traffic bi in the H k† denotes the pseudo-inverse of the dual function’s
network, the random gradient component can be Hessian matrix H k   2 q  k  .
obtained. In order to get the expression of the dual function’s
Hessian matrix, we consider the situation of the given
gˆ ki   x e  k    x e  k   bˆki (9)
e  i , j  e  j ,i  dual k and the initial vector xk  x  k  , and then the
second-order approximation which takes the present
These gradient components consist of random gradient
initial iteration value xk as center.
vector gˆ k  Ax  k   bˆk . Due to   gˆ k   g k , and as we
all know the gradient gk shows the steepest descent fˆ  y   f  xk   f  xk   y  xk 
direction, the random sub-gradient gˆ k points the 1 (13)
  y  xk   2 f  xk  y  xk 
average speediest descent direction. Using gˆ k to replace 2
gk in equation can get the random sub-gradient



As shown in the function, the initial optimization we will develop a Taylor in the middle part of the
problem now can be replaced by the maximization expression and adopt the equation
problem shown in the approximation equation  fˆ  y   I  X † v    i  0 X i  v

and the equation can be
and it has the constraint Ay  b . The approximation effective for random vector v that is orthogonal with
problem is a second-planned problem and its duality is matrix X whose eigenvalue is 1 . Because gk and 1
also the second time, which is shown in the following:
are orthogonal, it can get:
1 1
minn q  k   minn k A 2 f  xk  Ak  pk  r (14)  
 
1 1
 

  2 †
dk   H g k   i  0 Dk
 I  Dk 2 Bk Dk 2  Dk 2 g k (16)
Vector p and constant r can be expressed with the  

closed form about function f  xk  and  2 f  xk  , but Now Newton step is expressed as the sum of infinite
series, therefore we can make truncation on the sum and
they are not the key points we will describe here.
define a series of approximation equations, which is
According to the equation we can conclude an important
shown as follows:
conclusion, namely, the conclusion of dual Hessian
matrix, as shown in the following equation. N 1 1 1
N      
dk   Dk 2
 I  D 2
B D 2
k k  D 2
k gk

H k  Q  A  2 f  xk 
 A (15) i0 
 (17)
:  H k gk
According to the definition of f  x  in the equation,
where, the approximate pseudo inverse of Hessian matrix
the initial Hessian matrix  2 f  xk  is a diagonal matrix can be defined as the following equation:
and also is a negative definite matrix about constrict
1 1 1 1r
convex function f  x  . After further observation, we N
N      
Hk :  Dk 2
 I  Dk 2 Bk Dk 2  Dk 2 (18)
can see, the dual Hessian matrix is calculated by r 0  
transposing the product of incidence matrix, a positive
diagonal matrix and incidence matrix and is also a In order to replace the Newton step in the equation
weighted version of the network map’s laplacian form. with d k N    H k N  g k , we can get the acceleration dual
One of the reasons why H k owns laplacian form is that descent algorithm. The N-order approximation of pseudo
the matrix is determined by its diagonal element. The inverse H † increase one item based on the N-1 order of
other reason is that 1 is its eigenvalue (the other H k  , and the increased item’s expression is

eigenvalue is 0). In addition, as long as the initial Hessian N

matrix  2 f  xk  is full rank, H k is reversible in the D 1
k Bk  Dk1 . Its sparse characteristic is reflected in the
subspace 1 . Because gradient gk is in subsidy space sparse characteristic of Bk , which is similar to that of N
1 , we can find that Newton step is d k   H k† g k that is hop neighbor and at the same time, the element of local
Newton step needs the information of N hop node. As a
just the expression we point out in the previous. However, result, we explain the equation as a series of
it needs the global information to calculate the pseudo approximation marked with N, which is the Hessian
inverse H k† . Therefore, we should further find the approximation that needs the N hop neighbor’s
Newton step approximation method which only needs information in the network.
local information.
B. Random Acceleration Dual Descent Algorithm
A. Acceleration Dual Descent Algorithm
After acquiring the unbiased estimation b̂ of the
ADD-N algorithm adopts matrix division to produce external global flow rate vector b , we make analysis on
the approximation of Newton step and also need other
its uncertain characteristic. If vector b is unknown, the
nodes’ information within N hops. We consider
developing a proper Taylor in finite length to express approximate Newton step dk N  in the equation cannot be
Newton step. In iteration step k, Hessian matrix is calculated. Therefore, we use the random approximate
divided into the diagonal element part Dk and the dˆk  of Newton step to replace dk  and get the

off-diagonal part Bk and it is expressed as recursive equation shown in the following.

H k  Dk  Bk . In further, the Hessian matrix is rewritten
k 1  k   k dˆk N  , k  0 (19)
1 1 1 1
     
as H k  Dk 2
 I  Dk
2B D 2 D 2
k k  k , which denotes its Here is an important fact that Hessian matrix H k
 
doesn’t depend on b and its approximation H k  also
1 1 1 † 1
     
pseudo inverse H k†  Dk 2
 I  Dk 2 Bk Dk 2  Dk 2 . Now doesn’t depend on b , therefore we introduce random
  approximation Newton step as follows.




dˆk   H k  gˆ k  H k  Axk  bˆk  (20) and all vectors v  1 , there is equation which is
We put it into the equation and then get random
ADD-N algorithm which this paper will put forward and   v M v (23)
Because of the expectation calculation’s linear where M is the supermom of assumption H   .
characteristic, we can get   dˆk N    d k N  . As a result, Assumption1 requires that Hessian matrix H   
the random Newton step approximation is the unbiased keeps well-conditioned in subspace 1 , which is the
estimation of the random Newton step approximation normal requirement of descent algorithm. Assumption 2
dk  . From this we can get an important conclusion:
requires the approximate Hessian inverse matrix
H      keeps well-conditioned in subspace 1 , which
dˆ   is the average speediest descent direction, for it

is a reasonable assumption, because H      is a

satisfies the equation.
truncation sum, and also the extreme value of this
  g k dˆk      g k H k  gˆ k   g k H k  g k  0 (21)

truncation sum is H †    when N tends to infinity.

The reason why dˆk N  satisfies the equation is that the IV. THE ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION OF
approximate Hessian matrix H k N  is negative definite in CONVERGENCE CHARACTERISTIC
the subspace 1 . It makes us reasonably believe that Due to the random characteristic of the problem, the
Random ADD-N algorithm converges to the optimal analysis adopts the Martingale Theories, especially the
Lagrange multiplier  * . A formal proof of this conclusion super-martingale theory. In order to keep the integrity of
is in chapter 4. In further, we know ADD-N algorithm the statement, we present a version of the theory related
has the square convergence rate, therefore in theory, it to the problem.
has speedier convergence rate than random subsidiary Consider a nonnegative random process B    and it
gradient descendant algorithm. The calculation supports   k   0 and a series of embedded 
stimulation result in chapter 5 proves that the conclusion
is right. algebra   k  and includes   t  at least, t  1, k  .
Before we make analysis on the convergence of So there is the following inequality,
random ADD algorithm, we offer some necessary
assumptions and definitions. At first, we introduce     k  1   k      k  (24)
Newton error, as is shown in equation.
The super-martingale convergence theorem transforms
 k  H k dˆk N   g k (22) our recursive expectation into a certain promise, namely,
almost all of sequences are convergent or the random
If dˆk   d k , that is, it equals to real Newton step,
process   k  converges to an extreme random variant.
then it can get  k  0 . In random ADD algorithm, In the following theorem, we illustrate that random
Newton error  k is the variant which measures the variant sequence converges to 0.
difference between random approximate Newton step and A. The Situation of Demand Fluctuation
the real Newton step. Notice that, due to the truncation of
This chapter will describe the convergence
the equation’s sum and the random characteristic of bˆk , performance of ADD-N algorithm when the uncertain
we can get  k  0 . characteristic of b̂ performs in demand fluctuation. At
Then we will further define constant  , as is shown this time, the second-order moment of the demand
in the formula. fluctuation has the bound shown in the equation. Firstly
we will offer the result to prove the square distance
  Dk1 Bk    (23) sequence k   *
can satisfy the relationship similar
where   Dk1 Bk  is spectral radius of matrix Dk1 Bk in to that of super martingale.
Lemma1. We will give the iteration k defined by the
subspace 1 . This constant satisfies    0,1 and is equation, where step length is fixed,
related to laplacian spectrum and it can indicate the
spreading situation of information in the designated 
 k    0,1  2  2  N 1   and the dual optimal
network. Lagrange multiplier  * and the formula is as follows:
The approximate Hessian inverse matrix still keeps
well-conditioned in subspace 1 , namely, for the mark N   k 1   * k 
 
of the given ADD series algorithm and dual invariant  , (25)

 1  2 1   N 1  k   *   2 M 2 2



2 characteristic of the gradient approximate satisfies the

where  algebra k includes k   * , t  k .
equation. If the error derives from the value truncation
When k   *   2 M 2 2  2 1   N 1   , according due to constraint failure, such situation may happen. The
following lemma shows that the Newton error will vanish
to the lemma, we know the sequence k   * can when it comestible to the optimal point.
We will give the iteration k defined by equation,
satisfy the super martingale feature. To build a proper
super martingale, we define the mark: and the fixed step length  k     0,1 . On the premise
of the assumption as is described in the equation, there is:

k *  min k : k  
  2 M 2 2  2 1   N 1    (26)

 k
 2
 1   2 1    1   N 1 

Record the iteration step of k   * which is lower

 2 1   N 1  g k

than  2 M 2 2  2 1   N 1   at the first time, and then

define the following sequence: where gk is the Newton error defined in the equation,
 denotes the ration uncertain characteristic defined by
2  2 M 2 2 equation,  is the connecting coefficient defined by
Gk  k    , k  k* (27)
2 1   
N 1
equation, and N is the parameter in ADD-N algorithm.
Lemma 3 shows the approximate Newton direction
When it satisfies k *  k , we have Gk  0 . proposed in the paper tends to the real Newton direction
Lemma 2. We will give the iteration k defined by which has come to the optimal value. Because the
the equation, where step length is fixed, performance of ADD-N algorithm near the optimal point
is similar to that of the real Newton method, we can think

 k    0,1  2  2  N 1   and the dual optimal this algorithm can converge to the optimal point and be
Lagrange multiplier  * , and the sequence Gk defined also the square convergence.
We will give the iteration k defined by equation,
by the equation almost makes sure of converging to 0.
Lemma 2 shows the sequence Gk is a super and the fixed step length satisfies the fixed equation:
martingale. The fact is used to make conclusion on k  2 1   N 1  
in the following theorem.  k     0,  (30)
 1   N 1 2 1    2 
Lemma 3. We will give the iteration k defined by    
the equation, where step length is fixed,
where, according to the ratio error bound defined by

 k    0,1  2  2  N 1   and the dual optimal equation,   0 . Then when k   , there is:
Lagrange multiplier  * . When k   , it has the
equation: Pr  k   *   1 (31)

 2  2 M 2 2  where  * is dual optimal multiplier,  is the

Pr  lim inf k   *   1 (28) connecting coefficient defined by equation, N is the

 2 1   N 1  
parameter in ADD-N algorithm.
where the coefficient M of constrict convex is defined We can know from theorem 4 that ADD-N algorithm
by assumption 1,  denotes the uncertain characteristic can make sure that k almost converges to  * . The
defined by the equation,  is the connecting coefficient, larger is N, the higher is the network connecting
N is the parameter in ADD-N algorithm. possibility (  is smaller); the smaller is  , the more
Lemma 3 promises that random ADD-N algorithm accurate is the approximate Newton direction, which
almost makes sure that k can often enter the error makes the relatively large  possible. The relatively
large  and the increased accuracy both improve the
neighbor domain of the optimal multiplier  * . Before
expected convergence rate.
entering the iteration stepson of this neighbor domain, it
may bring about the iteration step far away from the V. THE NUMERICAL EXPERIMENT RESULT
optimal multiplier; however, the magnitude of the
The numerical experiment compares the performances
iteration value has high possibility to get the minimum
among random ADD-N algorithm, random gradient
value. The error radius increases with  and  . It descent algorithm and random Newton algorithm. The
will select a small step length in order to decrease the experiment mainly focuses on ADD-1algorithm, while
error radius but this will decrease the convergence rate. other N value experiment results can be obtained.
B. The Situation of Truncation Error Considering the network traffic problem of single
commodity, the network graph is composed of 50 nodes
This chapter characterizes the convergence and 100 edges and these nodes and edges will be uniform
performance of ADD-N algorithm when the uncertain



random. The function f e  xe   exp  xe   exp  xe  ,
e   is selected as the cost function in the simulation
due to its concave feature. Because the cost function
increases fast with the increase of flow xe , the network
traffic value xe in the simulation is relatively small. The 202 ADD-1 algorithm
Newton algorithm
Sub-gradient descent algorithm
simulation results of the situation in variant demand
fluctuation and truncation error are shown in figure 1 and 201


10 20 30 40 50 60

(a) Iterative convergence analysis

220 1.0
ADD-1 algorithm
Newton algorithm
Sub-gradient descent algorithm .8



ADD-1 algorithm
.4 Newton algorithm
200 Sub-gradient descent algorithm
10 20 30 40 50 60

Iteration .2
(a) Iterative convergence analysis
5 10 15 20 25 30
1.0 Iteration
(b) Iterative error analysis
.8 Figure 2. The performance of random ADD-1 algorithm in the case
of truncation error


ADD-1 algorithm
Newton algorithm
Sub-gradient descent algorithm
This paper shows that as long as we enforce some
constraints on the uncertain characteristic, the
acceleration dual descendant algorithm can be developed
0.0 into random form. When the second-moment method of
5 10 15 20 25 30 the random error has upper bound, it can guarantee the
Iteration algorithm converging to the error neighbourhood of the
(b) Iterative error analysis
optimal value with probability 1. When the random error
Figure 1. The performance of random ADD-1 algorithm in the case
of variant demand fluctuation
and constraint failure are in proportion, the algorithm can
converge to the optimal solution with the possibility 1.
We can see from Figure 2 that ADD-1 algorithm can The super-martingale convergence theorem implies the
obtain smaller error neighborhood than sub-gradient linear average convergence rate, which can be used to
descent algorithm and its iteration step reduces an order prove the related theorem in the paper. However, the
of magnitude in the neighborhood, and at the same time, numerical experiment result shows that, in real network
ADD-1 algorithm can achieve the error neighborhood environment, the convergence rate of random ADD-1
similar to that of Newton algorithm. As to the algorithm is superior to that of random gradient descent
convergence accuracy, all of three algorithms can achieve algorithm. The next research of this paper is that we will
10-8 precision at least. Therefore, we can verify the apply the relevant conclusion to the business cellular
convergence of ADD-1 algorithm and the convergence of network, for example, CDMA network and 3G cellular
the relative sub-gradient descendant algorithm. network, so as to get better cellular network performance.
We can see from figure 2 that the error neighborhood
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Fusion of the Dimensionless Parameters and

Filtering Methods in Rotating Machinery Fault
Jianbin Xiong*, Qinhua Zhang, Guoxi Sun, Zhiping Peng, and Qiong Liang
Guangdong Provincial Key Lab. of Petrochemical Equipment Fault Diagnosis, Maoming, China
School of Computer and Electronic Information, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, Maoming, China
*Corresponding author, Email:,;;;

Abstract—For the problem of large dimensionless index signal will be very beneficial [1-2]. In the time domain
fluctuations in rotating machinery complex fault and that analysis, the probability density function of vibration
the corresponding scope is difficult to determine. In this signals can better reflect the fault information. Through
paper proposes a rotating machinery complex fault method the probability density function of the vibration signal, it
that combined dimensionless and the least squares method
has been derived dimensional index (such as the mean
filtering. This method implementation filtering and
determine the scope of the dimensionless index. By doing and RMS values, etc.) and dimensionless index (such as
experiments with 8 kinds of bearing failure data of waveform, margin index, pulse, etc.) in the amplitude
petrochemical rotary sets, comparing four filtering methods, domain [1-2, 6-7]. In practice, although a dimensional
the scope of the dimensionless index was established, and index is sensitive to the fault characteristics, its value will
the text combined dimensionless index respectively with increase with the development of the fault, but also
Kalman (EKF), the weighted average, moving average, the because working conditions (such as load, speed, etc.)
least squares method filtering. changes, it is easily affected by interference, performance
is not stable enough [1]. By contrast, the dimensionless
Index Terms—Dimensionless Parameters; Kalman Filter;
index is not sensitive to the disturbance of vibration
Combination Faults; Fault Diagnosis; Moving Average
Filter; Weight Filter monitoring signal, performance is stable. In particular,
these dimensionless index are not sensitive to the change
I. INTRODUCTION of amplitude and frequency of the signal, namely, it has
That large engineering system complexity continues to little relationship with working conditions of the machine
increase requires higher safety and reliability of the [1-3, 5-7]. Therefore, the dimensionless index has been
system. Through the analyzing system health status, fault widely used in fault diagnosis of rotating machinery. In
diagnosis technology determine the type of failure, for the dimensionless index, pulse index and kurtosis index is
timely and effective maintenance and health systems more sensitive to impact type fault, especially in the early
management provides a scientific basis, so that in the failure, the large amplitude of the pulse is less, other
field of aviation, aerospace and other need higher security parameter values increase is not much, but kurtosis index
requirement, has a good application prospect [1, 2]. and pulse index rise faster, so that failure of the range is
Particularly, rotating machinery and equipment (such as larger. It is difficult to determine the scope of the
rotation bearings, turbines, compressors, fans, etc.) is the composite fault interval [1-3, 5-7].
key equipment in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, In order to reduce the error, determine the scope of the
machinery manufacturing, aerospace, and other important dimensionless index, and narrow the scope of the
engineering filed. Therefore, the study of such equipment machinery recombination fault interval, first excluding
fault diagnosis method has been a hot topic in this field. outliers of the dimensionless index, and then filtering.
In rotating machinery fault diagnosis usually use the There are many ways to achieve signal filtering, Kalman
time domain or frequency domain analysis of vibration filtering is usually used in aviation and aerospace aspects,
monitoring data for fault diagnosis [2-5]. Rotating for example, against the data collected by marine
machinery in the event of a failure, however, vibration dynamic positioning multiple sensors in real-time
monitoring signals tend to have a large number of fluctuation, causing controller move frequently, resulting
non-linear, random, non-ergodic information, and bring in boat actuators adjust frequently, and increasing its
great difficulty in fault signal analysis [6]. Considering mechanical wear, Jianbin Xiong proposes a method to
the time-domain signal of vibration is the most basic and collect data online by DPS multi-sensor and filtering
original signal, if failure characteristics can be extracted based on OPC technology, achieving ship signal filtering
directly from the time-domain signal, and analyze fault indoor, but the method is easy to diverge [9]. In order to
diagnosis, so that maintain the basic characteristics of the solve the problem of Kalman filtering divergence, Wang
Qinruo proposed a blend adaptive Kalman filter



algorithm [10], the calculating of the method is complex with the development of the fault, because working
and it is difficult to effectively exclude outliers. Ref. [11] conditions (such as load, speed, etc.) changes at the same
proposes a method to resist outliers based on adaptive time, it is easily affected by interference, performance is
moving average fitting. This method achieves outlier not stable enough [2]. By contrast, the dimensionless
removal effectively, and filtering, but this method is only index is not sensitive to the disturbance of vibration
suitable for signal fluctuates up and down in the vicinity monitoring signal, performance is stable. In particular,
of a certain scale. At present, the dimensionless index when the change of machine working conditions is large
combined with filtering method to achieve narrow the these dimensionless indexes are not sensitive to the
scope of the rotating machinery fault interval, has not yet change of amplitude and frequency of the signal.
been reported. In this paper, adopting dimensionless Hypothesis 3.1 [1-2, 5] Under the Definition 2.1 and
index combined with the method of least squares filtering T  2, m  1 , then the waveform index:
respectively, achieve the signal filtering processing, and
narrow the scope of the rotating machinery fault interval. 
[  | x |2  ( x)dx] 2 E (| x |2 )
 (2)
[  | x | ( x)dx] E (| x |)
Definitions 2.1 [1-2, 5] Dimensionless index is made
up of the ratio of two amount with the same dimension. Similarly, (1) Where T  , m  1 , pulse index I f is
When describing a particular system, it has certain
physical meaning, fault diagnosis for dimensionless available :
parameter index: 
[  | x |T  ( x)dx]T lim T E (| x |T )
I f  lim 
 T 
[  | x |  ( x)dx]  T  
[  | x | ( x)dx] E (| x |)
 x  
(1) 
 m
[  | x |  ( x)dx] m
where T  , m  1/ 2 , margin index CL f is available :

x is vibration amplitude,  ( x) is probability density 


function of vibration amplitude. Multiple historical [  | x |T  ( x)dx]T lim T E (| x |T )

CL f  lim 
 T 
monitoring data of single fault can be calculated. T   1/ 2
[ E ( | x |)]2
Considering rotating machinery in the event of a [  | x |  ( x)dx]2
failure, vibration monitoring signals tend to have a large
number of non-linear, random, non-ergodic information, where T  , m  2 , margin index C f is available :
lead to great difficulty in fault signal analysis. Although a
dimensional index is sensitive to the fault characteristics, 
[  | x |T  ( x)dx]T lim T E (| x |T )
its value will increase with the development of the fault, C f  lim 
 T 
T  
but also because working conditions (such as load, speed, [  | x |  ( x)dx]1/ 2 E (| x |2 )
etc.) changes, it is easily affected by interference, 

performance is not stable enough. The dimensionless Dimensionless index is made up of the ratio of two
index is not sensitive to the disturbance of vibration amounts with the same dimension. In this paper, monitor
monitoring signal, performance is stable. In signal based on the probability density function of the
dimensionless index, pulse index and kurtosis index is monitoring signal, namely dimensionless index is a ratio,
more sensitive to impact type fault, especially in the early which don’t affected by signal absolute level, and the
failure, the large amplitude of the pulse is less, other relationship between the sensitivity of vibration detector,
parameter values increase is not much, but kurtosis index amplifier and the magnification is not large, so the
and pulse index rise faster and fluctuate larger, therefore, monitoring system without calibration bring convenience
these two indexes are more sensitive to early failure of in the actual equipment fault diagnosis [5].
rotating machinery, resulting in fault interval range Lemma 3.1 [1, 5-6] Dimensionless index between the
increases, and it is difficult to distinguish. Using four mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction,
kinds of filters are filtering to narrow the scope of the multiplication, and division, the index is still
fault interval. dimensionless.
Question: For rotating machinery fault signal of
dimensionless index, how to narrow the scope of the fault B. Fault Interval Determination
and determine the scope of the dimensionless indexes The dimensionless index in the study of fault diagnosis:
corresponding fault interval. First test by petrochemical core units, collect data online
real-time, calculate normal state of the rotation unit and
all kinds of dimensionless index parameter when occur
each failure. Then, calculate maximum value and
A. Dimensionless Index Calculation minimum value of each dimensionless index as the scope
In engineering applications, dimensional index is of core units in normal state or all kinds of fault states.
sensitive to the fault characteristics, its value will increase



Hypothesis 3.2 Collect N monitoring data under the mainly are the fault shaft (eccentric shaft, split shaft,
single fault of vibration data  , N is relatively larger. curved shaft, no-symmetry shaft, bearing crack outsider,
Conclusion1 Under the condition of Definitions 2.1, bearing crack insider, etc.) as well as normal shaft. In this
Hypothesis 3.1 and Hypothesis3.2, expectations of the paper we collect the data with the method of Ref. [1-2, 5],
dimensionless index approximate: namely collect vibration acceleration signal of
measurement unit online by EMT490. In order to produce
1 N
 |  i |T
  E (|  |T )  (6) a composite failure, when obtain the data, it need to take
N i 1 into account the different loads, different speeds, different
frequencies [15], etc., we obtain five kinds of speed, light
So, dimensionless index  x approximate: load and the lack of bearing, bearing wear, eccentric shaft,
split shaft, curved shaft, no-symmetry shaft and normal
 x  
(7) shaft under overloaded three kinds of radial load, nine

m state in total. In the experiment, a group according to the
1024 sampling points, each of the indexes 20 from each
T group, of which the first set of each type of data used to
where T   ,   max |  j | .

j 1,2, N train the state 10, the 10 sets of data for verification [1],
Conclusion 2 Under the condition of Definitions 2.1, according to the indicators 10 maximum and minimum
Hypothesis 3.1 and Hypothesis 3.2, sets of Vibration range of the group as the indexes. Calculate index range
monitoring data of a single fault history 1 ,  2 , ,  Nk , in each state of different shaft fault state, it is shown in
Table 1. As can be seen from Table 1 after obtaining the
value range   [T , T ] of  can be calculated, real-time monitoring signals, using the Eq. (2) - (5), to
then the dimensionless index fault interval is: calculate the scope of waveform index, peak index, pulse
index, margin index and kurtosis index are duplicate
1 (namely, called composite fault), and the scope of the
[  | x |  ( x)dx] T

interval is large, it is difficult to distinguish
 x  
  [c , d ] dimensionless index interval between normal equipment
 m m

[  | x |  ( x)dx] m (8) and faulted equipment strictly [16, 17]. In order to solve
the above problem, this paper uses the four kinds of filter
[ T  T , T T ] T T T T
 [ , ] method of the part four, filter dimensionless index have
[m  m , m  m ] m m m m been calculated, filter out some interference signals, to
reduce the fault interval. The concrete implementation
Fault Zone
Index Filtering
Collection Calculaation
For calculating real-time data dimensionless index of Calculation

rotating machinery, data fluctuation is larger, this paper

filtering by the dimensionless index combined with least Figure 1. Determining the fault zone of flow
square filter respectively.
When using the method of least squares filter (Least Dimensionless indexes combined with four kinds of
Square Method filter, LSM), how to obtain the nonlinear filter, can filter out interference information effectively,
parameter estimates, Ref. [14] proposed a Least square to reduce the fault interval, and provide the effective
method filter based on random function, the formula is: basis for future fault diagnosis. In this paper, waveform
index, peak index, pulse index, margin index and kurtosis
s[n]  A[n; ] n  0,1, N-1 (9) index in the state of eccentric shaft, split shaft, curved
shaft, no-symmetry shaft [16-17], crack shaft and normal
s[n]  A exp( j 2 f 0 n) (10) shaft, eight state, totally use four kinds of filter of the
N 1
paper, the result is shown in Figure 2 ~ 9, fault scope is
J ( A, f 0 )   | x[n]  A exp( j 2  f 0 n) | 2 (11) shown in Table 2 ~ 9 after filtering.
n 0 Four filter methods for Kurtosis indicator

where x[n] represent observation data, n represent the 12 Source data

Kalman filter
number of filtering data, s[n] represent filtering value. 10 move average filter
weight average filter
The method using a computer is easy to implement, but least square method filter
to calculate the inverse of matrix, it is difficult to

determine the solution of the irrational root, and it can’t 6

join in constraints of time domain and frequency domain.



Currently fault simulation platform in petrochemical 0 100 200 300
Time /s
400 500 600

rotating units laboratory have multiple equipment parts,

Figure 2. Four filter methods for bearing wear



Four filter methods for Kurtosis indicator Four filter methods for Kurtosis indicator
7 6

6 5

Source data


3 Kalman filter
move average filter
3 weight average filter
Source data
2 least square method filter
Kalman filter
move average filter
weight average filter 1
1 least square method filter

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time /s Time /s

Figure 3. Four filter methods for bearing crack in outsider Figure 7. Four filter methods for eccentric shaft

Four filter methods for Kurtosis indicator Four filter methods for Kurtosis indicator
12 6
Source data
Kalman filter 5
move average filter
weight average filter
8 least square method filter 4
Source data

Kalman filter
6 3
move average filter
weight average filter
4 2 least square method filter

2 1

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time /s Time /s

Figure 4. Four filter methods for bearing crack insider Figure 8. Four filter methods for cracked shaft

Four filter methods for Kurtosis indicator Four filter methods for Kurtosis indicator
6 6

5 5

4 4
Source data


Source data Kalman filter

3 3
Kalman filter move average filter
move average filter weight average filter
2 weight average filter 2 least square method filter
least square method filter

1 1

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time /s Time /s

Figure 5. Four filter methods for curved shaft Figure 9. Four filter methods for no-symmetry shaft

Four filter methods for Kurtosis indicator As shown in Table 2 ~ 9 and Figure 2 ~ 9, the four
filtering method can narrow down the interval effectively,
and we can select different methods according to the
6 different environment and different need. Where
estimating stochastic dynamic system state, Kalman
filtering may be used, this method is based on state space

model of the system, using a moment before the state
3 estimated value and current observed value to get the
Source data
Kalman filter state estimated value for the next moment, achieving
move average filter recursive, this method is suitable for computer
weight average filter
least square method filter implementation. The method of dimensionless index
0 combine with moving average filter is suitable for a
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time /s
certain value scope of fluctuating up and down, and is not
suitable for the online data filter which occur outliers
Figure 6. Four filter methods for Lack of bearings
frequently. Dimensionless index and the weighted



average filter are suitable for online data which have high-speed rotation petrochemical machinery and
large lag time and the system whose sampling period is equipment. Dimensionless indicators and least squares
short, but is not suitable for online data filtering of filter need to calculate the inverse matrix, and will not be


Unit Working State Waveform Index S f Peak Index C f Pulse Index I f Margin index CL f Kurtosis index K v
Normal Shaft 1.2091~1.2870 2.2240~3.9359 2.7514~4.9907 3.2226~6.0526 2.4246~3.6479
Bearing Wear 1.0612~1.5949 0.2303~8.7538 0.2513~13.9611 0.2684~17.7876 2.9013~26.3391
Bearing Crack Outsider 1.2375~1.4265 2.6251~6.1170 3.4025~8.6839 4.1249~10.8383 2.6901~7.6141
Bearing Crack Insider 1.2328~1.6799 2.8012~8.9731 3.5636 ~13.415 4.2459~16.7635 2.6026~20.7573
Curved Shaft 1.2302~1.3255 1.8863~4.1650 2.3206~5.4257 2.6831~6.5626 3.3283~4.0515
Lack Of Bearing 1.2356~1.4946 2.5096~6.1057 3.1301~8.6021 3.7089~10.7216 2.7353~8.3781
Eccentric Shaft 1.2644~1.3277 3.0769~3.9559 3.9109~5.2521 4.6441~6.4544 3.2241~4.1031
Crack Shaft 1.2467~1.3174 2.3342~4.5670 2.9101~5.9884 3.4182~7.3012 3.5065~4.0086
No-Symmetry Shaft 1.2829~1.3349 3.1001~4.5470 3.9771~6.0672 4.7788~7.4463 3.3366~4.6789


Filtering Method Waveform Index S f Peak Index C f Pulse Index I f Margin index CL f Kurtosis index K v
Real data 1.0612~1.5949 0.2303~8.7538 0.2513~13.9611 0.2684~17.7876 2.9013~26.3391
KF 0.6410~1.3796 1.6496~4.6495 2.0748~6.6026 2.4539~8.2177 1.5689~8.6002
MAF 1.1334~1.3605 1.3836~4.4479 1.6126~6.1025 1.7932~7.4894 3.5103~6.8815
WA 1.0807~1.5338 0.4281~7.3577 0.4664~11.5408 0.4962~14.6645 3.0342~20.9111
LSM 1.2557~1.3328 3.2900~4.1506 4.1553~5.5643 4.9332~6.7976 3.3364~5.1636


Filtering Method Waveform Index S f Peak Index C f Pulse Index I f Margin index CL f Kurtosis index K v
Real data 1.2375~1.4265 2.6251~6.1170 3.4025~8.6839 4.1249~10.8383 2.6901~7.6141
KF 0.6506~1.3394 2.2169~4.3489 2.8300~5.8145 3.3403~7.1182 2.0010~4.8505
MAF 1.2725~1.3401 3.5411~4.2676 4.5690~5.6627 5.4800~6.9296 3.3762~4.7260
WA 1.2533~1.3978 2.8991~5.3951 3.7772~7.5433 4.5600~9.4629 2.9543~6.6626
LSM 1.2799~ 1.3322 3.7777~ 4.1755 4.8448~5.5853 5.7983~6.8283 3.5068~4.5346


Filtering Method Waveform Index S f Peak Index C f Pulse Index I f Margin index CL f Kurtosis index K v
Real data 1.2328~1.6799 2.8012~8.9731 3.5636~13.4152 4.2459~16.7635 2.6026~20.7573
KF 0.7414~1.4531 2.4272~5.3061 3.5313~7.6609 4.5618 ~9.7871 3.1278~8.6235
MAF 1.3030~1.4495 3.5802~5.2485 4.7326~7.4414 5.7788~9.5213 3.5833~8.0354
WA 1.2586~1.6244 3.0713~7.8838 3.8850~11.7275 4.6134~14.7297 3.0183~16.7261
LSM 1.3393~ 1.4017 4.1609 ~ 5.0759 5.6108~7.2045 6.9564~ 9.0511 4.8099~7.3497


Filtering Method Waveform Index S f Peak Index C f Pulse Index I f Margin index CL f Kurtosis index K v
Real data 1.2302~1.3255 1.8863~4.1650 2.3206~5.4257 2.6831~6.5626 3.3283~4.0515
KF 0.6632 ~1.3015 1.6836~3.7118 2.1908~4.8347 2.6427 ~5.8484 1.8643~3.7696
MA 1.2851~1.3029 3.2849~3.7132 4.2410~4.8286 5.0978~5.8323 3.6433~3.7731
WAF 1.2469~1.3160 2.2887~3.9122 2.8739~5.0998 3.3847~6.2203 3.5058~3.9892
LSM 1.2831~ 1.3088 3.1769 ~ 3.7449 4.1344~ 4.8804 4.9907~5.9021 3.6250~3.7416
LSM 1.2944~ 1.3516 3.4889 ~ 4.0123 4.5605~ 5.3627 5.5346~6.6324 3.7601~4.7038


Filtering Method Waveform Index S f Peak Index C f Pulse Index I f Margin index CL f Kurtosis index K v
Real data 1.2356~1.4946 2.5096 ~6.1057 3.1301~8.6021 3.7089~10.7216 2.7353~8.3781
KF 0.6540 ~1.3676 1.4764~4.3533 1.8947~5.8497 2.2864 ~7.2190 1.6557~5.2505
MAF 1.2885~1.3646 3.2569~4.4215 4.2577~5.8890 5.1680 ~7.2277 3.4846~4.9958
WA 1.2545~1.4368 2.6065~5.4755 3.2771 ~7.6832 3.9033~9.5977 2.8637~6.9713


Filtering Method Waveform Index S f Peak Index C f Pulse Index I f Margin index CL f Kurtosis index K v
Real data 1.2644~1.3277 3.0769 ~3.9559 3.9109~5.2521 4.6441~6.4544 3.2241~4.1031
KF 0.6764 ~1.2997 1.9016~3.7578 2.5240~4.8932 3.0953 ~5.9231 1.9544~3.6457
MAF 1.2874~1.3015 3.4807~3.7560 4.4951~4.8888 5.4180 ~5.9202 3.4821 ~3.6531
WA 1.2691~1.3274 3.1001~3.9400 3.9549 ~5.1080 4.7209~6.2105 3.2676~3.9021
LSM 1.2812~1.3259 3.4397~ 3.8347 4.4132~5.0719 5.2884~6.2028 3.4407~3.8549




Filtering Method Waveform Index S f Peak Index C f Pulse Index I f Margin index CL f Kurtosis index K v
Real data 1.2467~1.3174 2.3342 ~4.5670 2.9101~ 5.9884 3.4182~7.3012 3.5065~4.0086
KF 0.6615 ~1.2998 1.9430~3.8181 2.5220~4.9550 3.0330 ~5.9685 1.9218~3.7903
MAF 1.2821~1.2992 3.2374~3.8550 4.1640~5.0093 4.9970 ~6.0402 3.6141 ~3.8079
WA 1.2608~1.3158 2.6100~4.3543 3.3023 ~5.6884 3.9226~6.9141 3.5626~3.9947
LSM 1.2809 ~1.3043 3.1871~ 4.2926 4.0980~5.5727 4.9149~6.7397 3.6127~3.7950


Filtering Method Waveform Index S f Peak Index C f Pulse Index I f Margin index CL f Kurtosis index K v
Real data 1.2829~1.3349 3.1001 ~4.5470 3.9771~6.0672 4.7788~7.4463 3.3366~4.6789
KF 0.6763~1.3221 1.7551~3.7085 2.3290~4.8916 2.8368 ~5.9753 1.9939~4.0890
MAF 1.3083~1.3212 3.3522~3.7158 4.3918~4.9046 5.3439 ~5.9894 3.6791 ~4.1198
WA 1.2900~1.3348 3.1031~4.3261 4.0187 ~5.7585 4.8673~7.0673 3.3952~4.4874
LSM 1.3086 ~1.3307 3.3279~ 4.1794 4.3590~5.5568 5.2959~6.8017 3.7714~4.4182

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[5] L. Shao, “Fault diagnosis technology multi dimensionless Petrochemical Equipment Fault
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China. He received Ph.D. degree from the Guangdong Guoxi Sun received the B.Sc. degree in
University of Technology. He is now with College of Computer Department of Precision Instrument and
and Electronics Information, Guangdong University of Mechanology from Tianjin University,
Petrochemical Technology, China as a teacher. His research China, in 1992. He received the M.Sc.
interests include fault diagnosis, signal processing, image degree in 1999 and the PhD degree in
processing, information fusion, and computer applications. He 2006 from South China University of
is member of IEEE. technology. He is currently an associate
professor in Guangdong University of
Qinghua Zhang received the B.Sc. Petrochemical Technology, China. His
degree in Electrical Automation from main research areas include algorithms, artificial intelligence
Henan polytechnic university, China, in and fault diagnosis.
1985 and the M.Sc. degree in Industrial
Automation from South China Zhiping Peng was born in Hujian, China,
University of technology, China, in 1995 in 1969. He received B.E. and M.A.
and the Ph.D. degree in Control Theory degrees from Guangdong University of
and Control Engineering from South Petrochemical Technology, China. He is
China University of Technology, China, studying for the degree of Ph.D. at the
in 2004. Now he is a professor and currently the dean of the South China University of Technology,
Guangdong province Petrochemical Equipment Fault Diagnosis China. He is now with the School of
(PEFD) key laboratory in Guangdong University of Computer and Electronic Information,
Petrochemical Technology, China. His research interests Guangdong University of Petrochemical
include: condition monitoring & fault diagnosis of rotating Technology, China as a Prof. and instructor of M.E.
machinery, intelligence control, and applications of intelligent students.His current research interests include cloud compute,
algorithms. image processing, information fusion, and computer



Obfuscated Malicious Code Detection with Path

Condition Analysis
Wenqing Fan
Communication University of China, Beijing, China

Xue Lei and Jing An

Information Security Center, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications National Engineering Laboratory for
Disaster Backup and Recovery, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China

Abstract—Code obfuscation is one of the main methods to Researchers have proposed a series of novel detection
hide malicious code. This paper proposes a new dynamic methods in previous researches. Dawn Song used pure
method which can effectively detect obfuscated malicious software VM to resist code obfuscation and avoid being
code. This method uses ISR to conduct dynamic debugging. detected by malicious code [6]. Engin Kirda mixed static
The constraint solving during debugging process can detect
and dynamic behavior technology to cover more behavior
deeply hidden malicious code by covering different
execution paths. Besides, for malicious code that reads patterns of malicious code by adding behavior signature
external resources, usually the detection of abnormal library [7]. Yanick Fratantonio utilized the debugging
behaviors can only be detected by taking the resources into function of CPU to do dynamic debugging to improve
consideration. The method in this paper has better accuracy efficiency in software VM [8]. This paper describes a
by locating the external resources precisely and combining it new method on the basis of above three. This method
with the analysis of original malicious code. According to includes path condition driven detection technology and
the experiment result of some anti-virus software, our also enhance the I/O supervision of software. It has the
prototype system can obviously improve the detection following advantages:
More hidden paths of malicious code will be triggered
Index Terms—Malware Detection; Malicious Code by analyzing path conditions and constraint solving.
Detection; Code Obfuscation Malicious code usually use constraint jump or hide its
behavior [9]. This paper can drive malicious code to
explore different branches based on constraint solving
I. INTRODUCTION result, and hence improve efficiency.
To fight against the booming malicious software, many The supervision of software I/O can detect and locate
security software have done researches in detecting malicious code more thoroughly. Some malicious code
malicious code. Currently, three methods are most will the malicious part of code in external resources, and
commonly used: scanning of static signature [1], only read them when executing. The method in this paper
behavior-based detection [2] and emulation-based can actively load external resources through I/O APIs to
detection [3]. The combination of the three can detect reach a better result.
most traditional malicious software. On top of the previous two steps, the method will mine
However, as the technology adopted by attackers the signature of malicious code behavior and system call
becomes more and more advanced, malicious software sequence, and detect the malicious code.
now appears as malicious code more frequently. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents
Malicious code is not a standalone executable file but a some related works and discusses challenges of malicious
piece of code segment. Compared with traditional detection when dealing with external resources. Section 3
malicious software, malicious code is easier to be shows our method for obfuscated malicious code
obfuscated transferred through network, and take detection. In Section 4, experimental results are discussed
advantages of vulnerabilities of software or system. and conclude with Section 5.
Malicious attackers disguise malicious code specifically
to bypass the existing protection methods. First, the
obfuscated code has no constant static signature [4]. Also, Since malicious code is easier to hide and exploit
the code jump and exception handling routines at ASM various vulnerabilities, more and more attackers are using
code level will further increase the difficulty of detecting files containing such code or web page with malicious
behavior signature. And in virtual machines environment script to attack others [10]. Currently, static and dynamic
like VMware, only valid operations will be executed or analyses are being used to detect such code.
the software will quit directly [5].



A. Static Detection Methods Compared with static analysis, dynamic analysis has
Static analysis tries to extract static signature by two main defects: low path coverage rate, low execution
disassembling software [11]. However, Andreas Moser efficiency. The two methods above take care of execution
and others pointed out that static analysis is not enough to efficiency with several strategies but ignore the path
deal with variations of malicious code [12]. As they said, coverage rate.
static analysis can be evaded by code obfuscation. x = 0;
Opaque constants are difficult to be solved in static
analysis. As the same time, obfuscating transformation
methods are deployed in malicious code.

0 1 2 3 4

if(i < 16)

j = 1; j = j * 2;
y = 1; x = 3;
i = 0; i++; todo();
x = 2; else
x = 1; x = 2;
x = 4;

Figure 1. Example goto switch

j = 2; Figure 3. Control-Flow flattening

i = 0;

C. Challenges
Some malicious code has external resources. External
i < 16; todo(); resources can be downloaded from the Internet. If
external resources are unavailable, malicious code will
crash. So external resources should be downloaded, then
dynamic analysis can execute normally. Dynamic
i++; j = j * 2; analysis only executes one path of malicious code each
time. So the coverage rate of dynamic analysis may be
Figure 2. Control-Flow Graph
very low.
This paper, on the basis of them, improve the path
As shown in Figure 1, 2 and 3, Control-flow coverage rate by analyzing the path conditions and
obfuscation like control-flow flattening [13] will constraint solving to get path condition for various
thoroughly change the Control-Flow Graph of malicious execution paths. Besides, the method in this paper also
code. As shown in the example, the control-flow graph monitor system I/O API to locate external resources since
will be more complicated. Even more, malicious attacker tracing them can be helpful to detect separated malicious
can insert a lot of unreachable block to confuse static code.
analysis tools and thwart two main static disassembly
algorithms: linear sweep and recursive traversal [4]. So, CODE DETECTION
the focus of research has been gradually changed to
dynamic debugging and other methods. To solve problems mentioned above, the method in
this paper modifies ISR to trace software and do dynamic
B. Dynamic Detection Methods analysis. Setting TF flag in EFALGS register to 1 can
Michalis Polychronakis has obtained impressive trigger INT 1 interruptions, which are handled by ISR 1.
progress by debugging malicious code dynamically in And modifying the process of ISR 1 is a convenient and
simulated environment [3]. Since then, the dynamic efficient way to do dynamic analysis. Malicious code that
debugging analysis has been developing rapidly. Dawn can detect TF flags can be bypassed by adding instruction
Song and others designed a malicious code analysis judgment in the routine.
platform based on this method [6]. A common feature of The framework of the system is displayed in Figure 2.
these methods is that they will first execute malicious We can create a dynamic analysis debugger by modifying
code in simulated software environment and then analyze ISR 1 of Windows XP and then obtain execution logs by
the result. In this situation, the malicious attacker tracing targets with the debugger. This method will
discovers that the software simulator can't simulate all conduct constraint solving for the path conditions in the
real CPU instructions and by using some special software execution flow, get the required input for
instructions the detection mechanism based on it can be executing other paths using Concolic testing [15, 16] and
bypassed [14]. To solve this problem, Yanick Fratantonio re-analyze malicious code. During the re-analysis, the
used CPU trap flag in real environment to do single-step inputs obtained from Concolic testing for new paths will
debugging, while Kevin Z. Snow used hardware drive the target to follow those paths. Thus, the mining of
simulator to simulate the real environment. malicious code will have a better coverage. Besides, this



Platform: Windows XP SP3


SMT solver Signature analyzer

IL generator

ISR debugger API detector

Malicious External
code resources

Figure 4. Architecture

method will monitor system I/O APIs for functions like and Interrupt Gate. The data of different gate corresponds
file reading and network downloading to detect malicious different meaning, as shown in Figure 4.
behavior in external resources. Finally, the analyzer will Interrupt gate and Trap gate are used widely in IDT.
judge whether the target is malicious code according to The 32-bits offset points the memory address of interrupt
its system call sequence, behavior signatures and other service routine. We can trace the CPU instructions by
factors. modifying the interrupt service routine. When the TF flag
in the EFLAGS register is set to 1, an interrupt INT 1 is
A. ISR Debugger
triggered, INT 1 interrupt service routine is the ISR 1. We
Gate 64 bits
can easily and efficiently implement dynamic tracing by
modifying ISR 1.
Gate 64 bits Task Gate

Gate 64 bits offset 16-32 bits P 00101 reserved

segment selector Offset 0-15 bits
Gate 64 bits
Trap Gate

offset 16-32 bits P 01111 000


32 bits address 16 bits size segment selector offset 0-15 bits

Interrupt Gate

Figure 5. IDTR and IDT offset 16-32 bits P 01110 000


Interrupt Service Routines is interrupt handler routines segment selector Offset 0-15 bits

provided by the Windows system. Interrupt Descriptor

Figure 6. Three categories of gates
Table stores the interrupt number and the corresponding
exception handling routine address. When the software or
hardware trigger these interrupts, the system B. Detection Driven by Path Condition Analysis
automatically lookup IDT and find the address of ISR, Based on dynamic tracing, the key to malicious code
then call the routine to handle the interrupt. Operating detection is to accurately spot suspicious behavior.
system by reading the interrupt descriptor table register However, malicious attackers usually will cover their
locates the interrupt descriptor table in memory location traces via conditional jump. This paper can also deal with
and size, shown in Figure 3. such situations. Based on analysis and recording of path
In the architecture of Intel 80386, the length of IDTR conditions, the method described here can do constraint
is 48 bits. The first 32 stored the memory address of IDT, solving and calculate new path conditions. Then, the
and the size of IDT saved in after 16 size. There are 256 interaction between analyzer and debugger will drive the
entries in IDT, each corresponding to a 64-bits gate. target to follow the new paths, and eventually detect the
There are three categories of gates: Task Gate, Trap Gate hidden malicious code. When the current instruction is a



Malicious code

User32.dll Kernel32.dll GDI32.dll


User Mode int 2e sysenter

Kernel Mode



Figure 7. SSDT

conditional jump instruction, the system will combine PE file: The resources in form of PE file can be
Log and debugger to accomplish path-condition-driven executed with API like Winexec, CreatProcess. The
detection. detection system will compare with the parameter with
The procedure is: external resources' paths and detect the execution of them.
1. Judge whether both branches for current instruction The Log of original resource file will be combined with
have been executed. If yes, then look for the next branch the execution path for further checking.
condition. Network data flow and memory data: such resources
2. Select the un-executed branch, and calculate the can be executed with instructions like call and jump in
condition for this path. malicious code. The detection system will match the
3. Communicate with debugger to execute this branch, target address range, identify the memory space where
log the system call sequence and behavior signature for it, the external resource resides, monitor the code execution
and compare them with the signature library. in memory, and analyze it together with detection result
4. Combine the system calling sequence and behavior for the original resource file.
signature of several branch conditions, compare them Trace Find external resources
with signature library.
5. Continue with execution. Go to step 1 if encounter
another condition; otherwise, exit.
With this method, we can mine the behavior signature Call/Jmp/Exec Download/Dump/Mark
Marked resources the resources
of malicious code in suspicious code with better accuracy,
and use the result as feedback for the signature library
which will be used in future detection.
B. Locating and Analysis of External Resources
The space available for programs that exploit
vulnerability is far from ample, and thus limit the volume
of malicious code, that's why malicious attackers will Log
load external resources to implement complicated
So, the external resources should be an input for the
analysis of detection target. The method in this paper use Analysis

SSDT hook to locate various system I/O APIs for features

such as file, network and register, analyzes their Figure 8. Analysis external resources
parameters to locate and save external resources
accurately, as shown in Figure 5. The workflow is described below:
Those resources will be included in the detection for 1. Locate and identify external resources by
further analysis. For various external resources, such as monitoring key system APIs.
file, network data flow, code in memory, different 2. Execute the malicious code, monitor APIs related to
loading method will be used. process execution and special instructions like call and



3. If malicious code executes the external resources or Compare the calculated value with the standard chi-
jump to it, trace and get the log of external resources. squared distribution 0.05
1  3.84 . When
4. Combine the Log of original malicious code and the
Log of external resources to conduct comprehensive  2  0.05
1  3.84 , the suspicious program does not
detection. belong to the class of malicious code, otherwise the
As shown in Figure 6, through the detection of external suspicious programs is one of the malicious code classes.
resources, the system can discover separated malicious
code with higher accuracy and extract a more thorough IV. EXPERIMENT AND ANALYSIS
profile for such code.
A. Path Feasibility Analysis and Statistical of Threshold
C. Signatures of Malicious Code Malicious code analysis methods based on path
The key problem of malicious code detection is conditions need to deal with a large number of infeasible
accurately analysis the behaviors of target code based on paths, which are used by malicious attackers to avoid
dynamic tracing. Researchers have done a lot of fruitful anti-virus software. These infeasible paths usually
research in area of malicious code detection. To avoid combined with opaque predicates results the problem that
malicious code infect the host system if progress of it is difficult to identify static infeasible paths. To cope
analysis, Fred Cohen proposed a method which detects this problem, we propose the method of dynamic
malicious code in the sandbox [17]. The developers of segmental execution to analyze infeasible paths
SAFE use static analysis to detect malicious code, and dynamically. In our scenario, obtain suspected-segments
even obfuscate malicious code with "NOP" instruction, of infeasible paths at first, and then segmented execute
SAFE is still able to effectively detect [18]. Based on the program by using different input repeatedly. When
SAFE, Christopher Kruegel et al improved static the number of program executions is above a certain
disassembly techniques after in-depth study. They threshold, the path is infeasible.
proposed a novel recursive disassembly algorithm and In order to determine the threshold of dynamically
use statistical methods to achieve the detection of segmented execution times, this section provides statistics
obfuscated malicious binary code [19]. In these methods, of running times k , path coverage ratio p , branch-
some of the researchers use some character strings as the uncover ratio v , and verifies their relationship. The
signature of malicious code. Others use N-Gram statistic method is to select abundance samples that
sequences of system calls as the signature of malicious include opaque predicates and malicious codes, test these
samples k times, record path coverage ratio p and
Malicious code is designed to obtain system
information, and steal a user's critical data, or destroy the branch-uncover ratio v during every testing. When
system and propagate itself through the network. These coverage ratio p is above 95%, the corresponding k is
behaviors need to call the system I/O API, so our the threshold.
malicious code detection tool traces system I/O API calls
and other behavioral characteristics and use these as TABLE I. VIRUS BULLETIN W32/ONLINE GAMES
signatures. This method can more effectively classify Path coverage
malicious code. Branch-uncover ratio v Running times k
ratio p (%)
Analyzing system API such as file operation, register 10 0.9771 26782
operation, winsock etc. In accordance with the sequence 20 0.9684 38661
of calls to get vectors k . Which ci , i  1, 2, , n 30 0.9529 52521
40 0.8546 76949
represents the i-th called API, its value is the frequency of 50 0.806 107855
the called API. 60 0.7767 151871
Using the vector as malicious signature, this new 70 0.765 220835
method not only can effectively detect known viruses, but 80 0.7465 361733
90 0.6838 836365
also achieve unknown malicious code detection and
classification. Through the behavior and characteristics of
the object to the library vector chi-squared distribution
analysis to achieve. Chi-squared test is a statistical test
can be used to compare two sets of statistical data
whether there are different. It is one of statistical
hypothesis testing. Assuming system call sequence vector Running
of malicious code is P   p1 , p2 , , pn  , and the vector
of the suspicious program is C  c1 , c2 , , cn  .
According to the chi-square test, two vectors difference
Path coverage ratio(%)
value is calculated as:
 ci  pi 
 
2 Figure 9. W32/Online games: path coverage ratio by segmented
i 1 pi



TABLE II. VIRUS BULLETIN SAMPLE: W32/AUTOIT new paths. Overall, we can conclude the calculation
Path coverage ratio Branch-uncover ratio Running times formula of threshold value is:
p (%) v k  1 
10 0.9831 5861 K  i / v ,0  p  1
20 0.9126 9033  log p 
30 0.8354 13191 In the segmental Concolic testing, i is the number of
40 0.7735 18719 branches is the branch-stack; v is the branch-uncover
50 0.6993 27371
60 0.6561 39586 ratio; p is the path coverage ratio. The threshold K can
70 0.6402 58103 be calculated by this formula with these three parameters.
80 0.5816 102230 Code segments including black-box functions were
90 0.5095 247153
performed multiple times by segmental Concolic testing,
In both samples, path coverage ratio increased rapidly after which we analyzed the program and calculated the
with the growth in the number of tests in the early stage, actual executions. If the actual executions were above the
which is due to the beginning of testing, all the branches threshold K , we determined the path was infeasible.
are not traversed and Concolic testing can cover a path in
each execution. When the number of segmental tests B. Detection Results of Obfuscated Malicious Code
became large enough to cover most paths, there were still The prototype system for this method is developed on
infeasible paths and some paths that influenced by black- Windows XP, and the experiment is carried out in a
box functions were difficult to cover. Hence, the growth computer with AMD Athlon II X2 5000+ and 4GB RAM.
of path coverage ratio slowed down, and path coverage We collect 300 malicious code samples from the
ratio cannot reach 100% because of infeasible paths. To WildList Organization International [20]. We created
determine the threshold K , we used the aforementioned polymorphic versions of these samples, and compete the
segmental Concolic testing to analyze abundance samples detection efficiency of our prototype system and other
of malicious code, and the relationship between path security software. The detection result for polymorphic
coverage ratio and running times is shown in Figure 11. versions is listed in Table 1. It shows the results of
detection before obfuscation and after obfuscation.


Anti-virus Detection Detection Detection
Detection Rate
Running Software Num Num Rate
times Before
Name Before After After
AntiVir 300 100% 156 52%
Avast 300 100% 178 55.66%
AVG 300 100% 134 44.66%
BitDefender 300 100% 145 48.33%
Path coverage ratio(%)
Comodo 298 99.33% 167 59.33%
DrWeb 298 99.33% 142 47.33%
Figure 10. W32/Autoit: path coverage ratio by segmented testing
NOD32 300 100% 151 50.33%
Kaspersky 300 100% 189 63%
Kingsoft 300 100% 129 43%
McAfee 300 100% 133 44.33%
Rising 300 100% 139 40.33%
Symantec 300 100% 168 56%
298 99.33% 241 80.33%
Before obfuscation, almost all anti-virus software were
able to fully detect these malicious code samples, our
prototype system also achieved a good result. However,
the detection rate after onfuscation has changed
significantly. Most anti-virus software's detection rate has
dropped to less then 50%, only a few remains at between
50% -65% detection rate. Meanwhile, Prototype system
Figure 11. The relationship between path coverage ratio and running detection rate reached 80.33%. This result shows the
prototype system can detect obfuscated malicious code
In Figure 11, when the number of running times is more effectively than other anti-virus software.
small, path coverage ratio with segmental Concolic V. CONCLUSIONS
testing increases rapidly. As the number of running times
increasing, the speed of growth of path coverage ratio A new malicious code detection method is presented in
slows down. In the early stage, branches coverage is zero, this paper. This method effectively detects obfuscated
therefore, segmental Concolic testing is easy to traverse a malicious code by using path condition analysis. At the
new path. After running a couple of times, more branches same time, External resources are located and traced to
traversed while branches uncover ratio v became smaller, improve the accuracy of detection. The experiment result
it is difficult for segmental Concolic testing to traverse of prototype system proves the method is effective.



