An Introduction To The Pathophysiology of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorraghe

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Neurosurg Rev

DOI 10.1007/s10143-017-0827-y


An introduction to the pathophysiology of aneurysmal

subarachnoid hemorrhage
Jasper H. van Lieshout 1 & Maxine Dibué-Adjei 1 & Jan F. Cornelius 1 & Philipp J. Slotty 1 &
Toni Schneider 2 & Tanja Restin 3,4 & Hieronymus D. Boogaarts 5 & Hans-Jakob Steiger 1 &
Athanasios K. Petridis 1 & Marcel A. Kamp 1

Received: 7 November 2016 / Revised: 24 January 2017 / Accepted: 31 January 2017

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

Abstract Pathophysiological processes following subarachnoid associated process. A causal connection between DCI and early
hemorrhage (SAH) present survivors of the initial bleeding with brain injury (EBI) would mean that future therapies should ad-
a high risk of morbidity and mortality during the course of the dress EBI more specifically. If the mechanisms following SAH
disease. As angiographic vasospasm is strongly associated with display no causal pathophysiological connection but are rather
delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) and clinical outcome, clinical evoked by the subarachnoid blood and its degradation produc-
trials in the last few decades focused on prevention of these tion, multiple treatment strategies addressing the different patho-
angiographic spasms. Despite all efforts, no new pharmacologi- physiological mechanisms are required. The discrepancy be-
cal agents have shown to improve patient outcome. As such, it tween experimental and clinical SAH could be one reason for
has become clear that our understanding of the pathophysiology unsuccessful translational results.
of SAH is incomplete and we need to reevaluate our concepts on
the complex pathophysiological process following SAH.
Keywords Subarachnoid hemorrhage . Physiopathology .
Angiographic vasospasm is probably important. However, a uni-
Review . Early brain injury . Delayed cerebral ischemia
fying theory for the pathophysiological changes following SAH
has yet not been described. Some of these changes may be caus-
ally connected or present themselves as an epiphenomenon of an
Athanasios K. Petridis and Marcel A. Kamp contributed equally to this The incidence of non-traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
(SAH) based on nationwide epidemiological data has shown
to be more or less homogeneous and displays minor differ-
* Jasper H. van Lieshout ences based on different age distributions, study periods, and
autopsy rates [85, 86]. Cerebral aneurysm rupture is the cause
of spontaneous SAH in up to 85–98.9% of the patients [86,
Department of Neurosurgery, Medical Faculty, 162]. With a mean age of 55 at rupture, the average age is
Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Moorenstraße 5,
40225 Düsseldorf, Germany
significantly lower compared to other types of stroke [40, 109,
162]. Not just the initial hemorrhage, but also pathophysio-
Institute for Neurophysiology, Medical Faculty, University of
Cologne, Robert-Koch-Str. 39, 50931 Köln, Germany
logical processes following SAH present survivors with sig-
nificant mortality and morbidity that have major personal and
Zurich Centre for Integrative Human Physiology, Institute of
Physiology, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190,
socio-economic impact [40, 61, 99, 100, 148, 149, 162]. As
8057 Zurich, Switzerland angiographic vasospasm is strongly associated with delayed
Institute of Anesthesiology, Medical Faculty, University Hospital
cerebral ischemia (DCI) and clinical outcome, clinical trials in
Zurich, Rämistrasse 100, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland the last few decades focused on prevention of these angio-
Department of Neurosurgery, Medical Faculty, Radboud University
graphic spasms [38, 104]. However, despite all efforts, no
Nijmegen, Geert Grooteplein Zuid 10, 6525 GA Nijmegen, the pharmacological agents have shown to improve patient out-
Netherlands come [38]. In this respect, we aim to reevaluate some of the
Neurosurg Rev

