Covid 19

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1. Corona Virus - An Introduction

a. Etymology

b. Origin

c. Spread

2. A Fatal Disease

a. Symptoms

b. Prevention

c. Cure

3. Corona Virus' Damage to Pakistan

a. Educational Institutes were closed

b. Industrial services were jammed

c. The working class lost their jobs

d. Many small businesses were crippled

4. Government's plans to tackle the damage caused by COVID-19

a. Ehsaas Programme

b. Smart Lockdown

c. Preparation of SOPs

d. Reopening of Educational Institutes

e. Testing of Vaccine

5. The future of Coronavirus lies in our hands. 


The slogan "Stay home stay safe" has assumed the shape of a medicine of life against the
novel Coronavirus. It is unofficially known as COVID-19. COVID-19 is made of COrona VIrus
Disease 2019. The name was given by United Health Organization on February 11th, 2020.
The official name of this virus is SARS-CoV-2 which breaks down to Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome - Coronavirus 2. The first-ever Coronavirus was discovered in animals
in 1930. 

The initial impact of COVID-19 was seen in the Chinese city of Wuhan during January 2020.
The first death by the virus was reported on 11 January 2020 in China. The virus spread like
a wildfire and by the end of January 2020, reported deaths were 170 and the infected people
reached the number of 7,711. Wuhan is a city of 11 million people and foreigners. Their
travel by the aeroplanes to other countries served as a major cause of the spread of the
virus. By the time I am writing this essay, this virus has claimed the lives of 2 lacs American
people while India has become the second most infected country and Brazil is the second
country to report the most deaths. 

It is a fact that the novel Coronavirus is a deadly disease. Its common symptoms are fever,
dry cough and tiredness while the less common symptoms are headache, loss of taste and
smell and a rash on the skin. But its serious symptoms are hardness while breathing or
shortness of breath, chest pain or pressure and loss of speech or movement. The
symptoms of COVID-19 may appear from 6 to 14 days. 

Currently, the only treatment of the novel coronavirus is prevention. Wearing a mask,
keeping a social distance of 6 feet from every person, washing hands for 30 seconds with
osoap or rubbing an alcohol-based sanitizer on hands, preventing from touching one's eyes
and nose, and covering one's cough. The only cure or treatment is self-treatment or
quarantining. One has to live in a separate room; has to use a separate bathroom and
disinfecting one's belongings while maintaining a nutritious diet. 
COVID-19 arrived in Pakistan on February 26th, 2020. Its spread in Pakistan was rapid
enough which forced the Government of Pakistan to impose a nation-wide lockdown on
March 14th, 2020, closing everything from educational institutes to industrial units, markets
to places of worship. The emergence of COVID-19 had devastating effects on the people of
Pakistan. Educational institutes were closed and online education had the problems of its
own. Internet facilities were hardly present in the hilly and under-developed areas of
Pakistan. The educational process of almost 1.57 billion children is affected during
coronavirus and some might not even return to their schools since their parents have
planted their children to child labour to meet their financial needs. 

The surging pandemic has a long-term effect on the economy of Pakistan. Industry units
were closed and their production rate was adversely affected during those days. Many
people lost their jobs because there were not enough salaries for their employees. The
labour working on wages had no opportunity to earn his bread and butter. Thus starvation
was rampant in their houses. Many shops and small businesses were crippled because
there were no customers outside in need of their services since everyone was confined to
his home. 

To give a relief to the working class of Pakistan, the Government established Ehsaas
programme to distribute money to the deserving people of Pakistan. From August, the
Government of Pakistan lifted the lockdown and allowed businesses to be opened and
operational. The Government introduced smart lockdown, closing only the affected house
or area instead of locking the whole area. SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) are
introduced for almost every governmental and non-governmental department of life
[although some of the SOPs are highly impractical]. The re-opening of the educational
institutions is performed in different steps. But most importantly, the Government has
begun testing the Ad5-nCoV vaccine in its third phase and some stunning results are

But despite the recent success in the battle against COVID-!9, it has started surging again in
Pakistan due to the arrival of winter. In order to safeguard our countrymen, we have to
observe all the possible prevention measures because the future of Coronavirus lies in our

COVID-19 is the name given by the World Health Organization (WHO) on February 11,

2020  for the disease caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV2. It started in Wuhan,
China in late 2019 and has since spread worldwide. COVID-19 is an acronym that stands
for coronavirus disease of 2019.
COVID-19: A wake up call for Pakistani researchers.

