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Explosives Act, 1884- the umbrella


INTRODUCTION :- An Act to regulate the

manufacture, possession, use, sale, transport,
import and export of Explosives.
● )"explosives" means gunpowder, nitro gycerine,
nitro glycol, gun-cotton, di-nitro-toluene ,tri-
nitrotoluene,picric acid, di-nitor-phenol, tri-nitro-
resorcinol (styphnic acid or 2,4,6 trinitro 1,3 benzene-
diol), cyclo trimethylene trinitramine, penta-erythritol-
tetranitrate, tetry1, nitro guanidine, lead azide, lead
styphynate, fulminate of mercury or any other metal,
diazo-di-nitor-phenol, coloured fires or any other
substance whether a single chemical compound or a
mixture of substances, whether solid or
Explosive definition---Contd.
liquid or gaseous used or manufactured with a view
to produce a practical effect by explosion or
pyrotechnic effect; and includes fog-signals,
fireworks, fuses, rockets, percussion caps,
detonators, cartridges, ammunition of all descriptions
and every adaptation or preparation of an explosive
as defined in this clause;

● The main enforcing authority of this act/rule is the

“PESO-Petroleum & Explosive Safety Organization”
with Head office at Nagpur.
Major Provisions of act and rules
❖ Classification of explosives
❖ Safety distance categories of explosives
❖ Authorisation of explosives
❖ Power to make rules as to licensing of the manufacture,
possession, use, sale, transport and Importation of explosives
❖ Grant and refusal of license
❖ General Restrictions
❖ Employment of competent person
❖ Protection from lightning and thunderstorm
❖ Packing of explosives
❖ Marking on explosives and packages
❖ Special precautions against accident
❖ Special Provisions for Manufacture of Explosives
Major Provisions of act and rules
❖ Training to personnel
❖ Use of vehicles
❖ Special provisions for Transportation of Explosives
❖ Special Provisions for Possession, Sale and Use of
❖ Inquiry into more serious accidents
❖ Punishment of certain offences.
❖ Sections 18
❖ Rules 139
❖ Schedules 8
❖ Forms 22
Explosive classification sch 1under
Rule 4..
Explosives are divided into 8 classes as follows :
Class 1 Gunpowder Class
Class 2 Nitrate-Mixture Class
Class 3 Nitro-Compound Class
Class 4 Chlorate-Mixture Class
Class 5 Fulminate Class-CNO-AgCNO HgCNO
Class 6 Ammunition Class
Class 7 Fireworks Class
Class 8 Liquid Oxygen Explosives Class.
Safety distance categories of
explosives R-5
(1) Explosives are divided into four categories according to the
risks which they present when initiated, namely :—
(a) Category X—Those explosives, which have a fire or a slight
explosion risk or both but the effect of which will be local.
(b) Category Y—Those explosives, which have a mass fire risk or
a moderate explosion risk, but not the risk of mass explosion.
(c) Category Z—Those explosives, which have a mass explosion
risk and major missile effect.
(d) Category ZZ—Those explosives, which have a mass explosion
risk and minor missile effect.
(2) If any question arises as to whether any explosive belongs to
Category X, Category Y, Category Z or Category ZZ, the matter
shall be referred to the Chief Controller whose decision shall be
(3) The safety distances shall be followed as per tables specified
in Schedule VIII.
Authorization of explosives R-6
(1) No person shall manufacture, import, export, transport,
possess, sell or use any explosive unless it has been declared as
an authorized explosive, by an order issued by the Chief Controller
and published by the Central Government in the Official Gazette:
Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to the manufacture
and possession for test and trial purposes and not for sale of a
new explosive composition under development at a place specially
approved for the purpose by the Chief Controller.
(2) Any person desirous of including an explosive in the list of
authorized explosives shall submit an application to the Chief
(3) The application submitted in accordance with sub-rule (2) shall
be accompanied by following particulars, namely
(a) the nature and composition of the explosives;
(b) the limiting range of percentage of each ingredient of the
explosive, including substitutes, if any;
(c) method of function, purpose of use and performance
characteristics of the explosives and instructions governing its use;
S-5 Power to make rules as to licensing of the
manufacture, possession, use, sale, transport and
Importatio of explosives
● The Central Government may, for any part of India,
make rules consistent with this Act to regulate or
prohibit, except under and in accordance with the
conditions of a license granted as provided by those
rules, the manufacture, possession, use sale,
transport, import and export of explosives, or any
specified class of explosives
S- 6. Power for Central Government to prohibit the
manufacture, possession or importation of specially
dangerous explosives. –
● a person, - who has not completed the age of
eighteen years, or who has been sentenced on
conviction of any offence for more than 6 months or
whose license has been cancelled.
6-B Grant of licences.
● The licensing authority shall grant a license - if the
licensing authority is satisfied that the person by
whom license is required possesses technical know-
how and experience in the manufacture of
explosives; or undertakes to employ a person or
persons and if the licensing authority is satisfied that
the person by whom license is required has a good
reason for obtaining the same .
● 6-C Refusal of licences.
● the licensing authority shall refuse togrant a licence -
if such license is required for any prohibited
explosive; or if such license is required by a person
whom the licensing authority has reason to believe -
to be prohibited by this Act or by any other law
General Restrictions R- 10.
(1) Restriction on manufacture—(a) No explosives shall be
manufactured at any place except at a licensed factory with
manufacturing process duly approved by the licensing authority.
(2) Restriction on import or export —
(a) No person shall import or export any explosive except under
and in accordance with the conditions of license granted under
these rules.
(b) No explosive shall be imported or exported except at its ports
notified by the Central Government
(3) Restriction on transport —(a) Any explosive of Class 5
(Fulminate) or detonator or any other explosive of Class 6
(Ammunition) containing its own means of ignition or initiation, or
an explosive of Class 7 (Fireworks) shall not be transported in the
same carriage,.
(b) No person shall transport explosives of Class 3 or Class 2
along with detonators.
General Restrictions R- 10.
(4) Restriction on delivery—(a) No person shall deliver or
despatch any explosive to any one other than a person who is the
holder of a licence to possess the explosives or the agent of a
holder of such a licence duly authorised by him in writing in this
(b) The explosives so delivered or dispatched shall in no case
exceed the quantity, which the person to whom they are delivered
or despatched is authorised to possess with or without a licence
under these rules.
(c) No person shall receive explosives from any person other than