recent concepts on the pathophysiological mechanisms fol- might be aggravated by mechanical factors such as cerebral
lowing spontaneous SAH. edema and acute hydrocephalus as they can increase ICP and
promote cerebral hypoperfusion [6, 7, 75, 137, e.g. 157, 158,
The pathophysiology of subarachnoid hemorrhage—an 168, 176, 177].
introduction An increase in ICP results in a significant reduction of
regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and cerebral perfusion
As aneurysm rupture and early pathophysiological responses pressure (CPP). These pathophysiological responses are well
usually do not occur under medical monitoring, most data documented under experimental and clinical conditions [2, 6,
regarding the very early phase of SAH result from experimen- 7, 52, 75, 115, 116, 124, 137, 169, 177]. Clinical studies
tal SAH, observations made during aneurysmal re-rupture in assessing early cerebral perfusion within 72 h after ictus de-
hospitalized SAH patients or post-mortem data. Commonly, scribed a correlation between the initial impairment of perfu-
two phases are distinguished in the course of SAH: initial sion parameters, occurrence of DCI, and outcome [37, 60, 76,
pathophysiological changes within the first 3 days were given 138, 142, 155, 159, 161].
the term Bearly brain injury^ (EBI), whereas Bdelayed cerebral Cerebral autoregulation (comprising both pressure
ischemia^ (DCI) describes a complex of reactions that occur autoregulation and chemoregulation) seems to be fre-
later during the course of disease. DCI usually appears 3– quently impaired after SAH and is expected to be a major
4 days after ictus; the highest incidence and severity are factor contributing to initial rCBF impairment [35, 69, 72,
reached after 6–8 days and usually resolve after 12–14 days 127, 140]. It may therefore be a prognostic factor for the
[59, 175]. Few case reports document late onset DCI beyond occurrence of DCI and poor outcome [12, 13, 67, 68].
14 days [81, 118]. Cerebral perfusion impairment is likely to result in func-
The concept of EBI has been coined more recently and tional disturbances of the brain: in experimental SAH,
evolved after the full mechanisms of action behind angio- raised ICP and cerebral hypoperfusion are accompanied
graphic vasospasms resulted in a cornucopia of theories and by a profound suppression of total EEG power [3, 6,
refers to the events that occur in the brain before the develop- 75]. Temporary ischemia may underlie the observed im-
ment of DCI [15, 93, 145]. The etiology of EBI lies at the pairment of cortical function, and total ECoG impairment
pathophysiological mechanisms that have been initiated by may be the result of global transient ischemia. The obser-
the initial bleeding that predisposes the brain to secondary vation that electrocorticographic activity recovers in par-
injury. It has also been suggested that the etiology of DCI allel to normalization of cerebral perfusion suggests a
and EBI are linked. However, causality between the two pro- possible causality [3, 6, 75]. Alternatively, the
cesses has not yet been established. neurovascular coupling of cortical activity and rCBF
In contrast, DCI has first been reported over 150 years ago, might lead to the reduction of rCBF when cortical signal-
and in the 1970, the association between delayed neurological ing is disrupted [6, 75].
deficits and angiographic vasospasm led to a rational assump- Impaired rCBF may lead to either transient global or focal
tion of causation [42, 43, 103, 175]. As angiographic vaso- ischemia, which initiates a cascade of further pathophysiolog-
spasm is strongly associated with DCI and clinical outcome, ical events [47, 66, 70, 83]. Initial hypoxia leads to early
clinical trials in the last few decades focused on prevention of metabolic failure, disturbed ionic hemostasis and to cytotoxic,
vasospasm with the aim to improve clinical outcome. ionic and vasogenic cerebral edema [83]. Moreover, ischemia
However, DCI is likely to consist of a complex pathophysio- initiates apoptosis of neurons, astrocytes, and vascular cells by
logical complex involving microvascular dysfunction, throm- activation of caspase-dependent and -independent pathways
bosis of cerebral—especially cortical vessels, cortical spread- [1, 14, 15, 30, 47, 108, 121, 125, 180, 185]. These pathways
ing depolarizations and depressions and ischemia or inflam- might be the target of new therapeutic strategies that aim to the
matory reactions. effects of early brain injury, such as hypothermia mediating
The following sections will broadly cover the complex the caspase-3-, PI3K/AKT-, and NF-κB-dependent pathways
pathophysiological mechanisms following aneurysmal SAH. [48, 101]. Hypoxia also activates inflammatory pathways and
the coagulation system [126, 141, 144].
Early brain injury The steep rise in ICP with subsequent possible herniation
and destruction of brain tissue contributes to the pathology of
The extravasation of blood in the subarachnoid space leads to SAH. Physiological responses following SAH result in re-
intense headache and an increase in intracranial pressure duced cerebral perfusion and induce several pathophysiolog-
(ICP). ICP can rise up to similar values as the diastolic blood ical changes within minutes after ictus (Fig. 1). Many patients
pressure or more [6, 7, 75, 137, e.g. 157, 158, 168, 176, 177]. with SAH survive this initial phase but suffer from cerebral
ICP usually decreases within 10 to 15 min but may also be perfusion impairment due to DCI in a later course of disease
sustained. High levels of ICP and arrest of cerebral circulation which may result in further neurological deterioration.
Neurosurg Rev

Fig. 1 Early brain injury (EBI).

