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甲級船員(Officer): 乙級船員(Rating):
船長 Master; Pilot 水手長 Bosun
船副 Deck officer 水手 Sailor
大副 Chief officer; Chief mate 幹練水手 Able sailor
二副 Second officer 機匠/機工 Motor man
航行當值 Navigational Watch 加油工 Oiler
輪機長 Chief engineer
大管輪 Second engineer
輪機當值 Engine-room watch

船隊(fleet): 其他:
工作船 Operation vessel 傭船契約 Charter party
拖船 Tug 附船員船舶租賃 Rental and
巡邏船 Patrol boat Leasing of Vessels with Crew
觀光遊艇 Passenger boat

指示: 設備:
錨泊區 Anchorage area 海圖 chart
禁止錨泊區 Prohibited-anchorage 救生設備 Lifesaving equipment
area 救生筏 Life raft; life boat
停泊船隻的地方 mooring 碰撞 collision
浮標 buoy
信標燈 beacon

適任證書 Certificate of competency

風級 wind force
風向 wind direction
海況 sea state
海浬 nautical  mile

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