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COMSATS University, Islamabad Campus

First Sessional DLD Spring 2021

Instructor: Muhammad Tahir Khan
Class: BEE-2C, Date: 30th March 2021,
Subject: DLD (EEE241), Time allowed 1 Hr, Marks: 50,
Attempt all questions, Use of books and notes are allowed.

Q1.a) Convert the unsigned byte (76)10 to hexadecimal (Marks 2.5) (CLO1 PLO1)

b) Convert the signed byte (D4)16 to decimal. Assume signed byte is in two’s complement
8 bit number (Marks 2.5)

c) Convert – (265)10 to hexadecimal (16 bits two’s complement notation) (Marks 2.5)

d) Sign extend the 6-bit 2’s complement binary number 111000 to an 8-bit 2’s complement
binary number. Then express this number in hexadecimal. (Marks 2.5)

Q2. a) Use only “OR” & “NOT” gates to implement following Functions. (Use DeMorgan’s
Theorem) (CLO 2 PLO 1)
i) F = XY + XZ + YZ (5 Marks)
ii) F = (X+Y)(X+Z)(Y+Z) (5 Marks)

b) Use only “AND” & “NOT” gates to implement following Functions. (Use DeMorgan’s
i) F = XY + XZ + YZ (5 Marks)
ii) F = (X+Y)(X+Z)(Y+Z) (5 Marks)

Q3. Given the following Boolean function: (CLO2 PLO1)

F = WY’Z’ + Y’Z’ + W ’XZ + W'X'Z
(a) Obtain the truth table of the function and draw its logic diagram (4 Marks)

(b) Simplify the function using Karnaugh map. (4 Marks)

(c) Simplify the function to a minimum number of literals using Boolean algebra and
compare the result with (b). (4 Marks)

(d) Obtain the truth table of the function from the simplified expression and show that it is
the same as the one in part (a). (4 Marks)

(e) Draw the logic diagram from the simplified expression and compare the total number of
gates with the diagram of part (a). (4 Marks)

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