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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Social media has a great and big impact in our daily lives. Through the help of these

social media sites, people can participate in the active politics, share views and opinions about

the system, apart from its people can get the answers to all of their questions or in other word

they can get any kind of help with this medium. Social media sites can almost control all the

aspects and may affect our behavior. They are interactive computer-mediated technologies that

facilitate the creation and sharing information, ideas, career interests and other forms of

expression via virtual communities and networks. Sounds fascinating, everyone can

communicate to someone through long distances in just one click. Social media sites were

created to have easy way to connect with friends and love ones.

Most of the users of social media sites are teenagers, specifically the students. The use of

social media sites in the students is to learn through various online learning platforms available

to them. Social media sites also help the students to communicate with others and to have access

to basic information as quick as possible. The purpose of YouTube is to watch educational

videos that may help the students to gain wider knowledge. These also help to enhance student

academic performance and increase their knowledge through data and information gathering.

When students were given an assignment in school, they go through various online platforms to

gather information so as to find solutions to their assignment.

It is sound great but it also has its negative effects. Social media sites reduce the amount

of face to face socializing and replace it with online interaction which is believed to result in low

quality kind of relationship to other people. Online social networking sites focus on building and

reflecting social associations among people who share interests and or activities. According to

the study of Osharive (2015), with so many social networking sites displayed on the internet,

students are tempted to abandon their homework and reading times in preference for chatting

online with friends. Many students are now addicted to the online rave of the moment, with

Facebook, Messenger, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.

This study entitled “Effects of Social Media Sites in the Academic Performance of Grade

11 STEM Students of Peñaranda National High School S.Y. 2020-2021” aims to determine the

adverse effect of the social media sites among the selected Grade 11 STEM students.

Furthermore, the researchers investigate the purpose of using social media sites. Given this

background, this paper tries to investigate all the aspects of having social media sites and how it

will have an impact to the academic performance of selected Grade 11 STEM students.

Statement of the Problem

The study discussed on how social media sites affect the academic performance of

selected Grade 11 STEM Students of Peñaranda National High School S.Y. 2020-2021.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions.

1. How does the profile of respondents be described in terms of?

a. age

b. sex

c. average last grading period

d. sibling rank

e. family income

f. daily allowance

2. What are the positive effects of social media sites in the academic performance of selected

Grade 11 STEM Students of Peñaranda National High School?

3. What are the the negative effects of social media sites in the academic performance of selected

Grade 11 STEM Students of Peñaranda National High School?


Null Hypothesis

1. Social media sites do not affect the academic performance of the selected Grade 11 STEM

Students of Peñaranda National High School.

2. There is no significant difference between interacting personally and using social media sites.

3. Social media sites cannot distract the student toward their studies.

Alternative Hypothesis

1. Social media sites affect the academic performance of the selected Grade 11 STEM Students

of Peñaranda National High School.

2. There is a significant difference between interacting personally and using social media sites.

3. Social media sites can distract the student toward their studies.

Significance of the Study

The findings which this study would reveal may benefit the certain groups and the benefit

they may be able to gain are follows:

To the students – They can benefit from the findings of this study since the study provides basis

for awareness and better understanding of how social media sites affect their academic


To the parents – It provides valuable information about the effects of social media sites on the

academic performance of their children.

To the teachers – Teacher can adjust to different learning styles in the classroom. They have the

chance to able to teach at more than one place simultaneously.

To the future researchers – This serves as a resource material for them to carry out research in

related field.

Scope and Limitation

This study entitled “Effects of Social Media Sites in the Academic Performance of

selected Grade 11 STEM Students of Peñaranda National High School S.Y. 2020-2021” will be

conducted to determine if social media sites have effects in the studies of students.

The investigation of the study is only limited to several respondents of Peñaranda

National High School. The study focuses on the effect of social media sites in the academic

performance of selected Grade 11 STEM Students.

Definition of Terms

Extensive used words within this paper have been given definitions for further understanding

of the study.

