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I. Introductory Concept
You must have tried solving circuit problems containing resistors that are arranged in series-
parallel combination and connected to a single voltage source. As long as you can identify which resistors
are connected purely in series or parallel and can apply the corresponding properties of this connection,
you can easily determine the current and voltage drop in each of the resistors. However, there are circuits
that contain more than one voltage source. German Physicist Gustav Kirchhoff formulated two laws that
make it possible to find the current in the circuit no matter how complicated the circuit is. Ohm’s law can
still be used in such circuits but some other techniques need to be applied.
The application of Kirchhoff’s rules too such circuits provide a powerful tool in finding the
currents and voltage drops. It is, however, necessary that you understand the following important terms
before you can correctly use Kirchhoff’s rules:

Junction (or Branch point)

A junction or a branch point in an electric circuit is a point where three or more conductors are
connected. As an illustration, consider the following figure:

Figure 2
The currents through junction P
Source: UP Open University: Electricity and Magnetism, pg. 4
In figure 1, points A, C, D and F are not junctions or branch points because they do not satisfy the
required number (at least three) of conductors connected to these points. For example, there are only
conductors connected to point A. Points B and E, on the other hand, are junctions or branch points since
three conductors are connected to each of these points.
In an electric circuit, a loop is defined as closed path. If you look closely at Figure 1, you can find
that there are three loops, two “simple” loops can be easily identified. These are loops ABEFA and
BCDEB. Another loop is formed by points ABCDEFA. In this learning activity sheets, we will be dealing
with “simple” loops such as that of ABEFA and BCDEB.


- The Current Rule or Junction Rule (nodal rule)
Kirchhoff’s first rule state the (current rule) that the algebraic sum of all currents passing through junction
is zero. In other words, the sum of all currents entering any junction is equal to the sum of all currents
leaving the junction. Kirchhoff’s current rule is a statement of the conservation of charge. Because the
charge cannot simply accumulate or just disappear at a junction, whatever current that enters a given
junction in an electric circuit must, therefore, leave that junction. In equation form,
There are some basic rules that must be followed in applying Kirchhoff’s current. These are:
a) current moving into a junction is positive
b) current moving out of a junction is negative.
To illustrate these simple rules, let us consider, the example, an arbitrary junction, P, in an
electric circuit where eight conductors are joined and the current through each is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3
The currents through junction P
Source: UP Open University: Electricity and Magnetism, pg. 6

Kirchhoff’s current rule when

applied to junction P and following the conventions stated previously gives:
+I1 + I2 – I3 + I4 – I5 – I6 + I7 – I8 = 0
I 1+ I 2 + I 4 + I 7 = I 3 + I 5 + I 6 + I 8

Kirchhoff’s current rule thus can be stated as



Kirchhoff’s second rule is equivalent to the law of conservation of energy. The energy gained by
the electric charges when they move around a closed loop in an electric circuit is equal to the energy lost
in moving around the circuit. The decreased in the electric potential energy of the charge is expressed in
terms of the voltage drop, IR, across the resistor. The increase in the electric potential energy is expressed
in terms of potential rise when the charge moves from the negative to the positive terminal of the battery.
Kirchhoff’s voltage rule states that the algebraic sum of the potential rise (referred as Emf) and
voltage drops/potential drops (IR) is equal to zero. In equation form ∑ Emf + ∑ IR = 0.

The following are the steps to follow when applying Kirchhoff’s law.
1. Label the current in each branch as I 1, I2, and so on.
2. Assume a direction for each current.
3. In writing the junction equation, the current entering a junction is positive, whereas the current leaving
a junction is negative.
4. In applying the loop rule, begin at a point in the loop and go around the looping in a clockwise or
counterclockwise manner.
5. In writing the loop equation, the following sign convention must be observed.
a. the electromotive force is positive if it traverses from negative terminal to the positive terminal.
It is negative if it traverses from the positive terminal to the negative terminal.
b. the potential difference across a resistor is negative when the resistor is traverses in the
direction of the current, otherwise it is positive.
6. The unknown currents are usually determined by solving simultaneous loop equations as well as the
junction equations.