The figure depicts the
pathophysiological changes
occurring within the first 72 h
after aneurysm rupture. However,
its mechanisms are complex and
poorly understood

Angiographic vasospasm and delayed cerebral ischemia often coincides with angiographic vasospasm [22]. However,
DCI can develop in absence of angiographic vasospasms, and
DCI can be reversible or it may progress to cerebral infarction. angiographic vasospasm may resolve without causing ische-
As many as half of the patients suffering from SAH develop mic lesions [22, 41]. The occurrence of angiographic vaso-
delayed neurological deficits caused by DCI [8, 9, 23, 25, 28, spasms is related to the amount of subarachnoid blood [41,
119, 131, 172]. In 2010, Vergouwen et al. proposed a standard 128], and indeed, blood breakdown products have been
definition for DCI and cerebral infarction which separates the shown to induce arterial spasms [73]. In fact, about 70% of
concept of angiographic vasospasm form DCI, which is a SAH patients show angiographic vasospasms [28, 119, 131,
clinical diagnosis, and cerebral infarction, a radiological diag- 172]. However, not all SAH patients that present with angio-
nosis [167]. graphic vasospasms develop DCI-related cerebral perfusion
After the first observation of arterial narrowing following impairment [22, 41], and the percentage of patients that devel-
SAH by Ecker and Riemenschneider (1951), angiographic op actual neurological deterioration due to DCI lies at 30% [8,
vasospasms were believed to induce a causal chain of cerebral 9, 23, 25, 28, 119, 131, 172].
hypoperfusion with infarctions, neurological deterioration, Angiographic vasospasm-induced ischemia has been
and poor outcome [36]. The development of ischemic damage regarded as a target for therapeutic management of DCI.
Neurosurg Rev

