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1) Heating effect of electric current is used in……………..

1) Electric kettle 2) fan 3) Freezer 4)TV


1)1.5Ω 2)1.2Ω 3)1.8Ω 4)1.6Ω

3)At NTP , the pressure exerted by the atmosphere at sea level is __

1)76cm of Hg Column 2)760cm of Hg 3)0.76cm of Hg of column 4)7.6 cm of Hg

4) At steady state , the amount of heat absorbed by the body is _____.the amount of heat radiated by
the body.
a)Greater than b)less than c)Greater than or equal to d)Equal to

5) Convert 1400F into 0C

a) 60 b)-60 c)-37.77 d)122.4


a)Joule’s law b)Charle’s law c)Boyle’s law d)Gay Lussac’s law

7)A gas at 200cos heated at constant volume till its pressure tripled.
Find its final pressure.
a)8790K b)97.670K c)0.0100K d)600K

8)The speed of light in diamond is 1.2X108m/sec.Find the refractive

index of diamond if the speed of air is 3X108m/sec.
a)2.3 b)2.4 c)2.5 d)2.6
9)The difference between the two specific heats a gas is 1600 and
their ratio is 6:1 Find Cp and Cv.
a)-320.-1920units respectively b)1920,320units respectively
c)320,-1920units respectively d)300,-1920units respectively

10)Comparison of an unknown quantity with a fixed unit quantity is called….

a)Dimension b)units c)Measurement d)Physical quantity

11)Systematic error can be eliminated by…

a)Taking several reading b)Replacing instruments
c)Taking mean of reading d)Calculating error of readings

12)The speed of 20km/hr is equal to……

a)0.55m/s b)55.5m/s c)5.5m/s d)5.05m/s

13)The SI unit of magnetic Flux is…..

a)watt b)Joule c)Weber d)Newton

14)A semiconductor is formed by ………bonds.

a)Covalent b)Electrovalent c)Co-ordinate d)None of the above

15)In N-type semiconductor,……..are the majority carriers and

____ are the minority carriers.
a)Holes, electrons b)Electrons,holes c)Electrons, electrons d)Holes,Holes

16)In case of forward biased p-n junction diode, the current flowing through the diode………
if the applied voltage of the diode increases
a)Increase b)decrease c)Remains same d)initially decrease and finally increase

17)According to energy band theory, for a conductor the ………

a)valence band and conduction band are overlapping
b)energy gap between valence band and conduction band
c)energy gap between valence band and conduction band is 1eV
d)energy gap between valence band and conduction band is 6eV

18)According to energy band theory, the materials in which the valence band and conduction band are
overlaps are called as…
a)Superconductor b)Semiconductor
c)Insulator d)Semiconductor

19)Photo diode is an application of …..

a)N-type semiconductor b)P-type semiconductor
c)Intrinsic semiconductor d)P-N Junction diode

a)1joule/1columb b)1farad/1farad
c)1columb/1joule d)1volt/1ampere

21) In Case of gases, specific heat at constant pressure is always greater than specific heat at constant
volume because
a) Additional heat is required to increase the volume of gas
b) Additional heat is required to decrease the volume of gas
c) Additional heat is required to increase the mass of gas
d) Additional heat is required to decrease the mass of gas
22) Using the method of dimensions, the value of x in given expression 1kg/m3 = 10x gm/cm3
a) 10-1 b) 10-2 c) 10-3 d) 10-4

23) In forward biased p-n junction diode, as applied voltage increases, the width of depletion layer
a) Increases b) decreases c) remains same d) initially decreases and finally increases

24) According to Joules law , ________ energy is converted in _______ energy

a) Heat, electrical b) Light, electrical c) Electrical, light d) Electrical, heat

25) When a force of 1.6 x 10-16 is act on electron of charge 1.6 x 10-19 C, then electric intensity is _____
a) 102 N/c b) 103 N/C c) 104 N/C d) 105 N/C

26) A current of 0.3 A flows through a resistance of 50 Ω, The voltage across it is ___
a) 17 V b) 1.7 V c) 1.5 V d) 15 V

