Fusion Materials SF - 3 - Rubel

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M. Rubel

Alfvén Laboratory, Royal Institute of Technology

Teknikringen 31, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel. (46) 8 790 60 93, Fax (46) 8 24 54 31, E-mail: rubel@fusion.kth.se

Keywords: fusion reactor materials, tritium inventory, erosion & redeposition, radiation effects, tritium breeding

ABSTRACT issues associated with handling components in radioactive

environment. Finally, crucial topics to be tackled in future
A concise overview is given on materials applied in fusion research of fusion reactor materials (FRM) are addressed.
technology. The influence of plasma operation on the
behaviour of reactor components and diagnostic systems is II. REACTOR STRUCTURE AND MATERIALS
discussed with emphasis on effects caused by fast particles
reaching the reactor wall. Issues related to primary and The next-step fusion machine is International
induced radioactivity are reviewed: tritium inventory and Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)4 shown
transmutation. Tritium breeding in the reactor blanket, schematically in Fig. 1. The objectives of ITER science
separation of hydrogen isotopes and safety aspects in and technology programme include: (a) achievement of a
handling radio-contaminated components are also self-sustained thermonuclear burn; (b) extended burn time;
addressed. (c) safe operation of a reactor-like device and (d) testing of
components under reactor-like conditions. In brief, the
I. INTRODUCTION reactor is composed of a support structure, a cryostat with
super-conducting magnets, a vacuum vessel and the first
The ultimate goal of fusion research is to construct wall being an integrated blanket. The blanket includes
and operate an energy generating system. In a controlled structural materials, a neutron absorber, and high-heat flux
fusion reactor the temperature gradients between the components, i.e. plasma facing armour and heat sink.
plasma and the surrounding wall will probably be the
greatest in the Universe and the operation will be Energy leaves the plasma in form of electromagnetic
associated with intense nuclear radiation. Therefore, the radiation and kinetic energy of particles. Plasma-
technology for next-step devices presents challenges not surrounding wall is irradiated by ions, charge-exchange
encountered in present-day machines. This includes neutrals, electrons, photons (γ, X, UV) and neutrons. All of
development and construction of components capable of them modify material properties, from the very surface to
reliable performance in highly radioactive environment. the bulk. Therefore, blanket materials must be compatible
with ultra-high vacuum, cryogenics (cryo pumps),
Issues of radioactivity and lifetime of materials and magneto-hydro dynamics, neutron irradiation and handling
components (multi-material structures) are the driving of high heat loads. As a consequence, there are stringent
forces in studies of plasma-material interactions in requirements regarding the properties of plasma facing
controlled fusion devices1,2. They are essential for materials (PFM): high thermal conductivity, good thermo-
economy and safety of a reactor-class machine operated mechanical properties and resilience to thermal shocks,
with a ~50:50 deuterium-tritium mixture. Secondly, non-magnetic, low activation by neutrons and resistance to
radioactivity-related effects and power handling by plasma radiation damage, low accumulation of hydrogen isotopes
facing components (PFC) are universal for all confinement accompanied by low chemical affinity to hydrogen in order
schemes, both magnetic and inertial, realised for energy to avoid chemical erosion leading to the formation of
generating systems. While the power handling by the volatile compounds. High affinity to oxygen towards
reactor first wall has been extensively reviewed by formation of stable and non-volatile oxides is also
Philipps3, this lecture will deal with radioactivity aspects important for gettering oxygen impurity species in a
of the fusion process and its influence on reactor materials reactor. Properties of no single element, compound or alloy
and components. The paper is organised in such a way, can satisfy all points of that list. Only a few candidate
that first basic requirements for plasma facing and reactor materials for the plasma-facing wall are seriously
materials are presented. This is followed by description of considered: carbon fibre composites (CFC), beryllium and
radioactivity sources in a fusion reactor and then, tritium tungsten. Behaviour of these elements under plasma
inventory, tritium breeding and radiation effects are conditions, i.e. particle bombardment and high heat flux
discussed. The work is concluded with remarks on safety deposition, is very different3. Therefore, their distribution
on the reactor wall is not accidental. Beryllium will be The list of candidate structural materials for the
used for the main chamber wall, port limiters and baffle, blanket comprises mainly austenitic steel (e.g. 316L),
whereas the divertor dome and upper vertical target will be vanadium-titanium alloys (V-Ti, V-Ti-Si, V-Ti-Cr) and
covered with tungsten tiles. Carbon (CFC) covers the silicon carbide composites5. Major requirements emphasise
lower vertical target where the greatest power is deposited. mechanical strength and low activation by neutrons. Low
A detailed distribution of tungsten and carbon in the activation and increased resistance to radiation damage are
divertor is shown in Fig. 2. also crucial for ceramic insulators and components of in-
vessel diagnostic such as optical fibres, cables, mirrors and
windows6. The intention of the lecture is to highlight the
field of FRM and physics underlying their behaviour in
radioactive environment, but not to give an extensive
account on all possible candidate materials and all kinds of
radiation-induced effects. Therefore, only the most
important processes affecting material properties will be
discussed in more detail in Chapter V.
primary wall, baffle
All the primary and induced radioactivity in controlled
fusion devices is associated from the substrates and
products of the fusion process: tritium in the D – T fuel and
a consequent production of high energy neutrons:
D + T Æ α (3.5 MeV) + n (14.1 MeV) (1)

