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Course: Production and Operations Management

7.1 Prepare a flowchart for the process at the local car wash

Go to the Tell the staff the Wait for Get your car
car wash the staff Pay for back, tip
Waiting service desired
line washing service (optional)
(wash, fix, etc.)
your car and leave

7.3. A service blueprint of a shoeshine

Customer Customers Customer’s

control come purchase

provided Greetings Clean and Open Apply Buff
by staffs customer brush shoes polish polish shoes

Activities in
Suppy from Choose and
(invisible to
storage buy inventory

7.5 Which process is best for this contract?

Total cost = Fixed cost + Variable cost x Units
GPE’s total cost = 100,000 + 15 x 200,000 = 3,100,000
FMS’s total cost = 200,000 + 14 x 200,000 = 3.000,000
DM’s total cost = 500,000 + 13 x 200,000 = 3,100,000
 Lowest-cost process is FMS

Metiers Cabinets projects an annual demand o f 24.000 units for the Maxisland. The Maxistand will
sell for $120 per unit.
a) Which process type will maximize the annual profit from producing the Maxisiand?
b) What is the value o f this annual profit?
a) Total VC = (labor + material + energy) x Units
Total cost = Fixed cost + VC

Fixed cost VC Units Total cost

Mass customization: 1,260,000 + (30+18+12) x (24,000) = 2,700,000
Intermittent: 1,000,000 + (24+26+20) x (24,000) = 2,680,000
Repetitive: 1,625,000 + (28+15+12) x (24,000) = 2,945,000
Continuous: 1,960,000 + (25+15+10) x (24,000) = 3,160,000
 Lowest-cost process is Intermittent (highest profit because all processes have the same
b) Annual profit = Price x Units – Total cost = $120 x 24,000 – 2,680,000 = $200,000

a. Takt time = Minutes available per day/Units demanded per day = 420/250 = 1.68 minutes
b. Number of cross-trained employees = (1.1 + 1.1 + 1.7 + 3.1 + 1.0)/1.68 = 8.0/1.68 = 4.76
or 5
c.  The cleaning operation is substantially longer than the others so it warrants special
consideration to ensure that a smooth flow can be maintained. A machine constrained task or
lack of cross-training may suggest that more traditional assembly line balancing techniques
be used.

a. Draw the precedence diagram as shown below:

b. Determine the minimum number of workstations as per “ranked positioned

Cycle time = Production time availble per day / Units required per day
= 400 minutes per day / 60 shoes per day =6.67 minutes
Total task time=1+3+2+4+1+3+2+5+1+3= 25 (minutes)
Theoretical minimum number of workstations =Total task time / Cycle time= 25/6.67 = 3.75

Ranked positional weight for each task

Tasks Performance Total tasks from the first Performance time of total Ranked
time operation till the last tasks from the beginning of positional
operation the operation till the last weight
operation (minutes)

A 1 A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J 1+3+2+4+1+3+2+5+1+3 25

B 3 B+C+D+E+I+J 3+2+4+1+1+3 14

C 2 C+E+I+J 2+1+1+3 7

D 4 D+E+I+J 4+1+1+3 9

E 1 E+I+J 1+1+3 5

F 3 F+G+H+I+J 3+2+5+1+3 14

G 2 G+H+I+J 2+5+1+3 11

H 5 H+I+J 5+1+3 9

I 1 I+J 1+3 4

J 3 J 3 3

 As we can see from the table, task A takes the highest amount of time with 25 minutes and
the lowest is task J with 3 minutes. Hence, the descending order based on ranked positional
weight is: A, B, F, G, D, H, C, E, I, J.
The cycle time is 6.67 minutes, and the theoretical minimum number of workstations is 4.
The tasks should be assigned as follows:
Workstation Descending order of tasks Performance Total performance time
s based on ranked positional time (minutes) for each workstation
weight for each task (minutes)

1 A 1

B 3

F 3

2 G 2

D 4

3 H 5

C 2

4 E 1
I 1

J 3

c. Efficiency= Sum of task times / (Actual number of workstations × Largest assigned cycle
time) = 25 minutes/ (4 workstations × 7 minutes) = 25 minutes / 28 minutes=0.8929 or
Hence, the efficiency of the process id 89.29%.

d. Idle time per cycle = (Cycle time – Sum of performance time of workstation 1) +
(Cycle time – Sum of performance time of workstation 2) +
(Cycle time – Sum of performance time of workstation 3) +
(Cycle time – Sum of performance time of workstation 4)
= (7 minutes – 7 minutes) + (7 minutes – 6 minutes) + 
(7 minutes – 7 minutes) + (7 minutes – 5 minutes)
= 0 + 1 + 0 + 2 = 3 (minutes)
Hence, the idle time per cycle is 3 minutes.

(a) Cycle = 16. The layout is:


(b) The throughput is 3.75 patients per hour.

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