the holder of a licence granted under these rules.
(d) No person shall receive from or transfer explosives to any
person for a temporary storage or safe custody in a licensed
premises unless prior approval is obtained from the Controller or
licensing authority having jurisdiction.
General Restrictions R- 10.
(5) Restriction on handling explosives—No person shall handle
or cause to be handled any explosive between the hours of sunset
and sunrise : Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to
handling of explosives during the dark hours if proper illumination
is provided in the area and the place is guarded.
(6) Restriction on smoking and articles likely to cause fire or
dangerous substance—No person shall smoke, and no fires,
lights or articles or substances of a flammable nature or liable to
spontaneous ignition, or act to cause or communicate fire or
explosion( such as acids, petroleum, carbide of calcium,
compressed gases, or radio or cell phone or radio frequency
operated device or any such communication system or devices)
shall be allowed at any time within fifteen metres
(7) Restriction on employment of children,intoxicated persons
and certain other persons
8) Restriction on toxic, corrosive or flammable substances or
otherwise dangerous substances shall be allowed in the storage
Employment of competent person R-
1) All operations associated with handling of explosives shall be
carried out under supervision of competent person.
(2) No explosive shall be manufactured in any building or part
thereof except under the supervision of a competent person.
(3) Professionally qualified person with Degree or Diploma in
Engineering or Graduate in science having minimum 5 years
experience in manufacturing explosives shall be an essential
qualification and Diploma in Industrial safety as an optional
qualification to be the competent person for manufacturing
explosives of Class 1 with the capacity exceeding one hundred
and fifty tones per annum or explosives of Class 2, 3 or explosives
accessories like detonating fuse, detonator, shock tube, initiating
(4) Foreman holding foreman's certificate shall be the competent
person to ensure compliance of safety norms in a factory for
manufacturing fireworks or safety fuse.
Protection from lightning and
thunderstorm R- 12
(1) Every magazine or process building shall have attached
thereto one or more efficient lightning conductors designed and
erected in accordance with specification laid down by Bureau of
Indian Standards.
(2) The connections to various parts of earth resistance of the
lightning conductor terminal on the building to the earth shall be
tested at least once in every year by a qualified electrical engineer
or any other person holding a certificate of competency from the
State Government and a certificate showing the results of such
test and the date of the last test shall be conspicuously displayed.
(3) Whenever a thunderstorm appears to be imminent in the
vicinity of a magazine or store house or processes building, every
person engaged in or about such magazine or store house shall
be withdrawn to a safe distance from such magazine and store
house shall be kept closed and locked until the thunderstorm has
ceased or the threat of it has passed.
Packing of explosivesR- 14
(1) No person shall import, export, tender for transport, cause
to be transported, possess or sell any explosive unless -
(a) it is packed in the manner laid down in Schedule II;
(b) the container or package is marked in accordance with
rule 15;
(c) the packages conform to the relevant standard of Bureau
of Indian Standards or other standards accepted and
approved by the Chief Controller;
(d) packages of explosives for export or import conform to the
requirements of the tests as specified for various
classifications under International Maritime Dangerous
Goods Code (IMDG Code )
(e) The firecrackers for export purpose shall have different
colour packing and shall carry a declaration printed thereon.
“Not for sale in India. Only for export”.
(2) Container or package shall be tested in the Departmental
Testing Station or other Testing Stations recognized by the
Chief Controller.
(3) An unauthorized explosive which is required to be
Marking on explosives and packages R- 15
(1) Marking on packages - (i) The outer package shall be
marked in conspicuous indelible character, by means of a
stamping, embossing or painting with—
(a) the word “EXPLOSIVES”;
(b) the name of authorised explosive;
(c) the number if any of the Class and the Division including
sub-division to which it belongs;
(d) the safety distance category of explosive;
(e) the name of the manufacturer;
(f) identification number of the package;
(g) the net weight of explosives;
(h) gross weight of the package;
(i) date of manufacture and batch number;
(j) UN Classification and UN Identification number (for export
(ii) The names of the fire crackers, shall be marked and the
box of each fire cracker shall mention details of its chemical
content, sound level and that it satisfies requirements as laid
down by the Chief Controller. Firecracker meant for export
shall have a different colour packing from those intended to
Special precautions against accident R- 19
(1) No person shall commit or attempt to commit any act which
may tend to cause a fire or explosion in or about any place where
an explosive is manufactured, stored or transported.
(2) Every person possessing explosives and every person in
charge of or engaged in the import, export, manufacture, sale,
transport or handling of explosives shall at all times comply with
the provisions of these rules and the conditions of the licence
relating thereto and observe all due precautions for the prevention
of thefts or accidents by fire or explosion.
R-20. Provision of mounds.—(1) Every manufacturing factory
shall be surrounded by a substantial mound which shall be of a
type and design approved by the licencing authority:
(2) A substantial mound shall be provided near a magazine, if so
required by the licensing authority. Such mound shall be of a type
approved by the licensing authority and shall always be
maintained in good condition to provide effective protection.
Special precautions against accident R- 19
R-21. Restriction on unauthorised persons and provision of
guards.—(1) The licensee shall at his own expense provide
security guards for safe custody of the factory or magazine for
storage of explosives other than fireworks.
(2) For the purposes of sub-rule (1), the security guards shall be of
such strength as the District Magistrate may consider it to be
(3) A factory licensed under these rules for manufacture of
explosives shall be surrounded by a wall or security fencing at
least two metres high of such strength and construction as to
effectively prevent entry of unauthorised persons.
R-22. Use of electrical equipment.—(1) No electrical equipment
shall be used in places where explosives are being manufactured,
handled or stored except with the prior permission of the Chief
(2) The electrical equipment shall be of a type acceptable to the
Chief Controller.
Special Provisions for Manufacture of
●R- 26
