Spoken English Practice

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SETRANSLATOR Spoken English Practice DOD 9098 gansO KWD Sandun Sirikumara 2021 @obey 28 Ee scOcseOe Q8eE83 mda QoGB OcHQCHO €Q€ C®© PDF eGQaa OFDO 68d Qesua DO EO DRoda SEtranslator https://www-facebook.com/setranslator Spoken English Guide dD QoGB SKeoisedas F G©8B2 HOWR QGB8B mone o WOdt ¢, OG HealBmd gna So ates omede o 5 mgm gRoome mega q SEGe O20 edeaidant Caregen Cred. > eg. - 9088 ere Ouades o sin emded Gwe sre oo moenteenes B5GO owt eaayy ecw SBONMe B50 cuter ommdzto. BO CE QBS moma ary QO ¢? © qoGE mow QE QeBB dma wo GSO ax genet ¢? Senet ¢? = Bowe mrwred 2 cOs3 qoGB momed % m edaned SarcgeaS AOQUE COmsBOn Bgomed. - 2@d ee emens cea soda Hoda (active voice) som 9088 ect, sUOmdI=D Howe (Passive voice) BBD 9088 cone o8e aq C8. = 088 Ben wre Qe 28 BOO sesdroon quo. 098a3 mm dBO oot mai gas emdD q am S508 2 gerd nAdast Og S qa. - FaDod BOM wo» GSD oMedDSS BE wow eAFo ermB yoo BD mdm JOO wi CoAE GO eoHe® eoyO aq cOaat oatOnt Bendy cad. © 9088 max85O = 9088 moned 2 go QEasldu Carlo goiod eqwad GB. dm® GO SOBs By edd GAO Ora emrOeyBO B. - ngs emrent qa Gomeced Does tng qoGGad vbotnns m5 SOBOO esi 508. 0®©62 exBlies AOx eorOaoom god Oa 280 BOC 98 mdm SNGOS CO omeB. - Gm G8 momned % wo qmogdS Qd¢ 69 oi eméoo mOBSOO qB Fo wo GidhO mj Bdm cos omedd ond amme 28. qulog© O12 BOC? adow gn’. = 988 sorGe® 2 G8 eyDce m9 9D EManazt ¢ caro 928. C8982 @2 exmezin DDD ews eagBOe SO. ggwe AO 3) GOS mIamd CHGEDD HgmoD DLS. - 988 sdned % aiGm goemsd gx O80 BG, guqodt emcied. 1 KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email —ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www-facebook.com/setranslator © Q0G8 moma ween Ovrmdes Era ¢? = 90GB mdmed 2 go emdmdy, Bdrm, coogs, gam o» SEad C048, 58 He ©8d engi HOO gdeu Ga Oumdes BEE Qos B3e go8. - Owmds emaca geoSe® @ 88 BBs cong eug® Barc Dacasd Om Dd10 GQ Gad 69 Cug® COnd BIS MO Orv ome Bs wy. = 96m eee H§8 mdmsd GBS ZF Ommdes gyGO CArogn ons emg eag® wo Bode cles go88 sons sn aEdD COS. © CBO0e88 © go88 mone - GBB mdmed & HOCF 00m CHOI (Hg) OyotdD god 808s 08 ead eqs dees © Qdeia adaiem edm @ed8. - G88 ® geod adned q88 sdaed @ ema end Earns Odie (accent) gn Sage 2D emned. - Q6> GB mda geonorim emenm gh eDoaBed gd¢ BHC Chosen dws EQS. guegd sgq{00 EMD wiOrs eooBs col 208 comGaiss mdne mens. = SUG - QGB mone ox CBOdOs eea@udd emred. ROE COddse oo GISG MERE HAGA mdo 8508. © gdGe or QGE mone - goB8 moned 2 FOC gBOx gaOO wen 92 BBA gone sdan ed emis glas megad. - 8m8 Oped €HOd8cd a mm gmanatd md gen odiSon on8. - O88 amadn c80o o oO OD 82 QdGG dq GAD Om emds BOZO ogomBSO Ga gOSed F acOst qougdn agg 8 sew 08 BBxt Sévind gn GSO megnd. Q.G8 mmGSe® J mEgr 09 emmeEgn cr © Orme MFOBxs emdO 00m Gress wo cug® 08 Acoxd geaiinan emByn. s7@508 dS adm ego guoaiBad goaings MEe gos. * Bed Pere Om o¢mO™O OG Ovomdes w eag¥O8CO emMCO 088 ene mbm K6eOxd OcBain. dee! 8600 wyFn® Oe ocr0O 2 KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email —ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www-facebook.com/setranslator os ordeal coast moumdg gun. (Ont MBE 84, Oomd » eng8 DOs meOad BOgtcseart © wOme ems) © BdMGd COEME OM orBGe, soemGnOO, emByqaGm eug® 6dq gdeaidas Caron ged. © sBte5 Ooms O99 mm DER] DIS. OBO Soy oe Ows omdd B08 BSED moumdsien, © e&eni50 D8 OOD CD AOO OowsdedO ews eag8 oce wSo 8590 QeOun. BOB 68 OOm HOST eange gorda ¢ BHO yOoalOoy me. © gOdz3 258 OOM 6208 BO gS mde emme. GB més quien DOD HAdO8S JBm ecw movGO py Godsin. © SmO COBO YS Dd dos. 68, GOD EE E98 Qancd wO50O qyios Om BEgixt eof eagSst emdm AO gunozin. 