W: upper vertical D + D Æ T (1.03 MeV) + H (3 MeV) (2)

target, dome, liner D + D Æ 3He (0.82 MeV) + n (2.45 MeV) (3).
The branching ratio of reactions (2) and (3) is around one.
Tritium (symbol: T or 3H) is a low-energy β- emitter:
H (β-) Æ 3He (18.59 keV, t1/2 = 12.32 years) (4)
Resulting radioactivity of 1 g T equals 9652 Ci (3.571 x
1014 Bq). Safety requirements limit the in-vessel inventory
CFC: lower to the total of 350 g T. If this level would be overcome, a
vertical target clean-up of the vessel is necessary in order to reduce the
radioactivity. Processes leading to the tritium accumulation
and methods of its removal will be discussed in the next
Fig. 1. A schematic view of the ITER structure and chapter. In-situ induced radioactivity attributed to nuclear
distribution of plasma facing materials. transmutation by fast neutrons passing the plasma-
(source: ITER Team, Garching, www.iter.org) surrounding and structural materials of the blanket will be
presented in Chapter V.



The term “fuel inventory” denotes accumulation and

long-term retention of fuel in all in-vessel components,
either those facing directly the plasma or located in remote
(shadowed) areas such as water cooled louvers in the
divertor structure1,7 or pumping ducts. This applies to all
hydrogen isotopes and has several detrimental effects on
the reactor operation. There are three pathways leading to
the accumulation of fuel in reactor components:
Fig. 2. ITER divertor and materials i. diffusion and radiation-enhanced diffusion ,
(source: G. Federici, ITER Team, Garching) ii. T production by neutron-induced transmutation,
iii. co-deposition process. deposit. Images in Fig. 4 a and b show two basic micro-
Neutron-assisted production of T will be treated in the next structures of co-deposited films: granular and stratified
chapter, whereas this one will deal with effects arising (laminar), respectively11. The layers shown here are 40 – 50
from the co-deposition which is decisive for the inventory. microns thick, but the formation of much thicker deposits
(1 mm) has been also observed. Thick deposits are very
Co-deposition is defined as re-deposition of eroded brittle, easily disintegrate and thus fuel-rich dust is
and then transported material (i.e. plasma impurities) produced. The amount of dust in the reactor must be
together with fuel species. As addressed by Philipps, strictly controlled as it poses danger of ignition by steam
material eroded from one place of the reactor wall is re- reaction in case of accidental massive air or cooling water
deposited in another location, unless it is pumped-out3,8. leak into the vacuum vessel.
The most serious consequence of co-deposition is the
formation of mixed-material layers which may contain
vast amounts of fuel. The process that has been studied
most extensively in devices with carbon walls is directly
related to the pronounced erosion (physical and chemical)
of carbon by hydrogen plasma and the resultant formation
of various hydrocarbon species. They are characterised by
different sticking coefficients to solid surfaces9. Those of a
high sticking co-efficient are deposited and form
amorphous carbonaceous (a:C-H) films retaining from a
few to over 60 % atomic percent of hydrogen isotopes 7,10.
As measured in various tokamaks, the growth rate of such
films is usually between 1.5 and 12 nm/s. When this
number is scaled-up to a full year of plasma operation co-
deposited layer of a thickness from 4.7 cm to 38 cm would
be formed, respectively. This indicates the scale of the
problem arising from the carbon erosion, its re-deposition

and fuel inventory. The retention of radioactive tritium
causes the most severe problems because methods must
still be developed to accomplish the efficient release of
fuel and/or decomposition and removal of co-deposit.

