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"Contempt prior to complete investigation will enslave a man to


Checking pulses before Jin Shin treatment

Memorize energy flow points before giving treatments

Ultimately, the individual is responsibile for their own health and healing. A good diet of
fruits and vegetables, exercise, positive attitude( with will power) and maybe some
supplements, can heal and energize the body of most people.Energy treatments can also help a
body. I've been helped and know many others that have, too. Dr. Ray, the founder of Body
Electronics once said," not resent. not expect. not
maintain conditions. not contend. not exclude.
not restrict, limit or deprive." I once spent 10 hrs. in a B.E. workshop, repenting, forgiving,
releasing, reasoning, experiencing and encompassing. It changed my life and many others.

The art of Jin Shin was brought from Japan by Mary Burmeister in the early 1900"s.

The energy or vital force flows throughout the body on the pathways of the nervous system
and meridians. It is an electrical flow, stimulated by the brain (consciously and
unconsciously). Sometimes these neural pathways become blocked or slowed down due to
calcium deposits. Other restrictions to our "LIFE FORCE" may be from poor diet, toxins,
injury, stress, exhaustion, negative thoughts or emotions and poor mental attitudes. All of
these things deprives the body's organs of life force energy that is needed to thrive and
maintain health. The art of Jin Shin is practiced to disolve or break up the resistence that we
have caused in our body. The first step to good health is taking responsibility and
understanding that we are both the cause and effect of our health.

The function of Jin Shin is to send healing energy or divine life force along the nural
meridians to open the pathways to organs so that they may receive normal stimulation and
therefore enjoy normal function. The giver should become an insturment of Loving, Healing
Hands. It is like God's love in action. Later, I will relate other healing methods on a
thought/emotion level as well as Chakra and Reiki, Reflexology and naturalpath suggestions.

Giving the right treatment or flow in Jin Shin or Reiki, depends on knowledge of the
symptoms. This can be recognized by asking about current feelings, history and reading
someone's pulse.

* See Pulse Diagram above.

Feeling pulses takes practice to become sensitive and accurate.

First, hold the 1st three fingers of each hand on the inside of the wrist of patient, below the
"wrist bone", on the "thumb side". With even pressure of each finger, press down lightly until
you receive a pluse. This is the "light pluse" or decending pulse. Remember which finger
receives the most prominate pulse. Then press harder to feel the "deep pulse" or ascending
pulse and remember which finger feels the strongest pulse. Remember which side beats the
strongest(left or right), as this will be the side on which to give the treatment. Memorize the
above chart on taking pulses and practice!.

There are 12 Jin Shin organ flows or treatments that one can give:

*Small intestine
*Gall Bladder
*Large intestine

It is best if the treatment giver is relaxed and in a simi-medatative mood. One must ask for
and feel, divine love flowing from its source, through your body and out your finger tips
which are placed on the points according to the treatment. Loving patience is required. The
giver must hold the points until the pulses of both points become syncronized( beat together),
then hold until they go away; then move to the next point. Be relaxed and in a comfortable
place, it may take awhile. The average pulse harmonizes in two to five minutes but may
sometimes take fifteen. Treatments should not last over an hour and wait 8 hrs. before the
same person gets another one. It is more effective if the patient is receptive and relaxed and
there is a minimum of conversation. Create a meditative mood after explaining the proceedure
to the patient. Soft music is ok if agreed upon. I suggest that patients take a few deep breaths
and think or envision a beautiful, peaceful place. I ask them that if, during the treatment they
have any pain or strong impulses or visions to tell me. Tell the patient (depending on flow) if
you need to hold a point like coccyx(tail bone) or pubic. Always maintain a professional ethic.

FLOWS: ( See Flow, Point Chart, above)

SMALL INTESTINE - disharmony in the small intestines may result in pain in the neck,
shoulder, chin, upper arm or elbow area and/or the mid-section, below the stomach.
Emotionally there could be a loss of enthusiasm, some inscurity and confusion. There may be
heightened activity in the body at times between 2pm and 4pm.