850 800 Beoeet goBB some orm. BORO EB gus Sogn qommda © ep® Bere © 2B ade erOewOEd Oat 2 08 gewd exis Born. © Bnd yOO eee 8g mound ex} Aad. 68 gida exds{Peon aded Dded OOnces 88 ggow BdDe adsin. (ad¢ omicaat oSa0 D083 gene oxksSortn) * 280 Seam oni cecSad oSa adq Cdn ganmm Has® aded GoBE sed CBObinae sdatn. © Fem ade mor BOWFO OOD oO Ora CHOI sa sdzin. © BBs drt eso GOES 88 sovmdsion. 9088 GeoBe® mceBO0 Boca SEO © Sst RBs, eBeart, Omears, Or 6 HF Oacaet qGB sdne BOB DID ox CBO wo GOs ELd 0 O500 exind God. © Segast eee - oat CnSet qoG8 gnei and a8 Baain. 8? @80 goB8 wen Orv Boe gOiad nm ecdsian ci0¢8. doce 8900 ewe Bode oat Ines eng O80 Oat InGed 6 Bode BaBdo whe? © G88 qeon8O (ggg B50) Oo mee Biaie mE ¢, da qe0HO ont BQG5O Eade mca Bsa Oxiosd QBed mjoBO a» Ce~o O03. © 88 Bea G8 GH O88 oxBed coda ca Ceind SOaat g8B GeoB® BO emmd eogSao gnGedB eaeguin. 3 KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email ~ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www facebook.com/setranslator Beginner Level Spoken English — Part 01 How to say “Hello” - Hello - Hi - Hey (informal) - Hi there - Howdy (informal) How to say “Bye” - Bye - Bye-bye = See ya later (informal) - Take care - Have a good day Greetings (day) - Good morning - Good afternoon - Good evening - Good night How to say “Yes” - Yes = Yeah - Yup - Sure - Mm-hmm How to say “No” - No - Nope - Nah - No way - Uh-uh MOD 9-98 - 01 emde Ways to ask “How are you?” How do you do? How ya doing? (informal) How are things? How’s life? What’s up? (informal) What's new? Ways to say “Fine” I'm fine, thank you Pretty good Not bad. Great Same as always Not so great I’ve been busy Ways to say “Thank you” Thanks Thanks a lot Thank you so much Thanks a million Thanks for your help I really appreciate it I'm really grateful That’s so kind of you Lowe you one. Respond to “Thank you” You are welcome No problem My pleasure Glad to help It was the least I could do KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email ~ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www facebook.com/setranslator Beginner Level Spoken English — Part 02 QEmD HED GB - 02 omrdw How to apologize - I'm sorry that... = T'mso sorry for. - It’s my fault - Oops, sorry (Informal) - Tapologize for... Respond to an apology - That's okay - Ithappens - No problem - Don’t worry about it - I forgive you s for introduction - I just want to introduce... - Th - P’dlike to meet. - It’s pleasure to meet you. - Nice to meet you. Ways to show interest - Really? - That's interesting. = Uh-huh. (Informal) - Right = Gotcha. (Informal) - Sure. Ways to end a conversation - It was nice chatting with you - Well, it’s getting late. - Anyway, I should get going. - I’m sorry to cut you off. Phrases for telephone calls Hello, who is there? Hi, this is (name) May I speak with (name)? Is (name) there? (Informal) I'm calling about.... I'm returning your call. One moment, please Hang ona sec. (Informal) He’s not here. Could you ask him to call me back? Thanks for calling. Phrases for asking information Can you tell me...? Could you tell me...? Td like to know.. Do you know. Do you have any idea... Could anyone tell me...? P'mcalling to find out... Please explain me... Can you explain me Ways to say “I don’t know” Thave no idea/clue. Ican’t help you there. Beats me. (Informal) I'm not really sure. I’ve been wondering that It’s strange for me. It’s not familiar. KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email ~ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www_facebook.com/setranslator Spoken English Basics QBs mon OFS Basic usage of "I'm! (280 