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Numerical Simulation of Stability Analyzing for

Unsaturated Slope with Rainfall Infiltration
Wen Zhong and Zhuoying Tan*
State Key Laboratory of High-Efficient Mining and Safety of Metal Mines (University of Science and Technology
Beijing), Ministry of Education, Beijing 100083, China
*Corresponding author, Email:

Xiaojun Wang
School of Resources & Environment Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou, Jiangxi

Jin Wang
Productive Department of Jiangxi Tungsten Industry Group Company Limited, Nanchang, Jiangxi 334406, China

Tianshou Hu
Yongping Copper Mine of Jiangxi Copper Company Limited, Shangrao 334506, China

Abstract—Rainfall infiltration exerts great effect on the during or shortly after rainfall [3]. The rainfall infiltration
stability of soil slopes. Based on the actual rainfall data, produces a downward flux that changes the water content
saturated-unsaturated seepage theory and the mechanical and pore-water pressure gradients with depth, hence
theory of unsaturated porous media, numerical simulations reduces the soil shear strength and subsequently triggers
were conducted to examine the seepage field of saturated-
the slope failure [4]. Rainfall infiltration and suction
unsaturated slope during rainfall infiltration in this paper.
The influence of the coefficient with rainfall duration, variation in unsaturated soils must be taken into
rainfall patterns, rainfall intensity and soil saturated consideration in the analysis of most slope stability
permeability on seepage field are studied, and the problems, particularly in the southern rainy area where
relationship between the factor of safety and the position of the annual precipitation is high [5].
sliding surface is obtained. The simulated results show that Rainfall infiltration has long been a topic of interest in
the saturated hydraulic conductivity has a great effect on geotechnical engineering [6]. The process of rainfall
slope stability. If the permeability of soil is relatively large, infiltration into a soil slope is an extremely complex
the changing range and the velocity of the factor of safety problem, involving numerous parameters such as rainfall
increase with the rainfall intensity; and if it is relatively in a
duration [7], rainfall patterns [8], rainfall intensity [9],
low degree, the influence of the rainfall intensity on the
slope stability is also low. soil permeability, soil initial moisture condition, soil
water retention ability, soil porosity, and evaporation rate
Index Terms—Rainfall Infiltration; Numerical Simulation; etc[10]. And the problem becomes more complicated
Saturated-Unsaturated Seepage; Stability Analyzing when dealing with the unsaturated soils because the
hydraulic properties of the soils are strongly non-linear
functions [11]. Many researchers suggested that
I. INTRODUCTION conventional methods which were based on the
The limit equilibrium analysis method and the seepage assumption of saturated behavior cannot be applied
finite element approach to the analysis of slope stability successfully for slopes under unsaturated conditions [12].
have been widely used for many years. Many numerical Slope stability analysis of unsaturated slopes requires an
simulations with related software should be used in the extensive and detailed saturated-unsaturated transient
slope stability analysis. To evaluate the influence of seepage analysis, because slope failures in unsaturated
coupled numerical analysis on the stability of unsaturated conditions are closely related to rainfall infiltration [13].
soil slopes, the limit equilibrium analysis method and the Numerous researchers have worked on the analysis of
seepage finite element approach should be used. rainfall-induced instability of saturated-unsaturated soil
Soil slope failures can broadly be attributed to the slopes and concluded that rainfall infiltration is an
convergences of three factors, i.e. rainfall, steepness of important factor triggering the instability of slopes [14].
slope, and soil geological profile [1]. Unsaturated soil And numerous studies have also been conducted on the
slopes can remain stable for a long time and then fail infiltration characteristics of soils [15]. An efficient
under rainfall infiltration, and in many cases these global optimization algorithm with unsaturated conditions
failures cause loss of life and great economic losses [2].
Experience has shown that many slope failures occurred



is proposed for critical slip surface searching of slope with ua remaining constant, the change in volumetric
stability analysis [16]. water content is a function only of pore-water pressure
In this paper, based on the actual rainfall data, changes. As a result, the change in volumetric water
saturated-unsaturated seepage theory and the mechanical content can be related to a change in pore-water pressure
theory of unsaturated porous media, numerical by the following equation
simulations are conducted to examine the seepage field of
saturated-unsaturated slope during rainfall infiltration.   mwuw (3)
The influence of the coefficient with rainfall duration,
rainfall patterns, rainfall intensity and soil saturated where: mw = the slope of the storage curve.
permeability on seepage field are studied, and the The total hydraulic head H is defined as:
relationship between the factor of safety and the position
of sliding surface is obtained. H y (4)
where: uw = the pore-water pressure,  w = the unit weight
A. Partial Differential Water Flow Equations of water, and y = the elevation.
The general governing differential equation for two- Equation (4) can be rearranged as:
dimensional seepage can be expressed as:
uw   w  H  y  (5)
   H    H 
  kx    ky Q (1)
t x  x  y  y  Substituting Equation (5) into Equation (3) gives the
following equation:
where: H = the total head, k x = the hydraulic
  mww  H  y  (6)
conductivity in the x-direction, k y = the hydraulic
conductivity in the y-direction, Q = the applied boundary Which now can be substituted into Equation (1),
flux,  = the volumetric water content, t = time. leading to the following expression:
This equation states that the difference between the   H    H    H  y
flow (flux) entering and leaving an elemental volume at a  kx    ky   Q  mw w (7)
point in time is equal to the change in storage of the soil x  x  y  y  t
systems. More fundamentally, it states that the sum of the Since the elevation is a constant, the derivative of y
rates of change of flows in the x-directions and y- with respect to time disappears, leaving the following
directions plus the external applied flux is equal to the governing differential equation used in finite element
rate of change of the volumetric water content with formulation:
respect to time.
Under steady-state conditions, the flux entering and   H    H  H
leaving an elemental volume is the same at all times. The  kx    ky   Q  mw w (8)
x  x  y  y  t
right side of the equation consequently vanishes and the
equation reduces to:
B. Finite Element Water Flow Equations
  H    H  Applying the Galerkin method of weighed residual to
 kx    ky Q  0 (2)
x  x  y  y  the governing differential equation, the finite element for
two-dimensional seepage equation can be derived as:
Changes in volumetric water content are dependent on
changes in the stress state and the properties of the soil.   [ B]T [C ][ B]dA{H }       N T  N  dA{H },
The stress state for both saturated and unsaturated (9)
conditions can be described by two state variables [1]. t  q    N  dL
These stress state variables are   ua  and  u a uw 
where: [ B] = the gradient matrix, [C ] = the element
where is  the total stress, ua is the pore-air pressure,
hydraulic conductivity matrix, {H } = the vector of nodal
uw and is the pore-water pressure.
heads,  N  = the vector of interpolating function, q =
The following derivation is formulated for conditions
the unit flux across the edge of an element,  = the
of constant total stress; that is, there is no loading or
unloading of the soil mass. The following derivation also thickness of an element, t = time,  = storage term for a
assumes that the pore-air pressure remains constant at transient seepage equals to mw w , A = a designation for
atmospheric pressure during transient processes. This summation over the area of an element, and L = a
means that   ua  remains constant and has no effect designation for summation over the edge of an element.
In an axisymmetric analysis, the equivalent element
on the change in volumetric water content. Changes in
thickness is the circumferential distance at different
volumetric water content are consequently dependent
radius, R about the symmetric axis. The complete
only on changes in the  u a uw  stress state variable, and circumferential distance is 2 radian times R , since it is



formulated for one radian, the equivalent thickness is R . D. Field Variable Model
Therefore, the finite element equation for the To formulate a finite element analysis, it is necessary
axisymmetric case is: to adopt a model for the distribution of the field variable

 [ B] [C ][ B]R dA{H }      N   N  R dA{H },

T T within the element. Since the field variable in the seepage
(10) analysis is the total head ( H ) , it is necessary to adopt a
t  q    N  R dL
model for the distribution of H within the element.
We assume that the head distribution within the
Note that the radial distance R is not a constant within element follows the adopted interpolating functions. This
an element as in the case of the thickness  in the two- means that the head distribution is linear when the
dimensional analysis; consequently, R is a variable secondary nodes are missing, and the head distribution is
inside the integral. nonlinear when the secondary nodes are present.
In an abbreviated form, the finite element seepage In equation form, the head distribution model is:
equation can be expressed as:
h  N  {H } (15)
[ K ]{H}  [M ]{H}, t  {Q} (11)
where: h = the head at any local coordinate,  N  = a
where: [ K ] =the element characteristic matrix, [ M ] the vector of interpolation function, and {H } = a vector of
element mass matrix, {Q} the element applied flux heads at the nodes.
Equation (12) is the general finite element equation for III. RAINFALL INFILTRATION METHODS
a transient seepage analysis. For a steady-state analysis,
A. Partial Differential Water Flow Equations
the head is not a function of time and, consequently, the
term {H } , t vanishes, reducing the finite element It is not especially difficult to obtain a direct
measurement of a volumetric water content function in a
equation to: laboratory, but it does require time and it requires finding
[ K ]{H }  {Q} (12) a geotechnical laboratory that performs the service. It is,
however, standard practice to obtain a grain-size
which is the abbreviated finite element form of the distribution curve and many companies have the
fundamental seepage equation, Darcy’s Law. capability and facilities to develop their own curves. The
development of the grain-size distribution curve is
C. Temporal Integration
inexpensive and can be quickly accomplished.
The finite element solution for a transient analysis is a One of the required input parameters for a transient
function of time as indicated by the {H } , t term in the analysis is the volumetric water content function. Since it
finite element equation. The time integration can be can sometimes be difficult or time consuming to obtain a
performed by a finite difference approximation scheme. volumetric water content function, it may be of benefit to
Writing the finite element equation in terms of finite be able to develop an estimation of the volumetric water
differences leads to the following equation: content function using either a closed-form solution that
requires user-specified curve-fitting parameters, or to use
 wt[ K ]  [M ]{H1} , a predictive method that uses a measured grain-size
t  1   {Q0 }  {Q1}  [ M ]  1    t[ K ]{H 0 } distribution curve.
Aubertin et al (2003) presented a method to predict the
where: t = the time increment,  = a ratio between 0 and volumetric water content function which is modified from
1, H1 = the head at end of time increment, H 0 = the head the method proposed by Kovacs (1981). The
modifications were made to Kovacs method to better
at start of time increment, Q1 = the nodal flux at end of
represent materials such as tailings from hard-rock mines.
time increment, and Q0 = the nodal flux at start of time A further modification extended the method for clay type
increment. soils. The Aubertin et al. method predicts the volumetric
We use the Backward Difference Method, a method water content function using basic material properties
that sets to 1.0, the finite element equation is then which can be useful, particularly for preliminary analysis.
simplified to: It should be cautioned that, especially for clay type
materials, it is critical to base a final design on measured
 t[K ]  [M ]{H1}  t{Q1}  [M ]{H0 } (14) material properties as opposed to estimated ones.
The function is initially determined as a degree of
As indicated by Equation (15) in order to solve for the saturation function and then is later converted to a
new head at the end of the time increment, it is necessary volumetric water content function. The function is
to know the head at the start of the increment. Stated in developed by defining the degree of saturation for two
general terms, the initial conditions must be known in main components. The first component contributes to the
order to perform a transient analysis. amount of water that is stored in a soil by capillary forces
that exist at relatively small negative pore-water pressures.
The second component contributes to the volumetric



water content function at large negative pore-water kPa suction as initially proposed by Fredlund and Xing
pressures where the amount of water that exists in the soil (1994) and described by:
is primarily a function of adhesion. Both of these
components can be evaluated from the negative pore-   
ln 1  
water pressure and material property information such as r
particle-size, the shape of the particles and the porosity. C  1    (21)
  
The degree of saturation as determined based on the ln 1  o 
capillary and adhesive components is as follows:  r 
w where:  r = the suction corresponding to the residual
Sr   Sc  Sa* 1  Sc  (16)
n water content at which point an increase in suction will
not effectively remove more liquid water from the soil
where: S r = the degree of saturation,  w = the volumetric and given by:
water content, n = the porosity, Sc = the degree of
 

saturation due to capillary forces, and S a* = the bounded  r  0.86   w1.74

L (22)
e  
degree of saturation due to adhesion ( S a ).
and where: The capillary saturation, which depends essentially on
the pore diameter and the pore size distribution, is given
Sa*  1  Sa   1 (17) by:
The adhesive component is a bounded value since it is  h  2    h 2 
possible at low suctions for the value S a to be greater Sc  1   co   1 exp  m  co   (23)
than 1. The bounded value ensures that for a S a greater         

or equal to 1, S a* = 1 and if S a is less than 1, then where: m = a fitting parameter that takes into account the
S = Sa . pore size distribution and controls the shape and position
of the volumetric water content function in the capillary
The adhesion component is associated with the thin zone.
film of water that covers the surface of the soil grain and For plastic-cohesive soils considered here, both the
depends on basic material properties such as the negative value of parameters m and a can be taken as constants
pore-water pressure in the soil and the particle-size, shape
coefficient and porosity of the soil. It is determined by the with m  3 105 and a  7 104 in the predictive
following equation: applications. For the capillary based soils, m and a can
be taken as 1 and 0.01 respectively.
 hco 
   B. Rainfall Model
Sa  a  n 
C (18) After rainfall, the distribution of the water content in

  e1 3 the soil of the slope internal changes gradually over time
  
 n  (Fig. 1) due to the gradual infiltration, and causes the
wetting front move down constantly (Fig. 2).
where: a = a curve fitting parameter,  = the suction,
 n = a suction term introduced to ensure dimensionless
component, e = the void ratio, hco = the mean capillary
rise (cm) determined for capillary soils by:

h  cm 2   w1.75
hco  or hco  L
eD10  cm  e

For cohesion type soils where: D10 = the particle

diameter (cm) corresponding to 10% passing on a grain
size curve,

b  cm2  is given by: b  cm2  

1.17 log Cu  1
Figure 1. Distribution and partition with rainfall infiltration
where: Cu = the coefficient of uniformity, wL =the liquid
The water impinges upon the ground in a very short
limit (%),  = a constant approximately equal to 402.2 period of time when it rainfall, the water content in
C = a correction coefficient that allows a progressive surface soil (   0,t  ) increases initial value to maximum
decrease in water content at high suctions, forcing the value (  0 ) in a relatively short time. With the generally
function through a water content of zero at one million



natural conditions, fully saturated state of soil is nearly five years in the region is shown in Table I. Slope
impossible, so the maximum value (  0 ) is below material properties are divided into three parts as
saturated water content  s . preliminary compacted soil, loose soil and bedrock and
three material parameters of calculation are shown in
With gradual infiltration, wetting front will continue to table II. The Water and soil characteristic curve of
move down to the inside of slope, the distribution curve material (1) is shown in Fig. 5. The Water and soil
of the water content from relatively steep gradually into characteristic curve of material (2) is shown in Fig. 6.
the relatively flat.
Rainfall 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Jan. 117.90 54.60 191.40 46.00 145.5
Feb. 17.40 71.10 80.20 23.20 73.1
Mar. 266.80 39.40 197.60 162.10 106.8
Apr. 102.10 151.60 148.10 350.90 126.3
May. 106.10 163.80 208.00 252.60 191.5
Jun. 264.60 195.40 429.90 719.60 132.8
Jul. 259.30 190.00 364.40 114.70 46.4
Aug. 166.90 207.10 89.70 275.90 94.8
Sep. 24.80 27.90 86.00 71.70 79.1
Oct. 93.80 28.30 76.70 31.90 93.6
Nov. 51.00 196.10 6.10 26.60 83.9
Figure 2. Rainfall infiltration -time history
Dec. 14.50 127.20 19.60 6.70 22.9
Yearly 1485.2 1452.5 1897.7 2123.8 1196.7
The absolute value of water content gradient ( )

 Coefficient Percentage Residual Natural Saturated

what is from large to small in surface soil. The 0 of of saturated water bulk bulk
z Material
permeability water rate rate density density
when t is large enough, and that means the water content (cm/s) (%) (%) (kN/m3) sat(kN/m3)
constant of near the surface is the same. (1) 3.37e-002 25 10 17.6 17.9
The outgoing line direction on the surface of soil slope (2) 5.72e-002 40 20 16.9 17.5

is n  nx , ny , nz  , If the R  t  is vertical rainfall intensity,

(3) 3.20e-005 5.2 5.2 30.6 30.6

the component of rainfall on the slope surface normal

direction is:
qn  t   R  t  nz (24)

According to the Darcy’s law, the maximum

infiltration capacity of the slope in all directions is:
  hw  z 
R j  t   k j  hw  (25)
x j

Transformed into normal direction of the infiltration Figure 3. Schematic plot with rainfall infiltration of slope
rate is:
Rn  t   R j  t  n j (26)

For slope, the actual infiltration flow is qs  t  , and

perpendicular to the slope direction, based on the
foregoing analysis, we can deduce the relationship
between rainfall intensity and actual infiltration. Figure 4. Location shooting of slope

qn  t   R  t  nz , qs  t   qn  t  (27) Mesh model of slope is divided into 16909 nodes,

16909 units (Fig. 7). The model boundary above the
qn  t   R  t  nz , qs t   Rn t  (28) underground water level is zero flow; the boundary below
the groundwater level is the given head, and the slope
bottom is impervious boundary. The soil slope surface is
IV. ENGINEERING PRACTICE ANALYSIS the infiltration border.
This example takes the soil-water conditions after three
A. Engineering Overview
steps for the initial conditions of the simulation in next
The typical waste dump slope in southern rainy area is phase. Through other stability analyzing after once every
selected in this study object (Fig. 4), and the rainfall of rainfall seepage finite element analysis, find the changing



range and velocity of the factor of safety increase with

the rainfall intensity.
Vol. Water Content (m3/m3)



Figure 10. Simulation transient step1 pressure head contours

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Matric Suction (kPa)

Figure 5. Water and soil characteristic curve

Vol. Water Content (m3/m3)

0.3 Figure 11. Simulation transient step1 total head contours



0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Matric Suction (kPa)

Figure 6. Water and soil characteristic curve

Figure 12. Simulation slope stability step1

C. Discussion
The relationship between rainfall intensity and
saturated permeability also has a great influence on the
variation of pore-water pressure and factor of safety. The
presented model is reasonable in reflecting the actual
behavior of slope under rainfall infiltration, and that the
maximum wetting deformation occurs at both the corner
Figure 7. Simplified calculation model of the seepage finite element of slope surface and the top of slope.

B. Simulation Results

Figure 13. Simulation transient step2 pressure head contours

Figure 8. Simulation steady state pressure head contours

Figure 14. Simulation transient step2 total head contours

Figure 9. Simulation steady state total head contours



51034001) and the National Key Basic R & D Program

of China (No.2010CB731501) and the Youth Science
Fund of Education Department of Jiangxi Province (No.

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relatively in a low degree, the influence of the rainfall Resources, Hanoi, Vietnam, pp. 49–56, May 2001.
intensity on the slope stability is also low. [15] H. T. V. Pham, and D. G. Fredlund, “The application of
dynamic programming to slope stability analysis,” Can
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Geotech., vol. 40, pp. 830–847, June 2003.
[16] H. T. V. Pham, D. G. Fredlund, and G. Jr. Gitirana, “Slope
This work was partly supported by the Key Program of stability analysis using dynamic programming combined
National Natural Science foundation of China (No. with finite element stress analysis,” Proc., Int. Conf. on



Management of the land and Water Resources, Hanoi, Wen Zhong was born in China in 1983, and he is now major in
Vietnam, pp. 107–114, May 2001. University of Science and Technology Beijing for his Ph.D. Her
research interests are slope deformation analysis, slope stability
evaluation, theory of unloading rock mass for joint rock mass
and its application, and construction management of
hydroelectric engineering.



Delay Analysis of an Enhancing IEEE 802.11

Point Coordination Function MAC Protocol
Zheng Guan, Hongwei Ding, and Wenhua Qian
School of Information Science & Technology, Yunnan University, Kunming Yunnan, China

Abstract—The widespread use of multimedia networking performance through novel scheduling algorithms like [5]
applications has brought more requirements to the network, and [6], designing new polling mechanisms to reduce the
creating a need for end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS). The overhead associated to the polling process, and extending
contention-free Point Coordination Function (PCF) with PCF to networks without infrastructure as shown from [7]
Round Robin scheme, where the Access Point controls all
to [10]. Refraining from polling overhead to improve
transmissions based on a polling mechanism, is defined in
IEEE 802.11 standard to provide QoS service. This network utilization and the delay performance, providing
suffers from inefficiency in the delay sensitive traffic and differentiation service are the key aims. Biplab
makes. It is difficult to provide priority-differentiated analytically characterizes the delays experienced with the
service. In this paper, a useful enhance mechanism is IEEE 802.11 PCF where nodes may employ the power
derived from a two-level-polling model with a parallel management modes specified in the standards in order to
scheme between the polling and switch over processes. We conserve energy in [11]. Kuan-Hung considered two
consider two different polling schemes according to station different polling schemes: poll once and multiple poll for
classify: key station and normal station. This mechanism packets transmission according to packet aggregation
allows for a delay guarantee as well as priority service. An
[12]. However, it seems difficult to meet the demands of
analytical is developed for evaluating the queuing length for
the station and waiting time for the packets at nodes. Based the priority service and real-time applications for the key
on this model, we achieve several closed-form expressions station. There are few efforts in QoS guarantee and the
for mean cycle time, mean queue length and mean waiting low delay satisfaction of the sensitive traffic from priority
time. To verify the correctness of our analytical model, we service. The exception can be found in [13][14]and [15]
also develop a simulator for the 802.11 PCF MAC. The where a two-level polling model are created into MAC
simulation results well match the analytical results. protocol in order to realize the differentiation for the key
station with real-time and priority service. In [14], a
Index Terms—IEEE802.11; PCF; Delay Guarantee; Priority second level of deterministic channel access on top of the
Service; Mean Waiting Time
traditional IEEE 802.11 DCF protocol is introduced to
grant higher priority to high-rate stations in a fully
I. INTRODUCTION distributed manner, and collisions among potential
contending stations. In [13], Bao proposed a continuous
With the large-scale deployments of wireless local area
time scheduling algorithm with two level priorities based
networks (WLANs) in homes, offices, and public areas,
on clustering. The high-priority service of the cluster
the IEEE 802.11 has become one of the dominant
head is responsible for communication between the
technologies in broadband wireless network
different low-priority service cluster nodes. Ref. [14]
communication. The point coordination function (PCF)
and the distribution coordination function (DCF) with expanded this model to the discrete-time area, and
round robin scheduling are two foundational control applied in the IEEE802.11 PCF to enhance the
mechanism in media accesses [1]. However, the former performance of RR scheme. However, it seems a waste of
has the drawbacks of low utilization of resource and the time as handoff time is needed between key station and
latter suffers from collision seriously under heavy load. normal station in the two-level algorithm.
Motivated by this, we propose an improving PCF
As many new applications for 802.11 enabled devices
emerge which require higher quality of services and model. Our improving PCF works at a two-level polling
model, similar to other existing two-level polling
better mobility support, there is an increasing demand for
mechanisms in [10] and [13]. However, there are several
improving the performance of 802.11 networks. As
key differences: Data transmit and request could be
discussed in [2] and [3], the widespread use of
multimedia networking applications brought more processed parallel. When the base station (AP) polls the
requirements to the network. Many new applications for non-empty node, the polling message from the AP can be
802.11 enabled devices emerge which require higher piggybacked with the ACK packet; also, the queue state
quality of services, and then increasing the demand for of a node can be piggybacked with the data packet.
Therefore, the polling scheme synchronizes the polling
end-to-end quality of service in the network [4].
We have observed a number of works dealing with the and transmission of information packets no additional
PCF, it related to improve the overall network overhead.



Using theoretical analysis coupled with extensive detected on the data channel, the normal must yield to the
simulations, we show that the delay performance as well key station.
as the system stability is improved.
B. System Model Discription
II. SYSTEM MODEL Most of the existing performance analysis method of
PCF is tedious and complicated. Ref. [17] applied the
classic M/G/1 vacation model to analyze the delay
and performance of PCF with one-level polling. In this
Access point satellite
section we present the proposed model [16] to evaluate
the delays experienced by nodes using this enhancing
PCF mode with two-level parallel polling.

Key station Normal station


Figure 1. Network model

A. System Working Condition

In order to focus on the MAC layer, all the packets are
assumed to be received without errors and thus the results
herein presented correspond to an upper-bound of the
performance of the protocol.
N +1 stations in a WLAN are categorized as one key Figure 2. Packet format
station, noted by h , with high priority real-time data
service and N normal stations, noted by i  1, 2, , N . Assume a random variable i  n  ( i  1, 2, , N ) as
Station has two modes: polling mode and idle mode.
number of data packets in storage at normal station i at
A station is an idle station if it has no data to send.
Non-empty station in polling mode waits for polling time tn . The base station (AP) polls normal station i at
messages from the AP by checking certain header fields time tn switches to poll key station h at time tn* and
in the ACK. If polled, it will send a packet without then polls normal station i  1 at time tn 1
backing off for any time slot. For the last packet in the
queue, if ACK is received, it will leave for the idle mode ( tn  tn*  tn 1 ). Then the status of the entire polling model
immediately until receive new data from applications. can be represented as 1  n  , 2  n  , ,  N  n  , h  n  ,
At this stage, a two-level polling scheme is used to
provide a priority service and a parallel mechanism will   n  1 ,   n  1 ,
1 2 ,  N  n  1 , h  n  1 and
enhance the PCF delay-guaranteed performance.
  n  ,  n  , 
,  N  n*  , h  n*  . For
Data access is started by the receiver. AP starts the 1
i 1
i  h  1
access process as the controller by sending a data request
to the stations according to a polling list, in which the key ( i  i i , h  h h ), we will always assume the
station is assigned between two successive normal stations are stable. Then, the probability distribution is
stations. defined as
Furthermore, the data transmit and data request are lim P  j  n   x j ; j  1, 2, , N , h 
process parallel by the piggyback technical. When the AP n 

receives the last data packet with I_last=1 form a certain   i  x1 , , xi , , xN , xh 

station, it will send an ACK with a data request message By using the embedded Markov chain theory and the
to the sender, in which SNext is set as the sequence number probability generating function method to characterize
of the follower in the polling list. At this time, if the the proposed system model, the generating function of the
successive station works in the polling mode, it is normal station at the polling time is the following.
listening to the channel and checks this data request
   
Gi  z1 ,..., zi ,..., z N , zh     
message, then begin sending data packets immediately. If
the successive station works in the idle mode, there will x1  0 xi  0 xN  0 xh  0
be no responding, when the AP timed out waiting for the
request, it will send a data request packet to the next z1 x1
zi xi
z N zh  i  x1 ,
xn xh
, xi , , xN , xh  (1)
station in the polling list. Following is the packet format. i  1, 2, ,N
The normal station works in a RR (Round Robin)
mechanism with 1-limited service, and continuously According to the proposed mechanism, the system
monitor the data channel, whenever a key station signal is variables have the following equations.



 j  n*    j  n    j  i  , j  i, i  n   0 Gi  z1 , , zj, , z N , zh 
 gi  j   lim
 j  n*   i  n   i  i   1, j  i, i  n   0 z1 , , zi , , z N , zh 1 z j (5)

 j  n*    j  n    j  ui  , j  i, i  n   0 i  1, 2, , N ; j  1, 2, , N, h

Gih  z1 , , z N , zh 
 j  n*   i  ui  , j  i, i  n   0 gih  j   lim
, zj,
 z j (6)
 j  n  1   j  n*    j  h  , j  h
z1 , , zi , , z N , zh 1

 i  1, 2, , N ; j  1, 2, , N, h
 j  n  1  0, j  h
And let
v j  n  is the service time in station j , k  vi  is the
 2 Gi  z1 , , zj, , zk , , z N , zh 
number of arrivals to station k during service duration gi  j , k   lim
z1 , , zi , , z N , zh 1 z j zk (7)
of Q j . ui  n  is the switchover time from Qi to node
i  1, , N; j, k  1, , N, h
Qh when station i is a idle station, and k  u j  is the
 2 Gih  z1 , , z N , zh 
uk  n 
, zj, , zk ,
number of arrivals to Qk during gih  j, k   lim
z1 , , zi , , z N , zh 1 z j zk (8)
( j  1, 2, , N , h ; k  1, 2, , N , h ).
Then the generating function of the key station Qh at i  1, , N; j, k  1, , N, h

the time tn is the following. A. Mean Cycle Time

The mean cyclic period,  is the mean value of the
 N  ( n* ) * 
Gih ( z1 , , zi , , z N , zh )  lim E  z j j zhh ( n )  time between two successive visit beginnings to station
n 
 j 1  i ; it consists of service time and switchover time. In the
1   proposed mechanism, it is zero-switchover time system
 Bi  Ah  zh   Aj  z j   Gi  z1 , , zi , , z N , zh 
when the buffer is not empty, and then decrease the cycle
zi  j 1  (3) time. Considering the characteristics of the generating
Gi  z1 , , zi , , z N , zh  zi  0  function, the related expressions can be given as Eq. (9).

  1  Gi  z1 , , zi , , z N , zh   i  j  1, 2, , N , h (9)
 Ri  Ah  zh   Aj  z j    Gi  z1 , , zi , , z N , zh  zi  0
zi  0

 j 1 
Take Eq. (3), and Eq. (4) into Eq. (5) and Eq. (6),
where Gi ( z1 , , zi , , zN , zh ) is the generation function simplify these using Eq. (9), we have:

1  Gi  z1 , , z N , zh 
for the number of data packets present at polling instants
, zi ,
of Qi . Aj  z j  , B j  z j  , and R j  z j  represent the 
zi  0

i (10)
generation functions of the arrival, service and switch
over procedure in Q j , j  1, 2, , N , h . N

The generating function for the number of data packets 1   h  N   N 
present at polling instants tn 1 is B. Mean Queue Length
 N   n 1   n 1  According to the mechanism of exhaustive service and
Gi 1 ( z1 , z2 , , z N , zh )  lim E  z j j z h h  1-limited service, the mean queue length of the key
n 
 j 1  station can be derived from substituting Eq. (3) and (4)
  N  N  into Eq. (5) and Eq. (6), respectively, and gih  h  can be
 Gih  z1 , z2 , z N , Bh   Aj  z j Fh   Aj  z j    
  j 1 
  
expressed as the following.
   j 1
gih  h   h          (11)
where Fh  zh  is the generation function of the timing
variables to serve data packets arrive at key station h in The mean queue length of the normal station can be
each time slot exhaustive. derived from substituting Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) into Eq. (7)
and Eq.(8), considering the special characteristics of the
III. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS symmetric polling system as well as the set of
Let the average number of message packets at Q j at discrete-time equations, then gi  i  can be expressed as
tn be defined as gi  j  when Qi is polled and at tn* the following:
as gih  j  when Qh is polled. Then gi  j  and
gih  j  can be given as the following.



1  h  2 N h 2 " N  h2
gi  i    N   A 1   R 1     R 1   2 r   2 
 A" 1   2 R" 1 
" 2 "

2 1  N    h   1  h 1  h 

1  N    h  N 
 N       A" 1  N  2 R" 1 
1  h
 2 N  2 h       2 N  2 1   h  R" 1

 2 1     h    h 1   h    N  1  2  2  N  1        2 
N  B" 1
1  h 
 N  h2 R" 1   h2   h  N        Ah" 1  h Bh" 1 
The mean queue length for the center queue within
B. Comparison of System Performance
interval service can be derived from substituting Eq. (4)
into Eq. (8), and then gih  h, h  can be expressed as the Let us focus on the performance of both schemes in
terms of the mean queue length (MQL) and the mean
Eq. (13). waiting time (MWT) of the key station and normal
stations. Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 show the MQL of the key
gih  h, h    Ah'' 1   h2 B" 1  h2 R" 1
(13) station and normal station, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 show the
 Ah" 1     h2 R" 1  Ah'' 1  MWT of the key station and normal station. From Fig. 3
to Fig. 6, it can be seen key station has lower MQL and
C. Mean Waiting Time MWT than normal station in both schemes. More
The waiting time of message packets, wj, denotes the concretely, in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, the MQL of key station
time from when a data arrives at the station j and normal station in both schemes have little difference
when arrival rate ranging from 0.001 to
( j  1, 2, , N , h ) from applications to when it is served,
0.002(packet/slot), with the increasing of the arrival rate
and E[wi ] as well as E[wh] denotes the mean waiting time ranging from 0.002 to 0.012 (packet/slot), the MQL of
of packets for the normal station and the key station, key station, as well as normal stations in the present letter
respectively, for normal stations [11]: increase much more smoothly than that in [13]. In Fig. 5
1 A 1
" and Fig. 6, it is demonstrated that both key station and
E  wi   gi  i    (14) normal station perform differently between the two
C  2 2 schemes. With the increase of arrival rate, the MWT
Take with Eq. (12), it is easy to obtain the closed form change slightly in the present mechanism, and much
expression of mean waiting time. smaller than that in [13]. It is because when the traffic
The key station is served in the exhaustive scheme, load growth with the arrival rate, stations become
under the theory in [11], we could get the expression of no-empty in most of the time, then the polling messages
the mean waiting time as follow: can be piggybacked by ACK packet, the data request and
the data transmission are process in parallel, and thus
gih  h, h  Ah'' 1 h Bh" 1 reduces the transfer delay.
E  wh     (15)
2h gih  h  2 1  h 

IV. NUMERICAL RESULT Parameter Value Parameter Value

Data Tx. Rate 54Mbps Slot Time 10μs
Research in [13] has demonstrated the enhanced PCF Data Packet Length 1250 bytes Waiting-timeout 20μs
with two level mixed service polling scheme has lower CTS/ACK packets 14bytes RTS/Poll packet 20bytes
mean waiting time than classical RR mechanism. In this From the above comparisons, some results for the
section, we illustrate the comparisons of the analytical present schemes can be remarked as follows.
and simulation results between the two level mixed When the arrival rate of message packets is increased,
service PCF and the improving scheme presented in this the MQL as well as the MWT of the common station is
letter. gradually increased, while the increasing in key station is
much smooth. Furthermore, the MWT of both the normal
A. Assumption and the Basic Parameter Values station and the key station are lower than the previous
Consider a polling system with ten queues-one key one, and its performance seems to be affected by the
station and nine normal stations. The system parameters growth of the arrival rate slightly, this indicates that
are shown in Table.1. All the packets are assumed to be comparing with the previous, the proposed scheme can
received without errors. In this example we illustrate the guarantee low delay along the real time service for both
accuracy of theoretical analysis and stimulation results of the key station and the common station.
the model performance under the mechanism of both As for the flow balance condition, the previous scheme
schemes. The simulation was run for at least 1,000,000 is under the condition of N   h  N   1 , whereas
time units and sometimes longer for higher utilizations. the proposed scheme is under the condition of
Basic parameter values
N   h  1 , so the latter has less constrains than that of



the former. When  , h , or N increased, the latter

has greater stable working rang, when  , h , or N
200 Simulated results of normal station
exceeds the corresponding outbound, the common station Theoretical results of normal station
180 Simulated results of normal station in ref[13]
will suffer in the saturation, and the MQL as well as the
Theoretical results of normal station in ref[13]

Mean waiting time (slots)

MWT will increase significantly, as shown in Fig. 4 and 160
Fig. 6. 140

0.04 120
Simulated results of key station
0.035 Theoretical results of key station
Simulated results of key station in ref[13] 80
Mean queue length (packets)

0.03 Theoretical results of key station in ref[13]


0.02 20
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012
Arrival rate (packets/slot)
Figure 6. Mean waiting time of normal station

This paper has presented an enhancing IEEE 802.11
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 PCF mechanism. Performance evaluation and simulation
Arrival rate (packets/slot) results clearly show that the presented mechanism
Figure 3. Mean queue length of key station
improves QoS support in IEEE802.11 networks, in
special two-level polling and parallel processing are used.
Like RR, enhanced PCF in this letter includes a polling
3 mechanism controlled by AP. Nevertheless it allows QoS
Simulated results of normal station differentiation because in the two level polling route and
2.5 Theoretical results of normal station different service policy, the key terminator could be
Mean queue length (packets)

Simulated results of normal station in ref[13] assigned more resources, which is an important
Theoretical results of normal station in ref[13]
2 improvement over RR. Moreover, compares to other
existing two-level-polling mechanisms, the present
scheme synchronizes the polling and transmission of
information packets no additional overhead. Due to the
piggyback technique, it presents lower transmission
delays as the switch over time decreases and in special
for traffic with heavy load.
At last, the mathematical model is developed to
analyze the proposed scheme, and the closed form
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012
expressions of the MQL and MWT are derived. The
Arrival rate (packets/slot) efficiency of this mechanism is evaluated by mathematic
analysis and proved by simulation results.
Figure 4. Mean queue length of normal station


Simulated results of normal station

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IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs,” IEEE Transactions on Yunnan University. Now he is lecturer at Computer Science and
Wireless Communications, vol. 8, pp. 5144-5154, October Engineering Department of Yunnan University. His current
2009. research interests include network communication. He has
co-authored more than 30 papers.



Content Distribution Mechanism in Mobile P2P

Zeng Degui
1. Luzhou Vocational and Technical College, Sichuan, China

Yishuang Geng
2. Center of Wireless Information Network Studies (CWINS), Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, 01609,

Abstract—As content distribution in mobile P2P network of data information. Redundancy dissemination of data
facing architecture instability, the limited ability of a single information is currently one of the hot issues of MP2P
node, low efficiency of content distribution and other study.
problems, this paper proposes a new mobile network University of Illinois proposed method to achieve
structure and content distribution mechanism strategy, the
distributing data in selective distribution way under
new mobile network structure will be divided into multiple
subnets network for partition management. Each subnet MP2P. Thomas Repantis and others in University of
manages information routing and dissemination strategies California proposed content-driven routing mechanisms
through a super-node. The transfer of information between and adaptive data distribution algorithm that can support
subnets can be achieved by transitional node in cross region. large-scale, unstructured MP2P network intelligent
Thus the information transfer is achieved in the entire routing queries [6-8].
network. Content distribution strategies using part of Ouri Wolfsonv, who studied new data distribution
network coding mechanism for data compression, improve method in the mobile node bandwidth and energy and
the efficiency of information transmission and download storage resources (B, E, S) under limited conditions
success rate. Finally, experimental verification, the
MP2P. He proposed distribution mechanism RANDI
experimental results show that: the proposed new mobile
network structure and content distribution mechanisms based on level values. Song Junde et al did more detailed
strategies can reduce the disturbance of download success analysis on MP2P current data distribution technology [9].
rate caused by fixed point, reduce the data transmission Mainly in the field of a number of key technologies such
delay, and effectively improve the hit rate. as network coding, error correction code, Gossip
algorithm, and in terms of reliability, transmission speed
Index Terms—Mobile P2P; Content Distribution; Selection and scalability aspects of them were analyzed. They
Strategy; Network Node designed and implemented with a certain universally,
performative effective MP2P resource distribution
I. INTRODUCTION methods. It becomes an important requirement in MP2P
applied research [10-11].
As the mobile terminal device performance gradually GOLDENBERG DK and others countering plurality of
improved, mobile networks rapidly developed, and the nodes connected to ISP, by way of intelligent routing it
inter-network resource transfer mechanism is different optimize the flow distribution to multiple ISP links to
from traditional networks which have fixed infrastructure reduce the peak on a single link, thereby reducing the link
supported, entirely relying on mobile terminals to rates: WANG J and others delay part of flow transmission,
complete tasks. MP2P (mobile peer-to-peer) is the and use flow optimization plan to solve the trade-offs
combination of mobile computing products and P2P between the tariff benefits brought by reduced peak flow
(peer-to-peer) networks [1-3]. It has get rid of the and penalties incurred by the different delay [12].
shackles of fixed base stations, and opened up a new However, these strategies for optimal rates are aimed at
direction for the network market. individual transmissional nodes, and under the ideal
Resource distribution is the study of how the mobile content distribution case, to both the source and
P2P network based on limited resources changes and the destination nodes to reduce the peak value, that means
ability of different nodes, to distribute dynamic, efficient, between the nodes, there should be the joint optimal
low-cost land resource. Resource distribution mechanism scheduling for perceiving each other up and down the line
will directly affect the efficiency of the whole system. on idle bandwidth. GOLDENBERG DK and other
Therefore, a critical approach for successful network systems put forward two data centers’ nodes utilizing idle
resources application is to reasonably design distributed bandwidth to achieve data transmission delay tolerant
applications [4-5]. Current resource distribution methods approach. LAOUTARIS N and others put forward "bulk
generally specifically refer to redundancy dissemination delay tolerant data" under the case of a small time



difference between nodes at both sides of the idle distribution efficiency of the dynamic networks. Thus
bandwidth overlap time transmission [13]. By deploying enhanced MP2P network has the robustness.
extra intermediate node if there exists large time This paper mainly made in the following areas to
difference between the nodes, by storing and forwarding expand and innovation work:
strategy to solve the source and destination address (1) For mobile P2P network's content distribution
nodes’ problem of idle bandwidth can not be used caused network architecture, limited ability of single nodes, low
by time window overlap, however, it gives only a single content distribution efficiency problem, this paper
simple case of additional intermediate nodes. proposes a new mobile network structure and content
LAOUTARIS N worked furthermore, when transmit data distribution mechanism strategy, which calculated
between two nodes which have a large time difference, weights according to node performance, to assign
firstly, collect data center nodes ( including a plurality of different functions for nodes. In order to build efficient
intermediate nodes ) of the idle bandwidth, free memory mobile P2P content distribution networks, the nodes are
and other related information, based on these, to predict divided according to their different functions, and
future values for these information, by focusing on the adopting different data transmission methods in the
optimal schedule to obtain best optimalization, and then subnet and between subnets. The super node is
to store and forward transport so that a single destination responsible for its content distribution in the subnet and
node’s distribution problem, however, there are often achieves information exchange through routing
plurality of target nodes in the content distribution, mechanism between subnets. Part of the network coding
although through the literature [ 5 ] similar model we can strategy using the data "compression" process, the seed
get global optimization schedule, but this requires mass node backup cache contents and decoding operation
focused scheduling operations, when the deviation simplification timely, reducing its complicated
between the predicted value and the actual value it needs calculation process during transition, and thus can
constantly recalculation, especially with the number of improve the bandwidth utilization, speed data transfer
the target nodes growth (currently Akamai globally has a rate.
plurality of network nodes more than 1000 ) , the rapid (2) In order to further validate correctness and validity
expansion of computing makes centralized optimization of the proposed new mobile network structure and
not feasible in practice, but need to find a scalable content distribution mechanism, we did experimental
distributed optimization scheduling method [14-15]. verification for the impact of the content distribution
MP2P network inherited the traditional peer network's strategy's average latency, node density and speed on the
many advantages such as resource load balancing, no success rate of resources downloading and the relation
centralized, reciprocal nodes, and easy extension between reservoir data blocks and the success
framework. In the affected areas, the battlefield and other downloading rate. The experiment use of mobile P2P
complex environment need to minimize personnel network node's mobility characteristics, structure of the
involved, and other places which are not suitable for network with anti-disturbance framework, divide two
wired devices and base stations to build facilities in, kinds of functional super-nodes and transition nodes
MP2P, with temporary and flexibility, will be more which are responsible for content distribution between
practical application value and advantages because it does inter-subnets and subsets. And use part of the network
not need to set up a wireless base station. coding data processing, and storage. In this paper
However, multi-hop wireless networks MP2P also proposed network structure, the super node of the data
facing a series of instability caused by frequent node join cache strategy to extend its presence time in the network
and leave, constantly moving nodes within the network. and location relative stability time, so as to effectively
In this paper, based on conditions that without the support alleviate the phenomenon that hit rate sharply declined.
of the fixed base stations, set self-organizing wireless Simulation experiments results show that: this strategy
network is as background for research. Therefore, MP2P can effectively improve the success rate of resources
content distribution network will face major issues such downloading and hit rate, reduce resource transmission
as network architecture instability, limited ability of delay and improve the mobile P2P networks content
single nodes, the low efficiency of content distribution. distribution efficiency, but also enhances the system
For the existing problems, this paper proposes new Robusting.
mobile network architecture: the network is divided into
multiple subnets for partition management; each subnet II. NETWORK TOPOLOGY
manages information routing and dissemination strategies For a highly dynamic mobile network, the loose
through a super-node. The transfer of information unstructured network frame design will reduce the
between subnets can be achieved by transitional node in transmission accuracy of the information; the structured
cross region. Thus the information transfer is achieved in frame design will have large cost of routing updates
the entire network. Content distribution strategies using caused by frequent node join in and leave. Learn the
part of network coding mechanism for data compression, advantages and defects of existing framework, this article
improve the efficiency of information transmission and will divide added mobile network nodes into super node,
download success rate. The experimental results show common node and the transition node. Each node
that: the proposed strategy can improve the content performs their duties to play their own features and to



build MP2P content distribution network in an effective number of changes during the time period, Rt is the
collaborative manner. total time the node index records. Subnet topology model
Definition 1 (subnet): by the super-node, the transition is shown in Figure 2.
nodes, and common nodes consisting of triples. Can be
expressed as the following: B. Sub-network Management
Subnet  super node Common node Transition In each subnet, has a super node managing content
node MP2P network topology model is shown in distribution of the subnet, therefore, the super-node in
Figure 1. accordance with storage space  M  , computing capacity
 C  , the residence time in the network T  , node speed
(V ) and other performance standards select
The super node
The common node comprehensive measure. Wherein, in addition to
Over current node
hardware conditions impact for the mobile device, the
Figure 1. MP2P network topology model node stability in the network is also very important: the
longer the retention time, the more comprehensive and
A. Subnet Topology more stable the average speed of the slower moving node
A non-empty set of V and ordered pairs set E stores resources, the more valuable the node kept the
denote a network diagram G , and G  (V , E ) , where, data.
Storage space and computing capacity can be
V is the set of network nodes, E is the logical link set
measured by the node ability Cap. Retention time and
of linked nodes E  {(i, j ) i, jV } . node's speed can be measured by dynamic Dyn .
Definition 2 Let V be a set of nodes, p : v x v R , for Formula (2) given the failure rate of node i
any i, j, k v
 p  i, j   0, when only i  j losei  2  (2)
M i T  Vi

st.  p  i, j   p  j , i 
 p  i, j   p  i, k   p  k , j  where in, Ri represents the communication radius of

node i ; Vi denotes the moving velocity of node i ; T
Then V is called a measure of ρ.
Definition 3 Let (V, ρ) is a metric space, oV , for any represents information update cycle, therefore, the
smaller the radius communication node i is, the greater
given real number  0 , set
the speed, the higher the failure rate of node i .
B(o,  )   jv p(o, j )   is called a subnet space
Processing capacity of node i Capi and dynamic
sphere of o as the center, δ radius. Dyni formula is as follows:

Capi   M i   Ci

 1 (3)
 Dyni  lose Ti
 i

where, and  denote the weight of Mi and Ci , and

    1 . The larger M i and Ci are, the higher Capi
The super node
The common node

Figure 2. Subnet topology model is, means the stronger the processing nodes are. The
smaller losei is, the longer Ti is, the larger the Dyni
Super-node as its center in the subnet, safeguard δ is (smaller dynamic).
covered sphere radius range. In a new subnet inception, Therefore, the combination of the node i ' s weight
the spherical space using the default setting radius r, and calculation formula is
r   R , R is the subnet super-node communication
radius, and the default constant values, and  1 . After wi  i Capi  2 Dyni (4)
each cycle according to the change in the number of
nodes within the subnet to change the size of the radius where, i is the weighting factor, and 1  2  1 .
subnet: Definition 4

  min 1   rt  / Rt )r , R (1)  Ri wi  max x  1 , 2 ,..., n  and 

Ssup er  node    (5)
 Ri  R , i  1, 2,..., n
 

Formula (1) represents after each T time period,
change the rules of radius, and the maximum radius of the Super nodes not only maintain their routing
subnet is subject to super-node in the subnet's information on the subnet, but also perform processing
communication radius constraint. Where, rt is the and storage capabilities of caching policy on the part of
information. Formula (6) indicates that the remaining



qualified node as the backup super-node into the with other nodes ; If ID  ID ' , then the node is not a
"candidate list": part of the subnet, and so on, if the node do not belong to
any of the existing subnets , the node becomes a super

Ooptional  nodes  R R   i  Ssup er  node   (6) node, and maintain a new subnet .

Node in "Candidate List" backup subnet resources III. CONTENT DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY
where super-node maintaining the routing tables prevent In mobile networks, nodes frequently joining, leaving,
current super node's non-normal leave, or the loss of and changing positions, will make data uploading,
resources from failures, avoiding the possibility of M downloading stability difficult. The traditional P2P
P2P network collapse. network widely adopted structured network model and
Within the subnet, super-node, through the "heartbeat hash table (DHT) and other mature mainstream
mechanism", maintain routing nodes, delete nodes lapsed, technology, in order to speed up the search efficiency of
and polls out the highest comprehensive weight node as resources and the disturbance of mobile networks will
the new super-node. If in the agreed period of time, does lead to too much DHT maintenance overhead. Therefore,
not receive super node's "heartbeat" message, then it may a simple structured network architecture and DHT
be considered that the super node has lapsed. When the mainstream technology is no longer applicable MP2P
subnet super node fails, the following ways can be networks. To build efficient content distribution network
adopted to communicate with other nodes and restore MP2P, the paper will divided nodes according to different
subnet nodes: 1) Enable the Subnet candidates super-node functions, and adopt different data transmission method
from the "short list" as the new super-node; 2) For the between subnet and subnet.
nodes that new super-node can not override (distance
A. Data Distribution Strategy in Subnet
between node and new super node is greater than  i ),
Super-node as the management central node of data
then the node is a candidate to join neighboring anchored
distribution in subnet, mainly maintain the local resources
routing table. Therefore, when a node query resources,
Therefore, the network nodes are generally divided
the query node will first visit the super-node of the subnet,
into four states: common state, that is, as a network node
if the resources required route exists, then distribute
in a normal state; optional state, the common node into
content in the local subnet; if the required resources route
the "optional list", the node's optional state before an
do not exist, then put a copy requests for resources stored
alternative to super node; super state, elected as the
in the super-node, waits for the super node query and
super-node of the subnet and play the role of maintenance;
request other subnets through the transitional node.
leave state, the node normally or abnormally off the
Taking into account the dynamic nature of the query
network connection. Node state transition is shown in
node and resource distribution efficiency, when the super
Figure 3.
node obtain the necessary information resources from
other subnets, whether replies query node, the node can
The candidate
status thus check the stability period decision. Node
Leave the stabilization period can be calculated as formula (7):
Super state state

The ordinary p  Ssup er  node, Ci   

Si 
Velocity S  VelocityCi 
where in, p  Ssup er  node,Ci  is communication metrics of
Figure 3. Node state transitions

Definition 5 (Node Management): if the ID of subnet

which new node added to is the same with the ID of the 
a super node S query node Ci , VelocityS  VelocityCi 
subnet which other nodes belong to, then anchor the is the sum of relative velocity of the super node and the
subnet, while the newly added node will register the query node, δ is the radius of the subnets.
subnet neighboring subnets (as a candidate affiliated sub- Theorem 1 (node stabilization period): within node
network); if no anchored subnets exist, then it becomes stable Ti period, the node will not leave on the same
the new super nodes. subnet. It provided that at time t1 , node send out a query
When a new node joins the MP2P network, it will get
the ID of the subnet where the node most likely belongs information includes its own stable period, if the super-
to. Newly added node can visit and communicate with node receives the query message, and before reply
any node in the subnet. From the existing node routing message, calculated out time t2 the query node may
table to find the subnet super node ID, if the new node arrive at, during the time period t2  t1 , the distance
holding ID  ID ' , then it can successfully anchor in this change between the two is
super- node, they are recognized as ordinary nodes of the
subnet, while the node registered to the nearest anchored 
pmax  VelocityS  VelocityCi  t 2  t1  (8)
subnet, when the original subnet can not overwrite the
node, then the node can be added to the candidate
anchoring subnet, thus to maintain the communication



At time t2 , when t  t2  t1  T node, the distance When new data C4 again arrives, it whether can be
between the query node and the super-node is: stored needs to be judged by the " algorithm data storage
Ddis tan ce  pmax  p  Ssup er  node, Ci 
( Cn ):
px  T02  t  c4 , c3 , c2 

 VelocityS  VelocityCi   t2  t1   p  Ssup er  node,Ci 
T13  t  c4 , c3  , T24  t  c4 }
   p  Ssup er  node, Ci   p  Ssup er  node , Ci   
Strategy that coding part of the network processing
Since the node will not leave the subnet during the data according to the data block arriving time, not only
stable cycle period, therefore, the super node not only can "compress" the original total data space, but also
reduced information sending and waiting time in bring convenience to the decoder, the early data storage's
establishing communication channels, but also improves timeliness character and value will continue decreased
bilateral communication success rate of the node in cycle over time. Such as for new data (c4 , c0 , c1 ) are early data.
stability period Ti. Thus, in a limited storage space, for the timely stored new
B. Part of the Network Coding Strategy data c4, then encoded packet that the old data occupied
Part of the data and information will be copied and can be discarded, to free the cache space. The coding
stored. This will help improve the reliability and load result after data replacing is expressed as
balancing of resources, given the mobile device's own px  T13  t  c1 , c2 , c3 
storage capacity is limited, adopted part of the network
T23  t  c4 , c3  , T34  t  c4 }
coding technology to process data and increased storage
capacity under limited buffer space. Not only compressed Strategy that coding part of the network will directly
data but also facilitate the replacement of old and new discard data coding block that contained old data, receive,
data. encode, storage new data, thus saving the limited
computing capacity.
t  c   0 , 1 ,  2 ,...,  m1 .c0 , c1 , c2 ,..., cm1 

Ere, α is from the domain tq (q of size 29) in the C. Cross-Subnet Information Transmission Strategy
Based on MP2P network characteristics and the
randomly selected code vector.
method this paper divide networks, management
Data is finally stored in the form of the coded block;
each coded block occupies a unit of storage space, so it strategies, each subnet will randomly appear overlapping
should meet the condition that the number of coded areas. Therefore, we can use transition node to achieve
communication with multiple super-node, and create
blocks for storage should not more than the buffer space.
opportunities for interaction between subnets resources,
capacity  Ti j  N to achieve connectivity throughout the network.
i is the coded block storage order , and i is Formula (9) is used to determine whether the node is
non-negative ; j is the firstly obtained data block the "transitional Node" collection.
number of the original coded block data, j  min  n  .  i

D  U , SNi   Cij 1, i  1, 2,..., n  (9)
px  T  t  c3 , c2 , c1 , c0  , t  t  c3 , c2 
1 2
1  k 1 
Therefore, when px node receives the arrival order
U , SNi  is a binary group, U is belongs zone
c3 , c2 , c1 , c0 ' s source data, the encoding and storage
(subnet) time for the node i in. SNi is the number of
conditions may be expressed as Having N storage units
in the case of buffer space , this paper will receive the nodes that super node i queried. Bij is 0-1 variable,
source data is identified as c0 , c1 , c2 , cm1 , wherein the indicating whether the node i belongs super node j .
data cm  2 on the arrival time is earlier in cm 1 . Assuming the current number of super nodes is k . When
Subsequently, the data will be coded as follows: a node get super-node more than 1 in its query cycle, then
1) Lookkup_new data(Cn )
it is the transition nodes.
"Transitional node" will notify "Cross-Subnet"
2) If capacity i  F  i
N information to super-nodes within the original subnet (U),
3) Encoding F ,C 
this time, super-node will timely pass requests that not
4) Else found within the subnet through this "transitional node",
5) Discard F i
min( j )
 and send it to its cross-subnet to another super-node, and
query and request resource. Opportunity forwarding
6) For i  0; i m  1, i   
mechanism schematically is shown in Figure 4.
7) DO
Therefore, this paper uses storage forwarding thinking,
8) Sort F 
proposed cross-subnet algorithm to achieve information
9) F(nm1)  an .cn interaction between subnets. First, the query node will
10) Done submit query information to the super nodes; super-node
11) End if will save no query routing table information on the
results to be saved. When crossing region between



subnets occurred, the super node will copy information to 1 k 

n transitional nodes in the cross region. N-transition node pt2 ( s, ci )  pti  s, ci   2  Velocityi  T '
forwards this information to its own neighbors in the  i 1
n 
metric space, neighbor nodes pass information to their    P  A 
super-node for query, query information in order to It can be obtained through the T period; nodes
distribute and locate resources. If there is no resources the outside subnet edge are still outside the subnet.
neighbor needed within the subnet, because position
again across the network resource efficiency is too low,
the super node in neighbor subnet will no longer stored
this query message. Therefore, cross-subnet positional
resources can be reached within five hops. The super node
Assuming that the node moves independently, the Over current node
probability rate of encounter other nodes is pmeet , the
Figure 4. Opportunity Forwarding Mechanisms
cross-subnet transmission success rate can be present by
pts  1  1  pmeet 
n 1
(10) A. Experimental Environment
For MP2P network characteristics, this paper used
When the transition node’s appear probability is too Inet  Oversim  OMNeT   simulation combination
small or fail to locate resources, and considering that platform to simulate and comprehensively evaluate
storage space for super node is greatly limited, indicators of content distribution efficiency of the mobile
super-node based TTL (time to live) survival time, will network framework. Experimental platform required
discard the query information which failed transmitted for hardware software environment shown in Table 1. To
a long time. more appropriately describe and simulate the actual
As mobile node in the sub-edge join or leave the mobile network features, and Table 2 lists several major
subnet will bring greater disturbance to resources storage parameter settings of the MP2P simulation environment.
conditions, therefore, super nodes within the subnet will
update information by periodically broadcasting the node. TABLE I. EXPERIMENTAL PLATFORM HARDWARE / SOFTWARE
Information update period T is calculated by formula ENVIRONMENT
(11): Hardware environment Software environment
CPU P4 3.0GB OverSi2011
  1  n 
T   / 2    Velocityi   Memory 1GB OMNet++4.0
  n  i 1  Hard disk 160GB Inet2011, Linux Fedora 10


0  Simulation parameter Parameter value
 1  k  Network Range 3000m×3000m
p 2  T ' T     Velocityi  Number of nodes 400
 n  i 1  Node 20m/s
Node 0m/s
Theorem 2 (update cycle): after every T period, need Bandwidth 250kbit/s
to update massage of the nodes in the subnet. Data block size 512kbit
Proof Suppose the interval of sending information two TTL 7

times is T ', T '  t2  t1 and T T , pt  s, ci  is B. Results and Analysis

the measure of super node in time t1 and the node ci in This paper counter characteristics of MP2P mobile
outer edge of the subnet, therefore, it can be written as nodes in the network, structure the network framework
pt  s, ci     p , and in time t2, measure of both is: with anti-disturbance traits, divided two kinds of
functional super nodes and transition nodes to charge
1 k 
pt2 ( s, ci )  pti  s, ci   2   Velocityi  T '
content distribution inter subnet and cross-subnets, and
 i 1
n  use part of the network coding strategy to process and
storage data, to improve the stability of the network
1 k

because 0 p 2  T ' T   Velocityi  , resources.
 n i  1  Figure 5 shows contrast between unstructured
1 k  spherical subnet (SS, spherical subnet) Structure and
so pt2  s, ci  pt1  s, ci   2   Velocityi  T structured Chord network, frame-less Gnutella network
 n i 1  structure. It can be obtained from the experimental data,
p   p  a  p   a the average delay of the proposed content distribution
strategy is far less than Chord structured network, and
Therefore, after T , the node in the subnet’s outside with the data blocks increase in the net, it is slightly
edge goes into subnet. lower than Gnutella network.
When T '  T



In MP2P network, the nodes constantly move and structure, super-node data caching strategy extend its
rapidly change route, resulting in serious loss of data presence in the network, during the location relatively
packets, routing information to be updated frequently, stable time, and effectively alleviate the hit rate sharply
thereby increasing the average delay of data transmission declining phenomenon.
in Chord structure. Gnutella network, transmission delay Relation between the node density, average moving
will be less when the data block is less, but due to the speed and resources downloading success rate shown in
gossip algorithms, as data block required in the network Figure 7, based on content distribution strategy proposed
transmission increases. It will gradually leads to a large in this paper, to increase the number of nodes within the
number of duplicate information, and thus network network, improve network node density, it can effectively
congestion occurred, data transmission delay increased. improve the success download rate of resources.
Meanwhile, as the network node average speed increases,
the downloading success rate can maintained at a certain
range. This is the network dividing the sub-network
management advantages: the node’s low average speed is
good for transfer of information within the subnet;
Average latency

increase in the average speed of nodes, increasing the
3.5 transition node ability, good for the transmission of
information between subnets.
1.5 SS

Download the success rate

0.5 90
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
The data block/block

Figure 5. Comparing for the average delay of 3 kinds of networks

200 nodes
60 300 nodes
This paper proposed content distribution strategy to 400 nodes
achieve exchange of information through transition nodes, 50
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
so the transition node latency and processing time for Average node movement speed (m.s-1)
data encoding is an important part of the average delay. Figure 7. Impact of node density and speed on the resources success
Figure 6 shows in the mobile environment, comparing download rate
the hit rate changed with speed between structured Chord
network topology, unstructured Gnutella network 110
structure, and SS network structure which is proposed in PNC-CDN

this paper, in which, hit rate = (hits number) / (visit

Download the success rate

number). Considering the actual handheld equipments
average moving speed, in the simulation environment, set
the node speed at range of 0 ~ 20 m / s. 80



Shooting / %

0 20 60 100 140 180

a block of data
Figure 8. The relation between storage data blocks and the success
30 downloading rate
20 SS
chord Using network coding to process data is "compress"
10 multiple sets of data in a data space unit, thereby reducing
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
speed (m.s-1)
the amount of data transmission, to improve the
transmission efficiency and the utilization of storage
Figure 6. Node averages moving speed and hit rate relation
space, to provide more stable data for the subnet, and to
improve the success downloading rate of resources. As
In structured Chord network, in the face of the mobile
shown in Figure 8, the use of part of the network coding
node, the routing information is no longer reliable, the
technology strategy to store more data blocks in a limited
information packet loss rate increased, resulting in hit rate
space. According to the priority for replacement of old
continues to drop. Unstructured Gnutella network uses
data, to save the most valuable information, comparing to
the spread information technology such as flooding,
traditional non-encoding operation storage technology,
making excessive information redundancy, resulting in
the success downloading rate of resources has
network congestion. This paper proposed SS network
significantly improved.