● Academic Performance – is the outcome of education, the extent to which a student,

teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals

● Affect – to have an influence on or effect a change in

● Attainment – the action of fact of achieving a goal towards which one as work

● Distraction - is the process of diverting the attention of an individual from a desired area

of focus and thereby blocking or diminishing the reception of desired information

● Education – is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, skills,

values, beliefs and habit

● Effect – a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause

● Gadget - is a small technological object such as a device or an appliance that has a

particular function

● Influence – the capacity to have an effect on the character, development or behavior of

someone or something or the effect itself

● School – an institution for educating children

● Social Media Sites – are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the

creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression

via virtual communities and networks

Chapter II


Review of Related Literature

Social Media

Social media has a history dating back to the 1970s. ARPANET, which first came online

in 1967, had by the late 1970s developed a rich cultural exchange of non-government/business

ideas and communication, as clearly evidenced by ARPANET Rules and etiquette's "A 1982

handbook on computing at MIT's AI Lab stated regarding network etiquette," and fully met the

current definition of the term "social media" found in this article. Usenet, which arrived in 1979,

was beat by a precursor of the electronic bulletin board system (BBS) known as Community

Memory in 1973. True electronic bulletin board systems arrived with the Computer Bulletin

Board System in Chicago, which first came online on 16 February 1978. Before long, most

major cities had more than one BBS running on TRS-80, Apple II, Atari, IBM PC, Commodore

64, Sinclair, and similar personal computers.

The IBM PC was introduced in 1981, and subsequent models of both Mac computers and

PCs were used throughout the 1980s. Multiple modems, followed by specialized

telecommunication hardware, allowed many users to be online simultaneously. CompuServe,

Prodigy and AOL were three of the largest BBS companies and were the first to migrate to the

Internet in the 1990s. Between the mid-1980s and the mid-1990s, BBS numbered in the tens of

thousands in North America alone. Message forums (a specific structure of social media) arose

with the BBS phenomenon throughout the 1980s and early 1990s. When the Internet proliferated

in the mid-1990s, message forums migrated online, becoming Internet forums, primarily due to

cheaper per-person access as well as the ability to handle far more people simultaneously than

Telco modem banks.

GeoCities was one of the Internet's earliest social networking websites, appearing in

November 1994, followed by Classmates in December 1995, Six Degrees in May 1997, Open

Diary in October 1998, LiveJournal in April 1999, Ryze in October 2001, Friendster in March

2002, LinkedIn in May 2003, hi5 in June 2003, MySpace in August 2003, Orkut in January

2004, Facebook in February 2004, Yahoo! 360° in March 2005, Bebo in July 2005, Twitter in

July 2006, Tumblr in February 2007, and Google+ in July 2011.

Academic Performance

Academic achievement or (academic) performance is the extent to which a student,

teacher or institution has achieved their short or long-term educational goals. Cumulative GPA

and completion of educational benchmarks such as secondary school diplomas and bachelor's

degrees represent academic achievement.

Academic achievement is commonly measured through examinations or continuous

assessments but there is no general agreement on how it is best evaluated or which aspects are

most important—procedural knowledge such as skills or declarative knowledge such as facts.

Furthermore, there are inconclusive results over which individual factors successfully predict

academic performance, elements such as test anxiety, environment, motivation, and emotions

require consideration when developing models of school achievement. Now, schools are

receiving money based on its students’ academic achievements. A school with more academic

achievements would receive more money than a school with less achievement.

Possible Effects of Social Media in the Academic Performance of the Students

Social media are online technology platforms that help to connect people together far and

near. It is used to build relationship among people. The use of social media by students helps to

have access to basic information as quick as possible.

In school, the use of online platforms such as school website will give students the right

access to quality information about the school environment, departments, faculties, rules, and

regulations. It has been observed that social media has a wider and faster means of circulating

information not only to the students of an institution but also to the generality of the public.

Students must use all available online platforms effectively and they must be conscious

of social media positive and negative effects. They should try as much as possible to create a

balance so as not to get carried away while learning. Social media platforms available to students

includes Facebook, Whatsapp, Google Plus, Blogs, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and much


Social media can facilitate online learning. The use of social media has helped the

students to learn through various online learning platforms available to them. The use of

YouTube to watch educational videos has helped the students to gain wider knowledge. For

having an access to information, students can join groups through online platforms that will help

the students to have access to quality information when needed with the use of social media. It

can also help to gain wider knowledge. Social media helps to enhance student academic

performance and increase their knowledge through data and information gathering. When

students are been given an assignment or, they go through various online platforms to gather

information to find solutions to their assignments. Social media has also its negative effects to

students’ academic performance. It causes distraction to students when they focus more to social

media than their studies. Students should not be carried away by social media platforms because

it will affect their academic performance. By the use of social media, it makes the student forget

doing their assignments or projects.