oe ens» errndQdr grand) “I'm so tired." "I'm confused." "P'm happy." “I'm twenty three years old." "T'm hungry.” "I'm nervous." "I'm excited.” "I'm thirsty." "I'm from Kandy" Variations of 'I'm in/at/on' (Goo Sediees Oo emndgQn garans) "Tm ina car." "Tm ina house." "I'm ina school." "I'm at the grocery.” "T'm at the mall.” "I'm at the doctor's office." "I'm on the phone.” "I'm on my computer.” "I'm ona bus.” I'm good at (2823 exngst mdm AD euxi5) "I'm good at drawing.” "I'm good at video games.” "['m good at swimming.” "I'm good at driving.” "I'm good at reading.” "I'm good at writing.” 6 KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email ~ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www_facebook.com/setranslator T'm+(verb-ing) _ (@8 e&:emest ad8et Bem Gar gevanc) "T'm having lunch." "I'm brushing my teeth." "Tm driving to work.” "I'm crying." "'m typing an email.” I'm trying + (verb) (O28 exter mcm 89 2058) "I'm trying to get a job.” "L'm trying to call my family.” "I'm trying to enjoy my dinner." “I'm trying to educate myself.” "T'm trying to explain myself." I'm going to + (verb) (ot 8609 am ad B05) "I'm going to have some coffee.” "I'm going to go to work." "I'm going to eat some cake.” "I'm going to stop smoking.” "I'm going to help my friends.” Thave + (noun) (Gdn encos' ent Bean ecant a ©0989) “[ have a cat." “T have a nice car." "Thave a house.” "[have a computer." "Lhave a headache.” Thave + (past participle) (ace eg eqant / geamOn cot gig Bod emigg ece Oindimed acwet S60) “Lhave done it.” "Lhave heard that before.” "Lhave driven a car." 7 KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email ~ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www_facebook.com/setranslator "Lhave forgotten the words.” "Thave read that book." Tused to + (verb) (qc7g0 BSa0 / aOm0 qHA,B 59 m Oat Sado O65 ME AD OHO) “L used to develop websites.” "Lused to jog every day.” "Lused to paint.” “Lused to smoke.” "Lused to work from home." Thave to+(verb) (8s 8680 &¢5 m6 20 emra S60) [have to switch schools.” "have to use the telephone." "Lhave to go to the bathroom." "T have to leave.” "Thave to unpack my bags." I want tot (verb) (@® Gardai BE00 COG» AO oO) “I want to talk.” "I want to search for a job.” "I want to order some food." “I want to marry her." “I want to listen to that song.” I would like to + (verb) (8st 8580 mO8 29 2,059) "Lwould like to answer that question." “I would like to explain myself." “Lwould like to invite you over.” "Lwould like to practice.” "L would like to become a doctor." 8 KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email —ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www_facebook.com/setranslator Iwas about to + (verb) (e923 8680 GS aD #59) "Iwas about to go out.” “Lwas about to go to dinner.” “L was about to go to bed." "Twas about to go to work.” "L was about to say the same thing.” I didn't mean to + (verb) (28st qened emome AD 5058) "I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” "I didn't mean to call you so late." "I didn't mean to lie about what happened.” “I didn't mean to stay out so late." "I did not mean to say those things." [feel like + (verb-ing) Gene eqasi/B680 MOB oqust o~oSO) "L feel like going for a bike ride.” "T feel like going to the beach." "I feel like having a snack." "[ feel like talking." "I feel like dancing." Ican't help + (verb-ing) (e893 soens ada; BOO em AD 6,080) "I can't help thinking about it." "I can't help shopping so much." “L can't help working all the time.” “Lcan't help smiling when I see her." "I can't help eating so much." I'm not used to + (verb-ing) (e® egamd vegcy, dBm 2 052) "I'm not used to talking English.” “I'm not used to studying so much.” "I'm not used to being around new people." 