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Research of Network System Reconfigurable

Model Based on the Finite State Automation
Shenghan Zhou and Wenbing Chang
School of Reliability and System Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China

Abstract—Since the network analysis model based on the control, calculated from the device in the system level to
system state exists the issues of network survivability safety, system level of structure and dynamic characteristic,
fault tolerance and dynamic ability are adapted to the refactoring to issue involves wide level, is complex, and
environment changes, in this paper, network system model related research is rarely. At home and abroad, has been
based on the finite state automation has reconfigurable
carried out for reconfigurable system research includes
quality. The model first puts forward the concept of
reconfigurable network systems and reveals its robustness, hardware based on chip technology of reconfigurable
evolution and the basic attributes of survivability. By computing, in response to the reconfigurable
establishing a hierarchical model of system state, the system manufacturing of market demand changes, oriented
robust behavior, evolution behavior and survival behavior programmable wireless communication technology and
are described. Secondly, network topology reconfigurable software engineering of reconfigurable software design,
measurement as an example, puts forward the quantitative etc. [7-12].
reconfigurable metrics. At last, the example verification. Although these studies in single aspects, such as
Experiments show that the proposed reconfigurable computing and communications, for the whole
quantitative indicators of reconfigurable resistance model
reconstruction of the network system provide enabling
for [1.391, 1.140, 1.591] prove that the network is an
efficient reconfigurable network topology, which can technology, but has not formed a complete system, the
effectively adapt the dynamic changes in the environment. basic theory of reconfigurable quality and the key
problem is not clear and consistent description, also lack
Index Terms—Information Network; Robustness Indicators; of system modeling and analysis of reconfigurable [13-
Evolution Indicators; Measurement 15].
Analysis of the modeling of reconfigurable is
important to the study of network system of
reconfigurable management, and design and build the
Information network in the political, economic and basis and premise of reconfigurable network system). At
social life plays an irreplaceable role, however, in the first, this paper puts forward the concept of
process of network operation often threatened by fault reconfigurable network systems and basic properties. In
and unpredictable emergencies, typical floods, fires, the system state based hierarchical structure, in view of
earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters, terrorist the reconfigurable has robustness, evolution and survival
attack, the hacker attack, computer malicious code, of the attribute to rich, the model is put forward based on
operator error or destruction and such abnormal events the finite state automata (FSM) reconfigurable analysis
caused by human factors, will give people's production model. Then the measure of the network topology
and life bring great influence and loss [1]. On the other reconstruction can be quantitative analyzed. Finally
hand, as the network scale expanding, network structure summarizes the full text and research system of the
is increasingly complex, the rapid development of reconfigurable network.
network technology, and the current new application, new This paper mainly carries out the development and
demand changing, all need network system can adapt and innovative work in the following aspects:
respond to environmental change. Therefore, the (a) Based on the system state in the analysis model of
construction of high reliability and can be self-healing network security, network fault tolerance and
network infrastructure, build a strain of reconfigurable survivability dynamic ability to adapt to the environment
network system, is becoming the focus of attention [2-5]. changes is not strong, in this paper, based on the finite
The core of the challenge faced by Reconfigurable state automata network system model of reconfigurable.
networks is mainly the "change" (change or evolution) The model first puts forward the concept of
(especially unpredictable emergencies), in particular is reconfigurable network systems, reveals its robustness,
required to construct the network system of evolution and the basic attributes of survivability. By
reconfigurable resistance, can be efficient allocation of establishing a hierarchical model of system state, and
resources available for quick response and adapt to the then describe the system robust behavior, evolution
change [6]. Reconfigurable network system’s building, behavior and survival behavior. Secondly, network
need to study the sensing, execution, communication, topology reconfigurable measurement as an example,



puts forward the quantitative metrics of reconfigurable, From the perspective of user requirements to guarantee
evaluation is considered to be a measure of the the service availability and Survivability (Survivability),
reconfigurable respectively by robust d, evolutionary it is an important objective of system reconstruction.
survival and product structure measurement of three- Different from the system robustness, evolution and
dimensional space. Metric values of reconfigurable survivability in the traditional sense dispersed, isolated
corresponding to 3 d vector of the three dimensional concept and connotation of reconfigurable network
space, the robustness, evolution and survivability index system will be under the goal of adaptive environmental
indicators. change integration of the three basic attributes to form an
(b) In order to further validation in this paper, based on organic whole.
the finite state automata, the correctness and validity of As shown in figure 1, the reconfigurable network
network system reconfigurable model, for example, uses system of failure or attack response process can be
the ARPA network topology, based on the evolution of divided into information acquisition, data processing and
ARPA network robustness, and quantitative analysis of response to realize three parts. Among them, the
survivability index, the ARPA network of 3 d information acquisition stage according to the system
reconstruction can be quantitative indicators for [1.391, demand active external network environment information,
1.140, 1.591], shows that ARPA network is an efficient system status information and alarm information,
reconfigurable network topology. Experiments show that: effective recognition network fault, analyze the running
based on the finite state automata network system status of network system to master the current available
reconfigurable model can construct an efficient resources distribution in the network, when and where the
reconfigurable network topology, can effectively to adapt system how to refactoring support for information.
to the dynamic changes in the environment. Available resources reasonable scheduling and allocation
is used to drive and coordination needed refactoring
II. RECONFIGURABLE response behavior. According to the behavior
Reconfigurable is not a new concept noun, but it had characteristics of reconstructing response can be divided
already appeared in the field of manufacturing systems into: robust behavior, evolution behavior and survival
and information systems. Although people put forward behavior.
the concept of reconfigurable system already has a Robust behavior is the early stages of system response,
history, the international exploration of reconfigurable mainly refers to the system takes advantage of the
network has just begun, the understanding of the basic redundancy devices configured, redundant link resources
concepts and scientific issues is not deep. International such as spontaneous resistance and tolerance failure or
reconfigurable representative is available at the moment attack behavior of system; Evolution behavior is the
of this paper: description of the reconfigurable system of advanced stage of system response, is mainly refers to
the United States national aeronautics and space according to the emergency needs, can implement large
administration (NASA) refers to the function layer and span network structure and resource reconfiguration;
physical layer has the adaptability, can automatic or Survival behavior is necessary to reconfigurable system,
remote control and efficient system of one or more goals. can work according to the system state for adaptive
The system can not only handle the upfront design events adjustment and the capability of fault recovery, etc.
or scenarios, but also deal with unknown uncertainty
Access to Infomation Response to realize
during the design phase scene; In the national science
foundation (NSF) application plan mentioned in 07-561: Robust behavior
reconfigurable refers to the abnormal situations in order
The network status Evolution behavior
to ensure the system to work normally, and change the
system structure and operation ability to meet the demand Distribution of
Survival behavior
of the system. available resources
The autonomy reconfigurable of information Input
infrastructure based on next generation, integrated To deal The available
equipment, network, software engineering and embedded Analysis and with
resource scheduling
reconfigurable system provided by the pervasive and allocation
computing power.
Figure 1. Refractors process of the reconfigurable network
Network system is reconstruction refers to the system
can be flexible configuration available resources to adapt
to environmental changes, ability to provide continuous III. FSM RECONFIGURABLE MODEL
and effective services. Reconfigurable network system is
Based on the complexity, the openness and diversity of
a comprehensive concept, should contain multiple
the network system, reconfigurable network system
attributes. To be specific: from the angle of system design,
analysis and involved appropriate models focus on the
the need to provide Robustness (Robustness), make the
modeling problem. Analysis method of the existing
system have certain resistance to failure and attack and
system characteristics, main boils down to set legal and
tolerance; From the angle of system development requires
state law.
evolution (Evolvability), make the system has the
Compared with the method of combination model, the
adaptability to the environment change and extensibility;
model based on the state can express more complicated



relationship, such as random behavior, emergent behavior, system. In order to damage the system serve effectiveness
etc. And compared with the general state of the system and safety, the invaders will adopt a series of steps,
model, through the layered structure describes the state of intelligence gathering, long-range attack, get permissions,
the system model can effectively avoid the system state set the back door, etc. Therefore, this article use scenarios
definitions and based on the analysis of state directly. to describe the correlation of series events).
Definition 4 event scene (Event Scenario, E ): to
A. The Hierarchical Structure of the System State
achieve a certain goal influencing system services, and
Reconfigurable network system is determined by the take a series of events. Specifically, the scene can be
system itself, not only is closely related with its divided into exception events Scenario (Abnormal Event
surroundings. In this paper, starting from the relationship Sce  nario , AE ) harm the system service and the response
of system environment, through to the system input
of recovery, refactoring, down the system service Event
events (abnormal), examine the response of the system
behavior (robust behavior and evolution behavior and scene ( Re  sponse Event Scenario, RE ).
living behavior, etc.), and then analyze the system of Event scenario describes the interaction of the network
reconfigurable. In order to facilitate subsequent environment and network system. Among them, the AE
reconfigurable analysis, it is necessary to simplify the represents incentives of environment on the system,
system properly, first used the following definitions and through the analysis of consumption or damage the
symbols: system resources (basic components) will affect system
Definition 1 the basic Service (Essential Service, performance; RE system response to environmental
EsS ): system under abnormal environment still need to changes, mainly through robust behavior, evolution
provide complete Service system is indispensable key behavior and living behavior to restore basic services,
function; refactoring emergency services and degraded living
Definition 2 the Emergency services (Emergency services, etc.
Service, EmS ): a system to meet the new requirements According to the definition above, the system state is
or special Service provided by the Emergency response. determined by system service performance, service and
It is different from the conventional basic services, is the system performance depends on the basic components of
product of reconstructing system evolution. system. It need exception event scene by attacking system
Definition 3 basic components (Essential Component, basic components influence the service performance of
EC ): refers to the resource unit of system which plays a the system and respond improve system performance
role of supporting service system, according to degree of through reconfiguration of the basic components in the
dependence on the system service, every basic system.
component is a importance weights v In the analysis of the system state, through the
In this article the system status is decided by the establishment of the system status hierarchy description
performance of the system service, the service is provided that can effectively avoid the general state of the system
by the system according to user requirements definition, based on state of the model definition and time constraint
services that the system requires can be composed of a conditions known system state distribution of state
services set { Si }. Based on Workflow (Workflow) transition analysis.
technology, the path between the servers to request as a
pipeline, the transport of which is required to provide the EsS EmS
service, the service flow.
Identified the resources unit come across by the service EC

flow Si , form the basic component set { ECij } the

services needed, the basic components formed the
participants of service flow. Figure 2. The hierarchical structure of the system state
According to the environment of system operation and
performance of the services they offer, assuming failure Hierarchical structure of the system state as shown in
probability of basic components ECij : figure 2, the analysis of the system state can press the
arrow step by step, which will make direct state of the
Rij  min( . yij  t ,1.2) (1) system definition and analysis of abnormal events
situation, respond to events and their role in the definition
T represents the failure probability of the basic of system analysis of the basic components, in turn,
components without considering the importance weights affects system performance.
of basic components, α represents the threat coefficient of
B. The Analysis Process based on FSM
attack with related basic component ECij importance
The following finite state automata (FSM) can be used
weights yij . to describe the basic network system (not refactoring
When   0 represents random attack without network system):
considering the component’s importance. The greater the
value of α is, the greater the chance of important T0   R0 ,  0 ,  0 , k0 , K  (2)
component of its deliberate attacks in the network service



where in, R0   R0 , R1 ,..., RM 1  represents that contains As shown in figure 4 (b), qi ' is generated the new
M state of the system state set, and the system state can state in the process of system evolution response,
be defined according to the operation condition of the according to the emergency services definition provided
system services: by system evolution extension. State transfer
qi  RE j 1  qi embodies the system through the role of
 0   E0 , E1 ,..., EN 1  (3) the response to an event scene evolution stage production
Represent a set that contains N scenarios;  0 means meet the demand of system especially the evolution
state transfer functions, depending on the input event Network survivability is refers to the system when
scene, by the state transition function  0 : R0   0  Q0 subjected to random failure or malicious attacks, can
decided vicissitude from the current state of the system to continue to provide service for users’ "survival" ability,
the next system state; R0 represents the initial status of this is an important target of system reconstruction.
Abnormal events in the scenario, system can still provide
the system, R0  R0 ; F represents stable state of the
elegant relegation service, is the outstanding performance
system, the system steady state can be any state in the R0 , of the system can survive, using FSM description as
so F  R0 . shown in figure 4 (c). Fa ' is a graceful degradation in
AE system working condition, the basic service before
q0 q1 qi qj
complete failure is considered to be a system exists some
failure state of the system. REd is degraded service
condition and respond to events, turned to the Fa ' state
Fa transition qi  RE j 1  d  Fa ' and
Figure 3. Basic system state transition diagrams qi ' RE j 1 '  d  Fa ' embodies the survivability
response behavior of system to provide the degraded
Basic network system in case of any attack or failure, service.
the relationship between the system state transitions is RE1-1
shown in figure 3. The system state arrange from left to qi-1 qi … qj
right, from high to low, q0 for the system normal REj-1
working condition, Fa  F for system paralysis (failure). (a) State transition diagram under the action of robustness
Abnormal events scene AE can be treated as incentives of qi-1 qi … qj
the network system, the system state transfer as the RE1-1 REj-1
response of a system, the characteristics of basic network qi
system state transfer reflects when the system in case of (b) State transition diagram under the action of an evolutionary
any attack or failure, process of service performance qj
gradually reduce until the system operation. …
In fact, most of the network system through the q'j REj-d Fa
redundant equipment and link, under the condition of the REj'-d
gateway and subnet failure, can also maintain the basic
communication and services, has certain robustness. (c) State transition diagram under the survivability action
There are a lot of indexes to measure the network system Figure 4. State transition diagram of different attribute system
robustness, including in the field of network security, the
most concerned about is the system for the tolerance of C. The Reconfigurable Analysis Model based on FSM
random fault and deliberate attacks.
System robustness is described by using FSM as Robustness, evolution and survivability is basic
shown in figure 4 (a), the system state, qi 1 , qi and q j attribute of reconfigurable network system, which
embodies the reconfigurable system robustness has some
corresponding system service performance reduce in turn fault tolerance and resilience of primary reconfigurable
REi 1 and RE j 1 to represent the response incident scene quantity; Evolutionary embodies the reconfigurable
under the action of the system robustness, dotted line is system has expansibility and flexibility of advanced
shown in state transfer qi  REi 1  qi and reconfigurable ability and survivability embodies the
important target to reconstruct the network system.
qi  RE j 1  qi , describes the response process of the
Integrate the reconfigurable network system model of
system fault tolerance, restore service. robustness, evolution and survivability, it can be
Network system evolution refers to the system described as:
response to environmental changes and the capability of
adaptive reconfiguration structure and resources. In the RM   Q,  ,  , q0 , F  (4)
process of system evolution, can be extended to generate
emergency services to meet the specific requirements of The Q is the system state, and the system state decides
the environmental changes. according to the service performance of the system



provides, namely the service focus provided by the using limited resources to maintain the service
system contain which basic services and emergency performance of the system. The system robustness with
services;    AE0 ..., AEi ...; RE0 ..., REi ... Is a collection the state corresponding service system efficiency after
robustness effect and the state corresponding service
of abnormal situation and response events scene; Q0 for
system efficiency before robustness effect, the
the system normal working state; Fa ' for graceful corresponding service efficiency ratio, R .
degradation of the system working status (partial failure);
Fa ' for system paralysis (complete failure). For event J f / Rf
R (5)
scene Σ, get by the state transition function J f 0 / Rf 0
 : Q    Q and then, coming into next state.
Among them, the ratio of the system service capacity
State transition of reconfigurable system is shown in (output) and consume resources R (input) represent
figure 5, the system state from high to low in turn
system service efficiency. J f / R f represents system
arranged { q0 , q1 ', q1..., qi '..., Fa ', qi ..., q j ..., Fa }, { q1 ', qi ' }
service efficiency after robustness effect, J f 0 / R f 0
is generated new state of grade system evolution response,
Fa ' is survival grade response the graceful degradation represents system service efficiency before robustness
of working condition. Solid arrows shown in AEi effect. Based on the hierarchical structure of the system
status, system service capacity can be represent for
indicate the system under the action of abnormal events
J   i si .vsi , among them, vsi represents the importance
scene state transition; the loop line shown in REi 1
reflects the system robustness under the action of the weight of basic service Si is remains effective; Consume
tolerance of the response of the situation of abnormal resources can be represented as R   i  j ECij vij ,
events, points line arrow shown in RE j 1 ' shows the among them, vij represents the basic components ECij
system robustness to system service recovery; short importance weights which is depended on basic service
dotted arrow shown in REi 1 ' embodies the sexual Si ; From the definition of the system robustness index R
response under the action of system evolution scenario for a network system has good robustness, its robustness
generation evolution of emergency services; the status index should be greater than or equal to 1.
change shown in RE j  d , it turn to Fa ' reflected the 2) Evolution Indicators
survivability of the system. System evolution quantity reflects the reconfiguration
REi-i of the system resource's ability to meet the demand of
qo AEattack q1 … qi … qj …
system service at a certain evolution cost. System
REaddlink evolution with the evolution after state the corresponding
REi-i' REj'
service system efficiency and the evolution before state
q'1 … q'1 REj-d the corresponding service system efficiency ratio,
remember to z .
Fa' Fa
J z / Cz J z / J 0
Figure 5. State transition diagram of reconfigurable system z   (6)
J 0 / C0 Cz / C0
Compared with the analysis model in previous network
Among them, J z represents system service ability
based on the system state, although in this paper, the
analysis of the process is also based on the transfer of the after the evolution, J 0 represents the system service
system state, effectively avoids the direct definition of the ability before evolution function; C z represents resources
system state and the probability calculation of state consumed in the evolution configuration, C0 represents
resources consumed without carrying out the evolution
D. Quantitative Analysis of Reconfigurable Quality configuration.
Quantitative analysis of the reconfigurable is an By definition, when J z J 0 , z  1 , represents
important content of the reconfigurable network system evolutionary configuration in the situation of the cost is
research. Reconfigurable is a comprehensive concept, not high to get higher network performance, this case has
with multiple attributes, directly to the quantitative good evolution; J z J 0 , Cz C0 , 0 z 1 represents
analysis of reconfigurable itself is very difficult. Based on
evolution efficiency is not obvious, and the price is
the analysis of the basic properties and reconfigurable
higher, makes little sense to evolution of configuration of
model, this section has quantitative robustness, evolution
this kind of circumstance; Other situations also need to
and survivability’s metrics and then a quantitative
according to the requirements of system evolution (focus
analysis of reconfigurable system. The following is a
on the price or performance) or add new indicators to
quantitative attribute index.
1) Robustness Index
3) Survivability Index
Robustness reflect the system under a variety of
Viability of the system under abnormal environment
incentives of the abnormal events, can still provide the
can use the rate of time change of d J / dt system service
required basic service ability, emphasized on the basis of



performance to measure. Within the time period T, topology is the quantitative analysis of the reconfigurable
system survivability index Λ is defined as the action of network topology. ARPA network as shown in figure 7 (a)
system service performance degradation rate before the is Europe and the United States common trunk network
survivability respond to events and the action of system topology, including 21 nodes and 26 connections are the
service performance degradation rate after the uniform network, and most node degree is 2.
survivability respond to events, 2 3 4 5 6 7
dJ / d 1 16
 0 t (7) 17 18 19 20 21
dJ R / dt 9
15 14 13 12 1110
Among them, dJ 0 / dt represents decline rate of
(a) ARPA network topology
system service performance before the survivability,
2 3 4 5 6
dJ R / dt represents decline rate of system service 7
1 16
performance after the survivability. According to the 8
definition of system survivability index  , has better 17 18 19 20 21
survivability for a reconfigurable network topology, its 15 14 13 12 11 10
survivability index should be greater than 1.
(b) basic network topology
Survivability Reconfigurability
1 Figure 7. Examples for network topology

Assuming that basic network topology with the size of

1 1 ARPA network the GT is the minimum connected tree
Robustness Evolvability structure generated by 21 nodes and 20 side shown in
figure 7 (b) of article. Compared with the topology GT,
ARPA network topology under the condition of removing
Figure 6. Reconfigurable metric space
any node or malicious removed key nodes at random,
won't make the network is not connected, pertaining to
E. Reconfigurable Measurement the ARPA network for a single node failure by robust.
Reconfigurable of network system are needed to However, as the network environment deterioration, if
measure from multiple targets, multiple perspectives, consider removing multiple nodes at the same time, such
based on the basic attribute of reconfigurable above, the as maliciously v3 and v12 , remove node will result in no
analysis of robustness, the evolution and survivability network connectivity, network performance fell sharply.
index, evaluation is considered to be a measure of the According to the established reconfigurable analysis
reconfigurable respectively by robust d, evolutionary models, assuming that the system state set corresponding
survival and product structure measurement of three to the network topology in abnormal environment
dimensional space. G  n, m  ( n number of nodes, m said the number of
Reconfigurable measurement for corresponding to the
three dimensional space of three dimensional vectors, the edges), among them, the part of the state transition
component are robustness index indicators, evolution and relationship is shown in figure 8 (see figure 5 dotted box
 wife figure). The state q0 corresponding figure
survivability index, expressed as [ R z, ] . Among them, GARPA  22, 27  , q1 figure corresponding chart

the index R and z are seen type (8) and (9), within GARPA  v3  20, 21 after removing the node v3 , q1 '
corresponding to add edge set E ' v1 , v4  ,  v16 , v17 
the time period w , respectively get by type (5) and (6)
update. As shown in figure 6, in metric space of the evolution generated figure GARPA+E'(20,24), abnormal
network system reconfigurable indicators, weight index events scene AEattack represents removed degree of

w , z and  values greater than 1 unit cube on the ARPA network Information center (Information Cen trality ,
lateral area of the reconfigurable measurement is efficient. one of malicious attacks on the largest node vitamin cki ,
 and can be described as q0  AEattack  q1 state transition;
R  1/ w. wi  w R  w
the answering event scene REaddlink represents the
evolution response behavior of adding edge set E ,

z  1/ w. wi  w z  w realize the state transition q1  REaddlink  q1 ' .
The following analysis the robustness of ARPA
network topology, evolution and survivability measure
IV. EXPERIMENT AND ANALYSIS and the analysis of ARPA network reconfigurable
In recent years a large number of studies have shown quantify. For convenience of analysis, assuming that the
that the characteristics owned by network is decides by connection of topology at the same price as 1, connecting
the network topological. The following specific network n section point, requires at least n  1 the edge, if



connected side is more than n  1 , will increase the T  GT 

 ARPA   1.591
corresponding network resources. The redundancy of the T  ARPA
network structure can be defined as the excess number of
edges in the graph (the actual number of edges with 1.0 Basic network topology Gt

Under the network

minimum connected the difference between the number

adaptability index

topology survival
ARPA network topology
of edges of the tree) with the ratio of the number of edges 0.6
in same size completely diagram. Removed node or edge
from the network, often affect the shortest path between 0.4
nodes and change of the connection degree; make the 0.2
efficiency of network change. Average network 0
efficiency (Eave) under the random failure can be used to 0 4 8 16
The number of the removed node
the said the function of the network topology efficiency. in the network diagram Num
Therefore, the robustness of ARPA network topology
Figure 9. Survival adaptability of ARPA and basic network GT
index can be represented as RFat .
GARPA (21,26)
GARPA.(v3) (20,22) 2 3
Based on quantitative analysis of APRA network
4 5 6 7
2 3 4 5 6 7 AEattack 16
robustness, evolution and survivability index above
1 16
qo q1 1 8 shows that 3 d reconstruction of APRA network can be
8 17 18 19 20 21
17 18 19 20 21 9
quantitative indicators for [1.391,1.140,1.591] , APRA


15 14 13 12 1110

15 14 13 12 1110 network is an efficient network topology which can be

q'1 2 3 4 5 6
heavy construct.
1 16
GARPA+(E' ) (20,24) 17 18 19 20 21
15 14 13 12 1110 Reconfigurable research of network system is as a new
direction based on the network safety, fault tolerance and
Figure 8. Diagram of ARPA network state transition survivability research in such fields, are receiving more
and more attention. It is different with previous analysis
Eave  ARPA model of the system network based on the state, this
 ARPA   1.410
Eave  Gz  paper analysis of reconfigurable although also be based
on the system state description, through the establishment
Evolution indicators measure of ARPA network after of the state of the system hierarchy, effectively avoid the
removing nodes v3, before the evolution of network direct definition of the state of the system and the
diagram GARPAV3 and after evolution the generated calculation of the system state transition probability. With
network diagram GARPA+E' is consider the average the introduction of abnormal situations and response
efficiency ratio of the network under network resource events scene of different levels on the relationship
consumption. The indicators for the evolution between the environment - system for dynamic
Eave  GARPA E  GARPAv3  20, 21
description and analysis, reflects the reconfigurable
eNT  ARPA  .  1.142 network system dynamic ability to adapt to the
Eave G  ARPA V3  
CAPRA E '  20, 25 environment changes
ARPA network survivability measure with basic This paper carries out the network system
network topology with GT and ARPA network in reconfigurable analysis model based on FSM which
exceptional cases, the ratio of the network survival based on the formal description and modeling for
adaptability ( T ) declined to describe. Figure 9 shows the abnormal reconfigurable system robust behavior under
ARPA network and GT survival adaptability increased the network environment, evolution behavior and survival
behavior. To achieve the quantitative evaluation of the
with the increase of removing node number change
system reconfigurable, in the analysis of the measurement
(statistics) of 10 groups of experimental data, can be
network topology reconfigurable, on the basis of the
observed from the table, the ARPA network is better than
proposed network system of reconfigurable metrics.
the GT survival adaptability, at random to remove node
Metrics of reconfigurable make the network system
in the initial period ( Num  0,3 ), the survival of GT analysis model with the quantitative analysis of
adaptability’s decline rate obviously bigger than ARPA application prospects.
network. In general, in most of the network, failure
probability of two or more nodes at the same time is very ACKNOWLEDGMENT
small, so we only consider removing a few nodes. So
The authors wish to thank Professor Peter Borgesen.
consider reduced network adaptive survival ratio in the
The paper is supported by the Fundamental Research
initial period can fully reflect the survival adaptability
Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No.YMF-10-
situation of network topology. ARPA network
02-082). The study is also supported by the National
survivability index can be approximately expressed as
Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.
NT .



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KSC Centralized Index Model in Complex

Xu Jian
School of Information Engineening, Shandong Youth University of Political Science, Jinan, China

Abstract—To dig potential spread nodes in a complex areas of science, it is common to use the network to
network mainly relies on using centralized indicators such represent the relationship between members of the system,
as the node degree, closeness, betweenness and K-shell to such as use nodes to represent persons in social network,
evaluate spread node, which causes that the excavation edges represent links between people [4]. Because these
accuracy is not high and adaptability not strong and induces
networks are with high complexity, they called "complex
other shortcomings, therefore this paper proposes KSC of
centering indicator model. This model not only considers the network", it has become one of the most important
internal attributes of nodes, but also takes the external multidisciplinary research areas. In complex networks, to
attributes of nodes into account, and it finally conducts identify the most influential node or opinion leaders has
simulation experiments on propagation through the use of significance in both theoretical and practical application.
SIR model. The experimental results show that: The Such as it can effectively control the spread of disease,
proposed algorithm is suitable for a variety of complex spreading rumors, spread of computer viruses, it can also
networks and it finds better, more promising and more disseminate new products, new ideas to advance the
influential dissemination nodes. process of socialization.
Importance assessment of nodes in the complex
Index Terms—Indicator Model; Degree of Centralization;
Tightness; Betweenness network has gotten widespread concern of researchers all
the time, to find a key node in the network is an important
research content of network science. Complex networks
I. INTRODUCTION essentially non-homogeneous topology decides there is a
In nature and human society, many systems can be big difference in each node’s degree of importance in
expressed by complex network model; use nodes to network. Digging out the key nodes of various
represent system’s entities and edges represent the links complicated network, having a targeted analysis for its
between the entities. Such as personal relationships, and nature, and then utilizing effectively have a great
paper cooperative networks, movie stars cooperative significance. For example, in a large computer network,
network, e-mail exchanges network, blog reference according to the importance of the server node for backup
network, and telephone communication network. In and redundant construction, ensuring the robustness of
recent years, the complex network has become a hot area the network while saving resources; In the criminal
of many disciplines’ research. Many complex networks network of relationships, the sorting of importance will
with community structures, community can be seen as a help distinguish the ringleaders, the backbone of
sub-graph of networks, nodes within the community are molecules and following molecules and quickly locate the
connected closely and nodes between communities are leader of criminal gang leader; In the network of
connected sparsely. Research shows that social networks infectious disease and the virus spread, you can
and biochemical networks both have obvious community effectively find super infection which is the source of
structure. Network structure and network function have infection ,then have a targeted treatment and quarantine
close link. Online communities’ structure can reveal the pathogen, thus preventing the further spread and spread
law hidden in complex network and help predict and of the virus; in the network of rumors spread, we can also
control behavior, such as web community division, quickly locate important spread nodes, or make full use
protein network analysis and function prediction. of leadership of opinion leaders to guide public
Social networks, biological networks, electricity awareness, effectively blocking the spread of rumors. In
networks, Web networks and many other complex addition, it also has high practical value that to have an
systems can be represented by complex networks through importance assessment for nodes in social networks,
two simple mappings, i, e , the mapping of objects to the scientific collaborative networks, transportation networks,
network nodes and mapping of relation of objects to the electricity networks and other specific network and to
edge of the map. Complex network can be represented as discover their key nodes.
a graph model. Complex network research is attracting In social network analysis, "centrality (centrality)" is
the attention of scholars from different fields such as commonly used to measure the most influential nodes.
physics, biology, sociology and computer science [1-3]. Pastor-Satorras R and others utilized centrality (degree
Understanding topology and function of the complex centrality) to measure the most influential nodes, in line
network is the international research hot spot. In many with a non-uniform power-law networks, dissemination



influence of hub nodes with larger degree should be community are closely connected, nodes between
relatively larger, which is the fundamental basis of target communities are loosely connected.
immunization and acquaintances immunization strategies In social networks, to find the most influential nodes
[5-8]. Freeman LC and so on use betweenness centrality can help us to effectively control the spread of diseases,
(betweenness centrality) to evaluate the influence [9]. rumors spread, spread of computer viruses, it can also the
Betweenness centrality characterizes the importance of disseminate new products, new ideas to advance the
the node by the number of the shortest path through a process of socialization.
node. Brin S, Page L and so on proposed PageRank
A. Degree Centralization
algorithm to evaluate the importance of web pages and it
considers the importance of a web page (node) depends Degree centralization is the simplest way to describe
on the quantity and quality of forward link [10-13]. the direct influence of nodes on the static network. Let
Opsahl T used tightness indicators (closeness centrality) the network G   l , e  with n  l nodes and l   e 
to depict degree of difficulty of a node to other nodes [14]. edges, the degree of the node l refers to the number of
Kitsak M and so on suggested to determine the most
influential single source node through K-shell (KS) nodes connected to node v, which represented by Rm  l  .
decomposition [15].
Discuss the importance of nodes from one perspective, Rm  l   m  l  (1)
such as: the evaluation approach of importance of the
degree emphasizes edge’s number of node and the where in Rm  l  is called the degree of the node. As
adjacent node, in a certain extent show node’s importance shown in Figure 1, although the maximum degree of node
degree in the network, but for the node with same degree, 14 is up to 7, as the initial node, its eventual spread range
may not be the same degree of importance in the network; is not necessarily the most widely, because its neighbors’
betweenness portrayed in the control ability of node or degree of the node is very small .
edge for network information or flow, but betweenness
centrality defined generally follow the shortest path, and 11

the majority of the actual network, the information does 10

not flow along the shortest path, instead according to K,=2
9 8
their willingness random flow, therefore, in some
networks betweenness centrality does not apply for the 6 7
1 3
measure of important degree of the node. Closeness K,=1 5
centrality considerate the independence of inter-node
communication, i.e. the dependence degree that 14
possibility of communication with other nodes for the 19
18 16
minimum number of intermediary communication 17
required, but Closeness centrality largely dependent on
the network topology, for centralized network, it can Figure 1. Network analysis sample diagram
accurately discover the central node, but for regular
graphs, ER random networks these democratic networks B. Betweenness Centralization
are not suitable. In addition, this study finds that there is a
Betweenness center characterize the influence of nodes
correlation between index and centrality height, that is, in the network on flow of information. Betweenness of
the node with a high degree of centrality in the network is
nodes l is defined as:
often has a high closeness centrality. Others, such as the
eigenvector centrality sufficiently considerate the  st  l 
importance to establish a connection node with the Rn  l   
s  l  tl   l 
destination node, to determine the position of the target
node through the adjacent nodes’ importance; sub graph
 st indicates the shortest paths from source node s
centrality reflects the contribution of nodes in the
network local structures; network flow and random walk to the destination node t ,  st  l  indicates the shortest
are using the thinking of simulated reality. paths from node s to the destination node t via node
This paper argues that the influence of the node is not l.
only determined by the internal node attributes, and its
external properties are closely related, and it has the same C. Tightness
idea as internal and external ideological in philosophical Tightness characterizes the degree of difficulty of node
aspects have consistency. Internal attributes such as to other nodes:
degree, closeness, betweenness and other centering
indicators, external attributes such as the size of their
communities, closeness of relationship within the
Ru  l    d  s, t 
tl / s
community and so on. Community is a group with
common hobby, or in a common place, or the same dG  s, t  represents the shortest distance from the
workplace, or with family ties. Nodes within a source node s to node t .



In this paper, KSC (K-shell and community cen-trality) large degree or a high number of referrals are not
indicator model is proposed. This model takes into necessarily the most influential nodes, while the network
account not only the internal attributes of nodes, but also core nodes (nodes with large K-value) determined by
takes into account the external attributes of nodes, such as K-shell decomposition analysis are the most influential
node’s belonging community characteristics. Then use nodes; Their research shows, K-shell decomposition
SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Recovered) model to simulate method is a better method which can identify influential
propagation, experiments show the proposed method can nodes and it can better predict the spread of disease.
better identify the most influential nodes. This paper When the infectious disease outbreak on the node with
provides new ideas and methods for this challenging large K-shell of in the network, the virus can always
research. infect many other parts in the core of the network through
This paper mainly makes expanding and innovative many paths. Whether the degree of the node is large or
work in the following areas: small, this conclusion is valid. In turn, the existence of
(1) To dig potential spread nodes in a complex network these pathways also means that if the source node to a
mainly rely on using centralized indicators such as the random outbreaks, nodes with high K-shell value are
node degree, closeness, betweenness and K-shell to more likely to be infected earlier than other nodes
evaluate spread node, which causes the excavation (disease prediction).
accuracy is not high and adaptability not strong and other
A. SIR Model
shortcomings, therefore this paper proposes KSC
centering indicator model. The model analyzes the We believe that the spread of the node not only relates
influence of the node is not only determined by the node to its own internal properties, such as degree, closeness,
internal attributes, and its external properties are closely betweenness, K-shell, etc., but also to its external
related, Internal attributes such as degree, closeness, environment attribute, such as the external environment
betweenness, and K-shell and other centering indicators, in which the nodes stay: size of the community, closeness
external attributes such as the size of their communities, degree of the community association, and so on . This
closeness of relationship within the community and so on. paper proposes this novel ideas and methods that the
So not only considers the internal attributes of nodes, but influence of the node is determined both by the internal
also take into account the external attributes of nodes. and external causes, namely KSC centered indicator
This proposed model is significant for digging influential model. This model conforms to the philosophy idea that
spread nodes in a complex network. internal and external causes have a decisive role to things.
(2) In order to further validate the correctness and Epidemic model (SIR) in the real social networks has
effectiveness of this proposed KSC centering indicators been widely used in research of disease transmission,
model, this paper conducts simulation experiments, and dissemination of information and rumor. To verify the
the experiment applies the epidemic model (SIR). proposed model, we use SIR to simulate propagation, and
Analyzes and compares the proposed KSC indicators and compares it with the results of our model experiment
degree of closeness, betweenness, and K-shell centered results.
indicators. During the propagation process of Model has three states, susceptible state S
experimental simulation, each time selects only one node (Suscep-tible), infection status I (Infected), and immune
in the network nodes as the initial spread node, set a short status (Recovered). When an individual is in infected
propagation time (t = 10), conducts 1000 repeated state, it infects individuals neighbor who are in
experiments for each node and take the mean, and susceptible state with the probability of  , nodes in
ultimately the total number of infection and recovery infected state infection status recover to be in the immune
nodes is defined as influence F (t). Simulation results status with γ probability.
show that: the precision and applied scope of the If  is large and the node’s spread ability is strong ,
proposed model’s digging potential nodes in complex the node will quickly infect the entire network, making it
networks is higher and lager. difficult to distinguish the importance between single
II. MODELS AND ALGORITHMS individual; Smaller  can better show the infection
K-shell gives the coarse-grained of importance of range in limited time. In this paper, we set a smaller  =
network nodes, with Ru  l  said. K-shell of the network 0.04.
edge node is 1, and then go inside like peeling an onion B. Algorithm
layer by layer into the core of the network. First, remove In complex network G  L,V  , the KSC value of lv
all nodes with degree less than k in the network and their
connecting edges; If there are still remaining nodes which node is defined as follows:
with value less than k, then continue to remove these ksc  lv    f int ernal lv    fexternal lv  ,     1 (4)
nodes, until the value of the remaining nodes in the
network is not less than u . In turn take u  1, 2,3,...n , where in f int ernal  lv  is the internal influence of the
then can get the network K-shell decomposition. Refer to
Figure 1 for specific process. Kitsak and others’ node, fexternal  lv  is the external influence of the node,
experimental studies have shown that for a single  is the internal impact factor,  external influencing
spreading source with low infection rate , nodes with a



factors, at the same time meet     1 ,  and  routing hierarchy network collected by the Rocketfuel
may be set according to the actual network structure and Project; 4) Email Network, which is the relationship
function . network of messages by members of the university Weier
Jili of Luowei La [5]. Our model can also be applied to
K  lv  other types of complex networks.
fexternal  lv   (5)
max  K  v  

l ld  v  cks  v  cc  v  cb  v  Ksc(v) F(t)

where in, k  v  is the internal attribute, it is desirable to
1 5 4 0.4689 0.3663 0.83 3
take node internal attribute such as degree, betweenness, 2 3 4 .33975 0.824578 2
closeness, K-Shell and other properties, max  K  v   is 3 4 4 0.3378 0.824376 2
4 4 4 0.3327 0.821234 2
5 3 4 0.3362 0.823126 3
a normalization factor. 6 2 3 0.39 0.601343 1
fexternal  lv  is defined as follows: 7 5 2 0.52 0.7590 0.612897 2
8 3 3 0.39 0.629832 3
 d l , n n
fexternal  lv   cv
(6) 11 3 4 0.3602 0.2301 0.221568 2
 
max   d  v, n  n  12 2 3 0.3309 0.223656 1
 cv  13 2 1 0.3309 0.226751 1
14 8 1 0.3654 0.52198 0.4532 1
where in n is the set of communities partitioned by 15 1 1 0.36589 0.227641 1
FN , d  lv , n  is the total number of neighbor nodes of
16 1 1 0.3654 0.226754 1
17 1 1 0.3652 0.223159 1
the node lv in c community, n is the size of the 18 1 1 0.3623 0.223547 1
Wherein n is the number of nodes, m is the number of
  edges,  k  represents the average degree of network
community n , max   d  v , n  n  is the
 cv 
normalization factor.
data, max k  is the maximum node degree, d is the
In this experiment,  and  can be set according average shortest path between nodes, max  cks  is the
to the network topology; in which fexternal  lv  selects largest K -shell in the network, N is the number of
communities when the entire complex network is divided
K-shell as internal attributes, but also can be degree,
into several communities.
closeness and betweenness, etc., fexternal  lv  is
selected as community property. As old saying goes, TABLE II. THE PROPERTIES OF REAL SOCIAL NETWORKS
"Like attracts like", it indicates that nodes within the Screen n m (k) Max Max d c
community have common hobbies, etc., and have greater names (k) cks
similarity. BLogs 3984 6805 3.43 190 8 6.234 48
Table 1 shows various indicators of nodes in Figure Netscien 380 916 4.85 37 7 6.070 20
1.For example, node 14 has maximum degree, but Router 5101 6260 2.51 107 8 6.403 76
because it is at the edge of the network, so the final Email 1142 5462 9.67 73 12 3.725 11
influence is 2; While the degree of node 7 is 6, but it is a B. Experimental Results
connectivity hub for several other community, it is an
important node in the concept of structural holes. We apply SIR model, conduct analysis and comparison
Although the K-shell of node 1-5 is the same, but the on the proposed KSC indicators, degree of closeness,
node 1 is the bridge for nodes 2-5 to connect other nodes. betweenness, and K-shell centered indicators. In the
It can be seen from Table 1 that the ranking of the most propagation process of experimental simulation , each
influential nodes is different gained through various time select only one node in the network nodes as the
methods. initial spread, set a short propagation time (t = 10), for
each node conducts 1000 repeated experiments and take
III. EXPERIMENT AND ANALYSIS the average, the total number of the final infection node
and recovery node is defined as influence F (t).
A. Experimental Data Figure 2 shows that in KSC model, the influence
Consider that different types of social networks degree of internal impact factor α and external impact
represent different characteristics of network topologies, factor      1 adopt different values on the results.
we select four real social network data sets to analyze and
compare. Table 2 shows the properties of each network: 1) In philosophical category, motion and change of matters
Blogs network data of Xie N, MSN blog space’s are determined by its inherent internal contradictions, but
communication network of relationships; 2) Netscience linked to its external conditions, internal and external
co-relation network of Newman MEJ, it chooses factors in the development of things has different statuses
relationship network of 379 writers with the largest and roles.
connected subgraph; 3) Router network, the data is the



10 node F (t) is not obvious, KSC is superior to that degree.

Influence of size<F(t)>


Influence of size<F(t)>
0 250 Email
In the routing network (Router) the K-shell and KSC
results are close, it is difficult to get a node with larger
spread power from other indicators. In short, in different
networks the level of traditional centering index has
1 10
1 10
advantages and disadvantages, but the overall effect of
(a)Influence sequence (RANK) (b)Influence sequence (RANK) the proposed KSC is better, it can effectively distinguish
Influence of size<F(t)> 110 the most influential nodes and the versatility is strong.
Influence of size<F(t)>

90 100 (A) 100 (B)


10 10
10 50
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 10 Blogs
(c)Influence sequence (RANK) (d)Influence sequence (RANK)

Figure 2. Impact analysis of KSC model internal impact factor α and 1 1

1 10 100 1 2 4 7
external factors β take different value on dissemination influence Degree centrality K-Shell
100 (C) 100 (D)

This is exactly the same as the hypothesis that the

internal impact factor α and the external impact factor

10 10
 both effect propagation. Figure 2 (c) enlarges the top
ten with the most influential force, when 0    0.3 0,

1    0.85 , or 1    0.82 1, 0    0.25 0. It can be 1 1

0.14 0.22 10-7 10-3
seen that the fluctuation curve of influence is obvious, the Closeness centrality Betweenness centrality
influence of nodes which are with lower ranking status 100 (E) 100 (F)
have a large impact instead, i, e the accuracy and
applicability is poor if simply consider internal attributes


or external attributes for the discovery of the most 10 10

influential nodes.
Experimental results show experience conditions of Netscience Netscience
internal and external impact factors with four different 1 1
1 10 1 2 4 7 9
network topologies, as shown in Table 3. As can be seen Degree centrality K-Shell
in different types of network structure, the roles internal 100
100 (H)
and external plays are different, this experiment’s  ,
 is taken a better value according to Table 3. This

10 10
proves the rationality and universality of the proposed
model on the other hand.
Figure 3 represents the relationships between the 1 Router
1 Router
centering indicators and the actual degree of influence in 10-8 10-4 0.1 1
different networks. Betweenness centrality KSC

Figure 3. Node impact analysis and comparison, the columns

TABLE III. CASE OF INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL IMPACT FACTOR represent five different centering indicators, rows represent four
VALUES different complex network environments, F (t) (t = 10), each initial node
 repeats for 1000 times to take the average.
Screen The internal The external 
names factors affecting influence factors
range range For the case of a single source of transmission, the
Blogs 0.12-0.39 0.91-0.59 0.21 0.82 most influential nodes is not the node with greatest
Netscience 0.31-0.72 0.71-0.31 0.42 0.61 degree or the nodes with the largest betweenness, but the
Router 0.31-0.81 0.71-0.21 0.71 0.31 nodes with greatest K-shell , this conclusion has been put
Email 0.09-0.82 0.92-0.22 0.53 0.52
forward by in "Nature Physics" by Kitsak etc [4]. Figure
In Blogs network, relationship between degree, K-shell,
4 compares the experiment effect of KSC and K-shell,
the number of indicators and influence F(t) is not very
KSC adds external attributes influencing factors than
clear. For example, in result of betweenness indicators , F
K-shell. For example, in Email Network, when the
(t) of some nodes which with large betweenness is even
K-shell is 10, dissemination influence F (t) (t = 10) is not
lower than the influence of some nodes which with small
stable, it also varies greatly, and the influence increases
betweenness, but KSC indicator can better distinguish the
as KSC increases. In four kinds of complex networks, it
most influential nodes. In Email network, all the
is evident that when the KSC is relatively constant F (t) is
performance of indicators are better, tightness and KSC
relatively stable, the color range is small.
are more ideal, which is related to the network topology.
Figure 4 analysis and comparison of KSC and K-shell
In Netscience network, betweenness measure results is
indicators in four different complex networks, Horizontal
the worst, relationship between tightness, K-shell and the



axis represents the index value of KSC, the vertical axis KSC index, the ordinate represents the point’s actual
represents K-shell’s index value, the color coordinates influence in the SIR simulation is y . In theory, a good
represents the actual influence F(t)KSC of the SIR model indicator approach should behave as tilted to the right
simulation . Figure 5 compares THE experimental effect monotonically decreasing curve. Because for a good
referral and KSC. It can be seen that in Email network, indicator approach, if a node ranked according to this
KSC and betweenness’s synchronization performance is indicator reaches more rearward, the actual impact of F (t)
better, and better able to send the most influential nodes, should be decreased.
but in the other three network environment KSC It can be seen from results analysis of Figure 6,
significantly outperforms referral norm. Experimental influence of the four kinds of typical methods fluctuates
results show that the KSC method is obviously superior in different networks, these methods have advantages and
to the existing four typical methods. Thus, considering disadvantages in different networks, versatility is not
the external attributes of nodes is significant for strong, particularly in terms of top 10 influence the
identifying the most influential nodes, and has a strong fluctuation range is the most obvious. Spreading force
versatility, it verify that our proposed model is reasonable with small index value is greater than that of nodes with
and universal. large index value, particularly in Blogs network, the
8 120 12 250
existing four indicator methods’ results are not very
100 10
6 200 accurate, while the proposed KSC’S indicators in almost
80 all networks are in line to the right theoretical curve

4 60 6 decreases monotonically.
40 4 The above results demonstrates node influence is not
20 2
only decided by the internal node attributes, but also by
0 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4 its external properties, indicating that the proposed KSC
KSC/104 KSC model is reasonable and universal.
8 8
20 110
100 100 Degree

Influence of size<F(t)>
Influence of size<F(t)>

18 100
6 16 6 90 Blogs K-Shell
14 80 Betweenness


12 70
4 4
10 60 Degree
8 50 K-Shell
2 10 Closenness 10
6 2 40 Betweenness
4 KSC Email
Netscience Router
0 2 0 20
0 200 400 600 800 0 1 2 3 5 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100
KSC KSC/104 (a)Influence sequence (RANK) (b)Influence sequence (RANK)

Figure 4. Analysis and comparison of KSC and K-shell indicators in 250 Degree
Influence of size<F(t)>

Influence of size<F(t)>

four different complex networks K-Shell K-Shell
Closenness Closenness
Betweenness 150 Betweenness
0.25 120 250
100 200
0.20 10
80 50


0.02 Router
0.15 Netscience
100 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000
40 (c)Influence sequence (RANK) (d)Influence sequence (RANK)
0.10 0.01
20 50
Blogs Email Figure 6. Top-K’S mean results of five kinds of F (t) (t = 10)
0.05 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 5000 15000
The horizontal axis represents the orders according to
0.03 20 110
18 0.03 100 various indicators, the vertical axis represents the
16 90 influence F (t), curves of different colors represent


0.02 14 80
12 0.02 70 different ways.
10 60 From the data in Figure 7, it can be seen; the proposed
0.01 8 50
6 0.01 40 algorithm also has a distinct advantage for finding
30 malicious nodes. K halil and others proposed DICAS
0 2 20
0 200 400 600 800 0 1 2 3 4 5 algorithm requires a "Monitoring Node" can monitor
KSC KSC/104 malicious node to send a message, once the node
Figure 5. Analysis and comparison of KSC and betweenness index topology distribution does not meet this requirement, a
in four different complex networks malicious node detection rate will be greatly reduced.
Proposed algorithm almost gets rid of the limitation of
Horizontal axis represents the index value, the vertical network topology, and always maintains a good detection
axis represents the referrals’ index value, color rate of malicious nodes. Cao Z and others used message
coordinates represents the actual influence of SIR model sent feedback mechanism to ensure the reliability of the
simulation. As shown in Figure 6, for example, in Blogs network, but the judgment of malicious nodes is too
diagram in Figure 6 (b), KSC curve’s point  x, y  , the simple, nodes near the base station as well as some "hot
abscissa represents the point’s ranking is x by using spots" node will often be reported as malicious nodes.
Without considering the experiment environment of node



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Connectivity in Cislunar Communication Networking



Network Topology Connection Optimization

Control Algorithm Based on Network Efficiency
and Average Connectivity
Xianwang Li*, Yuchuan Song*, Ping Yan, and Xuehai Chen
State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
*Corresponding author, Email:,,,

Abstract—In order to achieve optimization control of core issues in complex network research is the
complex network topology connection and to identify the relationship between complex system structure and
network topology which with the greatest network function, so optimizing network structure, improving the
connection gain, this paper proposes the network topology system function has attracted the attention of many
connection optimization control algorithm based on
scholars in the field of complex networks [2].
network efficiency and average connectivity. The algorithm
uses network efficiency to characterize network connectivity On the research of current complex network
gains, uses average network connectivity to characterize optimization, different scholars have optimization goals
network connection costs, and presents its calculational aim at different needs for different networks. Some
optimization algorithm. When a network has the scholars have focused on improving network robustness:
small-world characteristics, and m  n , the time complexity Jing WP etc. proposed the wireless sensor network
of the algorithm can reach O (n2). Experimental results topology optimization algorithm based on Kleinberg
show that: the proposed algorithm can increase the model, by optimizing the network significantly improved
connection gain and reduce connection costs. the fault tolerance and reliability; Fan W, etc. through key
nodes’ discovery of existing complex network topology
Index Terms—Evaluation Model; Network Size; Network
and improvement and analysis of elimination algorithm
Efficiency; Connection Costs
to improve the P2P network’s connectivity and
robustness [2-4].
I. INTRODUCTION Some scholars have focused on improving the network
Many systems in nature and human society can be topology characteristics: Wang LF and others studied the
expressed by adopting the complex network model, in network edge reconnection algorithm, through edge
which the nodes represents the entities in the system, and reconnection to improve network synchronization; Holme
the sides stand for the connections between the entities. P etc. [5-7], presented a heterogeneous connection
Such as the interpersonal relationship network, the paper strategy to optimize the dynamic wireless network’s
collaboration network, the movie star cooperation topology structure, made it has the small world property;
network, the E-mail network, the blog reference network, Hu JM etc., put forward an wireless sensor network
the telephone network and so on. In recent years, the optimization algorithm for urban traffics, by optimizing
complex network has become one of the hot topics in the the network to make it has the small world property
study of a variety of subjects. Many complex networks [8-10].
have community structure, which can be treated as a Some scholars have focused on ways to improve
sub-figure of the network. In the internal of the network efficiency: Rafiee M and others studied the
community, the nodes connect closely, while between the network topology optimization problem on
communities, the nodes connect sparsely [1]. Research information-sharing in multi-agent systems, and used
shows that the social network and the biochemical mixed integer programming algorithm to obtain
network both have obvious community structure. The optimized network model and edge weights [11]; Xue
structure of the network has a close connection with the YH etc., in order to improve network transmission
function of the network, thus the research on the efficiency, proposed an algorithm which used uniform
community structure of the network can reveal the rules and non-uniform network topology to improve the
hidden in the complex network, and it contributes to the efficiency of the network transmission [12-16]; Ouveysi I
prediction and control of the behavior, such as the and others in order to reduce the traffic flow and the
community division of web, the analysis and function network congestion problems of fiber-optic network,
prediction of the protein network and so on. optimize network robustness, they considered the
Complex network is the abstraction of complex system, network topology optimization and survival strategies
it is everywhere, many practical systems can be and proposed a LCM-WP algorithm to optimize the
abstracted as network models to be studied. One of the optical fiber network [17-21]. Tang min and others put
forward a new optimization algorithm for hierarchical



network that solves the maximum matching of the can increase the connection gain and reduce connection
bipartite graph. On the basis of building the priority costs.
matching rules of the hierarchical network, the algorithm (2) In order to further validate the efficiency and
generates the hierarchical network system by combining correctness of the proposed algorithm, the simulation
the breadth-first search strategy, and then finds the experiments on the effectiveness of the model, the
maximum matching one by one, according to the reversed efficiency of the algorithm and the optimal control of the
order of the network, namely start from the bottom up. In network topology connection are carried out. When the
the aspect of the efficiency of the algorithm, the average degree of the network is definite, due to the cost
preprocessing operations of the bipartite graph and the of the network connection remains the same, the rewiring
solution strategy with the reversed order of the network probability p of the sides in the network increases, which
both greatly accelerate the speed of matching. will shorten the length of the shortest path between the
The generation of the network topology is a very node pairs in the network, improve the whole efficiency
important function in the management system of the of the network, and increase the connection gains of the
network. The topological graph of the network provides network. The simulation results show that: we can take
an intuitive means to understand the connection situation some ways to optimize practical complex network’s
of the global network. Through the topological graph of topology connection control, fully connections between
the network, the network administrator can grasp the network nodes will not necessarily improve the network
overall situation of the whole network. And it is also a connection gain, by appropriately control the information
very good entrance for the network administrator to connectivity degree and the connection way in complex
implement the network management functions. To realize network, we can get the optimal performance of the
the generation of the network topological graph, all network connection; Optimal network average value
necessary information to construct the network which can enable the network to obtain the optimal
topological graph must be collected firstly. network connections gain exists in both small-world and
From the current research situation, many scholars scale-free networks.
focus only on the purposes of complex network
optimization, while ignoring the costs of network II. OPTIMIZED CONTROL ALGORITHM FOR NETWORK
optimization. To this end, this paper presents the TOPOLOGY CONNECTION
optimization control algorithm for complex network A. Theory
topology connection based on considering network gains
and connectivity costs. Suppose figure G   s,1 is a non-self-loop
Minimum spanning tree and fully connected network undirected connected network, wherein s  s1 , s2 , 
are two extremes of connected network, although in the
actual network construction they are rarely used, there is is the set of all nodes in the network; m   m1 , m2 , 
huge network topological space between them. and m  s  s is the set of edges between nodes.  ij
In order to achieve the optimization control of complex indicates the weights of mij which connects node si
network topology connection and identify the network
topology which with maximum network connection gain, and s j .
through defining network information connection gain, Definition 1 For figure G   s,1 , f ij represents the
connection costs and network gain, using network
efficiency and average connectivity degree to weights of edge between nodes si and s j in G , when
characterize network connection gain and connection vi and s j directly are adjacent to each other, fij   ij ,
otherwise fij   , then n square matrix A   fij  n  n
costs, this paper presents a evaluation algorithm for
complex network connection’s optimization and design ,
provides the basis for the actual complex networks is called G’s edge weight matrix. Edge weight matrix A
system optimization and control. is used to represent the distance that a network node can
This paper mainly make expanding and innovative reach with one step. when fij   , indicating the nodes
work in the following areas:
si and s j can not step up, they are not adjacent.
(1) In order to increase the actual network system’s
connection gain, reducing the cost of network connection, Network edge weight is used to indicate the degree of
this paper proposes the network topology connection difficulty of information flow between nodes, the greater
optimization control algorithm based on network the value, the more resources consumed.
efficiency and average connectivity. The algorithm uses Definition 2 For Figure G   s,1 , use f ij to denote
network efficiency to characterize network connectivity the adjacent situation between nodes si and s j in G ,
gains, uses average network connectivity to characterize
network connection costs, and presents its calculational when si and s j are directly adjacent to, fij  1 ,
optimization algorithm. When a network has a otherwise fij  0 , then n square matrix A '   fij  n  n is
small-world characteristic, and m n , the time
called the adjacency matrix of G .
complexity of the algorithm can reach O  n2  .
Definition 3 For figure G   s,1 , rij represents node
Experimental results show that: the proposed algorithm
j which is connected to the node si in G , if



fij  1 j  1,...n  , then rik  s j , k  k  1 ; The communication links, and result in higher costs of
information congestion and redundancy.
n  p matrx r   rij  n  p is called G ' S connected Simple communication network as shown by Figure 1,
matrix. nodes with the same number may exist various kinds of
Definition 4 Node distance is the minimum value of connections (network A, B, C represent weighted
the edge weights of all paths between two nodes, networks, Network D, E, F, respectively represents the
represented by d . Between si and s j , if the path does untitled network’s connection model corresponding to
network A, B, C, the network G, H, I respectively denotes
not exist, then dij  . The maximum distance between distinct connection models of ring network, chain
nodes in the network is diameter of the network, network and the star network ):Network A and network
indicated by E . When the network is unentitled network, D’s communication connection is very full, the
d represents the number of edges on the shortest path information can spread quickly in all nodes to obtain high
between two nodes. gain which is related to information high-speed
dissemination, but also makes the network connection
 
dij  min  us  , su , ss  rij  Et (1) cost increase; compared to network A and network D,
 us  network B, C, and network E, F has lesser network
connection costs, each node can achieve effective
d ij represents the distance between nodes si and s j , dissemination of information. Therefore, for networks of
rij represents a certain path connecting nodes si and any size, we can take a certain way to optimize and
control its connection mode, to obtain a higher gain of the
s j , Et indicates the set of path of connection node si
network connection.
and s j . a b a b a b
1 1 1
1 1 1
Definition 5 network efficiency Q is the mean of the 2 2
12 1 1 c 1 c 1
1 1 1 c
reciprocal of the shortest path between any two nodes, 1
1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1
f f f
which is used to indicate the average difficulty of 2 1 d 2 d d
information flow in the network. The higher the network e e e
efficiency, the easier the network information flow a
b a
b a
1 1 1
1 2
1 1 11 1 1 c 1
Q 
k  k  1 i  j dij
(2) 1
1 1
c 1
1 c
f 1 1 f 1 1 f 1 1
1 1 d 1 d d
e e e
where in, k is the number of nodes in the network, d ij D E F
a b a b a b
is the distance between node i and j . From the 1 1
1 1
1 1 1
definition of network efficiency Q , network efficiency 1 c c 1
1 1 c
1 f 1 1 1f 1 1
Q expresses the average proximity between all node f
1 1 d 1 1 d 1 d
pairs in the network. In the network, the closer between e
nodes and the shorter the distance, the greater the value of
the network efficiency. Figure 1. Simple communication network topology

B. Network Connectivity Evaluation Model As can be seen from Figure 1, the high gain of network
In the set up process of actual network system, the connection is related to the information connection with
communication needs between different nodes, location the appropriate number: with the increase of the degree of
and requirements for system functions are different, so average network connection, it will make the length of
the construction cost of node communication lines is the shortest path between the network nodes decrease and
different. increase the gain of the network connection; Meanwhile,
In this paper, the path length between nodes is used to excessive network connectivity will generate higher
measure the cost of building links and the comfort level network connection costs which is caused by excessive
of information dissemination. The shorter path length information connections.
between nodes, the lesser the link building cost and the Therefore, this article considering the network
easier the dissemination of information. connection level and the shortest path length of each node,
For the actual network, the shorter the average path defines the network connections gain w :
length can make the network information quickly spread,
saving network resources consumed by the construction, w  h  Q   1  l  (3)
improve the overall efficiency of the network, so by
increasing network connectivity can reduce the average where in, h  Q  is the connection gain of complex
path length of the network, save resources, increase network, l is the complex network connection cost, Q
network connection revenue; however, due to the is the network efficiency.
increase of average network connectivity, the node will For the information transmitted in the network, if the
lead to information overload and redundancy for distance between two nodes is large, and meanwhile



maintain the integrity of the transmission of information, where in, qij' and qij respectively denotes elements of
then the information transmission between nodes
fully connected network adjacency matrix and edge
consumes a lot of resources; on the contrary, it is easy to
transmit information between nodes. Because the network weight matrix. From (5) it can be seen x   0,1 .
efficiency characterizes the average network proximity of Since h  Q  , and x are respectively defined in
the nodes in the network, so the network efficiency to
some extent reflects the connection gains of the entire 0,1 , so we can use formula (3) to study network
network. connection cost-benefit.
The higher efficiency of the network, indicates that the When the network is fully connected network, its
shorter the distance between nodes, the easier the network network connectivity and cost benefits reaches the
information flow, the smaller the load of network maximum value 1, while its network connection gain is
information transmission, the greater the benefits. 0,this is one of the important reasons why fully connected
Therefore, this article defines h  Q  as follows: network is rarely used in the real world , at the same time
it also illustrates the reasonability of the proposed model.
h Q   (4) C. Network Topology Connection Optimization Control
Qmax Algorithm
Here are simple algorithm steps for assessing the
where in, Q and Qmax respectively represents the
network connection gain:
Input: edge weight matrix A   fij  n  n , the
network efficiency and maximum value of network
For maximum network efficiency Qmax , we consider adjacency matrix A '   fij  n  n , connection matrix
r   fij  n  p ,  , p .
an idealized example: fully connected networks. As
nodes in the fully connected network are fully connected
with each other, the distance between the nodes can all Output: network connection gain.
achieve the minimum value, making the information Begin
among them can be transmitted with the highest 1) According to A   fij  n  n , compute the shortest
When the network on the basis of fully connected distance matrix  dij  n  n ;
network removes a number of edges, it will cause the / / Floyd between all nodes;
minimum distance between a number of nodes increase 2) Construct a fully connected network with the same
and then reduce efficiency of the network. It can be seen, size, according to formula (2) and (7) to respectively
the fully connected network’s efficiency can achieve the calculate Emax and Qmax ;
maximum, Qmax used herein refers to the fully
3) According to  dij  n  n , use formula (2) and (4) to
connected network’s efficiency,
For example, in Figure 1, the efficiency of A and D is calculate h  Q  ;
4) According to  dij  n  n and A '   fij  n  n , use
the Qmax of the simple weights and untitled
communication networks. From (4) we can see,
h  Q   0,1 .
formula (5) to calculate Q ;
5) According to formula (3), output w .
When using the network model to analyze the real
network, an important variable is the network cost. We
As can be seen from the above algorithm steps, for the
expect that when the number of network edges increases,
cost-benefit assessment of the network connection, the
its efficiency can be increased even more rapidly; Qr
key lies in determining the network’s shortest distance
when the number of network edges is fixed, by changing
matrix  dij  n  n , its time complexity is O (n3).By the
the network connections to improve network efficiency
and therefore realistic network’s construction tends to analysis for the Floyd algorithm, in the process of Floyd
focus on network construction cost and efficiency. algorithm calculating the shortest distance matrix
For network nodes consumed resources, the theory  dij  n  n . The determination of shortest distance
used simple graph can be presented by the node value,
between any node needs to conduct n cycles for the
betweenness, etc. However, many practical
distance matrix, but when all the network nodes’ shortest
communication networks connection cost of nodes does
not depend on the degree value of network and distance have been found, we will find that  dij  n  n
betweenness because of its different routing policies. remain unchanged in subsequent cycles .Therefore, in
In order to characterize network connection cost x , solving the  dij  n  n , if blindly conduct n cycles, will
this paper uses connection degree of network edge to
represent it and define it as follows: inevitably lead to a waste of computing resources,
improve the algorithm's time complexity.
qij'   qij     q 
n n
xmax  
s  uG s  uG
ij (7) Based on this, in the use of Floyd algorithm to
calculate  dij  , this article moves the intermediate node




type network Qmax E h(Q) Emax E l
Weighted A 0.84 1 1 0
network B 0.84 0.68 0.81 53 0.70 0.26
C 0.68 0.81 0.22 0.63
Unauthorized network D 1 1 1 0
E 0.81 0.81 0.59 0.33
F 0.68 0.68 0.40 0.40
G 1 0.68 0.68 29 0.40 0.40
H 0.60 0.60 0.34 0.37
I 0.68 0.68 0.34 0.43

loop into the innermost loop, uses network connection node is relatively large, only a few nodes have a larger
matrix r   fij  n  p to optimize it. value. Therefore, in the calculation of the gain of the
actual network connections, the proposed algorithm’s
The optimized complex network’s shortest path
time complexity can reach O  n2  , and it can get a good
calculation algorithm flowchart is shown in Figure 2.
Input A=(aij)n×n、A'=(a'ij)n×n、Z=(zij)n×p computing power for large-scale complex network
m 1、min 0、=(dij)n×n A topology connections’ optimization control.


Yes No
A'=(A')m A. Effectiveness Analysis of Models
In order to analyze the effectiveness of the proposed
model, this paper takes the simple communication
Yes dij i=i+1 network shown in Figure 1 as an example, to give a
confirm /
No comparative analysis for networks connection gain. By a
k←1 simple analysis of Figure 1, it can be found that in
Yes weighted networks A, B, C: In A network, there are
A'(i,zjk)m=0 k=k+1
No multiple redundant paths, such lf e, lae , lbc , lcd ; In
min=A(I,zjk)+A(zjk,j) network B, there also exists redundant paths; only
min<A(i,j) network C’s connection is relatively reasonable .For the
No untitled network in Figure 1, although we can not
n=m+1 dij=A(i,j)=min intuitively judge the redundant paths in the network, the
Yes network connection gain between them is different. Use
the proposed model to calculate the network connection
Yes gain of Figure 1, the results are shown in Table 1
i<n & j<n

No    1, p  4 .
[dij]=n×n As can be seen through Table 1, the network A and
confirm or ?
Yes network D’s sufficient connection makes it possible to
The shortest distance exchange information between the nodes with the
matrix [dij]=n×n
minimum path length, and it can achieve the maximum
Figure 2. Calculation algorithm flowchart of shortest distance matrix efficiency, increasing the network connection gain.
But increase of the network connection level results in
It can be found through analysis that the column value excessive redundancy of network connection and
p of the network connection matrix r   fij  n  p is the connection costs increase, leading to network A and
network D with the minimum network connection gain;
maximum value of nodes in the network; When all the
Though network B and network C have the same network
shortest distance between network nodes have the found,
efficiency value, network C has lower network
the maximum distance between the network nodes
connection degree so that it has the highest network
(network diameter R) has also been identified.
connection gain; network F also has the same
Thus, the time complexity of the algorithm shown in
Figure 2 is O  M pn 2  , M represents the number of cycles Calculated results are the same with the theoretical
required to determine the diameter R of the network, p analysis, which illustrates the effectiveness of the
represents the maximum value of network nodes. Since proposed algorithm, it can effectively weights the
most of the actual real-world networks are sparse and network connection benefits and costs of the network
small-world networks, the network connection between connection during building weighted network and untiled
the nodes is not very good, network nodes’ maximum network.
value is relatively smaller, the network diameter R n , Among the three distinct network connection modes---
even the maximum value of degree of scale-free network ring network, chain network, star network shown in
Figure 1, the star network has the highest network



connection gain and minimum network connection cost. network connection gain will also increase as the average
Its connection mode is optimal, the reason is that the star degree increases, but when the network average value
network can make path length between nodes the reaches a certain value, the network connections gain’s
minimum with the least number of connections. Untitled growth slows down. In order to determine the best
network’s computing results show that sufficient average degree value of small-world network, the paper
connection between network nodes will not necessarily takes   1, p  2 , edge rewiring probability p  0.65 ,
increase the network connection gain, properly control to construct a small-world network with the network size
complex network’s information connectivity degree and of 400 for simulation.
connection ways, we can get the optimal performance of Then we can get the influence diagram of small-world
the network connection. network average value on network connection gain, as
B. Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency shown in Figure 5 (average of several simulations).
In order to analyze the efficiency of the proposed
method, this paper uses the optimization algorithm on 0.4
Intel Core i5 3.10 GHz PC to run MAT-LAB program

The net gain

calculate the network connection gain of small-world 0.3
networks whose edge weight is 1 and with different sizes 0.2 <k>=6
(each node is connected with the surrounding 80 nodes, <k>=12
edges rewiring probability is 0.6). Through the simulation, 0.1 <k>=20
the change trend of execution time can be obtained as the
network size changes, shown in Figure 3 (average of 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
several simulations). Rewiring probability /p
80 Figure 4. Influence of side rewiring probability on gain network
Algorithm execution time/s

Floyd algorithm connections influence

60 In this paper, optimization
algorithm 0.50

40 0.45
The net gain

0 200 400 600 800 1000 0.50
Network size
Figure 3. Execution efficiency graph of small world network 0.45
algorithm with different sizes 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
The average value of network
As can be seen from Figure 3, the proposed Figure 5. Influence of average degree value on network connection
optimization algorithm is prior to the Floyd algorithm gain
with higher computational efficiency, its connectivity
gain is not more than 10 s when computing small-world Through Figure 5 shows that when the network
network which with 1,000 nodes, it can be applied to average value is less than a certain value, because the
optimal control algorithm of large-scale small-world network connection cost is small, increasing the average
network topology connection. network connectivity can significantly improve the
network connection gain;
C. Simulation Analysis of Network Topology Connection But when the network average value increases to a
Optimization Control certain extent, the increase of average network
In order to optimize small-world network connection connectivity will make the network connection cost
mode, the paper constructs a small-world network with greater than the network connection gain brought by the
size as 400, the right as 1, and the average values are 6, decrease of network average path length, resulting in
12, 20, 30 to analyze it. Through simulation, we can get decrease of the network connection gain. In the
the change trend of small-world connection gain as the small-world networks, there is an optimal network
reconnection probability p changes, shown in Figure 4 average value, which can make the connection network
(   1, p  2 , average of several simulations). gain reaches optimum.
As can be seen in Figure 4, when the network average In order to optimize the scale-free network connection
value reaches a certain level, because the network mode, this paper according to the algorithm provided by
connection costs are not changed, therefore the increases Barabasi AL constructs the scale-free network with size
of network side rewiring probability p will shorten the of 400, the new added nodes connect different number of
shortest path length between network nodes, improve the nodes for comparative analysis. Through simulation, we
overall efficiency of the network, and proceeds the can get the change trend of scale-free network connection
network connection gain. Therefore, the network gain as the number of edge nodes changes, as shown in
connection gain increases as p increases. Meanwhile, the Figure 6 (   1, p  2 , average of several simulations).