Education began in prehistory, as adults trained the young in the knowledge and skills

deemed necessary in their society. In pre-literate societies, this was achieved orally and through

imitation. Story-telling passed knowledge, values, and skills from one generation to the next. As

cultures began to extend their knowledge beyond skills that could be readily learned through

imitation, formal education developed. Schools existed in Egypt at the time of the Middle


The city of Alexandria in Egypt, established in 330 BCE, became the successor to Athens

as the intellectual cradle of Ancient Greece. There, the great Library of Alexandria was built in

the 3rd century BCE. European civilizations suffered a collapse of literacy and organization

following the fall of Rome in CE 476.

In China, Confucius (551–479 BCE), of the State of Lu, was the country's most

influential ancient philosopher, whose educational outlook continues to influence the societies of

China and neighbors like Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. Confucius gathered disciples and searched

in vain for a ruler who would adopt his ideals for good governance, but his Analects were written

down by followers and have continued to influence education in East Asia into the modern era.

After the Fall of Rome, the Catholic Church became the sole preserver of literate

scholarship in Western Europe. The church established cathedral schools in the Early Middle

Ages as centers of advanced education. Some of these establishments ultimately evolved into

medieval universities and forebears of many of Europe's modern universities.


A student is primarily a person enrolled in a school or other educational institution who

attends classes in a course to attain the appropriate level of mastery of a subject under the

guidance of an instructor and who devotes time outside class to do whatever activities the

instructor assigns that are necessary either for class preparation or to submit evidence of progress

towards that mastery. In the broader sense, a student is anyone who applies themselves to the

intensive intellectual engagement with some matter necessary to master it as part of some

practical affair in which such mastery is basic or decisive.


The concept of grouping students together in a centralized location for learning has

existed since Classical antiquity. Formal schools have existed at least since ancient Greece,

ancient Rome ancient India, and ancient China. The Byzantine Empire had an established

schooling system beginning at the primary level. According to Traditions and Encounters, the

founding of the primary education system began in 425 AD and "... military personnel usually

had at least a primary education ...". The sometimes efficient and often large government of the

Empire meant that educated citizens were a must. Although Byzantium lost much of the

grandeur of Roman culture and extravagance in the process of surviving, the Empire emphasized

efficiency in its war manuals. The Byzantine education system continued until the empire's

collapse in 1453 AD.

In Western Europe a considerable number of cathedral schools were founded during the

Early Middle Ages in order to teach future clergy and administrators, with the oldest still

existing, and continuously operated, cathedral schools being The King's School, Canterbury

(established 597 CE), King's School, Rochester (established 604 CE), St Peter's School, York

(established 627 CE) and Thetford Grammar School (established 631 CE). Beginning in the 5th

century CE monastic schools were also established throughout Western Europe, teaching both

religious and secular subjects.

Obligatory school attendance became common in parts of Europe during the 18th

century. In Denmark-Norway, this was introduced as early as in 1739-1741, the primary end

being to increase the literacy of the almue, i.e. the "regular people". Many of the earlier public

schools in the United States and elsewhere were one-room schools where a single teacher taught

seven grades of boys and girls in the same classroom. Beginning in the 1920s, one-room schools

were consolidated into multiple classroom facilities with transportation increasingly provided by

kid hacks and school buses.

Educational Attainment

Educational attainment refers to the highest level of education that a person has

successfully completed. Successful completion of a level of education refers to the achievement

of the learning objectives of that level, typically validated through the assessment of acquired

knowledge, skills and competencies.

At the primary and secondary school level, educational attainment refers to the highest

grade completed or whether or not the person has obtained a secondary school (high school)

diploma or equivalency certificate. At the postsecondary level, it refers to postsecondary

certificates, diplomas or degrees awarded by accredited educational institutions. It also includes

educational certificates or diplomas awarded to the person by provincial/territorial or federal

authorities, such as the journeyperson designation in the trades. Educational attainment can also

include the partial completion of a postsecondary qualification.

