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PEII-Learning Activity Sheet
(3rd Quarter-Week # 2)

Student’s Name
(Last Name, First Name & Middle Initial)

Grade and Section

Subject Teacher

Name of Learner: Kristine E. Labios Gr. & Sec: Gr.11- STEM – Modesty
Subject Teacher: Marlo A. Singson Date: 05/03/21

Physical Education II
Title: 1. (PEH11FH-lo-t-22) Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF) status,
barriers to physical activity assessment participation and one’s diet in
Promulgating Physical Fitness through Online Delivery in Distance

I. Background Information for Learners

With the onset of the new COVID variant UK we the teachers in Physical education
and the stakeholders have no choice but to use distance learning mode of education
that cater self-learning and enhance effectiveness in terms of its usability for each
activity introduce.
In effect, the ultimate goal of this action research is to ensure that all Grade 11 Senior
High School students from Negros Occidental High School will equip with the
necessary skills that will help them to withstand life challenges. Likewise, they also
reflect on their own physical activity situation to meet the requirements for the
practicum. The purpose of the physical activity practicum is to assist students’ in
“taking greater ownership for their own physical fitness, promote the discovery of
activities suited to their own individual interests, and encourage active lifestyles that
persist into their future”.

Phase 1: Let’s Find Out

Directions: Complete the table below by listing all physical activities you have engaged
in before and activities you are engaged in at present.

When I was a kid, I used to… Now I’m a young adult, I do…

 Play outside our house  Stretching

 Ride a bicycle around our  Do physical exercises


 Swim on the pool every other  Jog around our neighborhood


Knowledge Input…
What is physical activity? It is any movement made by the muscles of the body
that requires exertion of energy such as running, swimming, dancing, etc.
Exercising is considered physical activity but more structured and planned.
Regular physical activity promotes a healthy lifestyle as it improves our health
and helps lower risks to illnesses like cancer, hypertension, cardiovascular
disease, and diabetes. It is necessary for us to engage in physical activities to
enhance our level of fitness. Many of us exercise and do physical activities at
home, in school, and at the gym. Some of these include aerobic, muscle
strengthening, and bone strengthening activities, all of which are good for body
composition. It is important to know the nature of these physical activities for a
better understanding of what it does to our body.

Aerobic, Muscle Strengthening, and Bone Strengthening Activities: How

Do They Work and Differ?
Aerobic Activities
Aerobic activities are also called “cardio” exercises. Normally, these activities
increase our heart and breathing rate. These activities cause us to sweat
profusely, and breathe harder. Our heart pumps blood more vigorously,
causing oxygen to circulate throughout our body. This allows us to sustain our
aerobic exercise for a few minutes. Such activities like jogging, running,
swimming and dancing are some examples of aerobic exercises which improve
our cardiorespiratory fitness. It also helps us to prevent disease like
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Most aerobic activities can
be done on a daily basis. To be physically fit, it is important to engage in
aerobic activities.
Guidelines for Aerobic Exercise

 Frequency - Always consider the number of aerobic exercise sessions per

week. When doing cardio exercises, especially to lose weight, frequency is an
important factor to make it more effective. Start cardio exercises for at least 3
days a week for the first few weeks, with not more than 2 days’ rest between
sessions. Afterwards, we can gradually increase the frequency of exercise to 5
days a week

 Intensity – To be effective, aerobic exercises should be done in moderate

intensity, that is, our heart rate should be 60 to 80% of our maximum heart
rate. First, determine the target heart rate by getting the maximum heart rate
and the recommended heart rate range. This will then tell how hard we should
exercise during our training.

 Time – More time spent doing aerobic exercises means more calories
burned and an increase in endurance. We can at least do 20 minutes per
session at first, then gradually increase it to 60 minutes.

 Type - Running, jogging, sprinting, swimming, and playing contact sports

such as basketball are some activities that we can do to improve our heart rate.
It is also important to try different exercises and activities to avoid boredom.
Muscle Strengthening Activities
Muscle strengthening activities are exercises in which groups of muscles work
or hold against a force or some weight. Muscle strengthening activities help
build good muscle strength. When muscles do more work, it becomes stronger.
Therefore, having strong and healthy muscles enable us to perform everyday
physical tasks. With strong and capable muscles, we can rearrange the
furniture in our living room and carry heavy grocery bags from the market to
our home.
During muscle strengthening activity, muscle contraction occurs. The repetitive
contractions during exercise can cause damage to the muscle fibers. Our body
repairs these muscle fibers when they get damaged. The repair happens after
exercise while muscles are at rest. New muscle fibers are produced to replace
or repair those that were damaged. The muscles in our body then start to grow
larger and stronger. This stimulation and repair process is called muscle
hypertrophy. It is important to note that these muscle-strengthening activities—
short high intensity exercises—should be alternately scheduled in a week
allowing rebuilding of muscles during rest periods. Ideally, one to two days of
rest lets our muscles rest and recover.
Exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and lifting weights are some
examples of muscle strengthening activities that you can do if you want to have
strong and lean muscles. Remember that before you start doing these
activities, be sure to do dynamic warm-up to avoid injury.
Bone Strengthening Activities
Bone growth is stimulated by physical stress brought about by physical activity.
As skeletal muscles contract, they pull their attachment on bones causing
physical stress. This consequently stimulates bone tissue, making it stronger
and thicker. Such bone strengthening activities can increase bone density
throughout our skeletal system. This is called bone hypertrophy.
Many forms of physical activity like running, skipping rope, and playing
basketball help keep our bones fit. Bones also support groups of muscles to
reduce risk of falling. It is important to understand that bone-strengthening
exercises do not only focus on bone health, it also focuses on improving
muscle strength, coordination, and balance.
Each strengthening activity mentioned works differently from the other as each
focus on different target areas in the body. But each contributes to the ultimate
goal of being fit. Being fit is important and requires a proper plan and much
effort and discipline. If we want to live healthy, we need to optimize our daily
physical activities to achieve our desired level of fitness.