However, a systematic review of several studies (including the spasms have been reported to affect up to 70% of all
CONSCIOUS-1 trail) showed that the pharmacological reduc- arterioles [46] and were thought to be caused by blood
tion of angiographic vasospasm did not translate into im- components, in particular oxygenated hemoglobin and
proved clinical outcome [38, 104]. The reason for the partially by breakdown products such as bilirubin oxi-
unsatisfying translation of experimental results into clinical dation products (BOXes) which have a direct vasospas-
practice is unclear, and one may only speculate about the tic effect [20, 98]. Other factors such as swollen astro-
reasons: one reason for this observation might be that drug cytic endfeets, constricted pericytes, and cerebral edema
side effects may negate the benefit of the investigated phar- might also directly narrow small vessels and reduce
maceuticals or that insensitive outcome measures result in rCBF [120, 143].
unspecific results [38, 89]. However, it seems unlikely that Recently, the attention has shifted toward the role of
all investigated drugs have side effects negating its benefits. pericytes located around cerebral arterioles, capillaries, and
Second, the connection between DCI and EBI is unknown: venules (e.g., summarized by [19]). Pericytes are considered
EBI-related pathophysiological changes might not be a pre- as the main factor of microcirculation regulation in SAH pa-
requisite for DCI. Both EBI and DCI could present themselves thology. Especially, the postcapillary system is easily com-
as an epiphenomenon of an associated process that itself is the pressed and provides little access for therapeutic interventions
true cause of infarction or independently caused by an associ- [19]. rCBF may even reverse after constriction of pericytes,
ated process [22]. In fact, fresh subarachnoid blood causes also known as the no-reflow phenomenon [19]. Pericyte con-
EBI, and a cocktail of blood degradation production can result traction often leads to their programmed cell death, increased
in cerebral vasoconstriction and likely also in a neuronal dys- capillary transit time heterogeneity, and microcirculation
function [73]. Conversely, as discussed in the previous sec- maintaining shut down [19, 120].
tion, EBI could have a causal relationship with DCI [15, 145]. Occlusion and narrowing of the microvasculature induce
The pathophysiological processes during EBI including tran- several changes in cerebral microcirculation. Maintaining ce-
sient global ischemia might initiate the later cerebral ischemia rebral microcirculation is essential as cerebral oxygenation
and dysfunction of neuronal signaling after the third day fol- depends on both cerebral blood flow (CBF) and the micro-
lowing SAH ictus. Indeed, EBI incorporates several patho- scopic distribution of blood, the so-called capillary transit time
physiological changes such as transient global ischemia, apo- heterogeneity (CTH) (Ostergaard et al. 2013). Elevated CTH
ptosis, early metabolic failure, and induction of inflammation, after SAH could therefore lead to tissue hypoxia in the ab-
which could promote a later ischemia and neuronal dysfunc- sence of severe CBF reductions. Paradoxically, reduction in
tion. In this view, a targeted treatment of EBI-related patho- CBF improves brain oxygenation if CTH is critically elevated
physiological changes might also address DCI, and treatment (Ostergaard et al. 2013). In this respect, angiographic vaso-
of DCI alone and without treatment of EBI would not improve spasm and inverted rCBF might reduce capillary transit time
the clinical results. If EBI and DCI exhibit a causal pathophys- heterogeneity and therefore improve net tissue oxygen extrac-
iological connection remains unclear. A final reason for the tion. Whether treatment of increased microcirculatory hetero-
disappointing therapeutic management of DCI might be that geneity through reduction of CBF results in better long-term
the pathophysiological mechanisms of DCI go far beyond clinical outcome remains to be evaluated in further clinical
angiographic vasospasm of the major cerebral vessels and an and experimental studies.
ischemia in the downstream territory. Ischemia seems to be
crucial factor during DCI as several experimental and clinical Microthrombosis
studies suggested (e.g., for experimental SAH in mouse
models: [17, 54, 75, 91, 107, 135, 136, 160]). However, var- Microthrombosis is initiated in the early course of the disease,
ious other pathophysiological processes next to vasoconstric- around the second day after SAH [134]. It is the result of a
tion of the major cerebral vessels were considered to contrib- multifactorial process which includes activation of the coagu-
ute to ischemia, such as microvascular dysfunction, lation cascade with a procoagulant activity, impairment of the
microthrombosis, cortical spreading depolarization, and in- fibrinolytic activity, platelet aggregation in cerebral vessels,
flammation, and their possible contribution to the develop- arteriole and capillary lumen narrowing by swollen astrocytic
ment of DCI in SAH patients is discussed in the following endfeet, and cerebral edema or inflammatory processes [45,
section. 120, 143, 166, 181]. It is thought to contribute to microvascu-
lar dysfunction, increased capillary transit time heterogeneity
Microvascular dysfunction subsequently leading to ischemia and if changes are irrevers-
ible, to degenerative changes and permanent neurocognitive
Angiographic vasospasm of the cerebral microvascula- impairment.
ture has been observed in different experimental animal In autopsy studies, microthrombosis has been correlated to
models of SAH [45, 58, 117, 136]. These microvascular DCI [150] and death due to symptomatic angiographic
Neurosurg Rev