TREATMENT: ( sit on side of patient that the pulse was strongest.

patient should lay on their back with clothes on
If it is an acute disorder, do prominate light pulse first.
If it is a cronic one, do prominate deep pulse firts.

Left flow.......................... Right Flow

(sit on right side)......... (sit on left side of patient)

HAND/ POINT.............. HAND/ POINT

L/ L 11....................................... R/ R 11 (right hand, right 11 point)

L/ L 13..................................... ..L/ L13
R/ R 19.......................................L/ L 19
R/ L 1..........................................L/ R 1
R/ L 7......................................... L/ R 7

HEART-"That which I have feared, has come upon me." Are there love or security issues?
are there palpitations or chest pain, left arm discomforts, a feeling of doom, dizziness,
sweating or shortness of breath, if so give an asprin and make comfortable. If severe, of
course call 911.
If it is mild apprehension due to lack of love or a broken heart or attitude of pretending and
not an emergency, then begin jin shin treatment.. A heightening of symptoms can occur from
Noon 'til 2pm .

If needed the emergency heart flow is:

Left flow
(sit on right)


L .......L10 (left hand's finger on patients left 10 point)

R........R hi 1

Since there is fear involved, give person a mantra like, "I lovingly allow joy to flow through
my mind and body and experiences, my heart forgives and releases." If possible work with the
color green, the note "F and T-2 on the spine." Recommend: Hawthorn, ginger root,
cayenne pepper, lecithin and lipase.

Here are the steps for a heart flow treatment:

Left flow ..............................................Right flow

(sit on right side) .............................(sit on left side)

Hand/ Point.......................................Hand/ Point

L/ L11 ................................................R/R11
R/L17 .................................................L/R17
R/ R22................................................L/L22
R/ R14 ................................................L/L14
R/ R15 ................................................L/L15
R/ L1 ...................................................L/R1
R/ L5 ...................................................L/R5
R/ L7....................................................L/R7

GALL BLADDER- disharmony may result in migraine headaches, jaundice, discomfort in

upper right abdominal area, under arm and difficulty laying on side. the ring finger may be
stiff and bent. There may also be an attitude of anger.
Here are the Gall Bladder flows:

Left flow....................................Right flow

(sit on right side)....................(sit on left side)


R/ coccyx.....................................L/coccyx
R/L22 ...........................................L/R22

LIVER - Middle, right side of abdomen. Disharmony could cause jaundice(yellowing of skin
and "white" of eyes), dry throat and mouth, ridged or cracked finger nails, sudden ringing in
ears, splitting or throbbing headaches. Usually an attitude of anger and irritability, depression,
emotional mood swings, overactive and stubborn.. It is usually active in the body from 2am to

Left flow.......................................Right flow

(sit on right side).......................(sit on left side)

R/L5............................................ L/R5

BLADDER - Urinary disfunction, frequent and urgent urination, may be painful and scanty.
Blood clots or stones may be passed.Food does not go down easily, emotionally shattered and
have an attitude of criticism. Main activity from 4pm to 6pm.

Left flow...................................................Right flow

(sit on right side).................................(sit on left side)


L/L center,back of knee..........................L/R center ,back of knee

KIDNEY - frequent night urination, aversion to cold, bloating, nauesa, pain and discomfort in
lower back, hungry but no appetite, swelling at top of esophagus. An attitude of fear,
timidness, mental confusion and frustration. It is active in the body mainly between 6pm-8pm.

Left flow............................................Right flow

(sit on right side)..............................(sit on left side)


R/ L little toe.....................................L/ R little toe

L/ pubic bone....................................R/ pubic bone
R/coccyx............................................L/ coccyx
L/R14.................................................R/ L14
L/R13.................................................R/L 13
L/R12.................................................R/L 12

LARGE INTESTINE - disharmony in the large intestine may result in: toothaches,
nosebleeds, aches in upper arm, stiff index finger and appendix disorder. There is usually an
attitude of grief or victim effect. It is most active from 6am to 8am.