9 KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email ~ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www_facebook.com/setranslator "I'm not used to traveling so much.” "I'm not used to working so early.” I want you to + (verb) (20s emeng CD) aOat adOr078O) "Lwant you to clean the dishes." "Lwant you to come home right after school." "[ want you to call once you get there.” “Lwant you to explain yourself to me.” "| want you to educate me." I'm here to + (verb) (2828 B50 m® BSx 29 150) "L'm here to apply for the job.” "I'm here to take a test." "I'm here to receive my gift.” “L'm here to support all your decisions." "I'm here to watch a movie." T'm looking forward to (823 8690 Bmeom Gn 2 5080) “Y'm looking forward to meeting you." "T'm looking forward to talking with you." "I'm looking forward to going on vacation." "I'm looking forward to spending time with my family.” "I'm looking forward to learning the English language." I'm working on + (noun) (@® ataast ebqeda QAadeon wv®) "I'm working on a big project." "Tm working on training my dog." "1'm working on making new friends." "I'm working on educating myself." "T'm working on my homework." 10 KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email ~ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www_facebook.com/setranslator I'm sorry to+ (verb) (28x SEAx a=smrgQO gave BE9) "I'm sorry to be so late." “['m sorry to hear about your sick mother." “I'm sorry to waste your time.” "T'm sorry to make you feel so sad." "I'm sorry to frighten you." I'm dying to + (verb) (aOxt B6@O / SOO 478 qOgQ® dBm AD wwB®) "I'm dying to relax on the beach.” "I'm dying to pick some fresh fruit." "I'm dying to order some desserts." "I'm dying to find out if I got the job." "I'm dying to move to a bigger house." It's hard for me to + (verb) (@@a8 BEOO EB, GD ym G50) "It's hard for me to accept what you are telling me." “It's hard for me to argue your point." "It's hard for me to balance my check book." "It's hard for me to concentrate on the task." “It's hard for me to consider your other options." Let me + (verb) (@9s¥ 8699 @O cezten) “Let me make my own decisions.” “Let me offer to help you." “Let me open the door for you.” “Let me pause and think about what we are doing." “Let me welcome you to the neighborhood." Thank you for (8s edqedst da Be yma 850) "Thank you for inviting me.” "Thank you for helping me move.” "Thank you for informing me about the job opening.” “Thank you for mailing that package for me.” a KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email ~ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www.facebook.com/setranslator "Thank you for working so hard.” Can I + (verb) (88 860 edqedsd gdad OHO / aE) "Can I answer your question?” "Can [ attend the event?" "Can I move to another spot?” "Can [ call you tomorrow?" "Can I complete this later?" T'm not sure if (subject + verb) (s®at ed_edat eB eHdd.B aod ©yo5® ) "['m not sure if my wife will understand.” "I'm not sure if we will go out tonight.” "Tm not sure if I understand your question.” "Lam not sure if I can handle it." “Lam not sure if it will happen." Do you mind if I + (verb) (88 moesd OO Eds/Aa Ds emeb>B 5080) "Do you mind if we leave early?" "Do you mind if I take a nap?” "Do you mind if it snows?” “Would you mind if I opened the window?" “Would you mind if I changed the channel?” I don't know what to+ (verb) (a®at BEax nozied emxmOs BD et aqoed DBo AD gma B69) “L don't know what to say." "I don't know what to do with my spare time." “[ do not know what to do to make you happy." "I do not know what to do to help you understand.” "I do not know what to think.” 