(1)Approval of manufacturing process of new explosive
shall be made by the licensing authority and his permission
obtained in writing.
● (2) A person intending to manufacture an authorized explosive
shall submit to the Chief Controller separately for each
explosive a project report in duplicate containing, among other
relevant data, the following particulars, namely :—
● (a) the detailed process starting from the raw materials, to the
finished product and the proposed method of treating effluents
and waste explosives;
● (b) the nature and composition of the explosives;
● (c) the limiting percentage of each ingredient of explosives;
● (d) the specification of the raw materials including substitutes, if
any, used in the process of manufacture;
● (e) physical and chemical characteristics of final product;
● (f) safety management plan
Special Provisions for Manufacture of
(3) 26Chief Controller, after scrutiny of the project report, the
Safety management plan and after making such further enquiries
as may be considered necessary, may if he is satisfied, approve
the process for each explosive separately.
(4) No person shall make any change in the process, nature and
composition of explosives, specification and limiting percentages
of raw materials and ingredients without prior approval of the
licensing authority.
R-27. Submission of safety management plan to District
Magistrate—The applicant shall submit a copy of the safety
management plan to the District Magistrate.
R-31. Use of special tools and implements.—Every tools or
other implements which are used or allowed to be present in a
building used for carrying out process of manufacture (as process
building) shall be of wood, copper, brass or soft metal or material,
Training to personnel R- 35.
Every person engaged in the manufacturing factory shall be
imparted training in safety by competent person periodically during
manufacture, handling, transportation and storage of explosives
and records of such trainings shall be maintained.
R- 36. Use of vehicles.—Every vehicle and every trolley or
receptacle in which finished or partly finished explosives are
transported in a licensed factory area shall be approved, have no
exposed iron or steel in its interior; and be closed or covered while
the explosives or its ingredients are being transported.
R-37. Maintenance and repairs of building, plant and
equipment.—(1) Every building in the licensed premises
● shall always be maintained in a fit condition. All plants and
equipments in a licensed factory shall be regularly serviced and
maintained in a proper and fit condition by the licensee.
Special Provisions for Import or Export of
● General
R-43. Import or export by land.—No licence for import or export
of explosives by land shall be granted without the previous
sanction of the Central Government in each case, wherein the
Central Government may impose conditions and restrictions in
consultation with the Chief Controller.
R-44. Compliance of port rules.—The provision of rules
regulating to handling of explosives at the notified ports issued
under the Act and respective port rules and bye-laws shall be
R-45. Import of explosives.—(1) Declaration by importer - A
person holding an import licence granted under these rules
shall furnish a declaration as required by the rules to the Chief
(2) Declaration by master of ship or by the ship’s agent - (a)
The master of every ship carrying explosives or the agent for
such ship shall give notice to the port not less than forty eight
hours’ of its intended arrival at the port and deliver required
declaration to the pilot before entering the port
Special provisions for Transportation of
R- 47. Procedure to be followed during transportation.—
(1) Every consignment of explosives transported under licence
shall be accompanied by a pass issued by the consignor in Form
RE-12 under Part 5 of schedule V.
(2) Such pass shall be attached to the way-bill, invoice or despatch
note as the case may be.
(3) A copy of every pass issued under sub-rule (2) shall forthwith
be sent by the consignor to the licensing authority; the Controller
and the District Superintendent of Police in whose jurisdiction the
place from which the consignment is sent is situated;
48. Certificate of safety.—(1) Before transporting or tendering for
transport an explosive of Class 3 (Nitro compound) or Class 4
(Chlorate mixture), the consignor shall attach to the consignment a
valid certificate in Form CE-1 under Part 6 of Schedule V or
certified copy thereof granted by testing officer.
(2) Certificate referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be valid for a period
of twelve months from the date of issue.
9-A. Inquiry into more serious
accidents. -
● The Central Government may, where it has received
the report on an inquiry under Section 9, appoint the
Chief Controller of PESO] or any other competent
person to hold such enquiry, and may also appoint
one or more persons possessing legal or special
knowledge to act as assessors in such inquiry.
● The person appointed to hold an inquiry under this
section shall have all the powers of a Civil Court
under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908),
for the purposes of enforcing the attendance of
witnesses and compelling the production of
documents and material objects; and every person
required by such person as aforesaid to furnish any
information shall be deemed to be legally bound.
9-B Punishment of certain offences.
● Whoever, in contravention of rules made under f the
conditions of a licence granted under the said rules-
● (a) manufactures, imports or export any explosive
shall be punishable with imprisonment for a
● term which may extend to three years, or with fine
which may extend to five thousand rupees, or
● with both;
● (b) possesses, uses, sells or transports any
explosive shall be punishable with imprisonment for
a term which may extend to two years or with fine
which may extend to two years or with fine which
may extend to three thousand rupees or with both;
18. Procedure for making, publication
and confirmation of rules. -
● (1) An authority making rules, under this Act shall,
publish a draft of the proposed rules of the
information of persons likely to be affected thereby.
● (2) The publication shall be made by the Central
Government, by notification in the Official Gazette,
● (3) The authority making the rules shall receive and
consider any objection or suggestion, which may be
made by any person with respect to the draft before
the date so specified.
● (4) A rule made under this Act shall take effect after
it has been published in the Official Gazette.
● (5) All powers to make rules conferred by this Act
may be exercised as occasion requires.
The Petroleum Act, 1934 and Rules
INTRODUCTION :- An act to consolidate and
amend the law regulating to the import, transport,
storage, production, refining and blending of
No License required for Transport and storage of
Petroleum Class B materials (Diesel) if the total
quantity under possession of the site is restricted
within 2,500 litres and none of it is contained in a
container exceeding 1000 litres in capacity.
● a) Petroleum class A 30 litres