Left flow.............................................Right flow

(sit on right side)..........................(sit on left side)

Hand/ Point....................................Hand/ Point

L/R11...............................................R/ L11
R/ L index finger............................L/ R index finger
R/ R13..............................................L/ L13
R/R14...............................................L/ L14
R/L21...............................................L/ R21
R/R22...............................................L/ L22
R/L22................................................L/ R22

LUNG - lung disharmony may result in: perspiring while sleeping, coughing and congestion,
chills in shoulders and back, pain and/or gurgling sounds upon deep breathing. Probably will
have an attitude of grief with emotional trauma and drama.

Left flow......................................Right flow

(sit on left side).........................(sit on right side)

Hand/ Point...............................Hand/ Point

L/ L14.........................................R/ R14
R/ L22.........................................L/ R22
R/ L hi 19 back...........................L/ R hi 19 back
R/ L18..........................................L/ R18
R/ L11...........................................L/ R11
R/ R22..........................................L/ L22
R/ R13...........................................L/ L13

STOMACH - disharmony may result in chapped lips, dry mouth, abdominal bloating, hives.
Pain and discomfort in: appendix area, groin area or inner side of ankel. Stomach feeling cold
and chilly. There is usually an attitude of worry, depression and/or anxiety.

Left flow.................................................Right Flow

(sit on left side).....................................(sit on right side)

Hand/ Point...........................................Hand/ Point

R/ L21........................................................L/ R 21
L/ L22........................................................R/ R 22
L/ R14........................................................R/ L14
L/ R23........................................................R/ L23
L/ L14.........................................................R/ R 14
L/ R hi 1......................................................R/ L hi 1
L/ R middle toe..........................................R/ L middle toe

SPLEEN - located on the left, partially below the rib cage. Disharmony causes the body to
feel "heavy", acute pain left of stomach area, not able to hold down what is eaten. There is
usually an attitude of depression, hate and holding on to things for self protection. This is
active in the body between 10am and noon.

Left flow.........................................Right flow

(sit on left side)..............................(sit on right side)

Hand/ Point....................................Hand/ Point

L /L 5..............................................R / R 5
R/ coccyx........................................L / coccyx
L / R 14...........................................R / L 14
R / L 13...........................................L / R 13
R / R 22...........................................L/ L 22

DIAPHRAGM - disharmony may result in underarm swelling, strong heart pulse, flushed
face, prickly pain in heart area, pain in area between stomach and lower lungs. This is usually
active between 8pm and 10pm.

Left Flow...............................................Right Flow

(sit on right side)..................................(sit on left side)

Hand / Point.........................................Hand / Point

L /L 14...................................................R/ R14
R/ R19....................................................L/ L19
L / L25...................................................R/ R25
R/ R 5.....................................................L/ L5
R/ R center of palm..............................L/ L palm's center
R/ L ring finger......................................L/ R ring finger

UMBILICUS - disharmony may result in ring finger stiffening, eye ache, throat swelling and
numbing, ears ringing and/or joints aching. This flow supplies energy to all organs.

Left Flow.......................................Right Flow

(sit on left side)............................(sit on right side)

Hand/ Point...................................Hand/ Point

L/ R20.............................................R/ L20
R/ L19..............................................L/ R19
R/ R12..............................................L/ L12
L/ R14...............................................R/ L14
L/ R23...............................................R/ L23
L/R 25...............................................R/ L25
L/ R ring finger.................................R/ L ring finger
L/ R 16...............................................R/ L16

My most grateful thanks to Peter "Bigfoot", my teacher, at Reevis Mountain School, HCO2,
Box 1534, Roosevelt, Arizona 85545. No treatment is guaranteed but being positive and
seeing the patient as whole, can have a miraculous effect and it can't hurt. God bless.

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