vasospasm [152]. In the clinical setting, microthrombosis has Cerebral resistance vessels respond with tone alterations. In
also been correlated to DCI, and microemboli are detected in normal cerebral tissue, cortical spreading depolarizations in-
30 to 70% of the patients with SAH [4, 129, 130]. Indeed, the duce a net increase in rCBF similar to physiological neuronal
degree of vasoconstriction correlates with the microclot bur- activity. This increase can result in spreading hyperemia and
den [45]. Also, there seems to be a correlation between the lasts for several minutes [29]. The typical vascular response of
microclot burden and the amount of subarachnoid hemorrhage cortical spreading depolarization and CSD is a large hyperper-
[150]. However, not all patients that show histological evi- fusion followed by a protracted hypoperfusion [94].
dence of cerebral ischemia and microthrombosis suffer from Hyperemia may not be fully adequate to sufficiently supply
clinically apparent DCI [150]. distant territories. Therefore, focal ischemia may occur despite
It is likely that microthrombosis is a significant feature in the hyperemia [29]. In injured cerebral tissue, neuro-vascular cou-
pathophysiology of SAH and a possible target for new therapeu- pling may further be inverted and CSD may result in a net
tic strategies. However, vessels subjected to microthrombosis vasoconstriction, ischemia, and Bspreading ischemia,^ with a
cannot be reached by interventional or surgical efforts. significant delay of the energy-dependent recovery from
Therapeutic approaches therefore mainly focus on a pharmaceu- spreading depolarization [29, 31, 178]. In tissue already at risk
tical reduction of clot development. So far, limited treatment for progressive damage, this will contribute to lesion progres-
modalities are available. In a meta-analysis analyzing the impact sion. Local microvascular dysfunction was suggested to be
of antiplatelet therapy to inhibit microclot formation after SAH, a one of the major factors contributing to initiation of spreading
trend of improved outcome and reduced secondary brain ische- ischemia and may act together with spreading ischemia in
mia [27] was found. However, these results did not reach statis- lesion progression: spreading ischemia may promote micro-
tical significance [27]. vascular dysfunction and decrease neurovascular reactivity as
CSD rises the extracellular K+ and reduces NO [31].
Cortical spreading depolarization, depression, and ischemia Clinically, electrophysiological evidence exists that CSD
occurs in a multitude of patients with aneurysmal subarach-
Cortical spreading depolarization and depression (CSD) is a noid hemorrhage and other types of stroke. After SAH, CSD
well-known phenomenon since the 1940s, and its pathophys- were detected by implantation of subdural strip electrodes in
iological relevance after SAH has been investigated in a series 18 patients in a prospective multicenter study [34]. Nearly 300
of experimental and clinical studies mainly by Dreier and spreading depolarizations were observed in 72% of patients
coworkers since 1998 [29–34]. Spreading depolarization is [34]. Recurrent spreading depolarization occurred in parallel
propagating, polyphasic slow potential changes and is charac- to delayed ischemia induced deficits with positive and nega-
terized by waves of neuronal depolarization [94, 95]. CSD are tive predictive values of 86 and 100%, respectively [34].
a cerebral reaction to various stimuli such as ion imbalances, Furthermore, patients developing SAH-related strokes had as-
trauma, ischemia, electrical stimulation, or pharmaceutical sociated progressive prolongation of electrocorticographic de-
agents. These brief states of hyperexcitability are followed pression periods to >60 min [34]. In a further prospective
by depression of neuronal activity leading to negative tissue multicenter study with 13 SAH patients, a subdural electrode
potentials which last at least 1 min in normal brain tissue [94]. was implanted allowing simultaneous recording of the ECoG,
CSD causes depression of cortical activity and can be associ- laser-Doppler flowmetry/rCBF, and tissue partial pressure of
ated with cortical spreading or non-spreading depression. oxygen [ptiO2, 34]. Isolated cortical spreading depolariza-
Therefore, depression is an epiphenomena of spreading depo- tions are associated with a physiological response resulting
larization [29] and is defined as depression of EEG activity in either hyperemia, tissue hyperoxia, or in an absent or in-
propagating with a velocity across the brain cortex of 2 to verse vascular response leading to hypoxemia and hypoxia
5 mm/min [94, 95]. [inverse response, 32]. Clusters of cortical spreading depolar-
CSD are associated with various changes at the cellular izations were detected in patients that developed structural
level. This includes a disturbance in cerebral ion hemostasis: brain damage as observed by neuroimaging. They were asso-
extracellular K+ ion levels increase, whereas Na+, Ca2+ ion ciated with a significant depression of high-frequency-ECoG
levels and the pH decrease [39, 88, 94, 113, 147, 163]. This power, an inverse hemodynamic response and a sustained
change in cerebral ion hemostasis results in a net shift of water reduction of ptiO2 [10, 32]. In experimental SAH, inverse
from the extracellular space into neurons causing neuronal hemodynamic response of cortical spreading depolarization
edema with a swelling and distortion of the dendritic spines led to a harmful prolongation of depolarization—ultimately
[87, 153, 184]. Excitatory transmitters such as glutatmate and to terminal depolarization—and severe spreading ischemia
aspartate are already released during the depolarization before and cortical necrosis [30, 32].
CSD [39, 94, 112, 163]. Elevated extracellular K+ and/ or the In ischemic stroke, cortical activation increases oxygen de-