● b) Petroleum class B 2500 litres

● c) Petroleum class C 45000 litres *

● Enforcement agency: Petroleum explosive safety

The Petroleum Act, 1934 and Rules
▪ Restriction on transport or store, import
▪ Conditions of license
▪ Rules prescribing the conditions to which petroleum
may be produced, refined or blended.
▪ Exemption from license in certain cases
▪ Sections- 27
▪ Rules- 201;
▪ Schedules- 4
▪ Forms- 17
(a) “Petroleum” means any liquid hydrocarbon or mixture of
hydrocarbons and any inflammable mixture (liquid, viscous or
solid) containing any liquid hydrocarbons.
(b) “Classification” :- There are 3 classes of petroleum as under -
i) Petroleum Class ‘A’ - means petroleum having a flash point
below 23degree centigrade .(e.g.Petrol, Hexane, Toluene,
ii) Petroleum Class ‘B’ - means petroleum having a having a flash
point of 23 degree C. and above but below 65 degree C.( e.g.
HSD, SKO, MTO etc.)
iii) Petroleum Class ‘C’ - means petroleum having a flash point of
65 degree C and above but below 93 degree C.
c ) “ Flash point” of any petroleum means the lowest temperature
at which it yields a vapour which will give a momentary flash when
The Petroleum Act, 1934 and
● Section 10: No licence is needed by Railway Administration
for the import or transport of any petroleum in its possession in
its capacity as carrier.
Section 11: No licence etc. is needed for any petroleum which has
its flash point above 93 0C. eg. Lubricants, LSHS etc.
Section 14 to 22 :- It deals with the testing of petroleum including
inspection and sampling of petroleum, manner of test and
certification of test apparatus and authorizing testing officers.
Section 23 (Penalties and procedure) : Contravention of any of the
provisions of Act or of any of the rules made thereunder
● Punishment :-
● i) Simple imprisonment which may extend to one month or fine
which may extend to Rs. 1000/- or both.
● ii) In the event of repeated offences maximum punishment is –
simple imprisonment upto 3 months or with fine upto Rs. 5000/-
or with both.
The Petroleum Act, 1934 and Rules.
● R-3. Restriction on delivery and despatch of
1. No person shall deliver or despatch any petroleum to
anyone in India other than the holder of a storage
licence issued under these rules or his authorized
agent or a port authority or railway administration or
a person who is authorized under the Act to store
petroleum without a licence.
2. The petroleum delivered or despatched under sub-
rule (1) shall be of the class, and shall not exceed
the quantity, which the person to whom it is delivered
or despatched is authorized to store with or without a
licence under the Act.
The Petroleum Act, 1934 and Rules.

● R-4. Approval of containers-

1. Containers exceeding one litre in capacity for
petroleum Class A and five litres in capacity for
petroleum Class B or petroleum Class C. shall be of
a type approved by the Chief Controller.
2. Where the approval of the Chief Controller is sought
to a type or container not previously approved, an
application accompanied by twelve copies of a
drawing thereof to scale showing the design,
materials to be used, the method of construction and
capacity of the container together with two sample
containers and a fee of rupees fifty for scrutiny shall
be submitted to the Chief Controller.
Sr. PURPOSE Whether Licence is Licensing/
No. required(with Approving
  form) or Authority
Approval is  
1 Transport of petroleum Licence (form IX) Circle/sub Circle
by tank lorry office
2 Storage of petroleum Licence (form X) District Authority
class A in barrels upto
300 ltrs.
3 Storage of petroleum Licence (form XI) District Authority
class B in barrels upto  
25000 ltrs.
4 Retail outlet Licence (form XII) Circle/sub Circle
5 Storage of petroleum in Licence (form XIII) CC
tanks in installations
6 Storage of petroleum in Licence (form XIV) Circle/sub Circle
barrel for petroleum office
classA exceeding  
300ltrs,petroleum classB
exceeding 25000 ltrs &
petroleum class C
exceeding 45,000 ltrs in
Sr. PURPOSE Whether Licence is Licensing/Approving
No. required(with form) or Authority
  Approval is required  
7 Storage of petroleum for Licence (form XV) Cicle/sub Circle office
crop spray  
8 Decanting SKO into Licence (form XVI) Cicle/sub Circle office

