Catherina International Academy

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INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all the questions.

1. The study to know our leaders the 10. The name my school is ___ a. Catherinal
work they do is called ________ a. Academy b. Catherinal Adeleke c.
Civic race b. civic education c. Catherinal Nabran
civic life 11. _______ is the do’s and dont’s which must
2. Our leaders are known as __________ a. be obey a. rule and rulers b. rules and
body of government b. sunrise c. god eat c. rules and regulation
father 12. Nigeria has _____states a. 36 b. 39
3. A person that is legally recognized as a c. 14
member of the country is known as a 13. This are the area council in Abuja except
________ a. citizen b. baby c. family a. Area 1 b. Gwagwarada c. Bwari
4. Civic education help us to know the rights, 14. Every October 1st is the Nigeria
duties and ________ of citizens a. independent ___ a. day b. cloth C.
politics b. size c. responsibility flag
5. Civic education help us to be able to vote 15. We must not play with ________ object
and be voted for in an _______ a. election a. smooth b. dangerous c. soft
b. eyes c. apple 16. One of the school rules is to come to
6. We must not ______ in and outside the school __ a. early b. late c. absent
school a. fight b. eat c. travel 17. ______ is a place where we learn how
7. A good citizen must pay his or her tax to read and write a. school b. market
______ a. teacher b. government c. hospital
c. doctor 18. The leader of a state is called ________
8. Who is the president of Nigeria? a. a. governor b. president c. captain
president Muhammadu Buhari b. 19. The head of the family is known as
President Donald Trump c. President _______ a. father b. mother c.
Gariba children
9. We are always _______ when we come to 20. What class are you _________ a. basic one
the school a. appreciated b. punish purple b. basic one pink c. non
c. non of the above

1. a. What is your name? ___________________________________________________________
a. How old are you? ____________________________________________________________
b. What class are you? __________________________________________________________
c. Are you a boy or girl __________________________________________________________
2. List two school rules and regulation
I. ________________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________________
3. Civic education help us to know our
______________________,___________________________ and _________________________
4. Mention two rights of a citizen
i. ________________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________________
5. State four leader your
i. ___________________________________________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________________________________________
iii. ___________________________________________________________________________
iv. ___________________________________________________________________________

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