elevated concentration of excitatory transmitters can promote mand, worsens the supply-demand mismatch, and therefore
propagation of spreading depolarization [51, 92]. leads to episodic hypoxemia or hypotension and triggers peri-
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infarct depolarization [171]. Therapies targeting CSD, mini- recommended in clinical practice for the prevention and treat-
mizing neuronal activity, or inverting the hemodynamic re- ment of DCI [102]. Evidence for L-type Ca2+ channel antago-
sponse may therefore reduce neuronal damage. nists in the treatment of angiographic vasospasm and DCI is well
documented [26]. However, other types of voltage-gated Ca2+
Inflammation channels might also contribute to the pathophysiology of DCI
and provide novel means of treatment:
Inflammatory reactions following SAH have been assumed to In total, ten different types of voltage-gated Ca2+
play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of SAH, leading to channels have been described of which only four can
secondary complications associated with angiographic vaso- be attributed to L-type Ca2+ channels (Table 1). Recent
spasm, EBI, and microthrombosis as various inflammatory studies revealed a possible significance of other voltage-
cascades are being activated within the first hours after ictus gated calcium channels (VGCCs): between the fourth
[11, 53, 82, 105, 111, 154]. Systemic inflammatory markers and 21st day after ictus, HVA VGCCs are significantly
such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and cytokines may increase decreased and LVA VGCC currents increase during ex-
in response to SAH and are correlated with poor clinical out- perimental SAH in dogs [114]. In parallel, protein ex-
come [44, 53, 62, 71, 82, 84, 90, 105, 111, 132, 154]. After pression of the Cav1.2 and Cav1.3 L-type α1 subunits
SAH, an inflammatory environment develops in the subarach- decreases in the dog basilar artery during DCI while
noid space and adjacent brain parenchyma [summarized by expression of Cav3.1 and Cav3.3 T-type α1 subunits
110]. Therefore, several inflammatory agents and cascades and Ca v 2.3-containing R-type VGCCs are increased
were hypothesized to promote EBI as well as DCI. [114]. In rabbit cerebral artery myocytes, SAH induces
Sadly, there has been very little success in clinical trials for an increase of Cav2.3 transcripts and protein as well as
anti-inflammatory strategies with immune-modulating drugs R-type currents [65]. In contrast to the study of Nikitina
(e.g., steroids, cyclosporin A, nafamostat) [50, 106, 133, 179]. and coworkers (2010), induction of Cav2.3 transcripts
With the exception of methylprednisolone, none of these phar- and protein occurred only in small resistance cerebral
macological agents demonstrated an improvement in out- vessels but not in the basilar artery [65]. SAH may
come. The use of steroids showed improved patient outcome therefore differently impact vessels of different sizes
but displayed no effect on either angiographic vasospasm or [64, 74]: Cav2.3 (R-type) VGCCs were suggested to
DCI [50]. One of the key factors that may complicate clinical have their pathophysiological significance in small di-
trials with immune-modulating drugs is the interpersonal var- ameter arteries [64, 74]: the Cav2.3 VGCC antagonist
iability of the injury and inflammatory response [110]. SNX-482 improves DCI-related rCBF impairment after
A recently published study demonstrates the role of SAH in rats [173]. SNX-482 reverses oxyHb-induced
microglial activation after SAH and proposes a new concept vasoconstriction 5 days after exposure of cultured rabbit
referred to as Bcortical spreading inflammation^: a mechanism cerebral arteries to oxyHb more than L-type blocker
of delayed brain injury after SAH that could offer novel ap- diltiazem [98]. Furthermore, the beneficial effects of
proaches for treatment of the long-term effects of SAH. In dihydropyridine antagonists in prevention and treatment
experimental SAH as well as in SAH patients, SAH induced of DCI might not solely be attributed to its effects on
an intracerebral accumulation of immune cells [141]. The L-type VGCCs. As Nimodipine reaches comparatively
spread of immune cells was accompanied by an increase of high serum concentrations during treatment, its specific-
pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6; TNFα), axonal and neuro- ity on L-type Ca2+ channels reduces, leading to addi-
nal injury with increased intracerebral accumulation of the tionally therapeutic effects on other types of voltage-
extracellular amyloid precursor protein and an increased rate gated Ca2+ channels, such as R-type VGCCs [16, 24,
of neuronal cell death [141]. Using a chimeric mouse model 151, 174].
for green fluorescent protein-labeled peripheral leukocytes, In addition to R-type VGCCs, T-type Ca2+ channels
the spreading immune cells were identified as resident mi- may also have a functional significance: in response to
croglia [141]. The authors further conclude that microglia ac- experimentally induced SAH, Cav3.1 and Cav3.3 α1 sub-
tivation causes secondary brain injury after SAH, and units are upregulated [114]. However, the functional role
microglial activation may therefore correlate with patient out- of these T-type Ca2+ channels remains unclear. Cisternal
come [141]. injection of the T-type blocker mibefradil did not attenu-
ate angiographic vasospasms as assessed by CT angiogra-
Voltage-gated calcium channels in delayed cerebral ischemia phy in cynomolgus macaques—in contrast to the
dihydropyridine nicardipine [21]. However, mibefradil is
Calcium antagonists reduce the risk of DCI-related complications not a very selective drug that is used in submicromolar
after SAH. Prophylactic administration of dihydropyridine L- concentrations used to block T-type channels. As SAH
type calcium (Ca 2+ ) channel antagonists is currently leads to a cell depolarization, T-type VGCCs may further
Neurosurg Rev

