ENG2611 Assigment 3

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Question 1: Writing an argumentative essay

Multilingualism is beneficial.
The term Multilingualism is two Latin words, which “multi” means many and
“lingua” means language, multilingualism is the use of more than one language
by an individual or a group of speakers. It can either be easier or harder to
learn a second language than a first language, but people who can use more
than one language find themselves more useful, as it makes communicating
easier for them.
The world we live in today we are all realizing that the ability to speak several
languages is vital in the 21st century. It offers many career opportunities as well
as other advantages, such as, a multilingual person develops cognitive skills,
like creative thinking and an ability to think more flexibly, this will help
students in the classroom, because, they can have better conversations and
can participate in thinking and talking lessons, however there are people that
strongly disagree with this statement, they believe that a child who is
multilingual tend to struggle getting along in a monolingual classroom and
won’t be able to participate in classroom activities as they are to shy. A
multilingual classroom makes you smarter and there is no denying it. As people
become more and more fluent in another language, they start thinking in both
languages they have learned.
Children also tend to enjoy reading and writing in different languages, they
appreciate the literature in other languages, and they do not face difficulties to
communicate in foreign countries. Multilingual learners are exposed to more
social experiences. Multilingual children daily face the challenge of which
language to use, and then they find themselves switching back and forth
between languages, I disagree with this, as multilingual learners can speak and
understand any language they learn, they find it quite easy to understand and
speak other languages.
In the new modern world, the number of multilingual individuals is greater
than the number of monolingual individuals, which makes it easier for the
multilingual learners to build a bond with each other. When a learner speaks to
another learner in their native language they tend to like each other more, this
benefits children’s self-esteem, people who disagree believe that children who
is multilingual tend to struggle communicating with other learners, because
they are shy, and this breaks their self-esteem, which has a negative influence
on them making friends and participating in social experiences, I completely
disagree, as I believe learners who is multilingual has more confidence,
because they can speak more than one language, meaning, they can
communicate better and form better friendships.
Being multilingual can be very beneficial, it has a lot of advantages, including
higher performances in school and forming relationships with other people
and the advantage of having many career opportunities. If we talk to someone
in a language, they understand it goes to his head, but if we talk to someone in
their own language, that goes to his heart. The benefits of being multilingual
go beyond the ability to communicate in another language, multilingualism
gives kids a broader perspective of the world.

Batty, P. (2018, April 29). SCRIBD. Retrieved from SCRIBD:

Marian, V. (2012, September 13). Dana Foundation. Retrieved from Dana Foundation:

Regoli, N. (2019, April 10). ConnectUS. Retrieved from ConnectUS: https://connectusfund.org/6-


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