Industrial Arts Wood Joints

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Castillo, Miguel Arcangel C.

February 23, 2021

BTVTED-COMPRO-1A-M Prof. Rolando C. Suerte Jr.


1. What is Fundamentals of Industrial Arts?

Fundamentals of Industrial Arts talks about the making of various objects using metal or wood
works, it’s often referred as the manual labor. This will give us an idea on how we can perform different
skills that we can apply in order for us to create a stunning and amazing works. This is also in connection
with technology education since we’re going to involve or use different tools in creating various arts.
Industrial arts will give us an opportunity to acquire different knowledges that we can apply in the
future. There are different areas in Industrial arts which are Carpentry/Joinery, Metal work/Smithing,
Masonry/Pottery, Upholstery/Sewing and Electrical/Mechanics and Transmission.

2. Steps in making a project in terms of woodwork.

 The first step that we need to do in making a project in terms of woodwork is the Planning,
because you will brainstorm on what you want and likely to do. In this step, you will plan to list
all the possible materials needed in order to create your preferred woodwork.
 The second step is the Gathering of all the needed materials in order for us to have a complete
set of things that we will going to use in the workplace. It’s very best to complete all the
necessary materials so that there will be no hassles at all. The materials involve here is the
power and hand tools in creating your own woodwork art.
 The third step is the Measuring and Cutting since this the most important part of making this
project because you will measure the width and height of the woods for you to be able to align
them properly. The measuring involves the use of measuring tools like the tape measure or ruler
and also a pencil to mark the length and height of the wood. After doing the measuring, we
must prepare the cutting materials so that you can easily do the task without any errors.
 The fourth step is the Fitting, you’re going to assemble them without the use of any glue so that
you can check if the cutting of the wood is perfect and without any uneven surface in the wood.
 The fifth step is the Gluing and Nailing, properly align all the pieces of wood for them to be glued
and we can use different clamps to hold the pieces of wood to stay in place.
 The sixth step is the Smoothing, in order to this is that we need the sandpaper to remove any
uneven surface to make it much appealing.
 Lastly is the Staining and Finishing Touches wherein we’re now going to varnish it with the wood
stain to have a natural and shining texture of the wood.

3. Safety Precautions (General)

1. Keep the working area clean as always and possible so that we can avoid different harms that
may affect the workers.
2. We must use the proper tools needed in a specific job so that we can avoid any damage or
injuries in using tools in the industrial work.
3. Always wear a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to protects us from any harm inside the
workplace. We can’t control what’s going to happen in the workplace.
4. Don’t work with any live equipment wherein it involves any electrical use because you might get
electrocuted that can result in fatalities or death.
5. All the container and chemical related substances in the workplace must be properly labeled so
that we can avoid any confusion and errors.
6. Communicate with one another is a must so that you could explain to your workmates the
hazards that may face if they did something wrong in doing the tasks assigned to them.
7. Stop our work if we face or address hazards so that we can have assure our safety.

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