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Impulsive Neural Networks Algorithm Based on

the Artificial Genome Model
Gao Yuan 1, Zheng Na 2, Hao Nan 3, and Liu Yuanqing 4
1. College of Information Science &Technology of Hebei Agricultural University
2. Academic Affairs Office of Hebei Agricultural University
3. Hebei software institute
4. University of Littoral Côte d'Opale, Calais, French

Abstract—To describe gene regulatory networks, this article Although there is not enough understanding about
takes the framework of the artificial genome model and brain, the study of how the neurons which compose
proposes impulsive neural networks algorithm based on the neural system generates feelings, behaviors and advanced
artificial genome model. Firstly, the gene expression and the spirit activity has become the most fruitful achievements
cell division tree are applied to generate spiking neurons
in scientific research fields. The brain is the integration of
with specific attributes, neural network structure,
connection weights and specific learning rules of each the nervous system’s growth pattern, neuronal features,
neuron. Next, the gene segment duplications and divergence axon guidance, synapse formation and plasticity and a
model are applied to design the evolutionary algorithm of series of developmental stages, from the initial few
impulsive neural networks at the level of the artificial embryonic cells to become neural precursor cells until the
genome. The dynamic changes of developmental gene intelligent behavior comes out suddenly. Biological
regulatory networks are controlled during the whole nervous system is a complex interconnection networks
evolutionary process. Finally, the behavior of collecting food which is composed of a large number of neurons.
for autonomous intelligent agent is simulated, which is According to statistics, the human brain has 1010 1011
driven by nerves. Experimental results demonstrate that the
algorithm in this article has the evolutionary ability on neurons, each neuron interconnects with 103 105
large-scale impulsive neural networks. other neurons via synapses, thus a very large and
complex networks is constituted. In recent years, inspired
Index Terms—Artificial Gene; Cell Division Tree; Neural by the evolution and development of biological neural
Connections; Learning Rules networks, artificial evolutionary neural networks research
increasingly attracted the attention of artificial
intelligence [2].
There are many species about neural network learning
In 80s of the 20th century, after the fully connected algorithm, such as: Hebb learning, BP learning, but these
neural network model American physicist Hopfield learning algorithms are based on the learning algorithm
established and back-propagation algorithm (BP of error function gradient information. For those
algorithm) Rumlhart proposed, the neural network problems which are complex, or with the gradient
research have a rapid development. Since neural information which is difficult to get, or impossible to
networks have its unique massively parallel structures, obtain, the existing learning algorithms are useless on
distributed storage information and parallel processing them, and these algorithms are easy to fall into locally
features, it has good adaptability, self-organization and optimal solution. There is not a systematic approach exist
fault tolerance, stronger learning, memory, association in neural network architecture design, the domain
and identification functions [1]. Currently, neural knowledge of problem areas expert is mainly still relied
networks have been applied widely in many fields, like upon, require excessive human intervention and error
signal processing, pattern recognition, target tracking, adjustment process which experienced time-consuming.
robot control, expert systems, combinatorial optimization, Evolutionary algorithm is a stochastic optimization
forecasting systems and network management. Pulse algorithm that can simulate biological evolutionary
neural network is artificial neural networks of the third process. Because of its good global search ability and the
generation after the perceptron of first generation as gradient information without error function, so it can
representation and followed the used continuous evolve learning to the approximate optimal solution of
activation function of second generation. The method of the problem, and it became a powerful tool of search,
time encoding is used for processing data, the time of optimization, machine learning and some of the design
impulses issued for a single neuron is used directly to issues.
transmit information, and thus relative to the first and Regarding to the large-scale neural network evolution,
second model, it is closer to biological neural systems researchers proposed the development algorithm. The
and has stronger calculating power. development algorithm uses indirect encode from the
genotype then developing and generating phenotype.



Developmental algorithm is applied to evolve neural design and evolution of grammar rules is difficult, so the
network, it has the following advantages: (1) Neural solution of complex problem is limited.
network structure has a highly reproducible attribute, so Gene regulatory network algorithms use the gene
that a small amount of gene can be expressed in a mass of regulatory networks which control the developmental
neurons. By the development process, a smaller gene process to represent genotypes, generates neural networks
sequence is applied to be able to generate large-scale through gene expression control cell division,
neural network; (2) Developing process is applied to be differentiation and migration mechanisms. Dellaert and
able to generate the network model and gradually Beer applied Boolean function which is called operators
differentiate. In the cerebral cortex, the different regions to achieve gene regulatory networks, and the protein
have different functions, but in fact they have similar produced is used by the operator to control
substructure; (3) One small number of genetic changes developmental process [10-11]. Eggenberger applied
can cause great changes in the structure of neural string encoded based on template matching to represent
networks. Therefore, different types of network structure gene regulatory networks, and introduced the protein
can be obtained with a small cost in the evolutionary which are able to make the cell dead, because cell
process and accelerate the evolutionary process; (4) procedural apoptosis is the basic mechanism of biological
Developing process is conducive to the evolution of development [12]. Astor and Adami established growth
neural module structure. Each gene codes for a group of models of neural network in a lower level, each cell
neurons, or a nerve module. During the evolutionary moves under the action of the internal state and the
process, nerve module is used as a unit to do gene external environment in two-dimensional plane, the cells
changes and function evaluation accordingly in order to may affect other cells by spreading chemicals to the
accelerate the evolution speed of large-scale neural external environment. In this framework, the neural
networks. In summary, the characteristic of developing network is formed by cell migration and growth of axons.
algorithm is as one gene expresses in many different In their experiments, the application of hand-painted
developmental stages for many times, it can do quick simulates the development and evolution of small-scale
searches of large-scale neural networks in the smaller genome artificial neural network [13]. Recently, Federici
gene space. According to the expression difference of and other people applied recurrent neural network to
genotypes, developmental algorithm can be divided into represent gene regulatory networks, compared with
grammar coding algorithm and gene regulatory networks discrete Boolean function of Boolean networks,
algorithm [3-4]. continuous function of recurrent neural network has a
Grammar encoding algorithm uses the grammar rule better adjustment features and rich neutral zone on
set which expresses the developing process to represents genetic space search [14]. The impulse neural networks
genotype, and generates neural networks by reusing with fault-tolerant features are evolved by using this
grammar rules. Kitano first applied the evolvable model; Khepera robot is controlled to perform simple
grammar rewrite rules to study the evolution of neural navigation tasks [15]. The algorithm achieved the
network connection matrix, although the direct encoding developmental process of embryo stage through
algorithm is superior to it in performance, but in the replication process, but in each embryo stage, gene
aspect of applying grammar system to do neural networks regulatory networks of control development controlling
evolution, the figure generative grammar Kitano shows a fixed topology, while from the macroscopical
proposed is a useful try. Gruau applied grammar tree to time scale, biological gene regulatory network topology
the development step code of neural network, each node structure has dynamic change under the function of gene
in the tree grammar for a developmental instruction. duplication and the disproportionation mechanism.
Since the system guides single cell division and changes This paper mainly made expansive and innovative
the cell connection to generate the neural network by work in the following areas:
development instruction, so it is called cell encoding (1) To describe gene regulatory networks, this article
algorithm [5]. For some existing problems on cell takes the framework of the artificial genome model and
encoding algorithm, Luke and Spector put forward edge proposes impulsive neural networks algorithm based on
coding algorithm, and its network growth process mainly the artificial genome model. Firstly, the gene expression
modifies by the edge of network rather than the nodes and the cell division tree are applied to generate spiking
[5-8]. Recently, Suchorzewski gave a developmental neurons with specific attributes, neural network structure,
symbol coding algorithm which is similar to cell connection weights and specific learning rules of each
encoding, scalable and modular self-adaptive neural neuron. Next, the gene segment duplications and
network are evolved [9]. Jung applied grammar which is divergence model are applied to design the evolutionary
irrelevant with context to represent neural development algorithm of impulsive neural networks at the level of the
rule and connecting branch rules, then a neural network is artificial genome. The dynamic changes of developmental
generated which has a structure of hierarchical, modules, gene regulatory networks are controlled during the whole
duplication and fractal connection structure by cell evolutionary process. Finally, the behavior of collecting
division tree. The advantage of grammar encoding food for autonomous intelligent agent is simulated, which
algorithm is that developmental processes is controlled is driven by nerves. The evolutionary capacity of the
simply, neural networks is generated easily. However, the algorithms is validated under different-scale neural
network, and the emergent affection for different coding



Gene 1 0 2 2 0 1
0 3 2 3 0 1
0 2 0 1 1 2
0 3 1 0 2 2
1 3 1 1 2 2
Number of occurrences 3,2,0,0 1,0,1,3 1,2,2,0 1,2,1,1 1,0,3,1 0,3,1,1
Protein 0 3 1 1 2 2

algorithms of gene regulatory networks is analyzed on does not affect the basic characteristics of gene regulation.
autonomous agent intelligent behavior. It is different from promoters and genes, cis-elements of
(2) In order to validate the proposed model based on DNA regulatory region is allowed to overlap with each
artificial genome pulse neural network algorithm’s other. If the first base of the regulatory sequences is "0 "
correctness and validity further, the simulation or "1", the cis-regulatory elements is a repressors,
experiment of same-size network and the different genes transcription factors will inhibit gene expression;
coding are compared. The simulation results show that: (a) otherwise, the cis-regulatory element is an enhancer,
Through evolving the different sizes of impulse neural transcription factor will enhance gene expression.
networks, it is verified that the method has evolution Regulation intensity expresses real weights by translating
capabilities on the large-scale impulse neural network; (b) the remaining sequences into the interval in  0, w ,
By comparation and analysis on different encoding
wherein W represents the interaction strength or weight
methods of gene regulatory network, it was found that the
scales of gene regulatory network model.
evolution capability of gene regulatory network model
It is coded based on artificial genome models (Figure 1
based on artificial genome encodes is better than
(a)), the genetic system of control development is showed
recursive model gene regulatory networks with fixed
by the gene regulatory network which is composed of N
nodes (Figure 1 (b)). The network can be divided into 3
II. ARTIFICIAL GENOME MODEL layers, the input layer composed by N I nodes, the
Gene regulatory network use the human genome model regulation layer composed by N R nodes and output
encoding Reil proposed, artificial genome model contains layer composed by N O nodes. N R is determined by
a linear sequence composed a " base", and along the
the genes in the genome, N I and N O is determined by
DNA is read from the5′ to 3' direction, the base is
the corresponding development model. Regulation nodes
valued from the set D  0,1, 2,3 , four bases A, C, G of the network represent genes in the genome, only for
and T of nucleotides in DNA are simulated. The gene of the regulation function. Since the protein gene encoded is
artificial genome is marked by a specific base sequence represented by base sequence of length P , so it can be
"0101", and the sequence is called a promoter, for divided into different 4P kinds and mark it as 1 4P .
simulating "TATA" sequence of biological genome. As Input nodes in the network is for the inducing signal of
the promoter is a random value from the set D then cell, simulate cell to interact with the external
sequence "0101" is constituted, the probability of environment. According to the mark number sequence of
artificial promoter genome is p  4  4  0.39% . the gene, divide gene into N I groups, each inducing
Promoter is not allowed to be overlap with each other, signal connects through gene input interface and a set of
such as the sequence "010101", only the sequence first genes, the output node of the network is for development
four bases composed is the promoter. controlling process and the differentiation type of cell.
The sequence is composed of G bases followed each Gene is divided into N O groups per its mark number
promoter sequence is a gene, the length of the default sequence, each group connects through gene output
value is g  30 . Each gene encodes a protein, in the interface and one output node.
artificial genome model, protein is represented by the Other Regulatory The Gene Interface Other
genes regions promoter encoding area area genes
sequence which is composed of p bases, the default
(a) human genes to coding model
value of protein length is p  6 , some of them are … No Output node

genetic codes protein, while others genetic codes

transcripts factors to regulate the expression of other …
NR Control node

genes. In the model, the translation process from gene to

protein is controlled by the majority rule. Table 1 shows
an example that a gene translated into a protein, the gene … N1 Input nodes
(b) gene regulatory network
is "102201, 032301, 020112, 031022, 131122", the structure of the model
protein is "031122". Figure 1. Gene regulatory network model of controlling development
In eukaryotic genomes, cis-regulatory elements of
genes can be within its upstream, and downstream. In this Standard recurrent neural network is used to express
model, the cis-regulatory elements only exist in the dynamic characteristics of gene regulatory networks,
upstream sequences of the promoter. This simplification



network status updates synchronously at discrete time A. The Generation of Cell Division Tree
step. Activity H i  y  1 of Gene i at time step y  1 If o1e  t   d ,  d represents the division threshold
can be expressed as: value, the cells will differentiate into specific impulse
 N  neurons; or the cells will divide. When cells divide,
H i  y  1     ij H j  y   i  (1) gene regulatory networks of replicate mother cell that is
 j 1  genetic regulatory network of two daughter-cells have the
same topology. In biological development, with the
where in, H j  y  indicates that the active of the gene
passage of time, the possibility that cells can divide
j in the previous time step,  ij represents the continually is smaller and smaller. To simulate this
regulation weight from gene j to gene i .  i is the phenomenon, the division threshold value has dynamic
changes in the development process, and it is expressed
activity threshold value of gene I , it can be expressed
as: as d  0.01e d , wherein d represents the current cell
depth in the cell division tree,  represents
i   ij  (2) developmental scale that is used to control the impulse
j 1 neural network development scale.
Figure 2 shows an example of cell division tree. Initial
where in,  represents the weight deviation, default embryonic cell divides at the first time in the horizontal
value is   0.5  x  a function of Sigmoid, it can be direction and generates left and right daughter cells. In
the 2nd division, the left daughter cells vertically divide,
expressed as
the right daughter cells vertically horizontally divide, four
1 daughter cells produced totally. Sequentially do the 3rd
  x  (3) and 4th division, the final cell division tree is generated.
1 rx
In the final cell division tree, there are eight differentiated
Therefore, the gene activity changes continuously in cells in total.
the interval [0,1], wherein 0 represents gene inactivation,
and 1 means gene expresses completely.
For a randomly generated artificial genome, the
distance between genes is an indeterminate value; it can
only be approximate estimated. Since each promoter in The first division Second division

the genome identify a gene, so the distance between

genes meet the geometric distribution probability of
probability t , according to the geometric distribution
principle, the average distance between genes can be
The third division Eventually split results
expressed as
Figure 2. Example of cell division tree
e  1/ t (4)
B. Generation of Impulse Neuron
However, the gene in model of artificial genome is not
allowed to overlap, it must be considered the length of the When cell division ended, all the terminal nodes of the
gene and interface, the modified formula (4) can be cell division tree represent a differentiated specific cell.
expressed as That is the pulse neurons. Only considering the leakage
current of the impulse neurons, the simplest pulse neuron
e  1/ t  g  2r (5) model can be gotten --- leakage current Integrate-and-Fire
model, the change process of its membrane   r  can
NEURAL NETWORKS be described by the following first-order differential
For convenience of description, in the development
dv  t 
     r   vrest 
process, the activity of regulatory node at time t is
m (7)
expressed as Ri  t  , i  1, 2,..., N R ; input node activity dt
at time t is expressed as I i  t  , i  1, 2,...Ni ; output node where in,  m represents membrane time constant, vrest
activity at time t is expressed as oi  t  , i  1, 2,..., No . represents the resting potential. Assuming input a pulse
Compare a kind of output node activity with a given from the synapse, neuron membrane potential flash
threshold value to represents the qualitative update:   r     r   e / i , wherein e / i represents
characteristics; another kind is converted to the specific the weight of the synapse, the subscript e / i represents
parameter values in given range pmin , pmax , it can be the excitatory or inhibitory of synapse. If the membrane
expressed as potential v (t) reaches the threshold potential V thresh,
neurons will emits a pulse immediately, reset the
pmin   pmax  pmin  oi  t  (6) membrane potential to restoration potential vrest at the



Ancestor nodes
same time, and keep the same within the absolute
refractory period; otherwise, before the new pulse coming, rising falling

the membrane potential will decay until resting potential

vrest per the membrane time constant  m .
Source of
C. Neural Junction
In order to use simpler growth rules to generate neural The target
junction, topology and connection weights of spiking
neural networks are emergent. There are connection Target group of
properties of seven output nodes coding neurons, each
Figure 3. Example of cell branch connection
output node activity is expressed as oic  r  . First output
node activity o1n  r  (represents the interface connation Crossover operator in evolutionary algorithms has the
unique characteristics of the original nature. Crossover
attributes of impulse neuron, that is the connection with
operator imitates genetic recombination process of
input and output neurons; 2nd and 3rd output nodes
natural sexual reproduction, its function is to entail the
activities o2n  r  and o3n  r  represents the branch original fine gene to the next generation individual and
connection properties of pulse neuron, namely, neurons generate new individuals with more complex genetic
are connected in the hidden layer; 4th and 5th output structure. In the application, two-point crossover is used.
nodes activities represents synaptic weights, wherein Two-point crossover operator generally was divided into
o4n  r  is the mark of presynaptic weight, o4n  r  is for the following two steps: (1) Per the artificial genome
the mark of postsynaptic weight; 6th and 7th output node length l, two integers k in 1,1  1 is randomly selected
activities represent pulsing propagation delay, wherein as cross position on a pair of mating individuals; (2)
o6n  r  is the mark of presynaptic delay, o7n  r  is the Crossover operation is implemented per the probability of
mark of postsynaptic delay. pcross , individual is matched at the intersection position,
Each neuron in the hidden layer connects with one their parts are exchanged with each other, thereby a pair
input neuron and one output neuron, the specific of new individuals is formed.
connection way is: (1) Establish connection with
M I o1c  r th input neuron, the synaptic weights is coded

by presynaptic value mark o  r  , the pulse propagation

4 Parameters Identifier value
A single point mutation probability p po int 0.001
delay on this synapse is coded by the presynaptic delay
mark o6c  r  (2) Establish connection Two point crossover probability pcross 0.6

with M o o1c  r th output neurons, the synaptic weights is

Gene duplication probability pdup 0.1

coded by the postsynaptic weight mark o5c  r  , the pulse

Gene fragment reversal probability pinv 0.01
Gene deletion probability pdel 0.01
propagation delay on this synapse is coded by the
presynaptic delay mark o7c  r  .
Gene fragment shift probability ptrans 0.01

In the every generation of pulse neural network

Figure 3 shows an example of the cell branch
evolution, first of all, gene regulatory network of the
connection; source neuron connects the seven neuronal of
artificial genome coding control, impulse neural networks
target neuron group (gray area in the figure) by the
are developed and generated, and the adaptation values of
branches connection rule.
autonomous intelligence agent is assessed which is driven
IV. IMPULSIVE NEURAL NETWORKS ALGORITHM by nerve in the life cycle. Then, the next generation of
individuals is produced under the function of genetic
A. Evolution Algorithm of Impulsive Neural Networks operators, the specific production process is: (1)
Artificial genome increases dynamically under the According to the fitness of individuals, league selection
function of replication and gene fragments mode is applied to select two individuals in the group; (2)
disproportionation mechanisms, the corresponding gene For the selected two individuals, two-point crossover
regulatory networks change dynamically in the whole operator is applied to produce two new individuals; (3)
process of evolution. For the individual which need to be For the two new individuals, single-point mutation
variable in the genome levels, apply single-point operator and gene fragment replication and
mutation operator with the probability of p po int , gene disproportionation operator are applied. In addition, in
fragment reproduction operator with the probability of our evolutionary algorithm, the elite retention policies
pdup , gene fragment delete operator with the probability which have the elite ratio of 20% are used. Algorithm 2
shows the evolution algorithm of the impulse neural
of pdel , gene fragment shift operator with the probability networks, individual genome length is l, transposon in
of ptrans and gene fragment reversal operator with the genome is t , and population size is n .
probability of pinv .



The neuron parameters Parameters of hidden Parameters of the output layer
Film properties The membrane time constant m [16,25]ms 20ms
Absolutely should not period ret
[1,5]ms 2ms
The resting potential Vrest [-76,-66] mV -72mV
Threshold potential Vthresh [-45,-56] mV -51mV
Reduction potential Vreat [-65,-57] mV -58mV
Synaptic properties Excitatory synaptic weights i [0.6] mV
Resist the synaptic weights e [-5,0] mV
Pulse delay pdel [0,21]ms
STDP properties Enhancing the greatest value A [0.02,0.04] mV
Time constant   [16,27]ms
Reduced the maximum A [-0.03,-0.04] mV
Time constant  [16,25]ms

V. EXPERIMENTAL SIMULATION AND ANALYSIS environmental stimuli; motor neurons code the mode of
autonomous agent motion per the frequency impulse
A. Experimental Environment issues.
1) Natural Scene o o
3 2
In order to simulate food-gathering behavior of 3 2 o4 I I
autonomous intelligent agent, natural scene is represented 4 1 I I

as a 500  500 two-dimensional continuous field, and 5 8 I I

the relative sides connect with each other. Natural scene 6 7 o5 I I

6 7
has two types of substances: food and poison, 50 foods o o
and 50 poisons dispersed randomly in the natural scene, (b) sensory input and
(a) independent agent motor output
the size is 5  5 . Autonomous intelligent agent is in the
center of the natural scene at initial time, the size is 5  5 . Figure 5. Sensory-motor systems of an autonomous agent
Figure 4 shows a simplified natural scene.
3) Fitness Function
Since adaptation value is only certainty index of the
individual survival opportunity choice in populations, so
the form of fitness function determines the evolution
behavior of group directly. In the simulation, autonomous
agents detect state at each time step according to its
food location information, if food is encountered, the
agents adaptation value is increased; if poison is encountered,
the adaptation value is reduced. Therefore, fitness
Figure 4. Natural scene
function of autonomous agents can be expressed as:
2) Autonomous Intelligent Agent fitness   F  P  / 50 (8)
Each autonomous agent contains a set of sensory
neurons, motor neurons and an impulse neural controller, B. Experiment Results And Analysis
the impulsive neural controller is generated by gene For pulse neural network of autonomous agents, Table
regulatory networks of artificial genome coding through 3 shows the parameter settings of leakage
the development process. Autonomous agents can only Integrate-and-Fire neuron model. For gene regulatory
feel a certain range of food and poison, the feeling range networks of autonomous agents, input node is N I  2 ,
is expressed as a circular area of radius 30, then the
feeling area is divided into a plurality of fan-shaped the output node is No  20 , regulatory nodes N R is
sub-regions. In order to have ability to distinguish determined by development process of the artificial
between foods and poisons in each direction, each genome. The parameter of artificial genome take the
sub-region corresponds to a sensory input neurons and a default values of second fragment, weights scale is
motor output neurons. Figure 5 (a) and (b) represents a W  5 . The initial length of artificial genome is
simple sensory-motor systems of an autonomous agent, I  5000 , and it increases dynamically under the gene
each with eight sensory neurons and eight motor neurons. fragment copy and disproportionation mechanism. Figure
For impulse neural networks, simple frequency coding 6 and Figure 7 shows a group size is 50, 100 generations
algorithm is used. Sensory neurons issue a certain is evolved, the average results after 10 runs.
frequency impulse sequence according to external 1) Comparison of Network Size



Each autonomous agent contains the sensorimotor It can be seen from the above results: the algorithm
system and pulse neural controller. Sensorimotor system this article proposed can evolve impulsive neural
is used for receiving external environmental stimuli and networks with different sizes and the nerve-driven
drives autonomous agents to do the corresponding autonomous agents is made to burst higher intelligent
exercise, M I feeling neurons of the input layer and food-gathering behavior. That is, the evolved autonomous
M O motor neurons of output layer are mainly referred. agents collect food as much as possible in the life cycle,
but the poison is tried to avoid. Meanwhile, due to the
Spiking neural controller connects as hidden layer with application of gene replication and disproportionation
input layer and output layer neurons, it is mainly model, the evolving artificial genome increases
generated by gene regulatory networks of artificial dynamically, the corresponding gene regulatory networks
genome coding through the development process, are gradually more complicated with evolutionary
wherein the impulse neurons number M H is determined process. In the experiments, for different scale pulse
by developmental scale  . Figure 6 shows the evolution neural network evolution, the artificial genome length
result of the different-size sensorimotor system and pulse difference of the optimal autonomous agents was not
neural controller, the data points in the figure represents significant in the evolved termination generation; the
the average fitness value of optimal autonomous agents in average length is 18875 ± 6590. For large-scale neural
each generation during evolution. networks, if the conventional direct coding algorithm is
Figure 6 (a) represents the evolutionary result when the applied to evolve, such as 1000 neural networks need
feeling motion system of autonomous agent is changing, millions of genes to encode its connection information. It
the value for number of sensory neurons M I and motor not only requires a lot of storage space, but also it is
neurons M O is 8,16,32 and 64 respectively, while the hardly able to be evolved efficiently due to the huge
search space. The algorithm in this article by applying
size of the pulse neural controller remained stable, gene reusing mechanism, a gene can express in many
namely developmental scale   0.6 . It can be seen : (1) different developmental stages and do quick search of
In a certain range, with the complexity of sensorimotor large-scale neural networks in a smaller space.
system increasing, the autonomous agents of neural drive 2) Comparison of Different Genetic Code
is expressed as higher and higher fitness value; ( 2 ) To test the influence by different coding algorithm of
While with the sensorimotor complicated further, due to gene regulatory network on impulse neural network
the too small scale of pulse neural controller, the fitness evolution performance, the recursive gene regulatory
value of autonomous agents reduced. In four different networks with a fixed topology structure is used as Figure
sensory-motor system sizes, the average fitness values of
1 (b) shown, input nodes N I and output nodes N O
final evolved optimal autonomous agents were 0.887 ,
0.930 , 0.955 and 0.846 . determined by the respective developmental model, N R
Figure 6 (b) represents the evolution result when the node is regulated to be fixed in the evolutionary process.
pulse neural controller of autonomous agents is changing, Recursive gene regulatory networks use full attended
the fetched values of development scale  are 0.7 , mode, regulated nodes connects recursively with each
0.6 , 0.5 and 0.4 respectively, while the sensormotion other, regulatory information is expressed with the weight
system maintains constant, that is M I  32 and matrix, regulatory intensity of gene expression are
enhanced or inhibited to the uniform value in the interval
M O  32 . It can be seen: (1) Along with the development
0,5 , namely scale weights is   5 . In the evolution
of scale reducing, the impulse neural controller which is
generated by the development contains more pulses process of recursive gene regulatory networks, two types
neurons. Under the four different growth scales, the of mutation operator is applied: (a) the weights
replacement: the original weight is replaced with new
average pulse neural of pulse neural controller M H
weights; (2) noise increase, a random noise is added in
were 80 ± 15,126 ± 34,315 ± 67 and 1020 ± 205 the original weights, the noise values satisfy the Gaussian
distribution G 0,0.1 . In the simulation, the probability
respectively; (2) Along with the complexity of the
impulse neural controller increasing, the fitness value of
autonomous agents is increasingly high. In 4 different of two types of mutation operator is 0.1 .
spiking neural controllers size, the average fitness values Figure 7 shows input nodes value is N I  2 , the
of final evolved optimal autonomous agents were 0.913 , output nodes value is NO  20 , regulatory nodes value
0.955 , 0.968 and 0.993 . N R is 8, 16 and 32 respectively, the sensory neurons of
1.0 1.0
evolution input layer value is M I  32 , when the motor
To adapt to the value

To adapt to the value

0.7 0.7 neurons of the output layer is M O  32 and

M1=8,Mo=8 λ=0.7 developmental scale value is   0.6 in the spiking
0.4 M1=16,Mo=16 λ=0.6
neural networks, it is the average fitness value of the
M1=64,Mo=64 λ=0.4 optimal autonomous agents. As figure 7 (a) shows, under
0.1 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.1 0 20 40 60 80 100 the function of the weight value replacing the values in
Algebra Algebra
(a) the sensorimotor system (b) pulse neural controller the operator, the average fitness values of optimal
autonomous intelligent agents that three recursive gene
Figure 6. Comparison of network size



regulatory network evolutes are 0.881 , 0.843 and ability of evolution on large-scale impulse neural
0.786 ; As figure 7 (b) shows under the effect of networks by evolving the different-scale of impulse
increasing noise operator, the average fitness values of neural networks; (2) After different coding algorithms of
optimal autonomous intelligent agents those three gene regulatory networks are compared and analyzed, it
recursive gene regulatory network evolutes are 0.863 , was found that evolution ability of gene regulatory
0.821 and 0.762 . networks based on artificial genome encodes is better
1.0 1.0 than recursive gene regulatory networks model with fixed
To adapt to the value

To adapt to the value

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NR=32 NR=32
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LDPC Coded Combined with Space-Time Codes

in Cooperative MIMO System
Zhang Yan 1, 2, Yang Fengfan 1, and Hu Guobing 2
1. College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing,
2. College of Electronic and Information, Nanjing College of Information Technology, Nanjing, China

Abstract—This paper proposes a method of LDPC coded cooperative MIMO system would lead to the full
combined with space-time codes using in the cooperative cooperative diversity of multiple distributed terminals by
MIMO system. An algorithm is introduced that the joint collaborating.
iterative detection algorithm based on Fincke-pohst (sphere Low-density parity-check code (LDPC) was proposed
detecting) maximum a-posteriori (MAP). theoretical
by Gallager in 1962 [3]. Because of the strong
analysis and derivation shown that the performance of
LDPC cascading space-time codes (STBC) system is slightly error-correcting capability, the decoding algorithm with
better than that of LDPC coded cascading vertical layered low complexity, and the performance approaching
space-time codes (VBLAST) in cooperative MIMO systems. Shannon limit, the LDPC code has been widely used in
And the FP-MAP detection algorithm compares with the wireless communication [4]. A scheme of LDPC
detection algorithm----zero forcing sort plus interference cascading space-time block codes was proposed in
cancellation(ZF-OSIC) and the recursive least squares literature [5]. It has been proved effective in MIMO
decision feedback equalization(RLS-DFE) algorithm, its systems. A new distributed VBLAST adaptive DFE
performance is improved by about 0. 6dB and 0. 3dB algorithm in cooperative MIMO was proposed in
respectively, its performance is closest to the ML detection.
literature [6].
Index Terms—Low-Density Parity-Check Codes;
In this study, LDPC and cooperative MIMO system
Space-Time Codes; Cooperative MIMO; Sphere Algorithm; with space-time coding are further analyzed. An FP-MAP
Iterative Det-Ection algorithm based on sphere algorithm is proposed, and the
iteration performance of the combined iteration detection
is analyzed. Finally, the bit error probability performance
I. INTRODUCTION of the proposed detection algorithm is compared with that
In multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) systems, spatial of the ZF-OSIC, RLS-DFE and ML algorithm.
diversity can improve the transmission reliability of the The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:
system without increasing the transmission time and The system model is described in section II, and section
bandwidth. However, it is not convenient to install III propose iterative detection procedure based on the
multiple antennas on one terminal because of the sphere coding algorithm. The analysis of simulation
limitations of volume and power dissipation of mobile results is presented in section VI. Section V summarizes
station. Hence, the cooperative MIMO system is achieved the results and concludes the paper.
by the single-antenna terminal to form the virtual
multi-antenna array. The single-antenna terminal is
combined with the multi-antenna receiving at the Suppose that the number of cooperative relay nodes
receiving base station [1]. Space-time coding [2] is a new around the information source node S is n and the
coding and signal processing technique in the filed of number of antennas of basestations at the receiving end is
mobile communications. In this technique, there are NR. For the cooperative MIMO, when the time slot is 1,
multiple antennas at both the transmitting end and the data packets are broadcasted to the neighboring
receiving end to be responsible for the transmitting and cooperative nodes by S; when the time slot is 2, the
receiving of signals. The temporal and spatial correlations cooperative nodes and S constitute an transmitting end
are introduced between the signals transmitted by with n  1 virtual antennas. The space-time coding
different antennas. The two-dimensional temporal and (taking VBLAST as an example) is utilized for the spatial
spatial information is utilized for the diversity receiving multiplexing of n  1 cooperative nodes. The receiving
at the receiving end. Space-time coding integrates the end with N R antennas is responsible for multi-user
spatial diversity, frequency diversity and temporal detection to accomplish the decoding and the
diversity together, and improves the communication reconfiguration of the cooperative signal.
quality and quantity of the multipath fading channel by
taking the communication system as a whole. Applying
the space-time coding theory for MIMO to the



The signal model of an LDPC cascading space-time p[ xk  1 y ]

coding system with M transmitting antennas and N LD ( xk y )  ln
p[ xk  0 y ]
receiving antennas ( N  M ) could be represented by
y  Hs  n (1)

x X K ,1
p( y x) p( x)
 ln
where y is the vector of the receiving signal at some 
x X K ,0
p( y x) p( x)
moment, and the channel matrix H is the N*M matrix in
complex field. Besides, the matrix element p ( xk  1) 
x X K ,1
p( y x) p( x j ) (2)
hij (i  1,..., N , j  1,..., M ) denotes the fading  ln

coefficients of the channel from transmitting antenna j to

p ( xk  0) 
x X K ,0
p( y x)  p( x j )
receiving antenna i. These elements are statistically
independent, and follow the N (0,1) distribution. p ( xk  1)

x X K ,1
p( y x) p( x j )
 ln  ln
N-dimensional vector n is a zero mean complex Gaussian
white noise. The covariance matrix is E (nn H )   n2 I N .
p ( xk  0) 
x X K ,0
p( y x)  p( x j )

the relay terminals

where X k ,1  {x xk  1} denotes the set of all bit
decoder1 encoder1
sequences with the k -th bit being 1, X K ,0  {x xk  0}
decoder2 encoder2 y(destination) denotes the set of all bit sequences with the k -th bit
Source .
encoder0 VBLAST
LD(xk|y) LE(xk|y)
being 0, uk  { j j  1, , N , M , j  k} denotes the set
of symbols excluding K, p( x j ) denotes the prior
decoderN encoderN
L`D(xk|y) probability information of x j , and p( y x) denotes the
conditional probability of y being received by the
. transmitted bit sequence x .
p( xk  1)
y FP-MAP LD(xk|y) LE(xk|y) L`A(xk) Channel
detector decoder Thus, let LA ( xk )  ln be the priori
p( xk  0)
L`E(xk|y) L`D(xk|y) information of xk . The priori information refers to the
information from the channel decoding.
Figure 1. Block diagram of the cooperative MIMO system with
space-time coding cascaded to LDPC  p( y x)  p( x j )
x X k ,1 juk
Let LE ( xk y )  ln be the
x X K ,0
p( y x)  p ( x j )
extrinsic information of xk . Therefore, the posteriori
The soft-decision detection algorithm is necessary for
the MIMO detector since the LDPC decoder adopts the information of xk would be
soft-input soft-output algorithm. It could be known from
the receiving end where the detection and collaborative LD ( xk y)  LA ( xk )  LE ( xk y) (3)
iteration are conducted that the MIMO detector and the
channel decoder would exchange information during the During the first iteration, suppose that the transmitted
iteration process. In the MIMO detection algorithm signal has with equal probability, and the channel is
characterized by soft information input and soft decision AWGN, LA ( xk )  0 ,
output, extrinsic information is obtained by calculating
y  Hs
the posteriori information of each bit and subtracting the
prior information of the input from it. Then the extrinsic 
sS x 1
2 n 2
  log p( x ))
j, j k

information is used as the input of priori information of LE ( xk y )  log k

y  Hs
the channel encoder / decoder. The posteriori information
of the decoder is subtracted from the priori information as

sS xk 0
2 n 2
  log p( x ))
j, j k

the input of the MIMO detector.

1) Calculation of the Output Posteriori Information and  n2 is the additive noise covariance. According to the
Extrinsic Information of the MIMO Detector maximum logarithm approximation principle (Max-log
Suppose that the transmitting symbol vector is approximation), the equation above could be transformed
s  (s1, s2, , sNT ) , where si is the 2M -order into
modulation symbol, then the posterior likelihood ratio 1 1
LE ( xk y )  max{ y  Hs  X [ k ]T  LA[ k ] ( xk y )}
information of each bit in the corresponding bit sequence 2 xX K ,1  n2
x  ( x1 , x2 , , xN , M ) is given by (5)
1 1
 max{ 2 y  Hs  X [Tk ]  LA[ k ] ( xk y )}

2 xX k ,0  n



Here X [ k ] denotes the sub-vector of the k -th nT nT

p( s)   p( sk )  exp[ log p( sk )] (9)
element, and LA[ k ] ( xk y) denotes the sub-vector of k k 1 k 1

-th element. Suppose that in AWGN channel, the MAP criterion in

Solving the Symbol Sequence Vector S that Satisfies equation (6) could be rewritten as another optimization
the Conditions (Estimation) problem, thus turning the problem into minimization of
The optimal information transmission of the MAP the bit error probability.
detector could be obtained by testing all possible
combinations of symbol sequences. However, the
sˆmap  arg min[ y  Hs   p( sk )]
calculation might be very complex in this situation. The (10)
nT k 1
complexity could be decreased by decreasing the
searching space. Thus, the FP-MAP sphere detection The goal of an FP-MAP detector is to find the
algorithm [7] could be used. It enables a small searching approximation which would provide correct soft
range but an effective space to decrease the complexity. information LE ( xk y) , rather than finding the value of
The maximum likelihood decoding (ML) is to find a
signal from all possible transmitted signals that satisfies sˆ map [9] [10]. The criterion above is used for generating
sˆ  arg min y  Hs d 2   n2  log p( sk ) , namely:
(6) a hypersphere
k 1

That is, the equation (14) is solved to select the nT

minimum s as the estimation of the transmitted signal. d 2   n2  log p(sk )  y  Hs
where s is an element in the vector set of the transmitted k 1
signals. Although the decoding performance of the
maximum likelihood decoding algorithm is excellent 3) After the de-interleaving of the extrinsic information
theoretically, and has a minimum error probability, the LE ( xk y) , it is used as the priori information of the bit
complexity of the algorithm, the number of transmitting encoding LA' ( xk ) and transmitted to the BP decoder
antennas, and the points of the modulation constellation
have an exponential relation. As a result, it is not feasible (the information of the detector is transferred to the
in applications. The complexity of computation is very decoder).
high, and it can be viewed as a performance boundary to Suppose N ( w) denotes the set of nodes adjacent to
judge the performance of other decoding algorithms. the checking nodes (vertices) in the bipartite graph w .
The FP-MAP detector is also a MAP detector. The When k  N (w) , it means that the checking nodes k
basic idea of sphere decoding is that a sphere with the and w share a common edge. Suppose N (w) / k
signal receiving point as the center is preset in the space
denotes the set of all adjacent nodes excluding the node
of signal receiving. Next, the sphere is mapped to an
elliptical sphere in the space of signal transmitting, and k . Suppose qwk ( x) , x {0,1} denotes the
the signal transmitting point is searched inside the information transmitted from variable node w to
elliptical sphere. Once the point is found, the preset checking node k . Besides, the probability of the variable
sphere would shrink with the distance between the node w is 0 or 1, and all checking nodes adjacent to
mapping point of the signal point and the received signal variable node w do not include node k . Similarly,
as the radius. Then further searches would be performed suppose rk w ( x) and x {0,1} denote the information
in a smaller range. If the number of points included in the
region is rather small in relation to the total number of transmitted from the checking node k to the variable
points in the whole grid, the searching time would node w , and all variable nodes adjacent to checking
decrease greatly [8]. node k do not include node w . Then according to the
It could search for the set of symbols (grid points) in a LLR principle, the information transmitted from variable
sphere with a certain radius and estimate the soft node to checking node and the information transmitted
information from checking node to variable node are defined as
LE ( xk y) by the MAP criterion. follows, respectively:
qw k (1)
sˆmap  arg max p( s y ) (7) w k ( xn )  log( )
n T qw k (0)
By using the Bayesian rule, the MAP algorithm would rk  w (1)
 k  w ( xn )  log( )
be transformed into rk  w (0)

sˆmap  arg maxT

p( y s ) p( s)
 arg maxT p( y s) p( s) (8) Here n  {1, 2, , m} . In the initialization phase, each
sS n p( y ) sS n
variable node is configured with a corresponding
log-likelihood value. Considering the consistency of the
Suppose that the symbols are transmitted description of the iteration system at the receiving end,
independently, then there is the log-likelihood value could be obtained by the MIMO



detector, represented as LA' ( xk ) . Thus, suppose performed. The initial radius of the FP sphere algorithm
is set as d0  2.83 , and the interleaving degree is 512.
L ( xk )  wk ( xn ) and k w ( xn )  0 .
The cooperative MIMO system consisting of 2
Therefore, the updating information (which is the
transmitting antennas, 2 relay nodes and 2 receiving
transmitted information from any checking node k to
antennas is used.
any variable node w connected to it, where w  N (k ) )
of the checking node would be given as A. Performance Analysis of Iteration
First, the iteration is performed extrinsically for one
w k ( xn )
 k w ( xn )  2 tanh 1 (  time, and BP decoding is performed for several times.
tanh( )) (13)
w N ( k )/ w
' 2 Then the iteration performance is compared (Figure 2).
Figure 3 shows that the performance is relatively stable
The updating (which is the information transmitted when the times of BP decoding reaches 12. Then suppose
from any variable node n to any checking node m the times of extrinsic iteration is 2, 3, 4 and 5,
adjacent with it) of variable node is represented as respectively, and the times of stable BP decoding
iterations (12 times) is used. The bit error rates are
wk ( xn )  L'A ( xk )    k ' w ( xn ) (14) compared when internal times=1, internal times =2,
k ' N ( w)/ k
internal times=3, internal times=4 and internal times=5,
The obtained total information (reliability) of any and the result is shown in Figure3.
variable node n by the end of the current iteration is given 10

w ( xn )  L' A ( xk )  
kN ( w)
 k w ( xn ) (15)
The pre-decision is based on equation (15). If
w ( xn )  0 , then the bit xn  0 is transmitted.

Otherwise, the bit x n  1 is transmitted. Then,

-3 BP inter 2
X  {x1, x2,
xN } is the decision vector of the decoding BP inter 4
BP inter 6
at this time. If XH T  0 , then the decoding is successful. BP inter 8
BP inter 10
Otherwise, equation (13) would be solved again to BP inter 12
continue the iteration. If it reaches the maximum iteration 10
BP inter 14
number, XH T  0 , then the iteration is stopped, and the 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
decoding fails. EbNo(db)

While the soft decision decoding is performed by the Figure 2. BER performance comparison of BP decoding at different
BP decoder, the extrinsic information of the bit encoding internal iterations with one external iterative
L'E ( xk y) is provided. After the extrinsic information is
Figure 2 shows that when the extrinsic iteration is done
interleaved, it is used as the updated priori information for once, the greater the times of BP iterations is, the
L'A ( xk ) of the bit encoding, and is transmitted to the better the performance, and the performance reaches a
detector (the information of decoder is transmitted to the saturation level when the iteration times is 12. then next
detector). step, the external iteration times is increased when the
That is to say, all codewords would generate soft times of BP decoding iteration is set to be 12 to study the
extrinsic information L' E ( xk y)  Lk (Qn )  L' A ( xk ) at the overall system performance.
same time and one iteration is completed. It should be inter 1
inter 2
noted that the extrinsic information here is obtained by inter 3
subtracting the priori information from the complete soft inter 4
inter 5
information. Here the priori information comes from the 10

MIMO detector.


Suppose that the channel is AWGN, and the 10

information of the source node is processed by LDPC

coding. A checking matrix consisting of 6 rows and 3
columns is randomly generated with the Mackay
construction method, and the number of overlapping 10

non-zero elements between any two columns cannot be 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
larger than 1. The code length is 512, and the BPSK EbNo(db)

modulation is adopted. The coded cooperative method is Figure 3. BER cure of comparison of the internal iteration times with
utilized for the relay nodes and the BP decoding is external iteration times=12



Figure 3 shows that the performance of the system is According to Figure 4, the bit error rate performance
improved by increasing the number of extrinsic iterations. of FP-MAP algorithm is close to ML algorithm. At
It is a 0. 5dB improvement of the performance compared BER=10-2, the BER performance of LDPC that cascading
with iteration for only once, and it is a 0. 3dB to STBC is improved by about 0.6dB and 0.3dB
improvement when the iteration time =3 compared with respectively compared with ZF-OSIC and RLS-DFE
the iteration times=2. However, the edge performance algorithms in the Cooperative MIMO System. Because
gain is decreasing with the increasing of iteration number. STBC code can obtain high diversity gain, it can be good
If the increase is too much, the correlation of soft to reduce the bit error rate. According to Figure 5, the
information transmitted between detector and the decoder STBC cooperative MIMO system using LDPC code
is increasing, while the obtained extrinsic information is outperforms the VBALST cooperative MIMO system
decreasing. Thus, the improvement of the system using LDPC code.
performance is reducing, and the processing time delay
and decoding complexity would increase. V. CONCLUSIONS
In this paper, space-time coding cascaded to LDPC is
B. Analysis of Bit Error Rate Performance
introduced in the cooperative MIMO system. By
In the cooperative MIMO system with space-time simulating, it shows that the bit error rate performance of
coding cascaded to LDPC, with two transmitting the STBC cooperative MIMO system using LDPC code
antennas, two relay nodes and two receiving nodes. outperforms the VBLAST system using LDPC code
BPSK modulation is used. LDPC is cascaded to STBC. slightly. Besides, the performance of the iteration
Then the bit error rate performance of the FP-MAP detection which combines the detector at the receiving
algorithm is analyzed and compared with that of the end and the BP decoder is better than the RLS-DFE
ZF-OSIC, RLS-DFE [11] [12] and ML algorithm. algorithm, ZF-OSIC algorithm and the FP-MAP
algorithm. Its performance is close to the that of the ML

This work is supported by the Science and Technology
on Avionics Integration Laboratory and National
Aeronautical Science Foundation of China under contract
no. 20105552.

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An Improved Intrusion Detection based on

Neural Network and Fuzzy Algorithm
He Liang
Suzhou Institute of Industrial Technology, Jiangsu Suzhou, China

Abstract—The computer network security plays an methods including expert systems, Petri nets and state
important role in modern computer systems with the transition analysis.
widespread use of network. Intrusion diction technology has Anomaly detection is also known as behavior-based
become very important in the area of network security detection, trying to establish the normal activities of the
research. Performance of common intrusion detection
body of behavioral model, or outline. The difficulty lies
system is low and error detection rate is high. In order to
overcome the current high rate of false positives, low in how to establish a "behavioral model" and how to
detection rate and other defects of intrusion detection design statistical methods, so as not to take normal
system, a new detection algorithm—T-S FNN based network operation as invasion or ignore the real invasion behavior.
intrusion detection algorithm is presented. This algorithm Anomaly detection method includes statistical methods,
uses T-S FNN to classify objects, divides eigen-space of expert systems, neural networks, data mining and
objects and recognizes normal behaviors and intrusions. computer immunological methods. Common anomaly
The results of experiment show that the new method is detection technology is based on statistical anomaly
feasible, effective and extensible. The false detection rate is detection technology and based on neural network
reduced and the rate of correct detection is raised to a
certain extent too.
Neural networks have the structure and function of
Index Terms—Intrusion Detection; Neural Networks; Fuzzy human brain system, as well as the theoretical abstraction,
Theory; T-S Model simplification and simulation of certain basic
characteristics. It is an adaptive dynamic system
including a large number of neurons through the
I. INTRODUCTION extremely rich and perfect coupling. Intrusion detection
Network security is a guarantee of network via the computer network or computer system in a
applications, along with the rapid development of Internet number of key points to collect and analyze information,
technology, and the structure of network becomes more and find the network or system, whether there is violation
complex,which increases the risk of network intrusions. of security policy behavior and signs of being attacked
Network security has become increasingly important and [7-10]. In recent years, artificial neural networks, genetic
complex [1, 2]. As an active defense technology, algorithms and fuzzy theory such as the development of
intrusion detection has become an important part of fuzzy logic and neural networks are combined which
network security defense. Intrusion detection can be have achieved many research results. The fuzzy neural
defined as identify and reaction process for malicious network used in the field of intrusion detection has also
attempts and behavior against a computer or network made considerable progress. Each neuron can be seen as
resources [3, 4]. IDS (Intrusion Detection System) is a a small processing unit, and these neurons are connected
complete standalone system as function. IDS can detect to each other to form neural networks in some way.
unauthorized object (person or program) for the system Figure 1 is the model of typical artificial neural network.
intrusion attempts or behavior, while monitoring the The input signal into neural network is xi ( i = 1, 2, ...,
illegal operation of system resources of authorization n ). wi ( i = 1, 2, ..., n ) is the corresponded weighted
objects. Intrusion detection based on use of detection
coefficient, which represents the transmission ratio of
technologies can be divided into anomaly detection and
misuse detection [5, 6]. input xi .  represents the weighted sum. b represents
Misuse detection is also known as a knowledge-based neurons.  represents neuron activation function. The
detection of known attacks by comparing the pattern model is a mathematical expression.
features and system vulnerabilities to determine whether n
the system invasion occurs. Specifically, according to the S   wi xi  b (1)
static and predefined pattern set to filter the data stream, i 1

once finding a packet characteristics and features of a

pattern match is considered to be an invasion. It have the y   (S ) (2)
invasive way to check it out, but the new intrusion way is
powerless. Misuse detection commonly uses detection



1 IF x is A, y is B THEN z  p  x  q  y  r
In the above formula, p , q , r are constants. For a
rule consisting of n-type TS fuzzy inference structures,
design of each rule has the following form:
Ri :IF x is Ai, y is Bi THEN z  zi ( i =1,2,…, n )
Mamdani Fuzzy Reasoning Algorithm
Mamdani fuzzy reasoning algorithm uses minimal
operation rule to define fuzzy relation, such as Rule R: IF
x is A THEN y is B. Expression of fuzzy relation Rc is
defined as (3).
Rc  A  B    A ( x)  B ( y) ( x, y) (3)
X Y
Figure 1. Typical structure of neural network
When "x is A", and the synthesis computing of fuzzy
The concepts and treatment methods of neural network relation uses "great-very small" operation, the fuzzy
are suitable for intrusion detection systems. Firstly, neural inference conclusion is calculated as follows.
network can learn knowledge and get access to predictive
ability through the method of training a large number of B'  A' B    (  A' ( x)  (  A ( x)  B ( x))) y (4)
x y
examples. Secondly, neural network can demonstrate the
newly discovered intrusion instance with adaptive 1) Larsen Fuzzy Reasoning Algorithm
capacity. Again, neural network can deviate from the It uses the product calculation as fuzzy implication rule
normal operating mode reacting to events, and discover that defines the corresponding fuzzy relation. Rule R: IF
the new attack patterns. Finally, neural network can be
x is A THEN y is B. Expression of fuzzy relation R p is
converted into the pattern matching and judgment to a
numerical calculation after training, and improve the (5)
processing speed of the system [11,12].
Rp  A  B    A ( x)B ( y) ( x, y) (5)
Fuzzy technology is a class of engineering technology X Y
based on fuzzy set theory, probability distribution theory
When "x is A", and the synthesis computing of fuzzy
and fuzzy logic inference, which is a simulation and
relation uses "great-very small" operation, the fuzzy
reflection of human understanding, thinking processe and
inference conclusion is calculated as follows.
inherent ambiguity in the real-world. Fuzzy reasoning is
essentially a fuzzy logic method to a given input space B'  A' B    (  A' ( x)  (  A ( x)  B ( x))) y (6)
which is mapped to a specific output space through xX
calculation. This mapping process involves the
membership function, fuzzy logic operation, and "IF ... 2) Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Reasoning Algorithm
THEN ..." rules. Fuzzy technology to intrusion detection In this paper total output of the system uses the
system is necessary for the following reasons [13-15]. following formula (7).
A large number of objective things are fuzzy. Network n n
security itself is a vague concept. Fuzzy logic can be y    Ai ( x)Bi ( y) zi  Ai ( x)Bi ( y) (7)
smoothed between secure and non-secure boundaries, so i 1 i 1

that the description of the network security issues is more

Based on the above considerations, this paper makes a
in line with the actual situation.
more in-depth exploration and research on fuzzy theory
There is no clear assessment criteria of boundary,
and neural network analysis methods used in network
between aggressive behavior and normal behavior,
intrusion detection. In order to overcome these
although we opposed to the concept. The network traffic
difficulties, a new detection algorithm—T-S FNN based
is quite vague, and abnormal flow attaches to the normal
network intrusion detection algorithm is presented. This
flow. Between the normal flow and an extraordinarily
algorithm uses T-S FNN to classify objects, divides
flow, there is no clear boundary.
eigen-space of objects and recognizes normal behaviors
In the test, a lack of information may cause the aging
and intrusions. A lot of researches and experiments are
pattern library missed and false detection, so that fuzzy
done on the Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) model based fuzzy
logic control is not faster and more sensitive than
neural network to analyze it in detail. Referring to the
ordinary intrusion detection system [16-20].
principle of the BP algorithm and the structure of T-S
With other types of fuzzy reasoning in different ways,
model, an adaptive BP algorithm is presented to adapt the
T-S fuzzy inference is also incorporated into fuzzy
membership parameters. In order to make the FNN more
reasoning, and its output is the exact amount. Zero-order
rapid and more effective, genetic algorithm is applied to
T-S fuzzy rule has the following form.
train the weights. With the network intrusion detection
IF x is A, y is B THEN z  k taken as the starting point, T-S model based FNN is
k is a constant. The first-order TS fuzzy rules in the applied to network intrusion detection. According to the
form are as follows: features of network intrusion detection, the corresponding



detection rules and the data analyzing method of intrusion y j  wj 0  wj 0  x1  wj 2  x2    wjn  xn , where
detection are explained. n
In the next section, we propose an intrusion detection j  1, 2,  , m, m   mi . If input uses a single point
method based on T-S fuzzy neural network. In Section 3, i 1

In order to check effectiveness of the new intrusion fuzzy set method, for a given input X , fitness value of
detection algorithm, we do experiments. In Section 4 we each rule can be obtained which is
conclude the paper and give some remarks.  j   S1 j  x1    S2 j  x2     ASnj  xn  , where 
A1 A2 n

II. A PROPOSED SCHEME OF DETECTION ALGORITHM represents fuzzy logic and arithmetic.
Neural networks which have strong learning, In fuzzy system the output is a weighted average of
association, recognition and other functions, but cannot output of each rule, as shown in (8).
deal with fuzzy information. Fuzzy theory although can m m m

better deal with fuzzy information, it does not learn other yk   j ykj  j   j ykj (8)
j 1 j 1 j 1
functions. Fuzzy theory and neural networks are
complementary technologies. Fuzzy systems and neural m
networks combine each other, resulting in adaptive fuzzy where,  j   j 
j 1
j , k  1, 2,  , r .
thinking, which is the fuzzy neural network (Fuzzy
Neural Network, FNN). The traditional intrusion The network consists of two parts including antecedent
detection methods lack of standards, flexibility and network and rear network. Antecedent network is used to
adaptability, so this paper proposes a new network match the antecedent fuzzy rules, and rear network is
intrusion detection algorithm based on T-S model of used to generate the consequent fuzzy rules.
fuzzy neural network, and designs its network structure 1) Antecedent Network
and algorithm. Figure.2 is the structure of fuzzy neural Antecedent network consists of 4 layers. The first layer
network. is input layer, each node of which directly connects with
each component xi of the input vector , which is used to
Input Middle Output
w ji transfer input value x   x1 x2  xn  to the next layer.
Layer Layer Layer T

Y The number of nodes of this layer is N1  n .

x1 In the second layer, each node represents a language
u11 a1 a1
variable value, such as NM, PS and so on. Its role is to
u1m1 a2 a2
calculate membership function isi of each input
xn u 1
am component belonging to the respective language variable
unmn am value fuzzy set, where
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3 i   Ai ( xi ), i  1, 2,  , n; si  1, 2,  , mi . n is the
si si

dimension of input, mi is the number of fuzzy partition

Figure 2. T-S Model based FNN
of xi . For example, the membership function using
A. The New Structure of Fuzzy Neural Network Based on Gaussian bell-shaped representation function is (9)
T-S Model 
 ( xi  cisi ) 

The output of Takagi-Sugeno type (referred Type T-S) is  exp 
 (9)

  2
isi 

fuzzy inference system is exact amount of a special class
of fuzzy logic systems, the mathematical model of the
where cisi and  isi denote the center and width of the
prototype is described as follows:
Let the input vector is X   x1 x2  xn  , and each membership function. Total number of nodes of this layer

component xi is fuzzy linguistic variable. Let the set of
linguistic value is 
T ( xi )  Ai1 , Ai1 ,  , Aimi  , N 2   mi
i 1
i  1, 2,  , n . Aisi  si  1, 2,  , mi  is the si  th
Each node in the third layer represents a fuzzy rule,
linguistic variable value of xi , which is a fuzzy set and its role is to match the antecedent fuzzy rules to
defined in the domain of xi . The corresponding calculate fitness value of each rule, which is
22 j ( x2 )    nnj ( xn ) ,
s s
membership function is
 ASi  xi  i  1, 2,  , n; si  1, 2,  , mi  .

 j  min 1 , 2 ,  , n
s1 j s2 j snj
 (11)
Let the output vector is Y   y1 y2  yr  , then the T-S

model fuzzy rules in the form of R j is as follows. IF x1 where

s s s
s1 j  1, 2,  m1 , s2 j  1, 2,  m2  ,  , snj  1, 2,  mn ,
is A1 1 j , x2 is A22 j , ..., xn is Annj THEN



n B. The Improved Intrusion Detection Algorithm

j  1, 2, , m, m   mn . Total number of nodes of
i 1
Determined by T-S fuzzy neural network model of
this layer is N3  m . For a given input, only the language intrusion detection algorithm network structure, the
structure of the algorithm includes network design and
variable values near input points have a large
implementation. Assuming fuzzy partition number of
membership values. Membership values of language
each input component is predetermined, and the
variable values away from the input points are very small. parameters need to learn are weighted coefficient of rear
Therefore, only a small amount of nodes have bigger
network Wji ( j  1, 2,  , m; l  1, 2,  , n; k  1, 2,  , r )
output and a lot of nodes have smaller output, which is
similar to local approximation network. center value cisi , and width  isi of membership function.
The number of the fourth layer is the same with the The adjustment algorithm of parameter cisi and  isi
number of nodes in the third layer, i.e. N4  N3  m ,
uses momentum method and adaptive learning rate
which implements a normalized calculation, as shown in
adjustment strategy to improve learning speed and
increases reliability of the algorithm.
j j  j ( j  1, 2,  , m) (12) cisi (k  1)  cisi (k )   (k ) (1  ) D(k )   D(k 1) (16)
j 1

2) Back Network  is (k  1)   is (k )   (k ) (1  ) D(k )   D(k 1)

i i
It is made up of r number of parallel sub-networks
having the same structure, and each sub-network E
generates an output volume. The first layer of sub- D( k )  in formula (16),
 isi (k )
network is the input layer, which transfers input variable
to the second layer. In the input layer, the input value of  (k )  2  (k  1),   sign  D(k ) D(k  1) ,
0-th node is x0  1 , the role of which is to provide a i  1, 2, , n, si  1, 2, , m ,  is the learning rate, Two
constant of fuzzy rule rear term. The second layer of sub- successive iterative gradient in the same direction,
network contains m nodes, and each node represents a indicates that the decline is too slow, which makes the
rule, the role of which is to calculate the rear term of each step length doubled. Two successive iterative gradient in
rule, as shown in (13). the opposite direction indicates that the decline is too far,
n which makes the step size halved. The learning rate uses
ykj  wkj 0  wkj1 x1    wkjl xn   wkjl xl (13) adaptive strategy to improve the learning speed.  is
l 1
momentum factor, 0    1 . The added momentum
where k  1, 2,  , r; j  1, 2,  , m; x0  1 . substantially damps, which reduces the tendency of
Output of the third layer of sub-network is shown in learning process and improves the convergence.
yk   j ykj (k  1, 2,  , r ) (14) A. Experimental Environment and Parameters
j 1
This paper selects Matlab7.0 platform for simulation. It
Visibly, yk is the weighted sum of rear term of rule. takes 500 experimental data to train the network, 1000
Each weighted coefficient is normalized fitness value of data as the test data. 20% of the data is normal data and
each fuzzy rule, meaning the output of antecedent the corresponding output is 0. 80% data contains 19 kinds
network is used as connection weight of the third layer of of specific attacks, which are divided into four categories
rear network. Assuming fuzzy partition number of each and the corresponding output is 1 to 4.
input component is predetermined, and then parameters Matlab 7.0 is used on the above model for program
need to learn are mainly weighted coefficient of rear implementation. Build four T-S model fuzzy neural
network Wji ( j  1, 2,  , m; l  1, 2,  , n; k  1, 2,  , r ) , networks, and each network has seven layers. Layer 1 to
layer 4 constitutes of antecedent network and layer 5 to
center value cisi , and width  isi of membership function layer 7 constitutes of back network. Set the transfer
of each node of the second layer of antecedent network. function of each layer as well as the number of nodes and
i  1, 2,  , n; si  1, 2,  , mi . other attributes. Each T-S network corresponds to a type
of network attack. There are different numbers of inputs.
The error cost function is shown in (15).
The number of output is 1 and number of input depends
1 r on the type of attack to be analyzed. The back network
E  ( ydk  yk )2
2 k 1
(15) contains only one sub-network. For numeric attributes,
each component of antecedent network input vector has
ydk and yk denote the desired output and the actual three fuzzy linguistic variable values (HIGH, MIDDLE,
output. LOW). Language variable value is the attribute value
(such as protocol type field). For classication attribute,
number of linguistic variable is the number of attribute.



B. Experimental Procedure Described The schematic of training method is shown in Fig. 3.

1) Experimental Data Processing
Experimental data uses KDDCup99 data set, and the
data set is from the networks which is suitable for Data1 Data2
analysis of intrusion detection experiments. It includes 41 3.4024335e-001 8.1632653e-002
1.0000000e+000 0.0000000e+000
feature attributes and gets a lot of feature vector set. Each 1.1266336e-002 1.0204082e-002
vector not only represents feature description of network 1.1266336e-002 4.4897959e-001
status in a very small period of time, but also can be used 1.1266336e-001 2.0408163e-002
to determine whether the network is normal, and whether 1.1266336e-001 1.0000000e+000
invasion with certain information occurs. Here is an 0.7263315e-000 0.0000000e+000
4.0000000e+000 3.0147723e-001
Firstly, 500 input data is divided into four categories
according to the type of attack as the four T-S FNN
training data used for the four T-S FNN training
Secondly, each T-S FNN is initialized and number of
nodes equal to the number of attributes of training data is
input. Training initial step length is 0.5, membership
function centers are initialized to 0.2 and 0.8, and value
The last attribute value of Data 1 is normal, which
of width and connection weights are randomly generated.
describes that the network status is normal. While the last
Thirdly, input the entire training data sequentially to T-
attribute value of Data 2 is ipsweep, which are intrusion
S FNN, calculate the absolute error and the objective
detection type belonging to scanning and probe intrusion.
function value (here is the square sum of error), if the
These feature vectors are analyzed to determine
objective function value is less than 1(average absolute
monitoring capability of an intrusion detection system,
error is less than 0.05), the training is completed,
and these feature vectors can also be provided to a
otherwise go to the next step.
intrusion detection system. When an intrusion detection
Fourthly, BP algorithm and improved genetic
system provides enough training samples, the system
algorithm are used for synchronization adjustment of
should be able to give a correct judgment for the other
parameters cisi ,  isi and W jl . Step length is dynamically
Experiments on data in the dataset are divided into the adjusted based on the convergence speed, and then go to
following three steps. step three, recalculate error, until satisfied.
In the first step, the number of data in the data set
C. The Experimental Results
selected from KDDCUP99 is 500, which contains 100
normal data. 400 number of data includes all 19 intrusion Fig. 4 is a set of experimental pictures. Fig. a is
attacks, which is used for the training of T-S FNN. Then absolute error value after 5 times of training, Fig. b is
select 1000 number of data which is used to test absolute error value after 50 times of training and Fig. c
performance of T-S FNN detection and it contains 400 is absolute error value after 500 times of training. That is
normal data. 600 number of data includes all 22 kinds of error value corresponding to the actual output and the
intrusion attacks and is used to test the unkown intrusion desired output of each piece of data. Fig. d is error curve
detection ability. when experiment data is 1000.
The second step is feature selection, where the training Start

data set containing 19 kinds of attacks is divided into four

categories, and we use property correlation analysis to Data Classification

carry out feature selection for these four types of attacks.