9 Aircraft refueler Licence (form XVII) Cicle/sub Circle office

10 Other than above Special Form CC

mentioned 1 to 9
11 Refinery Approval Approval CC

12 Pipe line transportation of Approval CC

The Petroleum Act, 1934 and Rules.
R-12. Special precautions against accident-
1. No person shall commit or attempt to commit any act
which may tend to cause a fire or explosion in or about
any place where petroleum is refined, stored or
handled or any vehicle, carriage or vessel in which
petroleum is transported.
2. Every person storing petroleum and every person in
charge of or engaged in the storage, handling or
transport of petroleum shall at all times -
(a) comply with the provisions of these rules and the
conditions of any licence relating thereto;
(b) observe all precautions for prevention of accident
by fire or explosion; and
(c) prevent any person from committing any act
referred to in sub-rule(1).
The Petroleum Act, 1934 and Rules
R-14. Licence for import of petroleum- Petroleum, other
than petroleum which may be stored without a licence
under Secs. 7, 8 and 9 of the Act, shall not be imported
into India except under a licence granted under these
R-31. Prohibition of smoking, fires, lights- No person
while engaged in loading or unloading or transporting
shall smoke or carry matches, lighters or other
appliances capable of producing ignition or explosion.
R-32. Restriction on loading and unloading by night-
Petroleum shall not be loaded into, or unloaded from,
any ship, vessel or vehicle between the hours of sunset
and sunrise, unless -
(a) adequate electric lighting is provided ; and
(b) adequate fire-fighting facilities are kept ready.
The Petroleum Act, 1934 and Rules
● R- 49. Restriction on the simultaneous conveyance
of different classes of petroleum-
● 1.Petroleum Class A shall not be conveyed to the
shore from, or loaded into the same vessel
simultaneously with petroleum Class B or petroleum
Class C.
● 2. The Chief Controller may, by written order exempt
specially any particular operation from the provisions
of sub-rule (1) if separate and distinct pipelines and
pumps are provided for loading or unloading of
petroleum Class A simultaneously with petroleum
Class B or petroleum Class C.
Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels
(Unfired) Rules 1981

● The Static & Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired)
Rules 1981 is framed under the Explosives Act,
1884. Before 1981 there was no statute in India to
control storage and transportation of pressure
vessels. Fabrication, testing of pressure vessels, the
fittings and components, storage and transportation
of compressed gas in pressure vessels have been
included in these Rules.