Sample Problem:
Determine I1, I2, and I3, given that E1 = 5.00 V, E2 = 10.00 V, and E3 =
12.00 V, R1 = 2.00 Ω, R2 = 3.00 Ω, and R3 = 4.00 Ω.
The current for each branch is labeled and a direction for each is assumed.
There are only two junctions in the given circuit, A and B. The junction equation
for points A and B are as follows:
For junction A: I1 – I2 – I3 = 0 eq. 1
For junction B: -I1+ I2 + I3 = 0 eq. 2

The three loops that may be considered for the given circuit are shown on the
right. Starting with point A and going clockwise around each loop yielded the
following loop equations.
Loop 1:
-ε1 + I1 R1 + I2 R2 + ε2 = 0 eq. 3
-5.00 V + I1 (2.00Ω) + I2 (3.00Ω) + 10.00V = 0
Loop 2:
-ε2 – I2 R2 – ε3 + I3R3 = 0 eq. 4
-10.00 V + I2 (3.00Ω) – 12.00 V + I3 (4.00Ω) = 0
Loop 3:
-ε1 + I1 R1 – ε3 + I3R3 = 0 eq. 5
-5.00 V + I1 (2.00Ω) – 12.00 V + I3 (4.00Ω) = 0 Source: Physics- Exploring Life
Through Science, pg. 275
From eq. 1, I1 = I2+ I3 eq. 6
Substituting (eq. 6) to (eq. 3)
-5.00 V + (I2 + I3) (2.00Ω) + I2 (3.00Ω) + 10.00V = 0
-5.00 V + I2 (2.00Ω) + I3 (2.00Ω) + I2 (3.00Ω) + 10.00V = 0
(−5.00Ω ) I 2−5.00 V
I3 = eq. 7
2.00 Ω

Substituting eq. 7 for I3 in eq. 4

(−5.00Ω ) I 2−5.00 V
-10.00 V + I2 (3.00Ω) – 12.00 V + (4.00Ω) = 0
2.00 Ω
(-13.00 Ω) I2 = 32 V
I2 = -2.46 A (The negative sign means that the direction of I2 is opposite to the
assumption of the flow of current.)
Using eq. 7, substitute the value of I2
(−5.00Ω ) (−2.46 A )−5.00 V
I3 = = 3.65 A
2.00 Ω
Using eq. 6 to get the value of I1
I1 = I2+ I3
I1 = 3.65 A – 2.46 A = 1.19 A


Activity 1 Kirchhoff’s law: Problem Solving

Solve the following:

1. Determine the current through each resistor in the circuit shown below.
2. Resistors R1 = 10 Ω, R2 = 20 Ω, R3 = 40 Ω and R4= 50 Ω, are connected to three voltage sources, E 1 =
10 V, E2 = 20 V and E3 = 30 V as shown below.

a. Write the equations needed to solve the unknown current.

b. Calculate the individual currents in the circuit.


Three resistors R1 = 10 Ω, R2 = 20 Ω, R3 = 30 Ω, are connected to two voltage sources, E1 = 20 V and E2 =

30 V as shown in the figure below.

a. Set- up the equations using Kirchhoff’s

current and voltage rule.
b. Calculate the current and the voltage drop across each resistor in the loop.

Activity 2: Applying CONCEPTS!

For the circuit in Figure 4, use Kirchhoff’s junction rule and loop rule to
answer the given concepts given below.

Concepts Questions: Figure 4.

1. Notice that there are two loops, labeled 1 and 2, in this circuit. Does it matter that there is no battery in
loop 1, but only two resistors?

2. the current through the three resistors are labeled as I 1, I2, and I3. Does it matter which direction, left-to-
right or right-to-left, has been chosen for each current?

3. When we place the + and – signs at the ends of each resistor, does it matter which ends is + and which
is -?
4. When we evaluate the potential drops and rises around a closed loop, does it matter which direction,
clockwise or counterclockwise, is chosen for the evaluation?

IV. References:
Introduction to Physics, 8th Edition. John Kutnell and Kenneth Johnson. 2010 John Wiley & Sons
Singapore Pte.Ltd.
General Physics 2: Teaching Guide for Senior High School. Published by the Commission on Higher
Education, 2016. Chairperson: Patricia B. Licuanan, Ph.D
PHYSICS C: Electric and Magnetic Phenomena, Alexander A. Lim, PhD. Institute of Mathematical
Sciences and Physics, College of Arts and Sciences. University of the Philippines Los Baños. (Unit 9)
Physics: Exploring Life Through Science, Angelina A. Silverio. Phoenix Publishing House, Quezon
Avenue, Quezon City, 2013.

Prepared by:


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