Table 1 The ion-conducting Cav of voltage-gated calcium channels (adapted after Kamp et al. 2005)

Channel type Cav α1 subunit Chromosomal Typical blocker


High-voltage-activated calcium channel

Cav1 subfamily: BL^-type calcium channels
L Cav 1.1 α1S 1q31-q32 L-type calcium channel antagonists, such as 1,4-dihydropyridines
L Cav 1.2 α1C 12p13.3 (nimodipine; nicardipine); phenylalkylamine
L Cav 1.3 α1D 3p14.3 (verapamil) or benzothiazepine (diltiazem)
L Cav 1.4 α1F Xp11.23
Cav2 subfamily: Bnon L^-type calcium channels
P/Q Cav 2.1 α1A 19p13.1-p13.2 ω-agatoxin IVA, ω-agatoxin IVB
N Cav 2.2 α1B 9q34 ω -conotoxin-GIVA and MVIIA
E−/R- Cav 2.3 α1E 1q25-q31 SNX-482
Low-voltage-activated calcium channel
Cav3 subfamily: BT^-type calcium channels
T Cav 3.1 α1G 17q22 Non selective antagonists such as Ni+, kurtoxin,
T Cav 3.2 α1H 16p13.3 Protoxin I&II, amiloride, mibefradil
T Cav 3.3 α1I 22q12.3-q13.2

be inactivated at resting membrane potentials around −75 Although oral or intravenously administrated dihydropyridine
to −65 mV. antagonists show a benefit following SAH, they are not capable
of completely preventing DCI. Intrathecal application of
dihydropyridines was considered to be a promising alternative
Clinical significance of voltage-gated calcium channel to improve effectivity compared to oral or intravenous applica-
blockade in the treatment of delayed cerebral ischemia tion. Intrathecal administration of nimodipine was successfully
evaluated in experimental SAH in the 1980s [49, 97, 170, 182].
The dihydropyridine L-type VGCC blockers are the only Later, nicardipine, another dihydropyridine L-type VGCC antag-
pharmaceuticals which improve clinical outcome and reduce onist, was formulated in prolonged release implants: intrathecal
DCI after SAH [ 26]. Nimodipine is a lipophilic application of these nicardipine prolonged release implants was
dihydrophyridine L-type VGCC blocker and was introduced analyzed in a few retrospective studies and may reduce the risk of
for the treatment of cerebral disorders in Europe in 1985 and angiographic vasospasms, DCI associated neurological deficits,
approved 3 years later by the US Food and Drug and secondary brain ischemic lesions [5, 78–80, 156]. More
Administration [103]. Nimodipine is administered either oral- recently, nimodipine was formulated in prolonged release micro-
ly or intra-venously. A meta-analysis and Cochrane Review particles for intrathecal application. Intrathecal application of
showed the beneficial effect of VGCC antagonists following EG-1962 nimodipine prolonged release microparticles reduces
SAH. L-type Ca2+ channel antagonists reduce the risk of poor angiographic vasospasm in experimental SAH in a rat SAH
outcome (relative risk: 0.81; 95% confidence interval 0.72– model [57]. More importantly, the recently published
0.92; number need to treat: 19) by preventing secondary is- NEWTON trial (Nimodipine Microparticles to Enhance
chemia [26]. Furthermore, administration of VGCC blockers Recovery While Reducing TOxicity After subarachNoid
causes a favorable trend toward improvement of case fatality Hemorrhage) showed that intrathecal application was safe and
[26]. The pathophysiological mechanism through which associated with not only a reduced DCI and rescue therapy but
dihydropyridines prevent secondary ischemia and subse- also improved clinical outcome as measured by the extended
quently improve outcome following subarachnoid hemor- Glasgow Outcome score [55, 56].
rhage has not been clearly identified. It has been proposed that
Nimodipin exerts its effect through changes in rCBF, reduc-
tion of angiographic microvasospasms, cortical spreading is- Subcellular organelles
chemia, and microthrombi formation [30, 164–166].
Additionally, a possible neuro-protective effect of The importance of the functional disturbance of subcellular
dihydropyridines has been discussed. However, this concept organelles in the pathophysiology of SAH is gaining interest
remains controversial as its application in treatment of acute and could provide novel modes of treatment for patients with
ischemic stroke has shown no beneficial effect on clinical SAH. Most of the available data stems from preclinical studies
outcome or case fatality [183]. but shows that the nucleus, the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER),
Neurosurg Rev