● The main enforcing authority of this rule is the “Chief

Controller of Explosive” Head office Nagpur.
● PESO-Petroleum and Explosive Safety Organization
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
●Definitions: -
● “Chief Controller” means Chief Controller of
● “Approved” means a drawing, design, specification
or code approved by the Chief Controller.
● “Competent Persons” means a person recognized by
the Chief Controller of Explosives to be a competent
● “Compressed Gas” means any permanent gas,
liquefiable gas or gas dissolved in liquid under
pressure or gas mixture, in a closed pressure vessel
exercises a pressure either exceeding 1.5 kgf/cm2
(gauge) at 15° C or a pressure exceeding 2 kgf/cm2
(gauge) at 50° C or both and includes Hydrogen
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
●Definitions contd…: -
● “Filling Density” means the ratio of the weight of
liquefiable gas allowed in a pressure vessel to the
weight of water that the vessel will hold at 15° C.
● “Flammable Compressed Gas” means a gas 13% or
less (by volume) of which, when mixed with air,
forms a flammable mixture or whose flammable
range with air is greater than 12%.
● “Gas Free” in relation to pressure vessel means the
concentration of flammable or toxic gases or both if
such vessel is within the safe limits specified for
persons to enter and carry out the hot work in such
● “Liquefiable Gas” means any gas that may be
liquefied by pressure above -10° C but will be
completely vaporized when in equilibrium with
normal atmospheric pressure (760 mm Hg) at 30° C.
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
●Definitions: -
“Pressure Vessel” means any closed metal container of
whatever shape intended for storage and transport
of any compressed gas which is subjected to internal
pressure and whose water capacity exceeds 1000
litres and includes interconnecting parts and
components thereof up to the first point of
connection to the connected piping and fittings, but
does not include container wherein steam or other
vapour is or is intended to be generated or water or
other liquid is or is intended to be heated by the
application of fire or the products of combustion or
by electrical means, heat exchangers evaporators,
air receivers, steam type digesters, steam type
sterilizers, autoclaves, reactors, calorifiers and
pressure piping components such as separators or
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
●Definitions-contd…: -
● “Safety Relief Valve” means a automatic pressure
relieving device actuated by the pressure up steam
of the valve and characterized by fully opened pop
action intended to prevent the rupture of pressure
vessel under certain conditions of exposure.
● “Transport” means the transport of a pressure vessel
filled with any compressed gas from one place to
another but does not include movement of the vessel
from one place to another in the same premises.
● “Vehicles” means a mechanically propelled carriage
designed to transport by land compressed gas in a
pressure vessel mounted thereon, and shall not
include a vessel forming the barrel of a rail tank
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
Some important provisions in the SMPV (Unfired) Rules 1981
❖ Vessel design and Construction: - The basic concept of safety in
pressure vessels is applied in the design stage itself. In India
normally I.S. 2825-1969 code is followed.Some other foreign code
like ASME-Sec.-VIII and international code like ISO codes are also
❖ Restriction on filling, manufacture, import ,delivery and dispatch
❖ Filling capacity and marking of pressure vessels
❖ Safety fittings, devices and periodic testing
❖ Storage criteria and safe distance requirement
❖ Transport requirements
❖ Requirements conditions for obtaining license and renewal
❖ Total 69 rules
❖ Schedules 2
❖ Forms 5
❖ Appendices 3
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
●Important features of Design & Construction: -
● Maximum assumed design temperature is 55° C.
● The vapour pressure of the gas at 55° C forms the
minimum basis for “Design pressure”.
● Design pressure of vessels for LPG service is
normally taken as 14.5 kgf/cm2.
● Minimum thickness and properties of the steel
used in construction of the vessel is calculated
from the design pressure and dimension of the
● Prior approval is required from Chief Controller for
design drawing and design calculation of the
● The fabricator intending to fabricate a pressure
vessel should also obtain prior approval of the CC.
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
●Important features of Design & Construction: -
● In the time of manufacture each stage rigorous
inspection schedules including 100% radiography as
per the code is followed , vessel has to be stress
relieved and hydro statistically tested by a recognized
inspecting agency. Test pressure is usually 1.3 to 1.5
times the design pressure.
● The vessel cannot be licensed, filled with compressed
gas or even sold without the test and inspection
certificate issued by the recognized inspecting agency.
● The vessel must have a metal plate permanently fixed
to it showing manufacturer’s name and symbol,
standard or code to which it was constructed, reference
number of certificate, particulars of the inspecting
agency, design pressure, design temperature, water
capacity, hydrostatic test, name and chemical symbol of
the gas for which it is intended and the identification
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
●Safety Fittings of a pressure vessel: -
a) Relief valve: - Two or more relief valve shall be
connected to the vapor space. The relief valves
should be spring loaded and set to discharge at a
pressure not in excess of 110% of the design
pressure and should have a relieving capacity
sufficient to prevent the maximum pressure in the
vessel of more than 120% of the design pressure.
b) Shut Off valve: - All liquid and vapour connection
except relief valve and plugged opening shall have
a shut off valve.
c) Excess flow valve
d) Liquid level indicating device like Roto-Gauge.
e)Temperature indicating device like thermo-couple.
f) Pressure Gauge.
Periodic testing : Hydraulically 5 year after date of first
test, 2 years for vessels containing corrosive/toxic
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
Transport: -a) No person shall transport any vessel filled with
compressed gas including LPG, unless such vessel has been
i) Manufactured and tested in accordance with the specification or
code approved by the C.C.
ii) Manufactured and tested by PESO approved person/
iii) Licensed under SMPV (UF) Rules for transportation of
compressed gas.
b) Fire Protection: -
– Two serviceable DC type fire extinguishers shall be provided in
easily accessible positions.
– The person attending the vehicle shall not smoke and shall be
well-conversant with operation of the fire extinguisher.
– No fire, artificial light or article capable of causing fire shall be
c) Operation: - Only experienced, carefully selected and trained
divers shall be entrusted with mobile vessels.
d) Restriction on filling and delivery
f) Purging
g) Certificate of safety has be obtained from competent person
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
● Static pressure vessels: -
● i) Storage: - Generally all vessels
mean for storage of compressed gases
shall be installed entirely above ground.
The vessels and the first stage regulating
equipment shall be located in the open.
vessels shall not be installed one above
the other.
● Location of Pressure vessels: - Vessels
should be located with minimum safety
distance as stated below:
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
For Flammable corrosive and toxic gases: -

Water capacity of Minimum distance Minimum

vessel (in litres) from boundary of interdistance
adjoining property between
i) Up to 2000 5 metres 1 metres

ii) Above 2000 but not 10 metres 1 metres

above 10000
iii) Above 10000 but 15 metres 1.5 metres
not above 20000
iv) Above 20000 but 20 metres 2 metres
not above 40000
v) Above 40000 30 metres 2 metres
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
●Foundation: - The storage vessles should be
installed on properly designed and
constructed foundation .
● Fencing: - Safety distance area of the
pressure vessel installation including the
loading and unloading facilities shall be
surrounded with 2 metres high fencing with
minimum two means of exits.
● Earthling: - All vessels for inflammable gases
shall be earthed to an efficient earthling
● Precautions against fire: - No naked lights,
smoking matches and any other materials
capable of igniting petroleum vapours shall
be allowed inside the installation.
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
Fire protection: - i) With provision of
adequate supply of hydrant lines
having enough pressure so that fire
can be fought from a safe area. ii)
Sprinkler system should be installed
over the vessel so as to cool the
vessels in case of fire Mobile
equipments, fixed monitors and dry
chemical powders, portable fire
extinguisher shall be kept available at
easily approachable location inside
and around the installation. These
equipment should always be
maintained in good operable
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
● Loading & Unloading facilities: -
● i) Pumps: - Pumps shall be of the
positive displacement or centrifugal type.
Design materials of the pump shall be
suitable for the type of compressed gas
to be handled and should be designed for
maximum outlet pressure to which they
will be operated.
● ii) Compressors: - The suctions of the
compressors other than multistage
compressors should be from the vapour
space of the vessels.
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
Transfer system: - The transfer systems shall be

