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Reg no : PO714251201007
Class : A GRADE 1/D4
A. Please answer the following multiple choices with the best correct answer by
giving sign (X) from number 1 to 25.

1. In learning English we have to understand about the rule of tenses and……

a. To be b. conditional sentences c. grammar d. identity

2. Mostly English learners confuse to understand about the structure of

a. Personal b. English c. material d.personality

3. The students of pharmacy …….discussing about the material of medicine in lab

a. Is b. was c. are d. were

4. The students of pharmacy………learnt some rules of tenses

a. Has b, has c. had d. have

5. Our English lecturer has ……….. about the form of many tenses
a. Explains b. explaining c. Explained d. is explaining

6. The director of Pharmacy ……… international seminar in Bali last week

a. Join b. attending c. attended d. present

7. An English article is very important to analyze……..

a. Reading comprehension b. writing c. reading passage d words

8. In understanding of an article it should be …….. by………….

a. Translation/expert b. translated/translator c. translate d. an interpreter

9. The medicine made me feel better because it can

a. cured my illness b. help me c. good medicine d healthy
10. The doctor said I look pale
a. run down b. anemic c. pale and tired d, blood

11. The doctor discovered that I’ m a little overweight

a. underweight b. near-sight c. far-sight d weak

12. Some medicines are studied by the students of__________

a. technical department b. midwives c. pharmacy d. nursing

13.Someone can buy some medicine with the prescription at

a. Dispensary b. mall c, hospital d. shop

14. To be master of English someone needs also to know the form of

a. Words b. speak c. writing d. spell

15. In writing English there so many things we have to know about

a. Procedure text b. reading text c. textual d. short text

16. The medicine made me feel better because it can

a. cure my illness b. happy c. hungry d. strong
17. The supplement food and nutrition food are…… us

a. Needing b. needs c. needed d, needment

18. The medicine should be drunk by those patients
a. last week b. twice in a day c. two times d, never

19. a Formal dispensary should be controlled by a professional

a. pharmacy b. pharmacist c. obstetrician d, drugstore

20. Herbal medicine is more important than……………………

a. Pill b. modern medicine c. prescription c. capsule

21. There are many things should be prepared of English presentation for example
a. Clear topic b. discussion c. speaking d. information

22. In presenting English presentation we have to know the term of

a. Style b. body language c. moment d. speaking

23. An eye contact, facial expression, gesture and facial expression are part of
a. Body b. eyes c, body language d. facial

24. To be fluent in speaking English ……is needed absolutely

a. Speaking b. practice c. speaker d. tell
25. The students of pharmacy are……to be able in speaking English fluently
a. Hope b. hoping c. expecting d. expected.

B. Please answer the following questions with your good answers

1. Write down the English material you have learnt on this semester

Answer : 1. Listening Comprehension

2. Self Introduction

3. Asking and giving direction

4. Asking and giving opinion

5. Describing People,Things,and Place

6. Parts of Speech

7. Passive Voice

8. Tenses

9. Article

10. Advantages and disadventages of Traditional Medicine

11. Application Letter

12. Making Reporting Teks

13. Advantages and disadvantages of Modern Medicine

14. Creat a percentage format

15. Final Test

2. Write down a short reporting text related to Covid 19

Answer : Reporting text about Covid 19

As of 5 February, there have been no confirmed cases of novel coronavirus in

Indonesia. A number of suspected cases have all returned negative laboratory results.

As of 3 April 2020, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has reported

1.986 confirmed cases and 181 deaths related to COVID-19, while 134 patients have
recovered from the disease. WHO is working with the Indonesian Government to
monitor the situation and prevent further spread of disease.

The President issued Government Regulation No. 21/2020 on large-scale social

distancing as an implementing regulation of the 2018 Health Quarantine Law to
restrict the movement of people and goods within a control zone but he stopped short
of allowing regional administrations to close their borders.

As the coronavirus continues to spread to different regions, some local

administrations have proactively imposed limitations on social activities and applied
border restrictions to prevent further transmission.

3. Explain your opinion about plus –minus of learning process by online

Answer :

 The advantages in online learning in my opinion are:

1. Students can study anywhere, be it indoors or outdoors.

2. We do not need to come to campus so that we save on transportation costs to
3. The material provided can be stored easily in contrast to offline learning, where
usually we don't have time to write the material provided by the lecturer.
 The drawbacks in online learning in my opinion are:
1. Wasting internet quota, because every day we do lectures online automatically we
also need internet quota which is not small and the price is not cheap.
2. Often we do not focus on studying whether it is distracted by a bad internet
connection, noise from home and other things that can make us lose focus while
3. With automatic online learning we rarely meet classmates.
4. The learning time is short so that usually we don't really understand the learning
material provided.

4. What should you prepare if you want to present your English presentation?

Answer : Before making a presentation, there are several things that must be
considered. The first is the presentation material. For example, making a mindmap or
essay. The second preparation, namely practice. Especially if you are presenting in
English. There is a vocab that you must master in relation to presentation materials.
for example, you will be presenting about shipping. Then the vocab about ships, sea,
and so on must be in your head. In addition, good and formal grammar is also needed
in presentations. Practicing before a presentation can also increase self-confidence or
self-confidence. The third preparation is the appearance before the presentation. Make
sure you give your best appearance when presenting. Get enough sleep and eat so that
the body looks fit, and prepare the best clothes for the presentation so that we look
attractive and the audience doesn't get bored when they see us perform
During the presentation, several things can be done, namely:
1. Greetings
2. Introducing the presenter
3. State the focus of the topic
4. Share the main content of presentation
5. Question and answer
6. Make a summary
7. Closing

5. Please you write the parts of body language.

Answer :You can send signals with individual parts of the body as well as in concert.

Here's details of the contributions of each part of the body.

We look a lot at the other person's head, which is used to send many signals to us.
Many are subconscious, which can be very useful.
-1.Head body language
2.Face body language
3.Cheek body language
4.Chin body language
5.Mouth body language
6.Lips body language
7.Teeth body language
8.Tongue body language
9.Nose body language
10.Eyes body language
11.Eyebrow body language
12.Forehead body language
13.Hair body language

We often talk with our arms, windmilling as we describe with arms and hands what
we are saying.
1.Arm body language
2.Elbow body language
3.Hand body language
4.Finger body language

The torso, though often ignored, contains the main mass of the body and can give
important signals.
1.Neck body language
2.Shoulder body language
3.Chest body language
4.Back body language
5.Belly body language
6.Bottom body language
7.Hips body language

The legs often betray body language when the person is trying to control their body
(and often forget the lower half). Particularly when seated, if you can look down you
may find another story.
1.Leg body language
2.Thigh body language
3.Knee body language
4.Foot body language

Good luck
Be your self

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