Study Notes - Topic 1 Q's

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Study Questions – Topic 1

Prokaryotic cell?

Animal cell?

Plant cell?

3 cell theory points?

3 examples of exceptions to cell theory?

Organisms consisting of one cell and functions of life. How does it work?

Functions of life in paramecium?

Functions of life in chlorella?

Why is surface area to volume ratio important?

Calculate magnification

What is a cellular component?

What is in emergent property?

Example of a chain of emergent properties?

What is ‘specialising of cells’? And example?

How does differentiation work?

What are all the …potent’s?

3 examples of where stem cells can come from?

Example of how stem cells are used in Stargardts disease?

Example of how stem cells are used therapeutically?

What is the structure of a prokaryote?

What is the structure of a eukaryote?

Ultrastructure of prokaryote?

Ultrastructure of eukaryote?

How do prokaryotes divide?

Structure and function of organelles within: exocrine glands of pancreas?

Structure and function of organelles within: palisade mesophyll cells of leaf?

Resolution of electron microscopes compared to light?

4 features to look for to identify function and meaning of cell?

Diagram of phospholipid fluid mosaic model?


What is the function of membrane proteins?

Where is cholesterol found?

What does cholesterol do?

Evidence that led to false Davson-Danielli model?

Falsification of Davson-Danielli model?

What is polar?

What is simple diffusion?

What is facilitated diffusion?

What is active transport?

What is osmosis?

Why do tissues or organs need to be placed in solution with same osmolarity as cytoplasm?

What is endocytosis?

What is exocytosis?

What do vesicles do?

Structure of sodium-potassium pump?

How do sodium-potassium pumps work (and which type of diffusion)?

Structure of potassium channels?

How do potassium channels work (and which type of diffusion)?

Where did the first cells come from? (4 key stages)

How are cells formed now?

What is the endosymbiotic theory?

Evidence of endosymbiotic theory?

What is a symbiotic mutualistic relationship?

How did Pasteur’s experiment disprove spontaneous generation?

What is mitosis?

How do chromosomes condense?

Phases of mitosis? (to recognise)

Mitotic index calculation?

What is cytokinesis?

How does cytokinesis happen in animals?

How does cytokinesis happen in plants?

What happens during interphase?

What are cyclins?

Process of cyclins?

What 3 things are involved in cancer growth?

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