Detached flaking co-deposit

Erosion zone

zone Fig. 4. Granular (a) and stratified (b) structures of

The estimated fuelling rate of the ITER plasma is

around 54 g of T per 400 s pulse. From this amount approx.
only 1 g will be burnt in the D – T fusion, whereas the
Fig. 3. Limiter tile exposed for several hours to the remaining majority must be pumped out and diverted to the
plasma operation at the TEXTOR tokamak. tritium plant (the plant is discussed in Chapter VII).
However, the pumped-out fraction will depend on the long
Fig. 3 shows a limiter tile exposed to the tokamak term tritium retention in co-deposits. Fig. 5 shows
plasma for a few operation hours. One can distinguish two predictions for the cumulative tritium retention in co-
regions: a shiny and smoothly looking erosion zone and a deposited carbon films until the safety limit for in-vessel
deposition zone covered with a peeling-off (flaking) inventory (350 g) is reached and a clean-up must be
performed. The plots are based on the experience with the irradiation or mechanical treatment of surfaces with co-
D – T operation in JET and on scenarios modeled by deposits15. Laser or flash light irradiation brings promising
computer codes for erosion and re-deposition1. One results as it stimulates desorption of H isotopes and
concludes that the clean-up would be necessary after 15 disintegration of co-deposits16. However, the side effect of
(JET equivalent at full carbon wall) to 175 ITER pulses the deposit removal and disintegration is the formation of
(inventory 2 g/pulse with carbon tiles only in the strike dust particulates. Full scale in-situ tests are still to be done
zone in the divertor). Whichever inventory scenario might in a tokamak environment. Taking into account a variety of
take place in the reactor, frequent breaks in the operation co-deposit structures and their location in the reactor, a
must not happen because it would influence economy of combination of techniques must probably be applied.
the operation and hinder efficient realisation of the
scientific and technical programme. Therefore, either V. RADIATION-INDUCED EFFECTS
carbon PFC should be eliminated and replaced by tungsten
or/and efficient methods for tritium removal must be fully Properties of reactor materials and components are
developed. Both approaches are complex but they are modified by fast neutrons and ionising radiation: γ, X and
under intense experimental scrutiny. UV. The neutron flux to the wall of ITER will be of the
order of 5 x 1017 m-2 s-1. Power carried by 14 MeV neutrons
must be converted in the blanket into heat and tritium
breeding. The blanket acts as a neutron absorber and T-
breeder. Its additional important role is the protection of the
vacuum vessel and super-conducting coils from neutron
irradiation. Neutrons, when passing the armour and
structural components of the blanket, cause volumetric
radiation damage and chemical modification leading to the
change and deterioration of material properties. The major
neutron-induced effects in solids are: structural damage
(displacement damage)17,18 and nuclear transmutation19.
These are very closely inter-related processes and they
affect all types of materials. Some additional effects are
induced by fast photons in ceramic insulators.

The measure of damage to a crystalline matter caused

by bombardment with energetic particles is expressed in
terms of “displacement per atom” (dpa), i.e. the number of
times each atom is dislodged from its place in the crystal by
radiation. In other words, 1 dpa is equivalent to displacing
all atoms once from their lattice sites. The cross-section for
Fig. 5. Total tritium inventory versus the number of pulses processes of neutron displacement damage is generally in
in ITER before the vessel clean-up would be necessary. the range from 1 to 10 barns. Damage depends on the
(source: G. Federici, ITER Team, Garching) fluence (total dose) and, in some cases, also on the neutron
flux. For instance, in carbon, beryllium and ceramic
Several methods of T removal and vessel clean-up materials 1 dpa is produced by a neutron dose of around 1 x
were tested at TFTR and JET following full D – T 1025 m-2. Volumetric damage leads to the formation of
campaigns12,13: tokamak discharges in D2 fuelled plasma, dislocations, interstitials, voids and vacancies, in the crystal
H and He glow discharge cleaning, venting with oxygen. lattice. This results from the direct knock-on of atoms
Tokamak discharges and hydrogen glow aim at the D – T and/or ions from their sites. Knock-on atoms of sufficiently
and H – T isotope exchange. Helium glow sputters away high energy may produce further displacements by
isotopes from the surface layer. Ventilation with air leads cascades. Dislocation is defined as a line, plane or region in
to the formation of tritiated water. While the T removal which there is a discontinuity in the regularity of the lattice.
from the main chamber (PFC) could be deemed reasonable Voids and vacancies are the empty spaces formed by
effective, the removal rate from remote areas, where the shifting the atoms from their original sites. In the end effect
thickest tritiated co-deposits were formed, was poor. materials volume is changed due to swelling (metals,
Peeled-off flakes were removed by vacuum cleaning. ceramics) or shrinkage (CFC). 1 dpa typically results in 1
Several other methods for tritium and co-deposit removal % volume change. This in turn, leads to the significant drop
have been proposed and tested under laboratory in thermal conductivity, even by 70 %20 from the original
conditions. They are based on chemical decomposition (H value. Swelling of a metal crystal changes drastically its
and He glow plasma with water vapour14), pulsed mechanical properties causing hardening and resultant
increased brittleness (embrittlement). The extent of the accumulated gas overcomes a certain limit, blisters explode
damage is reduced at elevated temperatures due to leading to the exfoliation (example is shown in Fig. 7).
annealing. However, it is obvious that the temperature of
materials and components cannot be increased indefinitely.
Therefore, efforts in irradiation tests are focused on the
definition of operation limits, i.e. dose and temperature.