In order to detect a kind of attack, a few properties of 41
attributes are analyzed. Training Training Training Training
The third step is the normalization process, 500 pieces
of data used to train T-S FNN and 1000 pieces of data
used to test is normalized. All data
training:Calculate the
Finally we get 500 pieces of data as training set which objective function value

are T-S FNN input data, and test set of 1000 pieces of
N Parameter
data. TABLE.I shows output data example through data Value<1 Adjustment
:BP and GA
processing by Matlab.
Data1 represents an attack belonging to type 4, which
contains seven attributes and the last attribute value is 4, END

which represents a type of an attack (normal data is Figure 3. The schematic of training methods
defined as type 0). Data 2 represents an attack of type 3
including eight attributes. It can be seen from Fig. 4, the error decreases rapidly
2) T-S FNN Training with the number of training increasing and has a faster



learning speed. After 500 times of training the model normal. Kdd-cup.data_10_percent.gz which includes
achieves high precision, and the error is less than 0.1. It is 494021 testing data is used. Corrected.gz file includes
demanded that error is less than 0.5 to achieve test 311.029 testing data. Each network has 41 characteristics
purpose. After training is completed, 1000 pieces of data which includes 38 data attribute character and 3 symbol
is used for detection, and detection error range is small. attribute character. In order to reduce error, it is necessary
37 errors are greater than 0.5 which results in the false to preprocess experiment data. Symbol attribute data is
alarm and false negative. Correct detection rate reaches to transferred to digital type feature attribute data. System
96.3%. 37 error detection records include both the normal detection performance is shown in TABLE II and
data and the attack data, of which 12 pieces of data are TABLE III. Square error of system is shown in TABLE
detected as invasion which are normal data in fact. 25 IV and TABLE V.
pieces of intrusion data are detected as normal data being
easy to calculate. False alarm rate is 1.2% and false TABLE II. SYSTEM DETECTION PERFORMANCE
negative rate is 2.5%. Normal Probe Dos U2R R2L
result 98.2 84.1 99.5 14.1 31.5
D. The Analysis of Results
The network data analysis of intrusion detection has a TABLE III. SYSTEM DETECTION PERFORMANCE
very complex nonlinear mapping feature, thus making it Detection rate False alarm rate CEP
extremely difficult to analyze. Experiments show that result 95.2 1.9 0.1579
using fuzzy neural network to solve the problem of
intrusion detection data analysis is an effective method. TABLE IV. SYSTEM DETECTION PERFORMANCE SQUARE ERROR
The T-S model achieves higher accuracy through fewer Normal Probe Dos U2R R2L
number of training for data analysis, trains network for result 1.23e-4 1.74e-4 0.08e-4 5.61e-4 11.29e-4
data analysis and the accuracy reaches 96.3%. In addition, We also compare the performance of neuro-fuzzy
this model can interpret this knowledge, as any classifier with performance of other intrusion detection
combination of all the features corresponds to a rule in algorithm based on machine learning. Neural fuzzy
the T-S model. which is a node of the fourth layer of classifier detection performance comparison with other
antecedent network. models is shown in TABLE VI.
Also, some shortcomings of this approach are found
through experiments. Nodes of T-S model grows TABLE V. SYSTEM DETECTION PERFORMANCE SQUARE ERROR
exponentially, thus limiting the number of dimensions of
Detection rate False alarm rate CEP
data which can be dealed with. Network intrusion result 0.10e-5 1.23e-4 1.29e-4
detection is real-time. When data dimension is high, TS
model requires a large amount of computation, which TABLE VI. NEURAL FUZZY CLASSIFIER DETECTION PERFORMANCE
requires the input data to reduce the dimension. If poor COMPARISON WITH OTHER MODELS

dimension reduced processing method is used, it will Algorithm Detection rate False alarm rate CEP
reduce the accuracy of detection. If these two drawbacks PNrule 91.1% 0.4% 0.2371
are sufficiently overcome, the model can greatly improve RSS-DSS 94.4% 3.5% -
the detection accuracy and speed certainly. NFC 95.3% 1.9% 0.1579
Error curve Error curve
CEP represents cost per case. NFC represents neural
5 5 fuzzy classifier. Detection rate of PNrule[21], RSS-
Absolute error

Absolute error

DSS[22], NFC are 91.1%, 94.4% and 95.3% respectively.

0 0 False alarm rate of PNrule, RSS-DSS, NFC are 0.4%,
3.5% and 1.9% respectively. CEP of PNrule is 0.2371,
-5 -5 CEP of RSS-DSS is not mentioned, and CEP of neural
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Training samples Sample space
fuzzy classifier is 0.1579. It can be concluded that
a) N = 5 the error curve b) N = 50 the error curve
average performance of neural fuzzy classifier is better
Error curve Error curve
than any other algorithms.
5 5
Absolute error
Absolute error

0 0 With the development of network technology, network
intrusion has become more complex and diverse. The
-5 -5 existing intrusion detection methods are difficult to reach
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 500 1000
Sample space Experimental Data
people's expectation of intrusion detection systems,
which encourage people to try different ideas to solve the
c) N = 500 the error curve d) N = 1000 the error curve
problem of intrusion detection.
Figure 4. Error curves chart during training and testing
This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages
when fuzzy neural network is applied to the network
Here we do another experiment. KDD-Cup99 data set
intrusion detection, and proposes a new idea of T-S
is used to be as training and testing data of IDS and types
model based fuzzy neural network, which is applied to
of all data are labeled correctly. 22 kinds of attacks are
the network intrusion detection. It is demonstrated
divided into four types, DOS, U2R, R2L, Probe and
through experiments that T-S model based fuzzy neural



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Traffic Load Constrained Routing Algorithm for

Wireless Sensor Networks
Deng Liwei
University of Forestry and Technology, Computer and Information Engineering College, Changsha, China

Abstract—As the traffic load control is very important for Routing in WSNs is a hard problem in the field of
the task scheduling in wireless sensor networks, this paper network researches, the reasons lie in that the inherent
discusses how to design an effective routing algorithm for characteristics which distinguish these networks from
wireless sensor networks with traffic load constrained. other wireless networks like mobile ad hoc networks or
Firstly, internal structure of a sensor node in wireless sensor
cellular networks [4] [5]. Furthermore, sensor nodes in
networks is analyzed. Secondly, how to design an effective
traffic load constrained routing algorithm for wireless WSNs are usually stationary after deployment except for
sensor networks based on the hybrid multi-hop mode is maybe a few mobile sensor nodes. Particularly, it is
discussed. In the proposed algorithm, the depth potential possible that there are some redundancy data in WSNs,
field and queue length field are defined, and then we and effective routing protocols should be designed to
integrate them through linear combination. Afterwards, we improve energy and bandwidth utilization for WSNs [6-
utilize a structure which is made up of real numbers to 8].
represent the chromosomes, and then achieve the traffic Based on the above analysis, in this paper, we
load constrained routing decision with based on the genetic proposed a novel traffic load constrained routing
algorithm. To avoid traffic congestion, the proposed
algorithm for wireless sensor networks, which can
algorithm can distribute the concentrated traffic to the
available neighbor sensor nodes. Finally, simulations are achieve longer wireless sensor networks’ lifetime.
conducted to make performance. Compared with other The main innovations of this paper lie in the following
existing routing algorithm, the proposed can effectively aspects:
make the routing decision for wireless sensor networks (1) The proposed algorithm defines the depth potential
without traffic congestion. field and queue length field, and then integrates them
with a linear combination equation.
Index Terms—Wireless Sensor Networks; Routing; Traffic (2) A structure composed of real numbers to represent
Load the chromosomes is utilized, and the routing decision
with traffic load constrained can be obtained by the
I. INTRODUCTION genetic algorithm.
(3) When an event happens, the sensing rates from the
Wireless sensor networks are made up of sensor nodes
terminal sensor nodes are increased to get the more
with the functions of sensing information, data
accurate information.
computation, and wireless data transmitting. Particularly,
(4) To avoid traffic congestion, the proposed algorithm
many routing algorithms, power management schemes
distributes the concentrated traffic into the available
have been studied for each sensor. Routing algorithms in
neighbor sensor nodes.
WSNs may be different according to the application and
The rest of the paper is organized as the following
network structure. Particularly, the routing algorithm in
sections. Section 2 introduces the related works. Section
wireless sensor networks can be classified into three
3 illustrates the proposed algorithm for Traffic load
classes considering the network topology, which refer to
constrained routing in WSNs. In section 4, the simulation
1) flit, 2) hierarchical, and 3) location-based routing [1].
and performance evaluation are given. Finally, we
In WSNs, sensors can be positioned far from the actual
conclude the whole paper in section 5.
phenomenon. Hence, large sensors which utilize some
Position determining
complex techniques to distinguish the targets from system
environmental noise are required. A wireless sensor
Processing unit
network consists of a large number of sensor nodes, Sensing unit
which are densely allocated either inside the phenomenon Processor
Sensor ADC Transceiver
or very close to it. Particularly, the internal structure of a
sensor node in WSNs is shown in Fig. 1. As the position
of sensor nodes could not be determined in advance,
random deployment in inaccessible terrains or disaster
relief operations is required. Moreover, it shows that Power Unit
wireless sensor networks related algorithms should have
the capabilities of possess self-organizing [2] [3]. Figure 1. Internal structure of a sensor node in WSNs



II. RELATED WORKS efficiently route data from a source sensor to any K
Routing algorithm design is of great importance in destinations. To guarantee K-delivery, an iterative
wireless sensor networks, and there are several related approach is adopted in GKAR where in each round,
works in recent years [9-13]. In the following section, GKAR will determine not only the next hops at each
some typical research works are listed. node [22].
Sutagundar et al. proposed a Wheel based Event Particularly, the traffic load control is very important
Triggered data aggregation and routing (WETdar) for wireless sensor networks task scheduling. Next, the
scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) by related research works about wireless sensor networks
employing a set of static and mobile agents. A wheel with with traffic load constrained are listed as follows.
spokes is constructed by WSN nodes around an event Kateretse et al. proposed a differentiated traffic and
node (a sensor node where an event occurs). Gathering scheduling scheme for WBAN. It is based on patients'
and aggregation of the information is performed along the data classification and prioritization according to their
spokes of a wheel in Spoke Aggregator (SA) nodes and current status and diseases. Through queue scheduling
sent to an event node, which routes to a sink node [14]. and path choice issues, the urgent data are delivered on
Shang et al. proposed a multi-hop routing algorithm time to provide a QoS guarantee for WBAN. Finally, it is
based on integrated metrics (MRIM) for wireless sensor shown that the proposed scheme is efficient for timely
networks by research current routing algorithms. The data transfer in WBAN [23].
core of MRIM has two parts as following. Firstly, a Chakraborty et al. presented a probabilistic model for
clustering algorithm based on time delay (CATD) was estimating the network lifetime of a sensor network. The
presented. Secondly, the algorithm of the CATD is traffic generation model is designed for irregular surfaces
improved in cluster data transmission phase after the while combining the Elfes sensing model and event
cluster heads are selected, called MRIM, which can be generation model. A discrete radio model is considered in
used in large scale [15]. this paper for better energy efficiency [24]. Other typical
Sha et al. provided a survey of the state-of-the-art of related works about the traffic load control is given in
proposed multipath routing protocols for WSNs, which Paper [25], [26] and [27].
are classified into three categories, infrastructure based, III. THE PROPOSED ALGORITHM
non-infrastructure based and coding based, based on the
special techniques used in building multiple paths and A. Overview of the Wireless Sensor Networks Routing
delivering sensing data. For each category, the authors Problem
studied the design of protocols, analyzed the tradeoff of
In this section, structure of wireless sensor networks is
each design, and overviewed several representing
illustrated in advance. As is shown in Fig. 2, the structure
protocols [16].
of wireless sensor networks is made up of three kinds of
Sha et al. studied the influence of the features of the
nodes, including 1) sensor node, 2) sink node and 3)
propagation channel in the performance of energy-
source node. Packets are transmitted from source nodes to
efficient routing algorithms for wireless sensor networks.
sink nodes. Afterwards, the packets are transmitted to
Considering that the propagation channel may affect the
base station. Finally, the users can obtain the information
efficiency of the different energy-efficient routing
collected from the wireless sensor networks from Internet
algorithms, different propagation scenarios are proposed
in this work, from the most simplistic free-space
Considering the number of sensor nodes in the sensing
propagation model to more complex ones [17].
area is much smaller than the nodes that are outside the
Lu et al. proposed a distributed data fusion routing
sensing field, hence, the amount of data generated by the
(D2F) algorithm, which is designed for deploying
nodes in the sensing field is negligible as compared to the
distributed data fusion application in wireless sensor
data flowing to the sensing field from outside. Therefore,
networks. D2F can find the optimal route path and fusion
the energy consumption in the sensing field is due to
placements for a given data fusion tree, which obtains the
relaying the data which came from outside the sensing
optimal energy consumption for in-network data fusion.
field. In addition, to decrease the energy consumption of
D2F can also handle different link failures and maintain
the whole wireless sensor networks, the data flowing
the optimality of energy cost of data fusion by adapting to
between it and the sink node should be controlled as well.
the dynamic change of network [18].
As is shown in Fig. 3, illustration of hybrid multi-hop
Chi et al. presented a grid-based routing scheme
routing mode is given. For this mode, a hierarchical
known as TRENS. First, the authors addressed the issue
multi-hop routing algorithm can be implemented to
of the WSN comprising multiple mobile targets and
decrease the inflow of data flowing to the target, and then
observers-with TRENS being the first scheme of its kind
utilize a flat multi-hop routing algorithm inside the
to use tracking technology to increase the efficiency of
sensing area to decrease the average transmission
routing procedures in the context of dynamic topology.
distance between sensor nodes. In this mode, the
Next, they introduced a shortcutting approach to resolve
information packets could be transmitted from sensor
energy issues by optimizing routing paths and thus
nodes to low level sink nodes, and then transmitted to the
decreasing communication costs and latency [19].
high level sink node.
Wang et al. proposed a distributed geographic K-
anycast routing (GKAR) protocol for WSNs, which can



Sensor node
Sink node where Depth(v) refers to the depth of the sensor node v .
Source node Therefore, the depth field force from the node v to its
close nodes( c ) is defined as follows.
Dd (v)  Dd (c)
station Fd (v, c)  (2)
where vc refers to the radio link cost in the proposed
routing algorithm, and vc  dis(v, c) is satisfied.
Sensing field

dis(v, c) denotes the distance between sensor v and

Physical layer Physical layer Physical layer
sensor c . Particularly, distance dis(v, c) is normalized
Data link layer Data link layer Data link layer
by the following equation.
TCP/IP layer TCP/IP layer TCP/IP layer
dis(v, c)  (0,1], if v is belonged to the neighbors of c
Source node Sensor node Sink node  (3)
 dis(v, c)  (1, ), otherwise
Transmitted packets Received error-free Received packets
packets Definition 2 (Queue length field)
Figure 2. Structure of wireless sensor networks Queue length field is defined to avoid a hotspot which
is identified by a large queue, therefore, the value of
In the next sub-section, we will discuss how to design potential of the particular sensor ( c ) should be added.
an effective traffic load constrained routing algorithm for The formal description of the queue length field is
wireless sensor networks based on the above hybrid represented as follows.
multi-hop routing mode.
Dq (v)  Q(v), Q(v) [0,1] (4)
B. Traffic Load Constrained Routing Algorithm
To illustrate the proposed algorithm, some important where the function Q(v) denotes the normalized queue
definitions should be explained in advance. length at the given sensor, and Q(v) is computed through
Definition 1 (Depth potential field) number of the packets in the queue divided by the size of
Depth potential field can make each packet flow buffer for the given sensor v . Furthermore, the queue
toward the sink node, and then the basic routing function length potential force Fq (v, c) from the sensor v to c is
is provided. The formal description of depth potential
field is represented as follows. represented as follows.

Dd (v)  Depth(v) (1) Dq (v)  Dq (c)

Fq (v, c)  (5)

1 1
where the range of Fq (v, c) is belonged to [ , ].
vc vc
Based on the above two definitions, the queue length
field can implement an effective routing algorithm with
High level sink node traffic load constrained. Next, how to integrate these two
Low level sink node definitions is of great importance in our algorithm. In our
Sensor node
algorithm, these two definitions are combined as follows.
Dh (v)  (1   )  Dd (v)    Dq (v) (6)

where Dh (v) refers to the potential of the combined field

for the sensor v , and the condition   [0,1] is satisfied.
Hence, the combined force can be represented as follows.
Fh (v, c)  (1   )  Fd (v, c)    Fq (v, c) (7)

Before illustrate the proposed algorithm, the

representations of chromosomes should be explained at
first. We use a structure composed of real numbers to
represent the chromosomes. Fig. 4 demonstrates the
structure of the chromosomes we used.
The proposed routing algorithm can control the
network traffic through adjusting the network’s topology.
Figure 3. Hybrid multi-hop routing mode Next, the fitness function we used is defined as follows.



Fitness Data transfer rate for ID of the distribution of power consumption in wireless sensor
child node n Neighbor
node n
networks is measured as well. The first method we
compared is name CODA (Congestion Detection and
FIT Cid[n] CR[n] FR[n] Nid[2][n] NR[2][n] Avoidance in Sensor Network) which proposed two cases
to detect the traffic congestion phenomenon [28]. The
second approach is named MINT, which is a traditional
routing protocol utilized in the TinyOS [29].
ID of the Forwarding rate Data transfer rate of
child node n for the node n the neighbor node n
Figure 4. Structure of the chromosomes
Deployment Deployment type Randomly
Area size 120m*120m
1 Network structure Hierarchical
 n 1  ADT  ( NRi  FR 2  2
Number of sensor nodes 1200
FIT   
  ADT Number of sink nodes 75
 i 1 n 
  (8) Max depth 42
Average of node degree 13
n 1
s.t. ADT   i Radio range 7.5m
i 1 n Transmission rate of link layer 10Kbps
Task Application type Event-driven
Based on the above definitions, the proposed algorithm Packet size 28 Bytes
for traffic load constrained routing is listed as follows. Other Buffer size 25 pockets
Algorithm 1: Traffic load constrained routing algorithm for settings MUI 10s
wireless sensor networks LUI 2.5s
Input: The deployment of the wireless sensor networks Update threshold 0.15
Output: The function f (w, v Ii ) , which can determine the routing Time 400s
scheme. As is shown in Fig. 5, transmission effectiveness is
Step 1: Obtained the feature vector v Ii  (v1 , v2 , , vk ) for all the used to make performance evaluation, and the
effectiveness refers to the ratio of the hops of the total
sensors, which are represented {S1 , S2 , , Sn }
packets received in the sink node to the number of
Step 2: Determining the parameter  packets transmitted from all sensor nodes. Particularly,
Step 3: Randomly choose a group of initial function for each
individual in the genetic algorithm, and organize them into a tree based
low effectiveness represents if sensor nodes transmit
structure many data packets, the packet reception rate of the sink
Step 4: While (Number of iterations < N gen ) node is low. Furthermore, the high effectiveness is an
{ important requirement for the long lifetime of wireless
Step 5: Computing the fitness of each tree, and then save the sensor networks. From Fig. 5, we can see the
first Ntree , which have higher fitness value transmission effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is
Step 6: Generating new individuals through the following operations only next to CODA, and is superior to MINT. For the
Crossover () performance in transmission effectiveness, the proposed
Mutation() algorithm is not better than CODA. However, the time
Evaluate() cost and power consumption of our algorithm is
} obviously less than CODA.
Step 7: For j  1 to Ntree  N gen  1 120

Step 8: Compare the function f j ( w, v Ii ) and f j 1 (w, v Ii ) and, the
higher value of f j ( w, v Ii ) and f j 1 (w, v Ii ) is assigned to the function 80
Transmission Efficiency

f (w, v Ii )
} 60


A. Simulation Settings 20

In this sub-section, we will illustrate the simulation CODA MINT The proposed algorithm

settings in detail. There are 1200 sensor nodes and 75 0


sink nodes, which are distributed in the 120m*120m area.


Time (sencond)
Particularly, all the sensors are organized in a hierarchical
structure, and the radio wave range is 7.5 m. The detailed Figure 5. Evaluation for effectiveness
simulation configuration is summarized in Table 1.
Afterwards, packet loss with time varying is tested in
B. Simulation Results and Analysis
Fig. 6, in which the metric of packet loss is used. In this
In this experiment, we evaluated the proposed experiment, MINT performs the worst, and CODA
algorithm with other methods under the metrics of the decreases the sensing rate of the terminal sensor nodes
effectiveness and the fairness. Furthermore, the when the traffic congestion occurs. Utilizing the proposed



algorithm, the queue overflow problem can be avoided 1

through reducing the data sensing rate. Furthermore, 0.9

considering small packet losses by the decrease in queue 0.8

overflows, CODA algorithm performs better than the 0.7

MINT algorithm. 0.6


50 0.4

Number of packet loss


30 CODA MINT The proposed algorithm

Time (sencond)

10 Figure 8. Evaluation of fairness

CODA MINT The proposed algorithm

From the above experimental results, it can be seen
that the proposed algorithm is superior to other methods.

Time (sencond)
The main reasons lie in the following aspects:
Figure 6. Evaluation of packet loss with time varying (1) A sink node can detect input data traffic to find
traffic congestion. If the traffic congestion is detected, the
sink node can make use of ACK messages to lower the
value of data sensing rates. However, the sink nodes in
CODA can not obtain enough information of the events,
and the reason lies in that the data sensing rate is reduced.
(2) As the specific sensor nodes in a routing path suffer
from the network traffic, MINT algorithm generates
Number of packets

60 queue overflows continuously. Particularly, in the MINT

algorithm, the energy consumption is disproportionate
40 across entire wireless sensor networks.
(3) The proposed algorithm defines the depth potential
field and queue length field, and then integrates them
CODA MINT The proposed algorithm
with linear combination. Afterwards, we utilize a
structure composed of real numbers to represent the

Time (sencond) chromosomes, and then make the routing decision with
traffic load constrained based on the genetic algorithm.
Figure 7. Evaluation of received packets number in the sink node
(4) In the proposed routing algorithm, when an event
happens, the sensing rates from the terminal sensor nodes
Afterwards, received packets number in the sink node
are increased to get the more accurate information. On
is evaluated. Fig. 7 illustrates the number of packets
the other hand, the proposed algorithm can distribute the
received in the sink node, and utilizing the proposed
concentrated traffic into the available neighbor sensor
algorithm the sink node can receive more packets than
nodes. Hence, the traffic congestion can be effectively
other two methods. It can be seen that the proposed
algorithm can make full use of resource and transfer data
(5) In the proposed algorithm, the concept of “Depth
reliably in wireless sensor networks.
potential field” is defined to make each packet flow
Next, we evaluate the fairness of sensors utilized in the
toward the sink node, and then the basic routing function
high level of the location where the events happened in
is provided. A new parameter to demonstrate the depth of
the routing tree (see Fig. 8). As the proposed algorithm
the sensor node is given, and a number representing the
can effectively distribute the data traffic to its close
radio link cost is defined as well.
sensors, the proposed algorithm has higher fairness value.
(6) The concept of “Queue length field” is further
However, although the proposed algorithm has a better
defined to avoid a hotspot which is identified by a large
fairness value compared to other two methods, the
queue. Therefore, the value of potential of the particular
performance of our algorithm is not satisfied yet.
sensor could be added in our works. Moreover, the queue
Combining the experimental results in the metric of
length potential force between two sensors can be
“transmission effectiveness”, “packet loss”, “received
packets number” and “fairness”, we can know that the
(7) In this paper, a group of initial function for each
overall performance of the proposed algorithm is better
individual in the genetic algorithm is randomly chosen,
than CODA and MINT, and it can provide an effective
and then they are organized into a tree-based structure.
routing scheme for the hybrid multi-hop wireless sensor



V. CONCLUSIONS [14] Sutagundar A. V., Manvi S. S., Wheel Based Event

Triggered Data Aggregation and Routing in Wireless
In this paper, a traffic load constrained routing Sensor Networks: Agent Based Approach, Wireless
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Particularly, we concentrate on the multi-hop wireless [15] Shang Fengjun, A Multi-hop Routing Algorithm based on
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length field are defined in our algorithm, and they are Mathematics & Information Sciences, 2013, 7(3) pp. 1021-
combined by a linear combination equation. Next, we 1034.
deisgn a structure which is made up of real numbers to [16] Sha Kewei, Gehlot Jegnesh, Greve Robert, Multipath
represent the chromosomes, and then the traffic load Routing Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks: A
Survey, Wireless Personal Communications, 2013, 70(2)
constrained routing decision with based on the genetic
pp. 807-829.
algorithm can be obtained. Particularly, in order to [17] Padilla P., Camacho J., Macia-Fernandez G., On the
effectively control network traffic, the proposed Influence of the Propagation Channel in the Performance
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Study on Measuring System of Casing Machine

Based on PLC
Huiqiang Wang, Yanqiu Xing, and Weilian Sun
College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding 071001, China

Abstract—According to the technology requirements of line, and have their scraping machine for casings. But in
measurement for animal casing, in this paper, we use PLC the measurement of casing length aspect, the domestic
and touch screen as the control core, the electromechanical enterprises are still relatively backward, most of them use
integration design ideas to research the methods and manual methods to measure the length and the operators
principles for casing measure, and analyze the mechanical
measure the casing in the graduated platform, and record
structures and mechanical characteristics of casing machine.
As the control core, the programmable logic controller the length manually. This method is simple, practical, but
(PLC) ensures that the whole control system has high very time consuming, laborious, low production
precision, high stability, high reliability during the efficiency. The main disadvantage is large measurement
operation time. Through PLC and touch screen well match error, because the casing is elastic, different measuring
with PLC which make the casing machine more convenient strength gets different results and will get big deviation,
to operate the whole system. The configuration software so both sides of transaction will have different results and
form has a brief and intuitive interface on touch screen leads to disputes which will cause the unnecessary
which makes it easy to use. The mechanical structure and economic losses. In addition, the animal casings can
control system of this casing machine are more stable, more
easily be eroded by microbe, and the manual
reliable and with high anti-interference ability, and satisfies
various requirements for animal casings, easy and measurement will increase the chemical change of casing,
convenient to operate. also cause damage to the health of operator. Therefore it
should be to minimize the time of workers touching
Index Terms—Programmable Logic Controller (PLC); casings [4].
Touch Screen; Animal Casing; Measurement With the labor cost growing, the manual measurement
is not practical and unable to meet the demands for casing
measure. Through we refer much domestic and foreign
data, there is no reports about the precise measurement
Casing is fresh intestines of animals, which is need to method for casing. The foreign equipments are very
remove the unnecessary tissues of intestines, and leave a expensive and have much complicated procedures, so it is
tough layer of translucent films [1]. According to not suitable for our country, and it can not meet the
different kinds of animals, it contains pig casings, sheep demands for domestic casing measuring enterprises, so it
casings and beef casings. According to the different kinds is necessary to research the casing measurement machine.
of position, it contains large intestine and small intestine. According to the present situations, this article adopts
Casings are mainly used as sausage, enema coat. Sheep the electromechanical technology [5]. After the deep
casings can be made of casing thread, tennis threads, analysis on mechanical structure and control system of
strings and surgical sutures [2]. In recent years, with the foreign casing measurement machine, we design the high
development of science and technology, scientists efficient casing measurement machine. This project
succeeded in extracting heparin sodium from the casings, designs the mechanism for suit casing measure, and the
and the heparin sodium has important functions of control system based on PLC [6] and rotary encoder, that
anticoagulant for blood, can be used for preventing and the control system have high accuracy for measurement
curing thrombosis diseases, such as myocardial infarction, and the measuring accuracy is 1cm. Control system
pulmonary embolism, cerebral embolism. Multipurpose increased the auxiliary function, such as the selection
of casings make great requirements for use, pig casing function [7], speed setting function, automatic counting
production in our country takes more than 60% of the function, display function, print function, and improve
total world production. Because the huge demands in the the economy and the practicability of product [4].
international market, more than 80% of the casing of our In this article, we design the automatic machine for
country are for export, more than 300000 barrels for measure the animal casings, which can save time, costs,
export each year, the export amount reaches 20 million and make it more clear for people. The mechanical
dollars [3]. structures of this machine are much simple and light, we
With the prosperity of casing market, it is necessary to use stainless steel as the machine parts which has no
develop the machining and manufacturing equipments, pollutions to cases. In the past years, people measure the
some casing enterprises have their own casing production casings length with many problems, such as the precision,



the health, clear, pollution, stability and other problems mechanical unit are the basis guarantee for the machine.
[8]. In order to solve the problems in animal casings The base of mechanical is integrated into electrical
measurement, compared with the foreign countries, we control system [5], this combination can realize the
design the measurement machine for animal casings. The automatic measure for casing length. Casing machine not
machine parts contains measuring wheel, rotary encoder, only needs to meet the functional requirements, but also
toggle switch and proximity switch, the whole needs to consider the economy and reliability, and it need
mechanism as shown in figure 1 and figure 2. The to operate safely , reliablely, conveniently and repair all
measuring wheel and driving wheel were used to drive the selected components as possible as to use standard
the animal casing, the casing in the surface of wheel and size and standard part. Finally, appearance design,
measured by rotary encoder. innovative design can make the product more attractive
The driving system contains hooks, stepper motor, cause the attention of people, increase the commercial
driving wheel and driving mechanism. The measuring value and have a good sale. This casing measurement
wheel connects with the rotary encoder, the proximity machine combines the appearance with function perfectly
switch is installed on the sensing position when the together which makes the machine have more elegant
proximity switch senses the action of toggle switch is appearance, and meets man-machine engineering
pushed down, it will produce the interruption signal and requirements and also satisfies with the industrial design
sends the detection information. So the PLC will [10].
automatically and effectively to receive the pulse from This casing measurement machine includes three parts:
rotary encoder. When the toggle switch is raised driving part, measuring part and control part. The driving
automatically, the PLC immediately stops receiving pulse part mainly contains hooks, stepper motor, driving wheel
and finishes displaying and storing the measuring data, and driving mechanism, of which the main function is to
display the measuring length in the touch screen through drive the wheel through stepper motor and realize the
RS232 communication port. The control part includes the drawing for casing. The measuring part includes
electrical components, PLC, touch screen, printer and measuring wheel, rotary encoder, toggle switch and
switching power supply which realizes data setting, and proximity switch, and the main function is to realize the
makes the casing machine finish tasks, display the measurements of casing length. The specific design is
relevant information and realize the human-computer making the measuring wheel connect with the rotary
interaction. Use PLC as the control core and complete the encoder, proximity switch is installed on the sensing
coordination control of every casing machine parts. Main position which toggle switch is pushed down, when the
use of touch screen is to set parameters and display data, proximity switch sense toggle switch is pushed down, it
through serial communication of printer and touch screen produces the interruption signal and sends the detection
can print the measuring data at any time [9]. information. PLC will automatically and effectively to
In the last, we use the XCPPro software to design the receive the pulse from rotary encoder [11-12], when the
program of control system. The goal of program is to toggle switch is raised automatically, PLC immediately
make the control process more convenient and the whole stop receiving pulse and finish displaying and storing the
system more stable. The software is very practical and measuring data, display the measuring length in the touch
effective for program editing. The users can easily create screen through RS232 communication port. The control
project program, it has the powerful online editing part includes electrical components, PLC, touch screen,
capabilities, allow users to perform at any time during the printer and switching power supply which realizes data
running process, through the editing and testing function setting of casing machine, and make the casing machine
to perform the testing process before the entry into force. finish task, display the relevant information and realize
Through the “draw-release” editing function to quickly the human-computer interaction. Use PLC as the control
copy commands in the same project and move freely core and complete the coordination control of every
between the different steps. The strong function of right casing machine part. The main use of touch screen is to
click menu, it is not necessary to remember the position set parameters and display data, through serial
in the menu of toolbar, also can easily find the desired communication of printer and touch screen can print the
application, and greatly saves programmers time. In the measuring data at any time.
I/0 configuration function, the user can easily set every The overall structures are as shown in figure 1, figure 2.
module allocation, not only that, through the computer The measuring process contains the following steps:
connect with PLC, the software can also automatically set First of all, choose the casing type in touch screen
the I/O allocation. In the database, the user through the window, and set speed of driving wheel. When we press
derivation function and export the CSV files and made the start button, casing measurement machine sends the
into excel documents, so it makes the program data is signal by the logic control part and control the starting
very clear to users stepper motor, and driving the wheel.
Then, select the casing which needs to measure. Put
II. THE OVERALL DESIGN the casing on the casing stand, and press the toggle switch
according the casing weight, and then make the casing
A. The Mechanism Design for Casing Measuring around the bottom of measuring wheel, at last the casing
Machine is put on the driving wheel, and depends on the friction
Mechanical design is the basis of whole casing between driving wheel and casing which drag casing
machine, the rationality and reliability of different



move. In this process, the measuring length of casing is casings and the handful production in a day. The storage
displayed in the screen. The second casings measure part is to store some input value to specific memory
when the first casings finish measurement. addresses and reduce duplication of input in next time.
Finally, according to the actual need, it can print the The printer is connected with touch screen, which can
corresponding data. Press the reset key to make the data print the measuring data at any time. The measuring data
zero and can measure the next a handful casing. mainly includes casing types, casing specifications, a
handful length, root number of a handful casings,
manufacturer, inspectors and production date which easy
to manage and count, and also improve the the economy,
the practicability of the equipment [13].
The overall system maps are as shown in figure 3.

1. touch screen 2. hook 3.measuring wheel 4. tumbler switch 5. driving

wheel 6. waterproof hood 7. switch button
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of appearance

Figure 3. The diagram of the whole control system

C. The Selection of PLC

The selection of PLC is mainly considering three
aspects of basic properties, special functions and
1. coupler 2. stepper motor 3. encoder 4. heavy hammer 5. proximity communication network [15-16]. The basic principle of
switch 6. drive shaft selection is to meet the requirements of control, quantity,
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of interior structure side look the cost, and also has high advanced and good sale
service. For the control system, measuring process is not
B. The Scheme of Control System complicated, but has poor working conditions, the
repairing task is small, so it is more suitable to choose the
According to the properties requirement of control overall structure PLC.
system, the working conditions were more moist and In the control circuit, the input signal mainly includes
have much water, have vibration during the measurement three parts: the parameters setting; the high-speed pulse
process, and use the programmable logic controller (PLC) input; the sensing signal of proximity switch. The
as the control core. The closed module structure of PLC parameters setting on the touch screen, and use the RS-
make it more convenient and more flexible [13-14], more 232 serial bus port in the PLC option board to
reliability. The precision and the anti-interference ability communicate with touch screen which it will greatly
is more higher in installation, in repair, in expansion reduce the number of input dots in control system. The
aspect. The PLC carry out the 1K logic program is less system use the incremental encoder to detect casing
than 1 millisecond, which have the high precision, high length, therefore it require 1 number channel with high
stability, high reliability and safety for whole control speed count to input. Proximity switch is the inductive
system, and make the system so easy to operate. types, and mainly used for position detection and
The hardware system mainly includes three parts: (1) accumulate casing root number which need 1 I/O input
the PLC logic control part; (2) the touch screen part; (3) dots. So the whole system need 2 input dots.
the printer parts. The PLC logic control part also contains In the output signal aspects, it mainly includes the
two parts: (1) the step electrical motor; (2) the input part stepper motor control system. Step motors use the
of proximity switch and encoder. Step motor used to professional and subdivide driver to carry out subdividing
control the rotation of driving wheel, proximity switch and driving task. The step motor driver determines the
used to detect the position which can count the roots of output dots of PLC and it is unnecessary to control the
casing and control the PLC to receive the information rotate in positive and negative, so it is only need 1 pulse
from encoder. The input pulse of encoder is used to input dot. The system input total need 1 I/O input dot.
measure the length of casing. Touch screen have three According to the above type requirements and also
parts: (1) data input part;(2)data display part; (3) data taking into account the economic cost of whole control
storage part. The data input part is mainly use the key to system, this article choose XC series XC2-14RT-E type
input the speed, casing type. The data display part is to PLC as the core device for main control module, this PLC
track the measured length, root number of handful is produced by XINJIE company in china. This XC series



PLC belong to basic type, have the all kinds of function, medium-sized types and automatic equipment and
have very high operation capability, and the peripheral instruments, such as: small engraving machine, CNC
I/O resources is abundant which makes control system machine tools.
simple to operate.
XC2-14RT-E type PLC is a small size but with high TABLE I. PRODUCT SPECIFICATION AND PERFORMANCE
function produced by XINJIE company, and has the relay Machine Phase Phase Phase
Step angle
/ transistor mixed output (transistor is Y0, Y1), 220V AC Type
length voltage current resistance
power supply. The I/O number dot is 14, in which the (mm) (V) (A) (Ω)
1.8 113 3.8 4 0.95
input dot number is 8, the output dot number is 6, with 2 85BY Phase static Rotary
road pulse output, 4 road high-speed counter input, 2 road pin count Weight
GH450C inductance torque inertia
( (kg)
communication port. (H) (N.m) (kg.m2)
PLC mainly completes the following functions: 7.5 6.4 8 3.6 4
(1) through the serial communication port RS-232 of E. The Interface Circuit of PLC and Stepper Motor
XC2-14RT-E (RS-232) to communicate with touch Driver
(2) receive high speed pulse from encoder; The DP-508 type driver choose the 5 bit dial code
(3) accumulate the number of proximity switch sense switch to set the half and whole wave and subdivision
the object; accuracy. SW1: set the half and whole wave state (SW1=
(4) sends the order to step motor driver; OFF: half state; SW1=ON: the whole state); according to
the setting current value to determine output torque of
D. The Selection of Step Motor and Drivers motor( the setting current is high, the output torque is
There are three kinds of step motors: reactive step larger). SW2~SW5: set the subdivision accuracy, it is set
motor, permanent magnet step motor, hybrid step motor. to "OFF,OFF,ON,ON" state which the subdivision time
The reactive step motor has the advantages in simple numbers is 8 , the subdivision step angle is 0.225 degree
structure, low cost, but the dynamic performance is poor, (1600 steps / circle).
noise and vibration are great; the permanent magnet step The step motor driver produce the weak current signal,
motor has small torque and volume, the step angle is 7.5 the PLC control system to amplify the strong current
degree or 15 degree; the hybrid step motor combines the signal which the step motor can accept, the control
advantages of the above two, great output torque, good system is mainly provide the pulse signal (PUL-) to
dynamic performance, small step angle, but the structure driver. The pulse signal (PUL-) is used to control the
is complex, high cost. At present, the two-phase and five position and speed of the stepper motor, and also is to say:
phase hybrid step motor are widely used. the driver receive a pulse signal it will drive the motor to
The selection of step motor and the drivers are in rotate one angle ( it is an subdivision step angle when
following the next aspects: subdivision). When the pulse frequency is changed it will
Confirm the load torque. According to the high rotary make the motor speed change. If control the CP pulse
speed of motor to design the maximum speed which is numbers it can make precise positioning, so it’s very
not more than 1000r/min; according to the torque and convenient to achieve the aim to adjust the speed and
speed, check the torque and frequency characteristics of positioning of stepper motor [17].
motor, choose the motor which to meet requirements, but The interface circuits of PLC and stepper motor driver
must have certain margin of torque and speed. as shown in figure 4.
When choose the motor, the torque is not the bigger
the better, it must consider the high speed characteristics.
Some motor although have the great standard value, but
the torque reduce quickly with the speed increasing, this
kind motor are suit for low-speed conditions; although
some motors have the small standard value, but the
torque reduce slowly, can be used in high speed
The selection of subdivision driver: According to the
above factors and experimental data, we uses the
85BYG450C models of the stepper motor, the step motor Figure 4. Connection diagram of driver
is the 2 phase of hybrid stepper motor, its parameters as
shown in table I.
The DP-508 type subdivision driver, the maximum F. The Circuit of PLC and Rotary Encoder
subdivision number is 200, the supply voltage is up to ROTARY ENCODER IS THE SENSOR WHICH CONVERTS
40/80V DC, the effective output current value is up to THE Mechanical position value into the electrical signal,
5.0A, which can drive below the 5.0A motor of two- and can measure the position and speed after to treat the
phase hybrid step motor. This motor choose the sine signal. The linear encoder is the sensor which can detect
wave control techniques which make motor to run the linear mechanical displacement, it also an high
smoothly, no noise, and has protection function in over- precision, high resolution, high reliability of position
voltage and over-current, especially suit for small and



detection device, and it can detect the displacement of value will increase or reduce according to the two
moving parts in machine tool. differential signals (A phase and B phase). This system
According to the structure and working principle, the does not involve the direction and the count down, it only
encoder can be divided into photoelectric encoder, electro needs to count up, so choose the incremental mode (C600
magnetic encoder, the mechanical contact type. The counter). In general, X0, X1 terminals input frequency
photoelectric encoder, because it has high accuracy, can reach 80KHz in the single phase and AB phase, so
reliability and low cost which makes it widely used in the choose the X0 terminals as the input of counting pulse
modern machine tools. Photoelectric rotary encoder can [20].
be divided into absolute rotary encoder and incremental
G. The Circuit of PLC and TP-760-T Touch Screen
encoder. The principle of absolute rotary encoder is for
every benchmark angle it sends only corresponding The touch screen is the short for programmable
binary value, and can be recorded and measured by the terminal of use touch screen operation panel. Touch
external ring devices. The principle of incremental screen includes the display screen, touch sensing element
encoder is to emit one pulse signal when turned a unit and touch screen controller. The touch sensing element is
angle [18]. mounted in the front of display screen and detecting
Taking into account cost, the cost of absolute encoder touch location, sends the detecting signal to touch screen
is several times or ten times of incremental encoder. For controller. Touch screen controller convert the received
measuring the casing length, we choose the incremental signal into point coordinates and transmit it to the CPU
photoelectric encoder. According to the function unit of PLC through the communication cable. The
perspective, it suits for choose the incremental relevant information in the PLC which through CPU unit
photoelectric encoder because the system is to count the transmit to the touch screen controller via the
rotary cumulating. So, in this system, we choose the communication cable, and display in screen with the
incremental rotary encoder and use the PLC to count the number, text or graphics.
output pulse of the rotary encoder and measuring the In the measurement control system of casing machine,
casing length. choose the touch screen as man-machine interactive
After comprehensive consideration, this system equipment and mainly to achieve the input and display
chooses the ZSP4006-003G-600BZ3-12-24C incremental function of control information. The necessary control
encoder of HP technic company. The parameters: DC5V- parameters mainly includes: selection of casing types,
DC24V; 600p/r of resolution; the output phase of A, B, Z; speed of driving wheel, date, time, and the print label.
the output mode is the NPN open collector output; the The touch screen needs to send the control information to
maximum frequency response is 100kHz; the maximum PLC through the universal serial port, the PLC according
force is 30N, 20N in the axial direction; maximum speed to the users selection to sends the suitable control signal
is 6000r/min [19]. to step motor driver and according to the encoder pulse
signal to perform the measuring task.
The touch screen mainly completes the input and
display function, so its requirements is not high, it just
necessarily have the great picture data to restore,
sufficient resolution and brightness, the basic serial
communication function, convenient communication. So
this will meet the control requirements, and we choose
the TP-760-T touch screen.
Figure 5. Connection diagram of encoder
TP-760-T touch screen is the precision electric
resistance of network types ( the surface hardness 4H)
XC series PLC has the high-speed counting function, and have 4 lines, it supports all major manufacturers of
by choosing different counters to achieve the PLC products, has strong function, more convenient to
measurement of high speed input signal for suit the use, have high reliability, long life, high performance
measurement sensor and rotary encoders, the highest price ratio. The TouchWin software for editing the
frequency can reach 80KHz. The XC series high speed picture which has a friend user interface, easy to operate,
counting function total has three kinds of counting modes: and it can realize the configuration function.
gradually increasing mode, pulse + direction input mode, TP-760-T is an 7 inches 256 color touch screen, the
AB phase mode. The gradually increasing mode, input voltage is DC20V-DC28V, current consumption is
counting the input pulse signal and the counting value 280mA, shock resistance of 10-25HZ (X, Y, Z direction
will gradually increase with every pulse signal increasing. of each 30 minute 2G), relative humidity (20-85%
The pulse + direction input mode, the pulse signal and without dew), 4MB pictures memory and 4KB data
direction signal are also input, and the counting number memory, dual ports of independent communications and
will increase or reduce according to direction signal state, can connect with 2 different equipment, communication
when counting direction is OFF, the counting input will port supports RS-232/RS-422/RS-485, download port
add the plus counting number; when counting direction is supports RS-232/RS-485. It also can directly drive a
ON, the counting input will add the minus counting panel printer.
number. In the AB phase mode, the high speed counting Based on the above features of the TP-760-T, meet the
requirements of working environment and also meet the



functional requirements of control system, this system I. The Interpolation Algorithm of PLC
chooses the TP-760-T touch screen to complete the In the Figure 7, the Po, Ps, Pi-1, Pi, Pe is the centre of
system input and display function.TP-760-T touch screen a circle, the starting point, the previous interpolation
has download and PLC communication port. The point, interpolation point and the end point. The R is the
download communication port has two main functions: (1) radius of arc, α i-1, Δ α is the angle and the angle
the download function: it connect with the computer and increment between the PoPi-1 and X axis, the
used as the picture data download port; (2) interpolation direction is anticlockwise.
communication function: it connects with PLC, printer, The chord of er is the trajectory error in the Pi-1Pi arc
converter and other equipments, which used as (the mark is negative), the feed step L are:
communications port. This system download
communication port connects with a printer, PLC L  8Rer  8R 2  (1)
communication port main function is to connect with
industrial control equipment, such as PLC, frequency The  is the relative error of orbit:
converter, instrument etc..
The TouchWin editing software of TP series HMI er
 (2)
configuration tool has a friendly user interface which is R
easy to operate, and it is convenient to set the
communication parameters between PLC and touch Because of the relative error is reasonable to evaluate
screen. In the configuration software, execute the menu machining precision of arc than absolute error, in
commands "file-system settings", click the "device" accordance with the machined requirements to choose
button in the open dialog box, set the communication relative error of orbit  , the each interpolation angle
parameters between the PLC and touch screen. PLC increment  is the constant.
device type is XC series, baud rate is 19200bit/s, 8 data for the interpolation point Pi-1:
bits, 1 stop bit, parity check. xi 1  x0  R cos i 1 (3)
The serial port 1 of PLC should set the same
communication parameters and through the XCPPro
software to set. The specific parameters are: the yi 1  y0  R sin i 1 (4)
communication port is serial communication port 1,
communication mode is Modbus 1, baud rate 19200bit/s, Use the i  i 1   to take the place of above
8 data bits, 1 stop bit, parity check [21]. formula, and solve the new interpolation point of pi , the
H. The Software Design of Control System pi recursive interpolation formula are:
On the basis of above design of hardware and xi  k1 xi 1  k2 yi 1  c1 (5)
according to the actual requirements of system write the
program. In the measurement of casing machine control
system, the control core of PLC mainly completes the yi  k1 yi 1  k2 xi 1  c2 (6)
control function [22], the touch screen mainly complete In the formula:
information display and parameter setting.
XCPPro programming software is one of very practical k1  cos  (7)
and effective program editing software for XC series
programmable controller. The users can easily create k2  sin  (8)
project program, it has the powerful online editing
capabilities, allows users to perform at any time during
the running process, through the editing and testing c1  (1  k1 ) x0  k2 y0 (9)
function to perform testing before the entry into force.
Through the “draw-release” editing function to quickly c2  (1  k1 ) y0  k2 x0 (10)
copy commands in the same project and move freely
between the different steps. The strong right click menu In the formula, k1 , k 2 , c1 , c2 are the constants, and
function, it is not necessary to remember the position in it only needs to calculate once. It only needs the previous
the menu of toolbar, also can easily find the desired interpolation points, this is the advantages of recursive
application, and greatly saves programmers time. In the I/ formula of interpolation and convenient to the PLC
O configuration function, the user can easily set every programming and counting.
module allocation, not only that, through the computer According to the increment of interpolation point, the
connect with PLC, the software can also automatically set interpolation speed in the x axis and y axis are:
the I/O allocation. In the database, the user through the
x x  xi 1
derivation function and export the CSV files and made fx  f  i f (11)
into excel document, so make the program data is very L L
clear to users [23].
In this paper, we use the XCPPro programming y y  yi 1
software to design the whole control system, the main fy  f  i f (12)
L L
program flow chart is as shown in figure 6.



Figure 6. The main program of control system

x , y , f are the pulse increment in two axis and produce in actual measuring process, but the experiment
the synthetic interpolation speed. results shows that the efficiency in system error range.
Casing measurement machine should have the accurate III. CONCLUSIONS
quality and high efficiency. Because casing has the
tensile properties, when the operators use the unequal In this paper, we use the electromechanical integration
force, it will easily lead to large measurement errors. minds to research the methods and principles of casing
When we use the measurement machine which largely measurement machine. The mechanical structure
avoids the artificial factors, but this measurement error principles and characteristics of the casing measurement
still exists, and the manufacturers require measurement machine parts were analyzed, according to the
error is less than 0.5% [24]. requirements of casing measurement technology, the
Through the experiments, the measuring system control system choose the combination of PLC and touch
running stable, motor running smooth, no low frequency screen. The experiment results show that the stability,
oscillation. To verify the accuracy of casing measuring reliability and the anti-interference ability of system meet
machine, it makes the length experiment which mainly the requirements, it is simple and convenient to operate.
test the casing measurement machine whether can quickly Use the PLC as the control core which makes the whole
and accurately measure the casing length. Choose the system with high precision, high stability, high reliability
length of 100 meters sheep casing to do the work, the in the control process. The good match of PLC and touch
speed of driving wheel is 150r/min. The results of 15 screen, makes it more succinct in the control system
groups are shown in tableⅡ. configuration, connection and PLC program. Through the
configuration software, it has a simple and intuitive
TABLE II. THE RESULTS OF MEASURING TEST interface on the touch screen, and easy to use.
After the design of mechanical structure, the control
Measuring Measuring Measuring
data system, the software and hardware, the casing
1 99.72 6 99.62 11 99.63 measurement machine is produced, through the
2 99.65 7 99.70 12 99.65 manufacture use and experiments, it meets the design
3 99.67 8 99.73 13 99.71 requirements.
4 99.80 9 99.66 14 99.75
5 99.69 10 99.58 15 99.80
From the table II we can see that, there are some ACKNOWLEDGMENT
deviation between the measured value and the actual This work is supported by the project of “The
length, the average value is 99.69 meters of 15 groups, undergraduate education innovative highlands
the measurement error is 0.31% which can meet design construction projects of Hebei Province-The agricultural
requirements of less than 0.5%. The slight slip sometimes mechanization education innovative highlands”, the
Natural Science Research Fund Project of Hebei Province



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Grid Computing based on Game Optimization

Theory for Networks Scheduling
Zhang Peng-fei 1, li Xiang-yang 1, and Ma Lei 2
1. Guangdong AIB Polytechnic College, Guangdong Guangzhou 510507, China
2. Beijing Polytechnic, Beijing 100015, China

Abstract—The resource sharing mechanism is introduced grid computer system must use free resources and assign
into grid computing algorithm so as to solve complex resources from different business providers into the tasks
computational tasks in heterogeneous network-computing of different users [7].
problem. However, in the Grid environment, it is required Recently, a large number of grid resource scheduling
for the available resource from network to reasonably
algorithms are proposed to solve these problems, such as
schedule and coordinate, which can get a good workflow
and an appropriate network performance and network genetic algorithm, ant colony algorithm and game theory
response time. In order to improve the performance of algorithm [8]. In this paper, game theory algorithm is
resource allocation and task scheduling in grid computing adopted to handle resource scheduling in grid
method, a game model based on non-cooperation game is environment. Game theory is a major method used in
proposed. Setting the time and cost of user’s resource mathematical economics and business for modeling
allocation can increase the performance of networks, and competing behaviors of interacting agents. When two or
incentive resource of networks uses an optimization more participants with different objectives must be
scheduling algorithm, which minimizes the time and cost of selected, the game theory can be used to analyze the
resource scheduling. Simulation experiment results show the
problem. The decision made by one participant can affect
feasibility and suitability of model. In addition, we can see
from the experiment result that model-based genetic another participant in this case. The game relationship
algorithm is the best resource scheduling algorithm. between resource provider and user always exists, where
they all have a reasonably advantageous settlement.
Index Terms— Network security; Grid computing; A game model based on non-cooperation game is
Workflow scheduling; Resource allocation; Game theory proposed to perform workflow scheduling, where the
resource agents in network environment are the
participants from game model [9]. These participants
compete against each other for maximizing their profit
In order to solve complex problems in limited time, the and designing scheduling algorithm. In addition,
concept of grid computing is introduced and becomes an incentive agent uses an optimal algorithm to process
alternative supercomputer program. A variety of workflow scheduling, which minimizes the time and cost
computing resource is used by virtual connection, while of resource scheduling.
ability and structure of this resource have the great The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In
difference from each other [1]. The goal of grid Section two, grid computing model and the proposed
computing is to develop a simple and effective computing model parameters are introduced and analyzed deeply.
platform for a variety of devices [2]. Network response The game strategies and corresponding parameter are
time and performance in grid environment is often more described in Section three. The experimental results are
than that in non-grid environment, which requires us to shown and Nash equilibrium is also analyzed in Section
carefully design plan, scheduling, coordination of four, and the conclusion is made in Section five.
network resource [3]. Since these resources have to work
together in grid environment, parallel and multi-level II. SYSTEM MODEL
calculation is used to solve these problems [4]. According The grid computing model and non-cooperation game
to the dynamic changes of network environment, the model are introduced in this section. Firstly, we introduce
resource of scheduling becomes very complicated. The grid computing model. Then, we analyze the game theory
user and resource can enter or leave grid at any time, model used by grid computing model.
which lead to dynamic changes of grid system [5].
Therefore, a fast effective resource scheduling algorithm A. Grid Computing Model
is desperately required [6]. Grid computing model is shown in Figure 1, the
The resource scheduling algorithm must balance the respective workflows are firstly passed to resource agents
reliability, usability, cost of resource and the quality of which acts as standardized interfaces to entities in the
user’s service. Grid computing could involve businesses cluster ecosystem. Then, the resources scheduling is
and tasks form multiple business provider. Therefore, performed by resource agents. In order to meet user



budget and the deadline requirement, any scheduling where, P is a profit function, as shown in Equation 2:
algorithm is used to perform user resource scheduling,
where scheduling algorithm we should adopt is mainly P  Cmin    D  T     B  C  (2)
based on the user profit and running cost [10]. After the
where,  and  are positive number decided by
workflow scheduling strategy is selected, resource agent
will assign workflow to the corresponding resource [11] customer service quality. If the cost and time of workflow
[12], and then be allocated to user until the workflow is has the same priority, we can get    , which can be
over. By introducing utilization function, incentive viewed as protocol between user and resource agent. The
resource agent can optimize the workflow scheduling. purpose is to improve the solution so as to increase the
The adopted scheduling algorithms in this paper include profit of resource agent. In order to avoid negative, the
random-based algorithm and genetic algorithm. lower bound is defined as Cmin  CRES  CBK . In other
words, if random-based algorithm is adopted by resource
agent, the lower bound is defined as Cmin  CRES  CBK . In
addition, if genetic algorithm is adopted by resource
agent [15] [16], the lower bound is defined as
Cmin  CRES  CBG .
Users exchange with each other the respective
workflow runtime and cost related to scheduling
information after entering the grid computing
environment. According to the information, the
appropriate  and  can be determined in the
algorithm. After the two values are transferred to resource
Figure 1. Grid computing model
agent, the algorithm deems the two values still remain the
same in the process of game.
B. Game Model The detailed steps of proposed algorithm are described
from the user’s perspective as follows [17, 18].
In the proposed game model, resource agents are
Users send their workflow to resource agent;
participants, which they compete and co-operate with
Users receive C and T from resource agent;
each other for maximizing their profits, while the purpose
The optimal solution in workflow is winner of the
of resource scheduling is to minimize the time and cost of
running workflow. These adopted notations in this paper
According to these parameters of utilization function
are shown in Table 1.
and resource agent, compute the cost of workflow, and
TABLE I. EXPLANATION OF NOTATION then pay a payment to winner [19];
Wait for the next round.
D The maximum time in workflow According to user budget and the deadline requirement
B The maximum profit in workflow
in workflow, the resource agent must select an
Cmin Minimum profit of resource agent
appropriate strategy. The detailed steps of proposed
UB Utilization function of resource agent algorithm are described from the perspective of resource
U BR Utilization function of resource agent when using agent as follows [20-22].
random-based algorithm. Resource agent receives a workflow;
U BG Utilization function of resource agent when using genetic
Resource agent selects an appropriate strategy,
P Profit of resource agent according to the utilization function and the scheduling
T Real execution time in workflow case;
C Execution cost in workflow Return C and T back to users;
CBK Scheduling cost of resource agent If users agree the setting of the two values, the
Resource cost in workflow workflow tasks will assign resource to run the workflow,
and then receive the payment from user and pay the
CBR Scheduling cost of resource agent when using random-based
algorithm. resource cost of resource provider;
CBG Scheduling cost of resource agent when using genetic If users refuse the setting of the two values, wait for
algorithm. the next round.
CR Executed cost of resource agent when using random-based
CG Executed cost of resource agent when using genetic algorithm.

A. Game Strategy
Weight of workflow run-cost in utilization function
 Weight of workflow runtime in utilization function Resource agent can select two scheduling strategies,
In order to reduce the cost and time in running including random-based algorithm and genetic algorithm.
workflow, utilization function is introduced, as shown in Genetic Algorithm is an effective tool to solve the
the following Equation [13] [14]: problem of complex system optimization, which is
suitable for mixed nonlinear planning problems with
U B  P  CRES  CBK (1) dispersed variables. Non-dominated sorting genetic



algorithm (NSGA-II) is one of the most effective If   A , resource-agent randomly select scheduling
algorithms to solve multi-objective optimization algorithm.
problems [23-24], so the algorithm is adopted in this When   A , incentive resource-agent adopts genetic
paper. algorithm, but a larger  will increase the cost of users,
Resource agent randomly selects the resource in while incentive agent of users will be decreased, so it is
random-based algorithm until an appropriate solution is necessary for resource-agent to select an appropriate  .
found so as to meet user budget and the deadline As for any  , let’s assume it is a positive value.
requirement in workflow. The solution may not be
optimal, but it can decrease the time and cost of algorithm, IV. SIMULATION EXPERIMENTS AND ANALYSIS
so in some cases the resource agent will use the method The performance of the proposed workflow scheduling
to perform workflow scheduling [25] [26]. algorithm is evaluated by simulation in grid computing
B. Determine  and  environment. Some situations are taken into account in
simulation; the probability of winning is given in
Based on the Equation (1) and Equation (2), we can get multi-player game and two-player game. In addition, we
utilization function, as shown in Equation (3). also analyze Nash equilibrium and the effect of all the
U B  Cmin    D  T     B  C   CRES  CBK (3) parameter  on winning probability. Simulation
parameters are shown in Table 2.
As for random-based algorithm and genetic algorithm,
the utilization functions can be written as follows, TABLE II. SIMULATION PARAMETERS
respectively. D 90000

U BR  Cmin    D  TR     B  CR   CR  CBR (4)

B 900000
CBR 1000

U BG  Cmin    D  TG     B  CG   CG  CBG (5) CBG 100000

 1.3
If U BG  U BR , resource agent will use genetic
A. Analysis of Winning Probability in Two-Player Game
algorithm to schedule the workflow, so we can get as the
Assume only two resource-agents take part in game,
following equation.
the game result is shown in Figure 2.
 TR  TG    CG  CR  1     CBG  CBR
Winning probability of resource agent

In addition, if TR  TG  0 , we have .8

CBG  CBR   CG  CR  1   
 (7) .6 RB2(Genetic algorithm)
TR  TG RB1(Random-based algorithm)

If TR  TG  0 , we can get .4

CBG  CBR   CG  CR  1   
 (8) .2

When    , if TR  TG  0 is hod, we have 0.0

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

CBG  CBR  CG  CR Game Round

 (9) Figure 2. The probability of winning when RB1 adopts random-based
TR  TG  CR  CG algorithm and RB2 adopts genetic algorithm

If TR  TG  0 is hold, we have The abscissa denotes the game round, while the
ordinate denotes winning probability of resource agent.
 (10) The RB1 adopts random-based algorithm, RB2 adopts
TR  TG  CR  CG genetic algorithm. As you can see from the above figure,
the winning probability of RB2 is 80%, while the
Given A and   A , and winning probability of RB1 is 20%. The result is shown
TR  TG  CR  CG in Figure 3 when both of game participants adopt genetic
assume the solution of genetic algorithm is better than algorithm.
that of random-based algorithm, there are three possible You can see from Figure 3 that their winning
resource-agent strategies: probability is approximately equal when both of game
If   A , resource-agent adopts genetic algorithm; participants adopt genetic algorithm to perform the
If   A , resource-agent adopts random-based scheduling, which is consistent with our expectations.
algorithm; According to the results of Figure 2-3, we can derive the
pay-off matrix of the game, as shown in Table 3.



to 0.8 when  is more than 0.9. In this case, resource
agent will explicitly adopt genetic algorithm to perform
Winning probability of resource agent

.8 the resource scheduling, where the value can be viewed

RB2(Genetic algorithm)
RB1(Genetic algorithm) as guarantee value.