1- Introduction

COVID-19 caused by Corona Virus in 2019 put a lot of humanity to test. Problems faced by
humanity due to COVID-19 included pshyche stress, health unrest, home imprisonment,
interactive dettachment, social spoilage, economic loss, administrative failure, spiritual
shuffles, and a lot more.

The citizens of other different countries also faced such problems. However the wake up call
was just put forward, more than to any other sect(s) of society, to the researchers
(especially medical) to diagnose COVID-19 and find out it's solution - Including our Pakistani
researchers as this COVID-19 is also prevalent inland.

2- The Research Calibre Of Pakistani Researchers

2.1- Modern technology and proper screening is more than the required skill of Pakistani
Researchers. On many occasions they have outdone themselves to prove themselve. Like
dengue, bird flue, corona, and other similar occasions have provided them with the
opportunity to show their competence.

2.2- Expert faculties and qualified competence of Pakistani Reasearchers is the hallmark
among many other talented researchers of foreign countries. And that is the reason that we
see many talented Pakistani Researchers working abroad.

2.3- Successful productivity in need of the time for many required researches is the glory of
the Pakistani Researchers. Not only that , Pakistani Researchers on many occasions have
provided assistance to many dependable countries abroad.

2.4- The legacy of background knowledge and acquired experience of the Pakistani
Researchers is a sophisticated asset. Which is potentially functional for any demanding
scope, like it has been the case with the ongoing malady of COVID-19.

2.5- Foreign assistance, where it is needed, to our Pakistani Researchers is also rendered as
a research requisite. Where the benefits for Pakistani Researchers become more easily
earning to boost the productivity.

3- Damage Done By COVID-19 In Pakistan Despite The Existence Of

Pakistani Researchers

3.1- Daily massacre due to COVID-19 and scared citizens due to killing by COVID-19
resulted in sustained depression and sustained anxiety for the citizens.
3.2- Commercial lockdown and commercial stagnation, both resulted in the loss of income.
Economic life of the people got very much affected. As a result people got quarantined.

3.3- Failure of intellect and failure of reasearchers(especially medical) at early times of the
attacks of COVID-19 to find out the solution for a prolong presence of this COVID-19.

3.4- Affected life (social) of the citizens due to which there used be not performing the
pilgrimage,not getting together in weddings, not performing the funrals properly. Even
prayers at the mosques got a strange attendance.

3.5- Almost each aspect of the life got affected by COVID-19. If it was health, wealth, social
life, economic life, spiritual life, and psychological life, etc etc. All got affected.

4- Hurdles Faced In The Research Of COVID-19 By Pakistani Researchers

4.1- The lack of required technology and the lack of proper assistance, in early times, in this
regard was the foremost challenge. Pakistani reasearchers were trying to find success in this
regard while they were very much under-pressure.

4.2- COVID-19 used to spread with rocket speed and with that much speed it needed
research for the treatment. Where the researchers were falling too short of the intended
successesful reasearch.

4.3- -- Difficulty in the treatment of citizens who were the victims of COVID-19. Also , social
gatherings increased the numbers of the victims of COVID-19. Which created a circuit of
relative (pro COVID-19) problems.

4.4- Early lack of assistance from the abroad left Pakistani researchers with no option at all.
As the abroad affected countries were also unsuccessful, been the victims of COVID-19. The
pray of the different sects of Pakistani society was also ineffective due to this forceful
celetial calamity. Also the Standard Operating Procedures were not meeting the fetish of
satisfied living.