The processes described above apply also to all

insulating ceramics being important components of
heating and current drive and diagnostic systems exposed
directly to neutron fluxes: feedthroughs, magnetic pick-up
coils, mineral insulated cables, bolometers, pressure
gauges, thermocouples, other temperature sensors, optical
fibres, laser diods, detectors, windows, mirrors, etc21. For
insulators the requirements are more stringent than for Fig. 6. Blisters in the helium-irradiated material (source:
metallic materials because it is necessary to maintain not Y. Yamauchi et al., J. Nucl. Mater. 313-316 (2003) 408.)
only their mechanical performance but also sensitive
physical properties such as electrical insulation and optical
transmission. These properties are influenced by neutrons
and photons due to radiation-induced or radiation-
i. conductivity (excitation of electrons into a
conduction band),
ii. electrical degradation (increased electrical
iii. absorption (light transmission loss),
iv. electromotive force (induced voltage between the
centre and outer conductors of a mineral insulated
v. radiation-enhanced diffusion (for instance
increases tritium mobility in ceramic windows).
To ensure reliable performance of insulated devices further
testing and development of radiation-hard materials must
be carried out. The list of examined ceramic materials
include Al, Mg, Si, Be oxides, nitrides (Si3N4), natural and

CVD-diamonds, mica and ferroelectrics.