Phase 2: Let’s Get Energized

1. Wear proper attire or your PE uniform.
2. Warm-up by kicking alternately trying to reach your hand
that extended forward.
3. Follow the 30-minute calorie-torching Tabata workout the
improve your muscles, bone, and cardio fitness. The link
is written below, please check.
4. Do each exercise for 20 seconds and 10 seconds’ rest.
5. And stretch the muscles you used during the activity in
your call down exercises.
6. Be strong my dear students and enjoy the home workout.


P1 P2 P3

1. Bingo kicks – slow kick alternately with the right and left foot trying to touch
the extended hands forward, see picture number 1 above
2. Plyometric jog (heel touch the butt)-rapid stretching of contracting muscles as
showed picture # 2 above.
3. Jump squat- start at a stance, feet shoulder with apart lean your body a little
forward and jump low, slow, body straight upward back land in same squat
4. Do the exercises 1 to 3 for two minutes time.
5. Note, do the rhythmic breathing inhale to your nose and exhale through your
mouth as you do each movement.

THE WORKOUT PROPER: Cardio, bone and muscles fitness exercises

A. Cute Jumping Jack B. Jumping Jack Tap



Note: All exercises must be done faster for 20 seconds count and 10 seconds
recovery time.
1. Mini Jumping Jack- start standing straight stance with feet together and jump
low moving your feet shoulderwith apart to the side, hands touch together
forming a heart shape above your head.
2. Jumping Jack Tap- begin stance with feet shoulderwith apart, jump up low
moving your arms above your head and land on the floor bending your kness
and tap your hands together.
3. Air Jack – same position of no.1 stance at the start, then jump low and move
your arms circling from the side going backward up feet apart on air and land
on the floor with feet together.
4. Push-up – prone position at the start and move your body down by bending
your elbows, up by contracting your triceps muscle.
5. Burpess – the combination of push-up and jumping jack movements.
6. Runners’ Tabata – you are in a running position left foot forward and right at
the rear part balance on toe, move your right foot forward knee high and hop
with your left foot and back to starting position. Do it on the other side in the
same manner.


1. Hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds(static stretching-relax your muscles)

2. Don’t forget the breathing techniques for recovery process
3. Start bending kness down inhale and move your body up making a crossover
rotation of arms from the side going up and do the exhale breathing.
4. Bend forward down touching the floor (hold for 10-15 seconds and back to
standing stance that will improve your liver functions
5. Next do the side stretch of your body alternately starting from the right to the
left .
6. Last to do is the runners’ stretch, put your right foot forward right hand above
of it and twist your body up extending your left hand upward and face facing
up left.
7. See the pictures below…

A. B.

6. A. 1. 1.

7. C. D.

Activity 2: Question Time!

Directions: Answer the following questions below.
1. Differentiate aerobic, muscle strengthening and bone strengthening.
Aerobic activities or “cardio exercises” are activities that increases our
heart and breathing rate. While, muscle strengthening activity help build good
muscle strength and Bone strengthening activities consequently stimulates
bone tissue, making it stronger and thicker.

2. How do these activities contribute to your overall health? Cite at least

5 benefits.
Aerobic activities cause us to sweat and increases our heart and
breathing rate. This also helps us to breathe harder so our heart pumps blood
more vigorously, causing the oxygen to circulate throughout our body. Muscle
strengthening activities helps us with our muscle contractions. This causes
damage to our muscle fibers but these muscle fiber is ready to get repaired
once they get damaged so the muscles in our body starts to grow larger and
stronger. Bone strengthening activities stimulates our bone tissues, making it
stronger and thicker. It also increases bone density throughout our skeletal

3. Explain the importance of Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type (FITT) in

doing exercise.
It helps us understand how long and how hard we should exercise. It is
a way to remember the general guidelines for what should be included in our
fitness plan. It can help us to get in shape and get better results, where it also
helps in changing routine or program to avoid boredom, injuries, and even
weight plateaus.


Aerobic Activities Muscle Strengthening Bone Strengthening

Activities Activities
Muscle Strengthening Muscle contraction Bone growth is
Activities Bone occurs during a muscle stimulated by physical
Strengthening strengthening activity. stress. As skeletal
Activities During The repetitive muscles contract, they
aerobic activity, contractions during pull their attachment on
oxygen is delivered to exercise cause damage bones causing physical
the muscles in our to muscle fibers. stress. This
body allowing us to However, these muscle consequently stimulates
sustain the physical fibers are ready to be bone tissue, making it
activity for few repaired once they get stronger and thicker.
minutes. damaged. The repair of Such bone
muscle fibers happens strengthening activities
after exercise while can increase bone
muscles are at rest. density throughout our
There will be new muscle skeletal system.
fibers produced to
replace and repair those
fibers that were
damaged. The muscles
in the body then start to
grow larger and stronger.

All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means
- electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First
Edition, 2016.


Bone Hypertrophy. (2016). Retrieved from

Factors Affecting Bone Development, Growth and Repair. Retrieved from http://www.our-
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Quinn, Elizabeth. (2016. May 25). 4 Basic Strength Training Principles to Build Muscles. Retrieved from\

Quinn, Elizabeth. (2016. May 9). What is the Definition of Muscle Hypertrophy? . Retrieved from

Strengthening Muscles and Bones. Retrieved from

Weil, Richard (MEd,CDE). (2016. Jan 1). Aerobic Exercise. Retrieved from

What is Aerobic Exercise? - Definition, Benefits and Examples. (2016). Retrieved from

“What is Physical Activity?” as retrieved from


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