27) When two resistance are connected in series, their equivalent resistance is 100 ohm, and when
connected in parallel to each other the value is 24 ohm. Therefore two resistance are
a) 20, 80 b) 30, 70 c) 40, 60 d) 50, 50

28) Transfer of heat by radiation ______

a) require medium b) require space c) Does not require space d) Does not require medium

29) Convert 0oC in oK _____

a) -273 b) 273 c) 300 d) 0

30) A gas at 300K is at pressure 80 cm of mercury. Find final pressure of gas if it is heated to 400K at
constant volume
a) 376.29 cm of Hg b) 0.00066 cm of Hg
c) 106.67 cm of Hg d) 0.0167 cm of Hg

31) A gas occupy volume of 20 cc at 27o C. Find the final volume if it is heated to 67oC at constant
a) 0.0566 cc b) 0.044 cc c) 49.62 cc d) 22.66 cc

32) A certain mass of gas occupies 40 cc at 27oC. Find its volume at 57oC if the pressure is constsnt
a) 0.0275cc b) 84.44 cc c) 44 cc d) 0.0227 cc

33) A gas at 30oC is heated at constant pressure till its volume is doubled. Find the final temperature of
the gas
a) 151.5 K b) 0.0066 K c) 606 K d) 60 K

34) Joule is unit of _____

a) Temperature b) Heat c) Energy d) Power

35) If the pointer of voltmeter is not pioted at zero, then the error introduced in measurement is called
a) Constant error b) Instrumental error c) Random error d) Personal error

36) SI unit of specific resistance is _____

a) Ohm-meter b) Ohm/meter c) Ohm/centimeter d) Ohm-centimeter

37) The equation of Ohm’s law is

a) I = RV b) I = R/V c) R= VI d) V = IR

38) Electric flux density is equal to ______

a) E = F / q b) V = W / q c) D = ᴪ / A d) E = q / F

Ans: Fig 1.

39) By adding ______ type of impurity, the semiconductor material become n-type
a) Trivalent b) Tetravalent c) Pentavalent d) Hexavalent

40) Ohm’s law is valid only when the temperature of conductor remains…….
a)Increasing b)Decreasing c)constant d)zero

41)When the glass rod rubbed with a silk cotton then according to frictional electricity……
a)proton transfer from glass to silk b)proton transfer from silk to glass
c)electron transfer from glass to silk d)electron transfer silk to glass

42)Two charges of 10C and 80Care separated by a distance of 100 cm in air.The force between them
a)7.2X 1010N b)7.2X 1011N c)7.2X 1012N d)7.2X 1015N

43)The conductivity of a conductor……….,with increase in temperature.

a)increase b)decrease c)Remains constant d)previously increases then decrease

44)If length and cross-sectional area of a conducting wire is doubled, its resistance will be
a)Double b)Half c)four times d)unchanges

45)The electric intensity at a point 50cm from a charge of 3.2 micro coulombs in a medium of
dielectric constant 2 is equal to…..
a)50X103N/C b)55X103N/C c)57.6X103N/C a)60X103N/C

46)The standard value of universal gas constant are…….

a)8.134SI unit b)8.241SI unit c)8.314 SI Unit d)8.414SI unit

47)Find angle of incidence, if angle of refraction is 300 for a glass having refractive index1.5.
a)48.59 b)49.89 c)49.58 d)48.95

48)An aluminium rod of 1m length has its two ends at 300C and 400C respectively. Calculate
temperature gradient.
a)0.10C/m b)100C/m c)-100C/m a)-0.10C/m

49) An electric fuse is based on __________

a) Heating effect of electric current b) Magnetic effect of electric current
c) Chemical effect of electric current d) None of above
50) For given mass of gas, at constant pressure, the volume if gas is directly proportional to temperature.
The nature of graph is

Ans: Fig 2
51) Speed of light in water is 2.2 x 108 m/s and in glass is 1.9 x 108 m/s Calculate the refractive index of
water with respect to glass is
a) 0.864 b) 1.157 c) 4.18 d) 4.1

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