Winning probability of resource agent


.2 RB2(Genetic algorithm)
RB1(Random-based algorithm)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Game Round .2
Figure 3. The probability of winning when both of game participants
adopt genetic algorithm

Resource agent 2
Genetic Random-bas Figure 4. Winning probability in different 
strategy ed strategy
Genetic C. Influence of Winning Probability in User Budget And
0.5,0.5 0.8,0.2
Resourc Deadline Requirement
e agent 1 0.2,0.8 0.5,0.5
strategy The goal of the proposed game model is to reduce the
It can be seen that genetic strategy is dominant time and cost of user resource scheduling in paper. We
algorithm, which they tend to reach (0.5, 0.5). In addition, will analyze the effect of user budget and deadline
both of game participants adopt genetic algorithm to requirement on winning probability in the process of
perform the scheduling. Since strictly dominant strategy game, as shown in Figure 5.
must be a Nash equilibrium, this causes two-player game
has Nash equilibrium S*=(genetic strategy, genetic
strategy) [27]. Therefore, all the rational players will
select genetic algorithm to perform the workflow
scheduling. It can be seen that our proposed game model
eventually drive the resource agent uses the genetic
Likewise, the probability of winning in multi-player
game is similar. If all of game participants adopt genetic
algorithm to perform the workflow scheduling in
multi-player game, winning probability of each
participant would converge to 1/n [28].
B. Influence of Winning Probability When Increasing  B

 is fixed in Table 2. Based on the value, the

Figure 5. Search domain in random-based algorithm and genetic
previous winning probability is computed, while the algorithm
actual value is changed in practice and the winning
probability will also be changed in two scheduling B denotes user budget and D denotes user deadline.
algorithm. As for the different  , the probability of The dotted box denotes a solution space when the cost
winning is shown in the following Figure 4 when both of and time of resource scheduling is very high. The solid
game participants adopt genetic algorithm. box denotes is a solution space when the cost and time of
It can be seen that the smaller  will make winning resource scheduling is very low. In addition, the curve
probability becomes smaller and smaller when adopting denotes the optimal solution of genetic algorithm. The
genetic algorithm. With the increase of  , winning Figure shows that the search domain of random-based
probability becomes bigger and bigger when adopting algorithm or genetic algorithm will decrease when user
genetic algorithm. When  =0.55 , the winning budget and deadline requirement are very low. As for
probabilities in two kinds of mechanisms have an resource agent, comparing with the solution of
intersection, which is viewed as critical value. When  random-based algorithm, the solution of genetic
is less than critical value, resource agent will adopt algorithm is the closer to the optimal solution. With the
genetic algorithm to perform the workflow scheduling. It increase of user budget and deadline requirement, the
is shown in Figure 4 that the winning probability is close solution space of genetic algorithm also will be decreased,
which can improve the process of search so as to make



the found solution is the closer to the optimal solution. V. CONCLUSION

Figure 6 shows the winning probabilities under the With the development of the Internet technology, the
different budget and deadline, where the  is shown in Internet has offered boundless networks resources. Grid
Table 2. computing is to use these network resources to solve
complex computational problems. Nevertheless, resource
diversity leads to the network heterogeneity, which
Winning probability of resource agent

RB2(Genetic algorithm)
RB1(Random-based algorithm) makes the task scheduling becomes very difficult. In
order to improve the performance of resource allocation
and task scheduling in grid computing method, a game
model based on non-cooperation game is proposed.
Setting the time and cost of user’s resource allocation can
increase the performance of networks, and cause resource
agent to use an optimization scheduling algorithm, which
minimizes the time and cost of resource scheduling.
Simulation experiment results show the feasibility and
suitability of model. In addition, we can see from the
.2 experiment result that model-based genetic algorithm is
0 2 4 6 8 10
the best resource scheduling algorithm.
Deadline(105) Budget(104)

Figure 6. Winning probability of resource agent in user budget and REFERENCES

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Broadcast Networks based on the Virus

Evolutionary Algorithm
Zhu Jian-xin
Zhejiang Financial Vocational College, Zhejiang Hangzhou 310018, China

Gihwan Cho
Chonbuk National University, South Korea

Abstract—An optimization algorithm for virus evolution is Virus evolution is a spread process of a computer or
to research the spread process of a computer or biological biological virus in network system. How to estimate and
virus in network system. The objective of the algorithm is control the spread of virus is an important issue in the
mainly to control the speed of the virus evolution with research of information physical system or medical
limited network resource and to study how users can be
epidemiology. A dynamical probabilistic system on a
infected in the network. A dynamical probabilistic system
on a connected graph is adopted to model the virus connected graph is adopted to model the virus evolution,
evolution. A traditional virus evolution model needs to solve so how to control the process to apply to systems control
a non-convex optimization problem taking the spectral theory is analyzed. Generally, the stability of the
radius function of a nonnegative matrix as an optimization evolution process is decided by the network connectivity
objective in the description of virus evolution model. On this and any virus-related parameters, such as propagation
basis, two novel approximation algorithms are proposed in models, incident rates and so on. Therefore, how virus
this paper. Based on continuous convex approximation, the spread in bio-systems or information physical networks
first one is a suboptimal with rapid speed. The second one and how they can be controlled is a complicated
can adopt branch-and-bound techniques to achieve a global
stochastic nonlinear control problem. Network resources
optimal solution, which use some key inequalities of
nonnegative matrix. Comparing with traditional virus have to be used within the constraints of more practical
evolution model, the simulation experiment shows that the constraints, such as the main protective measures in
improved algorithm can reach the global optimum in the practical use, the limited capacity. Thereby, parameters
process of virus evolution and has fast convergence need to be applied to research and analysis of statistical
capability in different network conditions. optimization solution in dynamical probabilistic system.
In the existing literature, a typical propagation model
Index Terms—Virus Evolution; Minimum Spectral Radius; divides nodes in the network into three basic types: 1)
Non-Negative Matrix Theory; Branch-And-Bound; impressionable: the node is healthy, but is easily infected;
Dynamical Probabilistic System; Non-Convex Optimization
2) infected: the node can infect others; 3) recuperative:
the nodewas infected, but is cured for now. Based on the
I. INTRODUCTION different combination of three basic types, different virus
models can be considered. When network connectivity
The results of Perron and Frobenius concerning
(graph theory) is considered by virus model, a threshold
spectral properties of matrices with nonnegative elements
value of virus is used to evaluate the situation of virus
have become an important tool in the study of iterative
evolution. That is to say different threshold criteria and
methods for linear equations in Rn. These results have
their relationship with graph structures can be analyzed.
been generalized in various ways; for example,
In addition, based on the specific threshold in specific
Krein,Rutman and Schaefer for general extensions to
network, such as the network related closely to the
infinite-dimensional spaces and further references.
spectral radius of the topological matrix, it also is
Simple proofs of the Perron-Frobenius results for
analyzed. Some researches propose different optimization
matrices can be found in Varga and Householder. These
algorithms under different assumptions, such as
proofs, however, do not appear to carry over to the case
minimizing a general cumulative cost and representing
of linear mappings on a finite-dimensional space which
the optimal dynamic repair strategies under the isotropy
are nonnegative under a general partial ordering on the
assumption that all nodes have same contact rate. With
space. For this case, it is necessary either to emulate the
the prosperity and development of mobile computation,
infinite-dimensional proofs by using the Brouwer fixed
especially the increase of mobile devices with Bluetooth,
point theorem or to depend heavily on the spectral theory
analyzing the virus threshold plays an important role in
of finite-dimensional linear maps and the Jordan form of
mobile ad-hoc networks. In order to find the source of a
a matrix and Vandergraft.
computer virus in a network, inference technique can be



adopted. Furthermore, some papers also research the II. SYSTEM MODEL
basic spread model which is for characterizing a mobile Virus evolution process is actually a transformation of
phone virus outbreak. In these related works, the network two nodes state in a broadcast network from infected
topology is a fundamental property to control virus node to impressionable node. Therefore, state transfer
diffusion. graph can be adopted to show the process. In the contact
The research introducing formally a deterministic network model, state transition between nodes is mutual.
standard virus to control algorithm is the most noticeable. In order to describe the recovery procedure of the node
And the research is to minimize the spectral radius of the exactly, a recuperative probability between infected node
network topology matrix (including the virus spreading and impressionable node is introduced.
rate) under a given amount of network resources. L users are given in broadcast network, where a virus
However, the algorithm has some limitations in the actual spreads from infected users to impressionable users. This
application; for example, it is assumed that the interaction section mainly review two linear models based on
overview diagram of the virus evolution must be discrete time, namely, the multi-group model and the
symmetric or diagonal symmetric matrix. These contact network model. Let F represent the transmission
assumptions can be relaxed to expand its application
coefficient matrix, where Fij denote the infectious ratio
range. For different nodes in the network may generate
different levels of immunization, it may be more useful to of the ith group node to the jth group node in the
generalize the virus topological structure including a multi-group model, or denotes the ratio the ith node
directed asymmetric interactive diagrams. infects the jth node in the contact network model.
δ  1 , ,L  is a recovery vector, where element  i
The proposed algorithm in this paper adopts
deterministic finite optimization theory to study how to denotes the recuperative probability of the infected node.
control the virus evolution and optimize the rate of virus The impressionable-infected model of the ith node is
evolution under a limited network resource sets. Inspired shown in Figure 1. Then, a next generation matrix G is
by the literature [9], a deterministic virus evolution constructed, which denotes the type conversion of nodes
control framework is studied, which solve a non-convex at each discrete time slot. Regarding different parameters
optimization problem under the restraint of control as control variables in the next generation matrix, the rate
variables, on basis of minimizing a spectral radius of the virus evolution can be controlled. Thus, the
function. Firstly, as we all know, the optimal solution of optimization problem of minimizing the spectral radius in
the spectral radius minimization problem is located at the the next generation matrix is formulated.
border of the constraint set. Then, feasible suboptimal susceptible
Did not restore
node isolation1-
solution of the spectral radius minimization problem is Fji Contact with the 1-δi
infected nodes Fji
obtained by using continuous convex approximation
based on geometric programming. Key tools in Susceptible Infected
non-negative matrix theory, such as the Perron-Frobenius
theorem and the Friedland-Karlin inequalities, are finally Recovery δi

adopted to find bounds of the branch-and-bound method.

Therefore, an algorithm that can compute the global Figure 1. The impressionable-infected model of the ith node
optimal solution of the spectral radius minimization
problem is proposed. A. Multi-group Model
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In The multi-group model with N groups is introduced,
Section two, the system model is introduced and the virus and the number of nodes in ith group is ni (which
evolution problem is formulated. A fast continuous

convex approximation algorithm is proposed to solve implies n  L ). At this point, an infected node
i 1 i
sub-optimally the problem in Section three, In Section does not recover. Let us assume the average infectious
four, a branch-and-bound algorithm is proposed to time of a node in the ith group is  i , so the number
compute the global optimal solution, which use some key
inequalities in nonnegative matrix theory. The i  t  1 of infectious nodes of the ith group at (t+1)th
performance of our proposed algorithms is compared by generation can be described as following equation:
numerical evaluation in Section five. The conclusion of
i  t  1   t   j t  
  Fij
this paper is in Section six. The following notation is
  i  Fii i  (1)
used in our paper. Column vectors and matrices are ni  ni n j 
 j i
denoted by boldfaced lowercase and uppercase,
respectively;  ( A) denotes the Perron-Frobenius We notice that the node can be not only infected by
eigenvalue of a nonnegative matrix A ; x  A  and node in the same group, but also infected by node from
other group. In order to control the virus spreading rate,
y  A  denote the right and left eigenvectors of A the following variables are introduced:
associated with   A  ; I is the identity matrix. For a 1
Fˆij  Fij , i   0,1 , i, j  1, , N
given vector x   x1 , , xL  , diag  x  is a diagonal

matrix diag  x1 , , xL  .



where ξ resizes the transmission coefficient matrix and opposite side is the probability that the ith node is
decreases the virus evolution rate in the whole network, infected by at least one infected node.
namely, isolate the infected nodes. The another form of Equation (3) can guide and
control the immunity of each node (use Fij  i Fij to
denote, where i  0,1 , i  j, i, j  1,
VIRUS EVOLUTION , L ), which can
G s 
s Problem parameters be rewritten as: pi  t  1   i Fij p j  t   1   i  pi  t  .
ξ 
B  ˆdiag  ω  Fˆ d  diag  φ  F  j 1

diag  s  B
1   j 1 1  Fij p j  t  
B  ˆdiag  ξ   Fˆ  diag  φ  F 
ω d The form adopt to well

 Fij p j  t  . Therefore, the next generation

diag  d   ˆdiag  ω  diag  ξ  Fˆ d represent
diag  d  + φ j 1
B  ˆdiag  ω  diag  ξ  F matrix is described as following equation:
diag  s  B
β d  1  δ, B  F
G  diag (1   )  diag (1   ) (4)
diag  s 
1δ B  diag  β  F
B The virus evolution depends mainly on the recovery
1 rate δ and the immunity  which both can be
Fij  Fˆij , i   0,1 , i  j, i, j  1, , N Note that F
i optimized appropriately.
is a nonnegative matrix, Fii  0 , for all i. So, the contact C. Spectral Radius Minimization Problem
rate between different groups is decreased, which means The spectral radius of the next generation matrix,
that the movement range of nodes is restricted in its own which can be denoted as p(G), is a key indicator for
group. characterizing the spreading rate of a virus. the next
1 generation matrix related to a control variable s is
ˆ  , i   0,1 , i  1, , N considered and summarized in Table 1, where s can be ξ ,
The variable i is introduced to control infectious φ or ω in Equation (2), and δ or β in Equation
time of nodes in each group. Actually, i can be set to (4).
In addition, let us assume that s is constrained by an
be infinity when anti-virus software is used to prevent the
upper boundary u and a lower boundary b , and

The next generation matrix for virus evolution can be s can not be less than  . In order to illustrate the
i 1 i
described as following equation: feasibility, these constraints on s should implicitly

G  ˆdiag  ω  diag  ξ  Fˆ d  diag  φ  F  satisfy    i 1 ui . Thus, minimizing speed of the
epidemic evolution can be formulated as following
where F̂ d is a diagonal matrixand has Fˆiid  Fˆii for all equation:

 G s
Next, the contact network model is introduced in
section B. Similar to this section, the next generation
matrix firstly is established, and then the control variables s.t.
s l 1
l 
are introduced to analyze the epidemic evolution.
B. Contact Network Model var : s
A virus spreads by communication of nodes in the
contact network model, and movement of nodes do not where (5) is non-convex in general (because of the
depend on any group pattern. The probability that the ith spectral radius objective function), therefore, the problem
node is infected at the (t+1)th time slot is pi  t  1 , can hardly be solved.
Lemma 1. Suppose G  s  is irreducible, so the
which described by in term of p  t  as following
constraint 1T s   in (5) obtains equality at optimum
point, namely, 1T s*   .
  Proof: According to Perron-Frobenius theorem, G  s 
pi  t  1  1   1  Fij p j  t     1   i  pi  t  (3)

 j 1  has real spectral radius, and the Perron right and left
eigenvectors related with the spectral radius are real and
where  i is recovery rate. We should notice that strictly positive. Assume corresponding right and left
 1  F p t  eigenvectors are x and y , respectively, and x  0 ,
j 1 ij j is the probability that the ith node
y  0 . According to the eigenvector sensitivity theory,
does not communicate with any infected node, and its
we can get



  G  s   si  yT   G  s   si  G s
x . is However, due to the polynomial equation s
l 1
l 
non-falling by checking the first order derivative of the
in constraint set, the Equation (7) still cannot be
special cases of G  s  in Table 1. These derivatives are converted into a geometric programming problem.
respectively given as follows: L

For G  s   diag  s  B , we can get Assume g  s    sl , a monomial g  s  will make the

l 1

  G  s   si    G  s   xi yi  0 following equality hold.

For G  s  =diag  d  +diag  s  B , we can get L
s 

g s  g s   l  (8)

l 1   l 
  G  s   si  xi  B ji yi
j 1

For G  s  =diag  s   B , we can get

Let l  k   sl  k  1  s  k 1 , then g  s 
i i
is the
best local monomial approximation to g  s  near s in
  G  s   si  0
the sense of first order Taylor approximation. Thus, the
Therefore,  G s  is non-falling. Because a continuous convex approximation technique in Equation
feasible s is selected as small as possible for minimizing (6) can be used.
  G  s   , so 1T s   obtains equality at optimum
This approximation satisfies the following properties:
For any fixed positive s  k  , g  s  k    g  s  k  
Next, Equation (5) is firstly solved according to makes any solution in the approximation problem (6) is a
successive convex approximation in Section 3. Then, a feasible point of the original problem (7).
branch-and-bound method is proposed to calculate the g  s  k    g  s  k   ensures the solution of each
global optimal solution for Equation (5) in Section 4. approximation problem makes the object function
OPTIMIZATION FOR VIRUS EVOLUTION g  s  k    g  s  k   ensures the original problem
A continuous convex approximation technique based after the sequences converge satisfies the
on geometric programming (similarly to the compression Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions.
method in symbolic programming) is proposed to Therefore, a series of convex approximation is given
approximate Equation (5). Equation (6), and their solution can converge to a
Algorithm1 (continuous convex approximation) stationary point in Equation (5).
Select a feasible initial point s  0  Remark: The optimization problem in Step 2 of
sl  k  Algorithm 1 is a geometric programming, which can be
Define l  k   , l  1, ,L Use geometric
 sj k  solved by an interior point method. The convergence of

Algorithm 1 depends on the initial point s  0  . The

j 1

programming to solve the kth approximation problem:

output of Algorithm 1 is an upper boundary of Equation
min 
(5), which provides a convenient for the
G s  v   v
branch-and-bound method proposed in the next section.
l  k 
L  sl  Although the suboptimal solution computed in
s.t.   
l 1   l  k  
 (6)
Algorithm 1 by a continuous convex approximation
bsu technique only provides an upper boundary for
var : s, v, λ Equation(5), the global optimal solution can be obtained
by a branch-and-bound method that uses Algorithm 1 as a
where the optimal solution is denoted as s  k  1 sub-module. An initial vector s b  s  u is
Theorem 1: Starting from any feasible initial point considered, and it can be subdivided iteratively according
s  0  , s  k  converges to the local optimal solution in to the lower boundary of Equation (5). Next, the lower
Equation (5). boundary of the situation listed in Table 1 is discussed.
Introducing the auxiliary variables  and v , WBCOT needs to solve the following two key issues:
Equation (5) can be rewritten as following equation: 1) when the wireless-based backup connectivity is
established; 2) how the wireless-based backup
min  connectivity is established. Therefore, aiming at the
G s  v   v above issue, two key technologies (quantization
L technique and backup connectivity) are adopted and the
s.t. s l  (7) key indicator of evaluating network survivability and
l 1 resilience is proposed. To optimize the network
bsu connectivity, a wireless-based connectivity optimization
var : s, v, λ technique is presented. The basic principle of this



technique is: use the flexibility of wireless link Bll xl  B  yl  B 

 s  Bll    B  L
 G s     B    l
establishment, construct the backup scheme through the
real-time detection and measurement, and try best to 
l 1  Bll 
guarantee the network connectivity.
Similarly, the optimal value of the Equation (5) is
For G  s   diag  s  B , using Friedland-Karlin bounded by the optimal value of the following
inequality, we can get optimization problem:
  diag  s  B     B   slx  B y  B

l 1
l l
min  B x  B  y  B  log  s
l 1
ll l l l  Bll 

where x  B  and y  B  are the Perron right and left L

s l 
 l 1 xl  B  yl  B  s.t.
l 1
eigenvectors of B , and get by
normalizing these eigenvectors. Therefore, the optimal
value of Equation (5) is the optimal value of the var : s
following equality: Similar with G(s)  diag (s) B , the objective function
L in Equation (11) used by its convex envelope on the
min  x  B  y  B  log s
l 1
l l l vector constraint set s b  s  u can displace the
L linear programming problem which is similar with
l 1
l 
Equation (13).
Borrowing the above inequalities idea in the spectral
bsu radius and using the branch-and-bound method, the
var : s following algorithm is proposed to solve optimization
problem (5) in Equation (5).
Although the Equation (9) still is a non-convex Algorithm2 (global optimization algorithm)
problem, the objective function used by its convex Initialization
 0  , where,  0 is initial rectangular set
envelope on the vector constraint set s b  s  u can
Set k  0 ,
b, u .
obtain the linear programming problem which is similar
The lower boundary L0  Vl  0  of Equation (5) is obtain by
with Equation (12).
For G  s  =diag  d  +diag  s  B , we can get
solving the following linear programming.
G  s   diag  s  B or G  s  =diag  d  +diag  s  B

 G s     min d  I  diag s  B 
l 1, , L
min 
log ul  log bl
xl  B  yl  B  sl

ul  bl

l 1

   diag  s  B   min dl L
l 1, , L
l 1
l 
Therefore, the optimal value of the Equation (5) is
bounded by the optimal value of the following Equation:
var : s

min   diag  s  B   min dl  l 1, , L

 G  s  =diag  s   B
ul  Bu
s l  L
bl  Bu
s.t. l 1 (10) min  ul  bl
Bll xl  B  yl  B  sl
bsu l 1

var : s s.t.
l 1
l 
Thus, similar with G  s   diag  s  B , the convex
var : s
envelope of the Equation (10) is also obtained by the
linear programming in the Equation (12). Solving the Equation (5) in Algorithm 1, the upper boundary
U 0  Vu  0  can be obtained.
For G  s  =diag  s   B , a inequality in nonnegative
Stop Criterion
matrix theory firstly viewed. If U k  Lk   , then stop;
Alj xl  A  yl  A 
else go to the next step
  D  L L  Dlj    A
  
2) Branch
 that satisfies Vl     Lk .  is
  A  l 1 j 1  Alj

Select a rectangular set   k

where A and D are irreducible nonnegative matrices. divided into  I and  II along the longest edge, and we can get

Let us assume A  B , D=diag  s   B , we can get k 1   k    I , II 

Update Lk 1  min Vl    and U k 1  min Vu   .
 k 1  k 1




Remove all  from k 1 , which satisfy Vl    U k 1 Step 1 of Algorithm 2. In the root node, L0  0.1403 ,
Set k  k  1 , go to step 2 U 0  0.8325 . Then, the rectangular set is divided into the
Theorem 2: Starting from any feasible initial
rectangular 0 , Algorithm2 converges to the global two sets C and D ( C is s1   ,   1 2 , D is
optimal solution in Equation (5). the set s1    1 2,1 , s2   ,1 , s3   ,1 ). Then,
Proof: The lower boundary of Equation (5) is obtained
there are L1  0.3115 and U1  0.8325 . The set is
by solving the relaxed linear programming problem, and
the upper boundary of Equation (5) is got by Algorithm 1 divided into the two parts so as to get the bottom children
under the situation of the three types of G  s  . Then, nodes E and F in the third level of binary tree ( E is
set s1    1 2,1 , s2   ,   1 2 , s3   ,1 ;
based on the upper boundary and lower boundary,
Algorithm 2 stop when the found suboptimal point is F is set s1    1 2,1 , s2    1 2,1 ,
 -suboptimal, which complete the proof.
Remark 2: Algorithm 1 runs to Step 2 in an inner loop s3   ,1 ). Then, get L2  0.4535 , U 2  0.8324 .
of Algorithm 2, which provide the upper boundary for Under such circumstance, the performance of the
Equation (5). Lk includes the child nodes of all the spectral radius evolution in Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2
leaves in a binary tree. At the last two steps of Algorithm are demonstrated in Figure 3(a) and Figure 3(c), where
2, namely, branch and trim, a global lower boundary on 3(a) is the performance of Algorithm 1 and 3(c) is the
the optimal value of Equation (5) is obtained by performance of Algorithm 2.
minimizing   G  s   over all the lower boundary.
When bl is equal to 0 for some l , let bl   make
Algorithm I run smoothly, where  is positive value as
small as possible, and   0 . Given a  , the algorithm
stop when U k  Lk   .

IV. THE EXPERIMENT AND SIMULATION (a) The performance of the spectral radius evolution in Algorithm 1
In this section, the numerical experiments results are
provided to demonstrate the performance of Algorithm 1
in Section 3 and Algorithm 2 in Section 4.
Examples are known in which the fixed point set of
0 , the set of all recurrent points, are not convex sets.
For both of the previously cited examplesfailing to be
convex, the action is still the restriction to 0 of an
affine map. Here is an example in which the asymptotic (b) The performance of the spectral radius evolution in Algorithm 2
action is not affine.
Example 1: G  s   diag  s  B is firstly considered,
where B is the symmetric matrix given by:
0.620 0.310 0.124 
B  0.310 0.620 0.310 
0.124 0.310 0.620 
Let   2.3 , b, u  0, 1 , 0 and 1 are the vector (c) Spectral radius evolution in Algorithm 1
of all zeroes and the vector of all ones, respectively. The
first three iterations in the binary tree of Algorithm 2 are
shown in Figure 2.
[0.1403, 0.8325]

C: [0.4535,
[0.4535, D:
D: [0.3115,
0.9051] 0.8325]

E: [0.4715,
[0.4715, F:
F: [0.5735,
0.8324] 0.8345]
0.8345] (d) Spectral radius evolution in Algorithm 2
Figure 2. The first three iterations in the binary tree Figure 3. The convergence performance

The Figure 3 verify the lower boundary will overlaps

 ,1 is used, where   0.001 .
A rectangular set
with the upper boundary after a set number of iterations
The upper and lower boundary can be obtained from the so as to prove the convergence. In addition, when



iteration reaches two shown in Figure 3(c), the spectral variables, the framework requires to solve a non-convex
radius calculated by Algorithm 1 doesn’t change. Finally, optimization problem. Firstly, as we all know, the
the optimal spectral radius is  * =0.8318 , where the optimal solution of the spectral radius minimization
corresponding optimal solution is problem is located at the border of the constraint set.
Then, feasible suboptimal solution of the spectral radius
s*   0.9622,0.3756,0.9622 .
minimization problem is obtained by using continuous
Next, G  s  =diag  d  +B is considered, where B is convex approximation based on geometric programming.
Key tools in non-negative matrix theory, such as the
a nonnegative matrix shown in the following matrix.
Perron-Frobenius theorem and Friedland-Karlin
0.000 0.124 0.124  inequalities, are finally adopted to find boundary of the
B  0.310 0.000 0.310  branch-and-bound method. Therefore, an algorithm that
0.124 0.124 0.000  can compute the global optimal solution of the spectral
radius minimization problem is proposed. The results of
Let   1.5 , b, u  0, 1 , 0 and 1 are the vector numerical experiment show that our proposed algorithm
of all zeroes and the vector of all ones, respectively. has faster convergence performance in small and
Under such circumstance, the performance of the spectral medium-sized networks.
radius evolution in Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2 are
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DOA Estimation of Smart Antenna Signal Based

on MUSIC Algorithm
Qihui Wang*, Lidong Wang, Kang An, Zhouxiang Shou, and Huixi Zhang
Qianjiang College, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, China
Corresponding author, Email:

Abstract—This paper presented a feature vector based Smart antenna technology was originally used in radar,
spatial differential correlation DOA estimation algorithm. sonar, and military communications. Due to price and
The algorithm uses the matrix properties, structure contains other factors has not been possible spread to other
only spatial differential matrix of the correlation signal, and communication fields. In recent years, with modern
its characteristic value eigenvalue decomposition vectors,
digital signal processing technology, the rapid
the value of each feature vector signal corresponds to a
group of related, since the set of feature vectors contain all development of digital signal processing chip processing
of the information signal. Respectively, the respective capabilities continue to improve , chip prices have
feature vector signal group for matrix modeling, address modern communication systems can be accepted.
relevant signal loss caused by the matrix rank, to achieve Meanwhile, the use of digital technologies in baseband
the relevant signal part of DOA estimates. The same digital antenna beam forming (DBF), as an alternative to
number of array elements in the case of the modified the analog circuit forming an antenna beam of the
algorithm can be estimated up to correlate signal, increasing antenna system is used to improve the reliability and
the number of signals can be estimated to improve the flexibility of smart antenna technology in the mobile
processing capacity of the array element, especially when
communication field starts to be applied, and soon
the signal to noise ratio is less than zero, still has a better
estimate performance, and need not divide the array, pore become a research hotspot [4, 5].
size will not cause the array. Smart antennas can be used without significantly
increasing the complexity of the system to meet the
Index Terms—Antenna; DOA; MUSIC; Matrix; Model expansion of the capacity of the case requires. Unlike
conventional sector antennas and antenna diversity
method, the base station transceiver using antennas, for
I. INTRODUCTION each user to provide a narrow directional beam, the
direction of the signal in a limited area of transmission
The smart antenna is the antenna array element is
and reception, full use of the signal transmitter power,
composed of a plurality of antennas, pattern shape it by
reduces the signal to bring transmitting electromagnetic
feedback weighted amplitude and phase of automatic
pollution and mutual interference [6]. Specifically, the
adjustment of each array element signal to change the
smart antenna in terms of future mobile communication
array antenna, so that the main valve at the desired user,
systems to improve performance: (1) to expand the
null point to users, so as to suppress interference, increase
coverage area of the system; (2) to increase system
the array antenna gain and signal to interference and
capacity; (3) to improve the frequency utilization
noise ratio (SINR), to increase the capacity of system,
efficiency; (4) reducing the base band transmission power,
increase the coverage area, reduce multipath fading and
saving system cost, reduce signal interference and
co channel interference, achieve the optimal matching
electromagnetic pollution. In addition, the smart antenna
between the antenna and the propagation environment
direction and the propagation delay from the user
and user and the base station [1].
informed of the user's location, it is a building block from
Antenna arrays with different array structures, while
the positioning means, can provide users with new
the array structure and array element spacing, array
services, such as navigation, emergency assistance [7].
element arrangement [2]. For the array element spacing
DOA estimation is not only the core technology of
generally take 2 (lambda is the wavelength), if set too big
smart antennas, array signal processing is an important
to make the correlation between array signal decreases,
field of research in recent years, the rapid rise of an
too small to form the gate valve is not necessary. For the
interdisciplinary professional edge technologies [8]. The
array element mode TD-SCDMA system usually adopts a
technology in radar, sonar, communications and seismic
uniform linear array and circular array when the array [3].
signal processing and other fields have a very wide range
The antenna has M number of array element, is
of applications. In recent years, DOA estimation
absolutely the array aperture of the array antenna is λ 2 M.
algorithms achieved fruitful result, the theory has
System caused by uniform linear array is simple in
improved steadily, but its application to practice, still
calculation, but the resolution angle range of only 180
many problems to be solved [9].
degrees; the system of uniform circular array caused by
With the development of wireless location technology,
the calculation is relatively complex, but can be resolved
if we can take advantage of the mobile communication
angle is 360 degrees, so it is used widely in engineering.



network to provide users with location information, MUSIC is a signal parameter estimation algorithm,
people's lives will bring great convenience. However, due given information includes the number of incoming
to the complex environment of the communication in the signals, each signal DOA, strength and the incident signal
mobile communication network to achieve precise and the cross-correlation between the noise and so on.
positioning of the mobile terminal there are many MUSIC algorithm, while having a high resolving power,
technical difficulties to be solved. If the base station with but it requires very precise calibration of the array [14].
smart antenna, the signal thus obtained valuations and MUSIC algorithm is based on the geometrical point of
DOA, so you can use two base stations locate the user narrowband data model to investigate the signal
terminal to a smaller area. Therefore, to achieve an parameter estimation problem. If there are D M-ary signal
accurate estimate of the signal DOA users, the base incident on the array, the array of the received input data
station to achieve the targeted mobile users within the cell D can be represented as a vector of the incident wave and
is a prerequisite for the positioning of mobile users has a linear combination of the noise, as shown in equations 1
broad application prospects and a wide range of social and 2 [15].
and economic benefits [10]. D 
This paper studies the DOA MUSIC algorithm, x j  t     α    si    i , t  d   N j  t  (1)
focusing on the number of antenna elements, the number i 1
of samples is limited, the case of low SNR decrease in
resolution MUSIC algorithm, the use of a CD-noise E  si  t  sk*  t  
subspace method is improved; another when the incident ik 
E  si  t   E  sk  t  
2 2
signal is coherent signals MUSIC algorithm to estimate    
the accuracy and performance degradation even in case of
failure, the use of improved MUSIC algorithm for its
improvement. In this study, detailed story of super- B. DOA Estimation Algorithm Research
resolution techniques based on the principle of MUSIC
1) Signal DOA Estimation Algorithm Research
algorithm is given first for smart antenna array MUSIC
In a mobile communication environment, the signal
algorithm analysis model and application of the basic
from the transmitter to the receiver is often a number of
assumptions and preconditions on the basis of detailed
different time delay, loss of transmission of different
classic MUSIC algorithm is given principle and
diameter, these factors will lead to the multipath
implementation steps. Then the two improved methods -
propagation, the formation of large correlation signal, as
methods based on the noise subspace spatial spectrum
shown in Figure 2 [16-18]. The correlation signal will
estimation algorithm and improved MUSIC algorithm in
appear enhanced antenna array receive signals, the
depth analysis of the basic principles.
received signal will cause fading. However, the presence
of correlation signal will cause the output data array
covariance matrix of the rank loss, resulting in signal
A. The Principle of Music Algorithm subspace and noise subspace mutual penetration, so pass
DOA estimation is to determine the basic problems in DOA estimation algorithms such as MUSIC algorithm,
space at the same time more than interested in a particular ESPRIT algorithm fails, can not accurately be DOA
region of the signal spatial location (multiple signal estimates [19].
reaches the array reference element orientation angle) [11,
12]. MUSIC algorithm uses the signal subspace and noise
subspace orthogonal spectral function space constructed
by peak search, detection signal DOA. It is built on the
basis of the following assumptions [13]. The
configuration of smart antenna was shown in the
following Fig. 1.

Desired Array
x1 t 

w1 Figure 2. Schematic multipath interference

x2 t 
2  Array In response to these problems, many domestic and
k w2
Array output foreign scholars understand the relevant algorithms, ie
Broadside N
xM  t  prior to the signal spectrum estimation pretreatment, the

D Adaptive
array covariance matrix to restore full rank, the upcoming
O Signal array covariance matrix and signal restored to the rank of
Interferer A Proecssor the same number, then using the traditional DOA
information estimation algorithm to estimate. Currently, de-
correlation DOA estimation algorithm generally have the
Figure 1. The configuration of smart antenna. following two categories: one category is dimensionality



reduction, at the expense of such algorithms to achieve Assumes that the signal is a narrowband signal, the
the effective aperture of the array solution related adjacent array element receives the same signal complex
purposes; another non-dimensionality reduction, envelope, there is only a difference in phase. Narrowband
compared to the dimension reduction processing signal generally refers to the effective bandwidth of the
algorithms, without sacrificing the effective aperture of signal envelope than in their center frequency of the
the array [20]. carrier frequency of a letter to be much smaller number.
The DOA estimate model of distributed target under Assuming that the signal and noise are subject to wide-
mixed noises situation is shown in following Fig 3. The sense stationary random process (also known as zero-
same number of array elements in the case of the mean generalized Gaussian stationary over
modified algorithm can be estimated up to M-1 signal, Process), and the signal-to-noise, noise not related to each
increasing the number of signals can be estimated to element of each array element noise has equal power.
improve the processing capacity of the array element, DOA estimation algorithms are mainly based ULA,
especially when the signal to noise ratio is less than zero, ULA set of M isotropic array element composition, the
still has a better estimate performance, and need not first array element as a reference element, the adjacent
divide the array subarray, pore size will not cause the element spacing is d, shown in Figure 4. The output of
array. each element can be expressed as x1(t), x2(t)… xM(t). A
Bsed on the theroy of Schwartz equation we can get narrow far-field signal is incident on the array, the array
ik  1 and the correlation of two signals can be defined direction of incidence is the angle between the normal to
by different value of the parameter ik : the incident angle θ. Let incident on the array element to
the reference signal s(t)ej2/λ, where s (t) the complex
Signals si  t  and sk  t  are independent when envelope of the signal, λ signal wavelength. As the above
ik  0 . definition we can see that the difference in the two
signals is a constant complex value when they are
Signals si  t  and sk  t  are correlation when
interference, so the parameter si    i , t  in formular
0  ik  1 . (3) can be revised as the following:
Signals si  t  and sk  t  are interference when
si    i , t   si  t  gi    i  (3)
ik  1 .
In the above formula gi    i  is directional signal
distribution function of the i distributed target signal
N j t  source, and it is a certain function that  i is the center
and it satisfied with:

  g     d  1
 i i (4)

1 i D Normals
d j M
Figure 3. The DOA estimate model of distributed target under mixed θ signals
noises situation θ

2) The Non Correlation Signal Mathematical Model ......

This study gives a non-related signals mathematical d
model to analyze the most common non-existing
correlation signal DOA estimation algorithm: Capon X1(t) X2(t) XM(t)
algorithm, MUSIC and ESPRIT algorithm algorithm; Reference
subsequently given the relevant signal mathematical element
model to analyze the correlation signal DOA estimation Figure 4. ULA mathematical model
algorithm , forward and forward-backward spatial
smoothing algorithm for spatial smoothing algorithms.
Radio channel transmission environment is extremely In the environment with distributed target narrowband
complex, in order to simplify the mathematical model, signal source, the model can be simplified was:
this paper first mathematical model of the array signal
made the following assumptions: X  t   BS  t   N  t  (5)
Assumes that the signal is in the far-field direction,
X  x1  t  x j t  x M  t 
that is the signal for the point target and the array antenna (6)
in the same plane.
S   s1  1 , t  si  i , t  sD   D , t 
Assumes that the signal propagation medium is T
uniform (non-dispersion) and isotropic, i.e., signal arrival
array antenna can be regarded as a plane wave.



B  α  1  α   i  α   D  
T signals. This section analyzes the correlation signal
mathematical model.
 1 1 1  Related signals will cause the array output data
 e  j1 e  ji e  jD  (8) covariance matrix rank losses, leading to signal subspace
=  and noise subspace mutual penetration, so that the failure
 
  j  M 11  of traditional DOA estimation algorithm. Therefore, the
 j  M 1i  j  M 1 D
e e e  covariance matrix of rank correlation algorithm
understands the core issues. De-correlation algorithms
2 d need to preprocess covariance matrix, to restore full rank,
i  sin i (9)
 and then using the traditional DOA estimation algorithm
to estimate. Prior to the spatial smoothing algorithm only
N  N1  t  N j  t  N M  t 
(10) uses forward smoothing method to divide the sub-array,
while the forward and backward spatial smoothing
As sampling the output vector x j  t  the processing of algorithm for mining smoothed using a forward and
backward smoothing are two ways to divide the matrix.
DOA estimate becomes estimating the value of the signal Array element signals reach different wave path there
source 1 , 2 , ,  D by sampling output signal matrix is a certain difference between the output signal of the
X t  . adjacent array elements between the wave path is defined
as the
3) The Non Correlation Signal DOA Estimation
Algorithm (11)
Capon algorithm was also known as the minimum
variance method (MVM). The algorithm uses part of the The signal reaches between two adjacent array
array element is used to expect users to form a beam, the elements there is a certain delay, delay τ is
remaining array elements for interference null user form.
The algorithm satisfies the following constraint (12)
optimization problem that the direction of the user
where, c is the speed of light. Rule i (1 ≤ i ≤ M) the
satisfies the desired condition of constant gain, so that the
element of the output signal can be expressed as
direction of minimum power interfering users.
Algorithm is based on the basic idea is that, no matter (13)
how much the incident signal of interest, is always
determined only XR is the smallest value of the noise III. TOEPLITZ MATRIX RECONSTRUCTION BASED ON
characteristic values. That is, when all the small values DOA ESTIMATION
XR exactly equal (this corresponds to the large number of
array elements with SNR and the number of snapshots A. Properties of Toeplitz Matrix
great condition), just take them one corresponding to the Since the signal processing and other projects
noise subspace eigenvectors; and when small values encountered mostly symmetric Toeplitz matrices, and
distinct. (this corresponds to the small signal to noise analyze and solve many of the problems are inseparable
ratio and the number of array elements and Snap limited from symmetric Toeplitz matrix eigenvalues and
circumstances) only finds the smallest values noise value. eigenvectors. Thus research Toeplitz matrices is
Thus, the noise subspace dimension is always 1. The necessary. Any one main diagonal elements of the same,
schematic uniform linear array time around was shown in and in parallel with the main diagonal elements of each
Fig. 5. diagonal matrix are the same Toeplitz matrices.
Observation matrix structure, we will find the Toeplitz
Normals matrix is symmetric about its diagonal cross, this
symmetry is called skew-symmetric. Toeplitz matrix is
Subarray Y usually not symmetric, but it must be skew-symmetric
θ matrices.
From formula (14) the covariance matrix of receive
data can be written as:

R  E X t  X t 
 =R T  R NT  QT
X1(t) X2(t) X3(t) XM-1(t) XM(t)

Subarray Y In the above formula RT is the correlation matrix of

Figure 5. The schematic uniform linear array time around
non-correlation signal sources and it is Hermite-Toeplitz
matrix; R NT is the correlation matrix of the correlation or
C. Mathematical Model of Correlated Signals interference signal source and it is a Hermite matrix but
In a mobile communication environment, due to not a Toeplitz matrix; QT is the covariance matrix of
multipath effects, there is often a large number of related



mixed noise, and it is Hermite-Toeplitz matrix on the character, so it will be easy to realize uncorrelating and
supposing that the noises are balanced and correlated. noninterference.
This chapter begins with analysis of smart antenna
C. Higher Order Cumulant Estimation Algorithm Based
structure and basic principles, through the smart antenna
on DOA
in the important field of mobile communications
applications and development prospects of the Algorithm while taking advantage of the received data
introduction recognize DOA estimation in smart antenna covariance matrix row, column information, theoretical
and mobile communication in an important role and analysis and simulation results show that the algorithm
status. Then the DOA estimation methods are classified has better decorrelation properties. The algorithm takes
and described in detail several DOA estimation methods advantage of the data covariance matrix of rows and
to understand the DOA estimation method development columns to construct and take the mean of Toeplitz
process. Meanwhile, with regard to the introduction of matrices, equivalent to a space before and after
the relevant mathematical knowledge but also for the next smoothing, against error and noise reducing effect
chapter, the MUSIC algorithm and its improved element, to improve the estimation performance of the
algorithm analysis has laid a theoretical foundation. algorithm. Meanwhile, the algorithm uses the unitary
transform complex data into real number data, compared
B. Toeplitz Matrix Reconstruction of Improved DOA with the same conditions, ESPRIT-Like algorithm to
Estimation Algorithm calculate the amount reduced.
MUSIC algorithm theory in the study prior to the For any zero-mean stationary random process x, its
analysis of the deduced convenience, first gives DOA fourth-order satisfy:
spatial spectrum estimation problem in the mathematical
model and the following assumptions for an ideal state.
(1) the source of each test has the same polarization, Assuming that the channel of the K signal, the incident
and unrelated. General considerations for the narrowband to the uniform linear array, as shown in Figure 6, the
signal source, and each signal source has the same center array M D spacing of omnidirectional array element, and
frequency. Test signal source number is D. the element 0 as a reference element.
(2) antenna array is determined by M (M>D) array Normals
element consisting of equally spaced linear array, each
array element characteristics identical isotropic. Element θ
spacing is d, and the array element spacing is not more
than half the wavelength of the highest frequency signal.
(3) of the antenna array in the far field source, i.e. an ......
antenna array receiver coming from each source signal is d
a plane wave.
(4) the processor's noise variance 2σ zero-mean X1(t) X2(t) X3(t)
Gaussian white noise, noise between different array
Figure 6. Reference
The array M D spacing of omnidirectional array element
elements are stationary random process, and independent element
of each other. (5) each receiving branch having the same D. Higher Order Cumulant Based on DOA Estimation
Theorem 1: By the above three algorithm and taking into account
In uniform linear distributed target source that input signal contains correlation signal source, we
proposed an integrated DOA estimate algorithm which
R d  R  JRT J combined the advantage of Toeplitz algorithm and Svd
algorithm based on MUSIC estimate algorithm. MUSIC
=RT  R NT  QT  J  RT  R NT  QT  J (15)
algorithm is a method based on subspace composing,
=R NT  J  R NT  J
taking use of the of the signal subspace and noise
subspace to reconstruct spatial spectrum function that
The essence of Toeplitz is computing the average of gives an indication of the angles of arrival based upon
oblique diagonal elements in covariance matrix, and it maxima vs. angle. The integrated DOA estimate
can be described as the following formula: algorithm can be described as following steps:
Step one: collecting the input sample X  i  ,
1 m p
r  p  r , 0 p M
M  p i 1 i i  n
(16) i  1, , N , and estimating the covariance matrix of
input signal as the following:
r  p   r* p  (17) ^ 1 N
RX   X  i  XH  i 
N i 1
In the formula rij is the element of covariance matrix
and M is the quantity of array elements. The last step is Step two: Making use of the Toeplitz approximating
^ algorithm, get the reconstructed convariance matrix RX
revising the element rij  ri  j  in the matrix R d that the which have the Toeplitz character.
reconstructed covariance matrix RX have Toeplitz



Step three: Making use of Svd algorithm to The DOA estimate spectrum functions are shown in
decompose RX in two times, constructing high the Fig. 7 in which traditional music algorithm and our
resolution spatial spectrum estimating of noise subspace algorithm are respectively implemented with the same
VU . simulation environment. In the Fig.7 the x-axis is
Step four: On the basis of the noise subspace VU represent in linear scale and y-axis is represent in
calculated before, adopting MUSIC algorithm to logarithm scale. From the pattern of Fig.7 we can see that
construct spatial spectrum function and achieve the the spectral peaks of traditional MUSIC algorithm and
estimating DOA value. By Combining formula (1) with our algorithm are pointing to DOA, but our algorithm has
formula (2) and formula (3) we can see that more sharp spectral peaks and lower sidelobes.
Simulation results show that the MUSIC algorithm, in the
^ 1
P MUSIC  i   ordinary circumstances signal DOA estimation, compared
α    VU  VU  α   
H with the traditional MUSIC algorithm, improved MUSIC
  algorithm to estimate the spectrum from the spectrum
1 peak higher, more easily distinguish the signal DOA, and

α H    VU
thus more resolution for signal.
The simulation is implemented under the supposing
that three narrowband signals propagate to the array, in
which the angle of arrival are 60 , 40 and 45 , and
A. The Spatial Difference Matrix Estimation based on the the recording number is 1024, in which the signals are
DOA noncorrelated and the SNR is 10dB.
The simulation experiment by means of uniform line The simulation results also show that the adjacent
11 element array, the array element spacing d = λ 2, the small signal to noise ratio, the traditional MUSIC
signal is the QPSK signal, a total of 8 incident signals, algorithm has lost the resolution, and the improved
including 2 non related signal is 15°, 25°, 2 groups of MUSIC algorithm can distinguish these signals of DOA.
related signal respectively (10°, 30°, 40°and 20°(), 50°, For the coherent signal, the traditional MUSIC algorithm
60°), related signal corresponding fading coefficients can not distinguish them in DOA, and the improved
were (0.3 + 0.7 J, 1,0.4 + 0.2j), (1, 0.2 + 0.8 J, 0.5 to 0.6j). MUSIC algorithm can effectively distinguish their DOA.
Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that It can determine the validity and feasibility of the
the algorithm has good performance solutions. This received signal covariance to preprocess the correctness
algorithm will be uncorrelated signal and signal and the improved MUSIC algorithm. The two algorithms
separately DOA estimation, reduces interference between under strong correlation spectrum for DOA estimation
each other, without loss of the array aperture, the was shown in Fig. 8.
condition of the same array element number, the
improved algorithm can estimate M-1. Number, increased
and can estimate the number of signals, improves the
array processing ability, especially when the signal-to-
noise ratio is less than zero, still has good performance,
and without the subarray partition on the array, will not
cause the array aperture decreases.
B. Trlated Signal DOA Estimation
Our simualtions are in the nonideal environment. The
smart antenna model is uniform 8-element linear array,
and the spaces between two elements are half of
wavelength d   2 and contain three narrowband signal
Figure 8. Two algorithms under strong correlation spectrum for DOA
sources in the environment of additive Gaussian white Estimation
noise which variance is 1.
C. Simulation Results and Analysis
In this simulation three narrowband sources propagate
to smart array with the DOA of 13 , 10 , 45 , in
which the differences of the sources are conspicuous and
the SNR are 5dB, and the recording number is 1024. The
DOA estimate spectrum functions are shown in the Fig.9
in which traditional music algorithm and our algorithm
are respectively implemented with the same simulation
environment. From Fig.9 we can see that in the
environment of low SNR traditional MUSIC algorithm
and our algorithm both can estimate the DOA of 45
Figure 7. Two algorithms for DOA estimation spectrum which angle is far away to the other sources and our



algorithm have more sharp spectral peaks and lower side MUSIC algorithm performance degradation; when the
lobes. As for the two adjacent angle of 13 and 10 , incident signal is related or coherent signal, MUSIC
the traditional MUSIC algorithm can’t recognize the algorithm failed, unable to distinguish between the signal
multi-DOA with near angle distance and low SNR source DOA. This is due to the limitations of the
sources, but our algorithm can effectively estimate this algorithm itself. Through theoretical analysis and
scenario. In the same way large numbers of simulation computer simulation and concluded: one-dimensional
results have attested the phenomenon. noise subspace method can not only under ideal
conditions and traditional MUSIC algorithm to obtain the
same resolution, but also in the number of antenna
elements, as well as inadequate sampling points lower
SNR non-ideal circumstances can obtain traditional
MUSIC algorithm can’t achieve resolution and estimation

This Project is sponsored by the National Science
Foundation for Young Scholars of China (61103171,
61202282), Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science
Foundation of China (LY12F02046), Public Welfare
Figure 9. The DOA estimate spectrum functions Project of Science and Technology Department of
Zhejiang Province of China (2012C31006). And our
In the nonideal scenario, smart array models are work is supported in part by Research Foundation and
uniform 8-element linear array in which the space of Key Disciplines Foundation of Qianjiang College.
elements is half of wavelength d   2 and the
electromagnetism environment are consisted of three REFERENCES
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Complexity Measurement of Large-Scale

Software System Based on Complex Network
Li Dali
College of Computer Science & Technology, Jilin University, Changchun, China, 130012

Abstract—With the increase of software system complexity, between class and class, such as inheritance complexity,
the traditional measurements can not meet the requirements, the coupling complexity and so on. These measurements
for the reason that the developers need control the software are focused solely on statistics number or size relating to
quality effectively and guarantee the normal operation of the object class. In terms of large-scale software, too
software system. Hence how to measure the complexity of
much emphasis is on fine-grained statistics, and no
large-scale software system has been a challenge problem.
In order to solve this problem, the developers have to obtain attention has been paid on the measurement of the coarse-
a good method to measure the complexity of software grained modular construction. In addition, the large-scale
system first. Only through this work, the software quality software measurement is an important guarantee for the
and the software structure could be controlled and science of software design and development. The
optimized. Note that the complex network theory has software development is often in a runaway state for the
offered a new theoretical understanding and a new reason that a reasonable measurement approach is lack.
perspective to solve this kind of complexity problem, this The measurement of software complexity has close
work discusses the complexity phenomenon in large-scale relation with the reliability, the maintainability and other
software system. Based on this, some complexity
characteristics of software.
measurements of large-scale software system are put
forward from static structure and dynamic structure On the other hand, the formulation of complex network
perspectives. Furthermore, we find some potential theory in recent years gives a new perspective for the
complexity characteristics in large-scale software networks measurement of large-scale software systems. It has been
through the numerical simulations. The proposed shown that many networks, such as social networks,
measurement methods have a guiding significance on the ecological networks, Internet, and software systems have
development for today's large-scale software system. In obvious complex characteristics, including small-world
addition, this paper presents a new technique for the feature, scale-free feature and so on. Through the
structural complexity measurements of large-scale software approach that social systems, ecological systems in actual
life are modeled as complex networks, some scholars
Index Terms—Software Complexity; Complex Network have studied their structural characteristics and their
Theory; Complexity Measurement; Large-Scale Software safety problem and found many significant results of
System; Whole Perspective these networks [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]. These studies have
an important influence on the social, biology and physics
I. INTRODUCTION Studies have shown that large-scale software systems
The measurement study is an indispensable element in also include complex characteristics [13] [14] [15] [16]
the area of engineering technology. The measurement [17]. There are a lot of units with different sizes in large
technology is gradually integrated into the software scale software systems. Once these software units and the
engineering field, and has become an important part of a interactions between them are modeled, we can find that
good software engineering. It is because that whatever many complex systems have obvious complex network
can not be measured, it can not be controlled. The phenomenon. If we apply the nature and the law of
measurement is helpful to understand and control the complex network to software system and investigate the
various activities in the process of software development, structural features of the software system, we can better
as well as improve the process and products. With the understand and control software system. The basic work
development of software engineering, the quantitative of software measurement began at a very early age [18].
point of view for the process of software development, And then the calculation of the number of linearly
products and information has been paid attention to by independent paths is proposed to measure the complexity
more and more scholars, so the research on software of the program. In this study, the proposed McCabe ring
metrics has pushed on in recent years [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]. complex degree is a more successful measurement
The traditional object-oriented measurements, such as method on structured program. It is worth noting that it is
C&K method [6], Mood method [7] and so on, focus the first time that the internal network topology features
mainly on the class. They measure the internal of software systems are considered. For the nature
complexity of the class, the complexity of the relationship evaluation of software measurement, there are seven



standards for the quality assurance and the object- individuals. Let G  (V , E ) be a network graph on N
oriented software life cycle. In the later study, the object- vertices where V  {v1 , v2 , , vN } and E  {e1 , e2 , , eM } .
oriented ideas become the mainstream of the software
design and the software development. Some measurement N  V and it is the total number of all nodes. Each edge
methods which are suitable to the object-oriented ei in the set E is corresponding to a pair of nodes in the
software appear. For instance, the C&K measurement set V . The networks could be divided into the directed
based on inheritance tree is very representative approach
and weighted network, the undirected and weighted
[6] [19] [20]. These methods are mainly focused on the
network, directed and unweighted network, and
perspectives which are the internal complexity of the
undirected and unweighted network according the real
class, the complexity of inheritance between classes and
the complexity of the coupling between classes. However,
For the directed complex network, the degree of a node
these methods have the following problems. First,
refers to the number of edges which are connected with
although these methods pay attention to the coupling
the node. The in-degree of a node is the number of edges
between the object classes which only is a kind of
which point to this node from the other nodes to this day,
number statistics, the interaction between the classes has
while the out-degree of a node represents the number of
not reflected. Second, the study is still at the stage of
edges which point to other nodes from this node. The
measurement on internal attributes of software systems,
node degree distribution is represented by the function
the definition on the relationship between the external
p(k ) which refers the probability that a node has k
and internal properties is lack. Third, these studies focus
on the microscopic statistics. Although the complexity of edges. The results have shown that the node degree
the software systems is usually the overall performance, distribution mainly has two forms: one is the exponential
little work is on the complexity measurement based on distribution, and the other is a power-law distribution.
the global and overall perspective. In addition, software The clustering coefficient is used to measure the
quality and software development are troubled with the clustering degree of complex networks, that is, the
software complexity, especially for large-scale software connectivity degree between nodes within complex
systems [21] [22]. networks or the degree of local transmission between
Considering these existing problems, we analyze the network nodes. The average path length refers to the
complexity of the large-scale software systems and finds average shortest distance among all the nodes in complex
that they have the obvious complex network feature. In networks. The shortest distance is the minimum number
this work, the complex network theory is introduced to of the edges from one node to another node. Many studies
analyze the complexity characteristics of large-scale have shown that the real complex networks have the large
software systems first. Combining with the internal clustering coefficients and the small average paths.
topology features of object-oriented software, we further A large-scale software system divides a complex
propose a measurement model for the complexity of problem into multiple parts, and then is finished by
large-scale software systems from a whole level which is multiple developers working together. During the
based on the current research findings of complex development process, the complex functionality is
network theory. And then some measurement approaches decomposed into a large number of reusable components
are presented so as to explore the complexity of large- according to the functional needs. If these components
scale software systems from static structure perspective are regarded as nodes, the relationships between the
and dynamic structure perspective, respectively. At the components represent the edges between the nodes. In
same time, we attempt to integrate the complexity this way, a networked model of the large-scale complex
measurement of the traditional software. Finally, a large- software system could be created.
scale software system as a case study is proposed to apply The key of the software complexity is the complexity
our measurements. As a result, we find that the degree of of the structure because the changes of the structure
this software network follows power-law distribution, as complexity can cause the change of the external quality in
well as some other significant results. It can be seen that the software system. The traditional software
this work gives a perspective for meaningful future measurement method is difficult to measure the change of
research on the complexity of the large-scale software the external quality. We need to measure the software
systems. structure from the granularity of the system. The complex
system theory emphasizes that we should control system
II. COMPLEXITY MEASUREMENT OF LARGE-SCALE from the whole perspective, rather than focus on the local.
SOFTWARE SYSTEM The recent study on the complexity of the software
structure is mainly on the static research of the software
A. Complex Characteristics structure, rather than on the dynamic study of the
The complex networks use graph theory method and software structure.
statistical physics method to capture and describe the B. A Networked Method for Large-Scale Software System
evolution mechanism and the overall behavior of various
system [5-6]. For the description of complex networks, At present, the research of large-scale software
the nodes represent different individuals in the system, systems using complex network theory and the networked
and the links represent the specific relations between method is mainly aimed at the open source system using
the reverse engineering method which begins from the



process of the sequence code, that is, from the code to the large-scale software systems have the obvious complex
class diagram of the system, and then to the network network topology characteristics.
graph. Thus, we analyze the structure of the large-scale For the static measurement on large-scale software
software systems and find their complex network features. systems, the classes, the objects and the methods are
Finally, we could get the overall properties which would regarded as the nodes. Their mutual relations are
not be obtained by a single component accumulation in abstracted as the edges in the networked research. The
the large-scale software systems. As a simplified example, measured parameters based on the complex network
we give the following software system. theory are given below.
Here, we abstract the relations between classes in the 1) The global topological structure of large-scale
simplified software system and obtain Figure 1. software system
It is assumed that dmin (m, n) is the length of the
shortest path between node m and node n . For the
network graph G of a large-scale software system, its
average distance is defined as follows:
Point Pawn 1
d  dmin (m, n)
N ( N  1) m, nV

where N represents the number of the nodes and V is

Move the set of the nodes. The value of d is used to measure
the global topological structure of large-scale software
Figure 1. The representation of over-simplified relations in a software system.
system 2) The network clustering coefficient of large-scale
software system
Furthermore, we get the network representation of a The network clustering coefficient is used to measure
simplified software system through applying the the cluster level of the nodes. The clustering level of a
networked method, as shown in Figure 2. node i is defined as the proportion of the number of the
existing edges on the neighboring nodes of node i and
the number of the completely connection edges between
neighboring nodes. That is, the clustering coefficient of
the node i is expressed as the following.
2 Ei
Ci  (2)
ni (ni  1)

where ni is the number of edges which connect with

node i , and Ei is the number of the existing edges
between the ni nodes.
Figure 2. The network representation of a simplified software system
Then, the clustering coefficient of the architecture
structure of the large-scale software network is the
C. The Proposed Complexity Measurements average value of the clustering coefficients of all nodes in
The empirical analysis has shown that the topology the network, i.e.,
structure of complex software system is not random, but N
has small-world property and scale-free property. At
present, the development of large-scale software system
CG 
i 1
i (3)

is mainly based on the component software technology

2 Ei
and the service-oriented architecture, and each where Ci  . Obviously, CG  [0,1] . When
component is designed to operate by the object-oriented ni (ni  1)
programming methods. Thus, it would be closer to the CG  0 , it implies that all the nodes are isolated nodes.
objective world, and the scale-free property is more
When CG  1 , it represents that the entire network is
obvious. The reusability property of the component in
software systems makes small-world feature more connected, and any two nodes are connected directly.
prominent. There is a hierarchical feature between the The empirical analysis shows that most of the nodes in
components because of the autonomy and the the large scale software systems tend to gather together.
heterogeneity of the components. Those components Despite the clustering coefficient CG is far less than 1,
interact with each other in the form of services and then but are far more than N1 in the completely random
the coupling of them seems to be looser. Therefore, the network. In the actual software system, we also found the
operating platform of the large-scale software systems is same phenomena. The smaller average distance and the
not only networked, but also the topology features of the



larger clustering coefficient become the features of a lot a traditional software measurement method could not
of large-scale software systems. reach this purpose.
3) The community modularity of large-scale software 5) The correlation in large-scale software system
system The correlation between the degree and the clustering
The definition of the community modularity coefficient is used to describe difference among various
calculation formula is based on the two facts. First, the network structures, which includes two aspects: the
edges between the nodes within the community should be correlation between the nodes with the different degrees,
as much as possible. Secondly, the edges which connect and the correlation between the connectivity of the degree
the nodes between the communities should be as little as of the node and its clustering coefficient.
possible. The modularity is defined as the following. Table 1 presents the basic parameters and the
corresponding roles of these measurements in a large-
l k 
T    t  ( t )2  (4) scale software system.
t 1  L 2 L 
where L is the number of all edges in a network, and lt
is the number of the edges in the community Qt . The The basic Symbol The role of the measurement
total degree of all nodes in the community Qt is denoted Used to measure the efficiency of the
information transmission, the cost of the
by kt . The average
communication and the response ability
shortest d
According to the definition of the modularity in Eq. (4), distance
of the system between the software
the modularity is the difference between the proportion of entities in the large-scale software
the edges within the community and the expectation ratio Used to evaluate the complexity degree
of these corresponding edges. The greater the number of of the large-scale software system, and
The degree
edges within the communities and the fewer the number distribution
pk analyze the relationship between the
of edges between the communities, the value of T is network structure and the system
larger. Thus, the features of the communities are more
Used to measure the degree of cohesion
significant. For the large-scale software systems, the The average
of the different granularity software
clustering C
scope of the interaction between nodes is often the entities in the large-scale software
intrinsic semantic collaborative results of the nodes. For system.
instance, the packages, components, and so on, are to Used to analyze the impact caused by
the failure of any software entity or the
synthesize a set number of classes into the higher-level The
B failure of a relationship between the
units, and form a high cohesion and low coupling set of betweenness
software entities on the whole large-
the classes. Therefore, for the given packages or scale software system.
components in the large-scale software system, the larger Used to analyze the collaboration
relation between the different software
value of T indicates that the framing module is better. R(ki , k j ) entities, and then find the entity which
4) The betweenness in large-scale software system The correlation R(ki , Ci ) has some problem.
The betweenness centrality is divided into the Used to analyze the hierarchy and the
betweenness of the node and the betweenness of the edge. modularization degree in the large-scale
software system.
The betweenness of the node refers to the number of the
shortest paths which pass through the node in all of the III. NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS
shortest paths on the network. It reflects the influence
capacity of the node. We denote the set of the shortest A. A Case Study
paths between node i and node j by S (i, j ) . The With the development of the computer technology and
betweenness of the node m is defined as the following. the network technology, a government construction sector
exploits the spatial information system. This
 lm corresponding software system serves the various
Bm  
lS ( i , j )
(5) functional departments respectively and provides the
i, j S (i, j ) support and the regulation guidance for the economic
construction of the region. The system includes five sub-
In the above expression, if l passes through the node systems which are the agriculture, the water, the land, the
m , then lm  1 . Otherwise, if l does not pass through environment, the public safety, respectively. In order
the node m , then lm  0 . The definition on the realize the networked approach in section 2, considering
the corresponding software system is large-scale, this
betweenness of the edge is similar to that on the
article selects the detection and evaluation system for
betweenness of the node. According to the betweenness
authentication based on the remote sensing and the
of the node and the betweenness of the edge, we can
geographical information system in the water
analyze the imfluence on the entire network when some
conservancy subsystem. This large-scale software system
relation between classes or objects is deleted. Thus, we
is mainly to achieve the survey in the various functional
could provide the guidance for the reconstruction and the
departments of the region, and further establish a remote
optimization of the large scale software system. However,
sensing monitoring model of rapid identification. The



model could realize time monitoring on the operation and the various functions of the large-scale software system
the effectiveness in the different types of functional can be realized. If the units in the software system are
departments. For example, whether there is disaster or not, regarded as the nodes, and the interactions between them
and whether funds or substances would be shortage, and as the edges, then the software structure presents a
so on. In this way, the large-scale software system network topology based on a complex interconnection.
provides the rapid intuitive and reliable information for Thus, the networked graph of this software structure is
the dynamic monitoring and the evaluation of the entire realized, which is shown in Figure 5.
The geographical
The remote sensing
system database