Review of Related Studies

According to the study of Bernard et al. (2018), social media can affect the academic

performance of the students. The study revealed the main use of social media for academic

purpose among the students is mainly to disseminate knowledge to their peers. Social media

benefit students by connecting them to one another on assignments and class projects.

Osharive (2015) conducted a study on the effect of social media on students. The study

showed that social media have negative effects on teenagers such as lack of privacy, distracting

students from their academic work, taking most of their productive time, and such like, they also

have benefits and can be used appropriately. For instance, students can form online communities

in order to plan for a project, have group discussions about class material, or use the social

networking sites(SNS) as a way to keep in contact when a student who has been absent needs to

be updated on current academic information.

In accordance to the study of Larson et al. (2015), the impact of students’ use of social

media sites on their academic performance, the study revealed that majority of the respondents

had mobile phones with internet facility and had knowledge of the existence of social media

sites. As a result they visit their social media sites and spend between thirty munities to three

hours every day. In addition, the study revealed that the use of social media had affected

academic performance of the respondents negatively and further confirmed that there was a

strong positive relationship between the use of social media and academic performance. The

hypothesis H1 and H2 tested on time spent on the use of social media sites and relationship

between use of social media and academic performance revealed a strong positive relationship at

significant level of 0.01. The study further reveled that most respondents use the social media

sites to chat than for academic purpose.

Chapter III


Methods of Research

Descriptive Research was used in this study. It involves the collection of the data in order

to test the hypothesis or to answer the questions regarding the correct status of the subject under

study. The research design was appropriate for the particular study because its main concern is to

evaluate the effects of social media sites on selected Grade 11 STEM students.

Research Locale

The municipality of Peñaranda once noted for “ikmo culture” and professionals during

the pre-war days. The people were described as poor and thrifty, hardworking and ambitious as

regards education. One could count his fingers successful students who were not supported by

the income betel leaves. The parents used to send their children in San Isidro, Nueva Ecija for

Grade VII and in Nueva Ecija High School in Cabanatuan for Secondary Education.

After interrupted studies of the youth during Japanese occupation, their parents sent them

back to school. But due to economic problem as an adverse effect of World War II, many parents

failed to send their children to high school. It was for this reason that the people bonded and

made a study on feasibility of establishing a public school on the municipality.

Through the corporation of the civic leaders and the local government headed by Hon.

Mayor Amando B. Ramos, all the requirements for establishments of public high school

prescribe by the Bureau of Public School were complied with. Finally, the aspiration of the

people of Peñaranda National High School was opened on June 1947 with Mrs. Anatolia G.

Abesamis as the principal. Since it was newly established, classes were held in rent houses.

Immediately after the establishment of the school, Mayor Amando B. Ramos led a

delegation to the Hon. President Elpidio Quirino who labored for the immediate release of Php

50,000 for the construction of the first school building, the Quirino Building.

On March 1950, after 3 years of existence, the Peñaranda National High School

transferred to its present site (approximately 8 hectares) at the outskirt of town. From then on,

enrollment tremendously increased.

As the year passed by, additional classroom were constructed to accommodate enrolled

and prospective students. Likewise, various structures were constructed around the school

campus like stage, auditorium, Mathematics Park, Science Park, Orchidarium, athletic amenities,

computer laboratory (with 10 computers) which are necessary for students’ academic and co-

curricular activities.

The school became a national high school during the administration of Genaro P. Isidro

by the virtue of P.D. 518 effective June 10, 1983.

In the line of improvement of the school in terms of physical aspects, the school also

continuously stands in all other aspects. Through the collective efforts and dedication of all the

administrators and the teachers adjudged as the Most Effective Public Secondary School in

Region III during the school year 1992-1993 during the term of Julian R. Pangilinan.

From establishments, the school has been under 12 principals: Anatolia G. Abesamis

(1947-1957), Francisco A. Padilla (1957-1969), Cenon P. Ramos (1969-1981), Genaro P. Isidro

(1982-1989), Julian R. Pangilinan (1990-1997), Natalia G. Galang (1997-2001), Corazon V.