2 KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email ~ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www_facebook.com/setranslator I should have + (past participle) (qBned coat megnd 82 2D 159) "L should have gone with you." "I should have studied more for my test.” "I should have read the directions before starting." "I should have eaten breakfast this morning." "I should have listened to your advice." Iwish I could + (verb) (@8si adetn ddx) EmmnB aetna myoOS9) “Lwish I could sing better.” “Lwish I could settle the argument.” “Lwish I could sail around the world.” “L wish I could remember his name." “Lwish I could write better." You should + (verb) (o8e8 mega 9 emva 460) "You should go to bed.” "You should do your homework before going outside." "You should talk to him about it." "You should stop smoking." "You should smile more.” You're supposed to + (verb) (sed gensd gm oOal mega aD 259) "You're supposed to keep that secret.” “You're supposed to let me know when you leave." “You're supposed to stop when at a red light." "You are supposed to remain calm.” "You are supposed to invite all your friends.” You seem + (adjective) (8 emenged 28d asia qmO evenn e¢ ge 880) "You seem bored." "You seem unhappy with the results.” B KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email ~ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www_facebook.com/setranslator "You seem eager to begin.” "You seem afraid of roller coasters.” "You seem confused about the rules of the game.” Please + (verb) (@@@@at / qowsOnaet B5O) "Please stop bothering me." "Please wash your hands before dinner." "Please wait outside until we are ready." “Please complete this.” “Please study hard.” Don't + (verb) (28x comme gm 2D ¢2350) “Don't allow this to happen.” "Don't watch scary movies before you go to bed." "Don't cause any more trouble.” "Don't chew gum in class." "Do not behave that way.” Do you like + (verb-ing) (Began an mj@ytn 5080) "Do you like traveling on a plane?" "Do you like watching baseball on TV?" "Do you like going to bed early?" "Do you like playing video games?" "Do you like listening to music?" How often do you (928 acy Ce Ord oxi BOBO - cer Hose, eGo, aqrQISes) "How often do you exer "How often do you change your password’ “How often do you report to your supervisor?" “How often do you talk to your parents?" "How often do you travel?” om 14 KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email ~ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www_facebook.com/setranslator Do you want me to + (verb) (@Oz3 CDs Ox mdoBOO qDangB 5980) om "Do you want me to pick up the kids’ "Do you want me to fix your flat tire?” “Do you want me to help you read that book?" "Do you want me to remind you?" "Do you want me to remove my shoes?" What do you think about (verb-ing) (a@at on Ban e¢ BOBO) “What do you think about having a cup of tea with me?” "What do you think about working overtime next week?" "What do you think about waiting in line for tickets?" “What do you think about sailing?" "What do you think about staying here another night?” It's going to be + (adjective) (@Oa8 B80 HaSa G9 oy50) "It's going to be delicious.” "It's going to be easy." “It's going to be depressing.” "It's going to be exciting.” "It's going to be disgusting.” Itlooks like +(noun) (Osi evens So Sdnc BE) “It looks like a balloon," “It looks like a jellyfish.” "It looks like she is lost." “It looks like it’s going to rain.” “It looks like they are leaving.” It's time to+(verb) (@8ek BE9 sem got arco SH 29 01088) “It's time to say goodbye.” "It's time to ask for a rais "It's time to collect our money." 