The fast extraction model on The data

the running of extraction of
the functional departments classes

The The use types of

estimates of invalid the functional
operation range departments

The invalid operation scope and the degree The economic

of the functional departments use type factors

The complexity calculation of the large-scale software system Figure 5. The abstracted network graph of this large-scale software

The evaluation on the loss based the B. Simulation Results and Complexity Analysis
complexity calculation of the large-scale
software system The basic statistics indicators of the complexity of an
Figure 3. The process representation of a large-scale software system undirected and unweighted network include the degrees,
structure the degree distribution, the average path length, the
clustering coefficient and other indicators. According to
We transform the process representation in Figure 1 the proposed measurements of the complexity in this
into the formal architecture graphics expression, as paper, we use Matlab 2010 software to program and
shown in Figure 4. obtain the statistic calculated results, which are shown in
A1 A4
Table 2. Table 2 show that the statistically characteristic
parameters of the complexity in the large-scale software
system. On this basis, the complex features of the large-
scale software system would be further explored.
A2 A5

A3 A6 The large-scale software N L C B

system 36 71 0.1312 3.9267
d R k  M
3.6615 9.2561 4.9311 1.3568
A7 A8
Table 2 shows that the average shortest distance of the
network is 3.6615. The average shortest distance of a
network reflects the global characteristic of the network.
A9 The value shows that to the average separation degree of
the network node pairs, and is negatively correlated with
the convenient level of the information dissemination
within the network. In addition, the value of the
clustering coefficient is 0.1312. This implies that the
connection probability of an edge between any two nodes
Figure 4. The formal architecture graphics representation of this
software system in the large-scale network is 13.12%. That is to say, there
is a relatively high clustering coefficient. The greater
We put a class of the large-scale software systems as a network clustering coefficient shows that the exchange of
unit and decompose them into the class unit collection. the energy and information among all enterprises in the
Through the interaction between the units of these classes,



network is more convenient, and the collectivization level number of nodes existing in the software system. These
of the network is higher. nodes are called the network hub nodes which refer to the
Considering the directions of the interactions among nodes with high degree. The nodes have the dominant
the units, most nodes are with a small in-degree or a position in the network and could affect the other nodes
small out-degree. In addition, the nodes in the source with small degree relatively. Meanwhile, the scale-free
position or in the end position have only the out-degree or network has a feature of the preferential attachment.
the in-degree. We regard that the indicator based on the Hence the new nodes within the large-scale software
network density can be used to judge the status of nodes system tend to connect with the hub nodes. This
in a particular location within the large-scale software phenomenon is also known as the phenomenon of “rich
system. For example, if the in-degree of a node is 0 the get richer”. 0
node can be regarded as the source node in the
information relationship chain. On the other hand, if the
out-degree of a node is 0, the node can be regarded as an
end node in the information relationship chain. In this
paper, in order to verify the complexity feature of the

large-scale software network, we examine the degree 10

distribution of this network under the double logarithmic

coordinates. Thus, when there is a linear relationship
between log k and log p(k ) , they would be satisfied
with the relation as the following.
log p(k )   log k   (6) 10


Figure 6. The out-degree distribution of a large-scale software network
p(k ) ~ k   (7)
This implies that the software network meets the
power-law distribution. This paper adopts the
programming software to compute the degree distribution
of this network, further calculates the corresponding
value, and finally determines whether the network has a

scale-free complex feature. The simulation results are
shown in Figures 6, 7 and 8.
Figures 6-8 show the degree distribution of this large-
scale software network under the double logarithmic
coordinates. Figure 6 and Figure 7 represent the in-degree
distribution and the out-degree distribution of the 10
0 1 2
10 10 10
software system in Figure 5. The results show that in the log(k)
out-degree distribution and in-degree distribution of this Figure 7. The in-degree distribution of a large-scale software network
network, there exist linear relationship between the log k
and log p(k ) . They are both satisfied with the equation 10

log p(k )   log k   . Therefore, for the large-scale

software system, the in-degree distribution and the out-
degree distribution of this networked structure meet the

power-law distribution which is the characteristic of 10


scale-free network.
Figure 8 shows the cumulative degree distribution of
this large-scale software network under the double
logarithmic coordinates. In Figure 8, we find that the 10
0 1 2
cumulative degree distribution of this network 10 10

approximates a straight line. We adopt the least squares

method to obtain the fitting curve expression as the Figure 8. The cumulative degree distribution of a large-scale software
following. network

p(k )  0.3316k 0.9187 (8)

Therefore, according to Eq. (8), it can be seen that this The complexity of the large-scale software systems is
large-scale software network is a scale-free network closely related to the development cost, the software
through the analysis on the complexity of the large-scale quality and the production efficiency. Hence the
software network. This indicates that there are a small measurement on the complexity of the large-scale



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complex. The complex software is more difficult to modeling and the complexity features based on a
guarantee the quality of its products, the production dynamical evolving mechanism of software systems.
efficiency and the development costs. The software
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Design of Digital Synthesis Filters for Hybrid

Filter Bank A/D Converters Using Semidefinite
Wei Wang and Zi-Jing Zhang
Key Lab. of Radar Signal Processing, Xidian Univ., Xi’an 710071, China

Abstract—Hybrid filter bank (HFB) analog-to-digital here the analysis filter bank is a switched-capacitor
systems permit wideband, high frequency conversion. This circuit whereas the synthesis bank is a digital filter circuit.
paper presents mixed norm optimal design of digital However, the use of switched-capacitor filters would
synthesis filters of a HFB. The mixed norm is a convex introduce switching noise which can limit the signal-to-
combination of the 2-norm and the Chebyshev norm with a
noise ratio and thereby limit the resolution of the system.
weighting parameter. Robust HFB design method based on
worst-case ellipsoidal uncertainty in analog filters errors is Moreover, switched-capacitors also have speed
also proposed. Both the problems can be solved using limitations which limit the wide bandwidth capabilities of
semidefinite programming. The proposed mixed norm the filter bank approach to A/D conversion [12]. To
method allows designers to select the best suitable filters overcome the above drawbacks, the analog /digital HFB
among a family of synthesis filters for specific applications, architecture was proposed in [13-15]. That is, the HFB
and the robust design method is more insensitive to analog architectures overcome the TI architecture's extreme
filters errors than the nominal minimax design. sensitivity to converter mismatches and timing errors and
the switched-capacitor architecture's speed and noise
Index Terms—Hybrid Filter Bank; Mixed Norm; Ellipsoidal
limitations. The HFBs are multirate systems that contain
Uncertainty; Semidefinite Programming
a three-stage process: the analog analysis filters
channelize the input signal into M subband signals; then,
I. INTRODUCTION each subband signal is sampled at 1 M times the
The demand for analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) effective Nyquist frequency of the input signal, and
with high speed and resolution has dramatically increased quantized; finally, the digitized signals are up-sampled by
for sampling ultra wideband analog signals in many a factor of M and reconstructed by digital synthesis
domains, such as software radios and ultra wideband filters.
radars. Using a wideband A/D converter, the Many methods for designing HFB have been proposed.
conventional analog sharp filters and channelizer are In [12], a design method based on a frequency domain
substituted by digital filtering and then the cost of analysis which leads to define both analysis and synthesis
receiver is independent of the channel number [1]. filters was proposed. Analog analysis filters were
Nowadays, it is difficult to use a single ADC to satisfy designed by a discrete-time-to-continuous-time (namely,
the requirements for conversion of an ultra wideband Z-to-S) transform, and synthesis filters were designed
signal. In order to build a very fast ADC, parallelization using the fast Fourier transform. The drawback of the
of channels based on the generalized sampling theorem is approach is that it may lead to high-order continuous-
a wise choice [2]. Time-interleaved (TI) ADC has been time filters. The coefficients of analog and digital filters
proposed to realize a parallel ADC conversion [3-10]. were optimized to minimize the magnitude of the
This approach that has been used in high-speed digital reconstruction errors using the minimax criterion in [16].
sampling oscilloscopes is to employ an array of M The design is performed by first optimizing the analysis
ADCs each triggered successively at 1 M the effective filters using nonlinear programming and then, with the
sample rate of the parallel ADC. However, the speed and analysis filters fixed, parts of the synthesis filters are
resolution of this system is quite limited because the optimized using nonlinear programming whereas the
system is extremely sensitive to ADC mismatches and remaining parts of the synthesis filters make use of linear
clock timing errors. Moreover, the system requires very programming. However, the proposed method can be
accurate clock signals. The discrete-time hybrid filter used only in the two-channel case. A least squares (LS)
bank (HFB) architecture was introduced to overcome error minimization method was introduced in [17].
problems of extremely high sensitivity to the ADC Because the inverse of a large matrix is necessary for the
mismatches of converters and timing errors from TI method, the computations of the method may not be
structure suffers much [11]. The structure is based on numerically stable. In [18], the LS and minimax designs
quadrature mirror filter banks to A/D converters, except of synthesis filters for HFB using second-order cone



programming were presented. However, many realistic 1 T without aliasing is fulfilled. The analog filters
H m  s  are the continuous-time analysis filters which
applications may require combined results from these
Recently, semidefinite programming (SDP) which is a split the input signal into M subband signal xm  t  with
m  0,1..., M  1 . Since the bandwidth of each subband
branch of convex programming becomes a subject of
intensive research. The continued interest in SDP has
been motivated mainly by two reasons [19]: (1) many signal is M times lower than that of the original input
optimization problem of practical usefulness can be signal, each subband signal is sampled at a reduced rate
formulated as SDP problems; (2) efficient interior-point of 1  MT  . The blocks Q0 , Q1 ,..., QM 1 are the branch
methods are available for the solution of SDP problems. quantizers. To better focus on the problem of aliasing
In this paper, an SDP method is proposed to design errors, quantization noise is neglected for simplicity in
finite-impulse response (FIR) synthesis filters in a mixed this paper. Then, the sampling rate is increased by the
norm sense which is the weighted sum of the 2-norm and upsampler, which are denoted by the boxes with up
the Chebyshev norm. In the proposed method, simple- arrows. The digital synthesis filters Fm  z  are designed
realizable first- and second-order analog filters are chosen
as analysis filters so as to reduce the implementation to reconstruct the digitalized signal. The digital signal
complexity. Given the analysis filters, digital FIR y  n  is the output of the filter bank. The Fourier
synthesis filters are used to minimize the reconstruction transform of the output signal can be written as [17]:
errors in the mixed norm sense. The problem of designing
M 1
  2 p 
FIR filters is formulated as a convex optimization Y  e j    X  j  j  Tp  e 
problem and solved using SDP. Note that in this case, the p 0  T MT 
LS and minimax problems become special cases of the
mixed norm problem. with
Another objective of this paper is to design robust M 1
  2 p 
Tp  e j    F e   H
j j
digital FIR synthesis filters with analog filter errors. In m m  (2)
practice, there are three main imperfections in HFB: (1) MT m0  T MT 
the mismatch between A/D converters which can be Analog analysis filters Digital synthesis filters
characterized by gain and timing mismatch between
converters; (2) digital filtering errors caused by the H0  s
Q0 ↑M F0  z 
quantization of the coefficients of the digital filters; (3)
H1  s  Q1 ↑M F1  z 
x t  y n
the analog filter errors. The mismatch between A/D MT
converters and the digital filter errors have been 
illustrated in [8] and [17], respectively. Hence, in this
paper we only focus on the analog filter errors. The
HM1 s QM 1 ↑M FM 1  z 
parameters of analog analysis filters may vary because of MT
different operation environments, component-value Figure 1. Hybrid filter bank
variations, interference, and aging. In fact, a very small
deviation in the parameters of analysis filter banks results It can be seen from (1) that the output signal is a
in a large degradation of performance so that the mixture of the frequency-shifted versions of the input
respective HFB would no longer be useful [20]. Hence, signal. The transfer function T0 is the distortion function
one of the challenges in the implementation of HFB is the
related high sensitivity to the realization errors of analog representing the magnitude gain and group-delay function
analysis filters. However, this problem has not been of the HFB, and Tp    , p  1, 2..., M  1 , denotes the
solved satisfactorily. A robust FIR synthesis filters design aliasing function associated with the shifted and
method is proposed to mitigate the effect of realization unwanted versions of the input signal that should ideally
errors in the minimax sense. First, the realization errors in be eliminated. Perfect reconstruction means that the
each frequency response of analog filters are described by output y  n  is only a scaled, delayed, and sampled
a complex uncertainty ellipsoid at each frequency. Then
version of the input. Therefore, perfect reconstruction is
the robust synthesis filters design problem is also
as follows [17]:
formulated as an SDP problem, and therefore efficiently
 j d
solved. Design results show that the robust synthesis 
ce , p0
filters designed perform better than the nominal optimal Tˆp  e j    (3)
ones when analog filters errors are considered. 
 0, p  1,..., M  1

II. HFB THEORY where d is the overall HFB’s delay which is a positive
real number, c is a nonzero constant.
A maximally decimated HFB of M channels is shown
Then the design problem of HFB can be stated as
in Fig. 1. The input analog signal x  t  is supposed to be follows:
strictly bandlimited to  T , where T is the sample Given causal, stable analog analysis filters
H  s 
M 1
period of the system. In this case, the Nyquist criterion , a tolerable time delay d and the sampling
m m0
for sampling with an effective sampling frequency of



period T , design causal FIR digital synthesis filters so M 1

that (2) approximates the desired transfer function (3) of H    Wp   r p   r pT    i p   i Tp   d ,

p 0
an HFB over the frequency band of interest in certain
M 1
sense as closely as possible. In other words, Distortion T0 t    Wp   r p   Rpd    i p   I pd   d ,

should be small (e.g. less than a tenth of a decibel p 0
M 1
k    Wp   Tˆp  e j  d  ,
deviation from ideal 0 dB [12]), and aliasing errors 2

should be close to 0 as well as possible. 

p 0

r p    r pT,0   ,..., r pT,M -1   ,

In this section, given the analog analysis filters, FIR
i p    i pT,0   ,..., i pT, M 1   ,
synthesis filters are designed based on SDP. The design
problems of digital synthesis filters for HFB using the LS  1   2 p  
and minimax criteria are described successively in r p , m    Re  Hm  j  j e  ,
Sections 3-A and 3-B. In Section 3-C, mixed norm  MT  T MT  
optimal design of digital synthesis filters of the HFB is  1   2 p  
introduced. i p , m    Im  Hm  j  j e  ,
 MT  T MT  
A. LS Design of FIR Synthesis Filters
For an M-channel HFB, the mth synthesis filter is
 
Rpd    Re Tˆp  e j  , I pd    Im Tˆp  e j  .  
supposed to an N-length FIR filter with frequency Here, Re    and  respectively, denotes the real and
response imaginary parts of a complex number. Let nonnegative
N 1 auxiliary variable  be the upper bound of the LS
Fm  e j    f m  n  e jn  f mT c    js   (4) objective function (7), i.e.
n 0

H f  H f   2f Tt  k  
12 T 12
where the superscript T
denotes transposition, f m  n  is
the impulse response of the mth filter to be determined, which is equivalent to
e    1, e j ,..., e   
 j N 1 
,  I H 1 2f 
L   12  0 (9)
f m   f m  0  ,..., f m  N  1  H f 
  2f T t  k 

c    1,cos   ,...,cos   N  1   ,

where a matrix L 0 means L is positive semidefinite.

s    0,sin   ,...,sin   N  1   .
Now if x   , f T  , the matrix L is affine with

Substituting (4) into (2), the transfer function of the respect to x [19]. Then the problem (6) can be
HFB can be written as: reformulated as the following SDP problem:
M 1
  2 p  min b T x
Tp  e j    f c    js   H
j j
m m  (5) x
MT m0  T MT  (10)
s.t. L  x  0
In the LS design, we seek to find filter coefficients
f m m0 such that Tp  e j  approximates Tˆp  e j  as in where b  1,0,...0 . Efficient interior-point algorithm
M 1 T

(3) in the LS error criterion. The design problem can be and MATLAB software are now available for the
written as: solution of SDP problem [19].
M 1 B. Minimax Design of FIR Synthesis Filters
min   Wp   Tp  e j   Tˆp  e j  d 
(6) Instead of the LS design, the minimax design of FIR
f 
p 0
synthesis filters can also be carried out using SDP. The
minimax problem can be written as:
where f  f 0T , f 1T ,..., f MT 1  ,  is the frequency band of

interest, and Wp   is a positive weighting function. The

objective function in (6) can be written in matrix form as
f 
min max Wp2   Tˆp  e j   Tp  e j 
 , p  0,..., M 1 (11)
M 1
The squared weighted error function in (11) is
 W p   Tp  e   Tˆp  e j  d 
W 2   Tˆ  e j   T  e j 
j 2
 p p p
p 0

 f T Hf - 2f T t  k (7) 
 Wp2   r pT,0   ,..., r pT, M 1   f  Rpd    ... 
 H f  H f   2f t  k

 
12 12 T 2
j i pT,0   ,..., i pT, M 1   f  I pd  



 Wp2   r pT   f  Rpd     i pT   f  I pd    

2 2 between the 2-norm and the Chebyshev norm. Let
 
E p     and E p     for   , using (9-10)
2 2

  p1     p 2   ,
2 2 2
and (14-15), (16) can be reformulated as an SDP problem:
where  p1  Wp   r pT   f  Rpd   , min   1    
f , , 
 p 2  Wp   i T
p   f I d
p   . s.t. L 0, F 0, p  0,..., M  1
Let auxiliary variable   0 denote the upper bound
Note that The LS   1 problem (10) and minimax
of the objective function (12), namely,
  0 problem (15) are special cases of the mixed
 p21     p2 2     , for   (13)
norm problem (17). Depending on the choice of the
which is equivalent to parameter  , the mixed norm minimization can exhibit
properties similar to either the LS or Chebyshev solutions.
   p1    p 2    In other words, the solution of (17) can lead to smaller
 
G p     p1   1 0  0 , for   (14) energy of the aliasing error than the Chebyshev solution
 p 2   but larger than that of the LS solution, and in term of
 0 1 
peak aliasing error, the solution of (17) can be better than
the LS solution but less favorable than the Chebyshev
Discretizing the frequency variable  over a dense set
solution. Hence, the mixed norm solutions with different
of frequencies i : i  1, 2,..., K on the frequency band  can be used to meet the demands for trade-off
 , then a discretized version of (14) is given by between the properties of different designs.
Fp x  0 where
F p  x   diag G p 1  ,G p 2  ,...,G p K  , the PARAMETER UNCERTAINTIES
notation diag a1 , a 2 ,..., a K  denote the matrix with a i Up to this point, it has been supposed that the analog
analysis filters of HFB are perfect. However, in the real
in the diagonal, for 1  i  K , and 0 elsewhere, where
world, the analog circuits of analysis filter bank are
a i i1
can be scalars, vectors, and matrices. The subject to the analog imperfections since the related
minimax problem in (11) can be converted into electronic components include deviations from the design
(or nominal) values. The realization errors are originated
min b T x from the fabrication parameters or from some time-
x (15) dependent variations in the parameters of analog circuits
s.t. F p  x  0, p  0,..., M  1 which are related to aging and temperature drift [18] [21].
Hence, the characteristics of analog analysis filters may
which belongs to the class of SDP problems. Note that in be influenced by these parameter uncertainties. As is
contrast to the LS design, which requires only a single known in [20], when analog imperfections exist, the
linear matrix inequality constraint, the minimax design reconstruction performance of the HFB designed by the
requires one constraint per discrete frequency. nominal method above may deteriorate significantly.
C. Mixed Norm Design of FIR Synthesis Filters Therefore, it is also necessary to design FIR synthesis
Although pure LS and minimax solutions have been filters such that Tp  e j  does not deviate much from
Tˆp  e j  in the presence of analog filter errors.
used in digital FIR synthesis filters design of the HFB for
some time, in real world designs it is common to want to
trade off the properties of the different designs. As stated To reflect the uncertainty in the true frequency
above, in the synthesis filters design problem, with given responses of analog filters, we assume that the frequency
analog analysis filters, it is necessary to design FIR filters response H m  j  of analog filter is uncertain at each
so that (2) approximates the desired transfer function (3) frequency, but belongs to a known uncertainty set.
of an HFB over the frequency band of interest as well as
Namely, we consider the uncertainty in H m  ji 
possible. The approximation can be carried out by
minimizing some norm of the weighted error modeled by an ellipse in the complex plane, namely,
p p 
E    W   T  e j   Tˆ  e j  . To achieve this
p p   
H m  ji   m,i  H m  ji   am,i um,1  bm,i um,2 um2 ,1  um2 ,2  1 (18)
goal, we solve the following mixed norm problem
where H m  ji  is the nominal frequency response of
min E p     E p    1    E p  
2 2

f mix 2 
(16) the mth analog analysis filter at i , am,i and bm ,i are
complex numbers that describe the shape of the
where   , p  0,..., M  1 ,  and  
are 2-norm
2 uncertainty ellipse, and um,1 , um ,2 are real parameters. In
and Chebyshev norm, respectively, and   0,1 is a the worst-case robust optimization approach (with the
weighting parameter specifying the relative importance uncertainty set described above), the cost function can be



expressed as E p    max E p i  , which I 0  0 0 

 Ap i   pI  ApT i   
sup 1
 i H m  ji m ,i    0 (20)
0  M  0  M 
describes the worst-case value of the error E p   over
Then using the Schur complement technique [23] and
all possible data H m  ji   m,i . The goal of the robust following the derivation in [22] again, the robust
FIR synthesis filters design problem is that given the synthesis filters design problem (19) with the ellipsoidal
uncertainty model of the analog analysis filters, design uncertainty model (18) can be written as
robust digital FIR synthesis filters to minimize the cost M 1
function E p   , that is, min  p (21)
  ,  p ,f
p 0

 
min max sup E p i   i  1, 2,..., K  S Ap i 
 i H m  ji m ,i  s.t. Q p i    T  0 , i  1, 2,..., K ,
p  0,..., M 1 (19)  Ap i   pI 
p  0,..., M  1 , where S  diag2 M 1   ,..., ,  p  M   ,
We show that the problem (19) can be cast as an SDP
problem. where diag k  g  denotes the k-by-k matrix with the
By introducing the auxiliary variable  p , we note that elements of g in the diagonal and 0 elsewhere, 0 J is a
E p i    p2 if and only if E p i    p2 for
2 2
  2 p 
sup H m   H m  j  j  , 
J-row zero vector,
H m  ji m ,i
 T MT 
all H m  ji   m,i , i.e., the following implication holds: denotes Kronecker product. The problem (21) is to
minimize a linear function subject to linear matrix
a0,2 i  b0,2 i  ...  aM2 1,i  bM2 1,i  E p i    p2 . We first
inequalities constraints. Hence, it is an SDP problem.
introduce v   a0,2 i , b0,2 i , a1,2i , b1,2i ,..., aM2 1,i , bM2 1,i ,1 to
Note that the formula in [22] is only applicable to design
of a single channel equalizer; however, the formula (21)
express a0,2 i  b0,2 i  ...  aM2 1,i  bM2 1,i  M as can be used to design a multichannel HFB. Hence, (21) is
the extension to the result of [22]. Moreover, the HFB
I 0 
vT  v  0 ; then the inequality E p i    p2 is
 designed by (21) is insensitive to analog filters errors.
0  M  This is due to the incorporation of the parameter
 A  v   A  v    uncertainty model and the worst-case minimization in the
equivalent to T
p i
p i
p  0 , the
robust design algorithm.
matrix Ap i  is shown at the bottom of the page. Then
following the derivation in [22], we can obtain
In this section, the proposed methods are now applied
I 0 
vT  v  0  to two-channel HFBs  M  2  . For HFB, the pass ripple
0  M 
and non-constant group delay of the analog analysis
 0 0 0  filters usually require high order digital synthesis filter in
  
A   A  
order to achieve an accurate signal reconstruction. Hence,
v T  p i p i   v  0 .
p 0 0 0  the analog filters, which have no pass and nearly constant
   group delay, are good candidates for constructing the
 0 0  p  
 analysis filters [13]. Therefore, the analysis filters are
Using the S-procedure [23], it can be seen that the built with simple resonators. A first-order low-pass filter
implication between two quadratic forms above is is used for H 0  s  . Its transfer function is as follows:
equivalent to the existence of real variable  such that
  0 and

 
Re  a0,i , 0 M 1   e T f   
Im  a0,i , 0 M 1   e T f 

 
 
 

Re 0 M 1 , aM 1,i   e T f   
Im 0 M 1 , aM 1,i   e T f 

 

Ap i    
Re b0,i , 0 M 1   e T f   
Im b0,i , 0 M 1   e f
T 
 
 
 

 
Re 0 M 1 , bM 1,i   e T f   
Im 0 M 1 , bM 1,i   e T f 
  
   
 
 p  p
 Re  H 0 ,..., H M 1   e f  Re Tˆp

   p  p T ˆ
Im  H 0 ,..., H M 1   e f  Im Tp 

 



the magnitude of total aliasing function is ideally equal to

0 1
H0  s   , 0  (22) zero.
s  0 R0 C0 Example 1): Mixed norm design without analog
realization errors: In this example, the nominal design
where 0 is the cutoff frequency of the filter. The without analog realization errors is considered. FIR
transfer functions of other analysis filters are as follows synthesis filters are designed by the LS, minimax and
[17]: mixed-norm optimizations, as discussed in Section 3. Fig.
3 shows the magnitudes of the resulting distortion
Hm  s  , m  1,..., M  1 (23) functions designed using the three techniques. From Fig.
s 2  Bs  m2 3 we can see that the peak distortions of the HFBs design
by three methods are 0.04, 0.02 and 0.032, respectively.
where B denotes the width of the passband of the analog As we expect, the system designed by LS method has the
filters and  m is the resonator frequency. The analysis biggest peak distortion, minimax design has the smallest
filters are designed to divide the input signal peak distortion, and the mixed norm design has the
approximately into equal spacing sub-channels. The middle numerical value. The magnitudes of the aliasing
frequency response magnitudes of the analog analysis functions resultant from the methods are shown in Fig. 4.
filters are given in Fig. 2. We do not represent a small part of frequency borders
(high frequencies) in both the figures because the input
-2 signal is oversampled. As is shown in Fig. 4, the mixed
-4 norm design (   0.5 in this example) demonstrates a
-6 trade-off between 2-norm   1 and Chebyshev norm
Magnitude (dB)

  0 . That is, the LS design has the largest peak
aliasing error. The minimax design has the largest energy
-12 of the aliasing error. The HFB designed by mixed norm
-14 optimization retain properties of both LS and minimax
design. Hence, the proposed mixed norm method allows
-18 H
designers to select the best suitable filters among a family
of synthesis filters for specific applications. Moreover, all
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 of the aliasing errors are suppressed to be below -92 dB
Normalized Frequency
in the frequency band of interest. The peak aliasing
Figure 2. Frequency response magnitudes of the analog analysis filters obtained by LS design is -92dB, which is the biggest
among the three methods, whereas the minimax design
Two 81-length FIR synthesis filters are considered. yields the least peak aliasing -100dB. Still, the mixed
The system delay d and scale factor c are set to 40 and norm design demonstrates a trade-off between others.
1, respectively. Since HFB ADC have shown a large Table I summarizes the reconstruction errors for the three
reduction in the aliasing levels using a small ratio of design techniques.
oversampling [17], an oversampling ratio of 6% is Example 2): Robust design with analog realization
applied so that the input signal is bandlimited to errors: In this example, the performance of the robust
0,0.94  , and its spectrum is zero at the remaining design method is evaluated. The nominal minimax design
method (15) is also carried out for comparison. The
frequency bands. The weighting function Wp   for frequency responses of the analog filters at each discrete
p  0,..., M 1 are set to 1 at 0,0.94  and to 0 at frequency are unknown exactly, but known to be inside
an ellipse in the complex plane. For simplicity but
0.94 ,   . The number K of frequency sample points
without loss of generality, all the parameters am,i and
of the examples is 100. The SDP problems are solved by
the CVX toolbox [24]. bm ,i are set to 0.02, i  1,..., K , m  0,..., M 1 . Here,
To measure performance of the HFB obtained, the because am,i is equal to bm ,i , the ellipse uncertainty
relative distortion function [17]
 m,i becomes a disk of radius am,i in the complex plane
T0  e j 
R    (24) [22]. The aliasing errors of the designed HFBs using
ce j d nominal minimax method (15) and robust design method
(21) are shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen from Fig. 5 that
and the total aliasing function only very small errors on analog components generate
M 1 very significant errors on aliasing functions. The peak
TA     T e  
p (25) aliasing obtained by nominal minimax design reduces to -
p 1 62dB. However, the robust design method offer improved
robustness to the parameter uncertainties over the
are considered. Note that the distortion function ideally
nominal minimax method. The aliasing error of the robust
has a magnitude equal to one and a phase equal to zero.
design method is suppressed to be below -72dB in



  0,0.94  . This is because the analog realization provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed
errors are taken into account in the robust design.
0.02 Minimax design
Mixed-norm design The authors would like to thank the anonymous
Magnitude of distortion

reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions

which helped improve the paper in many aspects. This
paper was supported by National Natural Science
-0.01 Foundations of China (No. 61172137, 60872155).
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Multi-granularity-based Routing Algorithm for

Dynamic Networks
Fu-gui He 1, Yan-ping Zhang 2, Xiancun Zhou 1, Renjin Liu 1, and Ling Zhang 2
1. Department of Information Engineering, West Anhui University, Lu’an, P. R. China
2. School of Computer Science and Technology, Anhui University, Hefei, P. R. China

Abstract—When dynamic network exhibits extremely algorithms unsuitable when applied directly to dynamic
complex behavior and keeps on changing all the time, the networks. At one extreme, all pairs of shortest paths are
energy efficiency is the most important key-point of routing precomputed and stored in a distance table and routing
algorithm. Many empirical measurements are inadequate to process is reduced to lookup the table. However, this
represent dynamic networks. However, the quotient space
would require a large amount of storage space for a
theory is an in-depth treatment of hierarchical problem
solving, and powerful abilities of representation with network, and this isn’t suit to a dynamic network. So, a
different granularities. In this paper, we present a novel better approach would be to pre-compute and store some
approach based on quotient space theory to reduce the helpful hints. It would be used later to help narrow down
computation complexity of routing algorithm in the the search space and improve the search efficiency [3].
dynamic network. Firstly, we analyze the structure of Hierarchical strategy has proven to be very effective in
dynamic network and use community-based multi-granular road navigation system [4].
representation to represent the network. Then we develop a An alternate approach forms a hierarchical abstraction
routing algorithm based on multi-granular spaces. Finally, for route finding. Hierarchical routing algorithms tend to
we compare the proposed algorithm with several alternative
restrict the route computation to some small networks,
methods and the results show that our algorithm clearly
outperforms the comparison methods in the road network. which are subsets of the original a road network. The
network could be divided into various sub-networks by
Index Terms—Quotient Space Theory; Granular taking advantage of an interesting property of the
Computing; Multi-Granularity; Network Structure Analysis; network. In the literature [5] some researchers proposed a
Network Routing hierarchical routing algorithm wherein the grid sub-
network, but the algorithm doesn’t break down the search
into multiple searches, and the routes were found to be
about 9% longer than the shortest routes. Some
Real-world social systems have been modeled and hierarchical routing algorithms that aim to provide
studied as networks. Each vertex of the network optimal routes require a large number of shortest paths
corresponds to an individual object of the system and the among nodes of the network to be pre-computed and
edge symbolizes the interaction between these individual stored. However, pre-computation usually requires
entities. e.g. Internet, World Wide Web, online social prohibitively large storage space [6-9]. In intelligent
network (Facebook, Twitter), and intelligent trans- transport systems, some researchers who have proposed
portation system. Dynamic route guidance systems help hierarchical routing algorithms recommend the formation
to tackle many social network transportation problems, of hierarchy on the basis of road types [10–15]. This is
such as vehicle navigation. On-line route guidance is one chiefly based on the observation that a major portion of
of the most desirable features in intelligent transportation all journeys lie on major roads such as highways and
system. Dynamic route guidance systems compute and expressways, which permit faster travel.
provide routes with minimum travel time by taking into Current state-of-the-art dynamic routing algorithms are
account the rapid changes in the network traffic incapable of computing these updated directions in an
conditions. acceptable time as the network size increases. This is
In the computer literature, dynamic route guidance is particularly true for algorithms that attempt to account for
known as the shortest path problem. The shortest path the non-stationary aspects of dynamic networks.
problem remains a well-researched area and there are In our previous work [16], we have proposed a
number of algorithms to solve it such as Dijkstra’s heuristic hierarchical technique to find routes in lager
algorithm, Floyd algorithm, A* algorithm and their many scale networks. However, that solution is applicable only
improved variants [1,2]. However, in dynamic route to static network, which is inadequate to represent
guidance systems the optimal route between two vertices dynamic networks. In this paper, using quotient space
needs to be computed in a fast and efficient manner. theory we present a multi-granular representation model
Empirical results indicate that the computation time for partitioning a given network. In dynamic networks,
becomes unacceptable when the scale of the network we update local area’s structure information of the initial
becomes large. It makes the most conventional routing network, and apply heuristic search method to solve the



network routing of the local area network. Routing vi RG v j  vi , v j  V , vi  Ck  v j  Ck ,

algorithm of dynamic networks based on multi- (1)
1  i, j | V |,1  k  nc
granularity is presented. We hope this algorithm to
substantially reduce the complexity of route computation Define V1  {v11 ,..., v1n1 } as a quotient set corresponding
in large and dynamic networks. The total complexity is
reduced to the sum of the complexities of the individual to RG . Let V=V0, and vi0 be the element of V. Ranking the
searches rather than the product of complexities. elements (nodes) of quotient set V1, we have a set denoted
The remainder paper is organized as follows: in section by V1  {v11 ,..., v1n1 } and a corresponding space denoted by
2, we discuss the basic idea of Community-based multi-
granular representation of network based on quotient G1 (V1 , E1 ,W1 ) . For space G(V , E,W ) , G is partitioned
space theory. In section 3, we introduce a routing into nc 1 communities Ci (Vi , Ei ,Wi ), i  1, 2, , nc 1 . For
algorithm of dynamic network based on multi-granularity.
Section 4 evaluates the proposed approach. Section 5 space G1 (V1 , E1 ,W1 ) , Ci is reduced to a node vi1 .
concludes the paper. e(vi1 , v1j ) is the inter-community edges between Ci and
REPRESENTATION OF NETWORK Then, we defined RG1 as vi2 RG1 v 2j  vi2 , v 2j V ,
A. Quotient Space Theory vi2  C  v2j  C,1  i, j | V1 | and V2  {v12 ,..., vn22 } as a
The quotient space theory [17] combines the different quotient set corresponding to RG1 . So, the corresponding
granularities with the concept of mathematical quotient
set and represents a problem by a triplet(X, f, T), where X space G2 (V2 , E2 ,W2 ) is constructed.
is the set of our discussing object, namely the universe; Generally, for space Gl (Vl , El ,Wl ) , define RGl as
f (.) is the attribute function of universe X; T is the
v RGl vlj  vil , vlj V , vil  C  vlj  C, 1  i, j | Vl | and
structure of universe X, namely the interrelations of
elements. When we view the same universe X from a Vl 1  {v1l 1 ,..., vnl l11 } as a quotient set corresponding to
coarser grain size, that is, when we give an equivalence RGl . So, the corresponding space Gl 1 (Vl 1 , El 1 ,Wl 1 ) is
relation or a tolerance relation [18] R on X, we can get a
corresponding quotient set denoted by [X], and then constructed.
regard [X] as a new universe, we must have the Obviously, (G(V , E,W ), G1 (V1 , E1 ,W1 ),... , Gk (Vk , Ek
corresponding coarse-grained space ([X], [f], [T]) called a ,Wk )) forms a sequence of hierarchical quotient spaces.
quotient space of (X, f, T). In the granular world of the Now, the elements in space G(V , E,W ) are represented
quotient space theory, the information granule is a kind of
reflection of limited abilities that people deal with and by a hierarchical encoding as follows.
store information. Dealing with one complicated problem For vV, v is represented by a k+1-dimentional
and having the limited abilities, we need partition the integral v  (v 0 , v 1 ,..., v k ) . Assume that pi : V  Vi is a
problem into some simple small problems according to natural projection. If pi (v)  vti , let the i-th coordinate of
each characteristic and performance in order to deal with
easily. v be t , i.e., v i  t . It means that if v belongs to the t-th
B. Community-Based Multi-Granular Representation element of Vi, then v i  t .
In conclusion, the procedure for constructing the
Here a network is represented by a weighted edge
hierarchical quotient space model of network G(V , E,W )
graph G(V,E,W) , where V is the set of vertices
is shown below.
representing individual objects, E  V  V is the set of (1) According to equivalence relation RG, the elements
edges representing the interaction between these of a weighted edge graph G(V , E,W ) are classified into
individual entities, And W is a set of edge weights.
several equivalence classes. Based on the classification,
Community detection methods partition the graph into
we have a quotient space G1 (V1 , E1 ,W1 ) .
disjoint communities. If G is partitioned into nc
(2) According to equivalence relation RG1 , the
communities Ci (Vi , Ei ,Wi ), i  1, , nc , these communi-
n n elements of quotient space G1 (V1 , E1 ,W1 ) are further
ties have the following properties: Vi  V , Ei  E , classified into several equivalence classes. Then we have
i 1 i 1
a quotient space G2 (V2 , E2 ,W2 ) .
i, j,Vi V j  , Ei  E j  , 1  i, j  nc , i  j . In
each community Ci , Ei , a subset of E, connects its nodes, Generally, according to equivalence relation RGl , the
Vi . In addition to these edges, E / Ei is a subset of elements of space Gl (Vl , El ,Wl ) are classified into
i 1 several equivalence classes. We have a quotient space
edges representing the inter-community edges, which Gl 1 (Vl 1 , El 1 ,Wl 1 ) .
connect pairs of communities.
Definition1. Equivalence relation RG is defined as



The construction of quotient spaces will be ended until (or x2 and t) are the same. For s and x1 , the same
space Gk (Vk , Ek ,Wk ) . operation is implemented, i.e., comparing s i  2 with x1i  2
Ranking the elements of space G(V , E,W ) , we have a
until s j 1  x1j 1 and x j  x1j (0  j  i  k ) . Finding the
sequence of hierarchical quotient spaces (G(V , E,W ),
connected path in space G(V j 1 , E j 1 ,W j 1 ) , it’s known
G1 (V1 , E1 ,W1 ),... , Gk (Vk , Ek ,Wk )) . Each element of space
that e(s j 1 , x1j 1 ) is the connected path from s to x1 .
G(V , E,W ) has a hierarchical code v  (v , v ,..., v ) , 0 1 k

Insert e(s j 1 , x1j 1 ) into s and x1 . The process carries out

v V .
until the connected path is found on space G(V , E,W ) .
Conclusion 1: s  (s 0 , s 1 ,..., s k ), t  (t 0 , t 1 ,..., t k ) V ,
For x2 and t , compare x2i  2 with t i  2 until x2j '1  t j ' 1
there is a feasible rout between and s and t 
and x2j '  t j ' (0  j '  i  k ) . Finding the connected path
i, s i  t i ,0  i  k , where (s 0 , s 1 ,..., s k ) and
in space G(V j '1 , E j '1 ,Wj '1 ) , we know that e( x2j '1 , t j '1 )
(t 0 , t 1 ,..., t k ) are the hierarchical codes of s and t,
respectively. is the connected path from x2 to t . Insert e( x2j '1 , t j '1 )
into x2 and t . The procedure continues until the path is
found in space G(V , E,W ) .
The pseudocode of Multi-granular spaces Routing
Quotient space theory [17] combines the different
Algorithm can be described in figure 1.
granularities with the concept of mathematical quotient
For dynamic network routing, we update local area
set and represents a problem. “One of the basic
structure information of the sequence of hierarchical
characteristics in human problem solving is the ability to
conceptualize the world at different granularities and quotient spaces (G(V , E,W ), G1 (V1 , E1 ,W1 ),..., Gk (Vk , Ek ,
translate from one abstraction level to the others easily, Wk )) . In local dynamic area sub-network, we apply
i.e., deal with them hierarchically”. heuristic search method to solve the network routing
Let a community as an equivalence class, with quotient In local dynamic area sub-network, given two vertices,
space theory to represent network decomposition, a the source s and the destination t . A* search method [19]
community is an element of quotient set. In the quotient uses evaluation function of vertex v : e(v)=ds (v)+π t (v)
topology, edges information among communities is
regarded as structure of quotient set. We note multiple to solve point-to-point shortest-path problem. ds (v)
vertices of a community contact with other communities denotes the shortest path’s distance from s to v . π t (v)
as attribute of quotient set. So the quotient space denotes an estimate on the distance from v to t . If
Gl 1 (Vl 1 , El 1 ,Wl 1 ) is a hyper graph which each vertex is estimated value π t (v) close to the true shortest distance
one community of network Gl (Vl , El ,Wl ) , 0  l  k  1 . from v to t , It reduces the searched area and visited
The network routing finding procedure begins from the vertices during query step. We refer to A* search method
comparison between the last code words in the that use a feasible and optimal function π t () .
hierarchical codes of the source node and the destination
node to look for the connected path between these two
nodes. The procedure carries out from the coarsest
quotient space to the finest one gradually until the
optimal path is found.
Source node s  (s 0 , s 1 ,..., s k ) and destination node
t  (t 0 , t 1 ,..., t k ) in the initial network G(V , E,W ) are
given. Compare the last code word s k with t k . If s k  t k ,
then compare s k 1 with t k 1 until s i 1  t i 1 (0  i  k ) and
si  t i , so s and t are connected in quotient space
G(Vi 1 , Ei 1 ,Wi 1 ) and equivalent in space G(Vi , Ei ,Wi ) .
Thus, in order to find the network routing between s and t,
it’s needed to find the connected path between s i 1 and
t i 1 (0  i  k ) in space G(Vi 1 , Ei 1 ,Wi 1 ) first. We may
find a connected path e(si 1 , t i 1 ) from s i 1 to t i 1 in
Figure 1. Pseudocode of Multi-granular spaces Routing Algorithm
space G(Vi 1 , Ei 1 ,Wi 1 ) . For simplicity, assume that
e(si 1 , t i 1 )  ( x1 , x 2 ) , x1  ( x10 ,..., x1i 1 ) , and x2 For the scanning vertex v , according to the shortest
i 1 distance between two communities in initial network
 ( x ,..., x ) . Inserting x1 and x2 into (s, t), we have
2 2
G(V , E,W ) , we firstly identify the community C(v)
(s, x1 , x2 , t ) . Where the (i-1)-th coordinates of s and x1
which vertex v belongs to. If vertex v and vertex



t belong to the same community ( C(v) = C(t) ), between communities. In the case of weighted network,
according to the minimum spanning trees of the the modularity measure is defined in following equations:
community,  t (v) don’t need to compute and the shortest Q   (Wi j  ki k j / 2m) (Ci , C j ) / 2m
path from vertex v to vertex t can be searched. i, j
Otherwise, we compute the shortest distance di (v) from m  Wij / 2
i, j
vertex i which is one vertex of the community C(v) to
vertex v and d t ( j) from vertex t to vertex j which is If Ci  C j ,  (Ci , C j ) =1; otherwise,  (Ci , C j ) =0.
one of all vertices of the community C(t) contact with Where Wij represents the weight of the edge between
other communities. Let dc(v) (c(t)) is the shortest distance vertex i and vertex j, ki is the sum of the weights of the
between community C(v) and C(t) in G1 (V1 , E1 ,W1 ) . edges attached to vertex i, Ci is the community to which
 t (v) = di (v) + dc(v) (c(t)) + d t ( j) . vertex i is assigned.
The pseudocode of Heuristic Search Algorithm(HSA) in For improving computational performance, we adapt a
local dynamic area sub-network can be described in heuristic method to detect community for constructing
figure 2. hierarchical representation of the social network. To
update Q value, Q record the change of modularity by
IV. EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION adding a vertex i into a community C or removing a
vertex i from a community C. Q is defined as follows
A. Experiment Steps
In this Section, we evaluate the performance of
network routing method based on multi-granular spaces Q  (  w jk  2 wij ) / 2m  [(  w jk ki ) / 2m]2
in dynamic networks. We conduct all of our experiments j , k C jC jC , k C
in C++. Experiments are conducted on an Intel 3.00 GHz (  w jk / 2m  [(  w jk ) / 2m]2  (ki / 2m) 2 )
Dual Core processor with 2G RAM Window Platform. j , k C jC , k C

To illustrate practical implications of the above

techniques, we here concentrate on road network. The Note that the number of communities and number of
road networks are parts of states and a district in America inter-community edges play an important role in the
which are taken from the DIMACS Challenge homepage. efficiency of routing algorithms.
Table 2 reports the number of communities identified
in each level of community-based multi-granular
representation of network using the hierarchical
community detection algorithm.


Description # of vertex # of edges
Alabama 566843 661487
California 1613325 1989149
Texas 2073870 2584159



Alabama California Texas

G(V , E,W ) 566843 1613325 2073870
G1 (V1 , E1 ,W1 ) 62032 150234 224528
G2 (V2 , E2 ,W2 ) 5734 13543 20392
G3 (V3 , E3 ,W3 ) 845 1638 1986
G4 (V4 , E4 ,W4 ) - 658 834
We perform here a set of experiments to investigate the
effects of traffic network dynamics (congestion states) on
Figure 2. Pseudocode of heuristic search algorithm in local dynamic multi-granular spaces representations of large road
area sub-network networks. Unfortunately, we did not have access to real-
time ITS edge travel times. Many transportation studies
Table 1 shows the number of nodes and edges of three in the literature [22, 23], employed artificially generated
road networks. time-dependent costs for analysis. In this work, we too
To partition the network into communities, a generated time-dependent costs based on the model of
modularity measure was introduced [20] in complex [22]. We randomly selected 5% 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%,
network analysis. This measure gives a value Q for a and 30% of all edges forced to experience congestion
partition based on the density of edges inside respectively.
communities in comparison with the density of edges



TABLE III. COMPARING WITH AVERAGE RUNNING TIME(MS) OF A*, pairs and run the point-to-point shortest path problem.
Table3-5 reports network routing running time on the
Alabama shortest path results comparing with A*, ALT in the three
A* ALT Our method road networks. Table 6-8 reports network routing average
0% 189 76.8 29.6
5% 258 80.6 32.4
ratio of the number of scanned vertices and the number of
10% 287 86.5 34.9 vertices on the shortest path results comparing with A*,
15% 276 87.8 40.2 ALT in the three road networks. In A* algorithm, due to
20% 442 105.4 60.5 scale and complexity of network there are no results in
25% 537 149.5 104.2 some cases (“-” in Table 4 and 5). Comparing with A*,
30% 633 210.4 153.6
ALT, our method have improved on different degrees in
running times and narrow down the search space.
ALT AND OUR ALGORITHM IN 100 SOURCE-SINK PAIRS IN CALIFORNIA From the above results, we conclude that network
routing method based on multi-granular space
A* ALT Our method representation to provide efficient representation of large-
0% 584 140.8 45.8 scale road networks with time-varying edge weights.
5% 766 156.4 52.1 Also, efficiency of such representation is promising for
10% 884 169.7 55.6 developing hierarchical search strategies in dynamic
15% 1145 195.2 60.3 routing algorithms using real-time ITS data.
20% - 275.3 72.4
25% - 345.5 76.5
Texas A* ALT Our method
A* ALT Our method 0% 33 7.2 3.1
0% 1287 192.2 60.7 5% 42 7.2 3.3
5% 1576 224.3 72.4 10% 76 7.8 3.6
10% 2967 246.5 78.5 15% - 8.4 4.2
15% - 268.6 92.5 20% - 11.3 5.9
20% - 388.5 127.6 25% - 13.8 7.8
25% - 502.4 143.8 30% - 20.2 9.6
30% - 790.5 210.4
In this paper, using quotient space theory, we propose
PATH OF A*, ALT AND OUR ALGORITHM IN 100 SOURCE-SINK PAIRS IN a routing algorithm based on multi-granularity in
ALABAMA dynamic networks. Since dynamic network exhibits
Alabama extremely complex behavior and is continually changing
A* ALT Our method over time, we partition the initial network into some
0% 18.5 6.5 2.9 small sub-networks according to community detection
5% 19 6.9 3.2
methods and update local area’s structure information of
10% 19.6 7.0 3.3
15% 19.4 7.8 3.7 the initial network. Routing algorithm of dynamic
20% 23.5 9.6 4.2 networks based on multi-granularity is presented. In
25% 28.5 12.1 5.2 dynamic sub-network, we apply heuristic search method
30% 40.2 15.3 6.4 to solve the network routing of the local area network.
The implementation works on three large-scale road
TABLE VII. COMPARING WITH AVERAGE RATIO OF THE NUMBER OF networks of US. From experimental results in dynamic
PATH OF A*, ALT AND OUR ALGORITHM IN 100 SOURCE-SINK PAIRS IN networks, comparing with running time and searched
CALIFORNIA space of A*, ALT, our algorithm is effective and efficient.
California We plan to incorporate the achieved results from this
A* ALT Our method study in developing real-time routing algorithms in our
0% 28 6.6 3.0 next study.
5% 32 6.8 3.2
10% 39 7.1 3.4
15% 54 7.7 4.1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
20% - 10.5 5.8 This work was supported in part by the National
25% - 13.2 6.4
30% - 18.5 8.7
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.
61073117, 61175046, 61303209, by the Nature Science
B. Experiment Results Foundation of Anhui Education Department under Grant
In experiment, we test our method comparing with A*, No. KJ2012B212, KJ2013A255, directional entrusting
ALT. In ALT algorithm, due to memory requirements we research projects of Lu'an under Grant No. 2012LWA015,
use avoid algorithm [24] to select 32 landmarks. For three and 2013LWA003, directional entrusting research
road networks, we pick a random set of 100 source-sink projects of West Anhui University under Grant



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Medical Diagnosis Data Mining Based on

Improved Apriori Algorithm
Wenjing Zhang
College of Information Science & Technology, Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding, China

Donglai Ma*
Hebei Software Institute, Baoding, China

Wei Yao
College of Information Science & Technology, Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding, China

Abstract—With the wide application of computer science elaborated the application problems of data mining in the
and technology, the amount of data generated by various DNA data analysis field, such as the semantic integration
disciplines increased rapidly. In order to discover valuable of heterogeneous and distributed genetic data, search and
knowledge in these databases, people use data mining compare the DNA sequence similarity, gene sequences
methods to solve this problem. The application of
identification, disease-causing genes in different stages of
association rule mining is an important research topic in
data mining. As the association rule technology becomes the disease. Muggleton proposed using inductive logic to
more mature, it is a new research that how to use this program, and predict a second structure of protein
method to find out the intrinsic association rules from a according amino acid sequence information. From the
large number of medical data, providing an effective basis perspective of medical diagnosis, Igor Kononko etc.
for clinical disease surveillance, evaluation of drug elaborated the applications in the medical field of
treatment and disease prevention. This paper uses Apriori, statistical or pattern recognition method, symbol rule
the classic algorithm of association rule, for data mining inductive learning, and artificial neural network these
analysis of medical data. According to the characteristics of three types of machine learning algorithms. According to
medical data, it improved the Apriori algorithm. Using the
the analysis of ECG, EEG and other medical speculation
improved Apriori algorithm, it finds frequent item sets in a
database of medical diagnosis, and generates strong signals, MiroslavKubat proposed to use a decision tree to
association rules, in order to find out the useful association initialize the neural network, which can greatly improve
relationship or pattern between the large data item sets. The the classification accuracy of test samples. Vysis used
results show that, the improved Apriori algorithm can dig neural network technology for the analysis of protein
out association rule models about the properties and nature drug development. Robeit Groth studied on the
of the disease from a medical database, which can assist application of clustering technology in the patients
doctors in medical diagnosis. Therefore, it is a worthy rehabilitation after operation. In China, Chen Aibin, Xia
research direction that using data mining method to process Limin of Central South University studied face detection
and analyze the data of disease prevention and drug
using boosting machine learning methods. Chen Xuefeng
treatment in the field of medicine.
[2] of the Fourth Military Medical used the database and
Index Terms—Data Mining; Association Rule; Apriori; data mining technology to build a database of
Expert System; Knowledge Base hematologic malignancies analysis system, which could
not only help doctors make a preliminary diagnosis but
also has powerful mining and analysis capabilities on
I. INTRODUCTION data. Fu chunfeng [3, 4] studied the application of
In recent years, the applications of data mining LogitBoost, one machine learning method, in
technology in medical field are more and more widely. It discriminant analysis and its application in the medical
obtained encouraging results in disease diagnosis, the field prospect. Data mining applications in medicine has
treatment, organ transplantation, genetic research, image its own advantages, because the data collected from
analysis, rehabilitation, drug development, scientific medicine is general true and reliable, not affected by
research, etc. Spine Hospital in University of Southern other factors, and the data set have strong stability. All of
California used Information Discovery for data mining, these are very favorable conditions for the mining results
and this technology has been applied to oncology, liver maintenance and continuously improving the quality of
pathology, survival probability prediction of hepatitis mining models [5]. With the introduction of electronic
predict, urology, diagnosed cases of thyroid, medical records, medical records with computer storage
rheumatology, dermatology diagnosis, cardiology, have been more common in the hospital. If the collected
neuropsychology, gynecology, obstetrics and other data will be further aggregated from each hospital, the
medical fields [1]. Jiawei Han and Micheline Ka-mher amount of data is quite large, and the data are real patient



data. From this data set, using a variety of data mining achieved the desired results, and show the broad
techniques to understand the mutual relations and application prospect of data mining techniques for the
development law of various diseases, summarize the disease diagnosis [13].
therapeutic effect of various treatment options, as well as With the continuous improvement of hospital
disease diagnosis, treatment and medical research are informatization level in recent years, especially the
very valuable. Medical information mainly includes pure establishments of integrated information database of the
data such as sign parameters, laboratory results, images hospital, doctors have collected a large amount of
such as EEG, ECG signals, B ultrasound, CT, texts such patient’s information data. These data indicate the
as patient’s identity recording, symptoms description, as information between the diseases classification and
well as animations, voice, video information for science patient’s clinical manifestation, i.e., the disease diagnosis
education. It has characteristics of large information knowledge. How to quickly, effectively establish a
capacity, complex data types, multiple redundant vacancy relatively complete knowledge base is the recognized
value and cumbersome content association [6]. bottleneck problem for expert system. The quality of
For these features of medical information, there is a knowledge base could affect the stability and accuracy of
great difference between medical data mining and the system directly. For the database of confirmed case,
ordinary data mining, determining the specificity of only part of the attribute or value of the database table has
medical data mining. Medical database is a huge data to be reserved. If we can reduce the unwanted attribute or
resource, and a lot of the same or part same information delete the values, it will greatly enhance the clarity of the
stored in it each day. For example, to some diseases, the potential knowledge of the system, accelerate the speed
patient presenting symptoms, laboratory results, the of the subsequent inference module, and improve the
treatment may be exactly the same. Before data mining, statistical performance of system classification.
these large number of vague, incomplete, noise original
information, must be cleaned and filtered to ensure data II. COMPUTER AIDED DIAGNOSIS & KNOWLEDGE
consistency, and turn into a suitable form for mining. BASE
Data mining technology is good at finding implicit and
meaningful knowledge from massive data which is lack A. Computer-aided Diagnosis
of priori information, predicting future trends and The application of Computer-aided diagnosis in
behavior, and making proactive decisions based on medical can be traced back to 1950s. In 1959, Ledley, an
knowledge. It is this advantage makes data mining American scholar, introduced mathematical model into
techniques are widely used in medical research and has clinical medicine for the first time, presenting a
made many valuable results. mathematical model of computer-aided diagnosis and
The medical diagnosis expert system turn the diagnose diagnosing a group of lung cancer cases, which creates
experience of experts into the rules. As long as we input the precedent for computer-aided diagnosis. In 1966,
the patient’s symptoms to the system, it will be able to Ledley first proposed the concept of “computer-aided
make judgments quickly, thus reducing errors of the diagnosis” (CAD). In the early 1980s, the computer-aided
doctor’s subjective judgment. However, the diagnostic diagnosis system had a further development, among them,
criteria are drawn up based on the experience of one or a the expert system, which is applied in Chinese medicine
few experts, which is lack of objectivity and universality. field, is most compelling. The computer-aided diagnosis
In addition, the inference rules and conclusions of experts process includes gathering patient medical information
system are pre-designed, and the clinical manifestation of and inspection data, quantification medical information,
some patients may not within this range. Therefore, it has statistical analysis, until finally gets diagnoses. The more
some limitations [7]. Data mining can dig out valuable popular models at that time are Bayes theorem, the
diagnostic rules, by processing a large historical data of maximum likelihood model etc.. Since 1990s, the
patient data base. Thus, doctors can make conclusions artificial neural network developed rapidly, which is a
according to the patient’s age, gender, auxiliary mathematical method to imitate the working principle of
examination results, the physiological and biochemical the human brain neurons. Because of its ability to self-
indexes etc., eliminating the interference of human learning, memory capacity, forecasting events, etc,
factors and enhancing the objectivity. In addition, due to artificial neural network has superior performance than
the large amount of data processing, the diagnostic rules traditional methods such as probability statistics,
have better application universality. Currently, there are mathematical models, etc. It can be said that the artificial
many foreign success cases in this regard. Such as using neural network is one of the most advanced artificial
Bayesian learning classification method to diagnosis CT intelligence technology currently.
image automatically [8], using machine learning methods Since the 1960s, it has been reported that using
to analysis breathing pressure-volume curve of patients in computer to analyze medical image data. But after ten
intensive care [9], using association rules to find CT years, due to various reasons such as computer
examination indications of head trauma patients [10], technology, the research on CAD once fell into a trough.
using data mining for the automatic detection of liver On the one hand, because people expected too much on
cancer genetic syndrome and the research on racial the CAD, hoping to achieve automatic diagnosis by
differences of non-malignant respiratory system disease means of computer, on the other hand the research result
epidemic of uranium miners [11, 12]. All of these have of CAD is not ideal. Until 1980s, due to the rapid
development of computer technology as well as a variety



of mathematical and statistical technology, CAD got a misleading disease cases and is must to be rejected, and
fast development in the field of medical imaging in some we should also extend the training data; (b) experts may
developed countries, and has made gratifying recognize that his/her ideas have no real basis, thus the
achievements [14]. Currently, foreign scholars basically system will increase the experience of experts [17].
reached a consensus on the implication of CAD in
medical image. That is the final diagnosis of CAD is III. DATA MINING
determined by a doctor, just consulting the output of
computer, which makes diagnosis result more objective A. Data Mining Concept
and more accurate. At present, foreign scholars Data mining is an emerging cross-disciplinary
emphasize that the computer’s output is only as a second technology, involving artificial intelligence, database,
opinion. And these is different from the CAD idea in the statistics, machine learning, information retrieval, high-
originally the sixties and some people nowadays [15]. In performance computing and some other fields. Data
medical imaging, the computer output result is obtained mining technology has evident advantages in massive
from quantitative analyzing the related image data, whose data processing, potential information finding and
role is to help radiologists improve the diagnostic association rules discovering. The effect of data mining is
accuracy and the consistency of interpretation on image extracting interested knowledge from large databases.
and disease. These knowledge is implicit, previously unknown and
The reason why CAD can improve the diagnostic potentially useful information, and the form of extracted
accuracy of the doctor is that, the radiologist’s diagnostic knowledge are conceptual, pattern, rule, etc.. In short,
is subjective, which would be limited and impacted with data mining refers to extracting the hidden, previously
the doctor’s experience and knowledge level; Secondly, unknown and potentially useful information from
the doctor diagnosis is easy to miss some subtle changes, database, and then offering the understandable knowledge,
such as lung nodules, slight calcification within the breast such as association rules, cluster patterns etc, so as to
etc [16]; Once more, different doctors have differences on support users for decision-making. Now, data mining has
reading the image. While, computers have a great been used in various fields such as business, finance,
advantage to correct these errors and deficiencies. meteorology, astronomy, power, etc, showing more and
At present, the computer-aided is relatively mature in more importance and superiority [18]. The process of
the lungs and breast lesions; while the research on brain data mining is shown in figure 1.
tumor, cerebral perfusion, liver disease, virtual cavity
mirror and Chinese medicine is at the start stage.
B. The Functions of the Knowledge Base in Medical
Assist Diagnosis Expert System
Computer aided diagnosis system is provided in the
form of advisory system, whose purpose is to make the
diagnosis process to be more objective, easier and
effective. Besides, it could also be used to train new
recruited inexperience doctors. At present, the practicality Figure 1. Data mining process
of the knowledge system in medical database is still in
the research and development stage. Some knowledge B. Data Mining Applications in Medicine
discovery diagnosis systems identified many errors after
1) Applications of Sequence pattern analysis in DNA
discovery knowledge, and then verified and modified it.
data analysis
Besides, some other systems need further enrichment of
Currently, a large number of biomedical researches
the disease database in order to obtain more accuracy
have focused on the analysis of DNA sequences. The
diagnosis rules and better predict disease. In addition,
cause of one disease gene may be more than one. The
there must be inconsistency or contradiction between
recent results of DNA analysis have discovered many
medical experts and the knowledge discovered from
diseases and disabilities gene, and new drugs and
database, which requires the cooperation of development
methods for disease diagnosis, prevention and treatment.
persons and medical experts to explain and eliminate the
Typically, the sequence whose occurrence frequency in
contradiction. This is the most important feature of the
disease sample exceeds its in health sample can be
computer aided diagnosis system and the integration
considered as disease genes; the other hand, the sequence
development direction of knowledge discovery diagnosis
whose occurrence frequency in health sample exceeds its
system and expert system in the future. In this paper, we
in disease sample can be considered as disease resistance
developed a computer aided diagnosis system of breast
genes. Different genes may play different roles at
cancer, which is a typical example in this domain. It
different stages of the disease. If the sequence of genetic
developed a consistent rule base by the following steps:
factors can be found at different stages of disease
(1) find the data driven rules by database, rather than by
development, there may be possible to develop
asking experts; (2) analyze these new rules by medical
therapeutic drug aimed at different stages of the disease,
experts with the confirmed case; (3) discovery the rules
so as to obtain a more effective treatment result.
conflicted with the knowledge or understanding of he/she,
2) Application of neural network in clinical analysis
which means two possibilities: (a) this rule is found using



