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‘Important lesson I have learned in my life.

You have been asked to deliver a speech to your peers on this topic.

 What lessons you have learned

 How the things that you larned have effected or influenced you
 Any other points you wish to make

Thoughts run wild

Hello? As you all know me I'm mark the only beloved one. When I was a little boy
I used to go outside and wander off. As a boy my age, it was the natural things to
do. In the middle of my mischevious activities, my eyes caught something.

I saw a child about my age being chased by big fully grown men. From that day
there was a series of questions storming my mind, like why are people poor? But
the older I got the more complex the question became, why does a man decide a
mans fate?

As humans there are certain limits we are supposed to be instilled in, we were not
supposed to hate but be benevolent to one another we are not supposed to judge
from our egocentric reasons but we are supposed to accept each other as we are,
we are not supposed to live in a war in our selves and others but live in peace.

It's crazy how this world can kill a man's humanity and leave bear a corpses of
hatred and immoral attribute in us. “Death is not the greatest loss in life. The
greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.” This is a quote spoken by the
great philosopher Norman Cousins.

Noman is trying to emphasize the fact that we are losing far more than humanity to
this world but we are losing the time to be human be what we are not the fake
personality this society has enplaced for us but to be our selves

But the real question is am I doing something about it?

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