Oil Water Separator Sizing

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Project Tag No : D-420

Client Puma Energy Type : Conventational gravity separator

Service Oil water separator Case : Maximum design flow rate
Refer to API section 421
A. Determine the water flow rate
Design maximum daily rainfall rate = 0.315 m/day

Surface run - off coeff. For concrete pave area = 1.00

Width of bund wall = 142.05 m

Length of bund wall = 149.44 m
Surface area of bund wall = 21226.49 m2
Additional area from pump station, utilty, etc = 2293.51 m2
Total surface area = 23520.00 m2

Water flow on the affected area = 7408.80 m3/day

Rainfall duration = 1.00 day
Total water collected = 7408.80 m3

Time required for emptying water = 48.00 hr

Water flowrate to oil water separator = 154.35 m3/hr

B. Determine the oil flow rate

Design maximum oil drain from all bund wall area = 50.00 m3/hr Estimated

C. Determine total oily water load for oil water separator

Discharge water rate as load for oil water separator = 154.35 m3/hr
Discharge oil rate as load for oil water separator = 50.00 m3/hr
Total oily water rate = 204.35 m3/hr
Design oily water rate for oil water separator = 224.79 m3/hr Design margin = 10 %

Oil content = 24.47 % volume

244678.25 ppmv

D. Conventational oil water separator sizing

Oil globe diameter = 0.00015 m Typical oil globe diameter for gravity separation

Oil density = 880.00 kg/m3

Water density = 1000.00 kg/m3

Water viscosity = 0.001 kg/cm.sec

Gravitational acceleration = 9.81 m/sec2

Oil vertical velocity [VT] = 5.30 m/hr

Horizontal Velocity [VH1] = 79.46 m/hr

Horizontal Velocity [VH2] = 54.86 m/hr Maximum recommended value of VH is 3 ft/min or 54.864 m/hr
Design horizontal velocity [VH] = 54.86 m/hr Smaller value of VH is selected

Minimum vertical cross sectional area = 4.10 m2

Depth of oil water separator (H) = 1.13 m Commonly 3~8 ft Acceptable

Width of oil water separator (W) = 3.63 m Commonly 6~20 ft Acceptable

Ratio depth to width [H/W] = 0.31 Commonly 0.3~0.5 Acceptable

[VH/VT] = 10.36
Turbulence and short circuit factor [F] = 1.53 Figure - Recommended value of F for various values of [VH/VT]
Length of oil water separator [L1] = 17.86 m
Length of oil water separator [L2] = 18.13 m Minimum [L/W] = 5
Length of oil water separator [L] = 18.13 m Higher value of L is selected

E. Conclusion
Dimension of conventational gravity oil water separator
Proposed depth of oil water separator [H] = 1.15 m
Proposed width of oil water separator [W] = 3.65 m
Proposed lenght of oil water separator [L] = 18.20 m

Volume of oil water separator = 76.39 m3

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Project Tag No : D-420
Client Puma Energy Type : Conventational gravity separator
Service Oil water separator Case : Maximum design flow rate
Refer to API section 421
A. Determine the water flow rate
Design maximum daily rainfall rate = 0.315 m/day

Surface run - off coeff. For concrete pave area = 0.30

Width of bund wall = 142.05 m

Length of bund wall = 149.44 m
Surface area of bund wall = 21226.49 m2
Additional area from pump station, utilty, etc = 2293.51 m2
Total surface area = 23520.00 m2

Water flow on the affected area = 2222.64 m3/day

Rainfall duration = 1.00 day
Total water collected = 2222.64 m3

Time required for emptying water = 48.00 hr

Water flowrate to oil water separator = 46.31 m3/hr

B. Determine the oil flow rate

Design maximum oil drain from all bund wall area = 50.00 m3/hr Estimated

C. Determine total oily water load for oil water separator

Discharge water rate as load for oil water separator = 46.31 m3/hr
Discharge oil rate as load for oil water separator = 50.00 m3/hr
Total oily water rate = 96.31 m3/hr
Design oily water rate for oil water separator = 105.94 m3/hr Design margin = 10 %

Oil content = 51.92 % volume

519183.84 ppmv

D. Conventational oil water separator sizing

Oil globe diameter = 0.00015 m Typical oil globe diameter for gravity separation

Oil density = 880.00 kg/m3

Water density = 1000.00 kg/m3

Water viscosity = 0.001 kg/cm.sec

Gravitational acceleration = 9.81 m/sec2

Oil vertical velocity [VT] = 5.30 m/hr

Horizontal Velocity [VH1] = 79.46 m/hr

Horizontal Velocity [VH2] = 54.86 m/hr Maximum recommended value of VH is 3 ft/min or 54.864 m/hr
Design horizontal velocity [VH] = 54.86 m/hr Smaller value of VH is selected

Minimum vertical cross sectional area = 1.93 m2

Depth of oil water separator (H) = 0.95 m Commonly 3~8 ft Acceptable

Width of oil water separator (W) = 2.03 m Commonly 6~20 ft Acceptable

Ratio depth to width [H/W] = 0.47 Commonly 0.3~0.5 Acceptable

[VH/VT] = 10.36
Turbulence and short circuit factor [F] = 1.53 Figure - Recommended value of F for various values of [VH/VT]
Length of oil water separator [L1] = 15.02 m
Length of oil water separator [L2] = 10.16 m Minimum [L/W] = 5
Length of oil water separator [L] = 10.16 m Higher value of L is selected

E. Conclusion
Dimension of conventational gravity oil water separator
Proposed depth of oil water separator [H] = 1.00 m
Proposed width of oil water separator [W] = 2.00 m
Proposed lenght of oil water separator [L] = 10.00 m

Volume of oil water separator = 20.00 m3

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4 1.325 1.8
6 1.4
8 1.45 f(x) = 0.030814024390244 x + 1.2073506097561
R² = 0.994943915763194 1
10 1.52 1.7
12 1.575 1.675
14 1.625 1.625
15 1.675 1.6
16 1.72 1.575

18 1.75
1.4 1.4


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
x + 1.2073506097561 1.75
1.52 Linear

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

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