Mahilaga (2002-2009), Concepcion A. Quebral (2009-2012), Josephine Martinez (2012),

Lorenzo P. Joaquin (2012-2014), Miriam S. Monteroso (2014-2018) and Cecilio M. Tulaban.

The Respondents

The respondents were selected based on the probability sampling. The researchers used

0.05 as the marginal error and the proportion of study population. There are 99 total students in

the Selected Grade 11 STEM Students of Peñaranda National High School.

Table 1: Total Population of the Grade 11 STEM Students

Section Male Female Total no. of students

Rutherford 26 23 49

Fischer 24 26 50

Total 50 49 99

Sample and Sampling procedure

A sampling procedure was done to determine how many respondents should be using the

formula n= ,where n is the size of the sample, N is the size of the population, and e is
1+ N e 2

the margin error with the value of 0.05.

Using the Formula (Slovin’s Formula)

1+ N e2
1+ 99 ¿ ¿ FEMALE 49

99 TOTAL 99

n = 79.36 or 79

The number of the respondents that should be used in the conduction of survey is 79. The

next procedure is to determine how many males and females should be used in the survey, the

researchers used the formula:


= TOTAL 99

= 0.7979

= 0.80

Male = 50× 0.80 Female = 49× 0.80

= 40 = 39.2 or 39

The total number of male respondents is 40 while the female respondents are 39


The data needed for the study will be gathered through the use of questionnaires
using online. The researchers use google form to be answered by the respondents. The
questionnaires for the respondents are divided into two parts, part I is the profile of the
respondent while part II is the survey question that evaluates the effect of the given study which
consist of 10 questions.

Data Gathering Technique

With valid and reliable research instrument, the researchers established to produce the

questionnaires according to the total number of the respondents. The researchers will obtain

permission from the students to answer the questionnaire.

Data Analysis

The results were gathered, summarized, computed, tabulated and finally analyzed and

1. Frequency and Percentage were used to determine the demographic profile of the



____ X 100%

Where: P = percentage of answer of the respondents

f = number of respondents

N = total number of respondents

Chapter IV

Results and Discussion

Part I

Graph 1: Section of the respondents

37% Rutherford

16 years old

Graph 1 shows the section of the respondents. It revealed that most of the respondents

came from section Rutherford with 63% while 37% are from section Fischer.

Graph 2: Age of the Respondents

11% 23%



Graph 2 show the age of the respondents in the conducted survey. It revealed that most of

the Grade 11 STEM students fall on the age of 17 which comprises 66% of the total sample size

and the age of 16 is 23%, and 11% are 18 years old.

Graph 3: Gender of the respondents

49% Male

Graph 3 shows that the respondents were composed of 51% male and 49% female.

Graph 4: Average last grading period

1% 1%
96 or

Graph 4 shows that 86-90 got the highest percentage of 36%, next is 91-95 with 32%, and

lowest are 96-100 and 75-79 with 1%.

Graph 5: Sibling rank of the respondents

13% 28%

4th and above

Graph 4 shows the total members of the family of the respondents. This shows that

majority of the Grade 11 STEM Students are second in the sibling rank which has the value of

37%, eldest with 28%, and lowest is 13% which are the 4th and above in their family.

Graph 6: Total monthly income

10% 13% 1.000- 4,999
18% 5,000-9,999
10,000- 14,999
15,000- 19,999
25,000 and above



Graph 6 shows that the family’s monthly income of the respondents, first is 5,000-
9,999 with the percentage of 38%. Second is the 10,000-14,999 with the percentage of 28% and
the lowest percentage is 1,000-4,999 with 14%.
Graph 7: Daily allowance of the respondents

50 to 100 pesos
16% 150-200 pesos
250 pesos and



Graph 7 shows that 50 to 100 pesos got the highest percentage with the value of
52%. Next is 150 to 200 pesos with the value of 32%. And the lowest percentage is 250 pesos
and above with 16%.