15 KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email ~ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www_facebook.com/setranslator "It's time to cheer for our team.” "It is time to decide what to do." How much does it cost to + (verb) (@8at 8600 om Ee ocset S988) "How much does it cost to fly to Europe?” "How much does it cost to own a house?” “How much does it cost to join a gym?" "How much does it cost to repair my car?" “How much would it cost to run a website?” It takes + (time) + to+(verb) (a8ai B90 ond mee gat5O) “It takes one hour to get there." "It takes forty-five minutes for me to get ready." “It takes four quarters to complete a football game.” "It takes 7 seconds for my car to go 60 miles per hour.” “It takes all day for us to finish golfing." It's nouse + (verb-ing) (8s gealin da a5 97088) “It's no use crying.” “It's no use separating them." “It's no use talking to her." “It's no use apologizing.” "It's no use cleaning uy There's no way + (subject + verb) (e828 BEo® Swr€E Ook ommdS 49 Gado) "There's no way you finish on tim "There's no way we complete on time." "There's no way your mother approves.” "There is no way he missed it.” "There's no way he can fix it.” 16 KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email ~ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www_facebook.com/setranslator Self-Introduction - 5923 ox mgst8© I'm Sasith, Sasith Perera Ged B® GAS, HBS ever. (WAst oy MOsigG me B.) I'm from Homagama. 88 quies eni2o8 8. I'm an accountant at ABC bank Colombo, ©8 eme® FSB AoRCd odda adm osmOard Odeos. I'm an entrepreneur who is managing my own business. Ged © Omadant Sdsidieom am OO Osdmamedh. I studied at Central College Homagama. G8 QeOR® CIPS oHjOo® OOv Ow) Sencod &. Ihave completed GCE O/L & A/L in 2008 & 2011 respectively Obes 2008 2 sw 2011 2 ©@ BEedEsd qours sms eve wo cud oe dee me. I'm an undergraduate of university of Kelaniya. 00 meGa SadBemced cord godsemeaS. I'ma bachelor of science at university of Kelaniya. 08 mEeGa SAdSaneod Ga Bex corder8eask. I'm a national diploma holder for English language. 08 GB ted BEA HAs Sdecso adech. I have completed a certificate course in spoken English at Life English Academy in 2011 dve WU 2 08 CB gas EmOS semS HFB mw eoBsvg erxd@o@rda? gone mes. Ihave achieved the diploma level in banking at IBSL. 08 e08 Bonadese Bax BdeciOs 0800 BEsdeon aD. Thave many years of experience in educational sector. @2 GQovom slesgesS Dad oxime quigBS ain. I'm waiting for a job in banking sector. 08 ava sedga ge duds godsend 59e08. Thope to go to Australia to continue my higher studies. Ged ened game BIg nein O8 GeleQBav0d avO8d geese. m8. v7 KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email ~ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www_facebook.com/setranslator My family consists of 4 members. My father, mother, brother and me. Ged sed midaBst 48. Sed moslm, ©D, sewtedco so ©8 8. My father is Mr. Kumara Perera who is a manager at CBL. Ged sonia Ord euctids OD End Oy BS.O¢. B mEeS:ensdjedR oce mdgQ md. My mother is Mrs. Anula Perera & she manages most of the responsibilities in our home. Sed G88) qaco exe Om end god Hded edemBast OoB8 qe BAxt oqon8. My brother is Shehan Kumara who is still studying. Ged senlgdas eam QOsd Om Yod By DDOT FOwmons CAS. My ambition is to be a professional & qualified lecturer. Ged A~esrecag® geyme cod OsiBo edamae 503. I want to start my own business in near future. 