The second fundamental radiation-induced effect is

transmutation defined as the change in a nucleus structure
leading to the formation of different isotope(s) or
element(s) induced by bombarding the nucleus with
particles or photons. In case of photons the process goes Fig. 7. Exfoliation of metal following high dose irradiation.
via the Compton effect. The efficiency of transmutation,
like for all nuclear reactions, depends on the cross-section. An important consequence of nuclear reactions is
Basically, neutron-induced transmutation processes fall simultaneous formation of other (than H and He)
into three categories dependent on the reaction products: transmutation products modifying material properties. The
i. formation of gaseous species: (n,p), (n,np), problem associated with such impurities becomes
(n,d), (n,t) (n,α), (n,nα), particularly serious following high dose irradiation.
ii. gamma radiation: (n,γ), (n,n’γ) Secondly, some of those transmutation products are
iii. neutron breeding: (n,2n), (n,3n). radioactive isotopes. Basic physics underlying the
transmutation cannot be overcome and the only way to
One may easily notice that the first-group processes minimize its effects is the use of low-activation materials,
lead to the formation of hydrogen isotopes (H,D,T) or i.e. materials containing elements of low cross-section for
helium. Gases accumulated in the crystal lattice form transmutation or elements whose transmutation products
bubbles and blisters as shown in Fig. 6. Bubbles are are either non-radioactive or short lifetime isotopes. It is
formed not only in the surface layer but also in the bulk. clear that products and related radioactivity (i.e. energy
This increases brittleness. When the pressure of the
spectrum and lifetime) strongly depend on the initial VII. TRITIUM PLANT
composition of the irradiated material. This implies that
not only major constituents must undergo low activation Tritium breeded in the blanket and that pumped-out
but also the level and quantity of admixtures and from the torus (non-used fuel and released from the wall by
impurities must be strictly controlled. For instance, while cleaning methods) must be handled in the tritium plant
major constituents of a low activation vanadium alloys (V- before it can be used for plasma fuelling. Tritiated species
3Ti-1Si) transmute to short lifetime isotopes, the presence occur in the form of gas molecules (I2, where I denotes a
of nickel impurities transmuted to 60Co leads to a long- mixture hydrogen isotopes), hydrocarbons (CxIy) and water
term activation (t1/260Co = 5.27 years). In conclusion, (I2O). The separation methods comprise cryogenic
fabrication of low activation and high purity FRM is distillation, condensation, electrolysis, diffusion via Pd
essential. membranes, catalytic processes: oxidation of CxIy,
decomposition of I2O and CxIy and vapour stage exchange:
CO + I2O ÅÆ CO2 + I2 [water gas shift] (12)
As already pointed out, the conversion of neutron
CI4 + I2O ÅÆ CO + 3I2 [steam reforming] (13)
energy to heat and T-breeding takes place in the absorber
part of the blanket. Lithium is the best breeder. Therefore, CI4 ÅÆ C + 2I2 [methane cracking] (14)
it is a constituent of all candidate materials considered for
Fig. 8 shows a schematic flow diagram in an isotope
the absorber. Lithium has two stable isotopes 6Li and 7Li
separation facility23 (example is based on the Tritium
with natural abundance of 7.5% and 92.5%, respectively:
Separation Test Assembly, TSTA, operated until 1997 in
6 Los Alamos NL, New Mexico, USA).
Li + n Æ α + T + 4.78 MeV (Eth = 2.47 MeV) (5)
Li + n Æ α + T + n’ - 2.47 MeV (6),
where Eth denotes the threshold energy of the process.
These reactions are essential for tritium production
because that isotope must be produced on site. Several H
ceramics have been tested: Li2ZrO3, Li8ZrO6, Li2TiO3,
LiAlO2, Li2SiO3 and Li4SiO422. The other candidates are D
lithium oxide (Li20), Li17-Pb alloy pebbles and 2LiF-BeF4
mixture called Flibe, Li2BeF4. To increase the amount of
neutrons for T breeding, beryllium is added as a neutron H2, D2, T2
multiplier: HD, HT, DT
Be + n Æ 2α + 2n’ (Eth = 2.7 MeV) (7).
However, side reactions of a low cross-section also occur
leading to the tritium and helium production and,
eventually, accumulation of tritium in He bubbles in Be: T2
Be + n Æ α + 6He (Eth = 0.67 MeV) (8)
He (β-) Æ 6Li (3.508 MeV, t1/2 = 0.807 s) (9) Fig. 8. A schematic flow diagram of tritiated
gases in an isotope separation station (ISS).
Be + n Æ 7Li + T - 10.40 MeV (Eth = 11.6 MeV) (10)
6 7 All tritium for introduction to the torus (freshly
Then, Li and Li are transmuted to tritium in processes (5)
supplied to the reactor site and that leaving the ISS) must
and (6), respectively. Taking into account all these
be stored in uranium or Co-Zr beds at low temperature.
pathways of T generation from lithium, the overall fusion
This is to ensure precise dosing and to avoid uncontrolled
process reads:
release of the radioactive gas. Also deuterium for the gas
introduction system is stored in U-beds. The discharge of
D + Li Æ 2α + Energy (11),
pure gases from the beds is realised at elevated temperature
showing that the energy production cycle is based on of about 450 oC13.
easily achievable reactants found in nature in inexhaustible
supply: deuterium extracted from sea water (∼33.3 g D/m3) VIII. HANDLING OF REACTOR COMPONENTS
and lithium obtained from common minerals such as
lepidolite, petalite, spodumene and amblygonite. Already the D – D phase of the ITER operation will
activate components to the level unacceptable for manned
intervention in the reactor vessel. Radioactivity will be The last point requires a construction of an efficient test
significantly increased in the D – T phase. Additionally, facility capable of simulating the neutron energy spectrum
the use of beryllium (health hazard) on the entire wall of of a D – T fusion reactor. Sufficient intensity of the n-flux
the main chamber imposes strict precautions for in-vessel and the irradiation volume of at least 500 cm3 are
operation during shut-down periods. Therefore, like in indispensable for testing samples of candidate materials up
other branches of nuclear industry, the design and to a full lifetime of anticipated use in a reactor (e.g.
construction of all in-vessel components of a fusion DEMO), i.e. over 20 dpa. A conceptual design of the
reactor is fully compatible with remote handling by robotic facility has been completed. Engineering validation and
arms. The major role of these programmed (trained) engineering design activity (EVEDA) phase will soon
devices is in installation, exchange and repair of PFC, begin and it will be followed by decisions regarding the site
blanket, divertor modules and in-vessel diagnostics. Fig. 9 for the facility and work schedule. The project is called
shows a robotic arm used at the JET tokamak. The IFMIF (International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility)25
technology was developed for handling components based on an accelerator-driven intense neutron source
following the full D – T campaign13,24. All replacements of utilising deuterium – lithium reactions: 7Li(d,2n)7Be,
the JET divertor structure and installation of diagnostic Li(d,n)7Be. Deuterons in the range of 30 - 40 MeV are
tools are performed by this means. generated by means of two continuous–wave linear
accelerators. Interaction of deuterons in a flowing lithium
target leads to production of neutrons with the energy
spectrum peaking at around 14 MeV. The neutron
generation rate of some 1017 n s-1 would result in a flux of
some 1015 cm-2 s-1 at the rear side of the target. Therefore,
displacement damage and transmutation products (He) in
the irradiated material would match the neutron-induced
effects anticipated in the fusion reactor environment.
Figure 10 shows a scheme of the IFMIF test assembly.