mitochondria, and the autophagy-lysosomal system display a study comparing inflammatory changes in mice and
alternate functions during the course of SAH and could be humans, a large debate questioned the scientific value of cer-
implicated in its pathophysiology [18]. Nuclear signaling tain animal models of human diseases. Although data from
pathways such as the factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2 inflammatory diseases do not necessarily translate to hemor-
(Nrf2)–antioxidant response element (ARE), and NF-κB sig- rhagic stroke, pathophysiological changes after experimental
naling are involved in various CNS disorders and play a role SAH will not completely match human conditions. A recent
in the pathogenesis of EBI and angiographic vasospasm in meta-analysis aimed to determine case fatality in mouse DCI
experimental SAH [18, 123, 139]. However, the functional models, to compare mortality in mouse DCI models to case
role of these pathways remains unclear, and further, in vivo fatality in human SAH patients, and to identify factors
experiments are needed to elucidate the effect of possible ag- influencing mouse mortality. The study described a significant
onist or antagonist on the course of disease. In neurons, acti- lower mean overall mortality rate in mouse DCI models com-
vation of autophagy has been detected during EBI [96]. pared to human case fatality rates following aneurysmal SAH
Although autophagy is key to cell homeostasis, excessive au- and identified the chosen experimental SAH model
tophagy can induce cell death and is linked to SAH [18, 63, (endovascular vs injection model) as the only significant pre-
146]. Moreover, in response to lethal conditions, ER stress can dictor for mouse mortality after 48 h [77]. Further analyses are
result in apoptosis, and it is hypothesized that this may result required to establish whether and to which extent different
in apoptosis of endothelial cells and results in disruption of the D C I m o d e l s a ff e c t m o r t a l i t y a n d r e f l e c t h u m a n
blood-brain barrier [18, 122]. More research is needed to es- pathophysiology.
tablish the exact roles of these organelles in SAH and may
lead to translational results into clinical practice. The clinical
impact could be significant as a multimodal approach that
focuses on subcellular organelles has the potential of being
highly effective since these organelles are interrelated
A unifying theory for the pathophysiological changes follow-
ing SAH has yet not been described. Angiographic vasospasm
is probably important. Some changes may be causally con-
Perspective and limitations
nected or present themselves as an epiphenomenon of an as-
sociated process. A causal connection between DCI and EBI
Yet, a unifying theory explaining all the pathophysiological
would mean that future therapies should address EBI more
changes following SAH has yet not been described. First,
specifically. If the mechanisms following SAH display no
several new concepts and mechanisms were described and
causal pathophysiological connection but are rather evoked
brought forward during the last two decades. Some are quite
by the subarachnoid blood and its degradation production,
new, and their clinical value (e.g., of microcirculatory dys-
multiple treatment strategies addressing the different patho-
function, capillary transit time heterogeneity, or cortical
physiological mechanisms are required. The discrepancy be-
spreading inflammation) has to be evaluated in further studies.
tween experimental and clinical SAH could be one reason for
A clinical impact of cortical spreading depolarization, depres-
unsuccessful translational results.
sion, and ischemia or early brain injury is documented, and the
role of angiographic vasospasms was questioned as described
above. Second, it remains unknown how these different path-
ophysiological mechanisms following SAH are connected. As
Compliance with ethical standards
previously discussed, some of them may be causally connect-
ed or present themselves as an epiphenomenon of an associ- Funding TRs position is funded through the MD-PhD program of the
ated process. Further studies are required. If all the mecha- Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Bern, Switzerland
nisms following SAH have no causal pathophysiological con- (323530_158128).
nection and are solely evoked by the subarachnoid blood and
its degradation production, multiple treatment strategies ad- Conflict of interests Dr. Maxine Dibué-Adjei is employed by
dressing the different pathophysiological mechanisms are re- LivaNova PLC. All other authors declare that they have no conflict of
quired. If there is, e.g., a causal connection between DCI and interest.
EBI, future therapies should address EBI more specifically.
Next, experimental SAH and animal models are used to re- Informed consent For this type of study, formal consent is not
semble the human condition and to study pathophysiological required.
changes following SAH and the effect of pharmaceuticals and
interventions. However, these experimental findings might Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with human
not necessarily mimic the human condition: originating from participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
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