so designed that the risk of a gas of a higher
vapour pressure being transferred to equipment
designed for gas of lower vapour vessel is
minimized. There shall be positive means of
rapidly shutting of the flow, located at a safe
distance. Automatic alarm device to indicate the
approach to maximum permissible higher or
automatic shut-off valves shall be used to
prevent over filling.
● Hoses: - The hoses for liquid transfer shall be
designed to withstand at least four times
maximum operating pressure and the hoses
shall be mechanically and electrically continuous.
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
Electrical Apparatus: - All electrical meters,

distribution boards, switches starters, fuses,
plugs, sockets used for flammable compressed
gases shall be of flame proof construction as per
I.S. 2148:1968 and the lights shall be of well
glass flame proof fittings conforming to I.S. 2206
(Part-I) 1962. All electrical portable hand lamps
shall be of a type approved by chief controller of
PESO, Nagpur.
● No electrical wire shall pass over any storage
vessel. All electrical wires installed within the
safety zone of any storage vessel for flammable
gases shall be of insulated cables of approved
type. The cable shall be mechanically
continuous and effectively earthed.
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
Night Operations: - Night operations of any pressure

vessel installation shall not be carried out after
sunset unless adequate lighting of approved type is
● Certificate of safety: - Before use of any vessel for
storage of any compressed gas, the certificate of
safety shall be furnished to the licensing authority
under Rule-33.
● Licenses: - Licence under SMPV (II) Rule-1981 is
obligatory for storage/ transport of any compressed
gas in pressure vessels. The form of licence for
storage is Form-III and that for transport Form-IV.
● Additions/Alterations: - No additions/alterations shall
be carried out in the licensed premises without prior
sanction of the licensing authority. For obtaining prior
approval, three copies of the plans specifications,
showing the changes to be made in distinct colours
with scrutiny free of Rs.50? should be submitted.
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
.Repairs to vessels
1. No person shall carry out any repairs, additions or alterations to
any vessel unless the proposed repairs, additions or alterations
and their method of execution have been approved by the Chief
Controller. Any such repairs, additions or alterations approved by
the chief Controller shall be carried out in the manner and by
practices acceptable under the design code referred to in Rule 12.
2. Before any repairs, additions or alterations are carried out to any
vessel, the same shall be completely emptied and purged with an
inert gas.
3. Complete record of repairs, additions or alterations referred to in
sub-rule (1) shall be maintained and made available to the chief
Controller and his permission shall be obtained before
recommissioning the vessel.
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
Purging of pressure vessels used for flammable gases.
1. Before using any new vessel or before the refilling of any existing
vessel which has been made gas-free, air contained therein shall
be purged by an inert gas or by the gas for which the vessel is to
be used.
2. If the vessel is purged by means of a flammable gas, the
flammable mixture so formed shall be vented from the vessel only
after taking adequate precautions to prevent its ignition.

Prohibition of employment of children and intoxicated

No person under the age of eighteen years or who is in a state of
intoxication shall be employed for the loading, unloading or
transport of any vessel containing compressed gas, or in any
premises licensed under these rules.
SMPV (Unfired) Rules
Accidents: - Under Section 8 of the Indian Explosives
Act in case of any fire, explosion or accident, the
owner of the vehicle and or the occupier of the
premises where the accident took place, shall
send an immediate notice of the accident by
express telegram followed by a letter giving
particulars within 24 hours to the Chief
Controller of PESO, Nagpur and the local of the
department of Explosives and also to the office-
in-charge of the nearest Police Station, pending
visit of the representative of the Chief Controller
or pending receipt of his instruction that he does
not wish any further inquiry, the debris/
wreckage shall be left untouched (except
removal of deceased /injured). No repair/
modification of any vehicle damaged by accident
shall be undertaken unless such repair/
modification has been authorized by Chief

The above rules have been framed under Section 17 of

Indian Explosives Act 1884. Any gas when contained
in a metal container in a compressed or liquefied
states has been declared to be an explosive within
the meaning of the said Act and rules to regulate the
manufacture, possession, transport and importation
of such gases have been framed under these rules.