4.5- Due to the failure of Pakistani researchers in early times, as been left with no option to
find control over COVID-19, Pakistani public was suffering through their daily life. Edible
goods for daily use were least available. Educational institutions were closed. Offices used to
be closed. Businesses were jammed. People were quarantined. No recreation was
experienced. Less social gatterings and social distancing were observed. No family visits
were practiced. In short both the indoor and outdoor living activities were very much badly
affected in Pakistani.

5- Achievements Against COVID-19 Of Pakistani Researchers

5.1- Sustained struggle, guidence of the Pakistani citizens by these researchers, and
vaccinations with through proper channel after the availability of the required research
technology and foreign assistance in the form of vaccines to the Pakistani Researchers, was
the solution for COVID-19 for those who got victim s & vaccinated. Which did a great job in
finding control over COVID-19 and the elimination of COVID-19 for the affected individuals,
to enough extent.

5.2- Due to the success of Pakistani researchers a wave of confidence, satisfaction,

happiness along with excitement and hope of recovery from COVID-19 spread through the
Pakistani public - after they got hit by the waves of COVID-19. As they got restored to their
normal lifestyle.

5.3- The restoration of the society to it's norms and festivils again, the rehabilitation of the
economic market, and the repair of the faith of humanity once more were all because of the
success of the Pakistani Researchers to the wake up call of COVID-19.

5.4- Pakistani Researchers proved themselves to the citizens of Pakistan as well as to the
government of Pakistan. As these Pakistani Researchers can achieve any required goal if
they are equiped having confidence and creative knowledge with the needed resources. And
such is the case of COVID-19.

5.5- In the research of COVID-19 by the Pakistani Researchers it was found that;

- Corona virus affect a person only once in life.

- If a person is vaccinated before the attack of corona virus s/he can not be attacked by the
corona virus ever since in his/her life.

- Elders are much more sensitive to corona virus as compared to young people.

- If a person is attacked by the COVID-19 and is quarantined, s/he may maintain the lowest
risk of spreading the COVID-19 outdoor.

- If hands are washed for 20 seconds multiple times a day , if mask is used, if six feet
distance is maintained, and if other similar SOPs are observed, COVID-19 can easily be
elimnated from society.

6- Future Measures Screened Against COVID-19 By Pakistani Researchers

6.1- Vaccines injected to the citizens make citizens corona-proof. These vaccines as much
as soon accessed by the citizens that much fast the life of the citizens can be made safe and

6.2- Social care strategies for the citizens which are called Standard Operating Procedures
(SOPs), against COVID-19 , give a big hand in making the citizens safe from COVID-19, if it
is prevalant in society.

6.3- Plead, for support , to the running government against the current waves of COVID-19,
as well as for other future maladies, is one of the clauses after the successful research of
Pakistani researchers of COVID-19.
6.4- After the successful research of COVID-19, by Pakistani Researchers, dependence of
the citizens of this state on the Pakistani researchers has found basis. Which renders an
obvious hope for healing and an obvious hope for the restorage of health after the attacks
of such fatal maladies.

6.5- Lessons of narrow successful focus to the new researchers have been brought forth by
the current Pakistani researchers. These researchers with the help of the supporting state of
Pakistan have proved that when you get specific for an aim and strive to the fullest for a
goal, success does not rests far away. However consistence is a key to success.

7- Conclusion

The trend of COVID-19 prevalant with sessions across the globe is againts the wellbeing of
humanity. Where we are concerned with our state's welbeing first and then with the good
wishes for the health foreing citizens also.

The welbeing of the citizens of Pakistan has alot become in control due to the hard work of
Pakistani Researchers. Who have worked day and night for the elimination of COVID-19
from Pakistan.

Whenever and wherever in Pakistan COVID-19 has given a wake up call to Pakistani
Researchers since 2019, they have proved their competence.

May Allah (s.w.t) soon erdicate this COVID-19, first from Pakistan, and then from the whole

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