Part II

Graph 1

I usually have an unlimited access on social media sites and this have a positive effects in
my academic performance

13% 1% Strongly agree



Graph 1 shows the most common answer of the respondents is strongly agree with
47% which means the respondents have an unlimited access on social media sites and this have
a positive effect in the academic performance. 31% of the respondents are agree, 13% of the
respondents are neutral and 1% are disagree.
Graph 2
I engage in academic discussions on social media sites like Youtube and Google and this has
improved my academic performance

10% 4% 29% Strongly agree

Strongly disagree


57% of the respondents are agree in engaging in academic discussions on social

media sites like Youtube and Google and this has improved their academic performance. 29%
are strongly agree, 10% are neutral and 4% are disagree.
Graph 3
I use social media to answer my assignments and activities

32% Strongly agree


Graph 3 shows that 45% of the students agree in using social media to anwer their
assigments and activities, 32% are strongly agree, and 23% are neutral.

Graph 4
I find it flexible to focus on my study by using social media as it helps me to remain in
contact with my classmates

17% 3% 1% Strongly agree

Strongly disagree


Graph 4 shows that 45% of the respondents strongly agree in find it flexible to focus
on the study by using social media as it helps to remain in contact with their classmates. 34% are
agree, 17% are neutral, 3% are disagree, and 1% are disagree.
Graph 5
I find it comfortable and enjoy using social media sites while studying

6% 1% Strongly agree
37% Agree
Strongly disagree


37% of the respondents are strongly agree and also 37% are agree, respondents find
comfortable and enjoy using social media sites while studying, 19% are neutral, 6% are disagree
and 1% are strongly disagree.

Graph 6
I believe that social media has affected my academic performance negatively

9% 4% Strongly agree

20% Neutral
Strongly disagree


Graph 6 shows that 46% of the respondents believe that social media affected the
academic performance negatively, 20% are neutral, and 19% are agree, 9% are disagree, and 4%
are strongly disagree.
Graph 7
I feel that social media is a distraction to my academic learning activities

10% 4% 18% Strongly agree
Strongly disagree


38% are agree that social media is a distraction to the academic learning activities.
30% are neutral, 18% are strongly disagree, 10% disagree, and 4% are strongly disagree.

Graph 8
Using social media while doing assignments negatively affects the quality of my study

9% 4% Strongly agree
37% Agree
18% Neutral
Strongly disagree


Graph 8 shows 36% are strongly disagree in using social media while doing assignments
negatively affects the quality of the study. 33% are agree, 18% are neutral, 9% disagree, and 4%
are strongly disagree.
Graph 9
Social media leads to procrastination

4% 1% 23% Strongly agree
34% Neutral
Strongly disagree


38% of the respondents are agree that social media leads to procrastination, 34% are
neutral, 23% are strongly disagree, 4% are disagree, and 1% are strongly disagree.

Graph 10
There is no improvement in my grade since I became engaged into these social media sites

11% 32% Strongly agree

Strongly disagree


32% of the respondents are strongly agree and also 32% are agree that there is no
improvement in the grade since they became engaged into these social media sites. 14% are
neutral, and 11% are strongly disagree and disagree.

Chapter V
Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations
The aim of this descriptive research is to know what are Effects of Social Media Sites in
the Academic Performance of Grade 11 STEM Students of Peñaranda National High School
S.Y. 2020-2021. In order to gather information and collect data, the researchers made a
descriptive research questionnaire and respondent’s profile and give to Grade 11 STEM students
(males and females) using google form. After conducting the survey, the researchers tally to
separate the answer and interpret it.

Based on the study, Social media sites have positive and negative effects on student.
Most of the positive effects of social media are agreed by the respondents and also the negative


The researchers were precisely and clearly concluded that social media have many positive
effects in academic performance of the respondents. During online class, respondents easy to

access in classes, answering activities and assignments by using social media. By using of social
media, respondents are comfortable and enjoying as of now in this pandemic. But somehow
social media have also negative effects in academic performance of the students, it is destruction
and may lead to procrastination, affects the quality of the assignments and activities. And there is
no improvement in the respondent’s grades while using social media.


For the future researchers, it is suggested that:

1. It is suggested that the researchers conduct a survey to other year level at Penaranda
National High School.
2. It is suggested to add more questions that will help them identify the effects of social
media sites
3. It is suggested to use familiar words.

BIBLIOGRAPHY achievement



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