89 ag emoned F © Ged © Omerdast qadOo BEOO qOaxa 8. I need to finish my studies within next few years BE EOdig BB00 QCE OO Ged GOs. BdgH Gdest S60 qdave 8B. I write poems, read books and watch TV in my leisure time. Sed Be mee AE 08 mH Rand, cured BORO, & DI@NOs. I'm interested in playing cricket, swimming and dancing. (Gnd ended nisin, B8nain, ndsin ©8 QS sOwlost eskOmOo) I frequently like to spend my weekend with my friends. ©8 eirend e8@100 a6 guine Ged caddat nO0 onmdaind 2,08. I'm competent in both Sinhala & English languages. Gone © GoG8 meade e8axdec 23 O88 acm Sbad, Able to handle many responsibilities within a given schedule. 2 BedD me AYO Qe edows 08S glo wS8. Proficient in MS Office package. SBerwlowcid OH cpenida Bago Om anos B Have a sound knowledge in marketing industry. qocinde nlevga atastdeart ee&o ae god Bed. Experienced in handling client requirements Sone qdeS oA089 wdandeudd yotBO obsB. 18 KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email ~ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www_facebook.com/setranslator Usage of ‘wh’ question words ‘wh’ gain 0gdG moBDa F @oBB mmered gain wren Q®eOeart gas mB gad qe Sdncodtom BEady Care BO wens ‘wh’ gain ve Oro BIA Ged. F 0 gale scam © wor handy Beam aSet e8ds ‘wh’ gain ngziod. & 68 Sede Ogws GOeAID mdm BOO goo @8 doved goa wo wnBns Sar qeono8g, What (e@mdg/9@x%¢ - QED gba) © Ga08d qergdH eng MUO e=mde9 (Direct object) BOBO sen oro m8, eee © 088 BE qd 9808 gyr<5008 ob. Ex: What is your name? © 082 for what (eGs00¢) anode go88 admed F exigd BOBOO ¢ Be 208. © S002 © goB8 moned 2 088 GEO B52 _g Hier v¢ eurgSxt gtoo coded mdGet goin q BOat_¢ Sesdeq COB. (To what extent / With what) Which (e298 /e82) © 08 edd BScant gales msl GEax 5980 agen mBD 908. © 288 B8as 68808 egreidd ©6. Ex: Which is your book? / Ex: Which book is yours? When (28¢¢/e2m8 @8en08¢) © Gnas, deci cOe0st ent 68 GuOmd/emdqumd ewe mC BGae 59800 mBn 08. © Ex: When is your birthday? Ex: When did it begin? Why (48) © 28 egam extg® 5289 xem mBn avd. © Ex: Why are you crying? Where (emo) © 28 dtomand BEaq SOSCO mrBa m8. © Ex: Where are you going? 19 KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email ~ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505 SEtranslator https://www_facebook.com/setranslator How (emaem®¢ - G6 gtida) © wOst adn ganda BEAq 5OBOd mB a8. Ex: How did you do this? © 2850 e850 mnO Seciess, Sarg oo Bar Secives wo dato B50 Q gtidareos asin Q gate exg8. (How far / How long / How hard / How tired) © Ex: How old are you? Ex: How much is this? Ex: How long does it take to go to Kandy? Who (394) © Oumse08 mm B8Aq 5080 aqwo srbo anc BGax 5980) © 288 BEQd 20808 greIrd e8. (SHS oes GB ocont Ex: Who gave you tl © Ex: Who is your best friend? © 288 Ovmdes Owe edad mE "mE?" am qlda ¢ Garon HYD. Whose (mes) © 28 eqam gBBe BBdE 5OBO eqs wSm a8. (gBBmcO BEAq 588) © 88 Bad 28508 965095 8. © Ex: Whose car is this? Whom (2004 - 98> qe) © dO eEds Op sO (Indirect object) eaxde 5OBO sews or5o OB, BHP "end4?" avln 50898. © 288 BQ’ 28508 greiS o8. © S008 © HG8 mdned % 688 Geo 55 edned a08st odo Bea ¢ Bgnoy ca Bore o¢ eaxgSet gtde © Bor veo yod caneSes ¢ geen wiFo wus. Ex: With whom did you go? © Ex: Whom did you go with? } Oras e8dno S608 afd vest (Conjunction) es} sboOmdaxt (Relative pronoun) eee ¢ e8&:8x BBoad Bn son CdD gad SF MOHDdD Owwmd4s OyHs COadom 2D Onm marin. 20 KWD Sandun Sirikumara | Email ~ssirikumara@gmail.com | TP-0702684505

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