Based on the understanding of human brain structure Feng Bo et al of Affiliated Hospital of Tongji University
and operation mechanism, neural network is one of Shanghai used statistical analysis on the relation
engineering system to simulate the human brain structure between muscle tissue and fat tissue content and bone
and intelligent behavior. According to the study results density of diabetes patients and got the conclusion that
shown from the neurobiologist, the human brain has high muscle and high fat content can reduce the risk of
1.4×1011 neurons. The reason why brain can be able to patient hip fracture.
handle extremely complex analysis and reasoning work, 4) Application of data mining in disease diagnosis
partly because of its large number of neurons, on the There are many domestic and international examples in
other hand lies in neurons can process the input signals in this regard. Such as using Bayesian classification
a non-linear way. Therefore, we can establish a neurons methods to automatic diagnosis CT images of male and
mathematical model closer to the engineering, which is a female patients; using machine learning methods to
multi-input, single-output nonlinear element. Neural analyzing pressure-volume curve of patients’ breath in
network is composed of a group of neurons, which intensive care; the application of automatic detection in
determines the neural net work has the ability of parallel liver cancer heredity, and so on. All of these show the
processing. Each neuron of neural network uses M-P widely application of data mining in medical field.
model, divided into input unit, output unit and hidden Data mining technology develops rapidly and various
units these three categories. The input unit accepts the algorithms emerge in endlessly. In the medical field, data
external input, output unit send signals to the outside, and mining has its own particularity, that is various
the hidden layer unit is the internal unit of the system, information (such as laboratory results, B-
without any contact with the outside world. Figure 2 is ultrasonography, CT, X-ray, cases etc.) mutual
the topology structure of three-layer feed forward neural interrelated and integration. How to make good use of
network. Its characteristic is that neurons in each layer this information is a topic worthy of further exploration.
only have connection with neurons at adjacent layers, It is believed that, with the establishment of medical
neurons in one layer have non connection and neurons in electronic files and the development of the biomedical
every layer have no feedback connection. The input engineering, data mining technology will play an
signal first spreads forward to the hidden node, through increasingly important role [19].
the transformation function, sends the output information
of hidden node to the output node, and then gives the IV. ASSOCIATION RULES
output results. The transformation function of node is
usually selected “Sigmoid” type. A. Association Rules
Association rule is a very important and one of the
most active knowledge model of data mining [20]. It was
firstly put forward by Agrawal et al. in 1993. Association
rule represents the related relationship of a group of
objects in database. It focuses on the relationship of
different attribute domain, which can meet certain
requirements. On one hand, association rules can provide
high efficient method of pattern discovery and model
Figure 2. BP neural network recognition, verify the existing experiences and rules,
find out new experiences and rules and provide important
For example: human heart disease has many factors, assistant tool for natural science research. On the other
we have established prediction model of heart disease hand, combining with other decision-making method,
based on domestic and international references with association rules can provide scientific and effective basis
sixteen input nodes, five hidden layer nodes, and one for the decision makers. After association rule was
output node represented the induced likelihood of heart proposed, many researchers including Agrawl himself
disease. We first trained neural network models, with the conducted in-depth research on mining association rules,
data of the eighty heart patients of Affiliate Hospital of and improved and extended the initial algorithm in order
Taishan Medical College in January to June of 2004. to promote the practical application value of it.
Then predicted the undiagnosed patients, and finally get a The basic model of association rules is described as
more satisfactory result. follows:
3) Application of association analysis in medicine Set data set D={T1,T2,…,Tn}, while Tj(j=1,2,…,n) is
With the increasingly serious problem of the called affair. The elements of T, ik(k=1,2,…,p) are called
population aging, people pay more and more attention on item. Let the set of all items in D is I={i1,i2,…,im}.
the diabetes study. Researchers began to build a physical Obviously, T ⊆ I.
database of patients with diabetes, analyzing Concept 1: Support and Confidence. The support of
physiological parameters such as blood glucose association rule “A=>B” refers to the proportion of the
concentration, age, sex, bone density, ECG, blood transaction sets which contain both item A and item B in
pressure, muscle and fat tissue content, hoping to all the transactions of data set D, as in (1). The
discover new medical knowledge. Association analysis is confidence of association rule “A=>B” refers to the
the most widely used and powerful tool in such topics of
multidimensional data analysis in the diabetes database.



proportion of transactions which contain both item A and be expressed as “A   D”. This rule pattern
item B in all the transactions that contain item A, as in (2). mainly is suitable for drawing up the targeted marketing
strategy and goods shelves designing, etc. While for
count ( A B)
sup port ( A  B)  P( A B)  (1) breast cancer diagnosis expert system, the rules we need
count ( D) are like “A  B  C  D”, that means there must be only
one attribute in the right of the arrow, and we call that
count ( A B) “decision rule”. This requires some modification for the
confidence( A  B)  P( B | A)  (2) classic Apriori algorithm.
count ( A)
Five breast disease data sets (table 1) were selected for
Concept 2: the strong association rules. If there is an rule mining. Set the minimum support threshold as 40%
association rule “A=>B” whose support and confidence and minimum confidence threshold as 80% [22-23].
are satisfied minimum support threshold (min_support)
and minimum confidence threshold (min_conf) that
presented by users, we call it strong association rule. no age position calcify tissue class
Strong association rules are of interest to users, and have 001 23 L Y dense abnormity
002 32 L N dense normal
the important guiding significance to users in discovering 003 46 R Y dense abnormity
potential rules in large amount of data. 004 51 R Y fatty abnormity
005 16 R N glandular normal
B. Apriori
Apriori algorithm use a layer by layer search iterative A. The Establishment of Mining Data Items
methods, which use frequent k itemsets (the collection In the classical apriori algorithm, we should set “age”,
contains k items, and the appearance frequency of the “position”, “calcify”, “tissue”, “class” as the basic data
combination of these k items is higher than the minimum items. However, in medicine, each attribute will have
support of the preset) to find frequent (k+1) itemsets. several different values. For example, “tissue” attribute
Firstly, find out frequent 1-itemsets, denoting as L1. has three values, i.e., “dense”, “fatty” and “glandular”.
Secondly, use L1 to find out frequent 2-itemsets and Here, we use the form like “attribute name.attribule
denote them as L2. Then, use L2 to find L3, and so on, value” as the final data item. The data items are shown in
until Lk which could not meet the minimum support. That table 2.
is the frequent k-itemsets [21].
This algorithm generates the candidate sets as small as TABLE II. ATTRIBUTE TABLE
possible. In order to achieve it, the following two Item Attribute
properties are used: 1.1 Age<40
(1) Any non-empty subset of frequent itemsets must 1.2 Age>=40
also be frequent itemsets. 2.1 L
2.2 R
(2) Any superset of non-frequent itemsets must also be
3.1 Y
non-frequent itemsets. 3.2 N
Apriori algorithm mainly includes the following three 4.1 Dense
steps: 4.2 Fatty
(a) Connecting step. Connect frequent (k-1) itemsets 4.3 Glandular
Lk-1 to generate candidate set Ck of Lk. The connected 5.1 Abnormity
5.2 Normal
condition is that, the (k-2) items of two (k-1) itemsets are
According to the attribute table, we can get the mining
equal, and the (k-1) item of the first (k-1) itemsets is
database after converting the original database. The
smaller than that of the second one.
mining database is shown in table 3.
(b) Pruning step. Prun the candidate set Ck of k
itemsets with the apriori algorithm. The pruning rule is, if TABLE III. MINING DATABASE
any (k-1)-itemsets of one k-itemsets is not belong to
frequent (k-1) itemsets Lk-1, it would not become a ID Item sets
001 1.1,2.1,3.1,4.1,5.1
frequent k-itemsets, which should be removed from Ck. 002 1.1,2.1,3.2,4.1,5.2
(c) Counting step. Scan the transaction database, 003 1.2,2.2,3.1,4.1,5.1
accumulating the number of candidate set k in database. 004 1.2,2.2,3.1,4.2,5.1
For one candidate set, if a transaction record contains it, 005 1.1,2.2,3.2,4.3,5.2
then the number of it plus 1. Finally, according to the pre-
B. Mining Frequent Item Sets
given minimum support, generate frequent k-itemsets Lk.
The first step of Apriori algorithm is to generate
V. THE IMPROVEMENT OF APRIORI IN KNOWLEDGE frequent 1-itemsets, as shown in Table 4.
BASE BUILDING In the procession of generation candidate 2-itemsets
The classical association rules focuses on the from frequent 1-itemsets, it would got candidate item sets
association relationships between a group of the objects such as "1.1, 1.2","4.1, 4.2", "4.1, 4.3", "4.2, 4.3" ect. To
in the transaction database. For example, the rule “85% of "2.1, 2.2" for example, this item is meaningless in
people, who had bought A and B, will buy C and D” can practice. We can see from table 2, “2.1” and “2.2”
respectively are “L” and “R”, which are the different



values of attribute “position”. They are mutually age, position, calcify, etc. Combined with the clinical
exclusive relationship, and can not coexist. Thus, even it experience of doctor, data mining technique is also used
is in candidate 2-itemsets, it can not be the frequent item to set up a relatively integrated assisted diagnostic
sets. Therefore, this situation is not connected to generate knowledge database and set groundwork for subsequent
a new set of candidates. consequence and explanation program.
Mining table 3 according to this improved method, we
can get the final frequent 4-itemset “1.1,2.2,3.1,5.1” . ACKNOWLEDGMENT

TABLE IV. FREQUENT 1-ITEM This work is supported by Scientific research fund of
Hebei Education Department (Q2012139) and by the
Item Support
science technology research and development projects of
1.1 3
Baoding in 2012 (12ZG004, 12ZG002, 12ZG003),
1.2 2
2.1 2
science and technology research projects of hebei
2.2 3 construction (2012-132), philosophy and social sciences
3.1 3 planning project of Baoding (201201157, 201201134) .
3.2 2
5.1 3
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A Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Scheduling

Multiskilled Workforce
Hui Nie and Bo Liu
School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing), Beijing, 100083,

Pumo Xie, Zhenbing Liu, and Huihua Yang

School of Electronic Engineering and Automation, Guilin University of Electronic Engineering, Guilin, 541004, China
Email:, {zbliu, yang98}

Abstract—Based on the situation of the construction and skills at different levels. This is what is called multi-
software industry, this paper presents a multi-skilled human skilled human resource scheduling problem.
resource scheduling model which considers the skill and the Solving multi-skilled human resource scheduling
salary of the workforce at different levels. It introduces a problem is generally undertaken in three or four steps
novel cuckoo search (CS)-based approach to optimize the
according to its complexity [2]. From the perspective of
objective function which combines the minimization of the
makespan and the project cost. The proposed approach the complexity, the resource-constrained project
takes the priority coding scheme to code for each job, and scheduling problem is an NP-hard problem [3]. The main
adopts the serial schedule generation scheme to sequentially objective of scheduling is to increase operational
allocate the start time and resources for one job with highest efficiency by completing tasks within the given time and
priority at a time. To match the discrete nature of the the given human resources, and researchers have been
solution, the Lévy flight operator of CS algorithm, which is trying to develop many algorithms to optimize the
originally suitable for continuous variable, has been solution. In general, the existing optimization algorithms
modified. The CS-based approach has been implemented by can be roughly classified into two categories: exact
using MATLAB R2010b and tested by a project taken from
(deterministic) algorithms and heuristic algorithms.
the literature, which contains 18 jobs and 6 multi-skilled
workers. The results yielded by the CS-based approach have Exact algorithms considered the problem of scheduling
been found to significantly outperform genetic algorithm. as a mere mathematical problem of optimization, and the
This demonstrates that the cuckoo search algorithm based approaches were based on applying mathematical models
approach is suitable for scheduling the complicated resource such as enumerative procedures, mathematical
constrained project with multi-skilled workforces. programming, and techniques like linear programming,
etc. to get the optima. For example, Li and Womer [4]
Index Terms—Human Resource Scheduling; Cuckoo Search developed a hybrid MILP/CP algorithm to solve the
Algorithm; Multi-Skilled Workforce scheduling problem of the resource-constrained project
by employing the multi-skilled personnel to minimize the
I. INTRODUCTION total costs. Bucker et al. [5] proposed a branch and bound
algorithm the resource constraint for the resource-
Scheduling the human resource/workforce for a given
constrained project scheduling problem. Liu and Wang [6]
project is a crucial decision-making task because good
proposed a makespan optimization model by introducing
scheduling scheme can reduce cost, save time, and ensure
the concept of multi-skilling to integrate single/multiple-
the quality for the company and organization [1]. This
skilled resources. In [7], an improved MIP-based
paper focuses on multi-skilled workforce scheduling
approach was presented for a multi-skill workforce by
problems which is of great importance in construction,
repeated application of a flexible matching model that
software and manufacture industry, etc. In construction
selects tasks to be processed. All the above algorithms
area, workforce is spread to various posts at a certain time
obtained good performance when dealing the small scale
as bricklayers, carpenters, plumbers and solid plasterer,
scheduling problems. But it is not efficient to use them to
etc. The scheduling of the workforce conducted is subject
handle large scale scheduling problem due to the
not only to the precedence relations of the jobs, but also
combinational nature of these exact algorithms.
to legal constraints, and preferences of project
But with advancement of computing speed and
makespan’s requirements. The complexity of the problem
evolutionary algorithms such as Ant Colony (AC),
derives from a large quantity of workforce for various
Simulated Annealing (SA), Genetic Algorithm (GA),
posts. In different posts of the construction projects, the
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), etc. which can deal
necessary human capabilities (such as skill, experience,
with complexity effectively, researchers applied them to
productivity) vary. Moreover there are many types of
various scheduling problems [8]. In [9], an optimization



method integrated ant colony algorithm with genetic described in Section II. In Section III, cuckoo search
algorithm was proposed, and it was applied into algorithm is introduced and modified to solve the
construction project scheduling, and the scheduling scheduling model. The performance of the proposed
performance was improved. Drezet and Billaut [10] put method is experimentally evaluated with a comparison to
forward the linear programming formulation and GA-based method in Section IV.
proposed greedy algorithms to solve the scheduling
problem. A novel schedule generation scheme (SGS) was II. SCHEDULING MODEL OF THE MULTISKILLED
designed in [11], it allows to insert an unscheduled job of WORKFORCE WITH RESOURCES CONSTRAINS
decision set inside the optimal insertion position of a The scheduling model of the multiskilled workforce
partial schedule at each iteration of serial scheduling, and scheduling with resource constrains can be described as
also allows to right-shift some already scheduled jobs. follows: m multi-skilled workers with different skill
Wu and Sun [12] formulated a mixed nonlinear program levels are required to complete one project which
for staff scheduling, and proposed a genetic algorithm to contains n jobs (activities). Workforce are scheduled for
solve it. A hybrid Benders decomposition algorithm was the jobs so that all the required temporal and resource
presented by Wang and Sun, etc. [13] to solve a project constraints can be met, and the state of the schedulable
scheduling problem with multi-skilled workforce time and the workload of the scheduled human resources
constraints. Wongwai and Malaikrisanachalee [14] could be assigned.
presented a heuristic approach that simplifies the Some definitions of symbols are adopted as follows
calculation process in solving the multi-skilled resource [18]:
scheduling to obtain the shortest project makespan. This Q= q1 , q2 , , qk  : the set of skills.
method includes the rigorous sequence of resource
allocation and substitution rules where priority are taken R  r1 , r2 , , rm  : the set of human resources, where
into consideration. These studies present effective models ri denotes the i-th skilled worker, and
ri =  Qi , si    q1i , q2i , , qki , si  , where q ji is the level of
and methods to solve the human resources scheduling
problems in various situations, and the computational
results showed heuristic algorithms yielded significant skill j for the i-th worker and si is the salary of the ri per
performance over the deterministic scheduling week.
approaches for large problems. But to achieve the best J   j0 , j1 , , jn 1 : the set of jobs, where ji is the i-
performance, some parameter should be well tuned in the
mentioned methods, which is often time-consuming and th job and ji  Ti ,Wi , sizei , promax i  
sensitive. t1i tki , w1i wki , sizei , promax i  . j0 and jn 1 are the
Different from physical resource or machine
start and the end job, respectively.
scheduling, human resource scheduling approach will
focus on the generation of shift schedules in the T  t1 , t2 , tk  : the skill set for a job. Specifically, t ji
production and service situations following labor laws, is the level of skill j for job ji .
W  w1 , w2 , , wk  : the set of weight of the skills
legal constraints [15], and the necessary human
capabilities(such as skill, experience, productivity). In
this paper, the skill level and the salary of the workforce mastered by the workers for the jobs. w ji is the weight of
with multiple skills of different levels are taken into skill qi for job ji .
consideration in the constraint-driven scheduling model.
And the optimum solution to the scheduling problem has sizei : the workers required for the job ji in a week.
been obtained by adopting a CS-based approach which d i : the processing time of job ji .
has been developed by Yang and Deb [16]. They promax i : the max working efficiency for job ji which
developed this algorithm and presented its performance is decided by the most skilled workers.
on various standard testing functions, which showed that Thus, the skill level matrix can be described as follows:
it can outperform traditional GA, PSO, etc. because of its
efficiency and simplicity. Moreover, they applied the skill11 skill1m
cuckoo search on engineering optimization by solving SKILL= (1)
engineering problems such as spring design optimization
and welded beam design [17]. Due to much less skilln1 skillnm
parameter involved, the cuckoo search can be widely
applied in many other engineering problems to efficiently where skillij is the skill level of j-th worker for job ji ,
find global optima. So, in this paper, the CS algorithm and
with needed modification is utilized to solve the
skillij =( v 1 tvi  wvi  qvj ) / ( v 1 wvi  tvi 2 )
k k
multiskilled workforce scheduling problems. The
schedule results have been then compared with other when qvj  tvi , let qvj =tvi .
existing heuristic algorithms to evaluate the effectiveness
of the cuckoo search-based approach.
The remainder is organized as follows: the scheduling  
M i  rj skillij   i ,0   i  1,1  j  m is the set of
model of the multiskilled workforce scheduling model is worker of job ji ,  i is a threshold parameter.



I  (tsi , t fi ) , tsi  t fi  is the set of time interval, t si
(a) minimizing the makespan, here makespan=ts , n 1 .
(b) minimizing the cost.
and t fi are the start and the end time for job ji
cos t=  i 1  j 1  sizei promax i  skillij )  raij  s j 
n m
respectively. (10)
P  ( pi , j ); i  j,0  i  n  1,0  j  n  1 is the
In this paper, the objective of the schedule is the
general precedence relationships between pairs of jobs. combination of the minimizing of the makespan and the
pi , j =1 if ji is the predecessor of j j ; otherwise pi , j =0 . cost. The makespan in (a) is normalized as:
A  (ai , j ); i  j,0  i  n  1,0  j  n  1 is the max(makespan)-makespan+1
makespan norm = (11)
human resource relationships. ai , j =1 if the job j j must max(makespan)-min(makespan)+1
be executed by the workers that complete job (
ji pi , j =1);
and the cost in (b) is normalized as:
otherwise ai , j =0 .
To better describe which worker executes which job, cos t norm = (12)
an allocation matrix is defined: max(cost)-min(cost)+1

ra11 ra1m Then, the final objective to be minimized is defined as:

RA= (3) F =W 1  makespan norm  W 2  cost norm (13)
ran1 ranm
where W 1 and W 2 are two weight parameters to be set.
where raij  1 if the j-th worker is allocated for job ji , After every generation of the cuckoo search, every
individual in the population, i.e., feasible schedule, will
otherwise raij  0 .
be evaluated for the combined objective function.
i) Job constraint: each job is allocated at least to one OPTIMIZATION MODEL
worker, except the start and the end job.
The cuckoo search algorithm is based on the brood
i 1 raij  0; j  1, 2, , n parasitism of some cuckoo species by laying their eggs in
the nests of other host birds and the characteristics of
ii) Skill constraint: the workers allocated to job j j Lévy flights of some birds and fruit flies [16].
Each egg in a nest represents a solution, and a cuckoo
must meet the requirements of this job. egg represents a new solution. The aim is to employ the
skillij   i ; i  1, 2, , m; j  1, 2, , n when raij  1 (5) new and potentially better solutions to replace the not-so-
good solutions in the nests. In the simplest form, each
iii) Time constraint: nest has one egg. For the simplicity of the
implementation of the algorithm, the CS is based on three
tsi + di = t fi ; i  1, 2, , n (6) idealized rules [16]. Based on these three rules, the basic
steps of the CS can be summarized as the pseudo code
iv) Worker constraint: at each time t, the number of the shown in Fig. 1. When new solutions x(t+1) are generated
workers executing jobs does not exceed the number of all for, say, cuckoo i, a Lévy flight is performed
the workers(one worker only executes one job each time).
xi(t 1)  xi(t )    levy( ), i  1, 2, , n (14)
 i 1  j 1 raij  0
n m
where   0 is the step size which should be related to
v) Job relationship constraint: the workers allocated to the scales of the problem of interest. In most cases, we
job ji must start their job after they are allocated to job can use   1 . The product  means entry-wise
jj multiplications. Lévy flight essentially provides a random
walk while their random steps are drawn from a Lévy
raui  rauj ; u  1, 2, , m when aij =1 (8) distribution for large steps.

vi) Other constraint: levy(s,  ) s  , 1< ≤3 (15)

t fi ≤ tsj when pi , j  1 (9) The Lévy distribution has an infinite variance with an
infinite mean. Here, s is the step length drawn from a
Lévy distribution.
B. Objective Functions
For simplicity, the third assumption of the rules can be
For scheduling, the primary need is to define objective approximated by a fraction "pa" of the n nests being
functions for which optimum schedule are desired, so the replaced by new nests (with new random solutions at new
following objectives are among the most common locations). If a random number r>pa, otherwise, the
objectives. solution is retained.



A. Implementation of the Cuckoo Search for Scheduling predecessors have been finished. When a job has been
Optimization tested and the currently available resources are sufficient
The procedures in the cuckoo search scheme may be to complete it, this job is scheduled at the minimal of its
implemented as follows: earliest precedence times. One example of the priority
1) One excel file is prepared where each part of the job, coding and the serial scheduling generation scheme is
its processing time, penalty cost, and other information illustrated in Fig. 2 and Table 1. As shown in Fig. 2, there
are put in various columns. Matlab can load this file are one sharing resource (K=1) and with a maximum
during coding. available amount of 6(R1=6), 9 jobs with job ID 1~9 are
2) Initial nests (solutions of jobs) were generated represented with a node and their precedence denoted
randomly, and objective function values of each nest are with an arrow, each job has a duration dj and requires
calculated. resource R1 with an amount of rj1. As shown in Table 1,
3) A cuckoo is generated randomly, then its objective each job is coded with a decimal within [-5, 5] and with 5
function value is calculated and compared with that of effective digits, and the start time given by scheduling is
randomly chosen nest; if the cuckoo is better, it replaces listed in the third line.
the chosen nest; otherwise, it leaves it intact.
4) Several worst nests are chosen to replace them with
new nests via Lévy flight method as well as by random
5) Solutions are ranked and then cuckoo is updated
again via Lévy flight.
6) goto 3) until maximum loop counter as the
termination criteria has been reached.
B. Design of Coding
The algorithm coding process is the project scheduling
process referring to the precedence relations and job
priority. In general, there are two forms of solution Figure 1. Cuckoo search algorithm
coding, i.e., the permutation-based (or job list) coding
and priority-based (or random key) coding [19]. The dj,rj1 5,1
latter is adopted in this paper. For this form, each element K=1
in the chromosome represents a job, and the j 7
corresponding value of each element stands the priority
with which a job is scheduled to start. 4,3
The aim of heuristic methods is to handle conflicts in 0,0 2,4 0,0
2,6 6
scheduling multiple jobs according to the priorities; the
jobs whose predecessors are all completed and which 1 3 4
require no more resources than available amounts at the
time, will have higher priority values; these jobs have the 4,2
priority to be allocated the resources needed and to be
scheduled over the ones with lower priority values. 2 5,3
Priority value of a job depends on some factors as well as
scheduling model.
Specifically, the position vector of the host nest
Figure 2. Diagram of a project with 9 jobs
Xi  [ xi1 , xi 2 ,..., xin ] is transformed to each job’s priority
level   [ j1 , j2 ,..., jn ] , where ji represents the priority
value of job i.
In this part, a human resource scheduling with 18 jobs
C. Serial Schedule Generation Scheme for the Priority- and 6 workers from literatures [18] is used to validate the
Based Coding of CS efficiency of the cuckoo search algorithm-based approach.
When the priority-based coding is used for the
A. Experiment Design
scheduling model, the solution should be transformed to
an active schedule based on precedence constraints and Assume that the worker’s days-off have already been
available resources so that the nest can be evaluated set and that the workers work only five days a week in
during searching for an optimal schedule. While the serial the company. And the cost includes only the worker’s
and parallel methods are both applicable to the priority- salary. The two algorithms have been implemented in
based coding [20], the serial one is chosen here. At each Matlab® R2010b. The computations are performed on a
stage of the serial method, only one job is scheduled. PC with CPU of Pentium® Dual-Core 2.1 GHz and 2 GB
Considering the resource constraints and the descending RAM. Each job’s precedent relationship, requirements of
order of the priority values of jobs, each job should be the workers and the skill, the weight of skill and the level
selected to be scheduled at each stage after its of skill are given in Table 2. The skill level and the salary



of each worker is given in Table 3. The detailed job After running the program for different iterations, the cost
relationship is given in Fig. 3. got by GA is 178355, and by CS is 177050 corresponding
to 100 iterations respectively. The Gantt chart of
B. Results
scheduling results by the two algorithms are presented in
In the experiment, the related parameters chosen for Fig. 4. We can find that the makespan is 100 weeks by
the given problem are: population size(n)=30, pa=0.25. CS algorithm, which is more efficient than 108 weeks
The parameters W1 and W2 are set to 0.8 and 0.2, used by GA algorithm. Clearly, CS-based scheduling
respectively. The experiments with GA and CS scheme outperforms GA-based scheme for minimizing
algorithms have been run for different iterations. It has the makespan and cost for this human resources
been found that less iterations, less satisfactory are the scheduling.
result, as the iterations increase, better results are yielded.

Job ID j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Priority v(j) 4.1922 -1.2642 3.6307 1.1559 2.6705 0.45231 -2.2021 1.5801 -3.9924
Start time Sj 0 2 0 2 4 8 12 8 17


(skill requirement, skill weight)

Job ID ε
skill 0 skill 1 skill 2 skill 3 skill 4
T0 (-,-) (-,-) (-,-) (-,-) (-,-) -
T1 (2, 1) (-,-) (4,3) (-,-) (-,-) 0.8
T2 (-,-) (-,-) (3,2) (4,3) (-,-) 0.8
T3 (-,-) (-,-) (-,-) (-,-) (3,3) 0.8
T4 (3,2) (-,-) (3,3) (-,-) (-,-) 0.8
T5 (-,-) (1,1) (3,2) (4,3) (-,-) 0.8
T6 (-,-) (-,-) (2,1) (3,2) (-,-) 0.8
T7 (-,-) (3,2) (-,-) (3,3) (-,-) 0.8
T8 (2,2) (-,-) (-,-) (-,-) (3,2) 0.8
T9 (3,2) (-,-) (4,3) (-,-) (-,-) 0.8
T10 (-,-) (-,-) (3,3) (4,3) (3,2) 0.8
T11 (2,1) (3,2) (-,-) (-,-) (-,-) 0.8
T12 (-,-) (-,-) (2,2) (-,-) (-,-) 0.8
T13 (-,-) (-,-) (-,-) (4,3) (2,2) 0.8
T14 (3,2) (-,-) (3,3) (-,-) (-,-) 0.8
T15 (-,-) (-,-) (-,-) (3,2) (3,3) 0.8
T16 (-,-) (-,-) (-,-) (2,2) (-,-) 0.8
T17 (-,-) (3,2) (-,-) (-,-) (1,1) 0.8
T18 (-,-) (3,2) (4,3) (-,-) (-,-) 0.8
T19 (-,-) (-,-) (-,-) (-,-) (-,-) -

PW: person/week PW:10 PW:10

SR: skill request SR:0,1 SR:1,3

SR:0,2 T16
PW:10 T11
PW:15 PW:10
SR:0,2 SR:2,4 SR:1,2
T1 PW:20 T12 T18
SR:4 T8
SR:1,2,3 PW:10
T5 T7 PW:10 T19
T10 T13 PW:0
PW:0 T2
T6 T9 T14 T17
PW:20 PW:10 PW:10 PW:15
SR:2,3 SR:0,2 SR:0,2 SR:1,4

Figure 3. The job precedence relationships



P6 T1 T11 T9 T17 T18 108
P5 T16 T7
P4 T4 T14
P3 T2 T5 T15 T10 T13
P2 T3 T12 T8
P1 T6
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Time(week)
(a) genetic algorithm
P6 T17 100
P5 T5 T7 T18
P4 T1 T11
P3 T3 T12 T15 T10 T13
P2 T8
P1 T2 T4 T6 T16 T9 T14
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Time(week)
(b) cuckoo search algorithm

Figure 4. The Gantt charts of the scheduling result given by genetic algorithm and cuckoo search algorithms

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V. CONCLUSION Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol.5, pp.11-24,1983.
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skill and the salary of the workforce at different levels. pp.281-298, 2009.
The detailed implementation of the algorithm is presented, [5] P. Brucker, S. Knust, A. Schoo, O. Thiele, “A branch and
including the priority coding scheme, the serial schedule bound algorithm for the resource-constrained project
generation scheme, and the modification to the Lévy scheduling problem”, European Journal of Operational
flight operator of CS algorithm. The results obtained by Research, vol. 107, pp. 272-288, 1998.
the CS-based approach are found to be much better than [6] S. Liu and C. Wang, "Optimizing linear project scheduling
with multi-skilled crews," Automation in Construction,
that obtained by the GA method. The comparative study
vol.24, pp.16-23, Jul-2012.
of the performance of the CS algorithm and that of the [7] M. Fırat and C. A. J. Hurkens, “An improved MIP-based
GA algorithm reveals that our new CS in combination approach for a multi-skill workforce,” Journal of
with Lévy flights proves to be more efficient and superior Scheduling, vol. 15, pp. 363-380, June 2012.
to GA algorithm in the given test problems. This is partly [8] T. Chen and G. Zhou, “Research on Project Scheduling
due to the fact that there are fewer parameters to be fine- Problem with Resource Constraints,” Journal of Software,
tuned in CS than in GA. In fact, apart from the population vol.8, pp.2058-2063, 2013.
size(n), it has only one parameter pa. [9] H. Li, J. Zhang, L. Ren and Z. Shi, “Scheduling
Optimization of Construction Engineering based on Ant
Colony Optimized Hybrid Genetic Algorithm,” Journal of
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Networks, vol.8, pp.1411-1416, 2013.
This paper has been partly supported by the National [10] L. Drezet and J. Billaut, “A project scheduling problem
Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 21365008), with labor constraints and time-dependent activities
requirements,” European Journal of Operational Research,
National Key Technology R&D Program of the Ministry
vol.112, pp.217-225, 2008.
of Science and Technology(Grant No. 2012BAK24B [11] C. Liu and S. Yang, “A serial insertion schedule generation
0201), the Science Foundation of Guangxi Zhuang scheme for resource-constrained project scheduling,”
Autonomous Region of China(Grant No. Journal of Computers, vol.6, pp.2365-2375, 2011.
2012GXNSFAA053230),"Research on key technologies [12] W. Wu and S. Sun, “A project scheduling and staff
for scientific management of multi-program" funded by assignment model considering learning effect,”
the Guangxi Government, China. International Journal Advanced Manufacture Technology,
vol.28, pp.1190-1195, 2006.



[13] Y. Wang, F. Sun, S. Liu and D. Chen, “A new method to professor from Jun. 2006. His mainly research field involves
solve project scheduling problems with multi-skilled civil engineering and construction engineering management. He
workforce constraints,” 25th Chinese Control and Decision presides over 4 projects funded by National Science Foundation
Conference, 2013. of China, and other more than 20 projects funded by the
[14] N. Wongwai and S. Malaikrisanachalee, “Augmented National Ministry of Education, and Beijing government, etc.
heuristic algorithm for multi-skilled resource scheduling,” He has got 8 prizes, including the nominated the first rank
Automation in Construction, vol.20, pp.429-445, 2011. National Prize in Science and Technology by the National
[15] P. Shahnazari-Shahrezaei, R. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam and Ministry of Education, and the first rank Prize in Science and
H. Kazemipoor, “Solving a new fuzzy multi-objective Technology of China Coal Industry, and the second rank Prize
model for a multi-skilled manpower scheduling problem of Excellent Teaching by Beijing city. He has published 2
by particle swarm optimization and elite tabu search,” Int J monographs, more than 90 papers, and hold 7 patents.
Adv Manuf Technol, vol.64, pp.1517-1540, 2013. Prof. Liu is awarded the Outstanding Teacher in Beijing in
[16] X. Yang and S. Deb, “Engineering optimization by cuckoo 2013, is the Winner of Education Ministry's New Century
search,” Int J Math Model Numer Optim, vol.1, pp.330-343, Excellent Talents Supporting Plan in 2008, and winner of
2010. Program for Excellent Talents in Beijing of China in 2007, etc.
[17] B. Shashikant and D. Sankha, “Scheduling optimization of He is a member of mining construction committee in National
flexible manufacturing system using cuckoo search-based Coal Industry Technical Committee, and a reviewer of NSFC
approach,” Int J Adv Manuf Technol, vol.64, pp.951-959, programs.
[18] S. Ren, H. Xu and X. Li, “Research on genetic algorithm- Pumo Xie, a postgraduate who will
based software project human resource dispatching,” obtain his master degree in Guilin
Application Research of Computers, vol.25, pp.3563-3567, University of Electronic Technology in
2008. 2014.
[19] S. Hartmann, “A competitive genetic algorithm for As a main member, he joined the
resource constrained project scheduling,” Naval Research “research on key technologies for
Logistics, vol45, pp. 733 – 750,1998 scientific management of multi-program”,
[20] J. Alcaraz and C. Maroto, “A robust genetic algorithm for focusing his study on the cuckoo search
resource allocation in project scheduling,” Annals of algorithm for resources scheduling.
Operation Research, vol.102, pp. 83 – 109, 2001. His main research field covers image processing, computer
vision, intelligent transportation, high-performance computing

Hui Nie, born in Changde, Hunan Zhenbing Liu, received the Ph.D. (2010)
Province, China, in Apr. 1972, She degree in Control science and
received her master's degree (2002) of engineering from Huazhong University
Management at Guangxi Normal of Science and Technology, China.
University in Guilin, Guangxi Province, Currently, he is an associate professor
China. She is now a Ph.D. candidate in at the School of Engineering and
China University of Mining & Automation at Guilin University of
Technology (Beijing). She focuses her Electronic Technology in 2010, and his
study on scheduling technologies and research interests include pattern
their application to human resource management and project recognition, machine learning, and image processing.
management. Dr. Liu has published over 10 refereed papers in these areas,
She worked as the vice director of the department of human including those published in prestigious journals and top
resources management of Guilin University of Electronic international conferences. He is also a reviewer for various
Technology (GUET) from Dec. 2006 and functioned as a international journals and conferences.
director from Jul. 2010 and to Dec. 2013. She worked as
assistant director of the department of human resources Huihua Yang, professor of GUET, and
management in Shanghai Jiaotong University from Sept. 2013 adjunct professor of Beijing University
to Feb. 2014. She presides over the project "research on key of Posts and Telecommunications. He
technologies for scientific management of multi-program" received his bachelor's degree (1994) and
which is funded by the Guangxi Government, China. She has master's degree (1997) at Huazhong
published over ten journal papers in the field of management. University of Science and Technology.
He received his Ph.D. degree at East
Bo Liu, born in Xiangtan, Hunan China University of Science and
Province, China, in Oct. 1970. He is now Technology in 2005. He worked in
a professor of School of Mechanics and department of computer science of GUET in 1997. He was
Civil Engineering, China University of postdoctoral at analysis center of Tsinghua University from July
Mining & Technology (Beijing) 2005 to July 2007. His main research field includes machine
(CUMTB). He is the Head of the School learning, data mining, near-infrared spectroscopy and its
of Mechanics and Civil Engineering of application.
CUMTB. Currently, he leads over 10 major projects, such as the
He got his doctoral degree (1998) in program sponsored by National Science Foundation of China.
CUMTB. He was a visiting scholar of Hong Kong University in He has published more than 30 papers in journals or
2001 and from May. to Aug. in 2002, and a visiting scholar of conferences.
University of California at San Diego from 2006 to 2007. He Prof. Yang is a ACM member and CCF senior member,
held a position of associate professor from Dec. 2001, and deputy director of the Chinese Council of Near-Infrared



Spectrum. He was awarded the first rank Prize for Progress in the second rank prize for Progress in Science and Technology in
Science and Technology in Hebei province, China, in 2012, and Guangxi province, China, in 2013.



Global Exponential Synchronization of Delayed

BAM Neural Networks
Meng Wang, Jianfeng Teng, and Erlin Liu
College of Medical Information Engineering, JiNing Medical University, RiZhao, China

Abstract—In order to enhance the presented Recently, the synchronization of coupled chaotic systems
synchronization scheme level, this paper deals with the has been received considerable attention in the last
synchronization problem of a class of bidirectional decade due to its potential applications in many different
associative memory (BAM) neural networks with delays. areas including secure communication, chemical reaction
Using the drive-response concept, a feedback control law is
and information science. A wide variety of approaches
derived to achieve the state synchronization of two identical
BAM neural networks. Moreover, based on the Lyapunov have been proposed for the synchronization of chaotic
stability method and the Halanay inequality lemma, two systems which include impulsive control method [13-15],
delay-independent sufficient exponential synchronization adaptive design control [16, 17], feedback control [18],
conditions are derived. The results in the present study and so on.
provide new insights into the exponential synchronization of Since artificial neural networks can exhibit some
BAM neural networks. An example is given to show the complicated dynamics and even chaotic behaviors [19],
effectiveness of the obtained results. synchronization of chaotic neural networks has also
become an important area of study. Hence, it has attracted
Index Terms—BAM Neural Networks; Lyapunov-
many scholars to study the synchronization of chaotic
Krasovskii; Exponential Synchronization; Delay; Halanay
Inequality neural networks [20-23]. In [20], Cao and Lu proposed a
simple adaptive feedback scheme for the synchronization
of coupled uncertain neural networks with or without
I. INTRODUCTION time-varying delay based on the invariant principles of
In [1-3], Kosko proposed a new class of networks functional differential equations. In [21], the problem of
which were called bidirectional associative memory global exponential synchronization between two identical
(BAM) networks. The models generalized the single- chaotic delayed neural networks was considered via
layer auto-associative Hebbian correlator to a two-layer output or state coupling. In [22], Wu and Park studied the
pattern-matched heteroassociative circuits. Therefore, this problem of synchronization of discrete-time neural
class of networks has good application perspective in networks with time-delays under unreliable
pattern recognition. Since time delays inevitably occur in communication links. In [23], an integral sliding mode
electronic neural networks owing to the unavoidable control (SMC) approach is presented to investigate the
finite switching speed of amplifiers, the stability analysis projective synchronization of non-identical chaotic neural
for the delayed BAM neural networks has received networks with mixed time delays. However, there are few
considerable attention. studies in the synchronization issue for the delayed BAM
Recently, BAM neural networks with axonal signal neural networks.
transmission delays have been widely studied and most of The aim of this paper is to investigate the
these studies involved various dynamical behaviors such synchronization problem for a class of delayed BAM
as stability [4-6], periodic oscillation [7, 8], and neural networks through feedback control. More precisely,
bifurcation [9, 10]. In [4], the delay-dependent global in this paper, the synchronization of BAM neural
robust stability was studied for a class of uncertain networks with delays is studied based on the Lyapunov
stochastic delayed neural networks of neutral-type with stability theory and the Halanay inequality lemma, and
discrete and distributed delays. In [8], several sufficient some simple generic conditions for global exponential
conditions were obtained for the existence and global synchronization of the neural networks is derived. The
exponential stability of the anti-periodic solution of BAM synchronization conditions are in the form of a few
neural networks, by using the fundamental solution algebraic inequalities, which are very convenient to
matrix of coefficients and Lyapunow function. In [10], verify.
the Hopf bifurcation generated by varying the interaction The layout of this paper is as follows. Section 2
parameter was investigated for a neural network modeled describes the delayed BAM neural networks considered
by a scalar delay differential equation. in this paper and defines the exponential synchronization
Chaos synchronization has attracted increasing problem of the drive-response BAM neural networks. In
attentions in both theory and applications since its Section 3, we derive a control law to solve the
introduction by Pecora and Carroll in 1990 [11, 12]. synchronization problem, introduce some preliminaries



and establish several sufficient criteria for the exponential d (ci ( xi )) d (d j ( y j ))

synchronization. In Section 4, an illustrate example is ci' ( xi )    i  0 , d 'j ( y j )   j  0
dxi dy j
given to validate the effectiveness of our results. Finally,
conclusions are drawn in Section 5. for xi , y j  .
Notations: Throughout this paper, n and nm (H2 ) Each function f j :   , j {1, 2,..., n} ,
denote respectively, the n -dimensional Euclidean space gi :   , i {1, 2,..., m} are bounded, and satisfy the
and the set of all n  m real matrices. min ( A) and
Lipschitz condition with Lipschitz constants K j  0 ,
max ( A) denote the minimum and maximum eigenvalues
Li  0 , i.e.
of matrix A respectively. For a vector x n , let x
f j (u)  f j (v)  K j u  v , gi (u)  gi (v)  Li u  v
denote the Euclidean vector norm, i.e. x  xT x where
for all u, v  .
xT denotes the transpose of the vector x , and for Remark 1. If ci ( xi )  ci xi , d j ( y j )  d j y j , and the
A nn , let A indicate the norm of A induced by the activation function f j , g i are sigmoid, then Eq. (1)
Euclidean vector norm, i.e. A  max ( A A) . T
describes the dynamics of BAM neural networks. From
[20, 21], we can easily demonstrate if the system’s
II. SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION AND SYNCHRONIZATION matrices W  (wji )mn, H  (hij )nm as well as the delay
PROBLEM parameter  ,  are suitably chosen, then the system (1)
will display a chaotic behavior. Therefore, we are
A. Class of BAM Neural Networks
concerned with the synchronization problem of this class
A class of BAM neural networks considered in this of chaotic BAM neural networks.
paper is described by the following delayed differential
equations: B. Exponential Synchronization Problem
In order to observe the synchronization behavior in this
 dxi (t ) n

 dt  ci ( xi (t ))   w ji f j ( y j (t   ))  I i , i  1, 2,..., m. class of BAM neural networks, we have two neural

 j 1
(1) networks where the drive system with state variable

 dy (t ) m
denoted by xi , y j drives the response system having
 d j ( y j (t ))   hij gi ( xi (t   ))  J j , j  1, 2,..., n.

 dt i 1 identical dynamical equations denoted by state variable
ui , v j . However, the initial conditions on the drive
where xi (t ) and y j (t ) are the activations of the ith
system are different from those of the response system.
neurons and the jth neurons, respectively; ci ( xi ) and Therefore, the neural networks with drive are described
d j ( y j ) are appropriately behaved functions such that the by the following equations:
solution of the model given in (1) remains bounded; time  dui (t ) n

delays  and  are non-negative constants, which  dt  ci (ui (t ))   w ji f j (v j (t   ))  I i  pi (t ), i  1, 2,..., m.

 j 1 (2)
correspond to the finite speed of the axonal signal 
dv (t )
 j  d (v (t ))  h g (u (t   ))  J  q (t ), j  1, 2,..., n.

transmission; w ji , hij are the connection weights, which 

 dt
j j i 1
ij i i j j

denote the strengths of connectivity between the cells i

and j at time t   and t   , respectively; f j , g i where ui (t ) and v j (t ) are the activations of the ith
describe the manner in which the neurons respond to each neurons and the jth neurons, respectively. The initial
other; I i , J j denote the ith and the jth component of an conditions of system (2) are ui (t )  ui (t )  C(  ,0 , )
external input source introduced from outside the network and v j (t )  vj (t )  C (  ,0 , ) . pi (t ) , q j (t ) denote
to the cell i and j, respectively. The initial conditions of (1) the external control input that will be appropriately
are given by xi (t )  xi (t )  C(  ,0 , ) , designed for an certain control objective.
y j (t )   yj (t )  C (  ,0 , ) where C (  ,0 , ) , Definition 1. The system (1) and the uncontrolled
system (2) (i.e. p(t )  0, q(t )  0 in (2)) are said to be
C (  , 0 , ) denote the set of all continuous functions
exponentially synchronized if there exist constants r  1 ,
from   , 0 ,   , 0 to  , respectively.   1 and   0 such that
With regard to functions ci ( xi ) , d j ( y j ) , fi ( yi ) and ui (t )  xi (t )  v j (t )  y j (t ) 

g j ( x j ) , the following assumptions are made: 2

( ui (t )  xi (t )  vj (t )   yj (t ) )e t ,
sup sup
1 1 [  max{ , },0] [  max{ , },0]
( H1 ) Functions ci ( xi ) , ci ( xi ) , d j ( y j ) and d j ( y j ) ,
where i {1, 2,..., m} , j {1, 2,..., n} are globally r r
m n
Lipschitz continuous. Moreover,  ui (t )  xi (t )   v j (t )  y j (t ) 
i 1 j 1



W mn and H nm represent interconnection

m r n r

( sup  (t )  xi (t )  sup  (t )   yj (t ) )e t

weight matrices; p(t )   p1 (t ), p2 (t ),..., pm (t )  m and
ui vj T
[  max{ , },0] i 1 [  max{ , },0] j 1

Definition 2. A real symmetric n  n matrix  is said

q(t )   q1 (t ), q2 (t ),..., qn (t ) n
to be positive definite if   T and xT x  0 for all denote the input
x  0. vectors. So we can easily obtain that the drive and
Remark 2. Given a real symmetric matrix  , then  response neural networks are synchronized when
is positive definite if and only if all its eigenvalues are exi (t )  0 and eyj (t )  0 as t   .
positive. Furthermore, it can be easily verified that If the state variables of the drive system are used to
min () x  xT x  max () x for all x n .
2 2
drive the response system, then the control input vectors
with state feedback are designed as follow:
The exponential synchronization problem which we
 p1 (t )    i 1 a1i (ui (t )  xi (t )) 
should consider here is to determine the control inputs m

pi (t ) , q j (t ) associated with the state-feedback for the  

   
purpose of exponentially synchronizing the two identical 
 pm (t )  
  i 1 ami (ui (t )  xi (t )) 
neural networks with the same system’s parameters but
the differences in initial conditions.
 11
a a1m   1 u (t )  x1 (t )   x1 
e ( t )
 
 x 

A. Controller Design  am1 amm  um (t )  xm (t )   exm (t ) 
Let us define the synchronization error signal
 q1 (t )    j 1 b1 j (v j (t )  y j (t )) 
exi (t )  ui (t )  xi (t ) , eyj (t )  v j (t )  y j (t ) , where xi (t ) ,  n 
y j (t ) and ui (t ) , v j (t ) are the ith and jth state variable of   
   
the drive and response neural networks, respectively.  qn (t )  
  j 1 nj j
b (v (t )  y j (t )) 
Therefore, the error dynamics between (1) and (2) can be  (5b)
expressed by
 b11 b1n   v1 (t )  y1 (t )   e y1 (t ) 
 dexi (t ) n
     
 dt  ci (exi (t ))   w ji f j (eyj (t   ))  pi (t ), i  1, 2,..., m.   y  
 j 1 (3) bn1 bnn  vn (t )  yn (t )  e yn (t ) 

de (t )
 
 yj  d (e (t ))  h g (e (t   ))  q (t ), j  1, 2,..., n.

 dt
j yj i 1
ij i xi j
where x , y are the controller gain matrices and will
or by the following vector form: be appropriately chosen for exponentially synchronizing
both drive system and response system. With the control
 dex (t ) law (5), the error dynamics can be expressed by the
 dt  C (ex (t ))  WF (ey (t   ))  p(t ). following form:
 (4)
 dey (t )   D(e (t ))  HG (e (t   ))  q(t ).  dexi (t ) n m

 dt y x  dt  ci (exi (t ))   w ji f j (eyj (t   ))   aik exi (t ), i  1, 2,..., m.

 j  1 k 1 (6a)

de ( t )
 yj  d (e (t ))  h g (e (t   ))  b e (t ), j  1, 2,..., n.
m n

where  dt j yj i 1
ij i xi 
k 1
jk yj

ci (exi (t ))  ci (ui (t ))  ci ( xi (t )),

d j (eyj (t ))  d j (v j (t ))  d j ( y j (t )), The vector form of the error dynamics can be
expressed as:
f j (eyj (t ))  f j (v j (t ))  f j ( y j (t )),
gi (exi (t ))  gi (ui (t ))  gi ( xi (t )),  dex (t )
 dt  C (ex (t ))  WF (e y (t   ))  x ex (t ).
i  1, 2,..., m, j  1, 2,..., n,  (6b)
 dey (t )   D(e (t ))  HG (e (t   ))   e (t ).
ex (t )  ex1 (t ), ex 2 (t ),..., exm (t )   ,
T m
 dt y x y y

ey (t )  ey1 (t ), ey 2 (t ),..., eyn (t )  n ,
B. Exponential Synchronization Condition
C (ex (t ))  c1 (ex1 (t )), c2 (ex 2 (t )),..., cm (exm (t )) m ,
In order to obtain our results, we need the following
D(ey (t ))  d1 (ey1 (t )), d2 (ey 2 (t )),..., d n (eyn (t ))  n , definitions and lemmas:
Definition 3. For (t , x)   tk 1 , tk   R n , we define
F (ey (t ))   f1 (ey1 (t )), f 2 (ey 2 (t )),..., f n (eyn (t ))  n , 1
V (t  h, x  hf (t , x))  V (t, x) .
DV (t , x)  lim sup
G(ex (t ))   g1 (ex1 (t )), g2 (ex 2 (t )),..., gm (exm (t )) m ,
hh 0

Lemma 1. (Lyapunov-Krasovskii stability theorem

[24]) Consider the delayed differential equation:



x(t )  f (t , xt ), t  t0 , xt0   ( ),     ,0 , 1 1 1 1 2

V (t )  eTx (t )ex (t )  eTy (t )ey (t )  ex (t )  ey (t ) (8)

where xt () , for given t  t0 , denotes the restriction of 2 2 2 2

xt () to the interval t   , t  translated to   , 0 , Calculating the upper right derivative D V of the
namely xt ( )  x(t   ) ,     ,0 . Suppose that f Lyapunov functional V along the solution of the vector
form (6b), we have
is continuous and f :  C  n takes  (bounded DV (t )  eTx (t )C (ex (t ))  eTx (t )WF (ey (t   ))  eTx (t )x ex (t )
sets of C ) into bounded sets of n , and eTy (t ) D(ey (t ))  eTy (t ) HG(ex (t   ))  eTy (t )y ey (t )
V1 ,V2 ,V3 :    are continuous and strictly m
 i exi2 (t )  ex (t ) W F (ey (t   ))  min (x ) ex (t )
monotonically non-decreasing functions,
V1 (s),V2 (s),V3 (s) are positive for s  0 with i 1
  j eyj2 (t )  ey (t ) H G(ex (t   ))  min (y ) ey (t )
V1 (0)  V2 (0)  0 . If there exists a continuous functional
V :  C   such that j 1

  min(i ) ex (t )  K ex (t ) W ey (t   )  min (x ) ex (t )

2 2
V1 (  (0) )  V (t ,  )  V2 (  (0) ) ; 1i  m

V (t , xt )  V3 ( x(t ) ) ,
2 2
 min(  j ) ey (t )  L ey (t ) H ex (t   )  min (y ) ey (t ) .
1 j  n
where V is the derivative of V along the solutions of the Then we use the inequality 2ab  a 2  b2 to estimate
above delayed differential equation, then the solution 
D V (t ) , we have that
x  0 of this equation is uniformly asymptotically stable.
DV (t )   min(i ) ex (t )  min (x ) ex (t )
2 2
Here, the functional V is called a Lyapunov-
1i  m
Krasovskii functional. 2 2
Lemma 2. (Halanay’s inequality [25]) Let a  b  0  min(  j ) ey (t )  min (y ) ey (t )
1 j  n
and v(t ) be a non-negative continuous function on
1 2
 K W ( ex (t )  ey (t   ) )
t0   , t0  , and satisfy the following inequality: 2
D v(t )  av(t )  b sup v(s), t  t0 , where  is a non- 1 2
 L H ( ey (t )  ex (t   ) )
t   s t
negative constant, then there exists constants k ,   0
 (2 min(i )  K W  2min (x )) ex (t )
1 i  m 2
v(t )  ke (t t0 ) , t  t0 , where k  sup v(s) ,  is
t   s  t 1 2
(2 min(  j )  L H  2min (y )) ey (t )
unique positive solution of the following equation: 1 j  n 2
  a  be . 1 2 1
 K W ey (t   )  L H ex (t   )

Lemma 3. (Young’s inequality) Assume that 2 2

1 1
x  0, y  0, p  1, q  1,   1 , then the inequality  aV (t )  b( sup v( s)) (9)
p q t  dm  s  t

1 p 1 q
xy  x  y holds. where
p q dm  max( ,  ), b  max( K W , L H ) ,
The exponential synchronization problem of systems
a  min(2 min(i )  K W  2min (x ),
(1) and (2) can be solved if the controller gain matrices 1i  m
are suitably designed. The exponential synchronization 2 min(  j )  L H  2min (y )) .
1 j  n
condition is established in the following main theorem.
Theorem 1. For the drive-response neural networks (1) The inequality including a in (9) is derived from the
and (2) which satisfy assumptions ( H1 ) and ( H 2 ) , if the facts of vector norm, matrix norm and from the inequality
in Remark 2. Applying Lemma 2 to (9), it can be shown
controller gain matrices x , y in (5) are real symmetric
that if condition (7) holds, then
and positive definite, and satisfy
V (t )  ( sup v( s))e t (10)
min(2 min( i )  K W  2min (x ), t  dm  s  t
1 i  m

2 min(  j )  L H  2min (y )) (7) where  is unique positive solution of the equation
1 j  n
  a  be d . m

 max( K W , L H )
According to Definition 1, V (t ) converges to zero
where L  max1i  m ( Li ) , K  max1 j  n ( K j ) , then the exponentially, which in turn implies that ex (t ) , ey (t ) all
exponential synchronization of systems (1) and (2) is converge globally and exponentially to zero. Therefore,
obtained. every trajectory ui (t ) , v j (t ) of (2) must synchronize
Proof. We construct a Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional



exponentially toward the xi (t ) , y j (t ) of (1), respectively. Substituting (14) and (15) into (13), we can obtain
1 m  m n 
D V (t )    r ( aik  i )  (r  1) w ji K j  exi (t )
This completes the proof. r

Remark 3. The sufficient condition for exponential r i 1  k 1 j 1 

synchronization of systems (1) and (2) is independent of
1 n n m

   r ( b jk   j )  (r  1) hij L j  eyj (t )
the delay parameter but relies on the inequality of the
system’s parameters and the controller gain. r j 1  k 1 i 1 
Theorem 2. For the drive-response neural networks (1) 1 n m
 ( K j w ji ) eyj (t   )
and (2) which satisfy assumptions ( H1 ) and ( H 2 ) , if the 
r j 1 i 1
controller gain matrices x , y in (5) are real symmetric
1 m n
  ( Li hij ) exi (t   )
and positive definite, and satisfy
r i 1 j 1
 m n
min  r ( aik   i )  (r  1) w ji K j ,
1 i  m ,1 j  n  aV (t )  b( sup v( s)) (16)
 k 1 j 1
t  dm  s  t
n m

r ( b jk   j )  (r  1) hij Li  where
k 1 i 1  m n 
d m  max( ,  ), b  max  K j w ji ,  Li hij  ,
 n m  1 i  m ,1 j  n
 i 1 
max  w ji K j ,  hij Li 
j 1
 (11)
1 i  m ,1 j  n
 j 1 i 1   m n
a min
1 i  m ,1 j  n
  ik
r ( a   i )  ( r  1)  w ji K j ,
where r  1 , then the exponential synchronization of  k 1 j 1

systems (1) and (2) is obtained. n m

Proof. We construct a Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional r ( b jk   j )  (r  1) hij Li  .
k 1 i 1 
r r
1 m 1 n Applying Lemma 2 to (16), if condition (11) holds,
V (t )  
r i 1
exi (t )   eyj (t )
r j 1
(12) then we have
V (t )  ( sup v( s))e t (17)
Calculating the upper right derivative D V of the t  dm  s  t

Lyapunov functional V along the solution of (6a), it

follows that where  is unique positive solution of the equation
m r 1 n r 1   a  be d . m

D V (t )   exi (t )

D exi (t )   eyj (t )
 
D eyj (t ) According to Definition 1, V (t ) converges to zero
i 1 j 1
r 1
exponentially, which implies that system (3) is globally
m n
  exi (t ) sign(exi (t ))  ci (exi (t ))   w ji f j (eyj (t   )) exponentially stability. Therefore, every trajectory ui (t ) ,
i 1 j 1 v j (t ) of (2) will synchronize exponentially toward the
r 1
 n
 aik exi (t )    eyj (t ) sign(eyj (t ))  d j (eyj (t )) xi (t ) , y j (t ) of (1), respectively. This completes the
k 1  j 1 proof.
 n
 hij gi (exi (t   ))  b jk eyj (t )  IV. EXAMPLES
i 1 k 1  In this section, we give an illustrate example to
r 1
m  m n  illustrate the effectiveness of the results obtained in the
  exi (t ) ( aik  i ) exi (t )   w ji K j eyj (t   ) 
i 1  k 1 j 1  previous sections.
Example 1. Consider a BAM neural network with
r 1
 n  m
 delays as follows:
 eyj (t )   b jk   j  eyj (t )   hij Li exi (t   )  (13)
j 1  k 1  i 1   x1 (t )  1 0  x1 (t )   1.2 0.2  f1 ( y1 (t  0.2)) 
 x (t )    0 1   x (t )    0.2 1.1   f ( y (t  0.2))  (18a)
By Lemma 3, we have the following inequalities:  2    2    2 2 

r 1
exi (t ) K j eyj (t   )  y1 (t )  1 0  y1 (t )   0.8 0.35  g1 ( x1 (t  0.3))  (18b)
j 1
 y (t )    0 1   y (t )    0.35 1.1   g ( x (t  0.3)) 
(14)  2    2    2 2 
r 1 1
exi (t )  eyj (t   ) )
w ji K j (
r r where ci ( xi )  xi , d j ( y j )  y j , Ii  0, J j  0 and
j 1
f j (yj )  y j , gi ( xi )  xi , i, j  1, 2 . The system satisfies
r 1
m 4
eyj (t ) h
i 1
ij Li exi (t   )
assumptions ( H1 ) , ( H 2 ) , and it can easily be verified
r 1 1 that 1   2  1  2  1 ,
eyj (t )  exi (t   ) )
hij Li (
i 1 r r



K1  K 2  , L1  L2  1 . The initial conditions of system 0.25
4 ex1(t)

(18) are 0.2 ex2(t)

x1 (t )  0.1, x 2 (t )  0.2, t   0.3, 0  ,

 ey2(t)
 0.15

 y1 (t )  0.3,  y 2 (t )  0.2, t   0.2, 0  .

exi(t), eyj(t), i, j=1,2

Taking (18) as the drive system and the response BAM
neural network with delays is designed as follows: 0.05

u1 (t )  1 0  u1 (t )   1.2 0.2  f (v1 (t  0.2))  (19a)

u (t )    0 1  u (t )    0.2 1.1   f (v (t  0.2))   p(t ) 0
 2    2    2 

v1 (t )  1 0  v1 (t )   0.8 0.35  f (u1 (t  0.3))  (19b)

v (t )    0 1  v (t )    0.35 1.1   f (u (t  0.3))   q(t ) -0.1
 2    2    2  0 5 10 15 20 25 30

The initial conditions of system (19) are chosen as Figure 2. Synchronization errors between drive system (18) and
 x1 (t )  0.1,  x 2 (t )  0.1, t   0.3, 0  ,
 response system (19) with controller (5)

 y1 (t )  0.2,  y 2 (t )  0.4, t   0.2, 0  .

Now, we take the controller matrices in (5) as x 1(t)
0.8 0.2 0.6 0.1 2
x   , y  
x 2(t)
 .
0.2 0.6  0.1 0.5
y 1(t)
y 2(t)
x i(t), y j(t), ui(t), v j(t), i, j=1,2

It is easy to check that the condition in Theorem 1 is 1 u1(t)

satisfied. Therefore, systems (18) and (19) exhibit u2(t)
exponential synchronization. The state trajectories of v 1(t)

variable xi (t ), y j (t ), ui (t ), v j (t ), i, j  1, 2 are shown in Fig. 0 v 2(t)

1. The errors exi (t ), eyj (t ), i, j  1, 2 between systems (18) -0.5

and (19) are depicted in Fig. 2. -1

x 1(t)
x 2(t) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
y 1(t)
y 2(t)
0.4 Figure 3. State trajectories of drive system (18) and response system
x i(t), y j(t), ui(t), v j(t), i, j=1,2

u1(t) (19) without controller (5)

v 1(t)
v 2(t) 2

1.5 ex2(t)

1 ey2(t)
exi(t), eyj(t), i, j=1,2

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure 1. State trajectories of drive system (18) and response system

(19) with controller (5) -0.5

Remark 4. It should be noticed that the BAM neural -1

networks (18) and (19) are not chaotic. In fact, the state
trajectories of systems (18) and (19) are divergent 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
according to Fig. 2. In this example, the response system
exponentially synchronizes with the drive system through Figure 4. Synchronization errors between drive system (18) and
the controller (5). If there is no controller (5), the systems response system (19) without controller (5)
(18) and (19) will not exhibit synchronization, which can
be seen from Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. On the other hand, it has
been revealed that if the network’s parameters and time
delays are appropriately chosen, the neural networks In this paper, based on the Lyapunov stability method,
maybe exhibit chaotic behaviors. Our results can also be the Halanay inequality and the Young inequality, some
applied to the synchronization of chaotic BAM neural criteria have been derived for the exponential
networks. synchronization of a class of BAM neural networks with



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Grid Computing based on Game Optimization Theory for Networks Scheduling 1295
Zhang Peng-fei, li Xiang-yang, and Ma Lei

Broadcast Networks based on the Virus Evolutionary Algorithm 1301

Zhu Jian-xin and Gihwan Cho

DOA Estimation of Smart Antenna Signal Based on MUSIC Algorithm 1309

Qihui Wang, Lidong Wang, Kang An, Zhouxiang Shou, and Huixi Zhang

Complexity Measurement of Large-Scale Software System Based on Complex Network 1317

Li Dali

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Medical Diagnosis Data Mining Based on Improved Apriori Algorithm 1339

Wenjing Zhang, Donglai Ma, and Wei Yao

A Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Scheduling Multiskilled Workforce 1346

Hui Nie, Bo Liu, Pumo Xie, Zhenbing Liu, and Huihua Yang

Global Exponential Synchronization of Delayed BAM Neural Networks 1354

Meng Wang, Jianfeng Teng, and Erlin Liu
(Contents Continued from Back Cover)

An Improved Directed Diffusion Protocol based on Opportunistic Routing 1163

Yi Xu, Yixian Yang, Yang Xin, and Hongliang Zhu

An Adaptive Approach for Multi-Agent Formation Control in MANET Based on CPS Perspective 1169
Jinzhi Lin, Ying Wu, Gongyi Wu, and Jingdong Xu

Optimal-sampling Active Interference Cancellation under the Minimax Criterion 1178

Jinping Liu, Gang Zhu, Bo Cheng, and Shengfeng Xu

Impact of Queue Management Schemes and TCP Variants on the Performance of 10Gbps High Speed 1183
Networks: An Experimental Study
Lin Xue, Cheng Cui, Suman Kumary, and Seung-Jong Park

Uncertain Networks Optimization Based on Random ADD Algorithm 1193

Gu Daming

Fusion of the Dimensionless Parameters and Filtering Methods in Rotating Machinery Fault 1201
Jianbin Xiong, Qinhua Zhang, Guoxi Sun, Zhiping Peng, and Qiong Liang

Obfuscated Malicious Code Detection with Path Condition Analysis 1208

Wenqing Fan, Xue Lei, and Jing An

Numerical Simulation of Stability Analyzing for Unsaturated Slope with Rainfall Infiltration 1215
Wen Zhong, Zhuoying Tan, Xiaojun Wang, Jin Wang, and Tianshou Hu

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Content Distribution Mechanism in Mobile P2P Network 1229

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