● Nothing in these rules is applicable to any air
receiver which forms part of an internal combustion
engine or a compressing plant.
Major provisions
❖ General provisions in relation to filling possession import
and transport of cylinders
❖ Marking on cylinders and valves, color and labelling
❖ Restriction on delivery or dispatch of cylinders
❖ Prohibition of smoking, fires , lights and dangerous
❖ General precautions against accident
❖ Importation of cylinder
❖ Additional requirements for dissolved acetylene cylinders
❖ License for filling and possession
❖ Notice and inquiry of accidents
❖ Total rules= 73
❖ No of schedules= 6
❖ No of forms = A to G=7
– critical temperature" means the temperature above which
gas cannot be liquefied by the application of pressure
– "cryogenic liquid" means liquid form of permanent gas
having normal boiling point below minus 150 degree
– "cryogenic pressure vessel" means a pressure vessel
intended for storage or transportation of cryogenic liquid
and includes cold converters, vacuum insulated
evaporators, vacuum insulated storage or transport tanks
and thermosyphon tanks;
– "cylinder" or "gas cylinder" means any closed metal
container intended for storage and transport of
compressed gas having the same meaning as assigned
to it in clause (xvi) of rule 2 of the Gas Cylinder Rules,
● No person shall fill any cylinder filled with
compressed gas or import, possess or transport
● a) such cylinder and its valve have been
constructed to a type and standard as specified in
schedule 1
● B) the test and inspection certificate issued by the
inspecting authority in respect of the cylinder and
valve are made available to the chief controller
● C) have passed the tests specified at schedule
d) are having proper and detailed marking on the
cylinder and valves and
d) are provided with valves having left handed
screw thread when filled with inflammable gas.
● GENERAL RULES (Continued)
● Every cylinder shall be stamped permanently
and legibly with,
– Manufacturer’s name, owner’s identification mark
and rotation number.
– Specification to which the cylinder has been
– Name and Chemical Symbol of the gas for which
the Cylinder has been made.
– Last date of hydraulic test.
– Internal pressure required for hydraulic test.
– If it is to be used for any liquefiable gas, the tare
and gross weights calculated from appropriate
filling ratio.
● Cylinder together with their valves and other
fittings and identification colours shall always
be maintained in good condition.
● No oil or similar lubricant shall be used on
any valves or other fittings of any cylinder.
● For storage of L.P.G. cylinders C.C.E. has
issued separate order.
● Every care should be taken to handle the
cylinder properly with proper protective caps
approved by the C.C.E.
● Cylinders shall be so transported as
not to project beyond the sides of the
vehicles in which they are transported.
● Adequate precaution to be taken to
prevent cylinders falling off the vehicle
and being subjected to rough usage,
excessive shocks or local stress.
● No lifting magnet shall be used in
loading or unloading cylinders.
● Whenever there occurs in or about or in
connection with, any place where
compressed or liquefied gas cylinders are
handled, stored or transported, any accident
in any way connected with such cylinders
attended with loss of human life or serious
injury to persons or property the occupier of
the place, or the person in-charge of the
vehicle, as the case may be, shall forthwith
give notice thereof to the officer of the
nearest Police Station and to the C.C.E.
● Means the weight of gas permitted for each
kg of water capacity of the cylinder.
● Every cylinder when filled shall be painted
with the appropriate identification colours
specified in Schedule III.
● Every cylinder shall be legibly marked or
labeled with the name of the gas and name
and address of the person by whom the
cylinder was filled with gas.
● No license is required for filling and
possession of cylinders if the filling is in small
quantity for experiment/test/breathing
– 100 kg L.P.G. (7 cylinders) at one time stored
– Other flammable but non-toxic-total 125 kg gas or
15 cylinders
– For toxic gas, the total quantity should not exceed
5 cylinders at any time
• Following type of licenses are issued
a). D – To import cylinder filled or intended to be filled
b). E – To fill cylinders
c). F – To store compressed gas cylinder
● The details of fees are given in Schedule V
of the rules.
● Introduction- In exercise of powers vested in Section
4 of the Petroleum Act, 1934, the Govt. framed the
● CALCIUM CARBIDE RULES, 1987 to regulate filling,
possession, transport and import of compressed
gases in pressure vessels.
● “Chief Controller” means the Chief Controller of
● “Controllers” includes a Joint Chief Controller,
Deputy Chief Controller and Deputy Controller;
● ‘District Authority” means— a Commissioner of
Police or Deputy Commissioner of Police in any town
having a Commissioner of Police
Enforcement :
● Under the Calcium Carbide Rules, the following
enforcement are provided :-
● 1) Importation of carbide
● 2) Transportation of carbide.
● 3) Storage of carbide
● Authority in enforcement is Chief Controller of PESO
or any other officer authorized by him. The District
Authority is required to take penal action for
infringement of rules reported to him by Chief
● (I) Any person desiring to store Carbide is required
to obtain a prior approval from Chief Controller by
submitting following documents:
● i) Application in Form I.
● ii) A Copy of the drawing drawn to scale as per
specification & rules of the premises to be licensed.
● iii) Details regarding the surrounding i.e. nearby
roads, buildings, etc., within 50M from the proposed
● iv) Scrutiny fee of Rs.10/- drawn on Nationalized
bank in favor of Chief Controller of Explosives
payable at Nagpur.
● After completion of the proposed premises as per
approved plan, the applicant is required to submit to
Chief Controller of PESO the following documents :-
● 1) Application in form I.
● 2) 4 copies of site and layout drawing as approved.
● 3) Licence fee of Rs._______/-
● Where a licence which has been renewed for more
than one year is surrendered before its expiry, the
renewal fee paid for the unexpired portion of the
licence shall be refunded to the licensee provided
that no refund of renewal fee shall be made for any
calendar year during which – the licensing authority
receives the renewed license for surrender,
● The applicant is required to submit the following
documents for amendment of licence in form III & IV
to the Jt.Chief Controller of PESO of respective
Circle Offices at least 30 days before the date on
which the license expires.
● 1) An application in form I duly filled and signed.
● 2) The original license.
● 3) Demand draft drawn in favor of Jt. Chief Controller
of PESO of respective Circle Office for amendment.
● For storage of 200 kg - 500 kg, license is issued by
the District Authority
● The related matter is available in the hard copy of
the manual which can be had by placing an order to
● Dy. Chief Controller of Explosives
● For storage exceeding 500 kg, license is issued by
the Circle office
● Any person desiring to store Carbide is required to
obtain a prior approval from Chief Controller of
Explosives by submitting following documents.
● i) Application in Form I.
● ii) A Copy of the drawing as per specification & rules
of the premises to be licensed.
● iii) Scrutiny fee
● For storage of calcium carbide attached to acetylene
generator, licence is issued by the Chief Controller of
PESO, Nagpur.
● The related matter is available in the hard copy of
the manual which can be had by placing an order to
the Dy. Chief Controller.

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