Assignment#2: Use Case

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9/22/2020 Assignment#2

Use Case

Hassan Asghar
Use Cases for <project> Page 1

Use Case ID: 01

Use Case Name: Passenger
Created By: Hassan Asghar Last Updated By:
Date Created: 22-Sep-2020 Date Last Updated:

Actor: Passenger, Group Passenger, Young Passenger, Passengers with

special needs
Name: Print boarding pass
Description: Passenger wants to print his/her boarding pass.
Preconditions: Passenger have to be checked in.
Postconditions: Passenger successfully printed boarding pass.
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: -
Normal Course of Events: Passenger will go to the kiosk for the printing boarding pass.
Passenger will provide the PNR to the system.
System will check PNR validity.
Alternative Courses: If something does not happen according to the plan then system
will show a proper error.

Use Case ID: 02

Use Case Name: Clerk (Validates PNR)
Created By: Hassan Asghar Last Updated By:
Date Created: 22-Sep-2020 Date Last Updated:
Actor: Clerk
Name: Validates PNR
Description: System verify passenger’s PNR.
Preconditions: Clerk desk is free and ready for checking in.
Postconditions: PNR successfully validated and System shows prompts for next
Priority: Medium
Frequency of Use: -
Normal Course of Events: Passenger gives PNR to clerk.
Clerk enter passenger’s information (PNR) in system.
System check if PNR is valid or not.
If PNR is valid then passenger can perform next step.
Alternative Courses: If PNR is not valid or entered incorrectly then system will proper
error with information about the error.
Use Cases for <project> Page 2

Use Case ID: 03

Use Case Name: Clerk (Validate ID)
Created By: Hassan Asghar Last Updated By:
Date Created: 22-Sep-2020 Date Last Updated:
Actor: Clerk
Name: Validate ID
Description: System verify Passenger’s ID
Preconditions: Passenger have provided valid information and clerk is free.
Dependency: Valid PNR
Postconditions: Passenger successfully printed boarding pass.
Priority: Medium
Frequency of Use: -
Normal Course of Events: Passenger provide ID to clerk.
Clerk enter Passenger’s ID and then system will verify it.
If it is valid then passenger then perform next steps
Alternative Courses: Id ID is not valid then System will show a proper error.

Use Case ID: 04

Use Case Name: Clerk (Flag Special Needs)
Created By: Hassan Asghar Last Updated By:
Date Created: 22-Sep-2020 Date Last Updated:
Actor: Clerk
Name: Flag special need
Description: Passengers who wants Special assistance. System will mark with
Preconditions: Passenger have provided valid information and clerk is free.
Dependency: The System must check the availability first then allow for request.
Postconditions: (Flag) Special assistance is marked against the passenger.
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: -
Normal Course of Events: Passenger will request to clerk for special assistance.
Clerk request system for assistance.
System checks for availability.
If everything goes well and good then System will mark passenger.
Alternative Courses: If facility for request is not available then System will show a
proper error.
Use Cases for <project> Page 3

Use Case ID: 05

Use Case Name: Clerk (Print boarding pass)
Created By: Hassan Asghar Last Updated By:
Date Created: 22-Sep-2020 Date Last Updated:
Actor: Clerk
Name: Print boarding pass
Description: Boarding pass is provided to the passenger by receiving all
necessary data/information from passenger.
Preconditions: Clerk desk is free and ready for checking in.
Postconditions: Boarding pass will be Successfully printed for passenger.
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: -
Normal Course of Events: Clerk enter PNR and validate information from the system.
If PNR is valid then Clerk prints boarding pass.
Alternative Courses: If PNR is not valid then System will show a proper error.

Use Case ID: 06

Use Case Name: Kiosk (Check-in Passenger)
Created By: Hassan Asghar Last Updated By:
Date Created: 22-Sep-2020 Date Last Updated:
Actor: Kiosk
Name: Check-in Passenger
Description: Kiosk check-in the passenger
Preconditions: Kiosk is ready and waiting for the passenger.
Postconditions: Passenger is checked-in.
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: -
Normal Course of Events: Passenger enters the PNR in Kiosk.
System must confirm the PNR from database.
If PRN is valid then passenger can perform next tasks.
Alternative Courses: If PRN is not valid then system will show a proper error.

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