Fig.10. A schematic diagram of the IFMIF target and test

assemblies. (source: IFMIF-International Fusion Materials
Irradiation Facility-ConceptualDesign Activity Final
Fig. 9. A remotely controlled robotic arm at JET: Report"; IFMIF-CDA-Team; Ed.: M. Martone;
restructuring of the divertor configuration. ENEA-RT/ERG/FUS/9611-Report; December 1996).


The list of most important issues to be tackled on the The above mentioned aspects of material science are
way towards the reactor construction includes: necessary and important to accomplish the ultimate goal of
i) further development of low-activation and fusion research, i.e. the construction of a power generating
radiation-hard materials and components of high system. A road map to this achievement has been presented
purity, by Lackner26. Development and intense testing of materials
ii) development of tritium removal techniques or and components, will play a crucial role in and for the
elimination of carbon as material for PFC in order operation of ITER and DEMO machines. Having in mind
to reduce inventory related to the co-deposition, scientific and technical challenges associated with the
iii) testing of materials and components under high- project, all efforts are to be made to ensure the best
flux irradiation with 14 MeV neutrons. possible material selection for a reactor-class machine.
Fusion, if realised under terrestrial conditions, offers 11. M. RUBEL et al., “Dust Particles in Controlled Fusion
inexhaustible and CO2 emission free energy supply. Devices”, Nucl. Fusion 41 (2001) 1087.
However, a reactor is a nuclear device and radioactive 12. C.H. SKINNER et al., “Plasma Wall Interaction and
aspects of fusion will undergo intense public scrutiny. For Tritium Retention in TFTR”, J. Nucl. Mater. 241-243
that reason, proper testing and validation of material and (1997) 214.
component performance is essential. Based on the best of 13. D. STORK (Ed.), Technical Aspects of Deuterium-
our present knowledge27 and future experience we have to Tritium Operation at JET, (special issue) Fusion Eng.
use and to develop tools, methods and materials best fitted Des. 47 (1999).
for the steady-steady reactor operation. International co- 14. B. LANDKAMMER et al., ”Erosion of Thin
operation established around ITER and IFMIF is a very Hydrogenated Carbon Films in Oxygen,
important step on the track towards commercial fusion. Oxygen/Hydrogen and Water Plasmas”, J. Nucl.
Mater. 264 (1999) 48.
The lecture addressed problems and challenges but 15. G. COUNSELL and C.H. WU, “In-situ Detection and
also achievements in technology of FRM. With the Removal of Carbon Debris – a Challenge for the Next
present-day experience and background from many fields Step Fusion Device”, Phys. Scr. T91 (2001) 70.
of science and technology we know “what” and “why” 16. C. H. SKINNER et al.,”Thermal Response of Tritiated
may happen with materials in a hostile fusion Codeposits from JET and TFTR to Transient Heat
environment. This, in turn, allows definition of actions Pulses”, Phys. Scr. T103 (2003) 34.
“how” to deal with the problems and reach the solutions. It 17. R. A. JOHNSON and A. N. ORLOV (Eds), Physics of
certainly still requires substantial funding but also a lot of Radiation Effects in Crystals, Modern Problems in
invention. In that sense, fusion-related material research is Condensed Matter Sciences, Vol. 13, Noth-Holland,
an attractive field for a young generation of scientists and Amsterdam (1986).
nuclear engineers. 18. H. ULLMAIER, Contributions to High-Temperature
Plasma Physics, K. H. SPATSCHEK and J.
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